CAS No: 78-93-3
EINECS No: 201-159-0
METHYL ETHYL KETONE ; METHYL ETHYL KETON; METHYL ETHYL KETHONE; METHYL ETHYL KETHON; Butanone ; Metil etil keton; Methil etil keton; 2-Methyl ethyl ketone; METHYL ETHYL KETONE; Butanone; Butan-2-one; Methyl ethyl ketone; Ethyl ethyl ketone; 78-93-3; Methylethyl ketone; Meetco; Methyl acetone; Methylethylketone; 3-Methyl ethyl ketone; Ethylmethylketon; ethylmethylketone; Aethylmethylketon; Methyl ethyl ketone 2; Acetone, methyl-; Ethyl methyl cetone; MEK; Ketone, ethyl methyl; Metiletilchetone; Metyloetyloketon; ethylmethyl ketone; Metyl ethyl ketone; RCRA waste number U159; Caswell No. 569; Methyl ethyl ketone 2 [French]; Butanon; Oxobutane; Methylethylketon; Ethylmethylketon [Dutch]; Metiletilcetona [Spanish]; Metyloetyloketon [Polish]; UNII-6PT9KLV9IO; 2-butanon; Aethylmethylketon [German]; Ethylmethylcetone [French]; Metiletilchetone [Italian]; methyl ethylketone; METHYL ETHYL KETONE ; METHYL ETHYL KETON; METHYL ETHYL KETHONE; METHYL ETHYL KETHON; Butanone ; Metil etil keton; Methil etil keton; 2-Methyl ethyl ketone; METHYL ETHYL KETONE; Butanone; Butan-2-one; Methyl ethyl ketone; Ethyl ethyl ketone; 78-93-3; Methylethyl ketone; Meetco; Methyl acetone; Methylethylketone; 3-Methyl ethyl ketone; Ethylmethylketon; ethylmethylketone; Aethylmethylketon; Methyl ethyl ketone 2; Acetone, methyl-; Ethyl methyl cetone; MEK; Ketone, ethyl methyl; Metiletilchetone; Metyloetyloketon; ethylmethyl ketone; Metyl ethyl ketone; RCRA waste number U159; Caswell No. 569; Methyl ethyl ketone 2 [French]; Butanon; Oxobutane; Methylethylketon; Ethylmethylketon [Dutch]; Metiletilcetona [Spanish]; Metyloetyloketon [Polish]; UNII-6PT9KLV9IO; 2-butanon; Aethylmethylketon [German]; Ethylmethylcetone [French]; Metiletilchetone [Italian]; methyl ethylketone; methyl-ethyl ketone; Ethyl methyl cetone [French]; METHYL ETHYL KETONE ; METHYL ETHYL KETON; METHYL ETHYL KETHONE; METHYL ETHYL KETHON; BUTANONE ; METİL ETİL KETON; METHİL ETİL KETON; 2-METHYL ETHYL KETONE; METHYL ETHYL KETONE; BUTANONE; BUTAN-2-ONE; METHYL ETHYL KETONE; ETHYL ETHYL KETONE; 78-93-3; METHYLETHYL KETONE; MEETCO; METHYL ACETONE; METHYLETHYLKETONE; 3-METHYL ETHYL KETONE; ETHYLMETHYLKETON; ETHYLMETHYLKETONE; AETHYLMETHYLKETON; METHYL ETHYL KETONE 2; ACETONE, METHYL-; ETHYL METHYL CETONE; MEK; KETONE, ETHYL METHYL; METİLETİLCHETONE; METYLOETYLOKETON; ETHYLMETHYL KETONE; METYL ETHYL KETONE; RCRA WASTE NUMBER U159; CASWELL NO. 569; METHYL ETHYL KETONE 2 [FRENCH]; BUTANON; OXOBUTANE; METHYLETHYLKETON; ETHYLMETHYLKETON [DUTCH]; METİLETİLCETONA [SPANİSH]; METYLOETYLOKETON [POLİSH]; UNII-6PT9KLV9IO; 2-BUTANON; AETHYLMETHYLKETON [GERMAN]; ETHYLMETHYLCETONE [FRENCH]; METİLETİLCHETONE [ITALİAN]; METHYL ETHYLKETONE; METHYL-ETHYL KETONE; ETHYL METHYL CETONE [FRENCH]; METHYL ETHYL KETONE ; METHYL ETHYL KETON; METHYL ETHYL KETHONE; METHYL ETHYL KETHON; Butanone ; Metil etil keton; Methil etil keton; 2-Methyl ethyl ketone; METHYL ETHYL KETONE; butanone; butan-2-one; methyl ethyl ketone; ethyl ethyl ketone; 78-93-3; methylethyl ketone; meetco; methyl acetone; methylethylketone; 3-methyl ethyl ketone; ethylmethylketon; ethylmethylketone; aethylmethylketon; methyl ethyl ketone 2; acetone, methyl-; ethyl methyl cetone; mek; ketone, ethyl methyl; metiletilchetone; metyloetyloketon; ethylmethyl ketone; metyl ethyl ketone; rcra waste number u159; caswell no. 569; methyl ethyl ketone 2 [french]; butanon; oxobutane; methylethylketon; ethylmethylketon [dutch]; metiletilcetona [spanish]; metyloetyloketon [polish]; unıı-6pt9klv9ıo; 2-butanon; aethylmethylketon [german]; ethylmethylcetone [french]; Metiletilchetone [Italian]; methyl ethylketone; methyl-ethyl ketone; Ethyl methyl cetone [French]; methyl-ethyl ketone; Ethyl methyl cetone [French]; METHYL ETHYL KETONE ; METHYL ETHYL KETON; METHYL ETHYL KETHONE; METHYL ETHYL KETHON; Butanone ; Metil etil keton; Methil etil keton; 2-Methyl ethyl ketone; METHYL ETHYL KETONE; Butanone; Butan-2-one; Methyl ethyl ketone; Ethyl ethyl ketone; ethyl methyl; metiletilchetone ;METİL ETİL KETON
Metil etil keton
Metil etil keton
IUPAC adı[gizle]
Metil etil keton Tanımlayıcılar
Metil etil keton CAS numarası 78-93-3
Metil etil keton Özellikler
Metil etil keton Molekül formülü C4H8O
Metil etil keton Molekül kütlesi 72.107
Metil etil keton Görünüm renksiz sıvı
Metil etil keton Yoğunluk 0,8
Metil etil keton Erime noktası
Metil etil keton Kaynama noktası
Belirtilmiş yerler dışında verilmiş olan veriler, Standart sıcaklık ve basınçtadır. (25 °C, 100 kPa)
Bilgi kutusu kaynakları
Etil metil keton ya da Metil etil keton, kısaca MEK olarak da bilinen, sistematik adı METİL ETİL KETON olan sıvı bir organik bileşiktir. Asetona benzer bir kokuya sahiptir ve endüstride çözücü olarak kullanılır. 2-Bütanolün oksidasyonu ile üretiminde bakır, çinko ve bronz katalizörler kullanılır. Yanıcıdır. Güçlü bir patlayıcı olan ve katalizör olarak kullanılan metil etil keton peroksit'in (MEKP) üretiminde kullanılır.
METİL ETİL KETON Kimyasal Formülü
METİL ETİL KETON Tanımı ve Kullanım Alanları
Metil etil keton, 2-bütanolün oksidasyonu ile üretilebilir . Hidrojen giderme A kullanılarak 2-butanol katalizörü ile katalize edilir bakır , çinko , ya da bronz :
CH 3 CH (OH), CH 2 , CH 3 → CH 3 C (O) CH 2 CH 3 + H 2
Bu, yılda yaklaşık 700 milyon kilo üretmek için kullanılır. İncelenen fakat uygulanmayan diğer sentezler , 2-butenin Wacker oksidasyonu ve izobutilbenzen'in oksidasyonudur; bu, asetonun endüstriyel üretimi ile benzerdir . [5]
Ağır nafta'nın hem sıvı fazda oksidasyonu hem de Fischer-Tropsch reaksiyonu, karışık oksijenat akımları üretir; buradan 2-butanon fraksiyonasyon yoluyla çıkarılır. [7]
Metil etil keton, bazı ağaçlar tarafından biyosentezlenir ve bazı meyve ve sebzelerdeaz miktarda bulunur. Araba ve kamyon egzozlarından havaya salınır
Metil Etil Keton , keton tipi aktif bir organik solventtir. Fenolik, alkid, vinil reçine içeren sistemlerde, selülozik sistemlerde; boya sökücülerde ve yapıştırıcılarda kullanılır. Ayrıca yiyecek ve içecek endüstrisi için profesyonel temizlik ve bakım ürünlerinde de kullanımı vardır.
Genel Bilgi:
Metil etil keton (MEK) olarak da adlandırılan bütanon, CH3C(O)CH2CH3 kimyasal formülüne sahip,renksiz, sıvı formda olan organik bir bileşiktir.
Bu organik bileşik, karamel ve aseton kokusuna benzer keskin fakat tatlı bir kokuya sahiptir. Endüstriyel olarak büyük miktarlarda üretilir ve doğada az miktarda bulunur. Suda iyi çözünür ve yaygın olarak endüstriyel bir solvent olarak kullanılır.
Bütanon, 2-butanolün yükseltgenmesiyleelde edilir. Bakır, çinko yada bronz katalizörlüğünde 2-bütanolün hidrojen giderme işlemi ile sentezlenir:
Bu işlemle, yılda yaklaşık olarak 700 milyon kilogram üretim gerçekleşir.
Metil etil keton , çok etkili ve sık kullanılan bir solventtir. Diş etleri, reçineler, selüloz asetat ve nitroselüloz kaplamaları barındıran proseslerde ve vinil filmlerde kullanılır.
Bundan dolayı; plastik, tekstil üretiminde, parafin mumu üretiminde, verniklerde, boya sökücü, denatüre alkol, yapıştırıcılar için bir denatüre edici madde ve bir hijyen maddesi gibi ev ürünlerinde kullanılır.
Aseton ile aynı çözücü özelliklere sahiptir, fakat daha yüksek bir sıcaklıkta kaynar Önemli oranda yavaş bir buharlaşma oranına vardır. Asetondan farklı olarak, su ile bir azeotrop oluşturur, bazı uygulamalarda nemin azeotropik destilasyonunda yararlı olmasını sağlar. Ayrıca Metil etil keton, silinebilir boyanın solventi olarak kuru silme işaretleyicilerinde kullanılır.
Metil etil keton Cas No 78-93-3
Metil etil keton EINECS No 201-159-0
Metil etil keton Kimyasal Formülü C4H8O
Metil etil keton Görünüm Şeffaf Sıvı
Metil etil keton Saflık(%) 99,5
Metil etil keton Yoğunluk (Kg/Litre) 0,805
Metil etil keton Parlama Noktası, °C -4
Metil etil keton Kaynama Noktası, °C 79 - 80,5
Metil etil keton Güvenlik Formu(Msds)
Metil etil keton polistireni ve diğer birçok plastiği çözebildiği için, ölçekli model kitlerinin parçalarının birleştirilmesinde kullanılmak üzere ticari olarak "model çimento" adıyla satılmaktadır. Genellikle bir yapışkan olarak bilinsede, esasen bu açıdan da bir kaynak maddesi olarak görev yapar.
Kullanım Alanları
METİL ETİL KETON, etkili ve yaygın bir çözücüdür [ve zamklar , reçineler , selüloz asetatve nitroselüloz kaplamalar ile vinil filmlerdeki işlemlerde kullanılır. Bu nedenle, plastik, tekstil, parafin mumu üretiminde ve cila , cila , boya sökücü, denatüre alkol , yapıştırıcılar için bir denatüre edici madde ve temizlik gibi ev eşyalarında kullanılmaktadır. ajan. Bu benzer çözücü özelliklere sahip asetonancak daha yüksek sıcaklıkta kaynar ve buharlaşma oranı önemli derecede yavaştır. Asetonun aksine, suyla bir azototrop oluşturur , bazı uygulamalarda nemin azeotropik damıtımı için yararlıdır. METİL ETİL KETONe, silinen boya çözücüsü olarak kuru silme işaretçilerinde de kullanılır .
METİL ETİL KETON, polistireni ve diğer pek çok plastiği eritirken, ölçek model kitlerinin bağlantı parçaları olarak kullanılmak üzere "model çimento" olarak satılmaktadır . Genellikle yapışkan olarak düşünülse de, aslında bu bağlamda bir kaynak ajanı olarak işlev görüyor .
METİL ETİL KETON olan ön-madde için metil etil keton peroksit , bazıları için bir katalizördür, polimerizasyon örneğin doymamış polyester reçinelerin çapraz-bağlanma gibi reaksiyonlar.
Metil etil keton Cas No 78-93-3
Metil etil keton EINECS No 201-159-0
Metil etil keton Kimyasal Formülü C4H8O
Metil etil keton Görünüm Şeffaf Sıvı
Metil etil keton Saflık(%) 99,5
Metil etil keton Yoğunluk (Kg/Litre) 0,805
Metil etil keton Parlama Noktası, °C -4
Metil etil keton Kaynama Noktası, °C 79 - 80,5
Metil etil keton Güvenlik Formu(Msds)
Metil etil keton, MEK olarak kısaltılmıştır. Metil etil ketonun bilinen diğer adı bütanondur. Su da çözünme özelliğine sahiptir.
Yüksek buharlaşma hızı sayesinde boya sektöründe uygulamalarda hızlı kuruma sağlar. Metil etil keton, boya soymada, kağıt kaplamada, fleksografi ve gravure baskı için, diazotipi materyaller kauçuk üretiminde ve ahşap vernikleri gibi uygulamalarda solvent olarak kullanılır. Metil etil keton, keçe yapıştırıcısı üretiminde solvent olarak, elektrolizle kaplamada soğuk temizleme ve buharla yağ gidermede kullanılmaktadır.
METİL ETİL KETON CAS Numarası: 78-93-3Kimyasal formülü: C4H8OMolekül Ağırlığı: 72,11 g mol-1Fiziksel Görünüş: Renksiz ve sıvıYoğunluk: 0,8050 g/cm3Suda Çözünürlük: 27,5 g/100 mLKaynama Noktası: 79,64 °C, 353 K, 175 °FAmbalaj Şekli: 170 kg'lik varillerde, IBC, dökme
Eş Anlamları: MEK, Metil aseton, Butanon
Kulanım Alanları: Kullanım alanı çok yaygın olan keton grupları arasındadır. Yüzey boyama, yapıştırıcı, tiner, baskı mürekkepleri ve temizlik endüstrilerinde solvent olarak kullanılır
Metil etil ketonun Moleküler Ağırlığı: 72.11 g / mol PubChem 2.1 ile hesaplanmıştır (PubChem sürümü 2019.06.18)
XLogP3 0.3, XLogP3 3.0 tarafından hesaplanmıştır (PubChem sürümü 2019.06.18)
Metil etil ketonun Hidrojen Bağ Donör Sayısı: 0 Cactvs tarafından hesaplanmıştır (PubChem sürümü 2019.06.18)
Metil etil keton Hidrojen Bağı Kabul Eden Sayısı: 1 Cactvs tarafından hesaplanmıştır (PubChem sürümü 2019.06.18)
Metil etil ketonun Dönebilen Bağ Sayısı: 1 Cactvs tarafından hesaplanmıştır (PubChem sürümü 2019.06.18)
Tam Kütle 72.057515 g / mol PubChem 2.1 tarafından hesaplanmıştır (PubChem sürümü 2019.06.18)
Metil etil ketonun Monoizotopik Kütlesi: 72.057515 g / mol PubChem 2.1 tarafından hesaplanmıştır (PubChem sürümü 2019.06.18)
Metil etil ketonun Topolojik Polar Yüzey Alanı: 17.1 Ų Cactvs tarafından hesaplanmıştır (PubChem sürümü 2019.06.18)
Metil etil ketonun Ağır Atom Sayısı: 5 PubChem tarafından hesaplanmıştır
Metil etil ketonun Resmi Yükü: 0 PubChem tarafından hesaplanmıştır
Metil etil ketonun karmaşıklığı: 38.9 Cactvs tarafından hesaplanmıştır (PubChem sürümü 2019.06.18)
İzotop Atom Metil etil keton Sayısı: 0 PubChem tarafından hesaplanmıştır
Metil etil keton Tanımlı Atom Stereocenter Sayısı: 0 PubChem tarafından hesaplanmıştır
Tanımlanmamış Atom Stereocenter Metil etil keton Sayısı: 0 PubChem tarafından hesaplanmıştır
Metil etil keton Tanımlı Bağ Stereocenter Sayısı: 0 PubChem tarafından hesaplanmıştır
Tanımlanmamış Bağ Stereocenter Metil etil keton Sayısı: 0 PubChem tarafından hesaplanmıştır
Metil etil ketonun Kovalent Bağlı Birim Sayısı: 1 PubChem tarafından hesaplandı
Bileşik Metil etil keton kanonikleştirilmiştir: Evet
Metil etil keton, hoş, keskin bir kokuya sahip, renksiz oldukça uçucu bir sıvı olarak görünür. Parlama noktası 20 ° F. Havadan daha ağır buharlar. Su veya birçok yaygın malzeme ile reaksiyona girmez. Normal taşımada stabildir. Burnu, gözleri ve boğazı tahriş eder. Yanma toksik maddeler üretebilir. Yoğunluk 6.7 lb / gal. Çözücü olarak, diğer kimyasalların yapımında ve petrolden mum üretiminde kullanılır.
Metil etil keton, hoş, keskin bir kokuya sahip, renksiz oldukça uçucu bir sıvı olarak görünür. Parlama noktası 20 ° F. Havadan daha ağır buharlar. Su veya birçok yaygın malzeme ile reaksiyona girmez. Normal taşımada stabildir. Burnu, gözleri ve boğazı tahriş eder. Yanma toksik maddeler üretebilir. Yoğunluk 6.7 lb / gal. Çözücü olarak, diğer kimyasalların yapımında ve petrolden mum üretiminde kullanılır.
Computed Properties HelpNew Window
Property Name Property Value Reference
Molecular Weight of Methyl ethyl ketone: 72.11 g/mol Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18)
XLogP3 0.3 Computed by XLogP3 3.0 (PubChem release 2019.06.18)
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count of Methyl ethyl ketone: 0 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18)
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count of Methyl ethyl ketone:1 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18)
Rotatable Bond Count of Methyl ethyl ketone: 1 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18)
Exact Mass 72.057515 g/mol Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18)
Monoisotopic Mass of Methyl ethyl ketone: 72.057515 g/mol Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18)
Topological Polar Surface Area of Methyl ethyl ketone: 17.1 Ų Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18)
Heavy Atom Count of Methyl ethyl ketone: 5 Computed by PubChem
Formal Charge of Methyl ethyl ketone: 0 Computed by PubChem
Complexity of Methyl ethyl ketone: 38.9 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18)
Isotope Atom Count of Methyl ethyl ketone: 0 Computed by PubChem
Defined Atom Stereocenter Count of Methyl ethyl ketone: 0 Computed by PubChem
Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count of Methyl ethyl ketone: 0 Computed by PubChem
Defined Bond Stereocenter Count of Methyl ethyl ketone: 0 Computed by PubChem
Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count of Methyl ethyl ketone: 0 Computed by PubChem
Covalently-Bonded Unit Count of Methyl ethyl ketone: 1 Computed by PubChem
Compound Is Canonicalized of Methyl ethyl ketone: Yes
Methyl ethyl ketone appears as colorless fairly volatile liquid with a pleasant pungent odor. Flash point 20°F. Vapors heavier than air. Does not react with water or many common materials. Stable in normal transportation. Irritates the nose, eyes, and throat. Combustion may produce toxic materials. Density 6.7 lb / gal. Used as a solvent, for making other chemicals, and for production of wax from petroleum.
Methyl ethyl ketone appears as colorless fairly volatile liquid with a pleasant pungent odor. Flash point 20°F. Vapors heavier than air. Does not react with water or many common materials. Stable in normal transportation. Irritates the nose, eyes, and throat. Combustion may produce toxic materials. Density 6.7 lb / gal. Used as a solvent, for making other chemicals, and for production of wax from petroleum.
CAMEO Chemicals
2-Methyl ethyl ketone is a manufactured chemical but it is also present in the environment from natural sources. It is a colorless liquid with a sharp, sweet odor. It is also known as methyl ethyl ketone (MEK). 2-Methyl ethyl ketone is produced in large quantities. Nearly half of its use is in paints and other coatings because it will quickly evaporate into the air and it dissolves many substances. It is also used in glues and as a cleaning agent. 2-Methyl ethyl ketone occurs as a natural product. It is made by some trees and found in some fruits and vegetables in small amounts. It is also released to the air from car and truck exhausts.
CDC-ATSDR Toxic Substances Portal
Methyl ethyl ketone is used as a solvent. Acute (short-term) inhalation exposure to methyl ethyl ketone in humans results in irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat. Limited information is available on the chronic (long-term) effects of methyl ethyl ketone in humans. Chronic inhalation studies in animals have reported slight neurological, liver, kidney, and respiratory effects. No information is available on the developmental, reproductive, or carcinogenic effects of methyl ethyl ketone in humans. Developmental effects, including decreased fetal weight and fetal malformations, have been reported in mice and rats exposed to methyl ethyl ketone via inhalation and ingestion. EPA has classified methyl ethyl ketone as a Group D, not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity.
Methyl ethyl ketone
Skeletal formula of Methyl ethyl ketone
Ball-and-stick model of Methyl ethyl ketone
Space-filling model of Methyl ethyl ketone
methyl ethyl ketone
Preferred IUPAC name
Other names
2-Methyl ethyl ketone
Ethyl methyl ketone[2]
Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK; deprecated[2])
Identifiers of Methyl ethyl ketone:
CAS Number of Methyl ethyl ketone:
78-93-3 ☑
3D model (JSmol)
Interactive image
Interactive image
Beilstein Reference 741880
CHEBI:28398 ☑
ChEMBL15849 ☑
6321 ☑
ECHA InfoCard 100.001.054
Gmelin Reference 25656
C02845 ☑
PubChem CID
RTECS number
CompTox Dashboard (EPA)
DTXSID3021516 Edit this at Wikidata
Properties of Methyl ethyl ketone:
Chemical formula of Methyl ethyl ketone: C4H8O
Molar mass of Methyl ethyl ketone: 72.107 g·mol-1
Appearance of Methyl ethyl ketone: Colorless liquid
Odor of Methyl ethyl ketone: Mint or acetone-like[3]
Density of Methyl ethyl ketone: 0.8050 g/mL
Melting point of Methyl ethyl ketone: -86 °C (-123 °F; 187 K)
Boiling point of Methyl ethyl ketone: 79.64 °C (175.35 °F; 352.79 K)
Solubility of Methyl ethyl ketone: in water 27.5 g/100 mL
log P 0.37[4]
Vapor pressure of Methyl ethyl ketone: 78 mmHg (20 °C)[3]
Acidity of Methyl ethyl ketone:(pKa) 14.7
Magnetic susceptibility of Methyl ethyl ketone:(χ) -45.58·10-6 cm3/mol
Refractive index of Methyl ethyl ketone: (nD) 1.37880
Viscosity of Methyl ethyl ketone: 0.43 cP
Structure of Methyl ethyl ketone:
Dipole moment of Methyl ethyl ketone: 2.76 D
Safety data sheet See: data page
Safety Data Sheet
GHS pictograms GHS02: FlammableGHS07: Harmful[5]
GHS Signal word Danger[5]
GHS hazard statements H225, H319, H336[5]
GHS precautionary statements P233, P210, P280, P240, P241, P243, P242, P264, P261, P271, P370+378, P303+361+353, P305+351+338, P337+313, P304+340, P312, P403+235, P501, P403+233, P405[5]
NFPA 704 (fire diamond)
NFPA 704 four-colored diamond
Flash point -9 °C (16 °F; 264 K)
temperature 505 °C (941 °F; 778 K)
Explosive limits 1.4-11.4%[3]
Lethal dose or concentration (LD, LC):
LD50 (median dose)
2737 mg/kg (oral, rat)
4050 mg/kg (oral, mouse)[6]
LC50 (median concentration)
12667 ppm (mammal)
13333 ppm (mouse, 2 hr)
7833 ppm (rat, 8 hr)[6]
NIOSH (US health exposure limits):
PEL (Permissible) TWA 200 ppm (590 mg/m3)[3]
REL (Recommended) TWA 200 ppm (590 mg/m3) ST 300 ppm (885 mg/m3)[3]
IDLH (Immediate danger) 3000 ppm[3]
Related compounds
Related ketones Acetone; 3-pentanone; 3-methylMethyl ethyl ketone
Supplementary data page
Structure and
properties Refractive index (n),
Dielectric constant (εr), etc.
data Phase behaviour
Spectral data UV, IR, NMR, MS
Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa).
☑ verify (what is ☑☒ ?)
Infobox references
Methyl ethyl ketone, also known as methyl ethyl ketone (MEK),[a] is an organic compound with the formula CH3C(O)CH2CH3. This colorless liquid ketone has a sharp, sweet odor reminiscent of butterscotch and acetone[vague] Methyl ethyl ketone is produced industrially on a large scale, but occurs in nature only in trace amounts.[7]Methyl ethyl ketone is partially soluble in water, and is commonly used as an industrial solvent.[8] Methyl ethyl ketone is an isomer of another solvent, tetrahydrofuran.
Production of Methyl ethyl ketone:
Methyl ethyl ketone may be produced by oxidation of 2-butanol. The dehydrogenation of 2-butanol using a catalyst is catalyzed by copper, zinc, or bronze:
This is used to produce approximately 700 million kilograms yearly. Other syntheses that have been examined but not implemented include Wacker oxidation of 2-butene and oxidation of isobutylbenzene, which is analogous to the industrial production of acetone.[7] The cumene process can be modified to produce phenol and a mixture of acetone and Methyl ethyl ketone instead of only phenol and acetone in the original.[9]
Both liquid-phase oxidation of heavy naphtha and the Fischer-Tropsch reaction produce mixed oxygenate streams, from which 2-Methyl ethyl ketone is extracted by fractionation.[10]
Applications of Methyl ethyl ketone
As a solvent
Methyl ethyl ketone is an effective and common solvent[8] and is used in processes involving gums, resins, cellulose acetate and nitrocellulose coatings and in vinyl films.[11] For this reason it finds use in the manufacture of plastics, textiles, in the production of paraffin wax, and in household products such as lacquer, varnishes, paint remover, a denaturing agent for denatured alcohol, glues, and as a cleaning agent. It has similar solvent properties to acetone but boils at a higher temperature and has a significantly slower evaporation rate.[12] Unlike acetone, it forms an azeotrope with water,[13][14] making it useful for azeotropic distillation of moisture in certain applications. Methyl ethyl ketone is also used in dry erase markers as the solvent of the erasable dye.
As a plastic welding agent
As Methyl ethyl ketone dissolves polystyrene and many other plastics, it is sold as "model cement" for use in connecting parts of scale model kits. Though often considered an adhesive, it is actually functioning as a welding agent in this context.
Other uses
Methyl ethyl ketone is the precursor to methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, which is a catalyst for some polymerization reactions such as crosslinking of unsaturated polyester resins. Dimethylglyoxime can be prepared from Methyl ethyl ketone first by reaction with ethyl nitrite to give diacetyl monoxime followed by conversion to the dioxime:[15]
Preparation of dimethylglyoxime.png
In the Peroxide process on producing hydrazine, the starting chemical ammonia is bonded to Methyl ethyl ketone, oxidized by hydrogen peroxide, bonded to another ammonia molecule.
Pechiney-Ugine-Kuhlmann process.png
In the final step of the process, a hydrolysis produces the desired product hydrazine and regenerates the Methyl ethyl ketone.
Me(Et)C=NN=C(Et)Me + 2 H2O → 2 Me(Et)C=O + N2H4
Methyl ethyl ketone can react with most oxidizing materials, and can produce fires.[8] It is moderately explosive, requiring only a small flame or spark to cause a vigorous reaction.[8] Methyl ethyl ketone fires should be extinguished with carbon dioxide, dry agents, or alcohol-resistant foam.[8] Concentrations in the air high enough to be flammable are intolerable to humans due to the irritating nature of the vapor.[12]
Health effects
Methyl ethyl ketone is a constituent of tobacco smoke.[16] It is an irritant, causing irritation to the eyes and nose of humans.[12] Serious health effects in animals have been seen only at very high levels. These included skeletal birth defects and low birth weight in mice, when they inhaled it at the highest dose tested (3000 ppm for 7 hours/day).[17] There are no long-term studies with animals breathing or drinking it,[18] and no studies for carcinogenicity in animals breathing or drinking it.[19]:96 There is some evidence that Methyl ethyl ketone can potentiate the toxicity of other solvents, in contrast to the calculation of mixed solvent exposures by simple addition of exposures.[20]
As of 2010, some reviewers advised caution in using Methyl ethyl ketone because of reports of neuropsychological effects.[21]
Methyl ethyl ketone is listed as a Table II precursor under the United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances.[22]
Emission of Methyl ethyl ketone was regulated in the US as a hazardous air pollutant, because it is a volatile organic compound contributing to the formation of tropospheric (ground-level) ozone. In 2005, the US Environmental Protection Agency removed Methyl ethyl ketone from the list of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs).[23][24][25]
Methyl ethyl ketone is a liquid solvent used in surface coatings, adhesives, printing inks, chemical intermediates, magnetic tapes and lube oil dewaxing agents. Methyl ethyl ketonealso is used as an extraction medium for fats, oils, waxes and resins. It is a highly efficient and versatile solvent for surface coatings. Because of its effectiveness as a solvent, Methyl ethyl ketoneis especially valuable in formulating high solids coatings, which help to reduce emissions from coating operations. Methyl ethyl ketoneis a natural component of many foods, including apple juice, beans, chicken, honey and a variety of cheeses. Synonyms for Methyl ethyl ketoneare 2-butanone, ethyl methyl ketone, and methyl acetone.
Methyl ethyl ketone is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved indirect food additive for adhesives and polymers. The panel, with the U.S. EPA as the sponsoring organization, prepared the technical support documents for Methyl ethyl ketoneunder the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) Voluntary High Production Volume (HPV) chemical review.
Methyl ethyl ketone Hazardous Air Pollutant Delisting
On December 19, 2005, EPA issued a final rule removing Methyl ethyl ketonefrom Section 112 (b) (1) of the Clean Air Act. Petitions to remove a substance from the HAP list are authorized under Section 112 (b) (3). EPA determined that ambient concentrations, bioaccumulation, or deposition of Methyl ethyl ketonemay not reasonably be anticipated to cause adverse human health or environmental effects.
The panel's delisting petition presented extensive information on MEK's potential health and environmental effects, environmental releases, and resulting ambient air concentrations. Hazard information included in the petition illustrated MEK's low acute and chronic toxicity and low environmental toxicity. Air dispersion modeling results showed that ambient concentrations of MEK, even at the highest fenceline levels are below levels of concern.
Methyl ethyl ketone EPCRA Section 313 Delisting
On June 30, 2005, EPA deleted Methyl ethyl ketonefrom its list of chemicals subject to reporting under Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to Know Act's Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) and Section 6607 of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990. Facilities are no longer required to report releases of and other waste management information on MEK. EPA's final delisting rule is the result of a decision by the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia Circuit, on an appeal filed by the panel, to overturn the District Court and direct EPA to delist Methyl ethyl ketonefrom the TRI.
Methyl ethyl ketone VCCEP Independent Review
On February 19, 2004, the panel participated in an independent review, coordinated by Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment (TERA), of Methyl ethyl ketoneunder EPA's Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation Program (VCCEP). The purpose of the review was to determine whether existing data are adequate to characterize the risks of Methyl ethyl ketoneto children, and if not, to identify data needs. The panel's submission to TERA included a quantitative risk characterization demonstrating that normally anticipated children's exposures to Methyl ethyl ketonepose negligible adverse health risks and that no further data are needed to adequately characterize risk to children under the VCCEP program.
On April 19, 2004, TERA issued its report of the Methyl ethyl ketonepeer consultation meeting. In summary, panel members concluded that the Methyl ethyl ketonedata were adequate to characterize risks to children as outlined under the VCCEP program. No data needs were identified by any of the review committee members.
A manuscript "Methyl Ethyl Ketone Safety Characterization for Infants and Children: Assessment in the USEPA Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation Program" describes the results of the TERA review and was published in Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 13: 747-772, 2007.
See also
Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)
Physical characteristic: Colorless Liquid
Chemical formula: C4H8O
Molecular weight: 72,11 g/mol
Type of packaging: Barrel / IBC / Tank
Methyl ethyl ketone is an active & organic solvent. Methyl ethyl ketone is in a clear, inflammable and liquid form. Methyl ethyl ketone is in the ketone groups. Methyl ethyl ketone has a high evaporation rate. Methyl ethyl ketone is one of the most widely used ketones in the industry.
Areas of usage:
Methyl ethyl ketone is used in organic synthesis reactions.
Methyl ethyl ketone is used in the sectors of paint, coating and detergent.
Ethyl Méthyl Cétone
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Image illustrative de l'article Butanone
Image illustrative de l'article Butanone
Structure de la butanone
Nom UICPA butanone
Ethyl méthyl cétone
No CAS de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone: 78-93-3
No ECHA de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone: 100.001.054
No CE de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone: 201-159-0
PubChem de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone: 6569
FEMA 2170
SMILES de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone:
Apparence de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone: liquide incolore, d'odeur caractéristique1.
Propriétés chimiques de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone:
Formule brute de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone: C4H8O [Isomères]
Masse molaire de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone:4 72,1057 ± 0,0041 g/mol
C 66,63 %, H 11,18 %, O 22,19 %,
Moment dipolaire de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone: 2,779 ± 0,015 D 2
Diamètre moléculaire de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone: 0,525 nm 3
Propriétés physiques de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone:
T° fusion de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone: -86 °C1
T° ébullition de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone: 79,59 °C1
Solubilité de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone: dans l'eau à 20 °C : 290 g·l-11
Paramètre de solubilité δ 18,7 J1/2·cm-3/2 (25 °C)3
Masse volumique 0,8 g·cm-31
T° d'auto-inflammation 505 °C1
Point d'éclair -9 °C (coupelle fermée)1
Limites d'explosivité dans l'air 1,8-11,5 %vol1
Pression de vapeur saturante à 20 °C : 10,5 kPa1
Point critique 41,6 bar, 262,55 °C 6
PCS 2 444,1 kJ·mol-17 (liquide)
Propriétés électroniques de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone:
1re énergie d'ionisation 9,52 ± 0,04 eV (gaz)8
Propriétés optiques
Indice de réfraction {\displaystyle {\textit {n}}_{D}^{25}}{\textit {n}}_{{D}}^{{25}} 1,3769 3
SGH02 : InflammableSGH07 : Toxique, irritant, sensibilisant, narcotique
H225, H319, H336, EUH066,
NFPA 704
Symbole NFPA 704
LogP 0,291
Seuil de l'odorat bas : 2 ppm
haut : 85 ppm10
Unités du SI et CNTP, sauf indication contraire.
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La Ethyl Méthyl Cétone (éthyl méthyl cétone, MEC ou MEK en anglais) est une cétone généralement utilisée en tant que solvant. Il s'agit d'un liquide incolore qui possède une odeur piquante ressemblant à celle de l'acétone.
Synthèse de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone:
Une des voies de synthèse de la Ethyl Méthyl Cétone est l'oxydation du butan-2-ol en utilisant un catalyseur basé sur le cuivre, le zinc ou le bronze.
Utilisation de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone:
La Ethyl Méthyl Cétone est utilisée en plasturgie comme solvant (plastiques ABS, gommes et résines). Avec du polystyrène, elle forme une pâte ciment utilisée pour coller des pièces plastiques ensemble. La Ethyl Méthyl Cétone est également très largement employée dans l'industrie des adhésifs.
Références de l'Ethyl Méthyl Cétone:
Utilisation et sources d'émission 1 2 3 4 5 6
La méthyl éthyl cétone est surtout utilisée comme solvant. Son pouvoir de dissolution lui permet de dissoudre des gommes, des résines, plusieurs polymères synthétiques, des graisses et des huiles. Ainsi, on l'utilise dans diverses formulations dont :
des revêtements de polymères vinyliques
des laques, notamment les laques à base de nitrocellulose et des acryliques
des vernis et peintures à vaporiser
des décapants et diluants à peintures et vernis
des encres d'imprimeries
des colles et autres adhésifs
En industrie, on utilise la méthyl éthyl cétone dans de nombreux procédés tels que :
le dégraissage du métal
l'extraction de graisses, huiles, cires et résines naturelles
le déparaffinage des huiles minérales
la fabrication de cuir synthétique, de ruban magnétique, de film transparent et autres polymères
la fabrication des poudres colloïdales en pyrotechnie
la décaféination du café et du thé
l'extraction de saveurs.
La méthyl éthyl cétone est aussi un intermédiaire de synthèse de plusieurs produits chimiques de différentes catégories dont :
la méthyl isopropyl cétone
le peroxyde de méthyl éthyl cétone, un catalyseur de polymérisation
la méthyl éthyl cétoxime, un antioxydant utilisé par exemple, dans les peintures
le diacétyle.
D'autre part, l'activité humaine peut être source d'émission de méthyl éthyl cétone dans l'atmosphère, dont entre autres, les gaz d'échappement des véhicules et la fumée de cigarette. L'activité bactérienne, certaines plantes et quelques aliments seraient des sources naturelles à faible teneur.
'exposition à la méthyl éthyl cétone en milieu de travail se fait principalement par ses vapeurs puisque sa volatilité est élevée (plus de 4 fois celle de l'eau) et son point d'ébullition est bas (plus bas que celui de l'eau).
Exposition aux vapeurs
L'odeur de la méthyl éthyl cétone peut être détectée à partir de 16 ppm. Cette valeur étant proche de la VEMP (50 ppm ou 150 mg/m³) ou la VECD (100 ppm ou 300 mg/m³), ainsi l'odeur ne peut être un signe d'avertissement adéquat pour prévenir une exposition dangereuse. L'odeur n'est un signe d'avertissement fiable que pour prévenir de l'atteinte de la valeur de DIVS ou de la LIE.
En cas de fuite ou de déversement, la méthyl éthyl cétone ayant une volatilité élevée et une concentration à saturation élevée (93 000 ppm ou 9,3 %), une grande quantité de vapeurs risque de s'évaporer et la concentration en méthyl éthyl cétone dans l'air risque de dépasser la VEMP, la VECD, la valeur de DIVS et la LIE.
Exposition au liquide
Suite à un contact accidentel du liquide avec la peau, on peut la rincer facilement puisque la méthyl éthyl cétone est soluble dans l'eau.