1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z


SYNONYMS; (S)-(+)-1,2-Propanediol; 4254-15-3; (S)-Propane-1,2-diol; (2S)-propane-1,2-diol; 
(S)-1,2-Propanediol; PROPAN Dİ OL; PROPANDİOL; (S)-Propylene glycol; S-1,2-PROPANEDIOL; 
(S)-(+)-Propylene Glycol; UNII-942194N4TD; MFCD00004539; (S)-(+)-1,2-Dihydroxypropane; 
942194N4TD; Propylene glycol; PGO; S(+)-Propylene glycol; Propylene glycol, (S)-; (S)-(+)-Propylene glycerol; PubChem5853; (+)-1,2-Propanediol; (2S)-propane-1,2diol; (S)-1,2-propane-diol; (S)-1,2-dihydroxypropane; (S)-(+)-Propylene oxide; KSC489M6N; CHEBI:29002; CTK3I9666; 
DTXSID501009430; PROPANEDIOL; ZINC895316; ANW-29836; AKOS015836397; AKOS015904186; 
DB04349; LS30238; (S)-(+)-1,2-Propanediol, 96%; (S)-(+)-1,2-Propanediol, 99%; AC-14033; AS-12362; HY-79334; SC-04434; AB0011800; DB-009392; CS-0011520; P1129; PROPAN; C02917; M-3699; 254P153; A825933; A831500; Q27095160; 1,2-Propanediol; (S)-1,2-Propanediol; PROPAN Dİ OL; PROPANDİOL; (S)-Propylene glycol; S-1,2-PROPANEDIOL; 
(S)-(+)-Propylene Glycol; UNII-942194N4TD; MFCD00004539; (S)-(+)-1,2-Dihydroxypropane; 
942194N4TD; Propylene glycol; PROPAN; PGO; S(+)-Propylene glycol; Propylene glycol, (S)-; (S)-(+)-Propylene glycerol; PubChem5853; (+)-1,2-Propanediol; (2S)-propane-1,2diol; (S)-1,2-propane-diol; (S)-1,2-dihydroxypropane; (S)-(+)-Propylene oxide; KSC489M6N; PROPANOL; CHEBI:29002; CTK3I9666; PROPAN DİOL; PROPANEOL; PROPANE;
DTXSID501009430; PROPANEDIOL; ZINC895316; ANW-29836; AKOS015836397; AKOS015904186; 
DB04349; LS30238; (S)-(+)-1,2-Propanediol, 96%; (S)-(+)-1,2-Propanediol, 99%; AC-14033; AS-12362; HY-79334; SC-04434; AB0011800; DB-009392; CS-0011520; P1129; PROPAN; C02917; M-3699; 254P153; A825933; A831500; Q27095160; 1,2-Propanediol; 

maliyeti ucuz ve kolay olduğundan kozmetik ürünlerde sıklıkla tercih edilen bir kimyasal bileşen. nemlendirici etkisinin yanında üründeki aktif diğer bileşenlerin de cilt tarafından daha kolay emilmesini sağlayarak ürünün etkinliğini arttırır. petrolden elde edilir ve aslında tahriş edici bir maddedir. yine de düşük dozlarda maruz kalındığında ciddi bir risk oluşturmadığından dolayı kozmetik ürünlerde sıklıkla kullanılır. ancak çok hassas veya dermatite yatkın ciltlerde reaksiyon gösterebilir. perioral dermatit oluşumuna sebebiyet verebilir. "x kişisine iyi gelen ürün y kişisine iyi gelmeyebilir" vb. muhabbetlerimizin gizli öznelerinden biridir kısacası. i̇çerik listelerinde aşağıdaki şekillerde yazılmış olarak da karşımıza çıkabilir
trimethylene glycol

Kozmetik ve cilt bakım ürünleri kanser de dahil olmak üzere birçok hastalığa neden olabilir.
Ne yazık ki, ilk bakışta size güzelliğin kapılarını açacağını düşündüğünüz, illüzyonlara büründürülmüş bu ürünlerin çoğunda potansiyel zararlı maddelerin kullanıldığı gerçektir. Oysa ki; insan sağlığı için üretilmiş bu ürünlerin, hiçbir şekilde zararlı toksinleri, potansiyel kanser yapıcı maddeleri, enfekte veya tahriş edici maddeleri içermemesi gerekir.
Memorial Hastanesi Klinik Biyokimya Laboratuvarı Sorumlusu Uz. Dr. Nilgün Tekkeşin, kalitesiz kozmetik ürünlerin zararları ve dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalar.
Görünümü : Berrak, Renksiz Ve Higroskopik Bir Sıvı
Kimyasal Adı : 1,2,-propanediol
Kimyasal Formülü : C3H8O2
Ambalaj Şekli : 215 Kg. Varillerde IBClerde Tankerli
Tanımı ve Kullanım Alanları :
Propan-1,2-diol olarak da adlandırılan propilen glikol, C3H8O2 kimyasal formülü olan bir sentetik organik bileşiktir. Kokusuz fakat hafifçe tatlı bir tada sahip olan viskoz bir renksiz sıvıdır. Kimyasal olarak bir diol olarak sınıflandırılır ve su, aseton ve kloroform gibi geniş bir solvent yelpazesiyle karışabilir.
Büyük çapta üretilir ve öncelikli olarak polimer üretiminde kullanılır, aynı zamanda gıda işlemede ve düşük sıcaklıkta ısı alışverişi uygulamalarında bir proses sıvısı olarak kullanılmasını görür. Avrupa Birliği'nde, gıda uygulamaları için E-numarası E1520 vardır.
Propilen glikol berrak, renksiz ve higroskopik bir sıvıdır. Propilen glikol asimetrik bir karbon atomu içerir, bu nedenle iki enantiyomerde bulunur. Ticari ürün rasemik bir karışımdır. Saf optik izomerler, optik olarak saf propilen oksidin hidrasyonu ile elde edilebilir.
Düşük uçuculuklu, suyla, alkolle ve eterle karışabilir, yüksek saflıkta berrak renksiz solventtir. Özellikle kozmetik uygulamaları için uygundur. Nötral ve higroskopiktir. Suyla bütün oranlarda karışır, alkoller, esterler ve ketonlarla daha az karışır. Propilen glikol, etanolle aşağı yukarı eşit güçte bir mikrop öldürücüdür. Solüsyonlarda mikroorganizmaların çoğalmasını durdurur. Genellikle % 15-30 aralığındaki konsantrasyonuyla istenen etki elde edilir. Kozmetik endüstrisinin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak amacıyla, özellikle yüksek saflıkta ve kokusuz özellikte üretilmektedir.
Kullanım Alanları
Unlu mamullerdeki formülasyonlarda yaygın kullanımı vardır. Aroma ve esans sanayinde, ilaç ve kozmetikte kullanılmaktadır.
Teknik kalitede olan formu; poliüretan plastikler ve polyester reçineler için önemli bir maddedir. Tütün sanayinde, gıda sanayindeki dondurucu makinelerin yağlanmasında da kullanılmaktadır.
Ağız yıkayıcı (gargara), diş macunları, merhemler, cilt kremleri, şampuanlar ve parfümler(suyla çok fazla seyreltildiklerinde bile propilen glikol içeren çözeltiler genellikle berrak kalır)
Emülsiyon oluşumunda kozmetik ürünlerinde bir koruyucu olarak,
Kokular (esanslar) için bir solvent olarak,
Doğal özlerden aktif özlerini elde etmek için bir ekstrakte edici olarak,
Yağlayıcı olarak (örn; kozmetik endüstrisinde kullanılan makineler için) kullanılır.
Kozmetik ve deterjanda cilt üzerinde yumuşatma özelliği vardır, yüzey aktiflerden gelen cilt üzerindeki iritasyonu azaltmak için kullanılır. Jölede % 1-5, şampuanda % 0,5-5, kremlerde % 5-10, güneş sütünde % 5-10 oranında kullanılmaktadır.
Üretilen propilen glikolün yüzde kırk beş doymamış polyester reçinelerininüretimi için kimyasal besleme stoğu olarak kullanılır .
Propilen glikol, düşük toksisiteli, çevre dostu otomotiv antifrizlerde etilen glikol yerine geçer . Boş yapılardaki sıhhi tesisat sistemlerini kışlamak için de kullanılır.

propandiol nedir?
Pripondiol (PDO) bu tür losyonlar, temizlik ve diğer cilt tedavileri gibi kozmetik ve kişisel bakım ürünlerinde yaygın bir bileşendir. Bu, propilen glikol benzer, ama daha güvenli olduğu düşünülen bir madde.
Ancak, kesin güvenliğini belirlemek için henüz yeterli çalışma yoktur olmamıştır. Ama mevcut verilerle birleştirildiğinde, bu topikal PDO bu büyük ihtimalle kozmetik ciddi sorunlara için düşük risk taşır.
PDO şu anda ABD, Kanada ve Avrupa’da kısıtlanmış miktarlarda, kozmetik kullanım için onaylanmıştır. Ama bu tamamen güvenli olduğu anlamına geliyor? Biz hazırlamak ve sizin ve aileniz için doğru kararı vermenize yardımcı olmak için kanıtları analiz edeceğiz.
Propanediol, sürdürülebilir ve yenilenebilir bir mısır şekeri fermantasyon sürecinden elde edilen renksiz ve oldukça saf bir glikoldür. Propandiol, petrol bazlı olmayan bileşenlerin istendiği formülasyonlar için mükemmel bir glikol çözeltisidir. Propanediol'ün faydaları arasında saflığı, tahriş ve hassaslaşma eksikliği ve çevre dostu yapısı bulunur.
Uygulamalar: Propandiol, propilen glikol (1,2-propandiol) ve butilen glikol (1,3- / 1,4-butandiol) gibi glikollerin yerine kozmetik ve kişisel bakım formülasyonlarında kullanılabilir. Formülasyon ihtiyaçlarınıza bağlı olarak, Propanediol yumuşatıcı, nemlendirici, el hissi değiştirici veya çözücü olarak işlev görebilir. Propanediol, petrol bazlı glikolleri sürdürülebilir, mısırdan elde edilen bir alternatif ile değiştirerek, doğal ve biyoteknolojiden türetilmiş özütler için ideal çözücüdür.

Propanediol (PDO) is a common ingredient in cosmetics and personal care products such as lotions, cleansers, and other skin treatments. It’s a chemical similar to propylene glycol, but thought to be safer. However, there haven’t been enough studies yet to definitively determine safety. But considering current data, it’s most likely that topical PDO (propanediol) in cosmetics carries a low risk for serious problems.
PROPANEDIOL (propanediol) is currently approved for use in cosmetics, in restricted amounts, in the United States, Canada, and Europe. But does that mean it’s totally safe? We’ll lay out and analyze the evidence to help you make the right decision for you and your family. PROPANEDIOL has many household and manufacturing uses. It’s found in a variety of products, from skin cream to printer ink to auto antifreeze.
Cosmetic companies use it because it’s effective — and low cost — as a moisturizer. It can help your skin quickly absorb other ingredients in your product of choice. It can also help dilute other active ingredients.
According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), you’ll find PROPANEDIOL most often in facial moisturizers, serums, and face masks. But you can also find it in other personal care products, including:
hair color

There are actually two distinct forms of PROPANEDIOL: 1,3-propanediol and 1,2-propanediol, also known as propylene glycol (PG). In this article, we’re talking about 1,3-propanediol, although these two chemicals are similar.
PG has recently received some negative press as a skin care ingredient. Consumer protection groups have raised concerns that PG can irritate eyes and skin, and is a known allergen to some.
PROPANDIOL is thought to be safer than PG. And although the two chemicals have the exact same molecular formula, their molecular structures are different. That means they behave differently when used.
PG is associated with multiple reports of skin and eye irritation and sensitization, while the data on PROPANEDIOL is less harmful. So, many companies have begun to use PDO in their formulas instead of PG.
PROPANEDIOL is generally thought to be safe when absorbed through the skin in small amounts from topical cosmetics. Although PROPANEDIOL is categorized as a skin irritant, EWG notes that the health risks in cosmetics are low.
And after a panel of experts working for the Cosmetic Ingredient Review analyzed current data on propanediol, they found it to be safe when used in cosmetics.
In a study of topical propanediol on human skin, researchers only found evidence of irritation in a very low percentage of people.
Another study demonstrated that high-dose propanediol in oral form can have a fatal effect on lab rats. But, when rats inhaled a propanediol vapor, the test subjects showed no deaths or other serious irritation.

Despite the fact that experts generally consider the versatile ingredient propylene glycol to be safe when used in skincare, you can't overlook the fact that it was named the American Contact Dermatitis Society's Allergen of the Year in 2018 due to its bad rap for causing contact dermatitis. If you're one of the lucky ones who experiences adverse reactions to the ingredient, like redness or itchiness, or if you're someone with eczema who could be particularly sensitive to it, you're likely on the hunt for a less irritating alternative to propylene glycol that's safer for your skin. 
One sub worth mentioning: propanediol. Although the two are very similar, there are some key distinctions that could make propanediol a better option for you. To find out exactly what these differences and similarities are as well as other important characteristics to note, we interviewed board-certified dermatologist Sapna Palep, MD, of Spring Street Dermatology in NYC, and cosmetic chemist Michelle Wong, PhD, and content creator at Lab Muffin Beauty Science. Together, they explain everything you need to know before making the switch from propylene glycol to propanediol in your skincare. 
Keep scrolling to read all about what they have to say about the ingredients.
Technically speaking, propanediol is a three-carbon diol and a colorless viscous liquid that is miscible (or mixible) with water. Since it's derived from corn sugar, Palep describes propanediol as a natural alternative to propylene glycol. It can be found in cosmetics and personal care products, like lotions, cleansers, toners, and other topical skin treatments. A bit of an overachiever, propanediol can function as a solvent, humectant, and even an emollient when used in skincare.
Benefits of Propanediol for Skin
The reason you can spot propanediol on so many different product labels is due to its versatility. Although Palep says it primarily functions as a solvent, propanediol also has impressive sensory qualities and various other benefits when used in skincare.
Dissolves ingredients: According to Palep, propanediol is considered to be an excellent solvent for harder to dissolve ingredients, like salicylic acid or ferulic acid, for instance.
Decreases viscosity: As Palep explains it, a viscosity reducer is helpful in a variety of cosmetics, like conditioner, shampoo, foundation, mascara, body wash, hair spray, cleanser, and moisturizer, because it allows the formulas to flow well and makes them easier to use on the skin and hair.
Improves humectancy: As a humectant hair and skin conditioner, propanediol pulls moisture into the skin and encourages water retention.
Prevents water loss: Thanks to its emollient properties, propanediol softens and smooths skin by reducing water loss.
Safe for acne-prone skin: According to Palep, foam cleansers tend to use fewer surfactants (the cleansing chemicals that remove dirt and oil from your skin), which makes them ideal for acne-prone or sensitive skin types. Propanediol can increase foaming in a product, so those prone to breakouts might prefer products containing the ingredient for that reason.
Enhances preservative efficacy: Palep adds that propanediol can also function as a preservative booster in skincare products.
Gives the product a lightweight feel: Not only does propanediol contribute to the function of a product but also its consistency. Palep says the ingredient gives products a light texture and a non-sticky feel.
Propanediol vs. Propylene Glycol
It's easy to see how 1,2-Propanediol and 1,3-Propanediol (aka propylene glycol and propanediol, respectively) could be regularly confused for each other. The two ingredients are very similar and even share the same chemical formula; however, they have different chemical structures (as Wong explains it, the alcohol group is connected differently), which changes the way they function.
But structurally isn't the only way the ingredients differ. Palep adds that propanediol is derived from corn, while propylene glycol is derived from petrochemicals. Although propylene glycol is determined to be safe in skincare and cosmetics, propanediol is commonly used as an alternative to propylene glycol for those who want products that don't contain petroleum-based glycols. Palep points out that not enough studies exist yet to determine if it's the safer option, but studies show propanediol to be less sensitizing and irritating to the skin than propylene glycol.
Side Effects of Propanediol
Generally, propanediol is safe to use in skincare products for those who do not have an allergy to it. When using a new product, always patch test on a small area of the skin before applying all over your body. Palep says although there could be a small risk of irritation for some, there are no serious side effects.
How to Use It
Because propanediol has many different uses and is included in a wide variety of formulas, how it should be applied largely depends on the specific product, so use as directed by your dermatologist. But Wong adds that unless your skin is sensitive to it, propanediol is safe to incorporate into your skincare routine on a daily basis.
A glycol that can enhance the absorption of ingredients (such as salicylic acid) into the skin. Propanediol can be derived naturally (from corn) or synthetically. It has hydrating properties that may leave a smooth, dewy finish. Propanediol is a well-tolerated ingredient, not likely to cause sensitivity.

Propanediol is a natural alternative for the often used and often bad-mouthed propylene glycol. It's produced sustainably from corn sugar and it's Ecocert approved. 
It's quite a multi-tasker: can be used to improve skin moisturization, as a solvent, to boost preservative efficacy or to influence the sensory properties of the end formula. 
Propanediol is one of those dubious, confusing ingredients that's found in countless personal products. Seriously: You can find it in a wide range of formulas, from face creams to eye shadows. The ingredient is also related to propylene glycol, a notorious skin irritant that's also commonly found in personal care products (the big one: traditional deodorants.)
Yet, propanediol is thought to be safer and generally less irritating, so it's frequently used as an alternative in clean cosmetics. But is it actually any better? 

What is propanediol? 
Propanediol, also known as 1,3-propanediol, is a colorless liquid that's naturally derived from corn glucose, or corn sugar. It can also be synthesized in a lab for use in personal products. Propanediol is water-miscible, which means it can fully dissolve in water. The two can create a uniform, consistent solution when combined.
In terms of chemical makeup, propanediol is an alkanediol, which consists of an alkane and a diol. A quick chemistry lesson: An alkane is a chain of carbons with hydrogens attached. A diol is any compound that has two alcohol groups. Finally, the prefix prop- refers to three carbon atoms in that chain. Prop + alkane + diol equals propanediol. 
So, propanediol is a chain of three carbons with hydrogens, plus two alcohol groups attached. The location of each alcohol group matters, too. In this article, the propanediol we're referring to has one alcohol group on each end. That's why it's called 1,3-propanediol—because the alcohol groups are on the first and third carbons. (This info will come in handy later...promise!)

What is it used for in skin care?
"[It] can be found in many everyday products, including moisturizers, face masks, serums, and cleansers," says board-certified dermatologist Howard Sobel, M.D. It's actually one of the most frequently used alkane diols in skin care formulations. Here's what it does:
1. It dissolves ingredients. 
Propanediol is an excellent solvent, which means it effectively dissolves other ingredients. And while this might sound like a negative trait, it's essential for optimal application. "As a solvent, propanediol dissolves active ingredients—like salicylic acid—for easier delivery to the skin," explains board-certified dermatologist Kiran Mian, D.O. It's also colorless, odorless, and mixes well with other ingredients, so it's useful for enhancing a formula's composition in a minimally invasive way.
2. It makes products more fluid.
Spreadability is a major factor of a good, high-quality formula. After all, if a product is too sticky and tacky, it would be an absolute pain to apply. Propanediol helps by reducing a product's viscosity, says Mian, so it can flow in a manageable way. This allows you to effortlessly move around the formula and apply it with ease.
3. It adds moisture to the skin.
Propanediol "also acts as a humectant and emollient," says Mian, meaning it adds moisture to the skin and reduces moisture loss. This can help improve skin texture, adds Sobel, which explains why it's found in so many personal products. The ingredient's humectant and emollient properties also make it useful in cosmetics like makeup primer, foundation, and mascara. 

1,3 Propanediol. A preservative-boosting humectant with excellent sensory characteristics. It is used as an emollient, skin penetration enhancer and solvent with good moisturizing properties.
(also known as PD or Propanediol 1,3)

1,3-propanediol is for Cosmetic Formulations Only. External Use Only

• High Purity
• Made from corn - GMO FREE

• Produced from an environmentally sustainable and renewable process
• Non-Irritating/Non-Sensitizing
• Enhanced clarity
1,3-propanediol can replace petroleum-based glycols such as propylene glycol, butylene glycol, and glycerin in formulations.
*Propanediol exists in two common forms, 1,2-propanediol (propylene glycol) and 1,3-propanediol
*The structural difference between the two compounds being the relative positions of alcohol groups on the molecule may be subtle, but it results in differing properties and required safety measures
1,3-propanediol is primarily used as a solvent and a viscosity decreasing agent in cosmetics development.

Propanediol is a colorless and highly pure glycol derived from a sustainable and renewable corn sugar fermentation process. Propanediol is the perfect glycol solution for formulations where nonpetroleum based ingredients are desired. Benefits of Propanediol include its purity, lack of irritation and sensitization, and environmentally-friendly nature.

Applications: Propanediol can be used in cosmetic and personal care formulations to replace glycols such as propylene glycol (1,2-propanediol) and butylene glycol (1,3-/1,4-butanediol). Depending on your formulation needs, Propanediol can function as an emollient, humectant, hand-feel modifier or solvent. Propanediol is the ideal solvent for natural and biotechnology-derived extracts, replacing petroleum based glycols with a sustainable, corn-derived alternative.

Propanediol has been incorporated successfully into a broad array of personal care product and color cosmetic formulations. All formulations have excellent aesthetics and sensory characteristics, and are stable to freeze/thaw and storage at 45o C for 3 months. Many formulation benefits have been achieved with Propanediol. For example, clear shampoo formulations have very low cloud points, excellent stability, improved foaming, and require less salt to adjust the viscosity as compared to other glycols.

Propanediol is made from fermentation of glucose and contains no added preservatives, petroleum-based ingredients, or animal by-products.
Suggested Usage Rate: 1 - 10%, up to 40%
Propanediol can function as a:
Hand-feel modifier
Preservative booster
Botanical extraction and dilution
Carrier for active cosmetic ingredients
Natural ester in cosmetic ingredients
No skin irritation or sensitization

Excellent sensory characteristics
Enhanced preservative efficacy
Improved humectancy
Better viscosity
Enhanced clarity
Excellent cloud point
Increased foaming (if desired)
Freeze/thaw protection
Heat stability
INCI Name: Propanediol
EINECS Number: 207-997-3
CAS Number: 504-63-2
REACH - Registration Number: 01-2119489383-28-0000
Approvals and Certifications:
• Natural Products Association (NPA)
• USDA BioPreferred® Program – 100% Bio-based
• Natural Health Products Ingredient – Health Canada
• Complies with ISO 16128-1:2016
• EPA Design for the Environment (DfE)
• Halal
• Kosher

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