1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z


 Akrilik asit, 2 propenoik asit yada vinilformik asit gibi isimleri de mevcuttur. Akrilik asit, akrilonitrilin hidrolizi ya da akroleinin yükseltgenmesiyle elde edilir. Akrilik asit, su, alkol ve eterle karışır. Oksijenin varlığında akrilik asit kolaylıkla pölimerleşir.

 Akrilik asitin başlıca kullanım alanı plastiklerin yapımı olmasının yanı sıra; polimerlerin üretiminde başlangıç maddesidir. Akrilik asit ,kalıplanmış yapı malzemeleri, optik gereçler,

 mücevherat, yapıştırıcılar, kaplama malzemeleri ve dokuma elyafı gibi çeşitli bileşiklerin hammaddesi ve yüzey aktifleştirici olarak kullanılır.


Akrilik Asit

Fiziksel özelliği : Renksiz Kokulu Sıvı


Kimyasal Formülü : C3H4O2


Molekül ağırlığı: 72,06 g/mol


Ambalaj şekli : Varil/IBC


Akrilik asit(propenoik asit) ; organik ve kuvvetli bir asittir.Oda şartlarında renksiz ve keskin kokulu sıvı asitlerdir.


Kullanım Alanları


-Polimerlerin üretiminde başlangıç maddesidir.


-Plastikler,kaplamalar,yapıştırıcılar,boya ve cila gibi bir çok maddenin üretiminde kullanılırlar.


-Dokuma elyafının hammaddesidir.


-Kağıt sektöründe kullanılmaktadır.


-Optik gereçler, mücevherat yapımında ana hammadde olarak kullanılır.



Akrilik Asit

Fiziksel özelliği : Renksiz Kokulu Sıvı


Kimyasal Formülü : C3H4O2


Molekül ağırlığı: 72,06 g/mol


Ambalaj şekli : Varil/IBC


Akrilik asit(propenoik asit) ; organik ve kuvvetli bir asittir.Oda şartlarında renksiz ve keskin kokulu sıvı asitlerdir.


Kullanım Alanları


-Polimerlerin üretiminde başlangıç maddesidir.


-Plastikler,kaplamalar,yapıştırıcılar,boya ve cila gibi bir çok maddenin üretiminde kullanılırlar.


-Dokuma elyafının hammaddesidir.


-Kağıt sektöründe kullanılmaktadır.


-Optik gereçler, mücevherat yapımında ana hammadde olarak kullanılır.


Tepkiler ve kullanımlar

Akrilik asit, bir karboksilik asidin tipik reaksiyonlarından geçer. Bir alkol ile reaksiyona girdiğinde, ilgili esteri oluşturur. Akrilik asidin esterleri ve tuzları topluca akrilatlar (veya propenoatlar) olarak bilinir. Akrilik asidin en yaygın alkil esterleri metil, butil, etil ve 2-etilheksil akrilattır.


Akrilik asit ve esterleri, kendi aralarında (poliakrilik asit oluşturmak için) veya diğer monomerlerle (örneğin akrilamidler, akrilonitril, vinil bileşikler, stiren ve bütadien) çift bağlarında reaksiyona girerek, imalatta kullanılan homopolimerler veya kopolimerler oluşturarak kolayca birleşir. çeşitli plastiklerin, kaplamaların, yapıştırıcıların, elastomerlerin yanı sıra zemin cilaları ve boyaları.


Akrilik asit, çocuk bezi endüstrisi, su arıtma endüstrisi veya tekstil endüstrisi gibi birçok endüstride kullanılan bir bileşiktir. Dünya ölçeğinde akrilik asit tüketim oranının 2020 yılına kadar tahmini 8.000 kilo tonun üzerine çıkacağı tahmin edilmektedir. Bu artışın, bu ürünün kişisel bakım ürünleri, deterjanlar ve ürünler de dahil olmak üzere yeni uygulamalarda kullanılmasının bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkması beklenmektedir. yetişkin inkontinans için kullanılan.



Bir sübstitüent olarak akrilik asit, grubun molekülden çıkarılmasına bağlı olarak bir asil grubu veya bir karboksialkil grubu olarak bulunabilir. Daha spesifik olarak, bunlar:


Akriloil grubu, OH'nin karbon-1'den çıkarılmasıyla.

2-karboksietenil grubu, aH'nin karbon-3'ten çıkarılmasıyla. Bu ikame grubu klorofilde bulunur.


Akrilik asit cildi ve solunum sistemini ciddi şekilde tahriş eder ve aşındırır. Göz teması ciddi ve geri döndürülemez yaralanmalara neden olabilir. Düşük maruz kalma, minimum düzeyde veya hiç sağlık etkisine neden olmazken, yüksek düzeyde maruz kalma akciğer ödemine neden olabilir. LD50 340 mg / kg'dır (sıçan, oral).

Cas No. : 79 - 10 -7

EC No. : 201-177-9

Synonyms :
Akrilik asit ; Akrilikasit ; acrilik asit ; akrilic asit ; aciralic acid ; aciralic acid ; akiralik asit ; akirlik asit ; acrylyc acid ; Prop-2-enoic acid ; acroleic acid ; ethylenecarboxylic acid ; propene acid ; propenoic acid ; vinylformic acid ; propanoic acid ; acrylic acid , 2-Propenoic acid ; Acide acrylique ; acido acrilico ; Acroleic acid ; acrylic acid ; ACRYLSAEURE ; Acrylsaure ; Ethylenecarboxylic acid ; Glacial Acrylic Acid ; NSC 4765 ; Propenoic acid ; Acrylic acid and 2-methylacrylic acid and their esters ;UN 221 ; UN 2218 ; Vinylformic acid ; 2-Propenoic acid ; ACRYLIC ACID; 2-Propenoic acid; 79-10-7; Propenoic acid; Acroleic acid; Vinylformic acid , Acrylic Acid, Glacial , 2-Propenoic Acid, Acroleic Acid, ; Vinyl Formic Acid ; Acroleic acid, Aqueous acrylic acid (technical grade is 94%), Ethylenecarboxylic acid, Glacial acrylic acid (98% in aqueous solution), 2-Propenoic acid ; 2-Propenoic acid ; 79-10-7
Acide acrylique ; Ácido acrílico ; Acrylic acid , Acrylsäure Acrylzuur ; Akrilik asit ; Kyselina akrylova ; MFCD00004367 ; prop-2-enoic acid ; Vinyl formic acid , Προπενικό_οξύ
Акриловая кислота ; アクリル酸 [Japanese] ; 丙烯酸 ; [79-10-7] ; 201-177-9
212-454-9 ; 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 2-hydroxyethyl ester, polymer with ethenyl acetate and 2-ethylhexyl 2-propenoate ; 4-02-00-01455 ; 635743 ; 95387-98-7 ; Acide acrylique , Acido acrilio
acroleic acid ; Acrylic acid homopolymer ; Acrylic acid polymer ; Acrylic acid, polymer ; Acrylic polymer ; Acrylic polymer resins ; Antiprex 461 ; Antiprex A ; Arasorb 750 ; Arasorb S 100F ; Arolon
Aron ; Aron A 10H ; Carbomer 1342 ; Carbomer 910 ; Carbomer 934 ; Carbomer 934 ; Carbomer 934P ; Carbomer 934p ; Carbomer 940 ; Carbomer 940 ; Carbomer 941 Carbomer 941
Carbomere ; Carbomero ; Carbomerum ; Carbopol 1342 ; Carbopol 910 ; Carbopol 934 ; Carbopol 934P ; Carbopol 940 ; Carbopol 941 ; Carboxy vinyl polymer ; carboxyethylene ; Carpolene
Cyguard 266 ; D03392 ; D03393 ; D03394 ; D03395 ; D03396 ; D03397 ; Dispex C40 ; Dow Latex 354
EINECS 201-177-9
ethylenecarboxylic acid
Haloflex 202
Haloflex 208
Joncryl 678
Junlon 110
Jurimer AC 10H
Jurimer AC 10P
Kyselina akrylova
Kyselina akrylova [Czech]
Nalfloc 636
Neocryl A-1038
pCarbopol 940
Pemulen TR-1
Pemulen TR-2
Poly(acrylic acid) partial sodium salt solution
Polyacrylate elastomers
Polymer of 2-propenoic acid, cross-linked with allyl ethers of pentaerythritol
Polymer of 2-propenoic acid, cross-linked with allyl ethers of sucrose
Polymer of 2-propenoic acid, cross-linked with allyl ethers of sucrose or pentaerythritol
Polymer of acrylic acid, cross-linked with allyl ethers of pentaerythritol
Polymer of acrylic acid, cross-linked with allyl ethers of sucrose or pentaerythritol
Polymer, carboxy vinyl
Polymerized acrylic acid
Primal ASE 60
propene acid
Propenoic acid polymer
Revacryl A 191
Rohagit SD 15
Sokalan PAS
Solidokoll N
The viscosity of a neutralized 1.0 percent aqueous dispersion of Carbomer 1342 is between 9,500 and 26,500 centipoises
Versicol E 7
Versicol E15
Versicol E9
Versicol K 11
Versicol S 25
Vinylformic acid
Viscalex HV 30
Viscon 103



Acrylic acids found as a colorless liquid at room temperature and pressure and sharp odor acids. Acrylyc acid used for esterification (94%) and water-soluble resin used in construction (98-% 99,5'lik%) . Acrilic acid is available commercially including the second degree. Light, easily polymerized when exposed to heat, or metal. Always requires an X indicator for polymerization.


Akrilik asit, oda sıcaklığı ve basıncında sıvı olarak bulunan renksiz ve keskin kokulu asitlerdir. Akirlik asitin esterleşme için kullanılan (%94'lük) ve suda çözünebilen reçine yapımında kullanılan (%98-%99,5'lik) olmak üzere ticari olarak kullanılabilir 2 derecesi vardır. Akrilikasitler ışık, ısı ya da metale maruz bırakıldığında kolayca polimerleşir. Polimerleşme için her zaman bir x indikatörü bulunmalıdır.


Acrylic acid (IUPAC: propenoic acid) is an organic compound with the formula CH2=CHCOOH. It is the simplest unsaturated carboxylic acid, consisting of a vinyl group connected directly 

to a carboxylic acid terminus. This colorless liquid has a characteristic acrid or tart smell. It is miscible with water, alcohols, ethers, and chloroform. More than a million tons

 are produced annually.


Acrylic acid



Acrylic acid is a colorless liquid above its freezing point of +13°C ( +56°F). It is fully miscible in water at +20°C (+68°F).

Acrylic acid will polymerize to form homopolymers and can be copolymerized with their esters and other vinyl monomers. Its carboxylic acid functionality provides anionic character and reactivity with alcohols and epoxides.


IUPAC name

Acrylic acid

Systematic IUPAC name

Prop-2-enoic acid

Other names

Acrylic acid

Acroleic acid

Ethylenecarboxylic acid

Propenoic acid

Vinylformic acid


Acrylic acid (GAA) is made by the direct oxidation of propylene. It is a raw material for various esters, super absorbent polymers (SAP), dispersants, flocculants, thickening agents, and adhesives.

EINECS: No. 201-177-9



The word "acrylic" was coined in 1843, for a chemical derivative of acrolein, an acrid-smelling oil derived from glycerol.



Acrylic acid is produced by oxidation of propylene, which is a byproduct of the production of ethylene and gasoline:


CH2=CHCH3 + ​3⁄2 O2 → CH2=CHCO2H + H2O

Historical methods

Because acrylic acid and its esters have long been valued commercially, many other methods have been developed. Most have been abandoned for economic or environmental reasons. An early method was the hydrocarboxylation of acetylene ("Reppe chemistry"):


Acrylic acid synthesis from acethylene.png

This method requires nickel carbonyl, high pressures of carbon monoxide, and acetylene, which is relatively expensive compared to propylene.


Acrylic acid was once manufactured by the hydrolysis of acrylonitrile, a material derived from propene by ammoxidation, but this route was abandoned because it cogenerates ammonium side products, which must be disposed of. Other now abandoned precursors to acrylic acid include ethenone and ethylene cyanohydrin.[6]



Propane is a significantly cheaper raw material than propylene, so one alternative route being explored is the one-step selective oxidation of propane.


Carboxylating ethylene to acrylic acid under supercritical carbon dioxide condition is thermodynamically possible, but efficient catalysts have not been developed. 3-Hydroxypropionic acid (3HP), an acrylic-acid precursor by dehydration, can be produced from sugars, but the process is not competitive.[9][10]


Reactions and uses

Acrylic acid undergoes the typical reactions of a carboxylic acid. When reacted with an alcohol, it forms the corresponding ester. The esters and salts of acrylic acid are collectively known as acrylates (or propenoates). The most common alkyl esters of acrylic acid are methyl, butyl, ethyl, and 2-ethylhexyl acrylate.


Acrylic acid and its esters readily combine with themselves (to form polyacrylic acid) or other monomers (e.g. acrylamides, acrylonitrile, vinyl compounds, styrene, and butadiene) by reacting at their double bond, forming homopolymers or copolymers, which are used in the manufacture of various plastics, coatings, adhesives, elastomers, as well as floor polishes and paints.


Acrylic acid is a compound, which is used in many industries like the diaper industry, the water treatment industry or the textiles industry. On a worldwide scale the consumption rate of acrylic acid is projected to reach more than an estimated 8,000 kilotons, by 2020. This increase is expected to occur as a result of using this product in new applications, including personal care products, detergents and products that are used for adult incontinence.[11]



As a substituent acrylic acid can be found as an acyl group or a carboxyalkyl group, depending on the removal of the group from the molecule.


More specifically, these are:


The acryloyl group, with the removal of the −OH from carbon-1.

The 2-carboxyethenyl group, with the removal of a −H from carbon-3. This substituent group is found in chlorophyll.


Acrylic acid is severely irritating and corrosive to the skin and the respiratory tract. Eye contact can result in severe and irreversible injury. Low exposure will cause minimal 

or no health effects, while high exposure could result in pulmonary edema. The LD50 is 340 mg/kg (rat, oral).


Acrylic acid is a constituent of tobacco smoke.


Acrylic acid, also known as 2-propenoic acid or acrylate, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as acrylic acids. These are organic compounds containing acrylic acid CH2=CHCO2H.

 Acrylic acid exists as a liquid, soluble (in water), and a weakly acidic compound (based on its pKa). Acrylic acid has been primarily detected in saliva. Within the cell, acrylic acid

 is primarily located in the cytoplasm. Acrylic acid participates in a number of enzymatic reactions. In particular, Acrylic acid can be biosynthesized from acrolein; which is catalyzed 

by the enzymes retinal dehydrogenase 1 and aldehyde dehydrogenase, dimeric nadp-preferring. In addition, Acrylic acid can be biosynthesized from acrolein; which is catalyzed by the 

enzymes retinal dehydrogenase 1 and aldehyde dehydrogenase, dimeric nadp-preferring. In humans, acrylic acid is involved in the ifosfamide metabolism pathway, the cyclophosphamide

 metabolism pathway, the cyclophosphamide action pathway, and the ifosfamide action pathway. Outside of the human body, acrylic acid can be found in pineapple. This makes acrylic 

acid a potential biomarker for the consumption of this food product.


Acrylic acid, [waste] appears as a colorless liquid with a distinctive acrid odor. Combustible. Flash point 130°F. Boiling point 286°F. Freezing point 121°F. Corrosive to metals and 

tissue. May polymerize under prolonged exposure to fire or heat. If polymerization occurs in a container violent rupture may occur. Generally shipped with an inhibitor such as 

hydroquinone to prevent polymerization.


CAMEO Chemicals

Acrylic acid is a colorless liquid with a distinctive acrid odor. Flash point 130°F. Boiling point 286°F. Freezing point 53°F. Corrosive to metals and tissue. Prolonged exposure

 to fire or heat can cause polymerization. If polymerization takes place in a closed container, violent rupture may occur. The inhibitor (usually hydroquinone) greatly reduces the

 tendency to polymerize.


Acrylic acid (IUPAC: propenoic acid) is an organic compound with the formula CH2=CHCOOH. It is the simplest unsaturated carboxylic acid, consisting of a vinyl group connected directly to a carboxylic acid terminus. This colorless liquid has a characteristic acrid or tart smell. It is miscible with water, alcohols, ethers, and chloroform. More than a million tons are produced annually.[5]



Acrylic acid is produced from propylene, which is a byproduct of ethylene and gasoline production:


CH2=CHCH3 + ​3⁄2 O2 → CH2=CHCO2H + H2O

Because propane is a significantly cheaper raw material than propylene, considerable research efforts are being undertaken to develop a process based on the one-step selective oxidation

of propane to acrylic acid.[6][7][8][9] Carboxylating ethylene to acrylic acid under supercritical carbon dioxide condition is thermodynamically possible when an efficient catalyst is 



Because acrylic acid and its esters have long been valued commercially, many other methods have been developed, but most have been abandoned for economic or environmental reasons. 

An early method was the hydrocarboxylation of acetylene ("Reppe chemistry"):



This method requires nickel carbonyl and high pressures of carbon monoxide. It[clarification needed] was once manufactured by the hydrolysis of acrylonitrile, which is derived from 

propene by ammoxidation, but was abandoned[clarification needed] because the method[which?] cogenerates ammonium derivatives. Other now abandoned precursors to acrylic acid include ethenone and ethylene cyanohydrin.[5]


Reactions and uses

Acrylic acid undergoes the typical reactions of a carboxylic acid. When reacted with an alcohol, it forms the corresponding ester. The esters and salts of acrylic acid are collectively

 known as acrylates (or propenoates). The most common alkyl esters of acrylic acid are methyl, butyl, ethyl, and 2-ethylhexyl acrylate.


Acrylic acid and its esters readily combine with themselves (to form polyacrylic acid) or other monomers (e.g. acrylamides, acrylonitrile, vinyl compounds, styrene, and butadiene)

 by reacting at their double bond, forming homopolymers or copolymers, which are used in the manufacture of various plastics, coatings, adhesives, elastomers, as well as floor polishes and paints.


Acrylic acid is a compound, which is used of many industries like the diaper industry, the water treatment industry or the textiles industry. On a worldwide scale the consumption 

rate of acrylic acid is projected to reach more than an estimated 8,000 kilo tons, by 2020. This increase is expected to occur as a result of using this product in new applications, 

including personal care products, detergents and products that are used for adult incontinence.



As a substituent acrylic acid can be found as an acyl group or a carboxyalkyl group, depending on the removal of the group from the molecule. More specifically, these are:


The acryloyl group, with the removal of the −OH from carbon-1.

The 2-carboxyethenyl group, with the removal of a −H from carbon-3. This substituent group is found in chlorophyll.


Acrylic acid is severely irritating and corrosive to the skin and the respiratory tract. Eye contact can result in severe and irreversible injury. Low exposure will cause minimal

 or no health effects, while high exposure could result in pulmonary edema. The LD50 is 340 mg/kg (rat, oral).


2-Propenoic acid

Acide acrylique

Acido acrilio

Acroleic acid

Acrylic acid

Acrylic acid, glacial


acrylic acid; prop-2-enoic acid

Ethylenecarboxylic acid

Glacial acrylic acid

Kyselina akrylova

Prop-2-enoic acid

Propene acid

Propenoic acid

Vinylformic acid

Translated names

2-propeno rūgštis (lt)

2-propensyra (sv)

2-propensyre (no)

acid acrilic (ro)

acid prop-2-enoic (ro)

acide acrylique; acide prop-2-énoïque (fr)

acido acrilico (it)

acrylsyre (da)

Acrylsäure (de)

acrylzuur (nl)

akrilna kiselina (hr)

akrilna kislina (sl)

akrilo rūgštis (lt)

akrilsav (hu)

akrilskābe (lv)

akrylová kyselina (cs)

akrylsyra (sv)

akrylsyre (no)

Akryylihappo (fi)

Akrüülhape (et)

kwas akrylowy (pl)

kwas etenokarboksylowy (pl)

kwas propenowy (pl)

kyselina akrylová (sk)

kyselina propénová (sk)

Prop-2-eenhape (et)

Prop-2-eenihappo (fi)

prop-2-enojska kislina (sl)

prop-2-enonska kiselina (hr)

prop-2-enová kyselina (cs)

prop-2-énsav (hu)

Propensäure (de)

propēn-2 skābe (lv)

ácido 2-propenoico (es)

ácido 2-propenóico (pt)

ácido acrílico (es)

ακρυλικο οξύ (el)

акрилова киселина (bg)

проп-2-енова киселина (bg)


IUPAC names

2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate


Acrylic Acid (stabilized with MEHQ)

Acrylic acid - MQ0028B

acrylic acid, acrylic acid glacial, acrylic acid technical




Trade names

2-Propenoic acid (9CI)

Acrylic acid (6CI, 7CI, 8CI)




High Purity Acrylic Acid



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