1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z


CAS NO:71-23-8
EC NO:200-746-9
METATAGS:1 Propanol; 1-Propanol; Alcohol, Propyl; n Propanol; n-Propanol; Propanol; Propyl Alcohol;1-propanol; propanol; n-propanol; Propyl alcohol; Propan-1-ol; n-Propyl alcohol; ethylcarbinol; 1-hydroxypropane; 71-23-8; optal
osmosol extra; Propylic alcohol; 1-Propyl alcohol; Propanol-1; n-Propanole; n Propanolen; n-Propan-1-ol; Alcohol, n propyl; Propanoli; Ethyl carbinol, Alcool propilico; Alcool propylique; n-Propyl alkohol; Propylowy alkohol; propane-1-ol, Albacol; 1 Propanol, nPropanole [German]; n.Propanolen [Dutch]; n-Propanol, 1-; Propanoli [Italian]; propylalcohol; Propyl alcohol, normal, Propylan-propyl alcohol; Caswell No. 709A; Hydroxypropane; 1-PROPONOL; FEMA Number 2928; Propyl alcohol (natural); n-Propyl alkohol [German]; Alcool propilico [Italian]; Alcool propylique [French]; Propylowy alkohol [Polish]; NSC 30300; UNII-96F264O9SV; FEMA No. 2928; CCRIS 3202; HSDB 115; EINECS 200-746-9; UN1274; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 047502; BRN 1098242; AI3-16115; CHEBI:28831; BDERNNFJNOPAEC-UHFFFAOYSA-N; MFCD00002941; UN 1274; 1-Propanol, anhydrous; POL; Ateromixol; Propionylol; Propylol; ethyl methanol; n-propylalcohol; n-Propylalkohol; CCRIS 7209; Propionic alcohol; Propionyl alcohol; 3-propanol; Policosanol (from rice wax) (oryza sp.); 1-Propanol, HPLC Grade; PROPYL, 1-HYDROXY-; 4-01-00-01413 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); 62309-51-7; Propyl Alcohol (Fragrance Grade); MolPort-000-872-058; PROPOXY (6CI,8CI,9CI); ETHYL, 1-METHYL-2-OXY-; 1-Propanol, Spectrophotometric Grade; n-Propanol or propyl alcohol, normal; CAS-71-23-8; Propyl Alcohol (Normal) Reagent Grade ACS; n-Propanol or propyl alcohol, normal [UN1274] [Flammable liquid]; n-Propanol or propyl alcohol, normal [UN1274] [Flammable liquid]; n-propanol; n- propil alcohol; npropanol; n propil alkol; propil alcohol; n propyl alcohol; n propanole; propanol; n. propanol; n-propanol; n-propil alkol; n prapanol; n- prapanol; N-Propanol; N-PROPANOL

N-propanol, alkol sürtmek gibi keskin bir küf kokusu ile berrak renksiz bir sıvıdır. Parlama noktası 53-77 ° F. 700 ° F`de otomatik kalýntýlar. Buharlar havadan daha ağırdır ve gözleri, burunları ve boğazları hafifçe tahriş eder. Yoğunluk yaklaşık 6.5 lb / gal. Kozmetik, cilt ve saç preparatları, ilaçlar, parfümler, lake formülasyonları, boya çözeltileri, antifrizler, sürtünme alkolleri, sabunlar, pencere temizleyicileri, aseton ve diğer kimyasallar ve ürünler üretiminde kullanılır.
Propil alkol, solvent ve kimyasal ara madde olarak kullanılan alifatik hidrokarbonların oksidasyonu ile elde edilen renksiz bir sıvıdır. Propil alkol, CH3CH2CH2OH formülüyle birincil bir alkoldür. Propan-1-ol, 1-propanol, 1-propil alkol, n-propil alkol veya basitçe propanol olarak da bilinir. Propan-2-ol`in bir izomeridir. Farmasötik endüstrisinde ve reçineler ve selüloz esterleri için bir çözücü olarak kullanılır. Birçok fermantasyon işlemi sırasında doğal olarak az miktarda oluşur ve küçük miktarlar bağırsak mikroflorası tarafından üretilir.
1-propanol, çözücü ve kimyasal ara madde olarak kullanılan alifatik hidrokarbonların oksidasyonu ile elde edilen renksiz bir sıvıdır.
Ürün Açıklaması
Üç karbonlu düz zincirli okso alkol olan n-Propanol (n-propil alkol), flekso ve diğer mürekkep uygulamalarında yaygın olarak kullanılan orta derecede kaynayan, renksiz bir sıvıdır. Etanolinkine benzer, hafif bir kokusu vardır ve suda tamamen çözünür. Organik sentezde, bir kimyasal ara madde olarak ve bir kaplama çözücüsü olarak yararlıdır. N-Propanol, çeşitli yüzey kaplama uygulamalarında kuruma ve akış özelliklerini dengelemeye yardımcı olur.
Aşağıdaki uygulamalarda bir çözücü olarak:
Antiseptikler, farmasötik preparatlar, ilaç sentezi, kozmetik preparatlar ve
Fleksografik mürekkep.
Üretiminin hammaddesidir:
Normal propil aminler, normal propil paraben, normal propil fitalat ve normal propil
N-Propanolün Sanayi Kullanımı
Ara ürünler
Yağlayıcılar ve yağ katkıları
İşleme yardımcıları, aksi belirtilmedikçe
Petrol üretimine özgü işleme yardımcıları
Solventler (temizleme veya yağdan arındırma için)
Solventler (ürün formülasyonunun veya karışımın bir parçası haline gelir)
N-Propanol Tüketici Kullanımları
Sanat, El Sanatları ve Hobi Malzemeleri
Temizleme ve Döşeme Bakım Ürünleri
Mürekkep, Toner ve Renkli Ürünler
Yağlayıcılar ve Gresler
Boyalar ve Kaplamalar

N-propanol is a clear colorless liquid with a sharp musty odor like rubbing alcohol. Flash point 53-77°F. Autoignites at 700°F. Vapors are heavier than air and mildly irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. Density approximately 6.5 lb / gal. Used in making cosmetics, skin and hair preparations, pharmaceuticals, perfumes, lacquer formulations, dye solutions, antifreezes, rubbing alcohols, soaps, window cleaners, acetone and other chemicals and products.
Propyl alcohol is a colorless liquid made by oxidation of aliphatic hydrocarbons that is used as a solvent and chemical intermediate. Propyl alcohol is a primary alcohol with the formula CH3CH2CH2OH. It is also known as propan-1-ol, 1-propanol, 1-propyl alcohol, n-propyl alcohol, or simply propanol. It is an isomer of propan-2-ol. It is used as a solvent in the pharmaceutical industry, and for resins and cellulose esters. It is formed naturally in small amounts during many fermentation processes and small amounts are produced by gut microflora.
1-propanol is a colorless liquid made by oxidation of aliphatic hydrocarbons that is used as a solvent and chemical intermediate.
Product Description
n-Propanol (n-propyl alcohol), a three-carbon straight chain oxo alcohol, is a medium boiling, colorless liquid that is widely used in flexographic and other printing ink applications. It has a very mild odor, similar to that of ethanol and is completely soluble in water. It is useful in organic synthesis, as a chemical intermediate, and as a coating solvent. n-Propanol helps balance the drying and flow characteristics in a variety of surface coating applications.
As a solvent in the following applications:
Antiseptics, pharmaceutical preparations, drug synthesis, cosmetic preparations and
flexographic ink.
A raw material for the manufacture of:
Normal propyl amines, normal propyl paraben, normal propyl phthalate and normal propyl acetate.
Industry Uses of N-Propanol
Lubricants and lubricant additives
Processing aids, not otherwise listed
Processing aids, specific to petroleum production
Solvents (for cleaning or degreasing)
Solvents (which become part of product formulation or mixture)
Consumer Uses of N-Propanol
Arts, Crafts, and Hobby Materials
Cleaning and Furnishing Care Products
Ink, Toner, and Colorant Products
Lubricants and Greases
Paints and Coatings

N-propanol is a clear colorless liquid with a sharp musty odor like rubbing alcohol. Flash point 53-77°F. Autoignites at 700°F. Vapors are heavier than air and mildly irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. Density approximately 6.5 lb / gal. Used in making cosmetics, skin and hair preparations, pharmaceuticals, perfumes, lacquer formulations, dye solutions, antifreezes, rubbing alcohols, soaps, window cleaners, acetone and other chemicals and products.
Propyl alcohol is a colorless liquid made by oxidation of aliphatic hydrocarbons that is used as a solvent and chemical intermediate. Propyl alcohol is a primary alcohol with the formula CH3CH2CH2OH. It is also known as propan-1-ol, 1-propanol, 1-propyl alcohol, n-propyl alcohol, or simply propanol. It is an isomer of propan-2-ol. It is used as a solvent in the pharmaceutical industry, and for resins and cellulose esters. It is formed naturally in small amounts during many fermentation processes and small amounts are produced by gut microflora.
1-propanol is a colorless liquid made by oxidation of aliphatic hydrocarbons that is used as a solvent and chemical intermediate.
Product Description
n-Propanol (n-propyl alcohol), a three-carbon straight chain oxo alcohol, is a medium boiling, colorless liquid that is widely used in flexographic and other printing ink applications. It has a very mild odor, similar to that of ethanol and is completely soluble in water. It is useful in organic synthesis, as a chemical intermediate, and as a coating solvent. n-Propanol helps balance the drying and flow characteristics in a variety of surface coating applications.
As a solvent in the following applications:
Antiseptics, pharmaceutical preparations, drug synthesis, cosmetic preparations and
flexographic ink.
A raw material for the manufacture of:
Normal propyl amines, normal propyl paraben, normal propyl phthalate and normal propyl acetate.
Industry Uses of N-Propanol
Lubricants and lubricant additives
Processing aids, not otherwise listed
Processing aids, specific to petroleum production
Solvents (for cleaning or degreasing)
Solvents (which become part of product formulation or mixture)
Consumer Uses of N-Propanol
Arts, Crafts, and Hobby Materials
Cleaning and Furnishing Care Products
Ink, Toner, and Colorant Products
Lubricants and Greases
Paints and Coatings

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