Asitlerle yapılan temizlikte, asidin içerisine ortalama % 0,25 ( Binde 2,5 ) eklenerek asitlerin metal yüzeyini aşındırmasını engeller.
Teramol Korozyon Inhibitörleri
Teramol inhibitörleri asitlerin pikle, proses ekipmanı temizliği ve petrol kuyuları asitleme operasyonlarındaki korozyon etkisini engeller.
Hidroklorik asit, hidroklorik - hidroflorik asit karışımları, sülfürik asit, sülfamic asit, sitrik asit, fosforik asit
Korozyon ( Asit ) Inhibitörünün özellikleri
Kolay Kullanım
Sıvı Form
Asitte çözünür
Leke bırakmaz
Bekleme yapınca çökme oluşturmaz
Düşük maliyetli, değişik sıcaklıklarda kullanılabilen, etkili asit inhibitörü
Teramol' ün düşük miktarlarda asitlerle karıştırılması durumunda bile talep edilen temizliğin, metal malzemenin aşınmasını engelleyerek yapılması
Korozyon Performansı
0.25% Teramol, 15% lik hidroklorik asitte 90 derecede günde 0.022 lb/ft2 korozyon oranına indirir.
Sülfürik asitte ise bu oran 0,027 değerinde kalır
Asit Pikle
Fabrika, reaktör, eşanjör, ısıtıcı, metal parça, boiler temizliği
Petrol - yağ kuyusu asitleme / temizleme operasyonları
ACID PICKLING ( Asit ile temizlik )
Asit Pikle ( Asit temizliği ) : Metal işleme operasyonlarında oluşan oksit tabakalarının mineral asitler yardımıyla temizlenmesi. Genellikle hidroklorik asit, fosforik asit ve sülfürik asit kullanılır.
Metalin üzerindeki takabalar, kirlilikler, oksitler, paslar metal yüzeyine zarar vermeden asit inhibitörü içeren Teramol yardımıyla temizlenir. Teramol asit inhibitörü, temizlenen metalin yüzeyinin renginin kaybolmaması, metale zarar gelmemesi, ağırlık kaybının olmaması ve yüzeyin korunması için gereklidir. Kaynak bölgeleri ve birleşim yerlerinin asit tarafından yenmemesi için Teramol asit inhibitörleri gereklidir. Pikle operasyonlarında tamamen bekletme / durma durumunda bile metali korur. Metal yüzeyi üzerinde köpüklü koruma tabakası oluşturur.
Yüksek karbonlu, alaşım çelik ve metal kablo asitleme / pikle işlemlerinde hidroklorik asit kullanılır. Hidroklorik ve hidroflorik asit karşımıları ferritic, martebsitic ve austenitic çelik temizliklerinde kullanılır. Demir oksit tabakası, hidrokloril asitte çözünür ve bu yüzden metal yüzeyinde asit aşındırması olmaz ( Teramol içereren asitlerde )
Yumuşak çelik kablo asitlemesinde hidrojen kırılganlığı büyük bir problemdir. Teramol SI 28 eklenmesi bu kırılganlığı yokeder. Asit inhibitörü Teramol eklenerek kablo yüzeyi korunur. Kırılganlık ortadan kalkar.
Sıcak derin galvaniz ( hot dip galvanizing ) de Teramol' ün metal yüzeyi kalitesine olumsuz etkisi olmaz. Aynı şekilde çinko ve çinko yüzeyine herhangi bir zararı olmaz
Fabrika / Reaktör / Ekipman / Boiler / Eşanjör / Isı Değiştirici Temizliği
Inhibitörlü asitler proses ve ekipman temizliğinde kullanılır. Enerji santralleri özellikle Teramol içeren asitlerle temizlenir. Teramol içeren asitler ekipmanlarda aşınmaya neden olmaz, korozyon engellenir.
Yeni boiler ve boiler parçalarının ulaşılamayan noktaları, tüpler, borular hidroklorik asit ile temizlenir. Kullanımdan önce mutlaka aside Teramol inhibitör eklenmelidir. Enerji santralleri, beyaz eşya, otomotiv ve metal işleme tesisleri asit ile temizlik öncesi Teramol asit inhibitörünü satınalarak aside karıştırırlar ve daha sonra asidik temizlik yaparlar.
Buhar üretim tesisleri katı depozitleri ve tabakaları temizlemek zorundadırlar. Aksi taktirde, depozitler ve bu birikimler ısı transferini azaltırlar. Asitler ile yapılan bu temizlik esnasında asidin metali aşındırması mümkün olduğunda engellenmelidir. Bu nedenle kullanılacak asidin içerisine inhibitör eklenir. Karbon çelik, demir, bakır, tunç, bronz, nikel, krom, molibden, bakır-nikel alaşımlarında Teramol özellikle çok etkin bir inhibitördür.
Petrol, Yağ, Sondaj kuyuları temizliği ve asitlemesi
Karbonat depozitoları ve kabuklarını temizlemek için Teramol katılmış HCl kullanılır.
Borular, tüpler ve ekipmanlar asidin korozif ve agressif yapısından Teramol sayesinde aşınmaktan kurtulurlar ancak yüzeyleri ve içleri tertemiz hale gelir.
Teramol direkt asit ile karıştırılmalıdır. İş güvenliğine asitlerle çalışırken dikkat edilmelidir.
Teramol aliphatic nitrogen inhibitors retard the corrosive effect of acids on metals during pickling, process equipment cleaning and oil well acidizing operations. Teramol comes in two versions for use with specific acids:
Product Attributes
Easy to Use
Liquid Form
Soluble in acid
Does not precipitate when standing
Low-cost, dependable protection over a wide range of temperatures Economical and effective: Only a small quantity of Teramol mixed with the acids will deliver the desired cleaning effect while retarding acid attack on metals.
Corrosion performance-tested:
0.25% Teramol in 15% hydrochloric acid at 200°F must show less than 0.022 lb/ft2/day corrosion of mild steel.
Following is a discussion on the three major application areas for the Teramol products:
Pickling is the removal of oxide scales formed during metal working operations by mineral acids. Hydrochloric, phosphoric and sulfuric acids are commonly used. These scales must be removed without undue acid attack on the base metal surface.
An inhibitor is therefore used to protect the cleaned surface, reduce acid wastage and metal loss and prevent pitting and discoloration of the metal. Inhibitors protect weld areas and impede "burning" of the metal, even during a temporary shutdown of pickling operations. These inhibitors form a foam blanket preventing heat loss and acid spray.
Teramol uses: Hydrochloric acid is used for pickling very high carbon and alloy steels and for wire pickling. Hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acid blends are used to clean ferritic, martensitic and austenitic steels. Iron oxide scale is soluble in hydrochloric acid, and therefore there is no acid attack on the metal surface.
Hydrogen embrittlement is a major problem during the pickling of mild steel wire. The addition of Teramol to the hydrochloric acid eliminates or reduces embrittlement. This embrittlement occurs when atomic hydrogen produced by the introduction of the acids, diffuses into the lattices of the metal and strains it. This results in brittleness at the molecular level, with no advanced indications such as visible pitting.
The use of Teramol as an inhibitor, in hydrochloric acid pickling of steel, has no adverse effect on the quality of the metal in subsequent hot dip galvanizing. Tests conducted at an independent laboratory show that the use of Teramol does not have any noticeable influence on the structure of the zinc, or the thickness of the zinc layer.
Steels that are heated above 575°C produce a scale that consists of three layers: magnetite, ferric oxide, and wurstite. This complicates the pickling process because the sulfuric acid solution and the liberated hydrogen gas, produced as a by-product of the interaction, penetrate the cracks in these layers. The use of Teramol as an inhibitor regulates these complex reactions and minimizes the amount of surface material that is dissolved.
Scale produced on steels heated at temperatures below 575°C consist of only two layers, magnetite and ferric oxide. These oxide scales are normally very brittle, and as the metal cools they crack, due to the difference between their coefficients of expansion and that of the metal. To increase the degree of cracking, the steel is sometimes flexed. Again, Teramol regulates the scale removal process to minimize brittleness.
Inhibited acids are used extensively in plant cleaning; both pre-commission and periodic planned service cleaning. Many plants use acid cleaning, including breweries, dairies and sugar refineries, but the major use of acid cleaning is in power plants. In all application, the use of a corrosion inhibitor is necessary to maximize the cleaning effect, while minimizing any unwanted corrosion.
Pre-commission cleaning removes welding slag, silica, rust, oil, grease and other matter from new boilers. It is impossible to mechanically clean many inaccessible boiler parts once the final unit has been manufactured. Therefore, an acid-flush is necessary to clean the tubes. Any impurities left in the boiler can cause blockage of strainers and serious damage to turbine blades. Boilers that have not been cleaned, prior to commissioning, can have up to ten percent loss of generating power.
Hydrochloric acid solutions are used in pre-commission cleaning. However, citric acid is preferred for austenitic steels (e.g. superheaters), since it is thought that chloride ions might cause stress corrosion. Where copper or copper alloys are present, citric acid solutions are also preferred. Service cleaning serves to remove hard scales and deposits formed during steam generation. These deposits reduce heat transfer from the boiler. The absolute minimum attack of acid on metal must be ensured, and the type of scale encountered (high in carbonates) does not need attack on the base metal to aid its removal. The purpose of the inhibitor is, if possible, to prevent any attack at all. Acid cleaning is followed by neutralization and passivation processes, aimed at producing a thin protective layer of magnetite on the clean metal surfaces.
Hydrochloric acid is the acid most often used for plant cleaning, although sulfamic, sulfuric, citric and phosphoric acids are also used. The appropriate Teramol product will serve the corrosion inhibiting needs of any of the acid applications.
Teramol is used to create efficiently inhibited hydrochloric solutions for hydrochloric applications for steels such as admiralty, carbon steels, cast iron, copper and its alloys such as monel, brass, bronze, cupro-nickel and chrome-molybdenum.
Sulfamic acid is often used as an alternative to hydrochloric acid. While sulfamic is more expensive per pound, the quantity required for a given operation is considerably less, so that overall costs per application are lower. Sulfamic acid, inhibited with Teramol, is used to clean deposits from 300 and 400 series stainless steels and occasional cleaning of aluminum and its alloys. Sulfuric acid is also not as sensitive to contamination as hydrochloric acid. Inhibited sulfuric acid is used for cleaning 300 and 400 series stainless steels.
In the fracturing and acidizing of compact oil formations, dilute hydrochloric acid is used to dissolve the undesirable carbonate deposits or scales, which interfere with the passage of oil, in tubing or in the formation itself. The lines and tubing must be protected during this operation from corrosive attack by the acid, by the high temperatures and pressures, and by the potential for a "sour" environment resulting from the high hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide contents. Teramol used at a concentration of 0.25%, based on the total hydrochloric acid solution, is highly recommended for this purpose. It provides effective protection at temperatures in excess of 230°F (110°C) for at least 6 hours.
Technical Data
Description: yellowish liquid
Density at 25°C (g/cm3): approx. 1 pH-Value (100 g/l water): 3.4 - 5.5
Solubility in water: miscible
Application and Properties
TERAMOL SI 28 is a highly efficient inhibitor formulation for the protection of metal materials during the chemical cleaning with hydrochloric acid and mixtures of hydrochloric acid/hydrofluoric acid at temperatures up to 100°C. Thanks to its high resistance to temperatures TERAMOL SI 28 is an excellent inhibitor for bore hole acidification with hydrochloric acid of high concentration as well as mixtures of hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids.
TERAMOL SI 28 contains a combination of specifically acting inhibitors and special surfactants with a high wetting effect. A quick wetting of the surfaces to be cleaned is ensured by reducing the interfacial tension.
Furthermore, oily and fatty contaminations are emulsified and insoluble solid matters are dispersed.
The dissolution of scales and oxide layers is not impaired by TERAMOL SI 28.
TERAMOL SI 28 inhibits the corrosion of all kinds of steel and alloys on copper basis.
Aluminium (-alloys) as well as zinc, tin and chromium are not sufficiently protected. Cast iron shows good inhibition rates up to max. 40°C only.
Addition and Dosing
In general the dosing rate amounts to 2.5 kg TERAMOL SI 28 /m3 cleaning solution the concentration of which should vary between 30 and 100 g/l acid.
It is recommended to prepare the cleaning solution in a separate tank and then to fill it into the system. At first dilute the acid to the application concentration and then add TERAMOL SI 28.
In case of a blend-fill procedure a previously prepared inhibited stock solution with concentrated hydrochloric acid may be stored up to one week. If an inhibited stock solution with concentrated hydrochloric acid is needed for a storage period of more than one week, we recommend using our corrosion inhibitor TERAMOL SI 28.
The duration of action of the inhibited acid on the materials should not exceed 8 hours.
After cleaning the plant and apparatus should be carefully rinsed with water until they are free from acid.
Avoid open fire and light in the environment of the plant. Rooms with open installations have to be well aerated during the treatment.
In closed original packages TERAMOL SI 28 is storable for at least two years. Protect from freezing.
60 kg PE-cans
200 kg barrels
1000 kg containers