1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z

Empicol 0585

Empicol 0585


Empicol 0585; SODIUM 2-ETHYLHEXYL SULFATE; Sodium ethasulfate; 126-92-1; Sodium etasulfate; Sipex bos; NIA proof 08; Emersal 6465; Pentrone ON; Ethasulfate sodium; Sulfirol 8; 08-Union carbide; Tergitol 08; 2-Ethylhexylsulfate sodium; Sodium octyl sulfate, iso; Tergitol anionic 08; Propaste 6708; Sodium Ethasulfate [USAN]; Sulfuric acid, mono(2-ethylhexyl) ester, sodium salt; Sole Tege TS-25; Sodium (2-ethylhexyl)alcohol sulfate; Emcol D 5-10; HSDB 1314; Sodium mono(2-ethylhexyl) sulfate; 2-Ethylhexyl sodium sulfate; Etasulfate de sodium [INN-French]; NSC 4744; EINECS 204-812-8; Mono(2-ethylhexyl)sulfate sodium salt; 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol sodium sulfate; NCI-C50204; Sodium(2-ethylhexyl)alcohol sulfate; 1-Hexanol, 2-ethyl-, sulfate, sodium salt; 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol sulfate sodium salt; Mono(2-ethylhexyl) sulfate sodium salt; Hexanol, 2-ethyl-, hydrogen sulfate, sodium salt; 1-Hexanol, 2-ethyl-, hydrogen sulfate, sodium salt; 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol hydrogen sulfate sodium salt; DSSTox_CID_6033; Sodium ethasulfate (USAN); Sulfuric acid, mono(2-ethylhexyl) ester, sodium salt (1:1); Natrii etasulfas; Etasulfato sodico; CAS-126-92-1; Etasulfate de sodium; 2-Ethylhexylsiran sodny; NCGC00164327-02; C8H17NaO4S; Niaproof(R); sodium etasul-fate; ACMC-1C2MQ; EC 204-812-8; SCHEMBL57666; 2-Ethylhexylsulphate,sodium salt; CHEMBL2107701; DTXSID1026033; 2-Ethylhexyl sulfate sodium salt; Sodium (2-Ethy lhexyl)Alcohol Sulfate; Sodium 2-ethylhexyl sulfate, ~50% in H2O; Sodium 2-ethylhexyl sulfate, Type 8, ~40%; Sodium 2-ethylhexyl sulfate solution, 50% in water; EMPİCOL 0585; EMPICOL 0585; 0585; 5085 EMPICOL;EMPICOL-0585; empicol0585; empicol-0585; Empicol-0585; Empicol0585; Empicol 0585; SODIUM 2-ETHYLHEXYL SULFATE; Sodium ethasulfate; 126-92-1; Sodium etasulfate; Sipex bos; NIA proof 08; Emersal 6465; Pentrone ON; Ethasulfate sodium; Sulfirol 8; 08-Union carbide; Tergitol 08; 2-Ethylhexylsulfate sodium; Sodium octyl sulfate, iso; Tergitol anionic 08; Propaste 6708; Sodium Ethasulfate [USAN]; Sulfuric acid, mono(2-ethylhexyl) ester, sodium salt; Sole Tege TS-25; Sodium (2-ethylhexyl)alcohol sulfate; Emcol D 5-10; HSDB 1314; Sodium mono(2-ethylhexyl) sulfate; 2-Ethylhexyl sodium sulfate; Etasulfate de sodium [INN-French]; NSC 4744; EINECS 204-812-8; Mono(2-ethylhexyl)sulfate sodium salt; 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol sodium sulfate; NCI-C50204; Sodium(2-ethylhexyl)alcohol sulfate; 1-Hexanol, 2-ethyl-, sulfate, sodium salt; 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol sulfate sodium salt; Mono(2-ethylhexyl) sulfate sodium salt; Hexanol, 2-ethyl-, hydrogen sulfate, sodium salt; 1-Hexanol, 2-ethyl-, hydrogen sulfate, sodium salt; 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol hydrogen sulfate sodium salt; DSSTox_CID_6033; Sodium ethasulfate (USAN); Sulfuric acid, mono(2-ethylhexyl) ester, sodium salt (1:1); Natrii etasulfas; Etasulfato sodico; CAS-126-92-1; Etasulfate de sodium; 2-Ethylhexylsiran sodny; NCGC00164327-02; C8H17NaO4S; Niaproof(R); sodium etasul-fate; ACMC-1C2MQ; EC 204-812-8; SCHEMBL57666; 2-Ethylhexylsulphate,sodium salt; CHEMBL2107701; DTXSID1026033; 2-Ethylhexyl sulfate sodium salt; Sodium (2-Ethy lhexyl)Alcohol Sulfate; Sodium 2-ethylhexyl sulfate, ~50% in H2O; Sodium 2-ethylhexyl sulfate, Type 8, ~40%; Sodium 2-ethylhexyl sulfate solution, 50% in water; EMPİCOL 0585; EMPICOL 0585; 0585; 5085 EMPICOL;EMPICOL-0585; empicol0585; empicol-0585; Empicol-0585; Empicol0585; 1-Hexanol, 2-ethyl-, sulfate, sodium salt; 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol sulfate sodium salt; Mono(2-ethylhexyl) sulfate sodium salt; Hexanol, 2-ethyl-, hydrogen sulfate, sodium salt; 1-Hexanol, 2-ethyl-, hydrogen sulfate, sodium salt; 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol hydrogen sulfate sodium salt; DSSTox_CID_6033; Sodium ethasulfate (USAN); Sulfuric acid, mono(2-ethylhexyl) ester, sodium salt (1:1); Natrii etasulfas; Etasulfato sodico; CAS-126-92-1; Etasulfate de sodium; 2-Ethylhexylsiran sodny; NCGC00164327-02; C8H17NaO4S; Niaproof(R); sodium etasul-fate; ACMC-1C2MQ; EC 204-812-8; SCHEMBL57666; 2-Ethylhexylsulphate,sodium salt; CHEMBL2107701; DTXSID1026033; 2-Ethylhexyl sulfate sodium salt; Sodium (2-Ethy lhexyl)Alcohol Sulfate; Sodium 2-ethylhexyl sulfate, ~50% in H2O; Sodium 2-ethylhexyl sulfate, Type 8, ~40%; Sodium 2-ethylhexyl sulfate solution, 50% in water; EMPİCOL 0585; EMPICOL 0585; 0585; 5085 EMPICOL;EMPICOL-0585; empicol0585; empicol-0585; Empicol-0585; Empicol0585; Empicol 0585; SODIUM 2-ETHYLHEXYL SULFATE; Sodium ethasulfate; 126-92-1; Sodium etasulfate; Sipex bos; NIA proof 08; Emersal 6465; Pentrone ON; Ethasulfate sodium; Sulfirol 8; 08-Union carbide; Tergitol 08; empicol 0585-;




Empicol 0585

İlgili Kategoriler Alkil Sülfatlar, Anyonik Deterjanlar, Biyokimyasallar ve Reaktifler, Yapı Taşları, Kimyasal Sentez,


açıklama: anyonik
Empicol 0585 tahlil% 4.95 Na bazında (ICP)
mol ağırlık 232.27 g / mol
Empicol 0585 konsantrasyon H2O içinde ~% 50
uygulama (lar) protein ölçümü: uygun
yoğunluk 20 ° C'de 1,12 g / mL (lit.)


Empicol 0585 Uygulama


Empicol 0585 aşağıdaki yerlerde kullanılabilecek bir anyonik yüzey aktif maddedir:
• Süspansiyon polimerizasyonunda. [1]
• Darbeli amperometrik algılama ile mikroçip-CE yoluyla fenolik bileşiklerin analizinde. [2]
• Organo katmanlı çift hidroksitlerin sentezinde yük dengeleme anyonları olarak



Empicol 0585, 2-etilheksil sülfatın bir sodyum tuzudur. Empicol 0585 kullanımları ve uygulamaları arasında aşağıdakiler bulunmaktadır: Elektrokaplama banyoları için nemlendirici, alkalin tekstil işleme yardımcıları, endüstriyel temizleyiciler; polimerizasyon için ortak emici; yapışkanlarda viskoz kontrol; gıda paketleme yapıştırıcıları; sulu yağlı gıdalarla temas eden kağıt mukavvada; yüzey aktif madde, deterjan, ıslatıcı, emülgatör, penetrant, kozmetik, ilaç, tekstil, ev ve endüstriyel temizleyiciler, metal temizleme, boyalar, plastikler, kauçuk, gıda paketleme ve işleme, yapıştırıcılar için stabilizatör; meyve ve sebzelerin washlye soyulması



Empicol 0585 SINIFI


Özel kimyasallar


Sürfaktan, Emülgatör, Stabilizatör

Empicol 0585 kullanılan SANAYİLER

Kozmetik, Kaplama, Endüstriyel, Eczacılık, Tekstil, Yapıştırıcılar, Plastik, Kauçuk, Deterjan, Temizleyiciler

Aile: Nemlendirici


Empicol 0585 kullanımı


Empicol 0585 esas olarak ıslatıcı bir madde olarak kullanılan bir yüzey aktif maddedir. Temel olarak tekstil ve özel kimyasallar için geliştirilmiştir. 
Empicol 0585 Yüksek pH'ta iyi stabilitesi nedeniyle, merserizasyon için bir ıslatma maddesi olarak ve yüksek alkalinli çözeltilerde iyi nemlendirme özellikleri gerektiğinde önerilir.



Empicol 0585



Catégories connexes Sulfates d'alkyle, Détergents anioniques, Produits biochimiques et réactifs, Blocs de construction, Synthèse chimique,
description anionique
dosage à 4,95% de base Na (ICP)
mol wt 232,27 g / mol
concentration ~ 50% dans H2O
application (s) quantification des protéines: appropriée
densité 1,12 g / mL à 20 ° C (lit.)




Empicol 0585 est un tensioactif anionique qui peut être utilisé:
• En polymérisation en suspension. [1]
• Dans l'analyse des composés phénoliques par micropuce-CE avec détection ampérométrique pulsée. [2]
• Comme anions d'équilibrage de charge dans la synthèse d'hydroxydes organiques à double couche



Empicol 0585 est un sel de sodium de sulfate de 2-éthylhexyle. Les utilisations et applications du sulfate de sodium de 2-éthylhexyle comprennent: agent mouillant pour les bains de galvanoplastie, auxiliaires de traitement des textiles alcalins, nettoyants industriels; coémulsifiant pour la polymérisation; contrôle visqueux dans les adhésifs; adhésifs d'emballage alimentaire; dans du papier cartonné en contact avec des aliments gras aqueux; tensioactif, détergent, agent mouillant, émulsifiant, pénétrant, stabilisant pour les cosmétiques, les produits pharmaceutiques, les textiles, les nettoyants ménagers et industriels, le nettoyage des métaux, les peintures, les plastiques, le caoutchouc, l'emballage et la transformation des aliments, les adhésifs; pelage des fruits et légumes


La CLASSE de Empicol 0585

Produits chimiques de spécialité

LES FONCTIONS de Empicol 0585

Tensioactif, émulsifiant, stabilisant


Cosmétique, placage, industriel, pharmaceutique, textiles, adhésifs, plastiques, caoutchouc, détergent, nettoyants

Famille : Agent mouillant (humectant)wetting agent



Empicol 0585 est un surfactant utilisé essentiellement un agent mouillant.Empicol 0585 a été essentiellement developpé pour les applications dans le textiles et les produits chimiques de spécialité. Dû à sa bonne stabilité en pH élevé, il est recommandé comme agent mouillant pour mercerisage et quand les on requières de bonnes proprietés de mouillage dans des solutions hautements alcalines.


Empicol 0585


Related Categories Alkyl Sulfates, Anionic Detergents, Biochemicals and Reagents, Building Blocks, Chemical Synthesis,
description anionic
assay 4.95% Na basis (ICP)
mol wt 232.27 g/mol
concentration ~50% in H2O
application(s) protein quantification: suitable
density 1.12 g/mL at 20 °C (lit.)




Empicol 0585 is an anionic surfactant that can be used:
• In suspension polymerization.[1]
• In the analysis of phenolic compounds through microchip-CE with pulsed amperometric detection.[2]
• As charge balancing anions in the synthesis of organo-layered double hydroxides


Empicol 0585 is a Sodium salt of 2ethylhexyl sulfate Sodium 2-ethylhexyl sulfate uses and applications include: Wetting agent for electroplating baths, alkaline textile processing aids, industrial cleaners; coemulsifier for polymerization; viscous control in adhesives; food packaging adhesives; in paperpaperboard in contact with aqueousfatty foods; surfactant, detergent, wetting agent, emulsifier, penetrant, stabilizer for cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, textiles, household and industrial cleaners, metal cleaning, paints, plastics, rubber, food packaging and processing, adhesives; washinglye peeling of fruits and vegetables


Specialty Chemicals

FUNCTIONS of Empicol 0585

Surfactant, Emulsifier, Stabilizer


Cosmetic, Plating, Industrial, Pharmaceutical, Textiles, Adhesives, Plastics, Rubber, Detergent, Cleaners

Family: Wetting agent



Empicol 0585 is a surfactant used mainly as a wetting agent. Empicol 0585 was mainly developed for applications in textiles and specialty chemicals. Due to its good stability at high pH, Empicol 0585 is recommended as a wetting agent for mercerization and when good wetting properties are required in highly alkaline solutions.


In another preferred aspect, the surfactant system additionally comprises a branched short-chain anionic
surfactant. A suitable such anionic surfactant is 2 ethyl hexyl sulphate avaialble from Albright and Wilson under the
tradename Empicol 0585/A.



CAS Number:
Empirical Formula (Hill Notation):
Molecular Weight:
Beilstein/REAXYS Number:
MDL number:
PubChem Substance ID



Empicol 0585 is a low-foaming anionic surfactant with excellent wetting properties and outstanding stability in highly electrolyte, alkaline and acidic systems. Empicol 0585 is a profound hydrotropic and wetting agent suitable for use in the production of liquid detergents for household and industrial use such as hard-surface cleaners and alkaline and acid metal degreasers.

Owing to its wetting and penetrating properties Empicol 0585 is used as a mercerizing agent in textile industry, in metal galvanization, pickling and brightening, in lye washing and peeling solutions for fruits and vegetables, in fountain solutions for offset printing, wallpaper removal solutions etc.
Physical and chemical properties of Empicol 0585
appearance at 20°C: clear yellowish liquid
density at 20°C, g/cm3, c. 1.10
active matter, % wt. 42 ± 2
pH, 3% aqueous solution 9.0 - 10.5
Application areas
HI&I cleaning
Emulsion polymerization
Textile auxiliaries
Printing industry



General Description of Empicol 0585
Clear, colorless, slightly viscous liquid.
Air & Water Reactions
Empicol 0585 is Water soluble.
Fire Hazard
Sodium 2-ethylhexyl sulfate is probably nonflammable.
Safety Profile
Poison by intraperitoneal route. Moderately toxic by ingestion and skin contact. A skin and eye irritant. A combustible liquid. When heated to decomposition it emits very toxic fumes of SOx and Na2O.
Sodium 2-ethylhexyl sulfate Preparation Products And Raw materials
Raw materials
Preparation Products


The electrochemical reactions of Empicol 0585 and its effect on the Zn²⁺ electroreduction have been investigated at a mercury electrode using cyclic voltammetry. Empicol 0585has been shown that the reduction takes place in two steps. The presence of Empicol 0585 in the solution containing Zn²⁺ ions moves slightly the potential of zinc reduction towards more negative potentials and causes a slight increase in current density. The differential capacity-potential and differential capacity-time measurements indicate strong adsorption in a wide potential range on the electrode surface. In the potential range -0.46 to -0.86 V vs. saturated calomel electrode and at the concentration lower than the critical micelle concentration (CMC), adsorption for the longer time is hardly reversible. At the concentration higher than the CMC, the formation of hemispherical surface micelles is observed. The theoretical maximum degree of electrode coverage computed with the use of quantum-chemical calculations is equal to 3.53 × 10¹⁴ particles cm⁻², and it is larger than the value determined experimentally from cyclic voltammograms. In the case of electrochemical reaction, at a current of 0.3 A, during 180 min, the obtained mineralization of EHS is only 3%.


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