1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z

хлорид цинка ( zinc chloride ) çinko klorür ( Chlorure de zinc )


Хлорид цинка


Хлори́д ци́нка (хло́ристый цинк, дихлори́д цинка) — химическое соединение цинка с хлором, имеющее формулу ZnCl2.


Представляет собой белые, очень гигроскопичные кристаллы.


Физические свойства

Молекулярная масса: 136,2954.

Температура плавления: 318 °C.

Температура кипения: 732 °C.

Растворимость в воде при 20 °C: 79,8 %.


Химические свойства

Концентрированные растворы имеют кислую среду, так как в результате гидролиза в воде присутствуют ионы {\displaystyle {\ce {H^+}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {H^+}}}.



растворение цинка или его оксида в соляной кислоте с последующим выпариванием раствора;

нагревание расплавленного цинка в потоке хлора.



изготовление зубных цементов;

антисептическая пропитка дерева (например, шпал);

очистка поверхности металлов от оксидов перед пайкой (известен, как «Паяльная кислота»);

компонент при производстве фибры;

рафинирование расплавленных цинковых сплавов;

фракционный анализ угольных проб;

в гальванических элементах.


Хлорид цинка высокотоксичен, сильный ирритант. При попадании на кожу вызывает химические ожоги. Особенно опасно попадание в глаза.


После попадания на кожу необходимо немедленно удалить вещество с использованием мыла и большого количества воды. При попадании в глаза промыть большим количеством воды, использовать глазные капли.


Минимальная смертельная доза (ЛД50) — 200 мг/кг. Смертельная доза для человека орально — 3-5 г.


См. также

Цинк и его галогениды:

Фторид цинка

Бромид цинка

Иодид цинка




Хим. формула ZnCl2

Рац. формула ZnCl2

Физические свойства

Плотность 2,91 ± 0,01 г/см³[1]

Термические свойства


 • плавления 554 ± 1 °F[1]

 • кипения 1350 ± 1 °F[1]

Давление пара 0 ± 1 мм рт.ст.[1]


Рег. номер CAS 7646-85-7

PubChem 5727

Рег. номер EINECS 231-592-0





RTECS ZH1400000

ChEBI 49976

Номер ООН 2331

ChemSpider 5525






ÇİNKO KLORÜR, çinko klorür, çinkoklorür, çinko klorid, çinkoklorid, cinko klorür, çinko, klorür, çinko klorit, çinko klorid, çinkoklorid,çinkoklorit,çinkoklorür, cinko klorur, 

zinc chloride, zinc chloride, zincchloride, zinc, chloride, Çınko, cinko, cinko klorur, cinkoklorur, cinko klorid, cinko klorit, cinkoklorid, cinkoklorit, çinko tuzu, çinkotuzu,

ÇİNKO, KLORUR, KLORÜR, KLORİD, KLORID, KLORİT, KLORID, klorıd, çinko klorıd, çinko klor,klor, klorat,chlorat,zinc chlorat


Noms français :




solide d'aspect variable, hygroscopique et blanc, incolore en monocristal


Formule brute ZnCl2

Masse molaire2 136,29 ± 0,02 g/mol

Cl 52,03 %, Zn 47,98 %,

Propriétés physiques

T° fusion 290 °C1, 283 °C3

T° ébullition 732 °C1

Solubilité dans l'eau à 25 °C : très bonne,

100/100 ml eau (12,5 °C,eau)

Masse volumique 2,9 g·cm-31


Utilisation et sources d'émission: Agent de déshydratation, mordant à teinture


Le chlorure de zinc est un corps composé ionique de cation zinc et d'anion chlorure, de formule chimique ZnCl2.


Généralité sur le chlorure de zinc

Ce sel chlorure de zinc ZnCl2 est un solide blanc ou incolore, de densité 2,9. Ce corps est déliquescent extrêmement hygroscopique.


Il est très soluble dans l'eau, avec une solubilité de 432 g pour 100 g d'eau pure à 25 °C et de 615 g pour 100 g d'eau pure à 100 °C. Il l'est un peu moins dans l'éthanol,

 avec une solubilité avoisinant 100 g pour 100 g d'éthanol à 12 °C. Il reste très soluble dans l'éther. Il est insoluble dans l'ammoniac liquide.


Les solutions aqueuses concentrées de chlorure de zinc ont la propriété de dissoudre l'amidon, la soie et la cellulose. Elles ne peuvent donc pas être filtrées à travers du 

papier de filtration standard.


Quatre structures cristallines différentes ont été observées, mais seul la forme δ (hexagonal compact) peut apparaître lorsque le composé est pur et anhydre. S'il subit une trempe

 rapide, ZnCl2 peut être obtenu sous forme vitreuse, donc amorphe.



Structure cristalline

A la température ambiante et jusqu'à 390 K, le chlorure de zinc cristallise dans le système monoclinique, groupe d'espace P21/c, avec pour paramètres de maille a = 6.54 Å, b = 11.31 Å,

 c = 12.33 Å et β = 117.94° 6. A 390 K, il subit une transformation de phase vers une structure quadratique de groupe d'espace I42d, avec pour paramètres de maille a = 5.398 Å et c = 10.33 



Le chlorure de zinc est un sel ionique, qui possède tout de même un caractère covalent qui est mis en évidence par sa température de fusion relativement basse (275 °C) et sa 

solubilité élevée dans des solvants comme l'éther. Il se comporte comme un acide de Lewis modéré, et les solutions de chlorure de zinc ont un pH voisin de 4. Lorsqu'il est chauffé 

sous une forme hydratée, il s'hydrolyse pour former de l'oxychlorure de zinc.


En solution aqueuse, le chlorure de zinc est une source d'ions Zn2+ utile pour la préparation d'autres sels de zinc comme le carbonate de zinc :


ZnCl2(aq) + Na2CO3(aq) → ZnCO3(s) + 2 NaCl(aq)


Préparation et purification

Le chlorure de zinc anhydre est obtenu à partir de zinc métal et de chlorure d'hydrogène :


Zn(s) + 2 HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)


Les formes hydratées et le sel en solution aqueuse peuvent être préparés directement en utilisant une réaction acido-basique, par exemple à partir du minerai de sulfure de zinc :


ZnS(s) + 2 HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2S(l)


Le chlorure de zinc commercial contient généralement de l'[eau]) et de l'oxychlorure de zinc produit par hydrolyse. Ces produits peuvent être purifiés comme suit : 100 g de ZnCl2 commercial sont chauffés à reflux dans 800 ml de dioxane anhydre en présence de poussière de zinc métallique. Le mélange est filtré à chaud (pour retirer le zinc), puis refroidi pour former un précipité blanc de chlorure de zinc pur. Les échantillons anhydres peuvent être purifiés par sublimation sous un flux de chlorure d'hydrogène, suivi par un chauffage à 400 °C sous un flux d'azote sec.



Le chlorure de zinc est l'électrolyte des piles Leclanché. Il a de nombreuses applications dans l'industrie textile, comme mordant en teinture ou en impression textile, la métallurgie comme fondant pour soudures ainsi que la synthèse chimique.


C'est aussi un désinfectant, un cautérisant et un produit d'embaumement. Il est considéré comme un corps caustique, désinfectant les plaies et fistules, par la médecine de la Belle Époque.


Le chlorure de zinc est notamment utilisé pour le soudage, du fait de sa capacité de dissoudre les oxydes métalliques lors qu'il est à l'état fondu. Cette propriété permet également de l'utiliser dans les ciments à base d'oxyde de magnésium pour les prothèses dentaires. ZnCl2 est utilisé également comme agent d'ignifugation et comme réactif d'attaque de métaux.


Le chlorure de zinc est aussi utilisé pour la galvanisation, ainsi qu'en production de batteries.






CAS Number:7646-85-7


Formül: ZnCl₂

Molar kütle: 136,286 g/mol

Yoğunluk: 2,91 g/cm³

Kaynama noktası: 732 °C

ChEBI Kimliği: 49976




Çinko klorür, ZnCl2 formülüne ve hidratlarına sahip kimyasal bileşiklerin adıdır. Dokuz kristalli formu bilinen

 çinko klorürler renksiz veya beyazdır ve suda oldukça çözünürdür. ZnCl2'nin kendisi higroskopiktir ve hatta 

sıvılaşır. Bu nedenle numuneler, ortam havasında bulunan su buharı dahil olmak üzere nem kaynaklarından 

korunmalıdır. Çinko klorür, tekstil işlemede, metalurjik akışlarda ve kimyasal sentezde geniş uygulama alanı

 bulur. Çok nadir bulunan simonkolleit minerali Zn5 (OH) 8Cl2 · H2O dışında bu kimyasal bileşime sahip hiçbir

 mineral bilinmemektedir.


Çinko Klorür, klorürlerle uyumlu kullanımlar için mükemmel bir suda çözünür kristalli Çinko kaynağıdır. Klorür bileşikleri, suda kaynaştığında veya çözündüğünde elektrik iletebilir. Klorid malzemeleri elektroliz yoluyla klor gazına ve metale ayrıştırılabilir. En az bir klor anyonunun (Cl-) ilgili metale veya katyona kovalent olarak bağlandığı çeşitli klorlama işlemleriyle oluşturulurlar. Ultra yüksek saflıkta ve tescilli formülasyonlar hazırlanabilir. Klorür iyonu, metabolik sistemlerde sıvı dengesini ve pH seviyelerini kontrol eder. İnorganik veya organik bileşikler oluşturabilirler. Çinko Klorür, çoğu ciltte genellikle hemen bulunur. Yüksek saflık, mikron altı ve nano toz formları düşünülebilir. Ayrıca Çinko Klorür Çözeltisi üretiyoruz. American Elements, uygulanabilir olduğunda, Mil Spec (askeri sınıf) dahil olmak üzere birçok standart sınıfta üretim yapar; ACS, Reaktif ve Teknik Sınıf; Gıda, Tarım ve İlaç Derecesi; Optik Sınıf, USP ve EP / BP (Avrupa Farmakopesi / İngiliz Farmakopesi) ve ilgili ASTM test standartlarını takip eder. Tipik ve özel paketleme mevcuttur. İlgili ölçüm birimlerini dönüştürmek için bir Referans Hesaplayıcı olduğu gibi ek teknik, araştırma ve güvenlik (MSDS) bilgileri mevcuttur.


Susuz ZnCl2 çinko ve hidrojen klorürden hazırlanabilir:


Zn (k) + 2 HCl → ZnCl2 + H2 (g)

Hidratlanmış formlar ve sulu çözeltiler, Zn metalinin hidroklorik asit ile işlenmesiyle benzer şekilde kolayca

hazırlanabilir. Çinko oksit ve çinko sülfür, HCl ile reaksiyona girer:


ZnS (k) + 2 HCl (sulu) → ZnCl2 (sulu) + H2S (g)

Diğer birçok elementten farklı olarak, çinko esasen yalnızca bir oksidasyon durumunda bulunur, 2+, bu da klorürün

 saflaştırılmasını kolaylaştırır.


Ticari çinko klorür numuneleri tipik olarak su ve hidrolizden elde edilen ürünleri safsızlık olarak içerir. Bu tür

 numuneler, sıcak dioksandan yeniden kristalleştirme ile saflaştırılabilir. Susuz numuneler, bir hidrojen klorür

 gazı akışında süblimasyon yoluyla saflaştırılabilir, ardından süblimasyon bir kuru nitrojen gazı akışı içinde 

400 ° C'ye ısıtılabilir. Son olarak, en basit yöntem çinko klorürün tiyonil klorür ile işlenmesine dayanır.



500–700 ° C'de erimiş susuz ZnCl2 çinko metali çözer ve eriyik hızlı soğumada, Raman çalışmalarının Zn2 ​​+ içerdiğini gösteren sarı bir diyamanyetik cam oluşur.

2 iyon.


Tetraklorozinkat anyonu, ZnCl2− içeren bir dizi tuz

4, biliniyor. [10] "Caulton reaktifi", V2Cl3 (thf) 6Zn2Cl6, Zn2Cl2− içeren bir tuz örneğidir

6. Cs3ZnCl5 bileşiği, tetrahedral ZnCl2 contains içerir

4 ve Cl− anyonları. [4] ZnCl4− içeren hiçbir bileşik

6 iyon karakterize edilmiştir.


Çinko klorür suda çok çözünür olsa da, çözeltilerin basitçe çözülmüş Zn2 + iyonları ve Cl− iyonları içerdiği düşünülemez, ZnClxH2O (4 − x) türleri de mevcuttur. Sulu ZnCl2 çözeltileri asidiktir: 6 M sulu çözeltinin pH değeri 1'dir. Diğer Zn2 + tuzlarının çözeltilerine göre sulu ZnCl2 çözeltilerinin asitliği, koordinasyon sayısının 6'dan düşürüldüğü dört yüzlü kloro aqua komplekslerinin oluşumundan kaynaklanır. çözülmüş su moleküllerindeki O – H bağlarının kuvvetini 4'e daha da düşürür.


OHy iyonu varlığında alkali çözeltide, çözelti içinde çeşitli çinko hidroksiklorür anyonları mevcuttur; Zn (OH) 3Cl2−, Zn (OH) 2Cl2−

2, ZnOHCl2−

3 ve Zn5 (OH) 8Cl2 · H2O (simonkolleit) çökelir.


Bir çinko klorür çözeltisinden amonyak köpürtüldüğünde, hidroksit çökelmez, bunun yerine kompleks amonyak (amminler) içeren bileşikler, Zn (NH3) 4Cl2 · H2O ve konsantrasyonda ZnCl2 (NH3) 2 üretilir. [23] İlki, Zn (NH3) 62+ iyonunu [4] içerir ve ikincisi, bozulmuş tetrahedral geometriye sahip molekülerdir. Sulu çözeltideki türler araştırılmış ve Zn (NH3) 42 + 'nin Zn ile mevcut ana tür olduğunu göstermiştir. (NH3) 3Cl + ayrıca daha düşük NH3: Zn oranında mevcuttur.


Sulu çinko klorür, ilk kez 1855'te Stanislas Sorel tarafından araştırılan amorf bir çimento oluşturmak için çinko oksit ile reaksiyona girer. Sorel daha sonra kendi adını taşıyan ilgili magnezyum oksiklorür çimentosunu araştırmaya devam etti.


Hidratlı çinko klorür ısıtıldığında, bir Zn (OH) Cl tortusu elde edilir, örn.


ZnCl2 · 2H2O → ZnCl (OH) + HCl + H2O

ZnCl2 · 1⁄2HCl · H2O bileşiği, HCl ile asitleştirilmiş bir ZnCl2 çözeltisinden dikkatlice çökeltilerek hazırlanabilir. Dengeleyici monohidratlı hidronyum iyonları, H5O2 + iyonları ile polimerik bir anyon (Zn2Cl5−) n içerir. [4


Çinko klorür hidratlar ısıtıldığında oluşan yüksek reaktif susuz HCl gazının oluşumu, kalitatif inorganik spot testlerinin temelini oluşturur.


Çinko klorürün bir akı olarak, bazen amonyum klorür ile bir karışım halinde kullanılması (ayrıca bkz. Çinko amonyum klorür), HCl üretimini ve bunun ardından yüzey oksitlerle reaksiyonunu içerir. Çinko klorür, amonyum klorür ile iki tuz oluşturur: (NH4) 2ZnCl4 ve (NH4) 3ClZnCl4, tıpkı çinko klorür hidratın yaptığı gibi, serbest bırakan HCI ısıtıldığında ayrışır. Örneğin sıcak daldırma galvanizleme işleminde çinko klorür / amonyum klorür akışlarının etkisi H2 gazı ve amonyak dumanı üretir.


Selüloz, sulu ZnCl2 çözeltilerinde çözünür ve çinko-selüloz kompleksleri tespit edilmiştir. [31] Selüloz ayrıca erimiş ZnCl2 hidratta çözünür ve selüloz polimeri üzerinde gerçekleştirilen karboksilasyon ve asetilasyon.


Bu nedenle, birçok çinko tuzunun farklı formüllere ve farklı kristal yapılara sahip olmasına rağmen, bu tuzlar sulu çözelti içinde çok benzer şekilde davranır. Örneğin, ZnCl2 polimorflarının herhangi birinden ve diğer halojenürlerden (bromür, iyodür) ve sülfattan hazırlanan çözeltiler, diğer çinko bileşiklerinin hazırlanması için sıklıkla birbirlerinin yerine kullanılabilir. Örnek, çinko karbonatın hazırlanmasıdır:


ZnCl2 (sulu) + Na2CO3 (sulu) → ZnCO3 (k) + 2 NaCl (sulu)


Metalurjik bir akı olarak

Çinko klorür, MZnOCl2 formülünün türevlerini vermek için metal oksitlerle (MO) reaksiyona girme kabiliyetine sahiptir. Bu reaksiyon, lehimleme için bir akı olarak ZnCl2 çözeltisinin kullanımı ile ilgilidir - oksit kaplamaları çözerek temiz metal yüzeyi açığa çıkarır. Aktif bir bileşen olarak ZnCl2 bazen "kalaycı sıvısı" olarak adlandırılır. Tipik olarak bu fluks, çinko folyonun, sıvı hidrojeni geliştirmeyi bırakana kadar seyreltik hidroklorik asit içinde çözülmesiyle hazırlandı; bu nedenle, bu tür bir akış bir zamanlar "öldürülmüş ruhlar" olarak biliniyordu. Korozif yapısı nedeniyle, bu eritken elektronik işler gibi herhangi bir kalıntının temizlenemediği durumlar için uygun değildir. Bu özellik aynı zamanda aktif bileşen olarak diş dolguları için magnezya simanlarının ve bazı ağız gargaralarının imalatında kullanılmasına yol açar.



Görünümü : Beyaz Kristal Haldedir, Hidroskopiktir.


Kimyasal Adı : Zinc Chloride


Kimyasal Formülü : ZnCl2


Özellikleri : Suda ÇOK RAHAT ÇÖZÜNÜR.


Ambalaj Şekli : 25 Kg. lık Torbalarda


Tanımı ve Kullanım Alanları :


Çinko tereyağı olarak da bilinen çinko (II) klorür, suda çok çözünen ve çoğunlukla katalizör olarak ve dezenfektan olarak organik sentezde kullanılan inorganik bir tuzdur.


Çinko klorür çoğunlukla iyonik bir bileşik olarak düşünülür ancak daha kovalent bir davranışa sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çinko klorür, çeşitli şekillerde reaksiyona girebilir, hepsi de kovalent bileşikler tarafından gösterilen reaksiyona benzer: örneğin su molekülü ile kompleks oluşumu veya alkali çözeltinin varlığında aşağıdaki gibi kompleks türler oluşur: Zn ( OH) 3 Cl 2- , Zn (OH) 2 Cl 2- veya ZnOHCl 2- .


Çinko, dünyada yıllık kullanım miktarı açısından demir, alüminyum, ve bakırdan sonra gelir.


Kullanım Alanları


Korozyondan korunma amacıyla, çelik gibi diğer metallerin galvanize edilmesinde,

Pirinç, nikelli gümüş, değişik lehimler, alman gümüşü gibi alaşımların yapımında,

Genellikle otomotiv endüstrisinde döküm kalıplarında,

Pillerin gövdelerinin yapımında kullanılır.

Çinko oksit, sulu boyalarda beyaz pigment olarak ve lastik sanayinde aktivatör olarak kullanılır.

Reçetesiz satılabilen bazı merhemlerin bileşiminde bulunur ve ince bir tabaka halinde uygulandığında cildin su kaybetmesini önler. Yazın güneş, kışın da soğuk yanıklarına karşı koruyucudur. Bebeklerin bez bağlanan bölgelerinde çok az miktarda kullanılarak ciltte meydana gelebilecek kızarıklıklar önlenebilir.

Yaşa bağlı göz hastalıklarının tedavisinde de kullanılır.

Çinko klorür, deodorantlarda ve ahşap koruyucu olarak kullanılır.

Çinko sülfür, karanlıkta parlayan pigment olarak saatlerin akrep ve yelkovanlarında kullanılır.

Çinko metil, (Zn(CH3)2) pek çok organik maddenin sentezinde kullanılır.



Çinko Klorür şu durumlarda kullanılabilir:

• karbonil substratlarının asidik metilen reaktifleri ile knoevenagel yoğunlaşmasında katalizör olarak

• gözenekli karbon nanoliflerin hazırlanmasında, süperkapasitörler için verimli elektrotların üretiminde yararlıdır

• poli (propilen fumarat) hazırlanmasında katalizör olarak

• nanokristalin çinko oksit filmlerin düşük sıcaklık sentezinde

• Düşük aglomerasyona sahip çinko oksit nanopartiküllerinin sentezinde. Nanopartiküllerin sulu süspansiyonları, görünür ışık aralığında yüksek geçirgenlik gösterdi, ancak UV aralığında güçlü emilim sergiledi.



Çinko Klorür ürününe dayalı kimyasal ürün dağıtımı


Bilgi yok



Kristal beyaz toz.



Çinko Klorür tamamen suda çözünür bir maddedir.



Çinko klorür organik sentez, kaynak ve su arıtımında katalizör olarak kullanılır.



Çinko klorür yutulduğunda zararlıdır; Ciddi kutanöz, oküler ve solunum yolu yaralanmalarına neden olabilir ve uzun süreli etkilerle sudaki yaşam için çok toksiktir. Güvenlik bilgi formunu isteyin ve 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15 numaralı noktalara bakın. Uygulamaya bağlı olarak istek üzerine diğer teknik özellikler sağlanır.



Request safety data sheet (SDS) and refer to points 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15.



Çinko Klorür çeşitli yoğunluklarda normal olarak mevcuttur ve orijinal ambalajında ve güvenlik bilgi formuna (SDS) belirtilen koşullar altında depolanmaktadır.



Çinko klorür,anhidrit çinko klorür



Görünümü : Beyaz Kristal Haldedir, Higroskopiktir.


Kimyasal Adı : Zinc Chloride


Kimyasal Formülü : ZnCl2


Özellikleri : Suda ÇOK RAHAT ÇÖZÜNÜR.


Ambalaj Şekli : 25 Kg. lık Torbalarda



Zinc chloride is the name of chemical compounds with the formula ZnCl2 and its hydrates. Zinc chlorides, of which nine crystalline forms are known, are colorless or white, and are

 highly soluble in water. ZnCl2 itself is hygroscopic and even deliquescent. Samples should therefore be protected from sources of moisture, including the water 

vapor present in ambient air. Zinc chloride finds wide application in textile processing, metallurgical fluxes, and chemical synthesis. No mineral with this chemical composition 

is known aside from the very rare mineral simonkolleite, Zn5(OH)8Cl2·H2O.


IUPAC name : Zinc chloride

Other names : 

Zinc(II) chloride

Zinc dichloride

Butter of zinc



Anhydrous ZnCl2 can be prepared from zinc and hydrogen chloride:


Zn(s) + 2 HCl → ZnCl2 + H2(g)

Hydrated forms and aqueous solutions may be readily prepared similarly by treating Zn metal with hydrochloric acid. Zinc oxide and zinc sulfide react with HCl:


ZnS(s) + 2 HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2S(g)

Unlike many other elements, zinc essentially exists in only one oxidation state, 2+, which simplifies purification of the chloride.


Commercial samples of zinc chloride typically contain water and products from hydrolysis as impurities. Such samples may be purified by recrystallization from hot dioxane.

Anhydrous samples can be purified by sublimation in a stream of hydrogen chloride gas, followed by heating the sublimate to 400 °C in a stream of dry nitrogen gas. Finally, the 

simplest method relies on treating the zinc chloride with thionyl chloride. 




Molten anhydrous ZnCl2 at 500–700 °C dissolves zinc metal, and, on rapid cooling of the melt, a yellow diamagnetic glass is formed, which Raman studies indicate contains the Zn2+

2 ion.


A number of salts containing the tetrachlorozincate anion, ZnCl2−4, are known. "Caulton's reagent", V2Cl3(thf)6Zn2Cl6 is an example of a salt containing Zn2Cl2−6. The compound 

Cs3ZnCl5 contains tetrahedral ZnCl2−4 and Cl− anions.No compounds containing the ZnCl4−6 ion have been characterized.


Whilst zinc chloride is very soluble in water, solutions cannot be considered to contain simply solvated Zn2+ ions and Cl− ions, ZnClxH2O(4−x) species are also present.

Aqueous solutions of ZnCl2 are acidic: a 6 M aqueous solution has a pH of 1.[14] The acidity of aqueous ZnCl2 solutions relative to solutions of other Zn2+ salts is due to the 

formation of the tetrahedral chloro aqua complexes where the reduction in coordination number from 6 to 4 further reduces the strength of the O–H bonds in the solvated water molecules.


In alkali solution in the presence of OH− ion various zinc hydroxychloride anions are present in solution, e.g. Zn(OH)3Cl2−, Zn(OH)2Cl2−2, ZnOHCl2−3, and Zn5(OH)8Cl2·H2O (simonkolleite) precipitates.[22]


When ammonia is bubbled through a solution of zinc chloride, the hydroxide does not precipitate, instead compounds containing complexed ammonia (ammines) are produced, Zn(NH3)4Cl2·H2O 

and on concentration ZnCl2(NH3)2.[23] The former contains the Zn(NH3)62+ ion [4], and the latter is molecular with a distorted tetrahedral geometry.[24] The species in aqueous solution

 have been investigated and show that Zn(NH3)42+ is the main species present with Zn(NH3)3Cl+ also present at lower NH3:Zn ratio.


Aqueous zinc chloride reacts with zinc oxide to form an amorphous cement that was first investigated in the 1855 by Stanislas Sorel. Sorel later went on to investigate the related

 magnesium oxychloride cement, which bears his name.When hydrated zinc chloride is heated, one obtains a residue of Zn(OH)Cl e.g.


ZnCl2·2H2O → ZnCl(OH) + HCl + H2O

The compound ZnCl2·​1⁄2HCl·H2O may be prepared by careful precipitation from a solution of ZnCl2 acidified with HCl. It contains a polymeric anion (Zn2Cl5−)n with balancing monohydrated 

hydronium ions, H5O2+ ions.The formation of highly reactive anhydrous HCl gas formed when zinc chloride hydrates are heated is the basis of qualitative inorganic spot tests.


The use of zinc chloride as a flux, sometimes in a mixture with ammonium chloride (see also Zinc ammonium chloride), involves the production of HCl and its subsequent reaction with 

surface oxides. Zinc chloride forms two salts with ammonium chloride: (NH4)2ZnCl4 and (NH4)3ClZnCl4, which decompose on heating liberating HCl, just as zinc chloride hydrate does.

 The action of zinc chloride/ammonium chloride fluxes, for example, in the hot-dip galvanizing process produces H2 gas and ammonia fumes.


Cellulose dissolves in aqueous solutions of ZnCl2, and zinc-cellulose complexes have been detected.Cellulose also dissolves in molten ZnCl2 hydrate and carboxylation and acetylation 

performed on the cellulose polymer.


Thus, although many zinc salts have different formulas and different crystal structures, these salts behave very similarly in aqueous solution. For example, solutions prepared from any

 of the polymorphs of ZnCl2, as well as other halides (bromide, iodide), and the sulfate can often be used interchangeably for the preparation of other zinc compounds. Illustrative is 

the preparation of zinc carbonate:


ZnCl2(aq) + Na2CO3(aq) → ZnCO3(s) + 2 NaCl(aq)


As a metallurgical flux

Zinc chloride has the ability to react with metal oxides (MO) to give derivatives of the formula MZnOCl2.[additional citation(s) needed] This reaction is relevant to the utility of

 ZnCl2 solution as a flux for soldering — it dissolves oxide coatings, exposing the clean metal surface.[33] Fluxes with ZnCl2 as an active ingredient are sometimes called

 "tinner's fluid". Typically this flux was prepared by dissolving zinc foil in dilute hydrochloric acid until the liquid ceased to evolve hydrogen; for this reason, such flux was

 once known as "killed spirits". Because of its corrosive nature, this flux is not suitable for situations where any residue cannot be cleaned away, such as electronic work.

This property also leads to its use in the manufacture of magnesia cements for dental fillings and certain mouthwashes as an active ingredient.


In organic synthesis

An early use of zinc chloride (Silzic) was in building carbon skeletons by condensation of methanol molecules. Unsaturated hydrocarbons are the major products, with reaction conditions 

influencing the distribution of products, though some aromatic compounds were formed.[34] In 1880, it was found that molten zinc chloride catalyses an aromatization reaction generating

hexamethylbenzene. At the melting point of ZnCl2 (283 °C), the reaction has a ΔG = −1090 kJ/mol and can be idealised as


15 CH3OH → C6(CH3)6 + 3 CH4 + 15 H2O

The discoverers of this reaction rationalized it as involving condensation of methylene units followed by complete Friedel-Crafts methylation of the resulting benzene ring with

 chloromethane generated in situ.Such an alkylation transformation is an application of zinc chloride's moderate strength as a Lewis acid, which is its principal role in 

laboratory synthesis. Other examples include catalyzing (A) the Fischer indole synthesis,and also (B) Friedel-Crafts acylation reactions involving activated aromatic rings.


Related to the latter is the classical preparation of the dye fluorescein from phthalic anhydride and resorcinol, which involves a Friedel-Crafts acylation.

This transformation has in fact been accomplished using even the hydrated ZnCl2 sample shown.


Hydrochloric acid alone reacts poorly with primary alcohols and secondary alcohols, but a combination of HCl with ZnCl2 (known together as the "Lucas reagent") is effective for

 the preparation of alkyl chlorides. Typical reactions are conducted at 130 °C. This reaction probably proceeds via an SN2 mechanism with primary alcohols but SN1 pathway with 

secondary alcohols.


Zinc chloride also activates benzylic and allylic halides towards substitution by weak nucleophiles such as alkenes:In similar fashion, ZnCl2 promotes selective NaBH3CN reduction of tertiary, allylic or benzylic halides to the corresponding hydrocarbons.


Zinc chloride is also a useful starting reagent for the synthesis of many organozinc reagents, such as those used in the palladium catalyzed Negishi coupling with aryl halides or vinyl

 halides.In such cases the organozinc compound is usually prepared by transmetallation from an organolithium or a Grignard reagent, for example:Zinc enolates, prepared from alkali metal

enolates and ZnCl2, provide control of stereochemistry in aldol condensation reactions due to chelation on to the zinc. In the example shown below, the threo product was favored over 

the erythro by a factor of 5:1 when ZnCl2 in DME/ether was used.The chelate is more stable when the bulky phenyl group is pseudo-equatorial rather than pseudo-axial, i.e., threo

 rather than erythro.




In textile and paper processing

Concentrated aqueous solutions of zinc chloride (more than 64% weight/weight zinc chloride in water) have the interesting property of dissolving starch, silk, and cellulose. 

Thus, such solutions cannot be filtered through standard filter papers. Relevant to its affinity for these materials, ZnCl2 is used as a fireproofing agent and in fabric "refresheners" 

such as Febreze. Vulcanized fibre is made by soaking paper in concentrated zinc chloride.


Smoke grenades

The zinc chloride smoke mixture ("HC") used in smoke grenades contains zinc oxide, hexachloroethane and granular aluminium powder, which, when ignited, react to form zinc 

chloride, carbon and aluminium oxide smoke, an effective smoke screen.


Fingerprint detection

Ninhydrin reacts with amino acids and amines to form a colored compound "Ruhemann's purple" (RP). Spraying with a zinc chloride solution forms a 1:1 complex RP:ZnCl(H2O)2, which is 

more readily detected as it fluoresces better than Ruhemann's purple.



Historically, a dilute aqueous solution of zinc chloride was used as a disinfectant under the name "Burnett's Disinfecting Fluid". [45] It is also used in some commercial brands of 

antiseptic mouthwash.


Skin cancer treatment

Zinc chloride has been used in alternative medicine to cause eschars, scabs of dead tissue, in an attempt to cure skin cancers.[46] Various products, such as Cansema or "black salve", 

containing zinc chloride and sold as cancer cures have been listed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as fake [47] with warning letters being sent to suppliers.


Numerous reports in medical literature describe serious scarring and damage to normal skin by escharotic substances. Given these side-effects, its use in treatment is not warranted as there are much safer and more effective alternatives, such as radiation therapy and Mohs surgery.[49][50]



Zinc chloride is a skin irritant. After contact of the skin, immediate removal is necessary using soap and plenty of water. After contact of the eyes, adequate measures are rinsing with plenty of water or other eye rinse and contacting an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.[51]


Zinc chloride is caustic to the gastrointestinal tract, occasionally leading to hematemesis. Symptoms of acute intoxication are gastrointestinal distress, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain. Vomiting occurs almost universally. The lethal dose in humans is 3–5 g.[citation needed] Decontamination of the gastrointestinal tract after oral uptake of zinc compounds is mostly unnecessary, since patients usually vomit sufficiently. Milk may be administered to decrease absorption of the metal. Zinc levels may be normalized with EDTA salts.[51]


Zinc chloride is extremely detrimental to the lungs, and pulmonary exposure to zinc chloride smoke has previously resulted in fatalities.Inhalation of fumes of zinc, zinc oxide, or zinc 

chloride leads to pulmonary edema and metal fume fever. Onset occurs within 4–6 h and may be delayed up to 8 h. Symptoms include rapid breathing, dyspnea, cough, fever, shivering, 

sweating, chest and leg pain, myalgias, fatigue, metallic taste, salivation, thirst, and leukocytosis, which can last from 24 to 48 h. In cases of fume inhalation, cortisone preparations

 should be applied immediately (e.g., by inhalation of Auxiloson) to avoid development of lung edema.


zinc chloride


Zinc dichloride


Butter of zinc


Zinc(II) chloride


Zinc butter


Zinc chloride (ZnCl2)






Zinc chloride fume


Zine dichloride


Zinc chloride, (solution)


Zinc (chlorure de)


Zinco (cloruro di)


Zinkchlorid [German]


Zinkchloride [Dutch]


Caswell No. 910


Zinc chloride, solution




Chlorure de zinc [French]


Zinc (chlorure de) [French]


CCRIS 3509


Zinco (cloruro di) [Italian]


HSDB 1050


EINECS 231-592-0






EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 087801


NSC 529648




Zinc Chloride Solution Anhydrous


Zinc chloride, 98+%, extra pure


Zinc chloride, 97+%, ACS reagent


Zinc chloride, 98.5%, for analysis


Zinc chloride, 0.7M solution in THF, AcroSeal(R)


Zinc chloride, 2M solution in 2-MeTHF, AcroSeal(R)


Zinc chloride, 99.99%, (trace metal basis), anhydrous


Zinc chloride, 99.99%, (trace metal basis), extra pure


Zinc chloride, 1.0M solution in diethyl ether, AcroSeal(R)


Zinc chloride 0.1 M solution


Zinc chloride (TN)


Zinc muriate, solution


Zinc chloride [USP:JAN]








Zinc chloride [USAN:JAN]




Zinc chloride (JP17/USP)


Zinc chloride, LR, >=97%


Zinc chloride, p.a., 97.0%


Zinc chloride in plastic container




Zinc chloride, for molecular biology




Zinc chloride, ACS reagent, >=97%






Zinc chloride, reagent grade, >=98%


Zinc chloride solution, 0.5 M in THF










Zinc chloride, 99.999% trace metals basis


Zinc chloride, SAJ first grade, >=95.0%


Zinc chloride, JIS special grade, >=98.0%




EC 231-592-0


Zinc chloride solution, 1.0 M in diethyl ether


Zinc chloride, anhydrous [UN2331] [Corrosive]


Zinc chloride, solution [UN1840] [Corrosive]


Zinc chloride, solution [UN1840] [Corrosive]




Zinc chloride, anhydrous [UN2331] [Corrosive]




Zinc chloride solution, 1.9 M in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran


Zinc chloride, BioReagent, for molecular biology, >=97.0%


Zinc chloride, anhydrous, powder, >=99.995% trace metals basis


Zinc chloride, anhydrous, free-flowing, Redi-Dri(TM), ACS reagent, >=97%


Zinc chloride, anhydrous, beads, amorphous, -10 mesh, 99.99% trace metals basis


Zinc chloride, anhydrous, beads, amorphous, -10 mesh, 99.999% trace metals basis


Zinc chloride, anhydrous, free-flowing, Redi-Dri(TM), reagent grade, >=98%


Zinc chloride, puriss. p.a., ACS reagent, reag. ISO, reag. Ph. Eur., >=98%


Zinc chloride, puriss., meets analytical specification of Ph. Eur., BP, USP, 98-100.5%


Zinc atomic spectroscopy standard concentrate 1.00 g Zn, 1.00 g/L, for 1L standard solution, analytical standard




vapor pressure  1 mmHg ( 428 °C)

assay  ≥98%

mp  293 °C (lit.)


General description

Electrodeposition of zinc on glassy carbon and nickel substrates in zinc chloride-1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride molten salt is studied.[4]



Zinc Chloride may be used:

• as catalyst in knoevenagel condensation of carbonyl substrates with acidic methylene reagents[3]

• in the preparation of porous carbon nanofibers, useful in the fabrication of efficient electrodes for supercapacitors[5]

• as a catalyst in preparation of poly(propylene fumarate)[6]

• in the low temperature synthesis of nanocrystalline zinc oxide films[1]

• in the synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles with low agglomeration. Aqueous suspensions of the nanoparticles displayed high transmittance in the visible light range, but exhibited strong absorption in the UV range.[2]



In chemical compounds, zinc exhibits almost exclusively a +2 oxidation state. A few compounds of zinc in the +1 state have been reported, but never any compounds of zinc in the +3 state or higher.



Zinc chloride is a chemical compound whose formula is ZnCl2, with a molecular weight of 136.3 g / mol. This product is hygroscopic and deliquescent and therefore must be protected from moisture, even that contained in the atmosphere.


One of the main applications of zinc chloride is to act as an electrolyte in dry batteries (zinc-carbon). Zinc chloride has the ability to attack the metal oxides, this property allowing its use as flux in the weld metal, dissolving the oxide layers, and leaving the metal surface clean. Zinc chloride is used in various fields such as water treatment, as a fireproofing agent in textile processing and in the manufacture of bactericides, fungicides and stabilizers for plastics.


This product can be manufactured in liquid form at any concentration up to 65% in solid form as a dry powder. The anhydrous material is packed in polyethylene valve bags of 25 or 50 Kgs, in big bags of 1.000 Kgs and in metal drums of 250 Kgs. The liquid material can be delivered in tankers or IBC'S of 1.000 lts. All the packaging we use is UN approved.

Zinc Chloride is an excellent water soluble crystalline Zinc source for uses compatible with chlorides. Chloride compounds can conduct electricity when fused or dissolved in water. Chloride materials can be decomposed by electrolysis to chlorine gas and the metal. They are formed through various chlorination processes whereby at least one chlorine anion (Cl-) is covalently bonded to the relevant metal or cation. Ultra high purity and proprietary formulations can be prepared. The chloride ion controls fluid equilibrium and pH levels in metabolic systems. They can form either inorganic or organic compounds. Zinc Chloride is generally immediately available in most volumes. High purity, submicron and nanopowder forms may be considered. We also produce Zinc Chloride Solution. American Elements produces to many standard grades when applicable, including Mil Spec (military grade); ACS, Reagent and Technical Grade; Food, Agricultural and Pharmaceutical Grade; Optical Grade, USP and EP/BP (European Pharmacopoeia/British Pharmacopoeia) and follows applicable ASTM testing standards. Typical and custom packaging is available. 

Additional technical, research and safety (MSDS) information is available as is a Reference Calculator for

 converting relevant units of measurement.



Butter of zinc


Zinc (chlorure de)


Zinc butter


Zinc chloride

EC Inventory, Ataman Kimya, Pre-Registration process, Other, EU. Cosmetics Regulation, Annex III, Restricted Substances, EU. Worker Protection-Hazardous (98/24), EU. Dangerous Substances - Eco-Labels, EU. Workplace Signs, EU. Hazardous Waste Properties: Annex III (2008/98/EC), EU. Young People at Work (94/33)

Zinc chloride (ZnCl2)


Zinc chloride in plastic container



EU. ADN Dangerous Goods Lists, Directive 2008/68/EC, EU. ADR Dangerous Goods Lists, Directive 2008/68/EC, EU. RID Dangerous Goods Lists, Directive 2008/68/EC

Zinc chloride, (solution)



EU. ADN Dangerous Goods Lists, Directive 2008/68/EC, EU. ADR Dangerous Goods Lists, Directive 2008/68/EC, EU. RID Dangerous Goods Lists, Directive 2008/68/EC

Zinc dichloride


Zinc(II) chloride


Zinco (cloruro di)


Zine dichloride






chlorek cynku(II) (pl)


chlorid zinečnatý (cs)


chlorid zinočnatý (sk)


chlorure de zinc (fr)


cink-klorid (hu)


cinka hlorīds (lv)


cinko chloridas (lt)


cinkov klorid (hr)


cloreto de zinco (pt)


clorura de zinc (ro)


cloruro de cinc (es)


cloruro di zinco (it)


dichlorek cynku (pl)


sinkkikloridi (fi)


sinkklorid (no)


Tsinkkloriid (et)


zinkchlorid (da)

Ataman Kimya

zinkchloride (nl)

Ataman Kimya

zinkklorid (sv)

Ataman Kimya

χλωρίδιο του ψευδαργύρου (el)

Ataman Kimya

цинков хлорид (bg)

Ataman Kimya




Ataman Kimya, Other

nc chloride

Ataman Kimya

zinc cloride


Zinc oxide

Ataman Kimya

zinc(2+) dichloride


zinc(2+) ion dichloride



Ataman Kimya


Hegaflux AS


Zinc (II) Chloride


Zinkchlorid, freilaufend

Zinc dichloride, Zinc(II) chloride, Dichlorozinc, Zinc Butter, cas 21351-91-7 (zinc chloride hydrate / hydrated)



Butter of zinc


Zinc (chlorure de)


Zinc butter


Zinc chloride

EC Inventory, Ataman Kimya, Pre-Registration process, Other, EU. Cosmetics Regulation, Annex III, Restricted Substances, EU. Worker Protection-Hazardous (98/24), EU. Dangerous Substances - Eco-Labels, EU. Workplace Signs, EU. Hazardous Waste Properties: Annex III (2008/98/EC), EU. Young People at Work (94/33)

Zinc chloride (ZnCl2)


Zinc chloride in plastic container



EU. ADN Dangerous Goods Lists, Directive 2008/68/EC, EU. ADR Dangerous Goods Lists, Directive 2008/68/EC, EU. RID Dangerous Goods Lists, Directive 2008/68/EC

Zinc chloride, (solution)



EU. ADN Dangerous Goods Lists, Directive 2008/68/EC, EU. ADR Dangerous Goods Lists, Directive 2008/68/EC, EU. RID Dangerous Goods Lists, Directive 2008/68/EC

Zinc dichloride


Zinc(II) chloride


Zinco (cloruro di)


Zine dichloride




Translated names

chlorek cynku(II) (pl)

Ataman Kimya

chlorid zinečnatý (cs)

Ataman Kimya

chlorid zinočnatý (sk)

Ataman Kimya

chlorure de zinc (fr)

Ataman Kimya

cink-klorid (hu)

Ataman Kimya

cinka hlorīds (lv)

Ataman Kimya

cinko chloridas (lt)

Ataman Kimya

cinkov klorid (hr)

Ataman Kimya

cloreto de zinco (pt)

Ataman Kimya

clorura de zinc (ro)

Ataman Kimya

cloruro de cinc (es)

Ataman Kimya

cloruro di zinco (it)

Ataman Kimya

dichlorek cynku (pl)

Ataman Kimya

sinkkikloridi (fi)


sinkklorid (no)


Tsinkkloriid (et)


zinkchlorid (da)


zinkchloride (nl)


zinkklorid (sv)


χλωρίδιο του ψευδαργύρου (el)


цинков хлорид (bg)


IUPAC names



nc chloride


zinc cloride


Zinc oxide


zinc(2+) dichloride


zinc(2+) ion dichloride




Hegaflux AS


Zinc (II) Chloride


Zinc chloride [Wiki]

231-592-0 [EINECS]

7646-85-7 [RN]


Additive Screening Solution 29/Kit-No 78374


Dichlorure de zinc [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]

MFCD00011295 [MDL number]



Zinc dichloride [ACD/IUPAC Name]

zinc(II) chloride

zinc(ii) dichloride

Zinkchlorid [German]

Zinkdichlorid [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]


21351-91-7 [RN]

24359-56-6 [RN]

53917-99-0 [RN]

99.95% (metals basis)

ACS, 97%

butter of zinc


chlorure de zinc

Chlorure de zinc [French]

EINECS 231-592-0

Galvanizers Flux



Hydrochloric acid zinc salt (2:1)

Tinning flux

UN 1840

UN 2331




Zinc (chlorure de)

Zinc (chlorure de) [French]

zinc (II) chloride

zinc and dichloride

Zinc atomic spectroscopy standard concentrate 1.00 g Zn

Zinc butter

Zinc chloride (99.99%-Zn) PURATREM

Zinc chloride (JP15/USP) [USP]

Zinc chloride (TN)

Zinc Chloride ACS USP

Zinc Chloride Solution 50%

Zinc chloride, 0.5M solution in THF

Zinc chloride, 0.7M solution in THF

Zinc chloride, 1.9M in 2-MeTHF

Zinc chloride, 1M in diethyl ether

Zinc chloride, 25mM aqueous solution

Zinc Chloride, ACS grade -10 mesh

Zinc chloride, anhydrous [UN2331] [Corrosive]

Zinc chloride, anhydrous, USP grade

Zinc chloride, ultra dry


Zinc dichloride fume

Zinc muriate

Zinc standard concentrate 10.00 g Zn

zinc(2+) chloride





Zinco (cloruro di)

Zinco (cloruro di) [Italian]


Zine dichloride


Zinkchlorid [German]


Zinkchloride [Dutch]


氯化锌 [Chinese]





Dry Cell or Batteries: Zinc Chloride is commonly used in dry cell batteries as an electrolyte where it also acts as a moisture absorbent and corrosion inhibitor. ZnCl2 is an excellent water soluble Zinc source for uses compatible with chlorides. Chloride compounds can conduct electricity when fused or dissolved in water. Chloride materials can be decomposed by electrolysis to chlorine gas and the metal. They are formed through various chlorination processes whereby at least one chlorine anion (Cl-) is covalently bonded to the relevant metal or cation. the item is generally immediately available in most volumes and high purity.


A zinc chloride battery is a heavy duty variation of a zinc carbon battery. It is used in applications that require moderate to heavy current drains. Zinc chloride batteries have better voltage discharge per time characteristics and better low temperature performance than carbon zinc batteries. They batteries are used in radios, flashlights, lanterns, fluorescent lanterns, motor driven devices, portable audio equipments, communications equipments, electronic games, calculators, and remote control transmitters.


Electroplating : Today, there are three primary types of acid zinc plating baths: straight ammonium chloride, straight potassium chloride and mixed ammonium chloride/potassium chloride. Acid zinc plating systems have several advantages over alkaline cyanide and alkaline non-cyanide zinc plating systems except that in acid zinc plating, the electrolyte is extremely corrosive.


Ammonium chloride zinc plating. The ammonium chloride bath is the most forgiving of the three major types of acid zinc plating because of its wide operating parameters. The primary drawback of this system is the high level of ammonia, which can cause problems in wastewater treatment. Ammonia acts as a chelator, and if the rinse waters are not segregated from other waste streams, removal of metals to acceptable levels using standard water treatment practices can be difficult and expensive. Ammonia is also regulated in many communities.


Potassium chloride zinc plating. Potassium chloride zinc plating solutions are attractive because they contain no ammonia. The disadvantages of this system are a greater tendency to burn on extreme edges and higher operating costs. The potassium bath also requires the use of relatively expensive boric acid to buffer the solution and prevent burning in the high-current-density areas, functions performed by the ammonium chloride in the other systems.


Mixed ammonium chloride/potassium chloride zinc plating. This bath combines the best of the ammonia and ammonia-free baths. Because potassium chloride is less expensive than ammonium chloride, the maintenance costs of the mixed bath are lower than the ammonia bath, and it does not require boric acid. The ammonia levels in the rinse waters are low enough that it does not significantly interfere with wastewater treatment, even if plating nickel and copper in the same plant with mixed waste streams. If local regulations restrict the level of ammonia discharged, special waste treatment equipment will be required, and the non-ammonia bath is most likely the best choice.


Galvanizing, Soldering and Tinning Fluxes:  Zinc Chloride is used in fluxes for galvanizing, soldering and tinning. Its ability to remove oxides and salts from metal surfaces insures good metal to metal bonding. It has the ability to attack metal oxides (MO) to give derivatives of the formula MZnOCl2. This reaction is relevant to the utility of ZnCl2 as a flux for soldering - it dissolves oxide coatings exposing the clean metal surface. Typically this flux was prepared by dissolving zinc foil in dilute hydrochloric acid until the liquid ceased to evolve hydrogen; for this reason, such flux was once known as killed spirits or "Marela".


Agriculture: It is very rarely used in agriculture. It may be reacted with chelating agents to form solutions of zinc that are biologically available to plants and animals. It's the Chelate manufacturing that consumes Zinc Chloride.


Petroleum: It is an excellent emulsion breaker and is used to separate oil from water. It is also an effective packer fluid in oil and gas wells due to its high specific gravity. However its a little more costly than the other low specific gravity fluids used in the process.


Water Treatment: It is used in specialty corrosion inhibitors in cooling towers, potable water, and in gas and oil wells.


Resins: It is used in Ion - Exchange resins production.


Paints: It is used in for the production of lithopone and as pigment for zinc chromate.


Rubber: It is used as accelerator in the vulcanizing process of rubber.


Glue, wood working: It is used in for the preservation of glue, and for the impregnation of timber.


Printing: It is used in off-set in the chemical products.


Odor Control: It reacts with sulfide to minimize release of H2S gas in waste treatment facilities.


Oil-Gas Wells: High-density solutions of zinc chloride and calcium chloride give good performance in well completion and work-over operations; the solutions also used as packer 

fluids under certain well conditions. Zinc chloride has been used in specialty corrosion inhibitors and invert emulsion breakers.


Vulcanized Fiber & Reclaimed Rubber: Water-leaf paper is gelatinized with zinc chloride solution is lesstacky, drier and less moisture-absorbent than caustic reclaimed rubber. 

The zinc chloride not only dissolves the cellulosic fibers in the scrap, but also catalyzes depolymerization of the elastomer. Similar method is used for Rubber reclaimed from 

natural, styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), and mixed scrap


Animal drug: Zinc Chloride is used for the production of zinc bacitracin.


Herbicide: Zinc Chloride is used as an herbicide. It is used to control lichen and moss growing on the roofs of houses and other domestic dwellings, along walks, driveways, fences, 

and wherever moss grows


Chemical: Zinc Chloride is used in the production of ethyl acetate. It is used as condensing agent for the production of organic dye-stuff. It is used as a stabilizing agent for

 diazonium compounds. It is used for the production of active carbon. Zinc Chloride is used for Friedel Craft Reaction, Azotropic or Azeotropic Distillation, Desiccation. Zinc laurate,

 linoleate Stearate or resinate can be formed from zinc chloride solutions and solutions of the corresponding sodium salt. Zinc chloride is a Lewis acid and therefore electrophilic in 

character. Its catalytic activity is milder than that of aluminum chloride in, for example, Friedel-Crafts type reactions. Zinc chloride is particularly effective in catalyzing reactions

 that eliminate molecules of water, ammonia or mercaptans. Its solutions gelatinize cellulosic materials and induce crosslinking in such polymer formers as the methylol ureas. It absorbs 

readily on charcoal or silica for catalyzing acylations and alkylations by Friedel-Crafts synthesis. In esterifications and condensation reactions, it facilitates the elimination of 

water or ammonia molecules from the reactants. One example is the Fischer idole synthesis.




Zinc Chloride has been used as a catalyst in production of methylene chloride from methyl alcohol.


In the textile industry it has found use in resin systems to impart durable press to cotton and synthetic fabrics.


It has been used in reclaiming rubber where it dissolves rayon cord.


In conjunction with sodium dichromate it has made an excellent wood preservative.


Zinc Chloride has found use in the manufacture of glue, diazo dyes, paper, cosmetics, rayon, synthetic fibers, disinfectants and fire fighting foam.


In ore refining it has been used as a flotation agent.


It is an excellent source of zinc as a starting material in the production of other zinc chemicals and is an effective catalyst for removing molecules of water, ammonia or mercaptants.


Zinc Chloride is used for Friedel Craft Reaction, Azotropic or Azeotropic Distillation, Desiccation & Karl Fischer.


In the laboratory, zinc chloride finds wide use, principally as a moderate-strength Lewis acid. It can catalyze the Fischer indole synthesis and also Friedel-Crafts acylation reactions 

involving activated aromatic rings.


Related to the latter is the classical preparation of the dye fluorescein from phthalic anhydride and resorcinol, which involves a Friedel-Crafts acylation.


Hydrochloric acid alone reacts poorly with primary alcohols and secondary alcohols, but a combination of the acid with Zn (known together as the "Lucas reagent") at 130°C is effective 

for the preparation of alkyl chlorides. This probably reacts via an SN2 mechanism with primary alcohols but via SN1 with secondary alcohols.


Zinc chloride is also able to activate benzylic and allylic halides towards substitution by weak nucleophiles such as alkenes.


In similar fashion, Zinc Chloride promotes selective NaBH3CN reduction of tertiary, allylic or benzylic halides to the corresponding hydrocarbons.


Zinc chloride is also a useful starting point for the synthesis of many organo zinc reagents, such as those used in the palladium catalyzed Negishi coupling with aryl halides or vinyl 

halides. In such cases the organozinc compound is usually prepared by transmetallation from an organolithium or a Grignard reagent.


Zinc enolates, prepared from alkali metal enolates and ZnCl2, provide control of stereochemistry in aldol condensation reactions due to chelation on to the zinc. This is because 

the chelate is more stable when the bulky phenyl group is pseudo-equatorial rather than pseudo-axial, i.e., threo rather than erythro.


Zinkchlorid; Chlorure de zinc; ZnCl2; Sinkkikloridi; Sinkklorio; Zinkklorid; zinc;dichloride; InChI=1S/2ClH.Zn/h2*1H;/q;;+2/p-2; hexite; zınkchlorıd; hexıte; HEXITE; ZINC CHLORIDE; ZİNC CHLORİDE; zinc chloride; zinc chloride, (65)Zn-labeled.

Kimyasal formülü ZnCl2 olan bu madde mavimsi açık gri renkte, kırılgan beyaz kristal halde olan bir metaldir. Dökülmüş halde sert ve kırılgandır. Suda kolaylıkla çözünür.Düşük kaynama sıcaklığına sahip olması bu maddenin kullanımını yaygın hale getirmektedir.  Bu değer özellikle piro metalurjik metal üretiminde çok belirleyici bir etmendir. Dünyadaki, bir senede kullanım miktarı açısından demir, alüminyum, ve bakırdan sonra gelmektedir. Yapısında % 48 çinko içeren çinko kaynağı bulunur ve özellikle yerel kan kesici olarak kullanılır.

Moleküler Yapısı

Cl -- Zn -- Cl

Üretim ve Reaksiyonları

Katı çinkonun hidroklorik asitle tepkimesi sonucu hidrojen gazı açığa çıkacak şekilde üretilebilirler.

Zn(k) + 2HCl----ZnCl2 + H2

Kullanım Alanları


Reçetesiz satılabilen bazı merhemlerin bileşiminde bulunur.


İnce bir tabaka halinde uygulandığında cildin su kaybetmesini önlemektedir.Bebeklerin bez bağlanan bölgelerinde çok az miktarda kullanılarak ciltte ortaya çıkacak kızarıklıklar ve tahrişi önleyebilir.Göz hastalıklarının tedavisinde de kullanılmaktadır.


Lastik sanayisinde aktivatör olarak kullanılır.


Bu sektörde tekstil boyacılığında mordan olarak kullanılmaktadır.


Kimyasal sentezlerde su çekici olarak kullanılmaktadır.


Pil gövdelerinin yapımında yardımcı bileşen olarak kullanılmaktadır.


Koku giderici ve dezenfektan olarak; tek başına ya da fenol ve başka antiseptiklerle birlikte demiryolu traverslerinin korunmasında; amonyum klorürle birlikte lehim işlerinde eritici olarak; parşömen kâğıdı, yapay ipek, kauçuğun vulkanizasyonunda, galvanizleme işlemlerinde, petrolün arıtılmasında merserize pamuk üretiminde kullanılmaktadır.
Çinko (Latince: Zinkum, İngilizce: Zinc, Almanca: Zink), mavimsi açık gri renkte, kırılgan bir metal. Elementlerin periyodik tablosunda geçiş elementleri grubunda yer alır. Düşük kaynama sıcaklığı dikkat çekicidir. Bu değer özellikle pirometalurjik metal üretiminde çok belirleyici bir etmendir. Dökülmüş halde sert ve kırılgandır. 120 °C'de şekillendirilebilir. Elektrokimyasal potansiyel dizisinde demirden daha negatif değerdedir. Böylece çinko anot olarak katodik korozyon korumada önemli bir kullanım bulur. Galvanizleme bu tür uygulamalardan biridir.

• Korozyondan korunma amacıyla, çelik gibi diğer metallerin galvanize edilmesinde,
• Pirinç, nikelli gümüş, değişik lehimler, alman gümüşü gibi alaşımların yapımında,
• Genellikle otomotiv endüstrisinde döküm kalıplarında,
• Pillerin gövdelerinin yapımında,
• Çinko klorür, deodorantlarda ve ahşap koruyucu olarak,
• Çinko sülfür, karanlıkta parlayan pigment olarak saatlerin akrep ve yelkovanlarında,
• Çinko metil, (Zn(CH3)2) pek çok organik maddenin sentezinde,
• Koku giderici ve dezenfektan olarak; tek başına ya da fenol ve başka antiseptiklerle birlikte demiryolu traverslerinin korunmasında;
• Ahşap malzemenin yangına karşı korunmasında;
• Parşömen kâğıdı, yapay ipek, aktif kömür, soğuk tutkal yapımında


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