1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z


CAS Numarası: 126-73-8; Moleküler formül: C12H27O4P; Bağıl moleküler kütle: 266.3. CAS kimyasal adı: Fosforik asit, tributil ester. Eşanlamlılar: TBP; tri-n-butil fosfat; fosforik asit, tri-n-butil ester
TBP yanıcı ve patlayıcı değildir. Bununla birlikte, termal olarak kararsızdır ve kaynama noktasının altındaki sıcaklıklarda ayrışmaya başlar.

tributil fosfat, butil fosfat, TBP, fosforik asidin tributil esteri, tri-n-butil fosfat

Fosforik asit, tri-n-butil ester; tri-n-butil fosfat; Butil fosfat; Fosforik asit tributil ester; selüloz 4; TBP; n-Bütil Fosfat; Tributilfosfato (İtalyanca); Tributoxyphosphine Oxide; Tributyle (Fosfat De) (Fransızca); Tributylfosfaat (Hollandaca); Tributylphosphat (Almanca); Fosfato de tributilo (İspanyolca); Phosphate de tributyle (Fransızca);

Genellikle TBP olarak bilinen tributil fosfat, kimyasal formül (CH3CH2CH2CH2O) 3PO olan bir organofosfor bileşiğidir. Bu renksiz, kokusuz sıvı, bir özütleyici ve bir plastikleştirici olarak bazı uygulamalar bulur. N-butanol ile fosforik asit esteridir.

Veri eksikliğine rağmen, TBP'nin trimetil fosfatın bilinen kimyasal özelliklerine dayalı olarak asidik, nötr veya alkalin solüsyonda kolayca hidrolize olduğu düşünülmektedir.
Butil fosfat; Butil fosfat, ((BuO) 3PO); Butil fosfat, tri-; Celluphos 4; Disflamoll TB; MCS 2495; Fosforik asit, tributil ester; TBP; Tri-N-butilfosfat; Tri-n-butil fosfat; Tributilfosfato [İtalyanca]; Tributoksifosfin oksit; Tributil fosfat; Tributyle (fosfat de) [Fransızca]; Tributylfosfaat [Hollandaca]; Tributylfosfat [Çekçe]; Tributylphosphat [Almanca]; Tributylphosphate; [ChemIDplus]

Diğer isimler: TBP; Fosforik asit tributil ester; Butil fosfat; Celluphos 4; Disflamoll TB; Tri-n-butil fosfat; Tributoksifosfin oksit; Butil fosfat, ((BuO) 3PO); Butil fosfat, tri-; Tributilfosfato; Tributyle (fosfat de); Tributylfosfaat; Tributylphosphat; Tributylfosfat; Tributylphsophate; Fosforik asidin tributil esteri; Kronitex TBP; Fosforik asit tri-n-butil ester; Syn-O-Ad 8412; NSC 8484; tributil fosfat
Genellikle TBP olarak bilinen tributil fosfat, kimyasal formül (CH3CH2CH2CH2O) 3PO olan bir organofosfor bileşiğidir. Bu renksiz, kokusuz sıvı, bir özütleyici ve bir plastikleştirici olarak bazı uygulamalar bulur. N-butanol ile fosforik asit esteridir.

Tributil fosfat, fosforik asidin tributil esteri olan bir trialkil fosfattır.
TBP, n - butanolün fosforoksiklorür ile reaksiyonu ile üretilir. Selüloz esterler, cilalar ve doğal zamklar için çözücü olarak, üretiminde birincil plastikleştirici olarak kullanılır.
yangına dayanıklı hava taşıtı hidrolik sıvılarının formülasyonunda bir temel stok olarak bir metal özütleyici olarak ve bir köpük önleyici madde olarak plastikler ve vinil reçineler

Tri-n-butil fosfat, Bu3-P, TBP. Endüstriyel kimyasal; plastikleştirici olarak, hidrolik sıvıda, metal iyonları için bir çözücü ve özütleyici olarak ve bir ısı değişim maddesi olarak kullanılır.
Üretim: Tributil fosfat, fosforil klorürün n-butanol ile reaksiyona sokulmasıyla üretilir.

POCl3 + 3 C4H9OH → PO (OC4H9) 3 + 3 HCl
Üretim dünya çapında 3.000–5.000 ton olarak tahmin edilmektedir.

TBP, nitroselüloz ve selüloz asetat gibi selüloz esterler için bir çözücü ve plastikleştiricidir. Bazı metallerle kararlı hidrofobik kompleksler oluşturur; bu kompleksler organik çözücülerin yanı sıra süper kritik C02'de de çözünür. TBP'nin endüstrideki başlıca kullanımları, uçak hidrolik sıvısının, fren sıvısının bir bileşeni olarak ve cevherlerinden nadir toprak metallerinin çıkarılması ve saflaştırılması için bir çözücü olarak kullanılır.

TBP, mürekkeplerde, sentetik reçinelerde, zamklarda, yapıştırıcılarda (yani kaplama kontrplak için) ve herbisit ve fungisit konsantrelerinde bir çözücü olarak kullanımını bulur.

Kokusu olmadığı için deterjan solüsyonlarında, çeşitli emülsiyonlarda, boyalarda ve yapıştırıcılarda köpük önleyici olarak kullanılır. Aynı zamanda etilen glikol-boraks antifriz solüsyonlarında köpük giderici olarak bulunur. Yağ bazlı yağlayıcılarda TBP ilavesi yağ film gücünü artırır. Aynı zamanda, ıslatma özelliklerini geliştirdiği merserize sıvılarda da kullanılır. Isı değişim ortamı olarak kullanılabilir. TBP, herbisitler ve su ile inceltilmiş boyalar ve renklendirme bazları gibi bazı tüketici ürünlerinde kullanılır.

Ekstraksiyon reaktifi, çözücü veya köpük önleyici ajan olarak kullanıldığında, TBP sürekli olarak hava ve su ortamında kaybolur. TBP'nin biyolojik olarak parçalanması, TBP oranına bağlı olarak orta veya yavaştır.
aktif biyokütleye. Ortofosfat ve n-butanole aşamalı enzimatik hidrolizi içerir, bu da daha fazla bozunmaya uğrar. TBP'nin sudaki konsantrasyonu içme suyu arıtma için standart tekniklerle azaltılmaz.

Tributil fosfat (TBP), sentetik reçineler ve doğal kauçuk çözeltilerinin üretiminde kullanılan güçlü bir polar çözücüdür. Hem selüloz bazlı plastiklerde hem de sentetik reçinelerde TBP, alev geciktirici bir plastikleştirici olarak kullanılır.

TBP, pigment pastaları için bir yapıştırma maddesi olarak kullanılır.
Sıcaklığın TBP'nin viskozitesi üzerindeki sınırlı etkisi nedeniyle, aynı zamanda hava taşıtları için hidrolik sıvıların üretiminde önemli bir bileşen görevi görür.

Çok kuvvetli bir ıslatma ajanı olan TBP, tekstil endüstrisinde ve yapıştırıcılar alanında kullanılmaktadır. Nötr bir özütleyici olarak hem asitleri hem de metal katyonlarını çıkarabilir.

Özellikleri ve Faydaları: kararlı, çok iyi çözücü

Uygulama Alanları
Kataliz ve Kimyasal İşleme
Kimyasal sentez
Plastik imalatı
Kauçuk, lateks imalatı
Hidrolik yağlar
Boyar maddeler, pigmentler ve optik parlatıcılar

Genellikle TBP olarak bilinen tributil fosfat, kimyasal formül (CH3CH2CH2CH2O) 3PO olan bir organofosfor bileşiğidir. Bu renksiz, kokusuz sıvı, bir özütleyici ve bir plastikleştirici olarak bazı uygulamalar bulur. N-butanol ile fosforik asit esteridir.

Tribütil fosfatın (TBP) endüstride başlıca kullanımları, uçak hidrolik sıvısının alev geciktirici bir bileşeni ve nadir toprak ekstraksiyonu ve saflaştırması için bir çözücüdür. TBP'nin küçük kullanımları arasında, petrol kuyuları için çimento kaplamalarında köpük giderici katkı maddesi olarak, kaplamalar ve zemin cilaları için hava engelleyici katkı maddesi olarak, nükleer yakıt işlemede bir çözücü olarak ve floresan boyalar için bir taşıyıcı olarak kullanılması yer alır.
Tributil fosfatın mikrobiyal bozunması, topraktan izole edilmiş Klebsiella pneumoniae S3 kullanılarak gerçekleştirildi. TBP'nin L64-Pluronics'in sulu çözeltilerindeki çözünürlük davranışı, hafif ve küçük açılı nötron saçılımı (SANS) kullanılarak incelenmiştir.
Kullanım Alanları: Tributil fosfat (TBP), fosforik asidin tributil esteri olan bir trialkil fosfattır. TBP, nükleer işlemede önemli kullanım dahil olmak üzere birçok endüstriyel uygulamada yaygın olarak kullanılan toksik bir organofosfor bileşiktir. TBP, nitroselüloz ve selüloz asetat gibi selüloz esterler için bir çözücü ve plastikleştiricidir. TBP'nin endüstrideki başlıca kullanımları, uçak hidrolik sıvısının bir bileşeni olarak ve uranyum ve plütonyum gibi nadir toprak metallerinin cevherlerinden çıkarılması ve saflaştırılması için bir çözücü olarak kullanılır. TBP, ıslatma özelliklerini geliştirdiği merserize sıvılarda da kullanılır. TBP ayrıca bir ısı değişim ortamı olarak kullanılır. TBP, herbisitler ve su ile inceltilmiş boyalar ve renklendirme bazları gibi bazı tüketici ürünlerinde kullanılmaktadır.
Tributil fosfat, fosforil klorürün n-butanol ile reaksiyona sokulmasıyla üretilir.

Tributil fosfat (TBP), sentetik reçineler ve doğal kauçuk çözeltilerinin üretiminde kullanılan güçlü bir polar çözücüdür. Hem selüloz bazlı plastiklerde hem de sentetik reçinelerde TBP, alev geciktirici bir plastikleştirici olarak kullanılır.

TBP, pigment pastaları için bir yapıştırma maddesi olarak kullanılır.
Sıcaklığın TBP'nin viskozitesi üzerindeki sınırlı etkisi nedeniyle, aynı zamanda hava taşıtları için hidrolik sıvıların üretiminde önemli bir bileşen görevi görür.

Çok kuvvetli bir ıslatma ajanı olan TBP, tekstil endüstrisinde ve yapıştırıcılar alanında kullanılmaktadır. Nötr bir özütleyici olarak hem asitleri hem de metal katyonlarını çıkarabilir.

Özellikleri ve Faydaları: kararlı, çok iyi çözücü

Uygulama Alanları
Kataliz ve Kimyasal İşleme
Kimyasal sentez
Plastik imalatı
Kauçuk, lateks imalatı
Hidrolik yağlar
Boyar maddeler, pigmentler ve optik parlatıcılar

TBP, nitroselüloz ve selüloz asetat, plastikler ve vinil reçineler gibi selüloz esterler için bir çözücü ve plastikleştiricidir.
TBP, mürekkeplerde, sentetik reçinelerde, zamklarda, yapıştırıcılarda (yani kaplama kontrplak için) ve herbisit ve fungisit konsantrelerinde çözücü olarak kullanımını bulur.
TBP aynı zamanda uçak hidrolik sıvısının bir bileşeni olarak ve cevherlerinden nadir toprak metallerinin çıkarılması ve saflaştırılması için bir çözücü olarak kullanılır.
TBP'nin kokusu yoktur, bu nedenle deterjan solüsyonlarında ve çeşitli emülsiyonlarda, boyalarda ve yapıştırıcılarda köpük önleyici madde olarak kullanılır.
TBP ayrıca etilen glikol-boraks antifriz solüsyonlarında köpük giderici olarak bulunur. Yağ bazlı yağlayıcılarda TBP ilavesi yağ film gücünü artırır.
TBP, ıslatma özelliklerini geliştirdiği merserize sıvılarda da kullanılır.TBP ayrıca bir ısı değişim ortamı olarak kullanılır.

Tributil fosfat, selüloz esterler, cilalar, plastik ve vinil reçineler için bir plastikleştirici ve / veya çözücülerdir. Cevherlerden nadir toprak metallerinin çözücü özütleyicisi olarak kullanılır. Isı değişim ortamı olarak kullanılır. Aynı zamanda pigment öğütme yardımcısı ve köpük önleyici olarak kullanılır.

Eş anlamlılar: TBP

CAS Numarası: 126-73-8

CAS Number: 126-73-8; Molecular formula: C12H27O4P; Relative molecular mass:  266.3. CAS chemical name: Phosphoric acid, tributyl ester.Synonyms:  TBP; tri- n -butyl phosphate; phosphoric acid, tri- n -butyl ester
TBP  is non-flammable and non-explosive.   However, it is thermally unstable and begins to decompose  at  temperatures  below its boiling point.  

tributyl phosphate, butyl phosphate, TBP, tributyl ester of phosphoric acid, tri-n-butyl phosphate

Phosphoric acid, tri-n-butyl ester; tri-n-butyl phosphate; Butyl phosphate; Phosphoric acid tributyl ester; celluphos 4; TBP; n-Butyl Phosphate; Tributilfosfato (Italian); Tributoxyphosphine Oxide; Tributyle (Phosphate De) (French); Tributylfosfaat (Dutch); Tributylphosphat (German); Fosfato de tributilo (Spanish); Phosphate de tributyle (French);

Tributyl phosphate, known commonly as TBP, is an organophosphorus compound with the chemical formula (CH3CH2CH2CH2O)3PO. This colourless, odorless liquid finds some applications as an extractant and a plasticizer. It is an ester of phosphoric acid with n-butanol.

Despite a lack of data, TBP is thought to hydrolyse readily in either acidic, neutral,  or alkaline solution, based  on  the  known  chemical properties  of  trimethyl phosphate.
Butyl phosphate; Butyl phosphate, ((BuO)3PO); Butyl phosphate, tri-; Celluphos 4; Disflamoll TB; MCS 2495; Phosphoric acid, tributyl ester; TBP; Tri-N-butylphosphate; Tri-n-butyl phosphate; Tributilfosfato [Italian]; Tributoxyphosphine oxide; Tributyl phosphate; Tributyle (phosphate de) [French]; Tributylfosfaat [Dutch]; Tributylfosfat [Czech]; Tributylphosphat [German]; Tributylphosphate; [ChemIDplus]

Other names: TBP; Phosphoric acid tributyl ester; Butyl phosphate; Celluphos 4; Disflamoll TB; Tri-n-butyl phosphate; Tributoxyphosphine oxide; Butyl phosphate, ((BuO)3PO); Butyl phosphate, tri-; Tributilfosfato; Tributyle (phosphate de); Tributylfosfaat; Tributylphosphat; Tributylfosfat; Tributylphsophate; Tributyl ester of phosphoric acid; Kronitex TBP; Phosphoric acid tri-n-butyl ester; Syn-O-Ad 8412; NSC 8484; tributhyl phosphate
Tributyl phosphate, known commonly as TBP, is an organophosphorus compound with the chemical formula (CH3CH2CH2CH2O)3PO. This colourless, odorless liquid finds some applications as an extractant and a plasticizer. It is an ester of phosphoric acid with n-butanol.

Tributyl phosphate is a trialkyl phosphate that is the tributyl ester of phosphoric acid.
TBP is manufactured by the reaction of n-butanol with phosphorusoxychloride.It is used as a solvent for cellulose esters,lacquers,and natural  gums, as  a primary plasticizer in the manufacture of
plastics and vinyl resins,as a metal extractant, as a base stock in the formulation of fire-resistant aircraft hydraulic fluids, and as an antifoaming agent

Tri-n-butyl phosphate, Bu3-P, TBP. Industrial chemical; used as a plasticizer, in hydraulic fluid, as a solvent and extractant for metal ions, and as a heat exchange agent.
Production: Tributyl phosphate is manufactured by reaction of phosphoryl chloride with n-butanol.

POCl3 + 3 C4H9OH → PO(OC4H9)3 + 3 HCl
Production is estimated at 3,000–5,000 tonnes worldwide.

TBP is a solvent and plasticizer for cellulose esters such as nitrocellulose and cellulose acetate. It forms stable hydrophobic complexes with some metals; these complexes are soluble in organic solvents as well as supercritical CO2. The major uses of TBP in industry are as a component of aircraft hydraulic fluid, brake fluid, and as a solvent for extraction and purification of rare-earth metals from their ores.

TBP finds its use as a solvent in inks, synthetic resins, gums, adhesives (namely for veneer plywood), and herbicide and fungicide concentrates.

As it has no odour, it is used as an anti-foaming agent in detergent solutions, and in various emulsions, paints, and adhesives. It is also found as a de-foamer in ethylene glycol-borax antifreeze solutions. In oil-based lubricants addition of TBP increases the oil film strength. It is used also in mercerizing liquids, where it improves their wetting properties. It can be used as a heat-exchange medium. TBP is used in some consumer products such as herbicides and water-thinned paints and tinting bases

When used as an extraction reagent, solvent, or anti-foaming  agent, TBP is  continuously lost to  the air  and aquatic environment. The biodegradation of TBP is moderate or slow depending on the ratio of TBP
to  active  biomass. It  involves  stepwise enzymatic  hydrolysis to orthophosphate and  n -butanol,  which undergoes further degradation. The  concentration of  TBP in  water is  not decreased  by standard
techniques for drinking-water treatment.

Tributyl phosphate (TBP) is a strong polar solvent  used in the production of solutions of synthetic resins and natural rubber. In both cellulose based plastics and synthetic resins, TBP is used as a flame-retarding plasticizer.

TBP is employed as a pasting agent for pigment pastes.
Due to the limited influence of temperature on the viscosity of TBP, it also serves as an  important component in the manufacture of hydraulic fluids for aircraft.

As a very strong wetting agent, TBP is used in the textile industry and in the field of adhesives. As a neutral extractant it is able to extract both acids and metal cations.

Properties & Benefits: stable, very good solvent

Areas of Applications
Catalysis and Chemicals Processing
Chemical synthesis
Manufacturing of plastics
Manufacturing of rubber, latex
Hydraulic oils
Dyestuffs, pigments and optical brighteners

TBP is a solvent and plasticizer for cellulose esters such as nitrocellulose and cellulose acetate, plastics and vinyl resins
TBP finds its use as a solvent in inks, synthetic resins, gums, adhesives (namely for veneer plywood) and herbicide and fungicide concentrates.
TBP is also used as a component of aircraft hydraulic fluid and as a solvent for extraction and purification of rare earth metals from their ores.
TBP has no odor so it finds use as anti-foaming agent in detergent solutions, and in various emulsions, paints, and adhesives.
TBP is also found as a defoamer in ethylene glycol-borax antifreeze solutions. In oil-based lubricants addition of TBP increases the oil film strength.
TBP is used also in mercerizing liquids, where it improves their wetting properties.TBP is also used as a heat exchange medium.

Tributyl phosphate is a plasticizer and/or solvents for cellulose esters, lacquers, plastic and vinyl resins. It is used as a solvent extractant of rare earth metals from ores. It is used as a heat exchange media. It is also used as a pigment grinding assistant and antifoam agent.

Synonyms :TBP

CAS Number :126-73-8

Tributyl phosphate, known commonly as TBP, is an organophosphorus compound with the chemical formula (CH3CH2CH2CH2O)3PO. This colourless, odorless liquid finds some applications as an extractant and a plasticizer. It is an ester of phosphoric acid with n-butanol.

The major uses of tributyl phosphate (TBP) in industry are as a flame retardant component of aircraft hydraulic fluid and as a solvent for rare earth extraction and purification. Minor uses of TBP include use as a defoamer additive in cement casings for oil wells, as an anti-air entrainment additive for coatings and floor finishes, as a solvent in nuclear fuel processing, and as a carrier for fluorescent dyes.
The microbial degradation of tributyl phosphate was carried out using Klebsiella pneumoniae S3 isolated from the soil. The solubilization behavior of TBP in aqueous solutions of L64-Pluronics was studied using light and small angle neutron scattering (SANS).
Uses: Tributyl phosphate (TBP) is a trialkyl phosphate that is the tributyl ester of phosphoric acid. TBP is a toxic organophosphorous compound widely used in many industrial applications, including significant usage in nuclear processing. TBP is a solvent and plasticizer for cellulose esters such as nitrocellulose and cellulose acetate. The major uses of TBP in industry are as a component of aircraft hydraulic fluid and as a solvent for extraction and purification of rare earth metals from their ores, such as uranium and plutonium. TBP is used also in mercerizing liquids, where it improves their wetting properties. TBP is also used as a heat exchange medium. TBP is used in some consumer products such as herbicides and water thinned paints and tinting bases.
Tributyl phosphate is manufactured by reaction of phosphoryl chloride with n-butanol.
A 1-liter four-necked flask is fitted with an efficient condenser, an air-tight stirrer, a short-stemmed dropping funnel and a thermometer. Calcium chloride tubes are attached to the top of dropping funnel and the reflux condenser. 137 ml (111 g) of dry n-butyl alcohol, 132.5 ml (130 g) of dry pyridine and 140 ml of dry benzene are placed in the flask, which is stirred and cooled in an ice-salt mixture until the temperature falls to – 5° C. 40.5 ml (76.5 g) of freshly redistilled (b.p. 106-107° C) phosphorus oxychloride are dropwise added from the funnel at such a rate that the temperature does not rise above 10° C. When all phosphorus oxychloride has been added the reaction mixture is gently refluxed for 2 hours and cooled to room temperature. 250 ml of water are added in order to dissolve the pyridine hydrochloride, the benzene layer is separated, washed several times with water until the washings are neutral, and dried over anhydrous sodium or magnesium sulfate. The benzene is removed by evaporation and crude tributyl phosphate is purified by distillation in a vacuum. The fraction boiling at 160-162°/15 mm or 138-140°/6 mm is collected yielding 95 g of pure tributyl phosphate.
Potential Exposure
The industrial application of this chemical is responsible for occupational exposure and environmental pollution. Exposure to TBP can be from ingestion, inhalation, or skin or eye contact. This exposure will most often happen from occupational use of hydraulic fluid. If TBP is released to the environment, it will bind tightly to dust particles in the air. Unbound TBP will break down in air. It will move slowly through soil because it will bind with soil particles. It may volatilize slowly from moist soil and water surfaces. It may build up in aquatic organisms. It will be broken down in water by microbes.
On decomposition, TBP releases COx, toxic fumes of phosphoric acid, phosphorus oxides, and/or phosphine. TBP is incompatible with strong oxidising agents and alkalis. The major uses of TBP in industry are as a component of aircraft hydraulic fluid and as a solvent for rare earth extraction and purification. Minor uses of TBP include use as a defoamer additive in cement casings for oil wells, an anti-air entrainment additive for coatings and floor finishes, as well as a carrier for fluorescent dyes. The major uses of TBP comprise over 80% of the volume produced.
Chemical Properties: Stable, colorless liquid; odorless. Miscible with most solvents and diluents; soluble in water. Combustible.
Physical properties
Clear, colorless to pale yellow, odorless, slightly flammable, oily liquid
Tributyl phosphate is used as a plasticizer for cellulose esters, vinyl resins, and lacquers; and in making fireretardants, biocides, defoamers, and catalysts.
Plasticizer for cellulose esters, lacquers, plastics, and vinyl resins.
Tributyl phosphate is used as an antifoaming agent; plasticizer for cellulose esters, lacquers, plastic, and vinyl resins; component in hydraulic fluids for aircraft control systems.

ChEBI: A trialkyl phosphate that is the tributyl ester of phosphoric acid.
Production Methods
Prepared by the reaction of phosphorus oxychloride with butyl alcohol.
Air & Water Reactions
Water insoluble. Reacts slowly with water under basic conditions.
Reactivity Profile: Tributyl phosphate is incompatible with strong oxidizing agents and strong bases. Attacks some forms of plastics and rubber .
Health Hazard: Tributyl phosphate is a neurotoxic compound and an irritant. The toxic effects are characteristic of organic phosphates. It inhibits cholinesterase activity and causes paralysis. Inaddition,itcancausedepressionofthecentralnervoussystem,aswellasirritationofthe skin,eyes,andrespiratorypassage.Inhalation toxicity data in the literature are inconsistent.
The oral toxicity in rats was low; the LD50 value was reported as 1189 mg/kg (NIOSH 1986).
The pure liquid instilled into rabbits’ eyes caused severe irritation but no permanent damage. The irritation effect on the skin is mild.
Tributyl phosphate exhibited teratogenic effects in rats. There is no report on its carcinogenicity.
Fire Hazard
Special Hazards of Combustion Products: Toxic fumes of PO x
Industrial uses
1. As an antifoaming agent.
2. As a plasticizer for cellulose esters, lacquers, plastics, and vinyl resins.
3. As a complexing agent in the extraction of heavy metals, especially for the extraction of metal ions from solutions of reactor products in nuclear fuel reprocessing.
4. As an aircraft hydraulic fluid.
5. As a heat exchange medium and dielectric.
6. As a pigment-grinding agent.
Safety Profile
Poison by intraperitoneal and intravenous routes. Moderately toxic by ingestion, inhalation, and subcutaneous routes. Experimental reproductive effects. A skin, eye, and mucous membrane irritant. Combustible when exposed to heat or flame. To fight fire, use CO2, dry chemical, fog, mist. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of POx.
TBP was not genotoxic in a variety of in vivo and in vitro assays. It has been suggested that the carcinogenic effects of TBP are species- and organ specific. The necrotic actions of TBP (or a metabolite) on rat urinary bladder epithelium may induce chronic repair processes that cause the normal epithelium to be transformed into its metaplastic and neoplastic forms.
TBP was not teratogenic when administered to rats and rabbits during gestation; fetotoxic effects (delayed ossification and reduced fetal body weights) occurred in rats at doses that caused severe maternal toxicity. There was no evidence of reproductive toxicity or reproductive organ pathology in twogeneration studies in rats fed TBP in the diet.
Environmental Fate
Biological. Indigenous microbes in Mississippi River water degraded tributyl phosphate to carbon dioxide. After 4 wk, 90.8% of the theoretical carbon dioxide had evolved (Saeger et al., 1979).
Chemical/Physical. Complete hydrolysis yields 1-butanol and phosphoric acid via the intermediates dibutyl phosphate and monobutyl phosphate (Thomas and Macaskie, 1996).
Purification Methods
The main contaminants in commercial samples are organic pyrophosphates, monoand dibutyl phosphates and butanol. It is purified by washing successively with 0.2M HNO3 (three times), 0.2M NaOH (three times) and water (three times), then fractionally distilled under vacuum. [Yoshida J Inorg Nucl Chem 24 1257 1962.] It has also been purified via its uranyl nitrate addition compound, obtained by saturating the crude phosphate with uranyl nitrate. This compound is crystallised three times from n-hexane by cooling to -40o, and then decomposed by washing with Na2CO3 and water. Hexane is removed by steam distillation; the water is then evaporated under reduced pressure, and the residue is distilled under reduced pressure. [Siddall & Dukes J Am Chem Soc 81 790 1959.] Alternatively, wash it with water, then with 1% NaOH or 5% Na2CO3 for several hours, then finally with water. Dry it under reduced pressure and fractionate it carefully under vacuum. It is a stable colourless oil, sparingly soluble in H2O (1mL dissolves in 165mL of H2O), but freely miscible in organic solvents. [Kuivila & Masterton J Am Chem Soc 74 4953 1952, Cox & Westheimer J Am Chem Soc 80 5441 1958, 31P NMR: Van Wazer J Am Chem Soc 78 5715 1956, Fertig et al. J Chem Soc 1488 1957, Beilstein 1 IV 1531.]
Waste Disposal
Tributyl phosphate is dissolved in a combustible solvent and is burned in a chemical incinerator equipped with an afterburner and scrubber.

Molecular Formula: C12H27O4P or (C4H9)3PO4
Tri-n-butyl phosphate
Butyl phosphate
Tributyl phosphate is an odorless colorless to yellow liquid. Toxic by ingestion and inhalation.
Tributyl phosphate is a trialkyl phosphate that is the tributyl ester of phosphoric acid.
Tri-n-butyl phosphate, Bu3-P, TBP. Industrial chemical; used as a plasticizer, in hydraulic fluid, as a solvent and extractant for metal ions, and as a heat exchange agent.
tributyl phosphate
15158-85-7, 19824-61-4, 80094-39-9, 1238174-19-0, 329184-61-4
Tri-N-butyl phosphate
tri-(n-butyl )-phosphate
tri-n-butyl phosphate
tributyl phosphate
Tri-n-butyl phosphate
Butyl phosphate
Phosphoric acid tributyl ester
Celluphos 4
Disflamoll TB
Phosphoric acid, tributyl ester
Tributyle (phosphate de)
Butyl phosphate, tri-
Tributoxyphosphine oxide
Butyl phosphate, ((BuO)3PO)
Phosphoric acid tri-n-butyl ester
Tributylfosfat [Czech]
Tributylfosfaat [Dutch]
Tributilfosfato [Italian]
Tributylphosphat [German]
Tributyle (phosphate de) [French]
EINECS 204-800-2
Tributyl phosphate, 99+%
Kronitex TBP
Tributyl ester of phosphoric acid
Tributyle(phosphate de)
Phosphoric acid tributyl
TBP / Tributylphosphate
tris(1-butyl) phosphate
tributyl phosphate (TBP)
Tributyl phosphate, 97%
Tributyl phosphate, 99%
Tributyl phosphate, >=99%
Phosphoric acid, tri-n-butyl ester
TBP (Tributyl phosphate, n + iso)
Tributyl phosphate
Tri-n-butyl phosphate
Tributyl phosphate
Butyl phosphate
Butyl phosphate, ((BuO)3PO)
Butyl phosphate, tri-
Celluphos 4
Disflamoll TB
MCS 2495
Phosphoric acid, tributyl ester
Tri-n-butyl phosphate
Tributoxyphosphine oxide
Tributyl phosphate
fosfato de tributilo (es)
Fosforan(V) tributylu (pl)
ortofosforan(V) tributylu (pl)
phosphate de tributyle (fr)
tributil fosfat (sl)
tributil-fosfat (hr)
tributil-foszfát (hu)
tributilfosfat (ro)
tributilfosfatas (lt)
tributilfosfato (it)
tributilfosfāts (lv)
tributyl-fosfát (cs)
tributylfosfaat (nl)
tributylfosfat (no)
tributylphosphat (da)
Tributyylifosfaatti (fi)
Tributüülfosfaat (et)
φωσφορικός τριβουτυλεστέρας (el)
трибутил фосфат (bg)
Phosphoric acid tributyl ester

IUPAC names
tetrossofosfato (V) di tri-1-butile
Tributyl phosphate (TBP)
Trade names
Entschäumer T
126-73-8 [RN]
1710584 [Beilstein]
203-777-6 [EINECS]
204-800-2 [EINECS]
butyl phosphate
MFCD00009436 [MDL number]
n-butyl phosphate
Phosphate de tributyle [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
Phosphoric acid tributyl ester
Phosphoric acid, tributyl ester [ACD/Index Name]
Phosphoric acid, tri-n-butyl ester
Phosphorsäuretributylester [German]
Tributilfosfato [Italian]
Tributyl phosphate [ACD/IUPAC Name] [Wiki]
Tributyle (phosphate de) [French]
Tributylfosfaat [Dutch]
Tributylphosphat [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
tri-n-butyl phosphate
Tri-n-butyl-phosphat [German]
Трибутилфосфат [Russian]
15158-85-7 [RN]
19824-61-4 [RN]
4-01-00-01531 [Beilstein]
4-01-00-01531 (Beilstein Handbook Reference) [Beilstein]
52933-01-4 [RN]
61196-26-7 [RN]
80094-39-9 [RN]
Butyl phosphate, tri-
Celluphos 4
Disflamoll TB
EINECS 204-800-2
Kronitex TBP
Phosphoric Acid Tributyl Ester-d27
Syn-O-Ad 8412
Tributilfosfato [Italian]
Tributoxyphosphine oxide
Tributyl ester of phosphoric acid
Tributyl phosphate solution
Tributyle (phosphate de) [French]
Tributyle(phosphate de)
Tributylfosfaat [Dutch]
Tributylfosfat [Czech]
Tributylfosfat [Czech]
Tributylphosphat [German]

Butyl phosphate
Butyl phosphate, ((BuO)3PO)
Butyl phosphate, tri-
Celluphos 4
Disflamoll TB
MCS 2495
Phosphoric acid, tributyl ester
Tri-n-butyl phosphate
Tributoxyphosphine oxide)
Tributyle (phosphate de)
Translated names
fosfato de tributilo (es)
Fosforan(V) tributylu (pl)
ortofosforan(V) tributylu (pl)
phosphate de tributyle (fr)
tributil fosfat (sl)
tributil-fosfat (hr)
tributil-foszfát (hu)
tributilfosfat (ro)
tributilfosfatas (lt)
tributilfosfato (it)
tributilfosfāts (lv)
tributyl-fosfát (cs)
tributylfosfaat (nl)
tributylfosfat (no)
tributylphosphat (da)
Tributyylifosfaatti (fi)
Tributüülfosfaat (et)
φωσφορικός τριβουτυλεστέρας (el)
трибутил фосфат (bg)

CAS names
Phosphoric acid tributyl ester

IUPAC names
tetrossofosfato (V) di tri-1-butile

Tributyl phosphate (TBP)

Trade names
Entschäumer T
Maslo Gazpromneft GL-4 75W-90

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