1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z


Amonyum persülfat (APS), (NH4) 2S2O8 formülüne sahip inorganik bileşiktir. Suda, ilgili potasyum tuzundan çok daha fazla çözünür olan renksiz (beyaz) bir tuzdur.

Polimer kimyasında, bir aşındırıcı olarak ve bir temizleme ve ağartma maddesi olarak kullanılan güçlü bir oksitleyici ajandır.


Amonyum persülfat, beyaz kristalli bir katı olarak görünür. Güçlü bir oksitleyici ajan. Kolay yanmaz ancak organik materyallerin kendiliğinden tutuşmasına neden olabilir. Ağartma maddesi ve gıda koruyucu olarak kullanılır.

Tuzun suda çözünmesi endotermik bir süreçtir.


Amonyum persülfat, polimer kimyasında bir polimerizasyon başlatıcı, baskılı devre kartlarının üretiminde bir aşındırıcı ve temizleyici olarak, kozmetikte saç ağartma formülasyonlarında bir güçlendirici olarak ve petrol ve gaz endüstrisinde bir jel kırıcı olarak görev yapar.


Amonyum peroksidisülfat

CAS Numarası: 7727-54-0

Eşanlamlı: AP, APS, Amonyum peroksodisülfat, Amonyum peroksidisülfat, PER















Amonyum persülfat

Amonyum peroksosülfat (kısa biçim APS, ticari adı amonyum persülfat), peroksodisülfürik asit tuzudur. Polimerizasyon için güçlü bir oksitleyici ve radikal vericidir. Yüksek oksidasyon potansiyeli nedeniyle belirli koşullar altında tutuşmaya neden olabilir. APS suda oldukça çözünürdür, sulu çözeltiler asidik bir reaksiyon gösterir ve sınırlı stabiliteye sahiptir (bkz. Tablo 1-3)



APS için en önemli uygulama, sulu sistemlerde organik monomerlerin su bazlı emülsiyon polimerizasyonudur. Monomerler ya suda yeterince çözünürdür ve polimerizasyon sırasında çökelir veya polimerizasyon, stiren-bütadien ve Akrilonitril ile olduğu gibi monomerlerin sulu bir emülsiyonunda gerçekleşir.



APS`nin diğer uygulamaları

kozmetik endüstrisinde saç ağartıcıları için bir güçlendirici ve saç boyalarında oksitleyici olarak

kağıt endüstrisinde yeniden hamurlaştırma ve mürekkep giderme için

metalleri ve metal tuzlarını geri kazanmak için, yüksek dereceli metal cevherlerinin oksidatif işlemi için

fotoğraf endüstrisinde renk stoğu için ağartma banyolarının yenilenmesi için

dezenfektan üretimi için

endüstriyel alanların yerinde dekontaminasyonu: klorlu hidrokarbonların bozunması



Emülsiyon polimerizasyonu için başlatıcı, emülsiyon polimerizasyon mekanizması dikkate alındığında suda çözünür olmalıdır.

Tipik başlatıcılar, termal enerji ile aktive edilen persülfatlar, örneğin sodyum, potasyum veya amonyum persülfattır; tipik polimerizasyon sıcaklıkları 70–90 ° C aralığındadır.


Akriliklerin, polivinil klorürlerin, polistirenlerin ve neoprenin hazırlanmasında emülsiyon polimerizasyon reaksiyonları için başlatıcılar olarak amonyum, potasyum ve sodyum persülfatlar kullanılır.

Otomobil ve kamyon lastikleri için sentetik kauçuk (stiren bütadien ve izopren) üretiminde polimerizasyon başlatıcı olarak kullanılırlar.

Persülfat başlatma, boyalar, kaplamalar ve halı altlığı için lateks polimerleri hazırlamak için kullanılır.





Özellikler Değer Test Yöntemi

Görünüm Beyaz Kristal Tarama

Saflık (NH4) 2S2O8 Min. % 99 (w / w) İyodometrik Titrasyon

Aktif Oksijen Min. % 6.94 (w / w) İyodometrik Titrasyon

Asit İçeriği (H2SO4 olarak) Maks. % 0.10 (w / w) Titrasyon (NaOH ile Reaksiyon)

Demir (Fe) İçeriği Maks. 5 ppm Kolorimetrik

Ağır Metaller (Pb olarak) Maks. 5 ppm Türbidimetrik


Moleküler Ağırlık: 228,2 kg / kmol

Özgül Ağırlık: 1.980 kg / m³

pH Değeri (% 5 çözelti): 3-5

Termal Bozunma: ≥65 ° C

Suda Çözünürlük: 85 (25 ° C) 116 (50 ° C) (g / 100 g H2O)



Emülsiyon veya çözelti için başlatıcı Akrilik monomerlerin, vinil asetat, vinil klorür vb. Polimerizasyonu ve stiren, akrilonitril, butadien vb. Oksitleyici ajanların emülsiyon ko-polimerizasyonu için başlatıcı, metal yüzeyin temizlenmesi ve dekapajında, düşük formaldehitin hızlandırılmış kürlenmesi nişastanın yapıştırıcılar ve modifikasyonu, bağlayıcı ve kaplama malzemeleri üretimi, haşıl sökme maddesi ve ağartma aktivatörü.

Saç kozmetikleri için ağartma formülasyonlarının önemli bir bileşenidir.



Polimer kimyasında polimerizasyon başlatıcı, Oksitleyici maddeler, ağartma maddesi, fotoğrafçılık; baskılı devre kartları için gravür, bakır aşındırma; galvanik; diğer persülfatların imalatı; koku giderici ve ağartıcı yağlar; anilin boyaları; gıda koruyucu; pillerde depolarizör; polimerizasyon başlatıcı ve jel kırıcı olarak ikincil yağ geri kazanım sistemleri.



Ürün Açıklaması

Moleküler Formül: (NH4) 2S2O8

Moleküler Ağırlık: 228,2

CAS Numarası: 7727-54-0

Eş anlamlılar: amonyum peroksodisülfat, amonyum peroksidisülfat, AP, APS, PER


Bu ürün, Elektroforez sınıfı olarak belirlenmiştir ve akrilamid poli maddesinde bir katalizör olarak uygunluğu test edilmiştir.



Amonyum persülfat, poliakrilamid jellerin hazırlanmasında biyokimya ve moleküler biyolojide yaygın olarak kullanılan bir reaktiftir.

APS, baz katalizli bir mekanizma ile sulu çözelti içinde oksijensiz radikaller oluşturur.

En yaygın olarak katalizör olarak kullanılan bazlar, N, N, N `, N`-tetrametiletilendiamin (TEMED) veya 3-dimetilaminopropiyonitril (DMAPN) gibi üçüncül aminlerdir.

Serbest radikaller, akrilamid ve bis-akrilamidin polimerizasyonunun, makromolekülleri boyuta göre ayırmak için kullanılabilen bir jel matrisi oluşturmasına neden olacaktır.

Elektroforez için poliakrilamid jelleri hazırlamak için APS`nin kullanımına yönelik protokoller yaygın olarak mevcuttur.


APS ayrıca, foto ile başlatılan çapraz bağlama kimyası yoluyla protein-protein etkileşimlerini incelemek için kullanılmıştır.


APS`nin diğer uygulamaları arasında, fotoğrafçılıkta indirgeyici ve geciktirici olarak kullanımı, anilin boyaların üretimi, elektrokaplama, yağların renklerinin giderilmesi ve kokularının giderilmesi yer alır.


Polipropilen membranların polianilin ile APS aracılı modifikasyonuna ilişkin bir protokol yayınlanmıştır.


APS, biyolojik olarak parçalanabilir makro gözenekli hidrojelleri çapraz bağlanabilir biyomateryaller olarak uygulama için hazırlamak için kullanılmıştır.



Amonyum persülfat, endüstriyel temizlik ve dekontaminasyon için kullanılan çok güçlü bir oksitleyicidir ve ayrıca polimerizasyon reaksiyonlarını desteklemek için sıklıkla kullanılan güçlü bir radikal başlatıcıdır. 2,1 V`deki oksidasyon potansiyeli, ozondan (O32-, 2,2) biraz daha zayıftır ancak hem hidrojen peroksitten (H2O2, 1,8 V) hem de permanganattan (MnO4, 1,7V) daha güçlüdür. Biyokimya laboratuarlarında poliakrilamid jel elektroforezinde (PAGE) de yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Persülfat radikali, diğer birçok radikale göre özellikle stabildir ve genellikle tetrametiletilendiamin (TEMED) ilavesiyle daha da stabilize edilir.


Eş anlamlılar: Amonyum Peroxydisulfate; Peroksidisülfürik Asit, Diamonyum Tuzu; Diamonyum peroksidisülfat

Formül: (NH4) 2S2O8

Kullanım alanları: polimerizasyon başlatıcı, dekontaminasyon

Özellikler: radikal başlatıcı, oksitleyici

Tehlikeler: güçlü oksitleyici, yanıklar





25 kg ve 1000 kg net polietilen ve polipropilen torbalar. 1000 kg`lık torba antistatik özelliklere sahiptir.

İyi kapatılmış orijinal ambalajında ​​ve direkt güneş ışığından, ısıdan ve nemden korunarak depolanmalıdır.

Kir, pas veya metal izleri ve indirgeyici maddeler gibi safsızlıklar katalitik ayrışmaya neden olabilir.

30 ° C`nin altında 12 ay saklanabilir. Sağlandığı veya çözelti halindeki ürün uygun özen gösterilerek kullanılmalıdır.

Nemli toz veya sulu çözelti ağartıcı ve hafif aşındırıcı etkiye sahip olduğundan APS ile çalışırken göz, cilt ve giysiler korunmalıdır.



Gözler, deri ve giysilerle temastan kaçının. Yeterli havalandırma ile kullanın. Yutmayınız. Buhar, sis veya tozu solumaktan kaçının.

Çalışma alanında yemek yemeyin, içecek ve sigara içmeyin. Yanıcı veya organik malzemelerle teması önleyin.

Kapları etiketleyin ve kullanılmadıkları zaman sıkıca kapalı tutun. Teslim ettikten sonra iyice yıkayın.

İçme suyu uygulamaları için optimum dozaj maksimum olmalıdır. 43 mg / L.


Amonyum persülfat


Amonyum peroksidisülfat

Diamonyum peroksidisülfat

Diamonyum peroksodisülfat

Diamonyum persülfat

Amonyum peroksodisülfat

Amonyum persülfat

Diamonyum peroksidisülfat


CCRIS 1430

Persulfate d`ammonium [Fransızca]


EINECS 231-786-5



Peroksidisülfürik asit (((HO) S (O) 2) 2O2), diamonyum tuzu

Amonyum persülfat,% 98, ekstra saf

Amonyum persülfat,% 98 +, ACS reaktifi

HSDB 7985

Amonyum persülfat,% 99 +, moleküler biyoloji, DNAz, RNAz ve Proteaz içermez

amonyum ikna

sülfat başına amonyum

amonyum peroksidisülfat

amonyum persülfat-d8


Amonyum peroksidisülfat

Amonyum persülfat [UN1444] [Oksitleyici]



Amonyum persülfat [UN1444] [Oksitleyici]

Peroksidisülfürik asit (((HO) S (O) 2) 2O2), amonyum tuzu (1: 2)



Kimyasal formül: (NH4) 2S2O8

Molar kütle: 228.18 g / mol

Görünüm: beyaz ila sarımsı kristaller

Yoğunluk 1.98 g / cm3

Erime noktası: 120 ° C ayrışır

Suda çözünürlük: 80 g / 100 mL (25 ° C)

Çözünürlük: MeOH içinde orta derecede çözünür



Amonyum persülfat, yüksek akım yoğunluğunda sülfürik asit içinde ya amonyum sülfat ya da amonyum bisülfatın soğuk konsantre bir çözeltisinin elektroliziyle hazırlanır.




Bir oksitleyici ajan ve bir radikal kaynağı olarak, APS birçok ticari uygulama bulur.


Sülfat tuzları temel olarak belirli alkenlerin polimerizasyonunda radikal başlatıcılar olarak kullanılır.

Persülfatlar kullanılarak hazırlanan ticari açıdan önemli polimerler arasında stiren-bütadien kauçuğu ve politetrafloroetilen yer alır. Çözümde, dianyon radikaller vermek için ayrışır:


[O3SO – OSO3] 2− ⇌ 2 [SO4] • -

Sülfat radikali, bir sülfat ester radikali vermek üzere alkene eklenir. Ayrıca, bir poliakrilamid jel yapımında akrilamidin polimerizasyonunu katalize etmek için tetrametiletilendiamin ile birlikte kullanılır, bu nedenle SDS-PAGE ve western blot için önemlidir.


Oksitleme özellikleri, demir klorür çözeltisine alternatif olarak baskılı devre kartlarında bakırın aşındırılması için kullanılır.

Bu özellik yıllar önce keşfedildi. 1908`de John William Turrentine, bakırı aşındırmak için seyreltik bir amonyum persülfat çözeltisi kullandı.

Türbün, bakır spiralleri amonyum persülfat çözeltisine bir saat boyunca yerleştirmeden önce bakır spiralleri tarttı. Bir saat sonra spiraller tekrar tartıldı ve amonyum persülfat ile çözülen bakır miktarı kaydedildi. Bu deney, tümü benzer sonuçlar veren nikel, kadmiyum ve demir gibi diğer metalleri de kapsayacak şekilde genişletildi.

Oksidasyon denklemi şu şekildedir: S

2O2−8 (aq) + e− → 2 SO2−4 (aq).


Amonyum persülfat, saç ağartıcıda standart bir bileşendir.


Persülfatlar, organik kimyada oksidan olarak kullanılır. Örneğin, Minisci reaksiyonunda.



Amonyum persülfat içeren havayla taşınan toz, temas halinde göz, burun, boğaz, akciğer ve cildi tahriş edebilir. Yüksek düzeyde toza maruz kalmak nefes almada zorluğa neden olabilir.


Persülfat tuzlarının kadınlarda astım etkilerinin başlıca nedeni olduğu belirtilmiştir.

Ayrıca, amonyum persülfata maruz kalmanın kuaförlük endüstrisinde çalışan kuaförlerde ve resepsiyonistlerde astımatik etkilere neden olabileceği öne sürülmüştür.

Bu astımlı etkilerin, sistein kalıntılarının yanı sıra metiyonin kalıntılarının oksidasyonundan kaynaklandığı öne sürülmüştür. Yöntem ilk olarak Hugh Marshall tarafından açıklanmıştır.


Amonyum peroksidisülfat

Amonyum persülfat


amonyum persülfat

Diamonyum peroksodisülfat

Diamonyum peroksodisülfat

diamonyum peroksodisülfat

diamonyum peroksodisülfat; amonyum persülfat

Diamonyum peroksidisülfat

Diamonyum peroksidisülfat

Diamonyum persülfat

Peroksidisülfürik asit (((HO) S (O) 2) 2O2), amonyum tuzu (1: 2)

Peroksidisülfürik asit (((HO) S (O) 2) 2O2), diamonyum tuzu

Peroksidisülfürik asit, diamonyum tuzu

Persülfat d`amonyum


Çevrilen isimler

amonyumpersulfaatti (fi)

Amonyumpersulfat (de)

amonyumpersulfat (hayır)

Ammooniumpersulfaat (et)

ammónium-perszulfát (hu)




Amonyum persülfat

Amonyum peroksosülfat (kısa biçim APS, ticari adı amonyum persülfat), peroksodisülfürik asit tuzudur.

Polimerizasyon için güçlü bir oksitleyici ve radikal vericidir. Yüksek oksidasyon potansiyeli nedeniyle belirli koşullar altında tutuşmaya neden olabilir.

APS suda oldukça çözünürdür, sulu çözeltiler asidik bir reaksiyon gösterir ve sınırlı stabiliteye sahiptir.



APS için en önemli uygulama, sulu sistemlerde organik monomerlerin su bazlı emülsiyon polimerizasyonudur.

Monomerler ya suda yeterince çözünürdür ve polimerizasyon sırasında çökelir veya polimerizasyon, stiren-bütadien ve Akrilonitril ile olduğu gibi monomerlerin sulu bir emülsiyonunda gerçekleşir.



APS`nin diğer uygulamaları

kozmetik endüstrisinde saç ağartıcıları için bir güçlendirici ve saç boyalarında oksitleyici olarak

kağıt endüstrisinde yeniden hamurlaştırma ve mürekkep giderme için

metalleri ve metal tuzlarını geri kazanmak için, yüksek dereceli metal cevherlerinin oksidatif işlemi için

fotoğraf endüstrisinde renk stoğu için ağartma banyolarının yenilenmesi için

dezenfektan üretimi için

endüstriyel alanların yerinde dekontaminasyonu: klorlu hidrokarbonların bozunması




Amonyum persülfat Kimyasal Özellikleri, Kullanımları, Üretimi


Amonyum persülfat beyaz, kokusuz tek kristal, formül (NH4) 2S2O8, güçlü oksidasyon ve korozyona sahip, ısıtıldığında kolayca ayrışıyor, nem emilimi kolay değil, suda çözünür, ılık suda çözünürlük artar, sulu bir çözelti içinde amonyum hidrojen sülfat ve hidrojen peroksite hidrolize olabilir.

Kuru ürün iyi bir stabiliteye sahiptir, depolanması kolaydır ve kolaylık ve güvenlik gibi avantajlara sahiptir.

120 ° C`ye ısıtıldığında ayrışabilir, kolayca nemlenir ve nemli havada kekleşebilir.

Esas olarak bir oksitleyici ajan olarak ve hidrojen peroksit, potasyum persülfat ve diğer persülfatın hazırlanmasında kullanılır.

Polimerizasyon reaksiyonunun, özellikle polimerize edilebilir bileşiğin vinil klorür emülsiyon polimerizasyonu ve redoks polimerizasyonunun serbest başlatıcısı olarak kullanılabilir.

Gres, sabun endüstrisinde ağartıcı olarak kullanılabilir. Anilin boyaları ve boya oksidasyon ve elektrokaplama endüstrisi, fotoğraf endüstrisi ve kimyasal analiz hazırlamak için kullanılabilir. Gıda sınıfı için, buğdayın düzenleyicisi, bira mayası küfü olarak kullanılabilir. Metal aşındırıcı, devre kartı temizleme ve aşındırma, bakır ve alüminyum yüzey aktivasyonu, düşük sıcaklıkta ve haşıl sökme işleminde modifiye nişasta, hamur ve tekstil ağartma, sirkülasyonlu su arıtma arıtma sistemleri, zararlı gazların oksidatif bozunması, düşük formaldehit yapıştırıcı bağlı olarak kullanılabilir. hızlandırmak, dezenfektanlar, saç boyası renk giderimi.

Amonyum persülfat yanıcı değildir, ancak oksijen salabilir, bu nedenle yanmayı destekleyici rol oynar, depolama ortamı kuru ve temiz olmalı ve iyi havalandırılmalıdır.


Nem ve yağmura dikkat edilmeli, yağmurda taşınmamalıdır. Ateşten, ısıdan ve doğrudan güneş ışığından uzak tutun. Sızdırmaz ambalajı, açık ve sağlam etiketleri saklamalıdır. Yanıcı veya yanıcı maddeler, organik bileşikler, pas, az miktarda metal ve diğer indirgeyici maddelerle ayrı ayrı depolanmalı, amonyum persülfatın ayrışmasını önlemek ve patlamaya neden olmak için karıştırılmaması gerekir.


Kimyasal özellikler

Renksiz monoklinik kristal veya beyaz kristal tozdur. Suda çözünür, çözünürlüğü 0 ° C`de 58.2g / 100ml sudır.



Analitik reaktifler, fotografik sabitleme ajanı ve indirgeme ajanı olarak kullanılabilir.

Gıda koruyucu, oksitleyici ajan ve yüksek moleküler polimerin başlatıcısı olarak kullanılabilir.

Kimya endüstrisinde persülfat ve hidrojen peroksit üretiminde hammadde, polimerizasyon organik polimerin inhibitörü, vinil klorür monomerin polimerizasyonu sırasında başlatıcı olarak kullanılabilir. Gres, sabun endüstrisinde ağartıcı olarak kullanılabilir. Petrol endüstrisinde güneş tutulması ve yağ çıkarımını kesen levha metallerinde aşındırıcı olarak da kullanılabilir. Gıda sınıfı için, buğdayın düzenleyicisi, bira mayası küfü olarak kullanılabilir.

Un değiştirici için kullanılabilir (Sınırlı ≤0.3g / kg, Japon standardı, 1999); Saccharomyces cerevisiae fungicide (limit% 0.1, FAO / WHO, 1984).

Yukarıdaki bilgiler Wang Xiaodong`un kimyasal kitabı tarafından düzenlenmiştir.


Üretim yöntemleri

Amonyum sülfat ve seyreltik sülfürik asidin elektrolizi ile elde edilebilir ve daha sonra kristalleştirilebilir.

Elektrolitik proses Amonyum sülfat ve sülfürik asit sıvı elektrolit oluşturmak için formüle edilir, elektrolizle dekontamine edilir, HSO4-anotta deşarj ve peroksidisülfat asit oluşturabilir ve ardından amonyum sülfat ile reaksiyona girerek amonyum persülfat oluşturur, amonyum persülfat filtrasyon, kristalizasyondan geçer santrifüjlü ayırma, içerik anotta belirli bir konsantrasyona ulaştığında amonyum persülfat ürünü elde etmek için kurutma.

Anot reaksiyonu: 2HSO4–2e → H2S2O8

Katodik reaksiyon: 2H ++ 2e → H2 ↑

(NH4) 2S2O4 + H2S2O8 → (NH4) 2S2O8 + H2SO4





Toksisite derecelendirme

Orta toksisite.


Akut oral toksisite

Sıçan LD50: 689 mg / kg; intraperitoneal sıçan LD50: 226 mg / kg.


Patlayıcı tehlikeli özellikler

Güçlü oksidandır, indirgeyici ajan, kükürt, fosfor vb. İle karıştırıldığında patlayabilir; ısıtıldığında, çarpıldığında ve ateşle karşılaştığında patlayabilir.


Yanıcılık tehlikesi özellikleri

Yüksek ısı olduğunda oksijeni ayrıştırabilir; ısıtıldığında toksik nitrojen oksitler, kükürt oksitler ve amonyak dumanı oluşturabilir.


Depolama özellikleri

Hazine, havalandırma ve düşük sıcaklıkta kurutmaya sahip olmalıdır; yükleme ve boşaltma hafif olmalıdır; organik madde, indirgeyici maddeler, kükürt, fosfor yanıcıları ile ayrı depolanmalıdır.

Söndürme maddesi

Su sisi, kum.

Profesyonel standartlar

TWA 2 mg / m3.



Persülfatlar, metaller, tekstil ürünleri, fotoğraflar, selofan, kauçuk, yapışkan kağıtlar, yiyecekler, sabunlar, deterjanlar ve saç ağartıcıların üretiminde yaygın olarak kullanılan güçlü oksitleyici ajanlardır. Saç ağartma maddesi olarak amonyum persülfat kullanılır. İrritan dermatit, kontakt ürtiker ve alerjik kontakt dermatite neden olabilir ve kuaförlerde önemli bir alerjeni temsil eder.


Kimyasal özellikler

Amonyum persülfat, renksiz veya beyaz kristalli bir katıdır.


Kimyasal özellikler

Kirli beyaz kristal toz



Mangan ve demirin tespiti ve tayini için kullanılır.



Oksitleyici ve ağartıcı olarak; hipoyu çıkarmak için; fotoğrafçılıkta redüktör ve geciktirici; boyamada, anilin boyaların imalatı; bakır için oksitleyici; çinko dağlama; renk giderici ve koku giderici yağlar; galvanik; enfekte mayanın yıkanması; pirogallol lekelerinin çıkarılması; çözünür nişasta yapmak; elektrik pillerinde depolarizör; Hayvan kimyasında esas olarak manganezin tespiti ve tayini için.



Amonyum Persülfat, gıda nişastası için% 0,075`e kadar ve kükürt dioksit ile% 0,05`e kadar kullanılan bir ağartma maddesidir.


Genel açıklama

Beyaz kristal bir katı. Güçlü bir oksitleyici ajan. Kolay yanmaz ancak organik materyallerin kendiliğinden tutuşmasına neden olabilir. Ağartma maddesi ve gıda koruyucu olarak kullanılır.


Hava ve Su Reaksiyonları

Suda çözünebilir.


Reaktivite Profili

Amonyum persülfat güçlü bir oksitleyici ajandır. Alüminyum ve suyla toz haline getirilmiş bir karışım patlayabilir [NFPA 491M 1991]. Sodyum peroksit içeren bir karışım, sürtünmeye (bir havanda ezilme), ısıtmaya maruz kalırsa veya Amonyum persülfat üzerinden bir karbon dioksit akımı geçirilirse patlayacaktır [Mellor 10: 464 1946-47]. Asidik çözeltiler demiri şiddetli bir şekilde çözer [Mellor, 1947, Cilt. 10, 470].



Redüktörlerle temas halinde yangın riski.


Sağlık tehlikesi

Soluma, hafif toksik etkiler yaratır. Tozla temas, gözleri tahriş eder ve ciltte kızarıklığa neden olur.


Kontakt alerjenler

Persülfatlar, metal, tekstil, fotoğraf, selofan, kauçuk üretiminde yaygın olarak kullanılan güçlü oksitleyici ajanlardır.



Saç ağartma maddesi olarak amonyum persülfat kullanılır. İrritan dermatite, (esas olarak) immünolojik olmayan kontakt ürtikere ve alerjik kontakt dermatite neden olabilir ve kuaförlerde önemli bir alerjeni temsil eder. Amonyum persülfata reaksiyona giren insanlar, potasyum persülfat gibi diğer persülfatlara da tepki verirler.


Güvenlik profili

İntravenöz ve intraperitoneal yollarla zehirlenme. Yutulduğunda orta derecede toksiktir. İndirgeyici maddelerle güçlü bir şekilde reaksiyona girebilen güçlü bir oksitleyici. Isıtıldığında oksijeni serbest bırakır. Sodyum peroksit içeren karışımlar, sürtünmeye, 75 ℃ üzerinde ısınmaya veya CO2 veya su ile temasa duyarlı patlayıcılardır. (Toz alüminyum + su) veya (çinko + amonyak) ile karışımlar patlayıcıdır. Demir veya amonyak + gümüş tuzları çözeltileri ile şiddetli reaksiyon. Sülfürik asitli çözelti, güçlü bir oksitleyici temizleme çözeltisidir. Ayrışmaya kadar ısıtıldığında, SO, NH3 ve NOx gibi toksik dumanlar yayar.


Potansiyel maruziyet

Beyazlatıcı ajan olarak, fotografik kimyasallarda ve boya yapımında kullanılır. Aynı zamanda polimerizasyon katalizörlerinin bir bileşeni olarak da kullanılır.



UN1444 Amonyum persülfat, Tehlike Sınıfı: 5.1; Etiketler: 5.1-Oksitleyici


Saflaştırma Yöntemleri

EtOH / sudan oda sıcaklığında yeniden kristalleştirin. Havaya maruz kaldığında NH3`ü kademeli olarak kaybeder. Çözünürlüğü 20 ° C`de 0.5 g / mL ve 100 ° C`de 2 g / mL`dir.



Suda ve nemli havada ayrışarak oksijen gazı oluşturur. Güçlü bir oksitleyici; indirgeyici maddelerle reaksiyona girer; organik ve yanıcı malzemeler. Isı, sodyum peroksit ile uyumsuz (sürtünmeye, ısıya ve suya duyarlı bir patlayıcı üretir); alüminyum tozu.


Atık Bertarafı

Büyük miktarda su ile arıtılabilir, nötralize edilebilir ve kanalizasyona atılabilir. Bu yalnızca küçük miktarlar için geçerlidir.


Amonyum persülfat Hazırlama Ürünleri ve Hammaddeler

İşlenmemiş içerikler

Amonyum sülfat Sülfürik asit Amonyak

















Amonyum persülfat Amonyum peroksodisülfat

Amonyum persülfat, Moleküler Biyoloji Sınıfı Amonyum peroksodisülfat, Moleküler Biyoloji Sınıfı

diamonyum peroksodisülfat

Amonyum ikna

Amonyum Persülfat Amonyum peroksidisülfat Diamonyum peroksidisülfat














persülfürik asit

Amonyum Persülfat Gr

Amonyum Persülfat, MolBiyoloji Sınıfı

Amonyum Persülfat EkstraPure

Amonyum Persülfat Ar

Amonyum PersülfatAcs

Amonyum Persülfat% 99 Min

Amonyum PersuflateAcs Reaktif

Amonyum persülfat,% 98, ekstra saf

Amonyum persülfat,% 99 +, dnaz, rnaz ve proteaz içermez, moleküler biyoloji için

ACS analizi için amonyum persülfat,% 98 +

Moleküler biyoloji için amonyum persülfat, DNAz, RNAz ve Proteaz içermez

ACS analizi için amonyum persülfat

Peroksodisülfürik asit diamonyum tuzu

Persülfürik asit amonyum tuzu

Amonyum Peroksidisülfat, Kristal


Amonyum persülfat, AP, APS, Amonyum peroksodisülfat, Amonyum peroksidisülfat, PER

Amonyum peroksodisülfat, moleküler biyoloji sınıfı

Amonyum peroksodisülfat /% 98 +

AMONYUM PERSÜLFAT, REAKTİF (ACS) (Amonyum Peroksidisülfat)

Amonyum Peroksidisülfat, AP

AMMoniuM Peroxydisulfate, Crystal, Electrophoresis Grade

AMMoniuM Persülfat, GR ACS

AMMoniuM Persülfat, OMniPur (R)

OMniPur (R) AMMoniuM Persülfat, Torbalar


Amonyum Persülfat, Potasyum Persülfat ve Sodyum Persülfat inorganik tuzlardır.

Kozmetik ve kişisel bakım ürünlerinde, saç ağartıcılarda ve saç açıcılarda Amonyum Persülfat, Potasyum Persülfat ve Sodyum Persülfat gibi persülfat karışımları kullanılır.


Neden kozmetik ve kişisel bakım ürünlerinde kullanılır?

Amonyum Persülfat, Potasyum Persülfat ve Sodyum Persülfat, saç gövdesinde bulunan renkleri oksitleyerek saçın rengini açmaya veya hafifletmeye yardımcı olur.


Amonyum Persülfat ayrıca fırıncılık endüstrisinde un için bir ağartma maddesi olarak kullanılır.


 Amonyum Persülfat (APS), elektroforez için poliakrilamid jelleri hazırlamak için akrilamid ve bisakrilamidin polimerizasyonunu katalize etmek için TEMED ile birlikte kullanılan bir oksitleyici ajandır.


Amonyum persülfat (APS), genellikle tetrametiletilendiaminle (TEMED, Parça No. 17919) akrilamid ve bisakrilamidin polimerizasyonunu katalize etmek için kullanılan bir oksitleyici ajandır.











Ammonium persulfate (APS) is the inorganic compound with the formula (NH4)2S2O8. It is a colourless (white) salt that is highly soluble in water, much more so than the related potassium salt. 

It is a strong oxidizing agent that is used in polymer chemistry, as an etchant, and as a cleaning and bleaching agent.


Ammonium persulfate appears as a white crystalline solid. A strong oxidizing agent. Does not burn readily, but may cause spontaneous ignition of organic materials. Used as a bleaching agent and as a food preservative.

The dissolution of the salt in water is an endothermic process.


Ammonium persulfate acts as a polymerization initiator in polymer chemistry, as an etchant and cleaner in the manufacture of printed circuit boards, as a booster in hair bleaching formulations in cosmetics and as a gel breaker in the oil and gas industry.


Ammonium peroxydisulfate

CAS Number:7727-54-0 

Synonym:   AP, APS, Ammonium peroxodisulfate, Ammonium peroxydisulfate, PER















Ammonium persulfate

Ammonium peroxosulphate (short form APS, trade name ammonium persulfate) is the salt of peroxodisulphuric acid. It is a strong oxidizer and radical donator for polymerisation. Due to its high oxidation potential it can cause ignition under certain conditions. APS is highly soluble in water, aqueous solutions show an acidic reaction and have limited stability (see table 1 - 3)



The most important application for APS is in the water-based emulsion polymerisation of organic monomers in aqueous systems. The monomers are either sufficiently soluble in water and precipitate during polymerisation or polymerisation takes place in an aqueous emulsion of the monomers, as with styrene-butadiene and Acrylonitrile.



Other applications of APS

in the cosmetics industry as a booster for hair bleaches and an oxidizer in hair dyes

in the paper industry for re-pulping and de-inking

in order to recover metals and metal salts, for oxidative treatment of high grade metal ores

in the photographic industry for regenerating bleaching baths for color stock

for the production of desinfectants

in-situ decontamination of industrial areas: degradation of chlorinated hydrocarbons



The initiator for emulsion polymerization has to be water-soluble, considering the mechanism of emulsion polymerization. 

Typical initiators are persulfates, for example, sodium, potassium, or ammonium persulfate, which are activated by thermal energy; typical polymerization temperatures are in the range of 70–90 °C.


Ammonium, potassium, and sodium persulfates are used as initiators for emulsion polymerization reactions in the preparation of acrylics, polyvinyl chlorides, polystyrenes, and neoprene. 

They are used as polymerization initiators in the manufacture of synthetic rubber (styrene butadiene and isoprene) for automobile and truck tires. 

Persulfate initiation is used to prepare latex polymers for paints, coatings, and carpet backing.





Specifications Value Test Method

Appearance White Crystal Scanning

Purity (NH4)2S2O8 Min. %99 (w/w) Iodometric Titration

Active Oxygen Min. %6.94 (w/w) Iodometric Titration

Acid Content (as H2SO4) Max. %0.10 (w/w) Titration (Reaction with NaOH)

Iron (Fe) Content Max. 5 ppm Colorimetric

Heavy Metals (as Pb) Max. 5 ppm Turbidimetric


Molecular Weight : 228.2 kg/kmol

Specific Gravity : 1,980 kg/m³

pH Value (%5 solution) : 3-5

Thermal Decomposition : ≥65°C

Solubility in Water : 85(25 °C) 116(50 °C) (g/100 g H2O)



Initiator for the emulsion or solution Polymerization of acrylic monomers, vinyl acetate, vinyl chloride etc. and for the emulsion co-polymerization of styrene, acrylonitrile, butadiene etc. oxidizing agent, used in cleaning and pickling of metal surface, accelerated curing of low formaldehyde adhesives and modification of starch, production of binders and coating materials, desizing agent and bleach activator. 

It is an essential component of bleaching formulations for hair cosmetics.



Polymerization initiator in polymer chemistry, Oxidizing agents;bleaching agent;photography; etchant for printed circuit boards,etching copper; electroplating; manufacture of other persulfates; deodorizing and bleaching oils; aniline dyes;food preservative;depolarizer in batteries;Secondary oil recovery systems as a polymerization initiator and a gel breaker.



Product Description

Molecular Formula: (NH4)2S2O8

Molecular Weight: 228.2

CAS Number: 7727-54-0

Synonyms: ammonium peroxodisulfate, ammonium peroxydisulfate, AP, APS, PER


This product is designated as Electrophoresis grade and has been tested for suitability as a catalyst in acrylamide polymerization.

Ammonium persulfate is a widely used reagent in biochemistry and molecular biology for the preparation of polyacrylamide gels. 

APS forms oxygen free radicals in aqueous solution by a base-catalyzed mechanism. 

The bases, are most commonly used as catalysts, are tertiary amines such as N,N,N`,N`- tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED) or 3-dimethylaminopropionitrile (DMAPN). 

The free radicals will cause the polymerization of acrylamide and bis-acrylamide to form a gel matrix, which can be used for separating macromolecules by size.

Protocols for the use of APS to prepare polyacrylamide gels for electrophoresis are widely available.


APS has also been utilized to study protein-protein interactions via photoinitiated crosslinking chemistry.


Other applications of APS include its use as a reducer and retarder in photography, the manufacture of aniline dyes, electroplating, the decolorizing and deodorizing of oils.


A protocol on the APS-mediated modification of polypropylene membranes with polyaniline has been published.


APS has been used to prepare biodegradable macroporous hydrogels for application as crosslinkable biomaterials



Ammonium persulfate is a very strong oxidizer used for industrial cleaning and decontamination, as well as a strong radical initiator often used to promote polymerization reactions. Its oxidation potential, at 2.1 V, is only slightly weaker than ozone (O32-, 2.2) but stronger than both hydrogen peroxide (H2O2, 1.8 V) and permanganate (MnO4, 1.7V). It is also widely used in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) within biochemistry labs. The persulfate radical is particularly stable relative to many other radicals, and it is often stabilized even more by the addition of tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED).


Synonyms: Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid, Diammonium Salt; Diammonium peroxydisulfate

Formula: (NH4)2S2O8

Uses: polymerization initiator, decontamination

Properties: radical initiator, oxidizer

Hazards: strong oxidizer, burns





25 kgs and 1000 kgs net polyethylene and polypropylene bags. 1000 kgs bag has antistatic properties. 

It must be stored in well closed original packing and protected from direct sunlight, heat and humidity. 

Impurities such as dirt, rust or traces of metal and reductants may cause catalytic decomposition. 

It can be stored for 12 months below 30°C. The product as supplied or in solution needs to be handled with appropriate care.

The eye, skin and clothes must be protected when working with APS as damp powder or aqueous solution has a bleaching and slightly corroding effect.



Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Use with adequate ventilation. Do not swallow. Avoid breathing vapors, mists or dust. 

Do not eat, drink or smoke in work area. Prevent contact with combustible or organic materials. 

Label containers and keep them tightly closed when not in use. Wash thoroughly after handing. 

For drinking water applications, the optimum dosing must be max. 43 mg/L.


Ammonium persulfate


Ammonium peroxydisulfate

Diammonium peroxydisulfate

Diammonium peroxodisulphate

Diammonium persulfate

Ammonium peroxodisulfate


Diammonium peroxydisulphate


CCRIS 1430

Persulfate d`ammonium [French]


EINECS 231-786-5



Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt

Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure

Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent

HSDB 7985

Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free

ammonium persuiphate

ammonium per sulphate

ammonium peroxidisulfate

ammonium persulphate-d8


Ammonium peroxydisulphate

Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]



Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]

Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2)



Chemical formula: (NH4)2S2O8

Molar mass: 228.18 g/mol

Appearance: white to yellowish crystals

Density 1.98 g/cm3

Melting point: 120 °C decomposes

Solubility in water: 80 g/100 mL (25 °C)

Solubility: Moderately soluble in MeOH



Ammonium persulfate is prepared by electrolysis of a cold concentrated solution of either ammonium sulfate or ammonium bisulfate in sulfuric acid at a high current density.




As an oxidizing agent and a source of radicals, APS finds many commercial applications.


Salts of sulfate are mainly used as radical initiators in the polymerization of certain alkenes. 

Commercially important polymers prepared using persulfates include styrene-butadiene rubber and polytetrafluoroethylene. In solution, the dianion dissociates to give radicals:


[O3SO–OSO3]2− ⇌ 2 [SO4]•−

The sulfate radical adds to the alkene to give a sulfate ester radical. It is also used along with tetramethylethylenediamine to catalyze the polymerization of acrylamide in making a polyacrylamide gel, hence being important for SDS-PAGE and western blot.


Illustrative of its powerful oxidizing properties, it is used to etch copper on printed circuit boards as an alternative to ferric chloride solution.

This property was discovered many years ago. In 1908, John William Turrentine used a dilute ammonium persulfate solution to etch copper. 

Turrentine weighed copper spirals before placing the copper spirals into the ammonium persulfate solution for an hour. After an hour, the spirals were weighed again and the amount of copper dissolved by ammonium persulfate was recorded. This experiment was extended to other metals such as nickel, cadmium, and iron, all of which yielded similar results.

The oxidation equation is thus: S

2O2−8 (aq) +  e− → 2 SO2−4 (aq).


Ammonium persulfate is a standard ingredient in hair bleach.


Persulfates are used as oxidants in organic chemistry. For example, in the Minisci reaction.



Airborne dust containing ammonium persulfate may be irritating to eye, nose, throat, lung and skin upon contact. Exposure to high levels of dust may cause difficulty in breathing.


It has been noted that persulfate salts are a major cause of asthmatic effects in women.

Furthermore, it has been suggested that exposure to ammonium persulfate can cause asthmatic effects in hair dressers and receptionists working in the hairdressing industry. 

These asthmatic effects are proposed to be caused by the oxidation of cysteine residues, as well as methionine residuesThe method was first described by Hugh Marshall.


Ammonium peroxydisulfate

Ammonium persulfate


ammonium persulphate

Diammonium peroxodisulphate

Diammonium peroxodisulphate

diammonium peroxodisulphate

diammonium peroxodisulphate; ammonium persulphate

Diammonium peroxydisulfate

Diammonium peroxydisulphate

Diammonium persulfate

Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2)

Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt

Peroxydisulfuric acid, diammonium salt

Persulfate d`ammonium


Translated names

ammoniumpersulfaatti (fi)

Ammoniumpersulfat (de)

ammoniumpersulfat (no)

Ammooniumpersulfaat (et)

ammónium-perszulfát (hu)




Ammonium persulfate

Ammonium peroxosulphate (short form APS, trade name ammonium persulfate) is the salt of peroxodisulphuric acid. 

It is a strong oxidizer and radical donator for polymerisation. Due to its high oxidation potential it can cause ignition under certain conditions. 

APS is highly soluble in water, aqueous solutions show an acidic reaction and have limited stability 



The most important application for APS is in the water-based emulsion polymerisation of organic monomers in aqueous systems. 

The monomers are either sufficiently soluble in water and precipitate during polymerisation or polymerisation takes place in an aqueous emulsion of the monomers, as with styrene-butadiene and Acrylonitrile.



Other applications of APS

in the cosmetics industry as a booster for hair bleaches and an oxidizer in hair dyes

in the paper industry for re-pulping and de-inking

in order to recover metals and metal salts, for oxidative treatment of high grade metal ores

in the photographic industry for regenerating bleaching baths for color stock

for the production of desinfectants

in-situ decontamination of industrial areas: degradation of chlorinated hydrocarbons




Ammonium persulfate Chemical Properties,Uses,Production


Ammonium persulfate is white, odorless single crystal, the formula is (NH4) 2S2O8, it has strong oxidation and corrosion, when heated, it decomposes easily, moisture absorption is not easy, it is soluble in water, the solubility increases in warm water, it can hydrolyze into ammonium hydrogen sulfate and hydrogen peroxide in an aqueous solution. 

The dry product has good stability, storage is easy, and it has the advantage of convenience and safety and so on. 

When heated to 120 °C, it can decompose, it is easily damped and it can cake in moist air. 

It is mainly used as an oxidizing agent and the preparation of hydrogen peroxide, potassium persulfate and other persulfate. 

It can be used as free initiator of polymerization reaction, particularly vinyl chloride emulsion polymerization of polymerizable compound and redox polymerization. 

It can be used as bleaching agent in grease, soap industry. It can be used to prepare aniline dyes and dye oxidation and electroplating industry, photographic industry and chemical analysis. For food-grade, it can be used as modifier of wheat, brewer`s yeast mildew. It can be used as metal etchant, circuit board cleaning and etching, copper and aluminum surface activation, modified starch, pulp and textile bleaching at low temperature and desizing, circulating water purification treatment systems, oxidative degradation of harmful gases, low formaldehyde adhesive stick bound to accelerate, disinfectants, hair dye decolorization.

Ammonium persulfate is non-flammable, but it can release of oxygen, so it has the role of combustion-supporting, storage environment must be dry and clean, and well-ventilated. People should pay attention to moisture and rain, it should not be transported in rain. Keep away from fire, heat and direct sunlight. It should keep sealed packaging, clear and intact labels. It should be stored separately with flammable or combustible materials, organic compounds, as well as rust, a small amount of metal, and other reducing substances, it should avoid be mixed to prevent the decomposition of ammonium persulfate and cause explosion.


Chemical properties

It is colorless monoclinic crystal or white crystalline powder. It is soluble in water, the solubility is 58.2g/100ml water at 0℃.



It can be used as analytical reagents, photographic fixing agent and reducing agent.

It can be used as food preservative, oxidizing agent and initiator of high-molecular polymer.

It can be used as raw material of producting persulfate and hydrogen peroxide in chemical industry, inhibitor of polymerization organic polymer, initiator of during the polymerization of vinyl chloride monomer. It can be used as bleaching agent in grease, soap industry. It can also be used as corrodent in plate metals cutting eclipse and oil extraction in oil industry. For food-grade, it can be used as modifier of wheat, brewer`s yeast mildew.

It can be used for flour modifier (Limited ≤0.3g/kg, the Japanese standard, 1999); Saccharomyces cerevisiae fungicide (limit 0.1%, FAO/WHO, 1984).

The above information is edited by the chemicalbook of Wang Xiaodong.


Production methods

It can be derived by the electrolysis of ammonium sulfate and dilute sulfuric acid and then crystallized.

Electrolytic process Ammonium sulfate and sulfuric acid formulates to form liquid electrolyte, it is decontaminated by electrolysis, HSO4-can discharge and generate peroxydisulfate acidat in the anode, and then reacts with ammonium sulfate to generate ammonium persulfate, ammonium persulfate goes through filtration, crystallization, centrifugal separation, drying to get ammonium persulfate product when the content reaches a certain concentration in the anode.

Anode reaction: 2HSO4--2e → H2S2O8

Cathodic reaction: 2H ++ 2e → H2 ↑

(NH4) 2S2O4 + H2S2O8 → (NH4) 2S2O8 + H2SO4





Toxicity grading

Mid toxicity.


Acute oral toxicity

Rat LD50: 689 mg/kg; intraperitoneal-rat LD50: 226 mg/kg.


Explosive hazardous characteristics

It is strong oxidant, it can explode when mixed with reducing agent, sulfur, phosphorus etc; it can explode when be heated, impacted, and meet fire.


Flammability hazard characteristics

It can decompose of oxygen when high heat; it can generate toxic nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides and ammonia fumes when heated.


Storage characteristics

Treasury should have ventilation and low-temperature drying; loading and unloading should be light; it should be stored separately with organic matter, reducing agents, sulfur, phosphorus combustibles.

Extinguishing agent

Mist of water, sand.

Professional standards

TWA 2 mg/m3.



Persulfates are strong oxidizing agents widely used in the production of metals, textiles, photographs, cellophane, rubber, adhesive papers, foods, soaps, detergents and hair bleaches. Ammonium persulfate is used as a hair bleaching agent. It may induce irritant dermatitis, contact urticaria and allergic contact dermatitis and represents a major allergen in hairdressers.


Chemical Properties

Ammonium persulfate is a colorless or white crystalline solid.


Chemical Properties

Off-white crystalline powder



Used for detection and determination of manganese and iron.



As oxidizer and bleacher; to remove hypo; reducer and retarder in photography; in dyeing, manufacture of aniline dyes; oxidizer for copper; etching zinc; decolorizing and deodorizing oils; electroplating; washing infected yeast; removing pyrogallol stains; making soluble starch; depolarizer in electric batteries; In animal chemistry chiefly for detection and determination of manganese.



Ammonium Persulfate is a bleaching agent for food starch that is used up to 0.075% and with sulfur dioxide up to 0.05%.


General Description

A white crystalline solid. A strong oxidizing agent. Does not burn readily, but may cause spontaneous ignition of organic materials. Used as a bleaching agent and as a food preservative.


Air & Water Reactions

Soluble in water.


Reactivity Profile

Ammonium persulfate is a potent oxidizing agent. A powdered mixture with aluminum and water can explode [NFPA 491M 1991]. A mixture with sodium peroxide will explode if subjected to friction (crushing in a mortar), heating, or if a stream of carbon dioxide is passed over Ammonium persulfate [Mellor 10:464 1946-47]. Acidic solutions dissolve iron violently, [Mellor, 1947, Vol. 10, 470].



Fire risk in contact with reducers.


Health Hazard

Inhalation produces slight toxic effects. Contact with dust irritates eyes and causes skin rash.


Contact allergens

Persulfates are strong oxidizing agents widely used in the production of metals, textiles, photographs, cellophane, rubber, adhesive papers, foods, soaps, detergents, and hair bleaches. Ammonium persulfate is used as a hair bleaching agent. It may induce irritant dermatitis, (mainly) nonimmunologic contact urticaria, and allergic contact dermatitis and represents a major allergen in hairdressers. People reacting to ammonium persulfate also react to other persulfates such as potassium persulfate.


Safety Profile

Poison by intravenous and intraperitoneal routes. Moderately toxic by ingestion. A powerful oxidizer that can react vigorously with reducing agents. Releases oxygen when heated. Mxtures with sodium peroxide are explosives sensitive to friction, heating above 75℃, or contact with CO2 or water. Mixtures with (powdered aluminum + water) or (zinc + ammonia) are explosive. Violent reaction with iron or solutions of ammonia + silver salts. Solution with sulfuric acid is a strong oxidzing cleaning solution. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of SO,, NH3, and NOx.


Potential Exposure

It is used as a bleaching agent, in photographic chemicals, and to make dyes. It is also used as an ingredient of polymerization catalysts.



UN1444 Ammonium persulfate, Hazard Class: 5.1; Labels: 5.1-Oxidizer


Purification Methods

Recrystallise it at room temperature from EtOH/water. It gradually loses NH3 on exposure to air. Its solubility is 0.5g/mL at 20o, and 2g/mL at 100o.



Decomposes in water and moist air, forming oxygen gas. A strong oxidizer; reacts with reducing agents; organic and combustible materials. Incompatible with heat, sodium peroxide (produces a friction-, heat-, and water-sensitive explosive); aluminum powder.


Waste Disposal

May be treated with large volumes of water, neutralized and flushed to sewer. This applies to small quantities only.


Ammonium persulfate Preparation Products And Raw materials

Raw materials

Ammonium sulfate Sulfuric acid Ammonia

















Ammonium persulfate Ammonium peroxodisulfate

Ammonium persulfate, Molecular Biology Grade Ammonium peroxodisulfate, Molecular Biology Grade

diammonium peroxodisulphate

Ammonium persuifate

Ammonium Persulfate Ammonium peroxydisulfate Diammonium peroxydisulphate














persulphuric acid








Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure

Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, dnase, rnase and protease free, for molecular biology

Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, for analysis ACS

Ammonium persulfate, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free, for molecular biology

Ammonium persulfate, for analysis ACS

Peroxodisulfuric acid diammonium salt

Persulfuric acid ammonium salt

Ammonium Peroxydisulfate, Crystal


Ammonium persulfate,AP, APS, Ammonium peroxodisulfate, Ammonium peroxydisulfate, PER

Ammonium peroxodisulfate, molecular biology grade

Ammonium peroxodisulfate/ 98+%

AMMONIUM PERSULFATE, REAGENT (ACS) (Ammonium Peroxydisulfate)

Ammonium Peroxydisulfate,AP

AMMoniuM Peroxydisulfate, Crystal, Electrophoresis Grade

AMMoniuM Persulfate, GR ACS

AMMoniuM Persulfate, OMniPur(R)

OMniPur(R) AMMoniuM Persulfate, Pouches


Ammonium Persulfate, Potassium Persulfate and Sodium Persulfate are inorganic salts. 

In cosmetics and personal care products, mixtures of persulfates such as Ammonium Persulfate, Potassium Persulfate and Sodium Persulfate are used in hair bleaches and hair lighteners.


Why is it used in cosmetics and personal care products?

Ammonium Persulfate, Potassium Persulfate and Sodium Persulfate help to decolorize or lighten hair by oxidizing the colors present in the hair shaft.


Ammonium Persulfate is also used in the baking industry as a bleaching agent for flour.


 Ammonium Persulfate (APS) is an oxidizing agent that is used with TEMED to catalyze the polymerization of acrylamide and bisacrylamide to prepare polyacrylamide gels for electrophoresis.


Ammonium persulfate (APS) is an oxidizing agent that is often used with tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED, Part No. 17919) to catalyze the polymerization of acrylamide and bisacrylamide to prepare polyacrylamide gels for electrophoresis.


Amonyum persülfat eş anlamlıları: ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA.
Amonyum persülfat (APS), bir inorganik bileşik , formül (NH ile 4 ) 2 S 2 O 8 . Bu, renksiz bir (beyaz) bir tuzu yüksek suda çözünebilir, çok daha çok ilgili potasyum tuzudur. Polimer kimyasında , bir aşındırıcı olarak ve bir temizleme ve ağartma maddesi olarak kullanılan güçlü bir oksitleyici ajandır .
Amonyum persülfat (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA)

Tuzun suda çözünmesi endotermik bir süreçtir .
Amonyum persülfat , yüksek akım yoğunluğunda sülfürik asit içinde amonyum sülfat ya da amonyum bisülfatın soğuk konsantre bir çözeltisinin elektroliziyle hazırlanır .Yöntem ilk olarak Hugh Marshall tarafından tanımlanmıştır .
Bir oksitleyici ajan ve bir radikal kaynağı olarak , APS birçok ticari uygulama bulur.
Amonyum persülfat (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA)

Sülfat tuzları gibi ağırlıklı olarak kullanılan radikal başlatıcılar olarak polimerizasyon bazılarının alkenler . Persülfatlar kullanılarak hazırlanan ticari açıdan önemli polimerler arasında stiren-bütadien kauçuğu ve politetrafloroetilen yer alır . Çözümde , dianyon radikaller vermek için ayrışır: [4]

[O 3 SO - OSO 3 ] 2- ⇌ 2 [SO 4 ] • -
Sülfat radikali, bir sülfat ester radikali vermek üzere alkene eklenir . Ayrıca, bir poliakrilamid jel yapımında akrilamidin polimerizasyonunu katalize etmek için tetrametiletilendiamin ile birlikte kullanılır , bu nedenle SDS-PAGE ve western blot için önemlidir .
Amonyum persülfat (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA)

Güçlü oksitleme özelliklerinin bir örneği olarak, demir klorür çözeltisine alternatif olarak baskılı devre kartlarında bakırın aşındırılması için kullanılır . Bu özellik yıllar önce keşfedildi. 1908`de John William Turrentine, bakırı dağlamak için seyreltik bir amonyum persülfat çözeltisi kullandı. Türbün, bakır spiralleri amonyum persülfat çözeltisine bir saat boyunca yerleştirmeden önce bakır spiralleri tarttı. Bir saat sonra spiraller tekrar tartıldı ve amonyum persülfat ile çözülen bakır miktarı kaydedildi. Bu deney, tümü benzer sonuçlar veren nikel, kadmiyum ve demir gibi diğer metalleri de kapsayacak şekilde genişletildi. Oksidasyon denklemi şu şekildedir: S
2Ö2- 8(aq) + e - → 2 SO 2-4 (aq).

Amonyum persülfat, saç ağartıcıda standart bir bileşendir .
Amonyum persülfat (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA)

Persülfatlar, organik kimyada oksidan olarak kullanılır .Örneğin, Minisci reaksiyonunda .

Amonyum persülfat içeren havadaki toz , temas halinde göz , burun , boğaz , akciğer ve cildi tahriş edebilir . Yüksek düzeyde toza maruz kalmak nefes almada zorluğa neden olabilir. [8]

Persülfat tuzlarının kadınlarda astım etkilerinin başlıca nedeni olduğu belirtilmiştir . [9] Ayrıca, amonyum persülfata maruz kalmanın kuaförde çalışan kuaförlerde ve resepsiyonistlerde astım etkilerine neden olabileceği öne sürülmüştür. Bu astımlı etkilerin, sistein kalıntılarının yanı sıra metiyonin kalıntılarının oksidasyonundan kaynaklandığı ileri sürülmektedir.
Kimyasal formül (NH 4 ) 2 S 2 O 8
Molar kütle 228,18 g / mol
Görünüm beyazdan sarımsı kristaller
Yoğunluk 1,98 g / cm 3
Erime noktası 120 ° C (248 ° F; 393 K) ayrışır
sudaki çözünürlük 80 g / 100 mL (25 ° C)
Çözünürlük MeOH içinde orta derecede çözünür

► Akrilonitrilin polimerizasyonunda, genellikle alkali sülfitlerle birlikte poliakrilonitril elyaf üretiminde, monomerlerin

emülsiyon polimerizasyonunda.

► Un, yağ, tutkal, sabun v.s. üretimlerinde beyazlatıcı olarak.

► Plastik, fotoğraf, parfümeri gibi sanayi kollarında.

► Çeşitli kimyasal maddeler üretimi ve metalurjide oksitleyici olarak.
Amonyum persülfat (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA)


Gözler, vücut ve giysilerle temasından sakınmalı ve temas halinde hemen bol su ile yıkanmalıdır. Amonyum Persülfat
Amonyum persülfat (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA)

yanıcı olmamasına karşın serbest oksijen nedeniyle yanıcı maddelerin parlamasına yardımcı olur. Tutuşmada bozunarak

zehirli gaz açığa çıkar. Bu durumda tam yüz maskesi veya koruyucu gözlük içeren tam korumalı giysi ve taşınabilir

solunum cihazı kullanılmalıdır.

► Akrilonitrilin polimerizasyonunda, genellikle alkali sülfitlerle birlikte poliakrilonitril elyaf üretiminde, monomerlerin

emülsiyon polimerizasyonunda.

► Un, yağ, tutkal, sabun v.s. üretimlerinde beyazlatıcı olarak.

► Plastik, fotoğraf, parfümeri gibi sanayi kollarında.

► Çeşitli kimyasal maddeler üretimi ve metalurjide oksitleyici olarak.

Amonyum persülfat (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA)

Gözler, vücut ve giysilerle temasından sakınmalı ve temas halinde hemen bol su ile yıkanmalıdır. Amonyum Persülfat yanıcı olmamasına karşın serbest oksijen nedeniyle yanıcı maddelerin parlamasına yardımcı olur. Tutuşmada bozunarak zehirli gaz açığa çıkar. Bu durumda tam yüz maskesi veya koruyucu gözlük içeren tam korumalı giysi ve taşınabilir solunum cihazı kullanılmalıdır.
Amonyum Persülfat: Suda çözünür, dekompoze olur. Amonyum persülfat, birçok uygulamada kullanılan güçlü bir oksidize edici ajandır ve serbest radikallik üretir. Camda, çinko ve PCB üretim prosesinde etching ajanı olarak; tekstil ve ağartma işlemlerinde; renk ve koku giderme yağlarında; boyaların üretiminde; bakırın yüzey muamele ajanı olarak ve toprak düzenleyici olarak kullanım alanı bulunur. Un,yağ,tutkal, sabun vs. üretimlerinde beyazlatıcı olarak plastik, parfümeri, fotograf gibi sanayi kollarında Çeşitli kimyasal maddeler üretimi ve metalurjide oksitleyici olarak gibi kullanım alanlarıda da yer bulur.
Amonyum persülfat (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA)

Ammonium persulphate synonyms: ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA.
Ammonium persulfate (APS) is the inorganic compound with the formula (NH4)2S2O8. It is a colourless (white) salt that is highly soluble in water, much more so than the related potassium salt. It is a strong oxidizing agent that is used in polymer chemistry, as an etchant, and as a cleaning and bleaching agent.

The dissolution of the salt in water is an endothermic process.
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA) is prepared by electrolysis of a cold concentrated solution of either ammonium sulfate or ammonium bisulfate in sulfuric acid at a high current density. The method was first described by Hugh Marshall.

Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA) as an oxidizing agent and a source of radicals, APS finds many commercial applications.

Salts of sulfate are mainly used as radical initiators in the polymerization of certain alkenes. Commercially important polymers prepared using persulfates include styrene-butadiene rubber and polytetrafluoroethylene. In solution, the dianion dissociates to give radicals:

[O3SO-OSO3]2- ⇌ 2 [SO4]•-
The sulfate radical adds to the alkene to give a sulfate ester radical. It is also used along with tetramethylethylenediamine to catalyze the polymerization of acrylamide in making a polyacrylamide gel, hence being important for SDS-PAGE and western blot.
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA)

Illustrative of its powerful oxidizing properties, it is used to etch copper on printed circuit boards as an alternative to ferric chloride solution. This property was discovered many years ago. In 1908, John William Turrentine used a dilute ammonium persulfate solution to etch copper. Turrentine weighed copper spirals before placing the copper spirals into the ammonium persulfate solution for an hour. After an hour, the spirals were weighed again and the amount of copper dissolved by ammonium persulfate was recorded. This experiment was extended to other metals such as nickel, cadmium, and iron, all of which yielded similar results. The oxidation equation is thus: S
2O2-8 (aq) +  e- → 2 SO2-4 (aq).

Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA) is a standard ingredient in hair bleach.

Persulfates are used as oxidants in organic chemistry. For example, in the Minisci reaction.

Airborne dust containing ammonium persulfate may be irritating to eye, nose, throat, lung and skin upon contact. Exposure to high levels of dust may cause difficulty in breathing.

It has been noted that persulfate salts are a major cause of asthmatic effects in women. Furthermore, it has been suggested that exposure to ammonium persulfate can cause asthmatic effects in hair dressers and receptionists working in the hairdressing industry. These asthmatic effects are proposed to be caused by the oxidation of cysteine residues, as well as methionine residues.
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA)

ChemSpider 56400
ECHA InfoCard 100.028.897
EC Number 231-786-5
E number E923 (glazing agents, ...)
PubChem CID 62648
RTECS number SE0350000
UN number 1444
Chemical formula (NH4)2S2O8
Molar mass 228.18 g/mol
Appearance white to yellowish crystals
Density 1.98 g/cm3
Melting point 120 °C (248 °F; 393 K) decomposes
Solubility in water 80 g/100 mL (25 °C)
Solubility Moderately soluble in MeOH
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA) is white, odorless single crystal, the formula is (NH4) 2S2O8, it has strong oxidation and corrosion, when heated, it decomposes easily, moisture absorption is not easy, it is soluble in water, the solubility increases in warm water, it can hydrolyze into ammonium hydrogen sulfate and hydrogen peroxide in an aqueous solution. The dry product has good stability, storage is easy, and it has the advantage of convenience and safety and so on. When heated to 120 °C, it can decompose, it is easily damped and it can cake in moist air. It is mainly used as an oxidizing agent and the preparation of hydrogen peroxide, potassium persulfate and other persulfate. It can be used as free initiator of polymerization reaction, particularly vinyl chloride emulsion polymerization of polymerizable compound and redox polymerization. It can be used as bleaching agent in grease, soap industry. It can be used to prepare aniline dyes and dye oxidation and electroplating industry, photographic industry and chemical analysis. For food-grade, it can be used as modifier of wheat, brewer`s yeast mildew. It can be used as metal etchant, circuit board cleaning and etching, copper and aluminum surface activation, modified starch, pulp and textile bleaching at low temperature and desizing, circulating water purification treatment systems, oxidative degradation of harmful gases, low formaldehyde adhesive stick bound to accelerate, disinfectants, hair dye decolorization.
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA) is non-flammable, but it can release of oxygen, so it has the role of combustion-supporting, storage environment must be dry and clean, and well-ventilated. People should pay attention to moisture and rain, it should not be transported in rain. Keep away from fire, heat and direct sunlight. It should keep sealed packaging, clear and intact labels. It should be stored separately with flammable or combustible materials, organic compounds, as well as rust, a small amount of metal, and other reducing substances, it should avoid be mixed to prevent the decomposition of ammonium persulfate and cause explosion.
Chemical properties
It is colorless monoclinic crystal or white crystalline powder. It is soluble in water, the solubility is 58.2g/100ml water at 0℃.
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA) can be used as analytical reagents, photographic fixing agent and reducing agent.
It can be used as food preservative, oxidizing agent and initiator of high-molecular polymer.
It can be used as raw material of producting persulfate and hydrogen peroxide in chemical industry, inhibitor of polymerization organic polymer, initiator of during the polymerization of vinyl chloride monomer. It can be used as bleaching agent in grease, soap industry. It can also be used as corrodent in plate metals cutting eclipse and oil extraction in oil industry. For food-grade, Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA) can be used as modifier of wheat, brewer`s yeast mildew.
It can be used for flour modifier (Limited ≤0.3g/kg, the Japanese standard, 1999); Saccharomyces cerevisiae fungicide (limit 0.1%, FAO/WHO, 1984).
The above information is edited by the chemicalbook of Wang Xiaodong.
Production methods
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA) can be derived by the electrolysis of ammonium sulfate and dilute sulfuric acid and then crystallized.
Electrolytic process Ammonium sulfate and sulfuric acid formulates to form liquid electrolyte, it is decontaminated by electrolysis, HSO4-can discharge and generate peroxydisulfate acidat in the anode, and then reacts with ammonium sulfate to generate ammonium persulfate, ammonium persulfate goes through filtration, crystallization, centrifugal separation, drying to get ammonium persulfate product when the content reaches a certain concentration in the anode.
Anode reaction: 2HSO4--2e → H2S2O8
Cathodic reaction: 2H ++ 2e → H2 ↑
(NH4) 2S2O4 + H2S2O8 → (NH4) 2S2O8 + H2SO4
Toxicity grading
Mid toxicity.
Acute oral toxicity
Rat LD50: 689 mg/kg; intraperitoneal-rat LD50: 226 mg/kg.
Explosive hazardous characteristics
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA) is strong oxidant, it can explode when mixed with reducing agent, sulfur, phosphorus etc; it can explode when be heated, impacted, and meet fire.
Flammability hazard characteristics
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA) can decompose of oxygen when high heat; it can generate toxic nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides and ammonia fumes when heated.
Storage characteristics
Treasury should have ventilation and low-temperature drying; loading and unloading should be light; it should be stored separately with organic matter, reducing agents, sulfur, phosphorus combustibles.
Extinguishing agent
Mist of water, sand.
Professional standards
TWA 2 mg/m3.
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA)

Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA) are strong oxidizing agents widely used in the production of metals, textiles, photographs, cellophane, rubber, adhesive papers, foods, soaps, detergents and hair bleaches. Ammonium persulfate is used as a hair bleaching agent. It may induce irritant dermatitis, contact urticaria and allergic contact dermatitis and represents a major allergen in hairdressers.
Chemical Properties
Ammonium persulfate is a colorless or white crystalline solid.
Chemical Properties
Off-white crystalline powder
Used for detection and determination of manganese and iron.
As oxidizer and bleacher; to remove hypo; reducer and retarder in photography; in dyeing, manufacture of aniline dyes; oxidizer for copper; etching zinc; decolorizing and deodorizing oils; electroplating; washing infected yeast; removing pyrogallol stains; making soluble starch; depolarizer in electric batteries; In animal chemistry chiefly for detection and determination of manganese.
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA) is a bleaching agent for food starch that is used up to 0.075% and with sulfur dioxide up to 0.05%.
General Description
A white crystalline solid. A strong oxidizing agent. Does not burn readily, but may cause spontaneous ignition of organic materials. Used as a bleaching agent and as a food preservative.
Air & Water Reactions
Soluble in water.
Reactivity Profile
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA) is a potent oxidizing agent. A powdered mixture with aluminum and water can explode [NFPA 491M 1991]. A mixture with sodium peroxide will explode if subjected to friction (crushing in a mortar), heating, or if a stream of carbon dioxide is passed over Ammonium persulfate [Mellor 10:464 1946-47]. Acidic solutions dissolve iron violently, [Mellor, 1947, Vol. 10, 470].
Fire risk in contact with reducers.
Health Hazard
Inhalation produces slight toxic effects. Contact with dust irritates eyes and causes skin rash.
Contact allergens
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA) are strong oxidizing agents widely used in the production of metals, textiles, photographs, cellophane, rubber, adhesive papers, foods, soaps, detergents, and hair bleaches. Ammonium persulfate is used as a hair bleaching agent. It may induce irritant dermatitis, (mainly) nonimmunologic contact urticaria, and allergic contact dermatitis and represents a major allergen in hairdressers. People reacting to ammonium persulfate also react to other persulfates such as potassium persulfate.
Safety Profile
Poison by intravenous and intraperitoneal routes. Moderately toxic by ingestion. A powerful oxidizer that can react vigorously with reducing agents. Releases oxygen when heated. Mxtures with sodium peroxide are explosives sensitive to friction, heating above 75℃, or contact with CO2 or water. Mixtures with (powdered aluminum + water) or (zinc + ammonia) are explosive. Violent reaction with iron or solutions of ammonia + silver salts. Solution with sulfuric acid is a strong oxidzing cleaning solution. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of SO,, NH3, and NOx.
Potential Exposure
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA) is used as a bleaching agent, in photographic chemicals, and to make dyes. It is also used as an ingredient of polymerization catalysts.
UN1444 Ammonium persulfate, Hazard Class: 5.1; Labels: 5.1-Oxidizer
Purification Methods
Recrystallise it at room temperature from EtOH/water. It gradually loses NH3 on exposure to air. Its solubility is 0.5g/mL at 20o, and 2g/mL at 100o.
Decomposes in water and moist air, forming oxygen gas. A strong oxidizer; reacts with reducing agents; organic and combustible materials. Incompatible with heat, sodium peroxide (produces a friction-, heat-, and water-sensitive explosive); aluminum powder.
Waste Disposal
May be treated with large volumes of water, neutralized and flushed to sewer. This applies to small quantities only.
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA)

Alternate CAS #:Free acid: 13445-49-3
Molecular Formula:H₈N₂O₈S₂
Appearance:White Solid
Melting Point:229-232°C
Molecular Weight:228.2
Storage:Room Temperature, under inert atmosphere
Solubility:DMSO (Slightly)
Category:Research Tools; Materials;
Applications:Ammonium Persulfate is used as a reagent in the low temperature synthesis of carbon-encapsulated spherical Fe7S8 nanocrystals as high-performance anode for lithium-ion batteries.
Dangerous Goods Info:Not a dangerous good if item is equal to or less than 1g/ml and there is less than 100g/ml in the package.
Anmol Chemicals Group, established in 1976, is the pioneer manufacturer of Specialty chemicals, Pharmaceutical Excipients, Fragrance & Flavor chemicals in India. Anmol Chemicals Group has manufacturing facilities spread across Western India, representatives in Houston Chicago USA, Dubai and UAE. We also have toll manufacturing units for processing chemicals in a few countries around the world. We make IP, BP, USP, Ph. Eur., FCC or Food Grade, ACS, AR or Analytical Reagent Grade, LR or Laboratory Reagent Grade, Pure and Technical Grades of various chemicals. All our items are analyzed to meet the required standards. We can supply the material in grams for your laboratory trial and in tons for your plant scale jobs.
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA)

Our manufacturing facility is FDA approved and cGMP, GLP (FDA) Approved, ISO-9001, ISO-14001, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO OHSAS 18000, ISO 22000-2005 HACCP, FSSAI, FSSC-22000, certified. Apart from good manufacturing practice, we also follow good laboratory practice. We are offering products manufactured as per Kosher and Halal approved certified method. We are pre-registered with "Reach" for export to European countries. We can give all solid chemical materials as per specified size or shape. We observe WHO Good manufacturing practice and Good laboratory practice.
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA) (NH4)2S2O8 is a strong oxidizing agent. It is very soluble in cold water, a large fall of temperature accompanying solution. It is a radical initiator. It is used to etch copper on printed circuit boards as an alternative to ferric chloride solution. It is also used along with tetramethylethylenediamine to catalyze the polymerization of acrylamide in making a polyacrylamide gel.

Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA) is used to clean laboratory glassware as a metal-free alternative to chromic acid baths. It is also a standard ingredient in western blot gels and hair bleach.
Ammonium Persulfate or Ammonium Persulphate crystals are used as an alternative to the traditional ferric chloride to produce a cleaner copper etchant solution.

Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA) is designated as Electrophoresis grade and suitable as a catalyst in acrylamide polymerization. Ammonium persulfate is a widely used reagent in biochemistry and molecular biology for the preparation of polyacrylamide gels. APS forms oxygen free radicals in aqueous solution by a base-catalyzed mechanism. The bases, are most commonly used as catalysts, are tertiary amines such as N,N,N`,N`-tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED) or 3-dimethylaminopropionitrile (DMAPN). The free radicals will cause the polymerization of acrylamide and bis-acrylamide to form a gel matrix, which can be used for separating macromolecules by size Protocols for the use of APS to prepare polyacrylamide gels for electrophoresis are widely available. APS has also been utilized to study protein-protein interactions via photo initiated cross linking chemistry. Other applications of APS include its use as a reducer and retarder in photography, the manufacture of aniline dyes, electroplating, the decolorizing and deodorizing of oils. A protocol on the APS-mediated modification of polypropylene membranes with polyaniline has been published. APS has been used to prepare biodegradable macro porous hydro gels for application as crosslink able biomaterials.
Physiochemical changes and mechanisms of anti-inflammation effect of sulfated polysaccharides from ammonium sulfate feeding of Antrodia cinnamomea.
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA)

Tuning the optical isotropic point of mixed crystals of ethylenediammonium sulfate/selenate.

Ceric ammonium sulfate (CAS) mediated oxidations of benzophenones possessing a phenolic substituent for the synthesis of xanthones and related products.

Separation and Enrichment of Lectin from Zihua Snap-Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Seeds by PEG 600-Ammonium Sulfate Aqueous Two-Phase System.

Kinetically Determined Hygroscopicity and Efflorescence of Sucrose-Ammonium Sulfate Aerosol Droplets under Lower Relative Humidity.

Ammonium Sulfate Improves Detection of Hydrophilic Quaternary Ammonium Compounds through Decreased Ion Suppression in Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Imaging Mass Spectrometry.

Revealing Brown Carbon Chromophores Produced in Reactions of Methylglyoxal with Ammonium Sulfate.
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA)

Structure and dynamics of cetyltrimethylammonium chloride-sodium dodecylsulfate (CTAC-SDS) catanionic vesicles: High-value nano-vehicles from low-cost surfactants.

Large electrocaloric effects in single-crystal ammonium sulfate.

On the kinetics of organic pollutant degradation with Co(2+)/peroxymonosulfate process: When ammonium meets chloride.
Thermo Scientific Pierce Ammonium Persulfate (APS) is an oxidizing agent that is used with TEMED to catalyze the polymerization of acrylamide and bisacrylamide to prepare polyacrylamide gels for electrophoresis.
Ammonium persulphate (ammonıum persulphate; ammonium persulfate, amonyum persülfat; amonyum persulfat; Ammonium persulfate; 7727-54-0; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulphate; Diammonium persulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammoniumpersulfate; Diammonium peroxydisulphate; UNII-22QF6L357F; CCRIS 1430; Persulfate d`ammonium [French]; PEROXYDISULFURIC ACID, DIAMMONIUM SALT; EINECS 231-786-5; UN1444; 22QF6L357F; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), diammonium salt; Ammonium persulfate, 98%, extra pure; Ammonium persulfate, 98+%, ACS reagent; Persulfate d`ammonium; HSDB 7985; Ammonium persulfate, 99+%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free; ammonium persuiphate; ammonium per sulphate; ammonium peroxidisulfate; ammonium persulphate-d8; ACMC-209shx; Ammonium peroxydisulphate; DSSTox_CID_9691; EC 231-786-5; DSSTox_RID_78810; DSSTox_GSID_29691; KSC377E8T; H8N2O8S2; DTXSID9029691; CTK2H7289; KS-00000W9M; Tox21_201161; ANW-41203; AKOS025243328; LS-2430; NCGC00258713-01; K346; SC-46807; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; CAS-7727-54-0; DB-056201; Ammonium persulfate [UN1444] [Oxidizer]; diammonium [(sulfonatoperoxy)sulfonyl]oxidanide; Peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO)S(O)2)2O2), ammonium salt (1:2); APS; Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Ammonium Salt (1:2); Peroxydisulfuric Acid ([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) Diammonium Salt; Ad 485; Ammonium Peroxidodisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate; Ammonium Peroxydisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8); Ammonium Peroxysulfate; Anala R; Bis(ammonium) Peroxodisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulfate; Diammonium Peroxydisulphate; Diammonium Persulfate; Enplate AD 485; Panreac PA)

Ammonium persulfate (APS) is an oxidizing agent that is often used with tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED, Part No. 17919) to catalyze the polymerization of acrylamide and bisacrylamide to prepare polyacrylamide gels for electrophoresis.


• Name: Ammonium persulfate (APS)
• Formula: (NH4)2S2O8
• CAS number: 7727-54-0
• Molecular weight: 228.2
• Purity: ≥98.0%
• Insolubles: ≤0.005%
This is a chemical used in hair bleaches as an oxidizer. It is also used in de-colorizing
and deodorizing oils, in electroplating, in making soluble starch, as a reducer and
retarder in photography and in yeast treatment. Further research may identify additional
product or industrial usages of this chemical.
There are disclosed (1) a process for producing ammonium persulfate which comprises electrolyzing, as the starting raw material for an anode, an aqueous solution containing ammonium sulfate wherein ammonium ions are present in an amount of at least one equivalent based on sulfate ions; (2) a process for producing sodium persulfate which comprises the step (A) of electrolyzing an aqueous solution containing ammonium sulfate at an anode, the step (B) of producing sodium persulfate, the step (C) of crystallizing and separating the sodium persulfate and the step (D) of recycling the liquid produced at a cathode together with ammonia for use as the starting raw material for an anode in the step (A); and (3) a process for producing potassium persulfate which comprises the step (A′) of electrolyzing an aqueous solution containing ammonium sulfate at an anode; and the step (B′) of producing potassium persulfate. The above processes are capable of effectively producing respective persulfates in an industrially advantageous manner.
Ammonium Persulfate, Potassium Persulfate and Sodium Persulfate are inorganic salts. In cosmetics and personal care products, mixtures of persulfates such as Ammonium Persulfate, Potassium Persulfate and Sodium Persulfate are used in hair bleaches and hair lighteners.

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