1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z


Benzil Benzot, C6H5CH2O2CC6H5 formülüne sahip benzil alkol ve benzoik asidin esteridir.

Benzil benzoat, uçucu yağlardan şampuanlara ve saç kremlerine kadar çok çeşitli kozmetik ve kişisel bakım ürünlerinde koruyucu ve viskozite azaltıcı bir madde olarak kullanılır.

Ayrıca benzil benzoatın aromatik özellikleri onu cilt ve saç bakım ürünlerinin gerekli bir parçası haline getirir.

Benzil Benzoat, benzil alkol ve benzoatın yoğunlaştırılması işlemiyle oluşan bir ester bileşiğidir.

Benzil Benzot, ilaç endüstrisinde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır ve uyuz tedavisi ve bitlerle mücadele için önemli bir ilaç olarak kabul edilmektedir.

Benzil benzoatın farmasötik ve tat ve koku uygulamalarında artan kullanımı, küresel benzil benzoat pazarının büyümesine atfedilen lider faktördür.

Benzil benzoatların tıbbi olmayan uygulamaları, tekstillerde ve plastikleştirici olarak kullanımını içeriyordu.

Benzil Benzot ayrıca bir boya taşıyıcı, sivrisinekler için kovucu ve selüloz türevleri için bir çözücü olarak kullanılır.

Benzil benzoat, keneler, keneler ve sivrisinekler için bir kovucu olarak kullanılır.

Benzil benzoat ayrıca parfüm endüstrisinde boya taşıyıcı, selüloz türevleri için çözücü, plastikleştirici ve fiksatif olarak kullanılır.

Benzil benzoat, ilaç ve böcek kovucu olarak kullanılan organik bir bileşiktir.
Benzil benzoat, uyuz ve bitleri tedavi eden bir kimyasaldır.

Benzil Benzoat, tekstil endüstrisinde boya taşıyıcı, tesviye maddesi ve dolgu macunu olarak yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır.

AT / Liste no.: 204-402-9
CAS numarası: 120-51-4
Mol. formül: C14H12O2

BENZİL BENZOAT uygulamaları:
Tekstil Yardımcıları
Tatlar ve Koku

İsim: Benzil Benzoat

Formül: C6H5CH2O2CC6H5

Kimyasal Sınıf: Benzoik asit

Yoğunluk: 1,12 g/cm³

Molar Kütle: 212,25 g/mol

Görünüm: Renksiz Sıvı

Koku: Hafif Aromatik

Benzil Benzoat, günümüz pazarında koku içeriği, yapay tat, koruyucu ve çözücü olarak kullanılan hem sentetik hem de doğal olarak oluşan bir kimyasaldır. Ayrıca uyuz veya bit tedavisi olarak da kullanılır.
Benzil alkol ve benzoik asidin bir esteridir.

Benzil Benzoat, renksiz yağlı bir sıvı veya katı pullar oluşturur ve zayıf, tatlı-balzamik bir kokuya sahiptir.
Bir dizi çiçekte (örneğin sümbülteber, sümbül) doğal olarak bulunur.
Benzyl Benzoate, Peru Balsam, Tolu balsam ve tarçın esansiyel yağının doğal bir bileşenidir.

Benzil Benzoat, temel bir sağlık sisteminde ihtiyaç duyulan en önemli ilaçların listesi olan Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'nün Temel İlaçlar Listesi'nde yer almaktadır.
Benzil Benzoat ayrıca keneler, keneler ve sivrisinekler için bir kovucudur.

Benzyl Benzoate, insan uyuzu için etkili, reçetesiz satılan ve ucuz bir topikal tedavidir.
Yetişkin kullanımına yönelik losyonlar ve kremler, insan uyuzunun tedavisi için %25 konsantrasyona kadar Benzil Benzoat içerebilir.
Çocuklarda tedavi için konsantrasyonlar %10 - %12,5'e seyreltilirken.

Benzil benzoatın diğer kullanımları, boya taşıyıcı ve selüloz türevleri için çözücü içerir (diğer bileşenlerin bir çözelti halinde çözünmesine yardımcı olur).

Benzil Benzoat ayrıca polimerler ve selüloz için plastikleştirici olarak kullanılır.

Benzil benzoat, koku endüstrisinde uygulama bulur.

Ön fiksaj maddesi olarak benzil benzoat kullanılmaktadır.
Benzil benzoatın kendisi aktif bir koku bileşeni olarak listelenmemiş olabilir.

Benzil benzoat, ana bileşenlerin stabilitesini ve koku özelliklerini geliştirir.

Tıraş sonrası losyon, şampuan/saç kremi, temizleyici, parfüm, nemlendirici, güneş losyonu ve oje dahil olmak üzere çok çeşitli kişisel bakım ürünleri bu içeriği içerir.

Bugün birçok üst düzey ve ilaç deposu markası, kozmetik ve kişisel bakım formülasyonlarında Benzil Benzoat kullanıyor.
Benzil benzoat, insan uyuzu için etkili ve ucuz bir topikal tedavidir.

Benzil benzoat, veteriner hastanelerinde topikal akarisit, uyuz öldürücü ve pedikülisit olarak kullanılır.

Benzil benzoat, köpeklerde pedikülisit ve uyuz öldürücü olarak kullanılır, ancak insanlarda başlıca kullanımı keneler, sivrisinekler ve sivrisinekler için bir kovucudur.
Genelde leke tedavisi olarak uygulanır.

Bir koku olarak benzil benzoat, bir ürüne balzamik bir koku katabilir.

Benzil benzoat, karışımda çözünmelerine yardımcı olmak için diğer kokularla da bir çözücü olarak çalışabilir.
Benzil benzoat ayrıca parfümlü ürünlerde diğer kokuların kaçmasını yavaşlattığı ve kokunun ömrünü uzattığı bir sabitleyici görevi görür.

Sabun gibi daha katı ürünlere eklendiğinde, benzil benzoat plastikleştirici görevi görebilir.

Benzil benzoat, bir ürünü daha az kırılgan hale getirir, böylece onu içeren bir sabun, kırılmadan veya ufalanmadan önce daha fazla bükülebilir ve ezilebilir.

Formül: C6H5CH2OOCC6H5
INCI: Benzil benzoat
CAS No: 120-51-4
EINECS No .: 204-402-9
Benzil benzoat, benzoik asidin benzil alkol ile biçimsel olarak yoğunlaştırılmasıyla elde edilen bir benzoat esteridir. Polyalthia cinsinin bitki türlerinden izole edilmiştir. Bir scabicide, bir akarisit ve bir bitki metaboliti olarak rol oynar.
Bir benzil ester ve bir benzoat esterdir. Benzoik asitten türemiştir.

Benzil benzoat, ilaç ve böcek kovucu olarak kullanılan organik bir bileşiktir. İlaç olarak uyuz ve biti tedavi etmek için kullanılır.
Uyuz için, permetrin veya malathion tipik olarak tercih edilir. Cilde losyon olarak sürülür. Tipik olarak iki ila üç uygulama gereklidir.
Peru Balsamı, Tolu balsamı ve bir dizi çiçekte de bulunur.

Yan etkiler ciltte tahriş olabilir. Çocuklarda tavsiye edilmez. Diğer hayvanlarda da kullanılır; ancak kediler için zehirli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Nasıl çalıştığı belli değil.

Benzil benzoat ilk olarak 1918`de tıbbi olarak incelenmiştir. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü`nün Temel İlaçlar Listesi`nde yer almaktadır. Benzil benzoat, diğerleri arasında Scabanca markası altında satılmaktadır ve jenerik bir ilaç olarak mevcuttur.
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri`nde tıbbi kullanım için mevcut değildir.

Diğer isimler: benzoik asit fenilmetil ester, benzil alkol benzoik ester; CAS Numarası: 120-51-4

Benzil benzoat, insan uyuzları için etkili ve ucuz bir topikal tedavidir. Vazodilatatör ve spazmolitik etkileri vardır ve birçok astım ve boğmaca ilacında bulunur.
Hipogonadizmi tedavi etmek için bazı testosteron replasman ilaçlarında (Nebido gibi) eksipiyan olarak da kullanılır.

Benzil benzoat, veterinerlik hastanelerinde topikal bir akarisit, kabuk öldürücü ve pedikülisit olarak kullanılır.

Tıbbi olmayan
Benzil benzoat, chiggers, keneler ve sivrisinekler için bir kovucu olarak kullanılır. Parfüm endüstrisinde boya taşıyıcı, selüloz türevleri için çözücü, plastikleştirici ve sabitleyici olarak da kullanılır.

Yan etkiler
Benzil benzoat, laboratuvar hayvanlarında düşük akut toksisiteye sahiptir. Hızla benzoik asit ve benzil alkole hidrolize olur. Benzil alkol daha sonra benzoik aside metabolize edilir.
Benzoik asit konjugatları (hippurik asit ve benzoik asidin glukuronidi) idrarda hızla elimine edilir.
Benzil benzoat, laboratuar hayvanlarına yüksek dozlarda verildiğinde aşırı uyarılma, koordinasyon kaybı, ataksi, konvülsiyonlar ve solunum felcine neden olabilir.

Benzil benzoat, topikal bir skabisit olarak kullanıldığında cildi tahriş edebilir. Doz aşımı kabarcıklara neden olabilir ve kurdeşen veya alerjik reaksiyon olarak kızarıklık meydana gelebilir.

Bazı testosteron replasman enjekte edilebilir ilaçlarda bir eksipiyan olarak, benzil benzoat, Avustralya`daki bir vakada anafilaksi nedeni olarak rapor edilmiştir.
Bayer, bu raporu sağlık uzmanlarına yönelik bilgilere dahil etmekte ve hekimlerin bu tür preparatlara karşı "ciddi alerjik reaksiyon potansiyelinin farkında olmaları" gerektiğini önermektedir.
Avustralya`da, Terapötik Ürünler İdaresi için advers ilaç reaksiyonları raporlarını değerlendiren ADRAC raporları, 2011`den beri anafilaksi vakasından bu yana birçok alerjik sorun raporunu göstermektedir.

C6H5CH2O2CC6H5 formülüne sahip organik bir bileşiktir. Benzil alkol ve benzoik asidin esteridir. Viskoz bir sıvı veya katı pullar oluşturur ve zayıf, tatlı balzamik bir kokuya sahiptir.
Birkaç çiçekte (örn. Sümbül, sümbül) oluşur ve Peru Balsamı ve Tolu balzamının bir bileşenidir.

Benzil benzoat endüstriyel olarak sodyum benzoatın bir baz varlığında benzil alkol ile reaksiyonu veya metil benzoat ve benzil alkolün karşılıklı esterlenmesi yoluyla üretilir.
Toluen oksidasyonu ile benzoik asit sentezinin bir yan ürünüdür. Katalizör olarak sodyum benzilatla (sodyum ve benzil alkolden üretilen) benzaldehit kullanılarak Tishchenko reaksiyonu ile de sentezlenebilir.

Benzil benzoat
Moleküler Formül: C14H12O2
Ortalama kütle: 212.244 Da

CAS NUMARASI. 120-51-4

EINECS NO.:204-402-9
MOL WT: 212,25
H.S. KODU: 2916.31


TOKSİSİTE: Oral sıçan LD50: 1700 mg / kg
SENONİMLER: Benzoik asit fenilmetil ester; Benylate; Ascabin, Scabagen; Vanzoate; Benzyl Phenylformate; Benzil Benzen Karboksilat; Benzil Alkol Benzoik Ester; Ascabiol; Benzoik Asit Benzil Ester; Benzoato De Bencilo;


FİZİKSEL DURUM: Sıcaklığa bağlı olarak renksiz yağlı sıvı veya broşürler
SPESİFİK AĞIRLIK: 1.118 - 1.122
KARARLILIK: Sıradan koşullar altında kararlı
UYGULAMALAR: Benzil Benzoat ilaçların sentezinde (özellikle skabisit olarak antispazmodik ilaçlarda ve pedikülozu tedavi etmek için) kullanılır.
Benzil benzoat kokuda uygulama bulur. Ön fiksaj ajanı olarak kullanılır. Benzil benzoatın kendisi aktif bir koku bileşeni değildir.
Ana bileşenlerin kararlılığını ve koku özelliklerini geliştirir. Mitisit olarak ve gıda alanında kullanılır. Ayrıca polimerler ve selüloz için plastikleştirici olarak kullanılır.
CAS No. 120-51-4
Lezzet / Koku Notları: Neredeyse kokusuz
Deney USP / EP (titrasyon):% 99.0-100.5 fenil metil benzoat; FCC (GC): minimum% 99.0
Koku: Neredeyse kokusuz
Renk: Renksiz
Görünüm: Berrak sıvı
Parlama Noktası: 148 ° C (298 ° F)
Kırılma İndeksi (20 ° C): 1.568 - 1.570
Yoğunluk (20 ° C) (g / ml): 1.118 - 1.122
Özgül Ağırlık (25 ° C): 1.116 - 1.120
Katılaşma Noktası: 18 - 21 ° C (64 - 70 ° F)
Asit Değeri (mgKOH / g): 1.0 maksimum

Benzoic acid, phenylmethyl ester
Benzoic acid benzyl ester
Benzyl phenylformate
Phenylmethyl benzoate
Benzoic acid, benzyl ester
Benzyl benzenecarboxylate
Benzyl alcohol benzoic ester
Benzylis benzoas
Benzylum benzoicum
Benzylester kyseliny benzoove
Caswell No. 082
EINECS 204-402-9
Benzylester kyseliny benzoove [Czech]
Benzyl benzoate, 99+%
Benzyl benzoate [USP:JAN]
Benzyl benzoate [USAN:JAN]
Benzyl Benzoate.
benzoic acid benzyl
Benzyl benzoate, >=99%, FCC, FG
Benzyl benzoate, for synthesis, 99.0%
Benzyl benzoate, natural, >=99%, FCC, FG
Benzoic acid-benzyl ester 
Benzoic acid benzyl ester; Benzoic acid phenylmethyl ester

Bensüülbensoaat (et)
bentsyylibentsoaatti (fi)
benzil benzoat (sl)
benzil-benzoat (hr)
benzil-benzoát (hu)
benzilbenzenkarboksilatas (benzilbenzoatas) (lt)
benzilbenzoāts (lv)
benzile benzoato (it)
benzoat de benzil (ro)
benzoate de benzyle (fr)
benzoato de bencilo (es)
benzoato de benzilo (pt)
benzoesan benzylu (pl)
benzyl-benzoát (cs)
benzyl-benzoát (sk)
benzylbenzoaat (nl)
benzylbenzoat (da)
Benzylbenzoat (de)
benzylbenzoat (no)
benzylbenzoat (sv)
benżoat tal-benżil (mt)
βενζοϊκό βενζύλιο (el)
бензил бензоат (bg)

CAS names
Benzoic acid, phenylmethyl ester
IUPAC names
benzoic acid phenyl methyl ester
Benzoic acid, benzylester
Benzoic acid, phenylmethyl ester
Registration dossier
benzyl benxoate
Benzyl benzoate; Phenylmethyl benzoate
benzyl-2-methyl-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase
phenylmethyl benzoate

120-51-4 [RN]
204-402-9 [EINECS]
2049280 [Beilstein]
Benzoate de benzyle [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
benzoic acid benzyl ester
benzoic acid, benzyl ester
Benzoic acid, phenylmethyl ester [ACD/Index Name]
Benzyl benzoate [ACD/IUPAC Name] [Wiki]
Benzylbenzoat [German]
Benzyl-benzoat [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
Benzylis benzoas
MFCD00003075 [MDL number]
phenylmethyl benzoate
347840-01-1 [RN]
352431-26-6 [RN]
4-09-00-00307 (Beilstein Handbook Reference) [Beilstein]
613-62-7 [RN]
Acarilbial (Trade name)
Acaril-S (Trade name)
Acaril-S; Acarilbial; Acarsan; Acil; Antiscabiosum; Antiscabiosum für Kinder; Ascabiol; Ascalol; B.B. Lotion; BE BO; Benzalcor; Benzilbenzoat; Benzogal; Benzotal; Bezo; Finsarna; Gensarna; Miticocan; Novoscabin; Opele; Pharcobenzyl; Sanasar; Saniscabis; Scabicon; Scabiex; Scabin; Scabisol; Scabitox; Tekoce; Zilaben
Acarobenzyl; Benylate; Benzevan; Benzoate de benzyle; Benzoes??urebenzylester; Benzoic acid phenylmethylester; Benzoic acid, benzyl ester; Benzoic acid, phenylmethyl ester; Benzyl benzoat; Benzylis benzoas; Phenylmethyl benzoate
Acarobenzyl; Benzevan; Benzoate de benzyle; Benzoesäurebenzylester; Benzyl benzoat; Benzylis benzoas; Phenylmethyl benzoate; Spasmodine
Acarsan (Trade name)
Acil (Trade name)
Antiscabiosum (Trade name)
Antiscabiosum für Kinder
Antiscabiosum für Kinder (Trade name)
Ascabiol (Trade name)
Ascalol (Trade name)
B.B. Lotion
B.B. Lotion (Trade name)
BE BO (Trade name)
Benylate [Trade name]
Benylate (TN)
Benzalcor (Trade name)
Benzilbenzoat (Trade name)
Benzoate de benzyle [ACD/IUPAC Name]
Benzogal (Trade name)
benzoic acid phenylmethyl ester
Benzoic acid-benzyl ester
Benzotal (Trade name)
Benzyl 2-naphthyl ether
Benzyl alcohol benzoic ester
Benzyl benzenecarboxylate
Benzyl benzoat
Benzyl benzoate (JP15/USP) [USP]
Benzyl benzoate (natural)
Benzyl benzoate [USAN:JAN]
benzyl benzoate 99%
benzyl benzoate, 99+%
Benzyl benzoate, BP, Ph. Eur. grade
Benzyl benzoate, USP grade
Benzyl Benzoate-d12
Benzyl phenylformate
Benzyl-d5 Benzoate
Benzylester kyseliny benzoove
Benzylester kyseliny benzoove [Czech]
Benzylum benzoicum
Bezo (Trade name)
EINECS 204-402-9
Finsarna (Trade name)
Gensarna (Trade name)
Mange Treatment
Miticocan (Trade name)
Novoscabin (Trade name)
Opele (Trade name)
Pharcobenzyl (Trade name)
Sanasar (Trade name)
Saniscabis (Trade name)
Scabicon (Trade name)
Scabiex (Trade name)
Scabin (Trade name)
Scabisol (Trade name)
Scabitox (Trade name)
Tekoce (Trade name)
安息香酸ベンジル [Japanese]

SYNONYMS: Benzyl Benzoate; benzyl benzoate; benzylbenzoate; benzyl benzoat; benzil benzoat; benzilbenzoat; banzil benzoat; banzilbenzoat; bensil bensoat; bensilbensoat; benzylbenzoat; bensil benzoat; bensilbenzoat; Benzylbenzoate; Benzyl Benzoat; Benzil Benzoat; Benzilbenzoat; Bensil Bensoat; Bensilbensoat; Benzylbenzoat; Bensil Benzoat; Bensilbenzoat; BENZYL BENZOATE; BENZYLBENZOATE; BENZYL BENZOAT; BENSİLBENZOAT; BENSİL BENZOAT; BENSİL BENSOAT; BENSİLBENSOAT; Acaril; Acarosan; Ansar; Antiscabiosum; Ascabiol; Benzanil; Benzemul; benzyl benzoate; Benzylbenzoaat Smeersel FNA; Novoscabin; BENZYL BENZOATE; 120-51-4; Ascabiol; Benylate; Novoscabin; Benzoic acid, phenylmethyl ester; Scabitox; Scobenol; Ascabin; Benzyl phenylformate; Benzoic acid, benzyl ester; Phenylmethyl benzoate; Benzoic acid benzyl ester; Benzylets; Colebenz; Peruscabin; Scabagen; Scabanca; Scabiozon; Vanzoate; Scabide; Benzyl benzenecarboxylate; benzylbenzoate; Antiscabiosum; Benzylis benzoas; Benzyl alcohol benzoic ester; Peruscabina; Spasmodin; Venzonate; Benzylum benzoicum; Benzylester kyseliny benzoove; Benzoesaeurebenzylester; Caswell No. 082; Benzylbenzenecarboxylate; Venzoate; FEMA Number 2138; Benzyl benzoate (natural); NSC 8081; UNII-N863NB338G; FEMA No. 2138HSDB 208; BENZOIC ACID PHENYLMETHYLESTER; EINECS 204-402-9; Benzylester kyseliny benzoove [Czech]; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 009501; BRN 2049280; CHEMBL1239; AI3-00523; CHEBI:41237; SESFRYSPDFLNCH-UHFFFAOYSA-N; MFCD00003075; SBB058609; NCGC00094981-03; DSSTox_CID_9153; DSSTox_RID_78686; DSSTox_GSID_29153; Q-200696; Benzyl benzoate, analytical standard; Benzoate de benzyle; BZM; CAS-120-51-4; SMR000471875; benzylbenzoat; Benzyl benzoate [USP:JAN]; Acarobenzyl; Benzevan; Benzyl benzoate [USAN:JAN]; Benzyl benzoat; Benzoic acid phenylmethyl ester; Benzyl ester; 1dzm; Benylate (TN); benzoic acid benzyl; Benzoesaurebenzylester; Spectrum_001240; Spectrum2_000532; Spectrum3_001757; Spectrum4_000773; Spectrum5_001128; Benzyl benzoate 99+ %; ACMC-1C8AP; WLN: RVO1R; D0G1VX; Benzyl benzoate, >=99%; AC1L1DH0; SCHEMBL3038; BENZYL BENZOATE BP98; BSPBio_003494; KBioGR_001186; KBioSS_001720; 4-09-00-00307 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); KSC174Q0R; MLS001066412; MLS001336003; MLS001336004; DivK1c_000204; SPECTRUM1503002; SPBio_000543; Benzyl benzoate (JP17/USP); AC1Q661C; ZINC1021; DTXSID8029153; BENZOIC ACID,BENZYL ESTER; Benzyl benzoate, 99% 250g; CTK0H4808; HMS500K06, KBio1_000204; KBio2_001720; KBio2_004288; KBio2_006856; KBio3_002714; KS-00000UHX; NSC8081; MolPort-001-740-297; NINDS_000204; HMS1921P16; HMS2092F20; HMS2269D24; N863NB338G; Pharmakon1600-01503002; HY-B0935; NSC-8081; Tox21_111372; Tox21_201337; Tox21_303418; ANW-17509; BDBM50134035; CCG-39578; NSC758204; s4599; AKOS003495939; Benzyl benzoate, >=99%, FCC, FG; Tox21_111372_1; CHM0028580; DB00676; FCH2703790; LS-2573; MCULE-4369643785; NSC-758204; RL00855; RTR-003391; IDI1_000204; Benzyl benzoate, for synthesis, 99.0%; NCGC00094981-01; NCGC00094981-02; NCGC00094981-04; NCGC00094981-05; NCGC00094981-07i NCGC00257502-01; NCGC00258889-01; AC-17033; AN-22825; CC-24472; KB-75431; OR011551; ZB000222; SBI-0051748.P002; Benzoic acid-benzyl ester (Benzyl benzoate); DB-041563; TR-003391; B0064; FT-0622708 ST50406335; Benzyl benzoate, natural, >=99%, FCC, FG; Benzyl benzoate, ReagentPlus(R), >=99.0%; Benzyl benzoate, SAJ first grade, >=98.0%; Benzyl benzoate, tested according to Ph.Eur.; A19449; Benzyl benzoate, SAJ special grade, >=99.0%; C12537; D01138; AB00052298_07; Benzyl benzoate, Vetec(TM) reagent grade, 98%; Benzyl benzoate, meets USP testing specifications; C-24290; SR-01000763773; I14-6951; SR-01000763773-2; Benzoic acid-benzyl ester 5000 ng/microl in n-Hexane; Benzoic acid benzyl ester; Benzoic acid phenylmethyl ester; Benzyl benzoate, certified reference material, TraceCERT(R); Benzyl benzoate, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard; Benzyl benzoate, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified Reference Material; InChI=1/C14H12O2/c15-14(13-9-5-2-6-10-13)16-11-12-7-3-1-4-8-12/h1-10H,11H; Benzyl Benzoate; Acaril; Acarosan; Ansar; Antiscabiosum; Ascabiol; Benzanil; Benzemul; benzyl benzoate; Benzylbenzoaat Smeersel FNA; Novoscabin; BENZYL BENZOATE; 120-51-4; Ascabiol; Benylate; Novoscabin; Benzoic acid, phenylmethyl ester; Scabitox; Scobenol; Ascabin; Benzyl phenylformate; Benzoic acid, benzyl ester; Phenylmethyl benzoate; Benzoic acid benzyl ester; Benzylets; Colebenz; Peruscabin; Scabagen; Scabanca; Scabiozon; Vanzoate; Scabide; Benzyl benzenecarboxylate; benzylbenzoate; Antiscabiosum; Benzylis benzoas; Benzyl alcohol benzoic ester; Peruscabina; Spasmodin; Venzonate; Benzylum benzoicum; Benzylester kyseliny benzoove; Benzoesaeurebenzylester; Caswell No. 082; Benzylbenzenecarboxylate; Venzoate; FEMA Number 2138; Benzyl benzoate (natural); NSC 8081; UNII-N863NB338G; FEMA No. 2138HSDB 208; BENZOIC ACID PHENYLMETHYLESTER; EINECS 204-402-9; Benzylester kyseliny benzoove [Czech]; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 009501; BRN 2049280; CHEMBL1239; AI3-00523; CHEBI:41237; SESFRYSPDFLNCH-UHFFFAOYSA-N; MFCD00003075; SBB058609; NCGC00094981-03; DSSTox_CID_9153; DSSTox_RID_78686; DSSTox_GSID_29153; Q-200696; Benzyl benzoate, analytical standard; Benzoate de benzyle; BZM; CAS-120-51-4; SMR000471875; benzylbenzoat; Benzyl benzoate [USP:JAN]; Acarobenzyl; Benzevan; Benzyl benzoate [USAN:JAN]; Benzyl benzoat; Benzoic acid phenylmethyl ester; Benzyl ester; 1dzm; Benylate (TN); benzoic acid benzyl; Benzoesaurebenzylester; Spectrum_001240; Spectrum2_000532; Spectrum3_001757; Spectrum4_000773; Spectrum5_001128; Benzyl benzoate 99+ %; ACMC-1C8AP; WLN: RVO1R; D0G1VX; Benzyl benzoate, >=99%; AC1L1DH0; SCHEMBL3038; BENZYL BENZOATE BP98; BSPBio_003494; KBioGR_001186; KBioSS_001720; 4-09-00-00307 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); KSC174Q0R; MLS001066412; MLS001336003; MLS001336004; DivK1c_000204; SPECTRUM1503002; SPBio_000543; Benzyl benzoate (JP17/USP); AC1Q661C; ZINC1021; DTXSID8029153; BENZOIC ACID,BENZYL ESTER; Benzyl benzoate, 99% 250g; CTK0H4808; HMS500K06, KBio1_000204; KBio2_001720; KBio2_004288; KBio2_006856; KBio3_002714; KS-00000UHX; NSC8081; MolPort-001-740-297; NINDS_000204; HMS1921P16; HMS2092F20; HMS2269D24; N863NB338G; Pharmakon1600-01503002; HY-B0935; NSC-8081; Tox21_111372; Tox21_201337; Tox21_303418; ANW-17509; BDBM50134035; CCG-39578; NSC758204; s4599; AKOS003495939; Benzyl benzoate, >=99%, FCC, FG; Tox21_111372_1; CHM0028580; DB00676; FCH2703790; LS-2573; MCULE-4369643785; NSC-758204; RL00855; RTR-003391; IDI1_000204; Benzyl benzoate, for synthesis, 99.0%; NCGC00094981-01; NCGC00094981-02; NCGC00094981-04; NCGC00094981-05; NCGC00094981-07i NCGC00257502-01; NCGC00258889-01; AC-17033; AN-22825; CC-24472; KB-75431; OR011551; ZB000222; SBI-0051748.P002; Benzoic acid-benzyl ester (Benzyl benzoate); DB-041563; TR-003391; B0064; FT-0622708 ST50406335; Benzyl benzoate, natural, >=99%, FCC, FG; Benzyl benzoate, ReagentPlus(R), >=99.0%; Benzyl benzoate, SAJ first grade, >=98.0%; Benzyl benzoate, tested according to Ph.Eur.; A19449; Benzyl benzoate, SAJ special grade, >=99.0%; C12537; D01138; AB00052298_07; Benzyl benzoate, Vetec(TM) reagent grade, 98%; Benzyl benzoate, meets USP testing specifications; C-24290; SR-01000763773; I14-6951; SR-01000763773-2; Benzoic acid-benzyl ester 5000 ng/microl in n-Hexane; Benzoic acid benzyl ester; Benzoic acid phenylmethyl ester; Benzyl benzoate, certified reference material, TraceCERT(R); Benzyl benzoate, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard; Benzyl benzoate, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified Reference Material; InChI=1/C14H12O2/c15-14(13-9-5-2-6-10-13)16-11-12-7-3-1-4-8-12/h1-10H,11H; 120-51-4 [RN]; 204-402-9 [EINECS]; Benzoate de benzyle [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]; benzoic acid benzyl ester; benzoic acid, benzyl ester; Benzoic acid, phenylmethyl ester [ACD/Index Name]; Benzyl benzoate [ACD/IUPAC Name] [Wiki]; Benzylbenzoat [German]; Benzyl-benzoat [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]; N863NB338G; phenylmethyl benzoate; [120-51-4]; 2049280 [Beilstein]; 347840-01-1 [RN]; 352431-26-6 [RN]; 4-09-00-00307; (Beilstein Handbook Reference) [Beilstein]; 613-62-7 [RN]; Acarilbial; Acarilbial (Trade name); Acaril-S; Acaril-S (Trade name); Acaril-S; Acarilbial; Acarsan; Acil; Antiscabiosum; Antiscabiosum für Kinder; Ascabiol; Ascalol; B.B. Lotion; BE BO; Benzalcor; Benzilbenzoat; Benzogal; Benzotal; Bezo; Finsarna; Gensarna; Miticocan; Novoscabin; Opele; Pharcobenzyl; Sanasar; Saniscabis; Scabicon; Scabiex; Scabin; Scabisol; Scabitox; Tekoce; Zilaben; Acarobenzyl; Acarobenzyl; Benylate; Benzevan; Benzoate de benzyle; Benzoes??urebenzylester; Benzoic acid phenylmethylester; Benzoic acid, benzyl ester; Benzoic acid, phenylmethyl ester; Benzyl benzoat; Benzylis benzoas; Phenylmethyl benzoate; Acarobenzyl; Benzevan; Benzoate de benzyle; Benzoesäurebenzylester; Benzyl benzoat; Benzylis benzoas; Phenylmethyl benzoate; Spasmodine; Acarsan; Acarsan (Trade name) Acil; Acil (Trade name); Antiscabiosum; Antiscabiosum (Trade name); Antiscabiosum für Kinder; Antiscabiosum für Kinder (Trade name); Ascabin; Ascabiol; Ascabiol (Trade name); Ascalol, Ascalol (Trade name); B.B. Lotion; B.B. Lotion (Trade name)BE BO; BE BO (Trade name); Benylate [Trade name]; Benylate (TN); Benzalcor; Benzalcor (Trade name); Benzevan; Benzilbenzoat; Benzilbenzoat (Trade name); Benzoate de benzyle [ACD/IUPAC Name]; Benzoesaeurebenzylester; Benzoesäurebenzylester; Benzogal; Benzogal (Trade name); benzoic acid phenylmethyl ester; BENZOIC ACID; PHENYLMETHYLESTER; BENZOIC ACID,BENZYL ESTER; Benzoic acid-benzyl ester (Benzyl benzoate); Benzoic acid-benzyl ester 100 ng/?l in Methanol; Benzoic acid-benzyl ester 100 ng/µl in Methanol; Benzoic acid-benzyl ester 5000 ng/?l in n-Hexane; Benzoic acid-benzyl ester 5000 ng/µl in n-Hexane; Benzotal; Benzotal (Trade name); Benzyl 2-naphthyl ether; Benzyl alcohol benzoic ester; Benzyl benzenecarboxylate; Benzyl benzoat; Benzyl benzoate (JP15/USP) [USP]; Benzyl benzoate (natural); Benzyl benzoate [USAN:JAN]; BENZYL BENZOATE BP98; Benzyl Benzoate-d12; Benzyl phenylformate; Benzylbenzenecarboxylate; benzylbenzoate; benzyl-benzoate; Benzyl-d5 Benzoate; Benzylester kyseliny benzoove; Benzylester kyseliny benzoove [Czech]; Benzylets; Benzylis benzoas; Benzylum benzoicum; Bezo; Bezo (Trade name); BSPBio_003494; BZM; CHEBI:41237; Colebenz; DG4200000; EINECS 204-402-9; Finsarna; Finsarna (Trade name); Gensarna; Gensarna (Trade name); IDI1_000204; InChI=1/C14H12O2/c15-14(13-9-5-2-6-10-13)16-11-12-7-3-1-4-8-12/h1-10H,11H; Mange Treatment; MFCD00003075 [MDL number]; Miticocan; Miticocan (Trade name); MLS001066412; NCGC00094981-01; NCGC00094981-02; NCGC00094981-03; Novoscabin; Novoscabin (Trade name); Opele; Opele (Trade name); Peruscabin; Peruscabina; Pharcobenzyl; Pharcobenzyl (Trade name); Pharmakon1600-01503002; Sanasar; Sanasar (Trade name); Saniscabis; Saniscabis (Trade name); Scabagen; Scabanca; Scabicon; Scabicon (Trade name); Scabide; Scabiex; Scabiex (Trade name); Scabin; Scabin (Trade name); Scabiozon; Scabisol; Scabisol (Trade name); Scabitox; Scabitox (Trade name); SCOBENOL; SMR000471875; Spasmodin; Spasmodine; SPECTRUM1503002; Spectrum5_001128; ST5406335; Tekoce; Tekoce (Trade name); UNII:N863NB338G; UNII-N863NB338G; Vanzoate; Venzoate; Venzonate; WLN: RVO1R; Zilaben; ???????? [Japanese]; BENZİL BENZOAT; BENZIL BENZOAT; BENZİL BENZOAT; BENZYL BENZOAT; BENZİL BENZOT; BENZİL BENZAT; BENZIL BENZIL; BEZIL BENZOAT; benzil benzoat; benzıl benzoat; benzıl benzoat; benzyl benzoat; benzyl ; benzoat; benzoate; benzyl benzoate; benzyl benzoat; benzil benzoat; benzıl benzoat; SESFRYSPDFLNCH-UHFFFAOYSA-N; Benzoic acid benzyl ester; antiscabiosum : ascabin : ascabiol : benylate : benzoic acid benzyl ester : benzoic acid phenyl methyl ester : benzyl alcohol benzoic ester : benzyl benzene carboxylate : benzyl phenyl formate : benzylets : colebenz : novoscabin : peruscabin : phenyl methyl benzoate : phenylmethyl benzoate : scabanca : vanzoate : venzonate : Aceto : Benzyl Benzoate : Advanced Biotech : benzyl benzoate 99pc min. natural; Benzyl 3-bromopropyl ether; Zylate;Scabide;ASCABIN;Benylate;Colebenz;Scabagen;Scabanca;Scabitox;Scobenol;Vanzoate; BENZYL BENZOATE; 120-51-4; Ascabiol; Benylate; Novoscabin; Benzoic acid benzyl ester; Benzoic acid, phenylmethyl ester; Ascabin; Scabitox; Scobenol; Benzyl phenylformate; Phenylmethyl benzoate; Benzoic acid, benzyl ester; Benzylets; Colebenz; Peruscabin; Scabagen; Scabanca; Scabiozon; Vanzoate; Scabide; Benzyl benzenecarboxylate; benzylbenzoate; Antiscabiosum; Benzylis benzoas; Benzyl alcohol benzoic ester; Peruscabina; Spasmodin; Venzonate; Benzylum benzoicum; Benzylester kyseliny benzoove; Benzoesaeurebenzylester; BENZOIC ACID PHENYLMETHYLESTER; Caswell No. 082; Benzylbenzenecarboxylate; Venzoate; FEMA Number 2138; Benzyl benzoate (natural); NSC 8081; UNII-N863NB338G; FEMA No. 2138; HSDB 208; EINECS 204-402-9; MFCD00003075; Benzylester kyseliny benzoove [Czech]; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 009501; BRN 2049280; CHEMBL1239; AI3-00523; CHEBI:41237; SESFRYSPDFLNCH-UHFFFAOYSA-N; N863NB338G; NCGC00094981-03; Benzyl benzoate, 99+%; DSSTox_CID_9153; DSSTox_RID_78686; DSSTox_GSID_29153; Benzyl benzoate, analytical standard; Benzoate de benzyle; BZM; CAS-120-51-4; SMR000471875benzylbenzoat; Benzyl benzoate [USP:JAN]; Acarobenzyl; Benzevan; benzyl-benzoate; Benzyl benzoate [USAN:JAN]; Benzyl benzoat; Benzoic acid phenylmethyl ester; Benzyl ester; 1dzm; Benylate (TN); Benzoesaurebenzylester; Spectrum_001240; Benzoic acid-benzyl ester; Spectrum2_000532; Spectrum3_001757; Spectrum4_000773; Spectrum5_001128; Benzyl benzoate 99+ %; ACMC-1C8AP; WLN: RVO1R; Benzyl benzoate, >=99%; EC 204-402-9; AC1L1DH0; SCHEMBL3038; BENZYL BENZOATE BP98; BSPBio_003494; KBioGR_001186; KBioSS_001720; 4-09-00-00307 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); KSC174Q0R; MLS001066412; MLS001336003; MLS001336004; DivK1c_000204; SPECTRUM1503002; SPBio_000543; Benzyl benzoate (JP17/USP); AC1Q661C; ZINC1021; DTXSID8029153; BENZOIC ACID,BENZYL ESTER; CTK0H4808; HMS500K06; KBio1_000204; KBio2_001720; KBio2_004288; KBio2_006856; KBio3_002714; KS-00000UHX; NSC8081; NINDS_000204; HMS1921P16; HMS2092F20; HMS2269D24; Pharmakon1600-01503002; HY-B0935; NSC-8081; Tox21_111372; Tox21_201337; Tox21_303418; ANW-17509; BDBM50134035; CCG-39578; NSC758204; s4599; SBB058609; STL183088; AKOS003495939; Benzyl benzoate, >=99%, FCC, FG; Tox21_111372_1; DB00676; LS-2573; MCULE-4369643785; NSC-758204; RL00855; RTR-003391; IDI1_000204; Benzyl benzoate, for synthesis, 99.0%; NCGC00094981-01; NCGC00094981-02; NCGC00094981-04; NCGC00094981-05; NCGC00094981-07; NCGC00257502-01; NCGC00258889-01; AC-17033; AK308304; AN-22825; ZB000222; SBI-0051748.P002; DB-041563; TR-003391; B0064; FT-0622708; ST50406335; Benzyl benzoate, natural, >=99%, FCC, FG; Benzyl benzoate, ReagentPlus(R), >=99.0%; Benzyl benzoate, SAJ first grade, >=98.0%; Benzyl benzoate, tested according to Ph.Eur.; A14577; A19449; Benzyl benzoate, SAJ special grade, >=99.0%; C12537; D01138; AB00052298_07; Benzyl benzoate, Vetec(TM) reagent grade, 98%; Benzyl benzoate, meets USP testing specifications; SR-01000763773; Benzoic acid-benzyl ester 5000 microg/mL in Hexane; I14-6951; Q-200696; SR-01000763773-2; BRD-K52072429-001-06-1; Benzoic acid benzyl ester; Benzoic acid phenylmethyl ester; Benzyl benzoate, certified reference material, TraceCERT(R); Benzyl benzoate, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard; Benzyl benzoate,benzyl alcohol;phenylmethanol;benzenemethanol;100-51-6;phenylcarbinol;benzylic alcohol;Phenyl Methanol;Caswell No. 081F;.alpha.-Toluenol;Benzyl alcohol (natural);Alcool benzilico [DCIT];Itch-X;C6H5CH2OH;CHEMBL720;D05OIS;BENZYL ALCOHOL, ACS;EC 202-859-9;AC1L18SY;MolPort-001-783-216;HMS3264B16;Pharmakon1600-01502555;ZINC895302;Benzyl alcohol, analytical standard;Benzyl alcohol, AR, >=99.5%;HY-B0892;NSC-8044;Benzyl alcohol, anhydrous, 99.8%;Tox21_111172;Tox21_202447;Tox21_300044;BBL011938;LS-307;MFCD00004599;NSC760098;s4600;SBB058558;STL163453;Benzyl alcohol, >=99%, FCC, FG;AKOS000119907;AS04466;Benzyl alcohol, natural, >=98%, FG;BENZYL ALCOHOL, U.S.P./N.F.;CCG-213843;DB06770;LS41488;MCULE-6011707909;NSC-760098;RP18893;RTR-033774;NCGC00091865-02;NCGC00091865-03;NCGC00091865-04;NCGC00254154-01;NCGC00259996-01;1336-27-2;AJ-24171;BC222892;Benzyl alcohol, ACS reagent, >=99.0%;Benzyl alcohol, ReagentPlus(R), >=99%;Benzyl alcohol, USP, 98.0-100.5%;I765;SC-47293;ZB015017;KB-200532;TR-033774;B2378;Benzyl alcohol, tested according to Ph.Eur.;E1519;FT-0622812;ST24048908;ST51028320;Benzyl alcohol, p.a., ACS reagent, 99.0%;Benzyl alcohol, SAJ first grade, >=98.5%;3983-EP2269992A1;3983-EP2270004A1;3983-EP2270005A1;3983-EP2270011A1;3983-EP2270505A1;3983-EP2272516A2


Benzyl benzoate is an effective and inexpensive topical treatment for human scabies.[7] It has vasodilating and spasmolytic effects and is present in many asthma and whooping cough drugs.[8] It is also used as an excipient in some testosterone-replacement medications (like Nebido) for treating hypogonadism.[9] Benzyl benzoate is used as a topical acaricide, scabicide, and pediculicide in veterinary hospitals.[10] Non-medical Benzyl benzoate is used as a repellent for chiggers, ticks, and mosquitoes.[10] It is also used as a dye carrier, solvent for cellulose derivatives, plasticizer, and fixative in the perfume industry.[11] Side effects Benzyl benzoate has low acute toxicity in laboratory animals. It is rapidly hydrolyzed to benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol. Benzyl alcohol is subsequently metabolized to benzoic acid. The conjugates of benzoic acid (hippuric acid and the glucuronide of benzoic acid) are rapidly eliminated in urine.[1] When given in large doses to laboratory animals, benzyl benzoate can cause hyperexcitation, loss of coordination, ataxia, convulsions, and respiratory paralysis.[10] Benzyl benzoate can be a skin irritant when used as a topical scabicide.[7] Overdose can result in blistering and hives or a rash can occur as an allergic reaction.[12][13] As an excipient in some testosterone-replacement injectable medications, benzyl benzoate has been reported as a cause of anaphylaxis in a case in Australia.[14] Bayer includes this report in information for health professionals and recommends that physicians "should be aware of the potential for serious allergic reactions" to preparations of this type.[9] In Australia, reports to ADRAC, which evaluates reports of adverse drug reactions for the Therapeutic Goods Administration, show several reports of allergic issues since the anaphylaxis case from 2011.
Chemistry It is an organic compound with the formula C6H5CH2O2CC6H5. It is the ester of benzyl alcohol and benzoic acid. It forms either a viscous liquid or solid flakes and has a weak, sweet-balsamic odor. It occurs in a number of blossoms (e. g. tuberose, hyacinth) and is a component of Balsam of Peru and Tolu balsam.[11][15] 
Production Benzyl benzoate is produced industrially by the reaction of sodium benzoate with benzyl alcohol in the presence of a base, or by transesterification of methyl benzoate and benzyl alcohol.[8] It is a byproduct of benzoic acid synthesis by toluene oxidation.[11] It can also be synthesized by the Tishchenko reaction, using benzaldehyde with sodium benzylate (generated from sodium and benzyl alcohol) as catalyst:[16][17]
The Tishchenko reaction: benzaldehyde reacts to benzyl benzoate, the catalyst is generated in situ from sodium and benzyl alcohol
Benzyl benzoate# Organophosphate Malathion Other/ungrouped DimethiconeQuassiatoluidine (Crotamiton) #WHO-EM‡Withdrawn from marketClinical trials: †Phase III§Never to phas COMPOUND SUMMARY Benzyl benzoate PubChem CID: 2345 : Benzyl benzoate_small.png Benzyl benzoate_3D_Structure.png Find Similar Structures Chemical Safety: Irritant Environmental Hazard Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet Molecular Formula: C14H12O2 Chemical Names: BENZYL BENZOATE 120-51-4 Ascabiol Benylate NovoscabinMore... Molecular Weight: 212.24 g/mol Dates: Modify: 2019-09-14 Create: 2005-03-25 Benzyl benzoate is a benzoate ester obtained by the formal condensation of benzoic acid with benzyl alcohol. It has been isolated from the plant species of the genus Polyalthia. It has a role as a scabicide, an acaricide and a plant metabolite. It is a benzyl ester and a benzoate ester. It derives from a benzoic acid.

Benzyl benzoate is one of the older preparations used to treat scabies. Scabies is a skin infection caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei. It is characterised by severe itching (particularly at night), red spots, and may lead to a secondary infection. Benzyl benzoate is lethal to this mite and so is useful in the treatment of scabies. It is also used to treat lice infestation of the head and body. Benzyl benzoate is not the treatment of choice for scabies due to its irritant properties. from DrugBank Benzyl benzoate is one of the older preparations used to treat scabies. Scabies is a skin infection caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei. It is characterised by severe itching (particularly at night), red spots, and may lead to a secondary infection. Benzyl benzoate is lethal to this mite and so is useful in the treatment of scabies. It is also used to treat lice infestation of the head and body. Benzyl benzoate is not the treatment of choice for scabies due to its irritant properties. from Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) 1Structures HelpNew Window 1.12D Structure HelpNew Window Find Similar Structures Get Image DownloadChemical Structure Depiction Benzyl benzoate.png COMPOUND SUMMARY Benzyl benzoate PubChem CID: 2345 Structure: Benzyl benzoate_small.png Benzyl benzoate_3D_Structure.png Find Similar Structures Chemical Safety: Irritant Environmental Hazard Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet Molecular Formula: C14H12O2 Chemical Names: BENZYL BENZOATE 120-51-4 Ascabiol Benylate Novoscabin More... Molecular Weight: 212.24 g/mol Dates: Modify: 2019-09-14 Create: 2005-03-25

Benzyl benzoate is a benzoate ester obtained by the formal condensation of benzoic acid with benzyl alcohol. It has been isolated from the plant species of the genus Polyalthia. It has a role as a scabicide, an acaricide and a plant metabolite. It is a benzyl ester and a benzoate ester. It derives from a benzoic acid. from ChEBI Benzyl benzoate is one of the older preparations used to treat scabies. Scabies is a skin infection caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei. It is characterised by severe itching (particularly at night), red spots, and may lead to a secondary infection. Benzyl benzoate is lethal to this mite and so is useful in the treatment of scabies. It is also used to treat lice infestation of the head and body. Benzyl benzoate is not the treatment of choice for scabies due to its irritant properties. from DrugBank Benzyl benzoate is one of the older preparations used to treat scabies. Scabies is a skin infection caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei. It is characterised by severe itching (particularly at night), red spots, and may lead to a secondary infection. Benzyl benzoate is lethal to this mite and so is useful in the treatment of scabies. It is also used to treat lice infestation of the head and body. Benzyl benzoate is not the treatment of choice for scabies due to its irritant properties. from Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) 1Structures HelpNew Window 1.12D Structure HelpNew Window Find Similar Structures Get Image Chemical Structure Depiction Benzyl benzoate.png Full screen Zoom in Zoom out from PubChem 1.23D Conformer HelpNew Window Get Image Download Interactive Chemical Structure Model Ball and Stick Sticks Wire-Frame Space-Filling Show Hydrogens Animate Full screen Zoom in out from PubChem 1.3Crystal Structures HelpNew Window PDBe Ligand Code BZM PDBe Structure Code 1DZM PDBe Conformer More Actions Menu Chemical Structure Model Ball and StickSticksWire-FrameSpace-Filling Show Hydrogens Animate Full screenZoom in Zoom out from Protein Data Bank in Europe (PDBe) 2Names and Identifiers HelpNew Window 2.1Computed Descriptors HelpNew Window 2.1.1IUPAC Name HelpNew Window benzyl benzoate from PubChem 2.1.2InChI HelpNew Window InChI=1S/C14H12O2/c15-14(13-9-5-2-6-10-13)16-11-12-7-3-1-4-8-12/h1-10H,11H2 rom PubChem 2.1.3InChI Key HelpNew Window SESFRYSPDFLNCH-UHFFFAOYSA-N from PubChem 2.1.4Canonical SMILES HelpNew Window C1=CC=C(C=C1)COC(=O)C2=CC=CC=C2 from PubChem 2.2Molecular Formula HelpNew Window C14H12O2 from ILO International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC); PubChem2.3Other Identifiers HelpNew Window 2.3.1CAS HelpNew Window 120-51-4 from ChemIDplus; DrugBank; DTP/NCI; EPA Chemicals under the TSCA; EPA DSSTox; European Chemicals Agency (ECHA); HSDB; Human Metabolome Database (HMDB); ILO International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC); The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 2.3.2European Community (EC) Number HelpNew Window 204-402-9 from European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) 2.3.3FEMA Number HelpNew Window 2138 from Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA) 2.3.4ICSC Number HelpNew Window 0390 from ILO International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC) Number HelpNew Window 758204 from DTP/NCI 8081 from DTP/NCI 2.3.6RTECS Number HelpNew Window DG4200000 from The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 2.3.7UNII HelpNew Window N863NB338G from FDA/SPL Indexing Data 2.3.8Wikipedia HelpNew Window Benzyl benzoate from Wikipedia 2.4Synonyms HelpNew Window 2.4.1MeSH Entry Terms HelpNew Window Acaril Acarosan Ansar Antiscabiosum Ascabiol Benzanil Benzemul benzyl benzoate Benzylbenzoaat Smeersel FNA Novoscabin from MeSH 2.4.2Depositor-Supplied Synonyms HelpNew Window BENZYL BENZOATE 120-51-4 Ascabiol Benylate Novoscabin Benzoic acid benzyl ester Benzoic acid, phenylmethyl ester Ascabin Scabitox Scobenol Benzyl phenylformate Phenylmethyl benzoate Benzoic acid, benzyl ester Colebenz Peruscabin Scabagen ScabancaScabiozon Vanzoate Scabide Benzyl benzenecarboxylate benzylbenzoate Antiscabiosum benzoas Benzyl alcohol benzoic ester Peruscabina Spasmodin Venzonate Benzylum benzoicum Benzylester kyseliny benzoove Benzoesaeurebenzylester


Caswell No. 082 Benzylbenzenecarboxylate Venzoate FEMA Number 2138 Benzyl benzoate (natural) 8081 UNII-N863NB338G FEMA No. 2138 HSDB 208 EINECS 204-402-9 MFCD00003075 Benzylester kyseliny benzoove [Czech] EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 009501 BRN 2049280 CHEMBL1239 AI3-00523 CHEBI:41237 SESFRYSPDFLNCH-UHFFFAOYSA-N N863NB338G NCGC00094981-03 Benzyl benzoate, 99+% DSSTox_CID_9153 DSSTox_RID_78686 DSSTox_GSID_29153 Benzyl benzoate, analytical standard Benzoate de benzyle BZM CAS-120-51-4 SMR000471875 Benzyl benzoate [USP:JAN] Acarobenzyl Benzevan benzyl-benzoate Benzyl benzoate [USAN:JAN] Benzyl benzoat Benzoic acid phenylmethyl ester Benzyl ester 1dzm Benylate (TN) Benzoesaurebenzylester Spectrum_001240 Benzoic acid-benzyl ester Spectrum2_000532 Spectrum3_001757 Spectrum4_000773 Spectrum5_001128 Benzyl benzoate 99+ % ACMC-1C8AP WLN: RVO1R Benzyl benzoate, >=99% EC 204-402-9 AC1L1DH0 SCHEMBL3038 BENZYL BENZOATE BP98 BSPBio_003494 KBioGR_001186 KBioSS_001720 -09-00-00307 (Beilstein Handbook Reference) KSC174Q0R MLS001066412 MLS001336003 MLS001336004 DivK1c_000204 SPECTRUM1503002 SPBio_000543 Benzyl benzoate (JP17/USP) AC1Q661C ZINC1021 DTXSID8029153 BENZOIC ACID,BENZYL ESTER CTK0H4808 HMS500K06 KBio1_000204 KBio2_001720 KBio2_004288 KBio2_006856 KBio3_002714 KS-00000UHX NSC8081 NINDS_000204 HMS1921P16 HMS2092F20 HMS2269D24 Pharmakon1600-01503002 HY-B0935 NSC-8081 Tox21_111372 Tox21_201337 Tox21_303418 ANW-17509 CCG-39578 NSC758204 s4599 SBB058609 STL183088 AKOS003495939 Benzyl benzoate, >=99%, FCC, FG Tox21_111372_1 DB00676 LS-2573 MCULE-4369643785 NSC-758204 RL00855 RTR-003391 IDI1_000204 Benzyl benzoate, for synthesis, 99.0% NCGC00094981-01NCGC00094981-02 NCGC00094981-04 NCGC00094981-05 NCGC00094981-07 NCGC00257502-01 NCGC00258889-01 AC-17033 AK308304 AN-22825 ZB000222 SBI-0051748.P002 DB-041563 TR-003391 B0064 FT-0622708 ST50406335 Benzyl benzoate, natural, >=99%, FCC, FG benzoate, ReagentPlus(R), >=99.0% Benzyl benzoate, SAJ first grade, >=98.0% Benzyl benzoate, tested according to Ph.Eur. A14577 A19449 Benzyl benzoate, SAJ special grade, >=99.0% C12537 D01138 AB00052298_07 Benzyl benzoate, Vetec(TM) reagent grade, 98% Benzyl benzoate, meets USP testing specifications


Benzyl benzoate
PubChem CID: 2345
Benzyl benzoate_small.png
Benzyl benzoate_3D_Structure.png
Find Similar Structures
Chemical Safety: 
Irritant Environmental Hazard

Benzyl benzoate is a benzoate ester obtained by the formal condensation of benzoic acid with benzyl alcohol. It has been isolated from the plant species of the genus Polyalthia. It has a role as a scabicide, an acaricide and a plant metabolite. It is a benzyl ester and a benzoate ester. It derives from a benzoic acid. from ChEBI Benzyl benzoate is one of the older preparations used to treat scabies. Scabies is a skin infection caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei. It is characterised by severe itching (particularly at night), red spots, and may lead to a secondary infection. Benzyl benzoate is lethal to this mite and so is useful in the treatment of scabies. It is also used to treat lice infestation of the head and body. Benzyl benzoate is not the treatment of choice for scabies due to its irritant properties. from DrugBank Benzyl benzoate is one of the older preparations used to treat scabies. Scabies is a skin infection caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei. It is characterised by severe itching (particularly at night), red spots, and may lead to a secondary infection. Benzyl benzoate is lethal to this mite and so is useful in the treatment of scabies. It is also used to treat lice infestation of the head and body. Benzyl benzoate is not the treatment of choice for scabies due to its irritant properties. from Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) 1Structures HelpNew Window 1.12D Structure HelpNew Window Similar Structures Get Image Download Chemical Structure Depiction Benzyl benzoate.png Full screen in Zoom out from PubChem 1.23D Conformer HelpNew Window Get Image Download Interactive Chemical Structure Model Ball and Stick Sticks Wire-Frame Space-Filling Show Hydrogens Animate Full screen Zoom in Zoom out rom PubChem 1.3Crystal Structures HelpNew Window PDBe Ligand Code BZM PDBe Structure Code 1DZM PDBe Conformer  More Actions Menu Interactive Chemical Structure Model Ball and StickSticksWire-FrameSpace-Filling Show Hydrogens Animate Full screen Zoom in Zoom out from Protein Data Bank in Europe (PDBe) 2Names and Identifiers HelpNew Window 2.1Computed Descriptors HelpNew Window 2.1.1IUPAC Name HelpNew Window benzyl benzoate from PubChem 2.1.2InChI HelpNew Window InChI=1S/C14H12O2/c15-14(13-9-5-2-6-10-13)16-11-12-7-3-1-4-8-12/h1-10H,11H2 from PubChem 2.1.3InChI Key HelpNew Window SESFRYSPDFLNCH-UHFFFAOYSA-N from PubChem 2.1.4Canonical SMILES HelpNew Window C1=CC=C(C=C1)COC(=O)C2=CC=CC=C2 from PubChem


2.2Molecular Formula HelpNew Window
C14H12O2 from ILO International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC); PubChem 2.3Other Identifiers HelpNew Window 2.3.1CAS HelpNew Window 120-51-4 from ChemIDplus; DrugBank; DTP/NCI; EPA Chemicals under the TSCA; EPA DSSTox; European Chemicals Agency (ECHA); HSDB; Human Metabolome Database (HMDB); ILO International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC); The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 2.3.2European Community (EC) Number HelpNew Window 204-402-9 from European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) 2.3.3FEMA Number HelpNew Window 2138 from Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA) 2.3.4ICSC Number HelpNew Window 0390 from ILO International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC) 2.3.5NSC Number HelpNew Window 758204 from DTP/NCI 8081 from DTP/NCI 2.3.6RTECS Number HelpNew Window DG4200000 from The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 2.3.7UNII HelpNew Window N863NB338G from FDA/SPL Indexing Data 2.3.8Wikipedia HelpNew Window Benzyl benzoate rom Wikipedia 2.4Synonyms HelpNew Window 2.4.1MeSH Entry Terms HelpNew Window Acaril Acarosan Ansar Antiscabiosum Ascabiol Benzanil Benzemul benzyl benzoate Benzylbenzoaat Smeersel FNA Novoscabin from MeSH 2.4.2Depositor-Supplied Synonyms HelpNew Window BENZYL BENZOATE 120-51-4 Ascabiol Benylate Novoscabin Benzoic acid benzyl ester Benzoic acid, phenylmethyl ester Ascabin Scabitox Scobenol Benzyl phenylformate Phenylmethyl benzoate Benzoic acid, benzyl ester Benzylets Colebenz Peruscabin Scabagen Scabanca Scabiozon Vanzoate Scabide Benzyl benzenecarboxylate benzylbenzoate Antiscabiosum Benzylis benzoas Benzyl alcohol benzoic ester Peruscabina Spasmodin VenzonateBenzylum benzoicum Benzylester kyseliny benzoove Benzoesaeurebenzylester


Caswell No. 082 Benzylbenzenecarboxylate Venzoate FEMA Number 2138 Benzyl benzoate (natural) NSC 8081 UNII-N863NB338G FEMA No. 2138 HSDB 208 EINECS 204-402-9 MFCD00003075 Benzylester kyseliny benzoove [Czech] EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 009501 BRN 2049280 CHEMBL1239 AI3-00523 CHEBI:41237 SESFRYSPDFLNCH-UHFFFAOYSA-N N863NB338G NCGC00094981-03 Benzyl benzoate, 99+% DSSTox_CID_9153 DSSTox_RID_78686 DSSTox_GSID_29153 Benzyl benzoate, analytical standard Benzoate de benzyle BZM CAS-120-51-4 SMR000471875 benzylbenzoat Benzyl benzoate [USP:JAN] Acarobenzyl Benzevan benzyl-benzoate Benzyl benzoate [USAN:JAN] Benzyl benzoat Benzoic acid phenylmethyl esterBenzyl ester 1dzm Benylate (TN) Benzoesaurebenzylester Spectrum_001240 Benzoic acid-benzyl ester Spectrum2_000532 Spectrum3_001757 Spectrum4_000773 Spectrum5_001128 Benzyl benzoate 99+ % ACMC-1C8AP WLN: RVO1R Benzyl benzoate, >=99% EC 204-402-9 AC1L1DH0 SCHEMBL3038 BENZYL BENZOATE BP98 BSPBio_003494 KBioGR_001186 KBioSS_001720 4-09-00-00307 (Beilstein Handbook Reference) KSC174Q0RMLS001066412 MLS001336003MLS001336004 DivK1c_000204 SPECTRUM1503002 SPBio_000543 Benzyl benzoate (JP17/USP) AC1Q661C ZINC1021 DTXSID8029153 BENZOIC ACID,BENZYL ESTER CTK0H4808HMS500K06 KBio1_000204 KBio2_001720 KBio2_004288 KBio2_006856 KBio3_002714 KS-00000UHX NSC8081 NINDS_000204 HMS1921P16 HMS2092F20 HMS2269D24 Pharmakon1600-01503002 HY-B0935 NSC-8081 ox21_111372 Tox21_201337 Tox21_303418 ANW-17509 BDBM50134035 CCG-39578 NSC758204 s4599 SBB058609 STL183088 AKOS003495939 Benzyl benzoate, >=99%, FCC, FG Tox21_111372_1 DB00676 LS-2573 MCULE-4369643785 NSC-758204 RL00855 RTR-003391  Benzyl benzoate, for synthesis, 99.0% NCGC00094981-01 NCGC00094981-02 NCGC00094981-04 NCGC00094981-05 NCGC00094981-07 NCGC00257502-01 NCGC00258889-01 AC-17033 AK308304 AN-22825 ZB000222 SBI-0051748.P002 DB-041563 TR-003391B0064 FT-0622708 ST50406335 Benzyl benzoate, natural, >=99%, FCC, FG Benzyl benzoate, ReagentPlus(R), >=99.0% Benzyl benzoate, SAJ first grade, >=98.0% Benzyl benzoate, tested according to Ph.Eur. A14577 A19449 Benzyl benzoate, SAJ special grade, >=99.0% C12537 D01138 AB00052298_07 Benzyl benzoate, Vetec(TM) reagent grade, 98% Benzyl benzoate, meets USP testing specifications SR-01000763773 Benzoic acid-benzyl ester 5000 microg/mL in Hexane I14-6951 Q-200696 SR-01000763773-2 BRD-K52072429-001-06-1 Benzoic acid benzyl ester; Benzoic acid phenylmethyl ester Benzyl benzoate, certified reference material, TraceCERT(R) Benzyl benzoate, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard Benzyl benzoate, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified Reference Material InChI=1/C14H12O2/c15-14(13-9-5-2-6-10-13)16-11-12-7-3-1-4-8-12/h1-10H,11H from PubChem 3Chemical and Physical Properties HelpNew Window 3.1Computed Properties HelpNew Window Property Name Property Value Molecular Weight 212.24 g/mol XLogP3 4 Hydrogen Bond Donor Count 0 Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 2 Rotatable Bond Count 4 Exact Mass 212.08373 g/mol Monoisotopic Mass 212.08373 g/mol Topological Polar Surface Area 26.3 A^2 Heavy Atom Count 16 Formal Charge 0 Complexity 213

Benzyl benzoate should not be applied to acutely inflamed skin or raw, weeping surfaces. If primary irritation or hypersensitivity occurs, treatment should be discontinued and the drug removed with soap and water.
Comments No safety concern at current levels of intake when used as a flavouring agent. The 1996 group ADI of 0-5 mg/kg bw for benzoic acid, the benzoate salts (calcium, potassium and sodium), benzaldehyde, benzyl acetate, benzyl alcohol and benzyl benzoate, expressed as benzoic acid equivalents, was maintained at the fifty-seventh meeting (2001).

Benzyl benzoate is one of the older preparations used to treat scabies. Scabies is a skin infection caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei. It is characterised by severe itching (particularly at night), red spots, and may lead to a secondary infection. Benzyl benzoate is lethal to this mite and so is useful in the treatment of scabies. It is also used to treat lice infestation of the head and body. Benzyl benzoate is not the treatment of choice for scabies due to its irritant properties.

PMID:21922633 Kockaya EA, Kilic A et al; Environ Toxicol 29 (1): 40-53 (2014) from HSDB The percutaneous absorption of benzyl benzoate measured in vivo in human and monkey studies. With the application sites occluded, 54% of the applied dose penetrated human skin in 24 hr compared with 69% absorption in the monkey skin. PMID:2379896 Bronaugh RL et al; Food Chem Toxicol 28 (5): 369-74 (1990) from HSDB 10.5Metabolism/Metabolites HelpNew Window Rapidly hydrolyzed to benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol, which is further oxidized to benzoic acid. The benzoic acid is conjugated with glycine to form hippuric acid. from DrugBank Converted to hippuric acid in vivo. Gosselin, R.E., R.P. Smith, H.C. Hodge. Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products. 5th ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1984., p. II-203 from HSDB 10.6Mechanism of Action HelpNew Window Benzyl benzoate exerts toxic effects on the nervous system of the parasite, resulting in its death. It is also toxic to mite ova, though its exact mechanism of action is unknown. In vitro, benzyl benzoate has been found to kill the Sarcoptes mite within 5 minutes. from DrugBank 10.7Human Metabolite Information HelpNew Window 10.7.1Metabolite Description HelpNew Window Description Benzyl benzoate is one of the older preparations used to treat scabies. Scabies is a skin infection caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei. It is characterised by severe itching (particularly at night), red spots, and may lead to a secondary infection. Benzyl benzoate is lethal to this mite and so is useful in the treatment of scabies. It is also used to treat lice infestation of the head and body. Benzyl benzoate is not the treatment of choice for scabies due to its irritant properties.

from Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) 10.7.2Cellular Locations HelpNew Window Membrane from Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) 10.8Biochemical Reactions HelpNew Window 1 item View More Details Download Rhea Accession Reaction RHEA:30411 benzoyl-CoA + benzyl alcohol = CoA + benzyl benzoate from Rhea - annotated reactions database 11Use and Manufacturing HelpNew Window 11.1Overview HelpNew Window  IDENTIFICATION: Benzyl benzoate is a colorless oily liquid. It can also be in the form of leaflets. It has an almond taste and a pleasant odor. It is nearly insoluble in water. Benzyl benzoate occurs in many plants and essential oils. USE: Benzyl benzoate is an important commercial chemical. It is used in making plastics, as a solvent, in making other chemicals, as a food flavoring, and in perfumes. It is also used as a skin medication for humans and dogs in treating mites. Benzoyl benzoate is used to control dust mites in carpets and furniture. EXPOSURE: Workers who use benzyl benzoate may breathe in vapors or have direct skin contact. The general population may be exposed by vapors, dermal contact, and consumption of food containing benzyl benzoate. If benzyl benzoate is released to the environment, it will be broken down in air. It may be broken down by sunlight. It will not move into air from moist soil and water. It is not expected to move through soil. It will be broken down by microorganisms and is expected to build up in fish. RISK: The World Health Organization Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives determined that the flavoring agent benzyl benzoate does not pose any health risks at levels used in food. Irritation of the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract may occur following exposure to benzyl benzoate on the skin or in the air. Severe coughing, asthma attacks and rashes were reported in some asthma sufferers exposed to benzoyl benzoate in mite control consumer products. Nervous system toxicity (staggering, decreased activity, drowsiness, decreased breathing rate, brain lesions), damage to the thymus, kidneys, and skeletal muscle, decreased body weight, and internal bleeding were reported in laboratory animals following repeated exposure to very high oral doses of benzyl benzoate. Some animals died. No evidence of abortion or birth defects were observed in laboratory animals exposed to benzyl benzoate during pregnancy. Decreased fetal body weight and altered bone development were observed at very high dose levels. Data on the potential for benzyl benzoate to cause infertility were not available. Data on the potential for benzyl benzoate to cause cancer in laboratory animals were not available. However, no tumors were induced in laboratory animals exposed to benzyl alcohol, which is the main chemical breakdown product of benzyl benzoate in the human body. The potential for benzyl benzoate to cause cancer in humans has not been assessed by the U.S. EPA IRIS program, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, or the U.S. National Toxicology Program 14th Report on Carcinogens. The U.S. EPA Office of Pesticides Program determined that benzyl benzoate is not expected to be carcinogenic based on no evidence of carcinogenicity in laboratory animals exposed to its breakdown product benzyl alcohol. (SRC)


Benzyl benzoate is available as a ready-to-use powder and an aerosol (spray). USEPA/Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances; Reregistration Eligibility Decision Document - Benzyl Benzoate (Benzoic Acid case 4013) p.4, EPA-HQ-OPP-2007-0470-0002 (June 2007). Available from, as of December 19, 2018: https://iaspub.epa.gov/apex/pesticides/f?p=chemicalsearch:1 from HSDB Grade: Technical, USP, FCC. Larranaga, M.D., Lewis, R.J. Sr., Lewis, R.A.; Hawley`s Condensed Chemical Dictionary 16th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ 2016., p. 159 from 
Mosquitoes were not repelled by benzyl benzoate applied on vermiculite to 0.5 & 1 acre plots. Gorham JR; Mosq News 34 (4): 409 (1974) from HSDB Marketing status: Discontinued (50% strength; Emulsion; Topical) US FDA; Drugs@FDA: FDA Approved Drug Products. Benzyl Benzoate. Available from, as of Oct 3, 2018: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/daf/index.cfm?

About BENZYL BENZOATE: Benzyl benzoate is used as solvent and preservative; associated with allergies and contact dermatitis.

Benzyl benzoate is one of the older preparations used to treat scabies. Scabies is a skin infection caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei. It is characterised by severe itching (particularly at night), red spots, and may lead to a secondary infection. Benzyl benzoate is lethal to this mite and so is useful in the treatment of scabies. It is also used to treat lice infestation of the head and body. Benzyl benzoate is not the treatment of choice for scabies due to its irritant properties. Mechanism of action Benzyl benzoate exerts toxic effects on the nervous system of the parasite, resulting in its death. It is also toxic to mite ova, though its exact mechanism of action is unknown. In vitro, benzyl benzoate has been found to kill the Sarcoptes mite within 5 minutes. Absorption No data are available on percutaneous absorption of benzyl benzoate. Some older studies have suggested some percutaneous absorption, however the amount was not quantified. Volume of distribution Not Available Protein binding Not Available Metabolism Rapidly hydrolyzed to benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol, which is further oxidized to benzoic acid. The benzoic acid is conjugated with glycine to form hippuric acid. Route of elimination Not Available Half life Not Available Clearance Not Available   Oral, rabbit: LD50 = 1680 mg/kg; Skin, rabbit: LD50 = 4000 mg/kg. Symptoms of overdose include blister formation, crusting, itching, oozing, reddening, or scaling of skin; difficulty in urinating (dribbling); jerking movements; sudden loss of consciousness.


7.1.2 Benzyl Benzoate
Benzyl benzoate was first used in the form of "balsam of Peru", of which it forms the active constituent and which is still used in some countries with the attendant risk of contact irritancy (Temesvart et al., 1978). The first real trials of benzyl benzoate itself were performed by Kissmeyer (1937), but its use was largely established by the trials conducted by Mellanby and co-workers (Mellanby et al., 1942a; Mellanby, 1972, 1973). At therapeutic concentrations it is a skin irritant and may cause severe stinging, especially of excoriated skin, and consequently was soon not recommended for use on children (Bradshaw, 1944). Dilution to make it more acceptable seriously reduces its efficacy, as does incomplete application or not making the generally accepted two or three applications (Alexander, 1984; Bums, 1991). In contrast, Mellanby et al. (1942a) obtained nearly 100% effectiveness with a single application. This treatment has made a brief come-back in some parts of eastern Europe and countries of the former Soviet Union in recent years (Levkov, 1980; Fedorovskaia et al., 1986) as part of more concentrated efforts to control the disease.
Treatment of scabies is with topical permethrin, benzyl benzoate, malathion or oral ivermectin. The patient should apply 5% permethrin cream to the whole body, including the scalp, all folds, groin, navel, external genitalia and skin under the nails, washing it off after 12?hours. In adults with classical scabies, treatment of the face is controversial, but in babies the skin of the face should also be treated. A second application 7 days after the original treatment must be prescribed and all the affected members of a household require treatment at the same time to prevent cyclical reinfestations. Oral ivermectin is being increasingly used as a first-line treatment. Severe outbreaks require a second dose of ivermectin at a 2-week interval (200?µg/kg body weight). Treatment of secondary bacterial infection and antihistamines may be required. Washing clothes and linen at 60° will kill all the young fecundated female mites (an alternative is to keep these in a plastic bag for 48-72?hours, as mites separated from the human host die within this time). It is important to explain that pruritus commonly lasts for several weeks after cure, which may be partially alleviated by non-sedating or sedating antihistamines.30
Systemic effects
Acute toxicity: No information found for benzoin. Benzyl alcohol and benzyl benzoate possess low acute toxicity (see Constituent profiles, Chapter 14).


4.12.6 Medications for lice and scabies
For topical treatment of pediculosis (lice infestation), dimeticone, coconut oil, pyrethrum, permethrin, malathion and allethrin I are used. For topical treatment of scabies, , crotamiton and permethrin are available. Scabies may be treated systemically with ivermectin which is not licensed for this indication in all countries (Chapter 4.4). Topical medications containing lindane have been removed from the market in many countries.

Knowledge about the passage of medications for parasites into the mother`s milk is scarce and is practically only available for the now obsolete lindane, an insecticide which is widespread in the environment. Our environment is widely contaminated with lindane; it can be detected in the mother`s milk due to contaminated food, without therapeutic usage (Chapter 4.18). Studies with a 0.25% lindane solution showed dermal absorption of barely 10%. In one case, after a 3-day scabies treatment, 0.9 mg/kg (ppm) lindane was measured in the milk fat (1 liter of milk has, on average, 30-35 g of milk fat). After another one-time application it was 2.0 mg/kg. Compared to the average environmental contamination load of mother`s milk, this was more than a 60-fold increase (Senger 1989). Lindane is neurotoxic; cerebral seizures after repeated topical applications in children are reported (Daud 2010). However, nothing is published on clinical effects after exposure through the mother`s milk.

For the rest of the above-mentioned substances, no toxic effects by exposure via the mother`s milk are expected. Pyrethrum has a shorter half-life than the synthetic pyrethroids. In the USA, permethrin is approved from the age of 3 months. The experience to date on therapeutic use in infants does not indicate any appreciable side-effects after breast feeding (Fölster-Holst 2000).

What Is It?
Benzyl Alcohol is an organic alcohol found in many fruits and teas. Benzyl Alcohol has a hydroxyl group (-OH), while the related compound, Benzoic Acid has a carboxyl group (-COOH). Sodium Benzoate, Calcium Benzoate and Potassium Benzoate are salts of Benzoic Acid. Benzyl Benzoate is an ester of Benzyl Alcohol and Benzoic Acid. Benzyl Alcohol, Benzoic Acid and its salts, and Benzyl Benzoate are used in a wide variety of cosmetics and personal care products, including baby products, bath products, soaps and detergents, eye makeup, blushers, cleansing products, make up products, as well as hair, nail and skin care products. Why is it used in cosmetics and personal care products? The following functions have been reported for these ingredients.  Corrosion inhibitor - Sodium Benzoate ragrance ingredient - Benzyl Alcohol, Benzoic Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Benzyl Benzoate pH adjuster - Benzoic Acid Preservative - Benzyl Alcohol, Benzoic Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Calcium Benzoate, Potassium Benzoate Solvent - Benzyl Alcohol, Benzyl Benzoate Viscosity decreasing agent - Benzyl Alcohol Follow this link for more information about how preservatives protect cosmetics and personal care products.
Scientific Facts:  Benzyl Alcohol and Benzoic Acid are found naturally in many foods such as apricots, snap beans, cocoa, cranberries, mushrooms and honey. Benzyl Alcohol is also found in the essential oil of many plants, including jasmine, hyacinth and ylang-ylang. Benzyl benzoate Download Zoom   
Benzyl benzoate Ph Eur,BP,USP. CAS No. 120-51-4, EC Number 204-402-9.
Benzyl benzoate: Malzeme Güvenlik Bilgi Formu (MSDS) veya SDS, Analiz Sertifikası (COA) ve Kalite Uygunluk Sertifikası (COQ), dosyalar, broşürler ve diğer dokümanlar.

General information

Benzyl benzoate is a synthetic compound that is produced from benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol. It is toxic to the ectoparasites Sarcoptes scabiei hominis, Pediculus humanus capitis, P. humanus corporis and Pthirus pubis.




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