1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z

Фенилцелозольв (PHENOXYETHANOL )

 Номер CAS: 122-99-6; Название ИЮПАК: 2-феноксиэтанол; Феноксиэтанол; Монофениловый эфир этиленгликоля; Фенокситоларозол, дованол EP / EPH; Protectol PE; Emery 6705; Эфир розы, 1-гидрокси-2-феноксиэтан, β-гидроксиэтилфениловый эфир; Фенилцеллозольв, фениловый эфир этиленгликоля, 2-феноксиэтанол; № Cas: 122-99-6; Феноксиэтанол; Монофениловый эфир этиленгликоля; Этанол, 2-фенокси-; Фенилцеллозольв; Фенокситол; Феноксетол; Феноксетол; Фениловый эфир этиленгликоля; Феноксиэтиловый спирт

; 2-феноксиэтан-1-ол; 1-гидрокси-2-феноксиэтан; Эфир розового; Фенилмоногликолевый эфир; Арозол; Dowanol EP; 2-феноксиэтиловый спирт; Монофениловый эфир гликоля; 2-гидроксиэтилфениловый эфир; Фенилгликоль

; Фенилцеллозольв; 2-феноксиэтанол; Dowanol EPH; 2-феноксиэтанол; Emery 6705; Emeressence 1160; Фенилцелозольв; Marlophen P; бета-гидроксиэтилфениловый эфир; 2-феноксиэтанол, 2-феноксиэтанол; Эмукленс; Эрисепт; монофениловый эфир этиленгликоля; феноксетол; феноксиэтанол


2-Феноксиэтанол, также известный как фенилцеллозольв или фенокситол, относится к классу органических соединений, известных как простые эфиры фенола. Это ароматические соединения, содержащие эфирную группу, замещенную бензольным кольцом. 2-Феноксиэтанол существует в виде твердого, растворимого (в воде) и чрезвычайно слабокислого (по существу нейтрального) соединения (на основе его pKa). 2-Феноксиэтанол был обнаружен во многих биологических жидкостях, таких как фекалии и слюна. Внутри клетки 2-феноксиэтанол в основном находится в цитоплазме. 2-Феноксиэтанол существует у всех эукариот, от дрожжей до человека. 2-Феноксиэтанол можно биосинтезировать из фенола. 2-Феноксиэтанол - потенциально токсичное соединение.

Феноксиэтанол представляет собой бактерицидный и гермистатический эфир гликоля, эфир фенола и ароматический спирт, часто используемые вместе с соединениями четвертичного аммония.

Использование: Феноксиэтанол используется как закрепитель духов; средство от насекомых; антисептик; растворитель для ацетата целлюлозы, красителей, чернил и смол; консервант для фармацевтических препаратов, косметики и смазочных материалов; анестетик в рыбной аквакультуре; и в органическом синтезе.


Феноксиэтанол является альтернативой консервантам, выделяющим формальдегид. В Японии и Европейском союзе его концентрация в косметике ограничена 1%.

Производство: Феноксиэтанол получают гидроксиэтилированием фенола (синтез Уильямсона), например, в присутствии гидроксидов щелочных металлов или борогидридов щелочных металлов.

Эффективность: феноксиэтанол эффективен против грамотрицательных и грамположительных бактерий, а также дрожжей Candida albicans.

Безопасность: Феноксиэтанол является консервантом вакцины и потенциальным аллергеном, который может вызвать узловую реакцию в месте инъекции. Он обратимо ингибирует опосредованные NMDAR ионные токи.

Проглатывание может вызвать центральную нервную систему и угнетение дыхания, рвоту и диарею у младенцев, особенно в сочетании с хлорфенезином.


Феноксиэтанол является наиболее широко используемым одобренным во всем мире консервантом в составах средств личной гигиены. Его очень легко использовать в большинстве составов, и он химически очень стабилен. Феноксиэтанол обладает антимикробным действием широкого спектра против бактерий, дрожжей и плесени. Типичный уровень использования в рецептурах составляет 0,5 - 0,8%, и он часто сочетается с другими консервантами, такими как этилгексилглицерин, гексиленгликоль, бензиловый спирт, бензойная кислота, сорбат калия, дегидроуксусная кислота, хлорфенезин или каприлгликоль. Европейское экономическое сообщество (ЕЭС). Производная косметики и Регламент Европейского Союза по косметике одобрили феноксиэтанол в концентрациях до 1%.

ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ: Уход за кожей - Макияж - Уход за волосами - Дезодорант - Туалетные принадлежности - Очищающие средства - Уход за солнцем - Уход за телом - Ароматизаторы - Влажные салфетки

СОСТАВ И РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ: Феноксиэтанол является наиболее часто используемым одобренным во всем мире консервантом в составах средств личной гигиены. Его очень легко использовать в большинстве составов, и он химически очень стабилен. Феноксиэтанол обладает антимикробным действием широкого спектра против бактерий, дрожжей и плесени. Типичный уровень использования в рецептурах составляет 0,5 - 0,8%, и его часто комбинируют.

с другими консервантами, такими как этилгексилглицерин, гексиленгликоль, бензиловый спирт, бензойная кислота, сорбат калия, дегидроуксусная кислота, хлорфенезин или каприлгликоль. Производные косметики Европейского экономического сообщества (ЕЭС) и Регламент Европейского союза по косметике одобрили феноксиэтанол в концентрациях до 1%.


Химическая формула: C8H10O2

Молярная масса: 138,166 г · моль − 1.

Внешний вид: бесцветная маслянистая жидкость.

Запах: слабый, похожий на запах розы

Плотность: 1,102 г / см3

Температура плавления: -2 ° C (28 ° F, 271 К)

Температура кипения: 247 ° C (477 ° F, 520 К)

Растворимость в воде: 26 г / кг.

Растворимость: хлороформ, щелочь, диэтиловый эфир: растворим.

Растворимость в арахисовом масле: незначительно

Растворимость в оливковом масле: незначительно

Растворимость в ацетоне: смешивается.

Растворимость в этаноле: смешивается.

Растворимость в глицерине: смешивается

Давление пара: 0,001 кПа (0,00015 фунт / кв. Дюйм)

Теплопроводность: 0,169 Вт / (м⋅К)

Показатель преломления (nD): 1,534 (20 ℃)



Феноксиэтанол используется как консервант в косметических продуктах, а также как стабилизатор в парфюмерии и мыле. Воздействие феноксиэтанола было связано с реакциями, начиная от экземы.

 тяжелым, опасным для жизни аллергическим реакциям. Пероральное воздействие феноксиэтанола на младенцев может резко повлиять на функцию нервной системы.


НАЙДЕН: Увлажняющий крем, тени для век, тональный крем, солнцезащитный крем, кондиционер, тушь, подводка для глаз, шампунь, блеск для губ, консилер, гель для душа, крем для рук, румяна, краска для волос, лак для волос, бальзам для губ,

 лосьон, лак для ногтей, детские салфетки, детские лосьоны и мыло, мыло (жидкое и кусковое), крем для бритья, дезодорант, зубная паста, ароматизатор, воски для удаления волос, дезинфицирующее средство для рук и гель для ультразвука.

ЧТО ТАКОЕ ФЕНОКСИЭТАНОЛ? Феноксиэтанол используется в качестве консерванта в косметических продуктах для ограничения роста бактерий. Обзор 43 косметических продуктов показал, что только 25 процентов

в продуктах концентрация феноксиэтанола превышала 0,6 процента, а средняя концентрация феноксиэтанола составляла 0,46 процента. [5] Феноксиэтанол также используется для стабилизации

компоненты, содержащиеся в парфюмерии и мыле.



Что это такое?

Феноксиэтанол - маслянистая, слегка липкая жидкость со слабым ароматом розы. Он используется в качестве консерванта в большом количестве несмываемой и смываемой косметики, а также в средствах личной гигиены, в том числе в средствах для ухода за кожей, макияже глаз, ароматизаторах, румянах, тональных средствах, губной помаде, мыле для ванн и моющих средствах. Феноксиэтанол был проверен экспертами во всем мире, которые пришли к выводу, что он безопасен при использовании в этих продуктах.


Почему его используют в косметике и средствах личной гигиены?

Феноксиэтанол безопасно используется с 1950-х годов в качестве консерванта в косметике и средствах личной гигиены. Он очень эффективен в предотвращении роста грибков, бактерий и дрожжей, которые могут привести к порче продуктов, как и еда. Использование консервантов увеличивает срок хранения и безопасность продукции.


Продукты, содержащие воду, подвержены плесени, обесцвечиванию или неприятному запаху, вызванному бактериями и грибками, естественным образом присутствующими в окружающей среде. При использовании косметических средств они контактируют с кожей и аппликаторами, контактирующими с кожей, что потенциально подвергает продукт воздействию этих вредных микроорганизмов.


При определенных условиях продукт, подвергшийся неправильной консервации, может стать загрязненным, что может вызвать проблемы со здоровьем, например раздражение или инфекцию. Продукты, загрязненные микроорганизмами, также могут негативно повлиять на то, как они работают, выглядят, ощущаются и пахнут. Консерванты, такие как феноксиэтанол, помогают предотвратить такие проблемы.


2-феноксиэтанол представляет собой ароматический эфир, представляющий собой фенол, замещенный по кислороду 2-гидроксиэтильной группой. Он играет роль противоинфекционного агента и депрессанта центральной нервной системы. Это гидроксиэфир, первичный спирт и ароматический эфир. Это происходит из фенола.

Фениловый эфир этиленгликоля - бесцветная жидкость с приятным запахом. Плотность 1,02 г / см3. Раздражитель




CAS NUMBER: 122-99-6

METATAGS;2-phenoxyethanol;Emuclens;Erisept;ethylene glycol monophenyl ether;phenoxethol;phenoxyethanol;2-PHENOXYETHANOL;122-99-6;Phenoxyethanol;Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether;Phenyl cellosolve;Phenoxytol;Ethanol, 2-phenoxy-;Phenoxethol;Phenoxyethyl alcohol;Phenoxetol;Arosol;Rose ether;Ethylene glycol phenyl ether;Phenylmonoglycol ether;2-Phenoxyethan-1-Ol;1-Hydroxy-2-phenoxyethane;Dowanol EP;2-Phenoxyethyl alcohol;Glycol monophenyl ether;Fenyl-cellosolve;2-Fenoxyethanol;2-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether;Dowanol EPH;beta-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether;Emery 6705;Emeressence 1160;Fenylcelosolv;Phenylglycol;Marlophen P;Marlophen P 7;2-Phenoxy-ethanol;Spermicide 741;Tritonyl 45;Ethylan HB 4;EGMPE;Fenylcelosolv [Czech];Phenooxy alcohol;2-Fenoxyethanol [Czech];Fenyl-cellosolve [Czech];Plastiazan-41 [Russian];UNII-HIE492ZZ3T;NSC 1864;Polyoxyethylene phenol ether;Polyoxyethylene phenyl ether;beta-Phenoxyethanol;Phenol-ethylene oxide adduct;Glycols, polyethylene, monophenyl ether;Phenoxyethanol [NF];Polyethylene glycol phenyl ether;.beta.-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether;HSDB 5595;Phenyl monoglycol ether;PHE-G;PHE-S;Rose ether phenoxyethanol;EINECS 204-589-7;FR 214;.beta.-Phenoxyethyl alcohol;alpha-Phenyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);BRN 1364011;AI3-00752()C;9004-78-8;CHEBI:64275;C8H10O2;QCDWFXQBSFUVSP-UHFFFAOYSA-N;Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), ?-phenyl-?-hydroxy-;MFCD00002857;Phenoxyethanol (NF);Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-phenyl-omega-hydroxy-;NCGC00090731-01;NCGC00090731-05;DSSTox_CID_1976;DSSTox_RID_76437;DSSTox_GSID_21976;2-Phenoxyethanol-1,1-d2;Erisept;Plastiazan-41;56257-90-0;AS-122-99-6;Phenol, ethoxylated;.beta.-Phenoxyethanol;monophenylglycol;Phenoxyethanolum;Phenoxytolarosol;CCRIS 9481;Phenoxyl ethanol;arosol[qr];2-phenyloxyethanol;2-phenoxy ethanol;2-(phenoxy)ethanol;Dowanol EP / EPH;beta-phenoxyethylalcohol;ACMC-1BVYG;(2-Hydroxyethoxy)benzene;2-Phenoxyethanol, 99%;2-phenoxyethylalcohol[qr];beta-hydroxyethylphenylether;WLN: Q2OR;phenol, ethoxyliert (6eo);polyethyleneglycolphenylether;AC1L1L7D;AC1Q7D8M;HIE492ZZ3T;SCHEMBL15708;2-Phenoxyethanol, >=99%;4-06-00-00571 (Beilstein Handbook Reference);KSC174Q0P;MLS002174254;ethyleneglycol monophenyl ether;Euxyl K 400 (Salt/Mix);beta-hydroxyethylphenylether[qr];phenol, ethoxyliert, eo 4 mol;Jsp001544;CHEMBL1229846;DTXSID9021976;CTK0H4807;phenol, ethoxyliert, eo 30 mol;Ethylene glycol mono phenyl ether;NSC1864;MolPort-001-768-719;BB_SC-2741;HMS2268A20;Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-phenyl-.omega.-hydroxy-;NSC-1864;STR04582;ZINC1577061;Tox21_111002;Tox21_113532;Tox21_202111;Tox21_300842;ANW-18088;BBL027410;LS-672;SBB060485;STK802556;ZINC01577061;2-Phenoxyethanol, analytical standard;Fungal Terminator [veterinary] (TN);AKOS000118741;Tox21_111002_1;MCULE-1828011376;RP20453;RTR-003651;TRA0162661;NCGC00090731-02;NCGC00090731-03;NCGC00090731-04;NCGC00090731-06;NCGC00090731-07;NCGC00090731-08;NCGC00254745-01;NCGC00259660-01;AJ-27363;AK110792;AN-19469;AN-22895;BC208517;CJ-05434;CJ-24993;Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether, >=90%;KB-25856;LP119824;LS-72941;OR034465;OR190422;SC-47140;SMR000112131;ETHANOL,2-PHENOXY MFC8 H10 O2;ST2417151;TR-003651;FT-0613280;P0115;P1953;ST51046662;2-phenoxyethanol(ethyleneglycolmonophenylether);2-Phenoxyethanol, tested according to Ph.Eur.;D08359;97692-EP2287158A1;97692-EP2305662A1;97692-EP2372017A1;A805003;SR-01000838345;I01-8824;J-510235;SR-01000838345-2;F1905-6997;Z426194440;Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether, SAJ first grade, >=95.0%;Phenoxyethanol, European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Reference Standard;Phenoxyethanol, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard;InChI=1/C8H10O2/c9-6-7-10-8-4-2-1-3-5-8/h1-5,9H,6-7H;2-Phenoxyethanol, pharmaceutical secondary standard; traceable to USP and PhEur;1020398-73-5;134367-25-2;18249-17-7;200260-63-5;37220-49-8;37813-33-5;79586-53-1;FENOKSİETHANOL;FENOKSIETHANOL;FENOKSI ETHANOL;FENOKSİ ETHANOL;PHENOXY ETHANOL;PHENOXY ETANOL;FENOKSİ ETANOL;FENOKSI ETANOL;fenoksi ethanol;fenoksı ethanol;phenoxy ethanol;phenoxy etanol;fenoksiethanol;phenoxyethanol;phenoxyetanol;fenoksıethanol;Fenoksi Ethanol;Phenoxy Ethanol;Fenoksi Etanol;Phenoxy Etanol;FenoksiEthanol;PhenoxyEthanol;FenoksiEtanol;PhenoxyEtanol;fenoksiethanol;2-PHENOXYETHANOL;2-Phenoxyethyl alcohol;3-ETHYL-2-HEPTANOL;DOWANOL(TM) EPH;ETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOPHENYL ETHER;ETHYLENE GLYCOL PHENYL ETHER;MONOPHENYL GLYCOL;PHENOXETOL;PHENOXYETHANOL;PHENOXYETHANOLUM;PHENYL CELLOSOLVE;PHENYLGLYCOL;ROSE ETHER;1-Hydroxy-2-phenoxyethane;1-hydroxy-2-phenoxyethane[qr];2-Fenoxyethanol;2-fenoxyethanol(czech)[qr];2-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether;2-Hydroxyethylphenylether;2-hydroxyethylphenylether[qr];fenoksiethanolveuygulamalanları;fenoksiethanolvekozmetik;fenoksi ethanol ve uygulamaları;fenoksi ethanol ve kozmetik;phonexyethanolandapplication;phenoxyethanolandcosmetics;phenoxy ethanol and application;phenoxy ethanol and cosmetics;PHENOXY ETHANOL AND APPLICATION; PHENOXY ETHANOL AND COSMETICS

EC SAYISI: 204-589-7

Fenoksi Etanolün Moleküler Formülü

Fenoksi Etanolün Kimyasal ve Fiziksel Özellikleri

Özellik adı
Moleküler Ağırlık: 138.166 g / mol
Hidrojen Bağımı Bağışlayıcı Sayısı: 1
Hidrojen Bağ Alıcı Sayısı: 2
Dönebilen Bond Sayısı: 3
Karmaşıklık: 77.3
Topolojik Polar Yüzey Alanı: 29.5 A ^ 2
Monoizotopic Kütle: 138.068 g / mol
Tam Kütle: 138.068 g / mol
XLogP3: 1.2
Bileşik Canonicalized: true
Resmi Şarj: 0
Ağır Atom Sayısı: 10
Tanımlı Atom Stereocenter Sayısı: 0
Tanımsız Atom Stereocenter Sayısı: 0
Tanımlı Bono Stereocenter Sayısı: 0
Tanımlanmamış Bond Stereocenter Sayısı: 0
İzotop Atom Sayısı: 0
Kovalent Bağlı Birim Sayısı: 1

Fenoksi Etanolün Deneysel Özellikleri

Fenoksi Etanolün Fiziksel Tanımı

Etilen glikol fenil eter hoş bir kokuya sahip renksiz bir sıvıdır. Yoğunluk 1.02 g / cm3. Bir tahriş edici.

Fenoksi Etanolun Rengi
Yağlı sıvı

Fenoksi Etanol Kokusu
Kötü aromatik koku

Fenoksi Etanol Tadı
Yanan tadı

Fenoksi Etanol Kaynama Noktası
760 mm Hg`de 473.4 ° F

Fenoksi Etanol Erime Noktası
57 ° F

Fenoksi Etanol Yoğunluğu

Fenoksi Etanolün Genel Tanıtımı ve Uygulamaları

Glikol eterleri, bir molekül içinde eter, alkol ve hidrokarbon zincirinin kombinasyonuyla hem kutupsal hem de polar olmayan özelliklere sahip çok yönlü ödeme gücü özellikleri sağlar. Uzun hidrokarbon zincirinin kimyasal yapısı, suda çözünürlüğe karşı direnirken, eter veya alkol grupları yükseltilmiş hidrofil çözünürlük performansını getirir. Bu sürfaktan benzeri yapı, su ve bir dizi organik çözücü arasında uyumluluğu ve farklı fazları birleştirmeyi sağlar. Glikol eterleri geniş hidrofilik / hidrofobik dengeleriyle karakterizedir. Glikol eterleri, boya ve fırın kaplamaları imalatında seyrelticiler ve dengeleyici ajanlar olarak kullanılırlar. Glikol eter serisi, nitroselüloz ve kombinasyon vernikleri üretiminde kullanılır. Fren sıvısında katkı maddesi olarak kullanılırlar. Boyanan tekstil ve deri için, böcek öldürücü ve herbisitler için formüle edilmiştir. Yağlı su dispersiyonlu temizleyici ürünlerinde performans sağlarlar. Yavaş buharlaşma oranı nedeniyle baskı endüstrilerinde kullanılırlar. Parfümler, mikrop öldürücü ilaçlar, bakterisitler, böcek kovucuları ve antiseptik için bir fiksatif madde olarak kullanılırlar. Buz birikimini önlemek için jet yakıtı için katkı maddesi olarak kullanılırlar. Glymes, dimetil eterler, kararlılık ve yüksek ödeme gücü sağlayan iki terminal metil grubuna sahiptir. Çözündürücüler ve faz transfer katalizörleri olarak faydalıdırlar. Glymes, düşük kimyasal tepkimelerinden dolayı inert bir reaksiyon orta kimyasal reaksiyon olarak gerekli mülkiyet sunar. Özellikle organometalik ve polimerizasyon reaksiyonları için uygundurlar. Hidroksil grubu içeren glikol eterleri de yararlı kimyasal ara ürünlerdir. Hidroksil grubu, polieter alkoller üretmek üzere epoksi ile hemiasetaller (veya asetaller) üretmek üzere aldehitler (veya ketonlar) ile reaksiyona girerek bir dizi ester üretmek üzere karboksilik asit bileşikleri veya inorganik asitler ile alkoksi alkil halojenürler üretmek üzere halojenleme ajanları ile reaksiyona girer.

Fenoksietanol, deterjanlar, kozmetik ürünleri, tuvalet malzemeleri ve ilaçları içeren kişisel bakım ürünlerinde en yaygın kullanılan koruyucu maddelerden biridir. Bu, gram negatif veya gram pozitif bakterilere, mayalara ve kalıplara karşı geniş bir yelpazede anti-mikrobik etkinlik sağlar. Birçok kutupsuz terkip maddesinde çözünür ve ödeme gücü faaliyete katkıda bulunur. Etkinliği protein bazlı ürünler için de etkilidir. Çoğu ülkede, maksimum% 1 konsantrasyona izin verilir.










EC NUMBER: 204-589-7

Molecular Formula of Phenoxy Ethanol

Chemical and Physical Properties of Phenoxy Ethanol

Property Name
Molecular Weight: 138.166 g/mol
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count: 1
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count: 2
Rotatable Bond Count: 3
Complexity: 77.3
Topological Polar Surface Area: 29.5 A^2
Monoisotopic Mass: 138.068 g/mol
Exact Mass: 138.068 g/mol
XLogP3: 1.2
Compound Is Canonicalized: true
Formal Charge: 0
Heavy Atom Count: 10
Defined Atom Stereocenter Count: 0
Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count: 0
Defined Bond Stereocenter Count: 0
Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count: 0
Isotope Atom Count: 0
Covalently-Bonded Unit Count: 1

Experimental Properties of Phenoxy Ethanol

Physical Description of Phenoxy Ethanol

Ethylene glycol phenyl ether is a colorless liquid with a pleasant odor. Density 1.02 g / cm3. An irritant.

Color of Phenoxy Ethanol
Oily liquid

Odor of Phenoxy Ethanol
Faint aromatic odor

Taste of Phenoxy Ethanol
Burning taste

Boiling Point of Phenoxy Ethanol
473.4° F at 760 mm Hg

Melting Point of Phenoxy Ethanol
57° F

Density of Phenoxy Ethanol


Glycol ethers, with the combination of ether, alcohol and hydrocarbon chain in one molecule, provide versatile solvency characteristics with both polar and non-polar properties. The chemical structure of long hydrocarbon chain resist to solubility in water, while ether or alcohol groups introduce the promoted hydrophilic solubility performance. This surfactant-like structure provides the compatibility between water and a number of organic solvents, and the ability to couple unlike phases. Glycol ethers are characterized by their wide range of hydrophilic/hydrophobic balances. glycol ethers are used as diluents and levelling agents in the manufacture of paints and baking finishes. Glycol ether series are used in the manufacture of nitrocellulose and combination lacquers. They are used as an additive in brake fluid. They are formulated for dying textiles and leathers and for insecticides and herbicides. They provides performance in cleaners products with oil-water dispersions. They are used in printing industries as they have a slow evaporation rate. They are used as a fixative for perfumes, germicides, bactericides, insect repellents and antiseptic. They are used as an additive for jet fuel to prevent ice buildup. Glymes, dimethyl ethers, have two terminal methyl groups which offer stability and high solvency. They are useful as solubilizers and phase transfer catalysts. Glymes offer the property required as an inert reaction medium chemical reaction due to their low chemical reactivity. They are suitable particularly for organometallic and polymerization reactions. Glycol ethers which contain hydroxyl group are also useful chemical intermediate. The hydroxyl group will undergo reaction with aldehydes (or ketones) to produce hemiacetals (or acetals), with epoxides to produce polyether alcohols, with halogenating agents to produce alkoxy alkyl halides, with carboxylic acid compounds or inorganic acids to produce a number of esters.

Phenoxyethanol is one of the most widely used preservatives in personal care products including detergents, cosmetics, toiletries and pharmaceuticals. It provides a broad spectrum anti-microbial activity against either gram-negative or gram-positive bacteria, yeasts and moulds. It is soluble in many non-polar ingredients and contributes solvency activity. Its activity is effective in protein-based products also. In most countries, it is permitted to a maximum of 1% concentration.

 CAS Number: 122-99-6; IUPAC name: 2-Phenoxyethanol; Phenoxyethanol; Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether; Phenoxytolarosol;Dowanol EP / EPH; Protectol PE; Emery 6705; Rose ether;1-Hydroxy-2-phenoxyethane

;β-hydroxyethyl phenyl ether; Phenyl cellosolve;Ethylene glycol phenyl ether;2-PHENOXYETHANOL; Cas No: 122-99-6; Phenoxyethanol; Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether; Ethanol, 2-phenoxy-; Phenyl cellosolve; Phenoxytol; Phenoxethol; Phenoxetol; Ethylene glycol phenyl ether; Phenoxyethyl alcohol

; 2-Phenoxyethan-1-Ol; 1-Hydroxy-2-phenoxyethane; Rose ether; Phenylmonoglycol ether; Arosol; Dowanol EP; 2-Phenoxyethyl alcohol; Glycol monophenyl ether; 2-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether; Phenylglycol

;Fenyl-cellosolve; 2-Fenoxyethanol; Dowanol EPH; 2-Phenoxy-ethanol; Emery 6705; Emeressence 1160; Fenylcelosolv; Marlophen P; beta-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether; 2-phenoxy ethanol;2-phenoxyethanol; Emuclens;Erisept; ethylene glycol monophenyl ether; phenoxethol; phenoxyethanol


2-Phenoxyethanol, also known as phenyl cellosolve or phenoxytol, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as phenol ethers. These are aromatic compounds containing an ether group substituted with a benzene ring. 2-Phenoxyethanol exists as a solid, soluble (in water), and an extremely weak acidic (essentially neutral) compound (based on its pKa). 2-Phenoxyethanol has been detected in multiple biofluids, such as feces and saliva. Within the cell, 2-phenoxyethanol is primarily located in the cytoplasm. 2-Phenoxyethanol exists in all eukaryotes, ranging from yeast to humans. 2-Phenoxyethanol can be biosynthesized from phenol. 2-Phenoxyethanol is a potentially toxic compound.

Phenoxyethanol is a germicidal and germistatic glycol ether, phenol ether, and aromatic alcohol often used together with quaternary ammonium compounds.

Use: Phenoxyethanol is used as a perfume fixative; an insect repellent; an antiseptic; a solvent for cellulose acetate, dyes, inks, and resins; a preservative for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and lubricants; an anesthetic in fish aquaculture; and in organic synthesis.


Phenoxyethanol is an alternative to formaldehyde-releasing preservatives.In Japan and the European Union, its concentration in cosmetics is restricted to 1%.

Production: Phenoxyethanol is produced by the hydroxyethylation of phenol (Williamson synthesis), for example, in the presence of alkali-metal hydroxides or alkali-metal borohydrides.

Efficacy: Phenoxyethanol is effective against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, and the yeast Candida albicans

Safety: Phenoxyethanol is a vaccine preservative and potential allergen, which may result in a nodular reaction at the site of injection. It reversibly inhibits NMDAR-mediated ion currents.

Ingestion may cause central nervous system and respiratory depression, vomiting and diarrhea in infants, particularly when combined with chlorphenesin


Phenoxyethanol, is the most commonly used globally-approved preservative in personal care formulations. It is extremely easy to use in most types of formulations and is chemically very stable. Phenoxyethanol

has a broad spectrum antimicrobial activity against bacteria, yeasts, and mold. The typical use level in formulations is 0,5 – 0,8%, and it is often combined with other preservatives, like Ethylhexyl glycerin, Hexylene glycol, Benzyl alcohol, Benzoic acid, Potassium

sorbate, Dehydroacetic acid, Chlorphenesin or Capryl glycol. The European Economic Community (EEC). Cosmetics Derivative and the Cosmetics Regulation of the European Union approved Phenoxyethanol in concentrations up 1%.

APPLICATIONS: Skin care - Make up - Hair care – Deodorant- ToiletriesCleansers- Sun care - Body care – Fragrances – Wet wipes

FORMULATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Phenoxyethanol, is the most commonly used globally-approved preservative in personal care formulations. It is extremely easy to use in most types of formulations and is chemically very stable. Phenoxyethanol

has a broad spectrum antimicrobial activity against bacteria, yeasts, and mold. The typical use level in formulations is 0,5 – 0,8%, and it is often combined

with other preservatives, like Ethylhexyl glycerin, Hexylene glycol, Benzyl alcohol, Benzoic acid, Potassium sorbate, Dehydroacetic acid, Chlorphenesin or Capryl glycol. The European Economic Community (EEC)

Cosmetics Derivative and the Cosmetics Regulation of the European Union approved Phenoxyethanol in concentrations up 1%.


Chemical formula: C8H10O2

Molar mass: 138.166 g·mol−1

Appearance: Colorless oily liquid

Odor: faint rose-like

Density: 1.102 g/cm3

Melting point: −2 °C (28 °F; 271 K)

Boiling point: 247 °C (477 °F; 520 K)

Solubility in water: 26 g/kg

Solubility: Chloroform, Alkali, diethyl ether: soluble

Solubility in peanut oil: slightly

Solubility in olive oil: slightly

Solubility in acetone: miscible

Solubility in ethanol: miscible

Solubility in glycerol: miscible

Vapor pressure: 0.001 kPa (0.00015 psi)

Thermal conductivity: 0.169 W/(m⋅K)

Refractive index (nD): 1.534 (20 ℃)


Phenoxyethanol is used as a preservative in cosmetic products and also as a stabilizer in perfumes and soaps. Exposure to phenoxyethanol has been linked to reactions ranging from eczema

 to severe, life-threatening allergic reactions. Infant oral exposure to phenoxyethanol can acutely affect nervous system function.


FOUND IN: Moisturizer, eye shadow, foundation, sunscreen, conditioner, mascara, eye liner, shampoo, lip gloss, concealer, body wash, hand cream, blush, hair color, hair spray, lip balm,

 lotion, nail polish, baby wipes, baby lotions and soaps, soap (liquid and bar), shaving cream, deodorant, toothpaste, fragrance, hair removal waxes, hand sanitizer and ultrasound gel.

WHAT IS PHENOXYETHANOL? Phenoxyethanol is used as a preservative in cosmetic products to limit bacterial growth. A review of 43 cosmetic products demonstrated that only 25 percent of 

the products had concentrations of phenoxyethanol greater than 0.6 percent and the mean concentration of phenoxyethanol was 0.46 percent.[5] Phenoxyethanol is also used as to stabilize 

components found in perfumes and soaps.



What Is It?

Phenoxyethanol is an oily, slightly sticky liquid with a faint rose-like scent. It is used as a preservative in a wide variety of both leave-on and rinse-off cosmetics and personal care products, including skin care, eye makeup, fragrances, blushers, foundations, lipstick, bath soaps, and detergents, among others. Phenoxyethanol has been reviewed by experts worldwide who have concluded it is safe as used in these products.


Why is it used in cosmetics and personal care products?

Phenoxyethanol has been used safely since the 1950s as a preservative in cosmetics and personal care products. It is highly effective in preventing the growth of fungi, bacteria, and yeast that could cause products to spoil, just like food. The use of preservatives enhances products’ shelf life and safety.


Products that contain water are susceptible to mold, discoloration, or unpleasant odors caused by the bacteria and fungi naturally present in the environment. As cosmetics are used, they come in contact with the skin and applicators that contact the skin, thus potentially exposing the product to these harmful microorganisms.


Under certain conditions, an inadequately preserved product can become contaminated, which could cause health problems such as irritation or infection. Products contaminated by microorganisms may also negatively impact how the product performs, looks, feels, and smells. Preservatives like phenoxyethanol help prevent such problems.


2-phenoxyethanol is an aromatic ether that is phenol substituted on oxygen by a 2-hydroxyethyl group. It has a role as an antiinfective agent and a central nervous system depressant. It is a hydroxyether, a primary alcohol and an aromatic ether. It derives from a phenol.

Ethylene glycol phenyl ether is a colorless liquid with a pleasant odor. Density 1.02 g / cm3. An irritant.


2-PHENOXYETHANOL; Cas No: 122-99-6; Phenoxyethanol; Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether; Ethanol, 2-phenoxy-; Phenyl cellosolve; Phenoxytol; Phenoxethol; Phenoxetol; Ethylene glycol phenyl ether; Phenoxyethyl alcohol

; 2-Phenoxyethan-1-Ol; 1-Hydroxy-2-phenoxyethane; Rose ether; Phenylmonoglycol ether; Arosol; Dowanol EP; 2-Phenoxyethyl alcohol; Glycol monophenyl ether; 2-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether; Phenylglycol

;Fenyl-cellosolve; 2-Fenoxyethanol; Dowanol EPH; 2-Phenoxy-ethanol; Emery 6705; Emeressence 1160; Fenylcelosolv; Marlophen P; beta-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether; 2-phenoxy ethanol

Marlophen P 7

Spermicide 741

Tritonyl 45

Ethylan HB 4


Fenylcelosolv [Czech]

2-Fenoxyethanol [Czech]

Fenyl-cellosolve [Czech]

Plastiazan-41 [Russian]

Polyoxyethylene phenol ether

Polyoxyethylene phenyl ether

Phenol-ethylene oxide adduct


Glycols, polyethylene, monophenyl ether

Phenoxyethanol [NF]

Polyethylene glycol phenyl ether

.beta.-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether

HSDB 5595



2-Phenoxyethanol, 99%

EINECS 204-589-7


.beta.-Phenoxyethyl alcohol


ethyleneglycol monophenyl ether

Phenoxyethanol (NF)

Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-phenyl-omega-hydroxy-




Phenol, ethoxylated






CCRIS 9481

Ethylene glycol-monophenyl ether

Dalpad A


Newpol EFP







2-Phenoxyethanol, 9CI


EC 204-589-7


2-Phenoxyethanol, >=99%

4-06-00-00571 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)

Euxyl K 400 (Salt/Mix)



Ethylene glycol mono phenyl ether


2-Phenoxyethanol, analytical standard

Fungal Terminator [veterinary] (TN)

Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether, >=90%


2-Phenoxyethanol, tested according to Ph.Eur.

Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether, SAJ first grade, >=95.0%

Phenoxyethanol, European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Reference Standard

Phenoxyethanol, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard

2-Phenoxyethanol, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified Reference Material




EU: EINECS) 204-589-7,(Annex I Index No.) 3-098-00-9

USA: (TSCA)Existing chemical

Canada: (DSL)

China: IECSC) Existing chemica

Japan: Existing chemical:(9)-1277, (3)-558

ASEAN (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore,

Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Brunei): (PICSS)

Existing chemical

South Korea: KE-28257   

Australia (NICNAS – Cosmetics): No limitation

New Zealand: HSR003045



Description: Phenoxyethanol is an oily, slightly sticky

liquid with a faint rose-like odour. It is used as a preservative

in a wide variety of cosmetic and personal care products.

Research shows that this ingredient is safe when used in

these products.

INCI: Phenoxyethanol


Escherichia coli (bacteria gram negative) -.32%

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacteria gram negative) -.32%

Staphylococcus aureus (bacteria gram positive) -.64%

Aspergillus niger (mold) -.32%

Candida albicans (yeast) -.32%



Phenoxyethanol is a glycol ether used as a preservative in cosmetic products. It is used in many skin care, make-up, hair care products. Because of its anti-bacterial properties, it is also used in baby wipes and hand sanitizer.

PHENOXYETHANOL is classified as :


CAS Number 122-99-6

EINECS/ELINCS No: 204-589-7

Restriction (applies to EU only): VI/29

COSING REF No: 36522


Chem/IUPAC Name: 2-Phenoxyethanol


Consumer products

Preservation of cosmetics, toiletry and household products and their raw materials. Phenoxyethanol is often used in combination with other preservatives and in some cases positive synergetic effects can be obtained. It is also used in acne treatment. Due to its low evaporation, Phenoxyethanol is used as a fixative in perfumes and fragrance.


Industrial products

It can be used in water mixable lubricants, in paints and varnishes as coalescing agent and as a modifier in melamine formaldehyde resins. It is used as a solvent in ball pen and printing inks. Phenoxyethanol is used as a striping agent and in the surface treatment of metals as degreaser. Its biostatic abilities is often used in combination with other actives to preserve metal working fluids, glues and industrial adhesives.



Eye contact may cause moderate irritation or moderate corneal injury. Repeated skin contact may result in absorption of harmful amounts. Swallowing small amounts is unlikely to result in injury. Swallowing large amounts may result in injury.

Phenoxyethanol is a high boiling liquid with a low vapor pressure, so exposure to vapors is unlikely at room temperature.

Phenoxyethanol  is thermally stable at typical storage and use temperatures. It can oxidize at elevated temperatures. Phenoxyethanol  is readily biodegradable and has a low potential for bioconcentration. It is practically nontoxic to aquatic organisms.


Handling and storage

Contact with eyes  and skin should be avoided. Safety googles must be worn when handling the concentrated product. The product should be stored at seald packaging as supplied, in dry conditions, at temperatures not exceeding 30

Classification according to UN criteria: Not classified as hazardous under transport regulation


Packaging & Shelf Life:

Under proper storage conditions the shelf life is 24 month.


Health & Safety:

Detailed information on the product can be found in our Material Safety Data Sheet.




Translated names

2-fenoksietanol (hr)

2-Fenoksietanoli (fi)

2-fenoksietanolis (lt)

2-Fenoksietanols (lv)

2-fenoksyetanol (no)

2-fenoksüetanool (et)

2-Fenossietanol (mt)

2-fenossietanolo (it)

2-Fenoxietanol (es)

2-fenoxyetanol (sk)

2-fenoxyethan-1-ol (cs)

2-Fenoxyethanol (nl)

2-phenoxyethanol (da)

2-phénoxyéthanol (fr)

2-φαινοξυ-αιθανόλη (el)

2-φαινοξυαιθανόλ (el)

2-феноксиетанол (bg)

eter monofenylowy glikolu etylenowego (pl)

fenil glicol (it)

fenylglykol (sv)


fenoksi etanol (tr)

fenoksiethanol (tr)

fenoksi ethanol (tr)

CAS names: Ethanol, 2-phenoxy-

Other IUPAC names: 






2-PhenoxyethanolRD_CLP_122-99-6_Ethanol, 2-phenoxy-_V1_20180112_TS

Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether

Ethylene glycol phenyl ether

 Ethyleneglycol monophenyl ether


Trade names

(2-hydroxy-ethyl)-phenyl-ether (alternative chemical name)

.beta.-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether


.beta.-Phenoxyethyl alcohol

2-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether

2-Phenoxyethyl alcohol


Beta-phenoxyethylalcohol (alternative chemical name)

Dalpad A

DALPAD™ A Coalescing Agent

Dowanol EP

Dowanol EPh

Dowanol EPH Glycol Ether

DOWANOL™ EPH Glycol Ether



Ethanol, 2-phenoxy- (6CI, 7CI, 8CI, 9CI)

Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether (alternative chemical name)

H 4644



Marlosol PHE




Phenoxyethanol (INCI name and CTFA adopted name)

Phenoxyethyl alcohol

Phenyl cellosolve

Protectol EPE (trade name)

Protectol PE (trade name)




Phenoxyethanol [Wiki]

122-99-6 [RN]


204-589-7 [EINECS]


2-Phenoxyethanol [ACD/IUPAC Name]

2-Phenoxyethanol [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]


2-Phénoxyéthanol [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]


Ethanol, 2-phenoxy- [ACD/Index Name]

Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether



PhE [Formula]




Phenyl cellosolve




Rose ether




1219804-65-5 [RN]

134367-25-2 [RN]

18249-17-7 [RN]


200260-63-5 [RN]

21273-38-1 [RN]



2-Fenoxyethanol [Czech]

2-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether



2-phenoxyethanol 99%

2-phenoxyethanol, ??? 98.5%

2-phenoxyethanol, 94%

2-phenoxyethanol, 99%

2-Phenoxyethanol, 9CI


2-Phenoxyethyl alcohol

2-Phenoxyethyl-1,1,2,2-d4 Alcohol


2-Phenoxyethyl--d4 Alcohol

37220-49-8 [RN]

4-06-00-00571 (Beilstein Handbook Reference) [Beilstein]

438620-17-8 [RN]

56257-90-0 [RN]

79586-53-1 [RN]





Dalpad A

Diethylene glycol monophenyl ether

Dowanol EP

Dowanol EPH


EINECS 204-589-7

Emeressence 1160


Ethylan HB 4

Ethylene glycol mono phenyl ether

ethylene glycol monobenzyl ether

ethylene glycol monophenyl ether 98%


Ethylene glycol-monophenyl ether

Ethyleneglycol monophenyl ether

Ethyleneglycol-monophenyl ether


Euxyl K 400 (Salt/Mix)


Fenyl-cellosolve [Czech]


Fenylcelosolv [Czech]

Glycol monophenyl ether

Glycols, polyethylene, monophenyl ether





Marlophen P

Marlophen P 7



Newpol EFP

Phenol, ethoxylated

Phenol-ethylene oxide adduct




phenoxyethanol, reagent

Phenoxyethanol, USP-NF grade

Phenoxyl ethanol



Phenylmonoglycol ether

Plastiazan-41 [Russian]

Polyethylene glycol phenyl ether

Polyoxyethylene phenol ether

Polyoxyethylene phenyl ether

Spermicide 741


Tritonyl 45





β-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether

β-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether



β-Phenoxyethyl alcohol

β-Phenoxyethyl alcohol

苯氧乙醇 [Chinese]



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