1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z

Sodyum heksametafosfat

Sodyum heksametafosfat = SHMP

CAS no.: 10124-56-8
AT / Liste no.: 688-275-9

Sodyum heksametafosfat (SHMP), Na6[(PO3)6] bileşiminin bir tuzudur.
Ticarette kullanılan sodyum heksametafosfat tipik olarak heksamerin bir olduğu metafosfatların (ampirik formül: NaP03) bir karışımıdır ve genellikle bu adla anılan bileşiktir.
Böyle bir karışım daha doğru olarak sodyum polimetafosfat olarak adlandırılır. Suda çözünen beyaz katılardır.
SHMP, bir sodyum fosfat (NaPO3)6 heksameridir. Altı tekrarlayan fosfat ünitesinden oluşan zincirlerden oluşan suda çözünür bir polifosfattır.

Sodyum heksametafosfat bir yüzey aktif madde, emülgatör, askıya alma maddesi, dağıtma maddesi olarak kullanılır, gıda endüstrisinde ve kimya endüstrisinde yaygın olarak kullanılan temiz, toksik olmayan bir fosfattır. Metal iyonları için kenetleme reaktifi, yapıştırıcı ve şişme reaktifi olarak kullanılabilir.

Sodyum heksametafosfat (SHMP) suda karışabilir ancak organik çözücülerde çözünmez.
Bu sekestran, koyulaştırıcı, emülgatör ve tekstüre edici çeşitli gıdalarda kullanılmaktadır. Katkıda bulunan fosfor mineral korozyonunun (kalsiyum, demir tuzları, magnezyum vb.) önlenmesine yardımcı olur.

Sodyum heksametafosfat, bir gıda katkı maddesi ve su ve deterjanlar için yumuşatıcı bir maddedir. Ayrıca derilerde, killerde ve pigmentlerde ve diş macunu gibi kişisel bakım ürünlerinde de bulunabilir.

Sodyum heksametafosfat, heksamerin bir olduğu polimerik metafosfatların bir karışımıdır. Daha doğrusu sodyum polimetafosfat olarak adlandırılır.

Eşanlamlılar: Polifosfat sodyum tuzu, SHMP, Calgon, Sodyum polifosfat, Fosfat camı, suda çözünür

Sodyum Heksametafosfat katkı maddesi, besleyici madde, kalite geliştirici, pH düzenleyici, metalyon şelatlama maddesi, yapıştırıcı ve mayalama maddesi olarak kullanılabilir.

SHMP, ayırıcı olarak kullanılır ve E numarası E452i altında kullanıldığı bir gıda katkı maddesi de dahil olmak üzere çok çeşitli endüstrilerde uygulamaları vardır.
Kısaltması SHMP olarak da bilinen sodyum heksametafosfat, süt ürünleri, sosis, deniz ürünleri, et işleme, diş macunu ve ayrıca su arıtmada yaygın olarak kullanılan bir polifosfat.
Bunun için Avrupa gıda katkı maddesi numarası E452i'dir.
Genel olarak gıdalardaki amacı tekstüre edici, sekestran, koyulaştırıcı ve emülgatördür.

SHMP yiyecek ve içecek, kişisel bakım ürünleri, su arıtma ve diğer endüstriyel kullanımlarda kullanılabilir.
Piyasada taneli, camsı veya toz formlarda mevcuttur. Piyasada gıda sınıfı ve teknik kalite mevcuttur.

Genellikle tekstüre edici, PH düzenleyici, metal iyonları şelatlayıcı, bağlayıcı, hacim artırıcı vb. olarak çalışabilen çok fonksiyonlu bir bileşendir.

Gıda sınıfı SHMP, nişasta moleküler ağırlığını artırarak ve nişasta yapısını stabilize ederek modifiye gıda nişastası üretmek için nişasta ile reaksiyona girmek için çapraz bağlama maddesi olarak kullanılabilir.

Balık, kabuklu deniz ürünleri ve diğer su ürünlerinin işlenmesinde diğer sodyum fosfatlarla birlikte su tutucu ve kalite veya tat geliştirici olarak yaygın olarak kullanılır.
Ayrıca, proses peynirinde emülsifiye edici bir tuz olarak da bulabiliriz.


Boya endüstrisindeki markaların artmasıyla birlikte pazardaki rekabet giderek daha şiddetli hale geldi. Ürünlerin kalitesi, geleceğin boya endüstrisinde bir atılım ve iyi performansa sahip kaplamaların hazırlanması için bir garanti haline geldi. Kaplamaların daha iyi dağılmasını sağlamak için, kaplamaların akışkanlığını dağıtmak ve iyileştirmek için teknik sınıf sodyum heksametafosfat (SHMP) kullanmak gereklidir.

Son yıllarda kaplamalar geleneksel, tek ve muhafazakar kürleme imajını değiştirdi ve ardından kişiselleştirilmiş dekoratif ve çevre koruma ürünlerine dönüştü. Saf tat, tam etki, formaldehit direnci kaplamalarda hala yeni kelimelerdir. Bambu kömürünün sürekli eklenmesi, ilave edilmemesi ve diğer "yeni üyeler" ile kaplama pazarındaki ürün çeşitleri giderek daha bol hale geldi. Boyanın etkisi değişmez. Fırçalama performansının gereksinimlerini karşılamayan yüksek viskoziteli ve macunsu kaplamadan kaçınmak için boyanın viskozitesine göre sodyum heksametafosfat (SHMP) miktarı belirlenir.

Sodyum heksametafosfat (SHMP), kaplamaların damlama özelliği üzerinde büyük bir etkiye sahiptir.
Teknik dereceli sodyum heksametafosfat (SHMP) içeriğinin artmasıyla kaplamaların damlama özelliği hızla azalır.
Damlama özelliği, kaplamanın kalıbın yüzeyine yapışma yeteneğini yansıtır, ancak viskoziteden farklı olarak, damlama özelliği boyama işleminde önemli bir göstergedir.
Damlama özelliği ne kadar düşük olursa, kaplamanın kalıba yapışması o kadar iyi olur, ancak damlama özelliği çok düşük olamaz.
Kaplamanın damlama özelliği ve tesviye özelliği boyama işleminde önemli performans göstergeleridir.
Damlama özelliği ne kadar düşük olursa, kaplamanın tesviye özelliği o kadar kötü olur ve boyama işleminde kaplamanın ciddi izleri ortaya çıkar.

SHMP çeşitli içecek ürünlerinde kullanılmaktadır. Meyve suları ve gazlı içeceklerde olduğu gibi raf ömrünü uzatır, aromayı artırır ve berraklığı artırır ve bulanıklığı önler. Ayrıca proteini stabilize edebilir ve bir protein içeceğindeki lezzeti artırabilir.

SHMP, konserve fasulye, meyve ve sebzelerdeki doğal pigmentleri stabilize eder ve bu nedenle rengini korur. Ayrıca, konserve ette yağı emülsifiye edebilir, bu da tekdüze dokuyu korur.

Gıda sınıfı SHMP, et, peynir, süt ürünleri, deniz ürünleri ve kümes hayvanlarının işlenmesinde nemi korumak, lezzeti arttırmak ve raf ömrünü artırmak için diğer sodyum fosfatlarla birlikte kullanılabilir.

Sodyum heksametafosfat (SHMP), nadiren tek ES olarak olsa da, proses peynirinde yaygın olarak emülsifiye edici bir tuz (ES) olarak kullanılır. pH sabit tutulduğunda, SHMP konsantrasyonunun proses peynirinin özellikleri üzerindeki etkisi üzerine yayınlanmış hiçbir çalışma olmadığı görülmektedir; pH'ın proses peynir işlevselliğini etkilediği iyi bilinmektedir.

Aşağıdaki gıdalar onunla içerebilir:

Süt ürünleri ve analogları
Katı ve sıvı yağlar ve katı ve sıvı yağ emülsiyonları
yenilebilir buzlar
Meyve ve sebzeler
Tahıllar ve tahıl ürünleri
unlu mamüller
Balık ve balıkçılık ürünleri
Yumurta ve yumurta ürünleri
Şekerler, şuruplar, bal ve masa üstü tatlandırıcılar
Tuzlar, baharatlar, çorbalar, soslar, salatalar ve protein ürünleri
Tüketime hazır tatlılar ve atıştırmalıklar
Bebekler ve küçük çocuklar hariç gıda takviyeleri

Gıdalarda Sodyum Heksametafosfat
Gıda katkı maddesi sodyum heksametafosfatın ana rolü, gıdanın rengini, aromasını ve tadını iyileştirmek, gıdanın besin bileşimini ayarlamak, gıdanın raf ömrünü uzatmak ve belirli bir asitlik düzenleyici rolünü oynamaktır.
Kek, bisküvi, fasulye, soya sosu, içecek, bira vb. yapmak için kullanılabilir.

Farklı Gıdalarda Sodyum Heksmetafosfat Dozu
Strüvit üretimini engelleyebilen yengeç somonu, alabalık, ton balığı gibi konserve su ürünlerinde kullanılır.
Konserve yengeçlerde kullanılan miktar %0,05'ten azdır.
Konserve somon ve alabalık için miktar %0.11'den azdır.
Miktarı aşmak struviti tamamen önleyebilir, ancak renk ve koku değişecektir.
Et ve balık ürünleri için kalite geliştirici olarak kullanılan SHMP, et ürünlerinin su tutma kapasitesini iyileştirebilir.
Jambon, lavman, kıyılmış balık ürünleri için dozaj %0.05 ~ %0.3, %1 sodyum heksametafosfat sulu çözeltisinin pH'ı yaklaşık 6.3'tür.
Et ürünlerinin marine edilmiş müstahzarlarına %0,05 ila %0,3 oranında heksametafosfat eklenmesi etin su tutma kapasitesini artırabilir ve ayrıca yağların anti-oksidasyonunda da etkilidir.
Tofuyu %0,1 ~ %0,2 polimer yoğunlaştırılmış fosfat çözeltisine batırın.
Kalan pıhtılaştırıcı gizlendiğinden, lezzetini ve tadını iyileştirebilir.

Sodyum Heksametafosfat, gıda üretiminde katkı maddesi olarak yaygın olarak kullanılan bir Fosfat tuzudur.
Bir fosfat katkı maddesi olarak Sodyum Heksametafosfat, gıda üretimi, içecek ve diğer çeşitli endüstriler dahil olmak üzere çok çeşitli endüstrilerde kullanılabilir.

Gıda Üretiminde Sodyum Heksametafosfat
Sodyum Heksametafosfat, gıda üretiminde su tutucu, stabilizatör ve koruyucu olarak yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır.
Su tutma maddesi olarak: işlenmiş et ve sucukta su tutmayı iyileştirmek için.
Stabilizatör olarak: doğal rengi korumak için konserve meyvelerde.
Koruyucu olarak: Antimikrobiyal etkiyi arttırmak için salamura etinde.

İçecekte Sodyum Heksametafosfat
Sodyum Heksametafosfat, içecekte temizlik maddesi olarak yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır.
Temizleme maddesi olarak: ürünün berraklığını artırmak için birada.

Tarımda/Hayvan Yeminde Sodyum Heksametafosfat
Sodyum Heksametafosfatın Tarım/Hayvan Yeminde uygulanması hakkında yeterli bilgi yoktur.

Diğer Endüstrilerde Sodyum Heksametafosfat
Sodyum Heksametafosfat, diğer çeşitli endüstrilerde Su yumuşatıcı, emusifier ve viskozite düzenleyici olarak yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır.
Su yumuşatıcı olarak: Kazan suyunda ve endüstriyel sularda.
Viskozite düzenleyici olarak: sondaj çamurunda.
Emusifier olarak: Kuşe Kağıt imalatında.

Sodium hexametaphosphate = SHMP

CAS no.: 10124-56-8
EC / List no.: 688-275-9

Sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) is a salt of composition Na6[(PO3)6].
Sodium hexametaphosphate of commerce is typically a mixture of metaphosphates (empirical formula: NaPO3), of which the hexamer is one, and is usually the compound referred to by this name. 
Such a mixture is more correctly termed sodium polymetaphosphate. They are white solids that dissolve in water.
SHMP is a hexamer of sodium phosphate (NaPO3)6. It is a water-soluble polyphosphate that consists of chains of six repeating phosphate units.

Sodium hexametaphosphate is used as a surfactant, emulsifier, suspending agent, dispersing agent,is a clean, non-toxic phosphate, that is widely used in the food industry and the chemical industry. It can be used as a chelating reagent for metal ions, an adhesive, and a swelling reagent.

Sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) is miscible in water but insoluble in organic solvents. 
This sequestrant, thickener, emulsifier and texturizer is used in a variety of foods. The phosphorus in the additive helps to prevent mineral corrosion (calcium, iron salts, magnesium, etc.).

Sodium hexametaphosphate is a food additive and a softening agent for water and detergents. It can also be found in leathers, clays and pigments, and personal care products such as toothpaste.

Sodium hexametaphosphate is a mixture of polymeric metaphosphates, of which the hexamer is one. It is more correctly called sodium polymetaphosphate.

Synonym(s): Polyphosphate sodium salt, SHMP, Calgon, Sodium polyphosphate, Phosphate glass, water soluble

Sodium Hexametaphosphate can be used as an additives, nourishing agent, quality improver, pH regulator, metalions chelating agent, adhesive and leavening agent.

SHMP is used as a sequestrant and has applications within a wide variety of industries, including as a food additive in which it is used under the E number E452i. 
Sodium hexametaphosphate, also known as its abbreviation SHMP, a polyphosphate commonly used in dairy products, sausage, seafood, meat processing, toothpaste, and also in water treatment. 
The European food additive number for it is E452i. 
Generally, its purpose in food is as a texturizer, sequestrant, thickener, and emulsifier. 

SHMP can be used in food and beverage, personal care products, water treatment, and other industrial uses. 
Available in granular, glassy or powdered forms in the market. It exists food grade and technical grade in the market.

Generally, it is a multi-functional ingredient that can work as a texturizer, PH regulator, metal ions chelating agent, binder, bulking agent and etc. 

Food grade SHMP can be used as a cross-linking agent to react with starch to produce modified food starch by increasing starch molecular weight and stabilize the starch structure.

It is also commonly used with other sodium phosphates in the processing of fish, shellfish and other aquatic products as a water-retaining agent and quality or taste improver. 
Plus, we can also find it as an emulsifying salt in process cheese.


With more and more brands in the paint industry, the competition in the market has become more and more fierce. The quality of products has become a breakthrough in the future paint industry and a guarantee for the preparation of coatings with good performance. In order to make the coatings disperse better, it is necessary to use technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP) to disperse and improve the fluidity of the coatings.

In recent years, coatings have changed the traditional, single and conservative curing image, and then developed to personalized decorative and environmental protection products. Pure taste, full effect, formaldehyde resistance are still new words in coatings. With the continuous addition of bamboo charcoal, no addition and other "new members", product varieties in the coatings market have gradually become more abundant. The effect of the paint is unchanged. In order to avoid the high viscosity and paste-like coating, which does not meet the requirements of brushing performance, the amount of sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP) is determined according to the viscosity of the paint.

Sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP) has a great influence on the dripping property of coatings. 
The dripping property of coatings decreases rapidly with the increase of Technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP) content. 
Dripping property reflects the ability of coating to adhere to the surface of die, but unlike viscosity, dripping property is an important index in the painting process. 
The lower the dripping property, the better the adhesion of the coating to the mould, but the dripping property can not be too low. 
The dripping property and leveling property of the coating are important performance indicators in the painting process. 
The lower the dripping property, the worse the leveling property of the coating and the serious marks of the coating appear in the painting process.

SHMP is used in a variety of beverage products. It extends shelf life, enhances flavor, and also improves clarity and prevents turbidity, such as in fruit juices and carbonated beverages. It can also stabilize the protein and enhance flavor in a protein drink.

Canned food
SHMP stabilizes natural pigments in canned beans, fruits and vegetables, and therefore protect its color. Also, it can emulsify fat in canned meat, resulting in maintaining uniform texture.

Food grade SHMP can also be used with other sodium phosphates to retain moisture, enhance flavor, and increase shelf life in the processing of meats, cheese, dairy products, seafood, and poultry.

Sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) is commonly used as an emulsifying salt (ES) in process cheese, although rarely as the sole ES. It appears that no published studies exist on the effect of SHMP concentration on the properties of process cheese when pH is kept constant; pH is well known to affect process cheese functionality.

The following foods may contain with it:

Dairy products and analogues
Fats and oils and fat and oil emulsions
Edible ices
Fruit and vegetables
Cereals and cereal products
Bakery wares
Fish and fisheries products
Eggs and egg products
Sugars, syrups, honey and table-top sweeteners
Salts, spices, soups, sauces, salads and protein products
Ready-to-eat savouries and snacks
Food supplements excluding for infants and young children

Sodium Hexametaphosphate In Food
The main role of food additive sodium hexametaphosphate is to improve the color, aroma and taste of food, adjust the nutritional composition of food, extend the shelf life of food, and play the role of a certain acidity regulator. 
It can be used to make cakes, biscuits, beans, soy sauce, drinks, beer, etc…

The Dosage of Sodium Hexmetaphosphate In Different Food
Used in canned aquatic products, such as, crab salmon, trout, tuna, which can prevent the production of struvite. 
The amount used in canned crabs is less than 0.05%. 
For canned salmon and trout, the amount is less than 0.11%. 
Exceeding the amount can completely prevent struvite, but the color and fragrance will change.
Used as a quality improver for meat and fish products, SHMP can improve the water holding capacity of meat products. 
For ham, enemas, minced fish products, the dosage is 0.05% ~ 0.3%, the pH of 1% sodium hexametaphosphate aqueous solution is about 6.3. 
Addition of 0.05% to 0.3% of hexametaphosphate in the marinated preparations of meat products can increase the water holding capacity of the meat and is also effective in anti-oxidation of fats.
Dip tofu in a solution of 0.1% ~ 0.2% polymer condensed phosphate. 
Because the remaining coagulant is concealed, which can improve its flavor and taste.
Adding 0.01% ~ 0.2% sodium hexametaphosphate to soy sauce and bean paste can prevent discoloration and increase viscosity. 
In addition, the raw material salt for making soy sauce or soy sauce contains magnesium, which can change the taste of soy sauce or soybean sauce. 
In addition, the raw material salt for making soy sauce contains magnesium, which can change the taste of soy sauce or soybean sauce. 
Adding 0.01%~0.03% of SHMP can prevent odor.
Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate can conceal calcium or magnesium ions. 
The use of 2%-4% of this food additive has significant effect on extracting pectin.

Per the “European Commission database for information on cosmetic substances and ingredients”, SHMP functions as anticorrosive, chelating and masking agents in cosmetic and personal care products. (4)

We can find the following personal care products with SHMP and its functions:

Bath salts: soften the water and adjust pH.
Toothpastes and Mouthwashes: remove calcium from stains on teeth.

Water treatment
The technical grade of SHMP is mainly used in water treatment as a sequestrant. 
It can reduce formation, corrosion, lead/copper leaching, and biofilm formation in pipes and other equipment. (5) And it can chelate certain metal oxides, such as Ca, and Mg.

It is also used in other industrial applications, including clay processing (as a deflocculant), drilling fluids, and cleaning products.

Sodium carbonate is sometimes added to SHMP to raise the pH to 8.0–8.6, which produces a number of SHMP products used for water softening and detergents.

A significant use for sodium hexametaphosphate is as a deflocculant in the production of clay-based ceramic particles.
It is also used as a dispersing agent to break down clay and other soil types for soil texture assessment.

Sodium hexametaphosphate is an inorganic polyphosphate salt commonly used as a corrosion inhibitor, emulsifying agent and as a tooth whitening agent in dentifrice formulations.

Sodium hexametaphosphate has been used as a deflocculant to prepare clay suspensions.

It is used as an active ingredient in toothpastes as an anti-staining and tartar prevention ingredient.

The energy drink NOS contains sodium hexametaphosphate.

Food additive
As a food additive, SHMP is used as an emulsifier. 
Artificial maple syrup, canned milk, cheese powders and dips, imitation cheese, whipped topping, packaged egg whites, roast beef, fish fillets, fruit jelly, frozen desserts, salad dressing, herring, breakfast cereal, ice cream, beer, and bottled drinks, among other foods, can contain SHMP.

IUPAC name: sodium cyclo-hexaphosphate

Other names
Calgon S
Glassy sodium
Graham's salt
Hexasodium metaphosphate
Metaphosphoric acid, hexasodium salt

CAS Number:10124-56-8 
EC Number:233-343-1
MeSH sodium+polymetaphosphate

Chemical formula: Na6P6O18
Molar mass: 611.7704 g mol−1
Appearance: White crystals
Odor: odorless
Density: 2.484 g/cm3
Melting point: 628 °C (1,162 °F; 901 K)
Boiling point: 1,500 °C (2,730 °F; 1,770 K)
Solubility in water: soluble
Solubility: insoluble in organic solvents
Refractive index (nD): 1.482

How is Sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) Made?
SHMP is an inorganic polyphosphate that can be produced by chemical synthesis. Here introducing three manufacturing process according to various raw materials:

1. Sodium chloride and phosphoric acid
Sodium chloride and phosphoric acid as raw materials mixed evenly and subjected to melt polymerization. (1)

2. Caustic soda and phosphoric acid
Caustic soda liquid reacts with phosphoric acid, and then add sodium nitrate, dewatering and agglomerating process are conducted in an agglomeration gasifier. (2)

3. Monosodium orthophosphate
By heating monosodium orthophosphate to generate sodium acid pyrophosphate and then still heating. The following is the reaction equation (3):

2 NaH2PO4 → Na2H2P2O7 + H2O
3 Na2H2P2O7 → (NaPO3)6 + 3 H2O
Other Names
Calgon S, Glassy sodium, Graham’s salt, Hexasodium metaphosphate, Sodium tetrapolyphosphate, Sodium polyphosphates, glassy, Sodium polymetaphosphate, Sodium metaphosphate

CAS Number

Chemical formula
Sodium metaphosphate is to describe polyphosphate with four or more phosphate units. Here SHMP has six phosphate units with the chemical formula (NaPO3)6.  

SHMP is prepared by heating monosodium orthophosphate to generate sodium acid pyrophosphate:

2 NaH2PO4 → Na2H2P2O7 + H2O
Subsequently, the pyrophosphate is heated to give the corresponding sodium hexametaphosphate:

3 Na2H2P2O7 → (NaPO3)6 + 3 H2O
followed by rapid cooling.

SHMP hydrolyzes in aqueous solution, particularly under acidic conditions, to sodium trimetaphosphate and sodium orthophosphate.[13]

Hexametaphosphoric acid was named in 1849 by the German chemist Theodor Fleitmann.
By 1956, chromatographic analysis of hydrolysates of Graham's salt (sodium polyphosphate) indicated the presence of cyclic anions containing more than four phosphate groups; these findings were confirmed in 1961.
In 1963, the German chemists Erich Thilo and Ulrich Schülke succeeded in preparing sodium hexametaphosphate by heating anhydrous sodium trimetaphosphate.

Sodium phosphates are recognized to have low acute oral toxicity. 
SHMP concentrations not exceeding 10,000mg/l or mg/kg are considered protective levels by the EFSA and USFDA. 
Extreme concentrations of this salt may cause acute side effects from excessive blood serum concentrations of sodium, such as: “irregular pulse, bradycardia, and hypocalcemia."

Sodium hexametaphosphate is a kind of sodium metaphosphate polymers. 
SHMP is also known as "polyvinylidene sodium," "sodium multiple metaphosphate", "sodium metaphosphate vitreous body", and "Graham salt". 
SHMP is a colorless transparent glass-like solid or white powder with greater solubility but low dissolving rate in water. 
SHMPs aqueous solution exhibits acidic property. Its complex of divalent metal ion is relatively more stable than the complexes of mono-valent metal ion. 
SHMP can easily be hydrolyzed to orthophosphate in warm water, acid or alkali solution. 
Hexametaphosphate has a relative strong hygroscopicity with being sticky after absorbing moisture. 
For certain metal ions (e.g., calcium, magnesium, etc.), it has the ability to form soluble complexes, and thus being able to being used for demineralizing water. 
SHMP can also from precipitate with lead and silver ions with precipitate being re-dissolved in excess amount of sodium hexametaphosphate solution to form a complex salt. 
SHMPs barium salt can also form complexes with the sodium hexametaphosphate. 
SHMP can be used as a kind of highly efficient water softener of power stations, rolling stock boiler water; as detergent additive, as corrosion-controlling or anti-corrosion agents; as cement hardening accelerator; as streptomycin purification agent, and the cleaning agent of textile industry and dyeing industry. 
SHMP can also be used as a kind of sedative drug, preservative, stabilizer, and fruit juice precipitant in food industry. 
In the oil industry, SHMP is used for control of drilling pipe rust and adjusting the viscosity of oil drilling mud. 
SHMP also has applications in fabric dyeing, tanning, paper, color film, soil analysis, radiation chemistry and analytical chemistry and other departments. 
GB2760-1996 provisions that hexametaphosphate is allowable food additives (water retention agent) for being used for canned food, fruit juice drinks, dairy products, soy products; it can also be used as a dye dispersant, and water treatment agent.

Sodium hexametaphosphate  can be used as a food quality improver in food industry, pH adjusting agent, metal ion chelating agents, dispersants, extenders, etc.
Sodium hexametaphosphate  can be used as a kind of common analytical reagents, water softener, and also used for photofinishing and printing.
Sodium hexametaphosphate  can be used as a water softener, detergent, preservative, cement hardening accelerator, fiber dyeing and cleaning agents; Sodium hexametaphosphate  can also used for medicine, food, petroleum, printing and dyeing, tanning, and paper industry.
Sodium hexametaphosphate  can be used as texturizing agent; emulsifiers; stabilizer; chelating agent. 
Sodium hexametaphosphate  is less frequently for being used alone and is generally used in mixture with pyrophosphate and metaphosphate. 
The mixture is mainly used for ham, sausage, surimi such as the tissue improver for water retention, tendering and meat softening. 
Sodium hexametaphosphate  can also be used for prevention of crystallization of canned crab as well as dissolving agent of pectin.
Sodium hexametaphosphate  can be used as the water softening agent of boiler water and industrial water (including water for the production of dyes, water for the production of titanium dioxide, water for printing and dyeing, and slurry mixing, water for cleaning color copy of the film, as well as chemical industrial water and the water for the medicines, reagents production, etc.) as well as the water treatment agent for the industrial cooling water; it can also be used as a corrosion inhibitor, flotation agent, dispersant agent, high temperature binding agent, dyeing auxiliaries, metal surface treatment, rust inhibitors, detergent additives and also cement hardening accelerator. 
Coated paper production can use it as pulp dispersants in order to improve the penetration capability. 
In addition, Sodium hexametaphosphate can also be apply to the washing utensils and chemical fiber in order to remove iron ions of the pulp. 
In the oil industry, it can be used for the antirust of the drilling pipe and adjusting the slurry viscosity upon the control of oil drilling.
Sodium hexametaphosphate can be used as the quality improver with various effects of increasing the complex metal ions of food, pH, ionic strength, thereby improving the adhesive capability as well as the water holding ability of food. 
China provides that it can be applied to the dairy products, poultry products, ice cream, instant noodles and meat with the maximum permitted amount being 5.0 g/kg; the maximal permitted usage amount in canned food, fruit juice (flavored) drinks and vegetable protein drink is 1.0g/kg.
Sodium hexametaphosphate can be used as a food quality improver in food industry and applied to canned food, fruit juice drinks, dairy products, and soy milk. 
It can be used as Ph adjusting agent, metal ion chelate agent, adhesive and bulking agents. 
When being applied to beans and canned fruits and vegetables, it can be stabilize the natural pigment and protect the food color and lustre; when being used in canned meat, it can be used for preventing the emulsification of the fat and maintaining its uniform texture; when being applied to meat, it can be used to increase the water holding capacity and prevent the deterioration of fat in the meat. 
It can also help to clarify the wine when being supplied to beer and further prevent turbidity.

Sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) generally performs very well at close-to-neutral pH ranges, while tetrasodium pyrophosphate (TSPP) and sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) work best under alkaline conditions. 
Monosodium phosphate (MSP) is often used together with SHMP for more acidic pH environments. 
The so-called threshold effect refers to the ability of some phosphate compounds to inhibit the formation of carbonate or sulfate scales well below the amount that would be required for a stoichimetric 1:1 combination with the metal ions. 
This apparently results by the phosphate interfering with early crystal growth. 
In the case of SHMP, only 2-4 ppm is all that is required to inhibit scale formation in water with relatively high calcium levels.

Chemical Properties
The sodium polyphosphates class consists of several amorphous, water soluble polyphosphates composed of linear chains of metaphosphate units, (NaPO3)x where x ≥ 2, terminated by Na2PO4- groups. They are usually identified by their Na2O/ P2O5 ratio or their P2O5 content. 
The Na2O/P2O5 ratios vary from about 1.3 for sodium tetrapolyphosphate, where x = approximately 4; through about 1.1 for Graham’s salt, commonly called sodium hexametaphosphate, where x = 13 to 18; to about 1.0 for the higher molecular weight sodium polyphosphates, where x = 20 to 100 or more. 
The pH of their solution varies from about 3 to 9. For additional details of description, refer to Burdock (1997).

Sodium Hexametaphosphate is a sequestrant and moisture binder that is very soluble in water but dissolves slowly. solutions have a ph of 7.0. it permits peanuts to be salted in the shell by making it possible for the salt brine to penetrate the peanuts. in canned peas and lima beans, it functions as a tenderizer when added to the water used to soak or scald the vegetables prior to canning. it improves whipping properties in whipping proteins. 
Sodium Hexametaphosphate functions as a seques- trant for calcium and magnesium, having the best sequestering power of all the phosphates. it prevents gel formation in sterilized milk. it is also termed sodium metaphosphate and graham’s salt.

For industrial use, such as oil field, paper-making, textile, dyeing, petrochemical industry,tanning industry, metallurgical industry and building material industry, It is mainly used as a water sortening agent in solution for printing, dyeing ,and boiler; Diffusant in papermersing medium, high temperature agglomerant,detergent and soil analytical chemistry reagent,

sodium hexametaphosphate is a chelating agent and a corrosion inhibitor. 
This is an inorganic salt.

Sodium hexametaphosphate is prepared by heating monosodium phosphate (NaH2PO4) rapidly to a clear melt, which occurs slightly above 625°C. Rapid chilling of this melt produces a very soluble glass, which is then crushed or milled.

Agricultural Uses
Sodium metaphosphate is the salt of metaphosphoric acid having a molecular formula (NaPO3)n, where n ranges from 3 to 10 (for cyclic molecules) or may be much larger (for polymers).
Cyclic molecules have alternate phosphorus and oxygen atoms in the rings and start with trimetaphosphate (NaPO3)3 to at least decametaphosphate.
Sodium hexametaphosphate may be a polymer where n is between 10 and 20.
Vitreous sodium phosphates have a Na2O:P2O5 ratio near unity and are called Graham's salts. 
The average number of phosphorus atoms in these vitreous glasses ranges from 25 to infinity.

Industrial uses
Sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) or water glass Na6P6O18 is basically the salt of metaphosphoric acid. SHMP is difficult to dissolve. 
By mixing SHMP for 1-3 h, a solution of 8-10% can be obtained. 
The pH of this solution is about 5. Because of a weak acid reaction, the SHMP reacts with cations of bivalent metals forming Na2MeP6O18 or Na4MeP6O18. 
In the presence of oxygen, SHMP slowly decomposes into pyrophosphate and orthophosphate.

Sodium Hexametaphosphate(Sodium Polyphosphates, Glassy
Food Grade Sodium Hexametaphosphate
Sodium hexametaphoshpate
Graham's salt for food
sodium hexametaphosphate for food
Glassy sodium
Sodium polypllosplhates
Hexasodium cyclichexametaphosphate
Sodium hexametaphosphate, tech gr.
sodium henamephophate
SixsodiuM Metaphosphate
Factory Sodium Hexametaphosphate(SHMP) CAS NO.10124-56-8 CAS NO.10124-56-8
Sodium Hexametaphosphate ,SHMP 68%
dium hexametaphosphate
Graham's Salt, Sodium Polymetaphosphate
Sodium phosphate (Na6(PO3)6)
sodium hexametaphosphate, tech.
Metaphosphoric acid hexasodium salt
Sodium metaphosphate

Chemical Properties of Sodium Hexametaphosphate – (NaPO3)6
When Sodium Hexametaphosphate is added with water normally deposit CaCO3 scale, when made more alkaline or when heated the complex phosphate inhibits precipitation.
Sodium Hexametaphosphate is advantageous where the boiler water naturally tends to become too alkaline because this reduces excess of alkalinity by reversion in the boiler to an acid orthophosphate.

Uses of Sodium Hexametaphosphate – (NaPO3)6
Used as a surfactant, emulsifier, suspending agent, dispersing agent and as a buffer.
Industrial uses include clay processing, drilling fluids and cleaning products which stick together and form clumps.
Used in water treatment, when added in to a municipal or industrial water systems it helps to reduce scale formation, corrosion, biofilm formation in pipes and other equipment.

Sodium Hexametaphosphate is a multi-purpose sequestrant and is a versatile ingredient to have on hand for your culinary creations. 
It is a white, odorless powder used to thicken, emulsify, or add texture to foods, beverages, pet-related goods, and personal care products, and its additionally used in certain methods of chelation. 
Sodium Hexametaphosphate can be added to an assortment of food, beverage, and personal care applications such as syrups, canned milk, powdered and imitation cheese products, whipped toppings, dips, packaged egg whites and other proteins, jellies, frozen desserts, dressings, cereals, beverages, bath products, cosmetics, pet food, and more. 
Additionally, Sodium Hexametaphosphate is an ingredient that is commonly added to fruit juices that contain pulp to help prevent the pulp from settling at the bottom.

One of the most common applications of SHMP Tech grade is water treatment, where it acts as a sequestrant, water softening, deflocculating, dispersing and antiscale agent. Basically, it is aimed to prevent the steel and mineral corrosion. 
A particular case of SHMP use is the case of when it is added into a boiler compound to settle calcium hardness down in factory boiler waters with high calcium level.
Industrial applications of SHMP are numerous and some of them appear to be helpful in diverse domains with one and the same property. 
Due to its anti-staining and tartar prevention capabilities, SHMP is successfully used as an active ingredient in toothpaste and other tooth whitening products, and it is also added to dog foods for the same reason.
SHMP is used to stabilize the emulsion and to improve the corrosion inhibition in the paint and coating industry. 
During the production, it acts as a dispersing agent affecting the pigment particles and increasing the protection properties of a product. 
This formulation allows the formation of a thin film which is useful in paper making industry and in metallurgy as well.
In addition, SHMP can usually be found in detergent formulations and such products like dishwashers, bath salts, and soaps.

Sodium hexametaphosphate has many uses in various industrial applications, such as water treatment, painting, detergent and toothpaste manufacturing, ceramic manufacturing.

Sodium Hexametaphosphate is used

as a boiler water softener, deflocculating, dispersing and antiscale agent in water treatment industry;
as floatation/coating agent in metallurgy, to form a thin passivating film that protects metals from corrosion;
as a dispersing agent in painting and paper making industry (binding material of high temperature);
as a water softener in the textile industry, and as dispersing in pigmenting and dyeing operations.
It is also used in oil well drilling.

Paints & Coatings
Polyphosphates are used extensively for their diverse functionality in water based paints and coatings. 
Their main applications are in the wetting of pigments and fillers, the breaking down of agglomerates and the stabilization of the pigment suspension. 
In water based latex paints, polyphosphates serve as sequestrants, leveling agents and pigment dispersants. 
Polyphosphates such as Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (TSPP) and Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate (TKPP) aid in the wetting and even dispersion of pigments. 
Potassium Tripolyphosphate (KTPP), Sodium Potassium Tripolyphosphate (SKTP) and TKPP function as deflocculants, yielding paints with stable viscosities.
Zinc oxide is sometimes added to paint formulations as a mildewcide. 
If used, it is important to add a polyphosphate to the formulation to prevent gelling.
Paper coatings (fillers) are used to prepare high quality paper which reduces the bleeding of ink and increases the brightness and opacity of the paper. 
Sodium Hexametaphosphate (SHMP), Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (TSPP) and Sodium Tripolyphosphate (STPP) are commonly used as kaolin clay deflocculants for the production of these paper coatings. 
Kaolin is the predominant pigment used in coatings and the chemical deflocculation or dispersion via polyphosphates is an important part of their production process. 
The use of polyphosphates results in stable and controlled viscosity

Sodium hexametaphosphate is a mixture of polymeric metaphosphates that is available in granular, glassy or powdered forms in the market. 
Sodium hexametaphosphate has a diverse portfolio of applications that can be explained by its availability in the two different grades- technical and food grade. 
In its technical grade, it is widely used as a water softener in water treatment plants, metallurgy and construction material industries and petroleum industries as a deflocculating agent.

Besides these applications, sodium hexametaphosphate is also used in chemical industries as a floatation agent, dispersing agent, high temperature adhesive and in the production of titanium dioxide. 
As a food grade chemical, sodium hexametaphosphate is used in food and beverage industry as a sequestrant and preservative adjunct in dairy, beverage and other miscellaneous food items.

Sodium Hexametaphosphate is a Phosphate salt widely used as additive in food production. 
As a phosphate additive, Sodium Hexametaphosphate can be used in a wide variety of industries including: food production, beverage, and various other industries.

Sodium Hexametaphosphate in Food Production
Sodium Hexametaphosphate is widely used as water retaining agent, stabilizer and preservative in food production.
As water retaining agent: in processed meat and sausage to improve water retention.
As stabilizer: in canned fruit to maintain natural color.
As preservative: in pickled meat to improve antimicrobial effect.

Sodium Hexametaphosphate in Beverage
Sodium Hexametaphosphate is widely used as cleansing agent in beverage.
As cleansing agent: in beer to improve clarity of the product.

Sodium Hexametaphosphate in Agriculture/Animal Feed
Not enough is known about application of Sodium Hexametaphosphate in Agriculture/Animal Feed.

Sodium Hexametaphosphate in Other Industries
Sodium Hexametaphosphate is widely used as Water softener, emusifier and viscosity regulator in various other industries.
As Water softener: in Boiler water and industrial water.
As viscosity regulator: in drilling mud.
As emusifier: in manufacturing of Coated Paper. 
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