Klorheksidin (genellikle tuz formları klorheksidin glukonat (CHG) veya klorheksidin asetat tarafından bilinen), ameliyat öncesi deri dezenfeksiyonu ve cerrahi aletleri sterilize etmek için kullanılan bir dezenfektan ve antiseptik. [2] Hem hastanın cildini hem de sağlık hizmeti sağlayıcılarının ellerini dezenfekte etmek için kullanılabilir. [3] Ayrıca yaraların temizlenmesi, Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate diş plağı önlenmesi, ağız mantar enfeksiyonlarının tedavisinde ve idrar kateterlerinin tıkanmasını önlemek için kullanılır. [3] Sıvı veya toz olarak kullanılır. [2] [3]Yan etkiler cilt tahrişi içerebilir, diş renk değişikliği, ve alerjik reaksiyonlar. [3] Doğrudan temas oluşursa göz sorunlarına neden olabilir. [1] Gebelikte kullanım güvenli gibi görüner. [4] Klorheksidin alkol, Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate su veya yüzey aktif çözeltisi ile karıştırılabilir. [3] Çeşitli mikroorganizmalara Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconatekarşı etkilidir, ancak sporları inaktive etmez. [2]Klorheksidin 1950'lerde tıbbi kullanıma girdi. [5] Klorheksidin Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde sayaç (OTC) üzerinde mevcuttur. [1] Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'nün Temel İlaçlar Listesinde yer almaktadır. [6] 2017 yılında, bir milyondan fazla reçete ile ABD'de en sık reçete edilen 286Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate.Nepal dünyada yeni doğan bebeklerin göbek kordonu tedavisinde klorheksidin kullanan ilk ülke oldu ve yenidoğan ölüm oranını azaltmak için bir USAID Pioneers Ödülü aldı. [22] Klorheksidin Nepal gibi fakir ülkeler için çok etkilidir ve kullanımı dünyada göbek kordonu tedavisinde artmaktadır. 2015 Cochrane incelemesi, topluluk ortamında klorheksidin cilt veya kordon bakımının omfalalit (göbek kordonu iltihabı) Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate insidansını %50 ve ayrıca yenidoğan mortalitesini %12 oranında azaltabildiği ne kadar kaliteli kanıtlar ortaya koymuştur. [23] Klorheksidin glukonat cerrahi scrubs için bir cilt temizleyici olarak kullanılır, cilt yaraları için bir temizleyici, preoperatif cilt hazırlama ve mikrop öldürücü el durulamaiçin. [15] Klorheksidin göz damlası Acanthamoeba keratit etkilenen gözler için bir tedavi olarak kullanılmıştır CHG ototoksiktir; yırtılmış kulak zarı olan bir kulak kanalına konursa, sağırlık lara yol açabilir. [25]CHG, bir el dezenfektanı için Mevcut Avrupa şartnamelerini karşılamıyor. Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateAvrupa Standardı EN 1499'un test koşullarında klorheksidin digluconat ve sabun çözeltisi arasında önemli bir fark saptanmamamıştır.ABD'de, 2007 ve 2009 yılları arasında, Hunter Holmes McGuiKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconatere Veterans Administration Tıp Merkezi küme randomize bir çalışma yaptı ve klorheksidin glukonat ile doymuş bezile yoğun bakım ünitelerinde hastaların günlük banyo hastane kaynaklı enfeksiyon riskini azalttığı sonucuna vardı.Klorheksidin topikal betasept, Biopatch, Calgon Vesta, ChloraPrep One-Step, Dyna-Hex, Hibiclens, Hibistat Towelette, Scrub Care Exidine, Spectrum-4 diğerleri arasında satılmaktadır. [34]Klorheksidin glukonat ağız durulama diğerleri arasında Paroex, Peridex, PerioChip, Periogard, Dentohexin olarak satılmaktadır. Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate [35]Heksoralettene N benzocaine, mentol ve klorheksidin hidroklorür içerir. Oral antiseptik şekerler olarak kullanılır.Uzun yıllar boyunca uzun süreli maruz kalmanın kanserojen potansiyele sahip olup olmadığıKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate henüz belli değildir.Gıda ve İlaç İdaresi (FDA) ABD'de tavsiye altı ay maksimum bir klorheksidin glukonat gargara kullanımını sınırlamaktır.Klorheksidin glukonat ağızdaki bakterileri azaltan bir mikropgart gargaradır.Klorheksidin glukonat Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateoral durulama dişeti iltihabı (şişlik, kızarıklık, diş eti kanaması) tedavisinde kullanılır. Klorheksidin glukonat genellikle bir diş hekimi tarafından reçete edilir.Klorheksidin glukonat oral durulama dişeti iltihabı her türlü tedavisinde değildir. Sadece diş hekiminiz için reçete durumu tedavi etmek için ilaç kullanın. Onlar var aynı diş eti belirtileri olsa bile, başka bir kişi ile bu ilacı paylaşmayın.Klorheksidin glukonat da Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconatebu ilaç kılavuzunda yer almayan amaçlar için kullanılabilir.Önemli BilgilerKlorheksidin glukonat hayatı tehdit edici olabilir nadir ama ciddi alerjik reaksiyona neden olabilir. Varsa acil tıbbi yardım alın: kurdeşen, şiddetli deri döküntüsü; hırıldarma, zor nefes alma; soğuk terleme, sersemlemiş duygu; yüzünüzün, dudaklarınızın, dilinizin veya boğazınızın şişmesi.Bu çalışmanın ilk amacı, %0.2lik klorheksidin glukonat ve amoksisilin+potasyum klavulanat kombinasyonunun alveolitin önlenmesinde proflaktik tedavi olarak etkinliğinin araştırılmasıdır. Ayrıca, sigara ve oral kontraseptif kullanımının alveolit gelişmesinde risk faktörleri olarak değerlendirmesi ve klorheksidine karşı Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconategelişebilecek yan etkilerin incelenmesi diğer amaçlarımızdır. Materyal ve Metod: Rastgele örnekleme, plasebo kontrollü, Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate paralel grup esasına göre planlanan çalışmaya dahil edilen 125 hasta 3 gruba ayrıldı ve toplam 156 diş çekimi yapıldı. Birinci gruba (n=44) %0.2lik klorheksidin glukonat, ikinci Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconategruba (n=30) %0.2lik klorheksidin glukonat ve amoksisilin + potasyum klavulanat kombinasyonu, ücüncü gruba (n=47) %0.09luk steril NaCl solüsyonu uygulandı.Bir çocuk ya da genç bir doktor tavsiyesi olmadan bu ilacı vermeyin. klorheksidin glukonat küçük çocuklarda ciddi tahrişe veya kimyasal yanıklara neden olabilir.Bu ilacı almadan önceKlorheksidin glukonat alerjisi varsa bu ilacı kullanmamalısınız.Periodontal hastalığınız varsa klorheksidin glukonat kullanırken özel tedavilere ihtiyacınız olabilir.Amaç: Bu deneysel çalışmada hem organ kist hidatiği hem de Periton Hidatidozu (PH) tedavisinde önerilen klorheksidin glukonat solüsyonunun farklıKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate konsantrasyonlarının karın içi yapışıklık oluşumu ve sağkalım üzerine etkileri araştırıldı.Durum Değerlendirmesi: PH kist hidatiğin ve cerrahi tedavisinin en önemli komplikasyonudur. Tedavisinde skolisidal maddelerle periton yıkaması ve sonrasında kemoterapi önerilmektedir.
Yöntem: ÇalışmadaKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate ortalama ağırlıkları 300 gr olan 80 adet Wistar-Albino erkek sıçan kullanıldı. Sıçanlar; Grup 1 : % 0.9 NaCl ( Kontrol grubu ), Grup 2 : % 20 NaCl, Grup 3 : % 0.4 klorheksidin glukonat (Klo-Glu), Grup 4 : % 0.04 Klo-Glu, olacak şekilde 4 eşit gruba ayrıldı.Periton yapışıklıklarının ciddi bir sorun oluşturduğu günümüzde, kist hidatik ve periton hidatidozu tedavisinde % 0.04 klorheksidin glukonat kullanımını öneriyoruz. Bu önerimizi klorheksidin glukonatın etkin, toksik olmayan ve periton yapışıklığını arttırmayan bir maddeKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate özelliği nedeniyle sunuyoruz.
Klorheksidin (genellikle tuz formları klorheksidin glukonat (CHG) veya klorheksidin asetat tarafından bilinen), ameliyat öncesi deri dezenfeksiyonu ve cerrahi aletleri sterilize etmek için kullanılan bir dezenfektan ve antiseptik. [2] Hem hastanın cildini hem de sağlık hizmeti sağlayıcılarının ellerini dezenfekte etmek için kullanılabilir. [3] Ayrıca yaraların temizlenmesi, Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate diş plağı önlenmesi, ağız mantar enfeksiyonlarının tedavisinde ve idrar kateterlerinin tıkanmasını önlemek için kullanılır. [3] Sıvı veya toz olarak kullanılır. [2] [3]Yan etkiler cilt tahrişi içerebilir, diş renk değişikliği, ve alerjik reaksiyonlar. [3] Doğrudan temas oluşursa göz sorunlarına neden olabilir. [1] Gebelikte kullanım güvenli gibi görüner. [4] Klorheksidin alkol, Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate su veya yüzey aktif çözeltisi ile karıştırılabilir. [3] Çeşitli mikroorganizmalara Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconatekarşı etkilidir, ancak sporları inaktive etmez. [2]Klorheksidin 1950'lerde tıbbi kullanıma girdi. [5] Klorheksidin Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde sayaç (OTC) üzerinde mevcuttur. [1] Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'nün Temel İlaçlar Listesinde yer almaktadır. [6] 2017 yılında, bir milyondan fazla reçete ile ABD'de en sık reçete edilen 286Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate.Nepal dünyada yeni doğan bebeklerin göbek kordonu tedavisinde klorheksidin kullanan ilk ülke oldu ve yenidoğan ölüm oranını azaltmak için bir USAID Pioneers Ödülü aldı. [22] Klorheksidin Nepal gibi fakir ülkeler için çok etkilidir ve kullanımı dünyada göbek kordonu tedavisinde artmaktadır. 2015 Cochrane incelemesi, topluluk ortamında klorheksidin cilt veya kordon bakımının omfalalit (göbek kordonu iltihabı) Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate insidansını %50 ve ayrıca yenidoğan mortalitesini %12 oranında azaltabildiği ne kadar kaliteli kanıtlar ortaya koymuştur. [23] Klorheksidin glukonat cerrahi scrubs için bir cilt temizleyici olarak kullanılır, cilt yaraları için bir temizleyici, preoperatif cilt hazırlama ve mikrop öldürücü el durulamaiçin. [15] Klorheksidin göz damlası Acanthamoeba keratit etkilenen gözler için bir tedavi olarak kullanılmıştır CHG ototoksiktir; yırtılmış kulak zarı olan bir kulak kanalına konursa, sağırlık lara yol açabilir. [25]CHG, bir el dezenfektanı için Mevcut Avrupa şartnamelerini karşılamıyor. Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateAvrupa Standardı EN 1499'un test koşullarında klorheksidin digluconat ve sabun çözeltisi arasında önemli bir fark saptanmamamıştır.ABD'de, 2007 ve 2009 yılları arasında, Hunter Holmes McGuiKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconatere Veterans Administration Tıp Merkezi küme randomize bir çalışma yaptı ve klorheksidin glukonat ile doymuş bezile yoğun bakım ünitelerinde hastaların günlük banyo hastane kaynaklı enfeksiyon riskini azalttığı sonucuna vardı.Klorheksidin topikal betasept, Biopatch, Calgon Vesta, ChloraPrep One-Step, Dyna-Hex, Hibiclens, Hibistat Towelette, Scrub Care Exidine, Spectrum-4 diğerleri arasında satılmaktadır. [34]Klorheksidin glukonat ağız durulama diğerleri arasında Paroex, Peridex, PerioChip, Periogard, Dentohexin olarak satılmaktadır. Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate [35]Heksoralettene N benzocaine, mentol ve klorheksidin hidroklorür içerir. Oral antiseptik şekerler olarak kullanılır.Uzun yıllar boyunca uzun süreli maruz kalmanın kanserojen potansiyele sahip olup olmadığıKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate henüz belli değildir.Gıda ve İlaç İdaresi (FDA) ABD'de tavsiye altı ay maksimum bir klorheksidin glukonat gargara kullanımını sınırlamaktır.Klorheksidin glukonat ağızdaki bakterileri azaltan bir mikropgart gargaradır.Klorheksidin glukonat Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateoral durulama dişeti iltihabı (şişlik, kızarıklık, diş eti kanaması) tedavisinde kullanılır. Klorheksidin glukonat genellikle bir diş hekimi tarafından reçete edilir.Klorheksidin glukonat oral durulama dişeti iltihabı her türlü tedavisinde değildir. Sadece diş hekiminiz için reçete durumu tedavi etmek için ilaç kullanın. Onlar var aynı diş eti belirtileri olsa bile, başka bir kişi ile bu ilacı paylaşmayın.Klorheksidin glukonat da Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconatebu ilaç kılavuzunda yer almayan amaçlar için kullanılabilir.Önemli BilgilerKlorheksidin glukonat hayatı tehdit edici olabilir nadir ama ciddi alerjik reaksiyona neden olabilir. Varsa acil tıbbi yardım alın: kurdeşen, şiddetli deri döküntüsü; hırıldarma, zor nefes alma; soğuk terleme, sersemlemiş duygu; yüzünüzün, dudaklarınızın, dilinizin veya boğazınızın şişmesi.Bu çalışmanın ilk amacı, %0.2lik klorheksidin glukonat ve amoksisilin+potasyum klavulanat kombinasyonunun alveolitin önlenmesinde proflaktik tedavi olarak etkinliğinin araştırılmasıdır. Ayrıca, sigara ve oral kontraseptif kullanımının alveolit gelişmesinde risk faktörleri olarak değerlendirmesi ve klorheksidine karşı Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconategelişebilecek yan etkilerin incelenmesi diğer amaçlarımızdır. Materyal ve Metod: Rastgele örnekleme, plasebo kontrollü, Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate paralel grup esasına göre planlanan çalışmaya dahil edilen 125 hasta 3 gruba ayrıldı ve toplam 156 diş çekimi yapıldı. Birinci gruba (n=44) %0.2lik klorheksidin glukonat, ikinci Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconategruba (n=30) %0.2lik klorheksidin glukonat ve amoksisilin + potasyum klavulanat kombinasyonu, ücüncü gruba (n=47) %0.09luk steril NaCl solüsyonu uygulandı.Bir çocuk ya da genç bir doktor tavsiyesi olmadan bu ilacı vermeyin. klorheksidin glukonat küçük çocuklarda ciddi tahrişe veya kimyasal yanıklara neden olabilir.Bu ilacı almadan önceKlorheksidin glukonat alerjisi varsa bu ilacı kullanmamalısınız.Periodontal hastalığınız varsa klorheksidin glukonat kullanırken özel tedavilere ihtiyacınız olabilir.Amaç: Bu deneysel çalışmada hem organ kist hidatiği hem de Periton Hidatidozu (PH) tedavisinde önerilen klorheksidin glukonat solüsyonunun farklıKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate konsantrasyonlarının karın içi yapışıklık oluşumu ve sağkalım üzerine etkileri araştırıldı.Durum Değerlendirmesi: PH kist hidatiğin ve cerrahi tedavisinin en önemli komplikasyonudur. Tedavisinde skolisidal maddelerle periton yıkaması ve sonrasında kemoterapi önerilmektedir.
Yöntem: ÇalışmadaKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate ortalama ağırlıkları 300 gr olan 80 adet Wistar-Albino erkek sıçan kullanıldı. Sıçanlar; Grup 1 : % 0.9 NaCl ( Kontrol grubu ), Grup 2 : % 20 NaCl, Grup 3 : % 0.4 klorheksidin glukonat (Klo-Glu), Grup 4 : % 0.04 Klo-Glu, olacak şekilde 4 eşit gruba ayrıldı.Periton yapışıklıklarının ciddi bir sorun oluşturduğu günümüzde, kist hidatik ve periton hidatidozu tedavisinde % 0.04 klorheksidin glukonat kullanımını öneriyoruz. Bu önerimizi klorheksidin glukonatın etkin, toksik olmayan ve periton yapışıklığını arttırmayan bir maddeKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate özelliği nedeniyle sunuyoruz.
ChlorhexidineChlorhexidineKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate (commonly known by the salt forms chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) or chlorhexidine acetate), is a disinfectant and antiseptic that is used for skin disinfection before surgery and to sterilize surgical instruments.[2] It may be used both to disinfect the skin of the patient and the hands of the healthcare providers.[3] Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateIt is also used for cleaning wounds, preventing dental plaque, treating yeast infections of the mouth, and to keep urinary catheters from blocking.[3] It is used as a liquid or powder.[2][3] Side effects may include skin irritation, teeth discoloration, and allergic reactions.[3] It may cause eye problems if direct contact occurs.[1] Use in pregnancy appears to be safe.[4] Chlorhexidine may come mixed in alcohol, water, or surfactant solution.[3] It is effective against a range of microorganisms, but does not inactivate spores.[2]Chlorhexidine came into medical use in the 1950s.[5] Chlorhexidine is available over the counter (OTC) in the United States.[1] It is on the WorldKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.[6] In 2017, it was the 286th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than one million prescriptions.Nepal was the first country in the world to use chlorhexidine to treat the umbilical cord of newborn babies, and received a USAID Pioneers Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconatePrize for reducing the neonatal death rate.[22] Chlorhexidine is very effective for poor countries like Nepal and its use is growing in the world for treating the umbilical cord. A 2015 Cochrane review hasKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate yielded high-quality evidence that within the community setting, chlorhexidine skin or cord care can reduce the incidence of omphalitis (inflammation of the umbilical cord) by 50% and also neonatal mortality by 12%.[23] Chlorhexidine gluconate is used as a skin cleanser for surgical scrubs, a cleanser for skin woundsKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate, for preoperative skin preparation and germicidal hand rinses.[15] Chlorhexidine eye drops have been used as a treatment for eyes affected by Acanthamoeba keratitis.[24]CHG is ototoxic; if put into an ear canaKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconatel which has a ruptured eardrum, it can lead to deafness.[25]CHG does not meet current European specifications for a hand disinfectant. Under the test conditions of the European Standard EN 1499, no significant difference in the efficacy was found between a 4% solution of chlorhexidine digluconate and soap.In theKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate U.S., between 2007 and 2009, Hunter Holmes McGuire Veterans Administration Medical Center conducted a cluster-randomized trial and concluded that daily bathing of patients in intensive care units with washcloths saturated with chlorhexidine gluconate reduced the risk of hospital-acquired infections.Chlorhexidine topical is sold as Betasept, Biopatch, Calgon Vesta, ChloraPrep One-Step, Dyna-Hex, Hibiclens, Hibistat Towelette, Scrub Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateCare Exidine, Spectrum-4 among others.[34]Chlorhexidine gluconate mouth rinse is soldKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate as Paroex, Peridex, PerioChip, Periogard, Dentohexin among others.[35]Hexoralettene N contains benzocaine, menthol and chlorhexidine hydrochloride. It is used as oral antiseptic candies.Whether prolonged exposure over many years may have carcinogenic potential s still not clear.TheKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA recommendation is to limit the use of a chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash to a maximum Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateof sixKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate months. Chlorhexidine gluconate is a germicidal mouthwash that reduces bacteria in the mouth.Chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse is used to treat gingivitis (swelling, redness, bleeding gums). Chlorhexidine gluconate is usually prescribed by a dentist.Chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse is not for treating all types of gingivitis. Use the medication only to treat the condition your dentist prescribed it for. Do not share this medication with another person, even if they have Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconatethe same gum symptoms you have.Chlorhexidine gluconate may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Important InformationChlorhexidine gluconate can cause a rare but serious allergic reaction thatKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate may be life-threatening. Get emergency medical help if you have: hives, severe skin rash; wheezing, difficult breathing; cold sweats, feeling light-headed; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.DoKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate not give this medication to a child or teenager without a doctor's advice. chlorhexidine gluconate may cause severe irritation or chemical burns in young children.Before taking this medicineYou should not use this medication if you are allergic to chlorhexidine gluconate.If you have periodontal disease, Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate you may need special treatments while you are using chlorhexidine gluconate.Do not give this medication to a child or teenager without a doctor's advice. This medicine may cause severe irritation or chemical burns in young children. Chlorhexidine gluconate is not approved for use by anyone younger than 18 years old.It is not known whether this medicine will harm an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant.It is not known whether chlorhexidne gluconate passes into breast milk or if it could affect the nursing baby. Tell your doctor if you are breast-feeding.How should I use chlorhexidine gluconate?Follow all directions on your prescription label. Do not use chlorhexidine gluconate in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended.Rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine gluconate twice daily after brushing your teeth.Measure your dose using the cup provided with the medication. Swish the medicine in your mouth for at least 30 seconds, then spit it out. Do not Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateswallow the mouthwash.Do not add water to the oral rinse. Do not rinse your mouth with water or other mouthwashes right after using chlorhexidine gluconate.Chlorhexidine gluconate may leave an unpleasant taste in your mouth. Do not rinse your mouth to remove this taste after using the medication. You may rinse the medicine away and reduce its effectiveness.Use this medication for the full prescribed length of time. Your symptoms may improve before your gingivitis is completely cleared. Chlorhexidine gluconate will not treat a viral or fungal infection such as cold sores, canker sores, or oral thrush (yeast infection).Visit your dentist at least evKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateery 6 months for preventive tooth and gum care.Store chlorhexidine gluconate at room temperature away from moisture and heat.What happens if I miss a dose?
Use the missed dose as soon as you remember, but brush your teeth first. Skip the missed dose if it is almost time for your next scheduled dose. Do not use extra medicine to make up the missed dose.What happens if I overdose?Seek emergency medical attention or call the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222, especially if a child has swallowed 4 or more ounces of chlorhexidine gluconate.An overdose of chlorhexidine would occur only if the medicine were swallowed. Overdose symptoms may include nausea, stomach pain, or the appearance of being drunk.What should I avoid while taking chlorhexidine gluconate?ChlorhexidineKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate gluconate can stain teeth, dentures, tooth restorations, your tongue, or the inside of your mouth. Talk with your dentist about ways to remove staining from these surfaces. Stains may be harder to remove from false teeth that have scratches in their surfaces.Avoid eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth just after using this medication.Do not use any other mouthwash unless your doctor has told you to. Chlorhexidine gluconate side effectsChlorhexidine gluconate can cause a rare but serious allergic reaction that may be life-threatening. GetKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives, severe skin rash; wheezing, difficult breathing; cold sweats, feeling light-headed; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.Call your doctor at once if you have:white patches or sores inside your mouth or on your lips;mouth ulcers; orswelling of your salivary glands (underneath your jaws).Common side effects may include:mouth irritation;tooth staining;dry mouth;unusual or unpleasant taste in your mouth; ordecreased taste sensation. This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects toKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.ee also:Chlorhexidine topical side effects (in more detail)This medication is used along with regular tooth brushing/flossing to treat gingivitis, a gum disease that causes red, swollen, and easily bleeding gums. Chlorhexidine belongs to a class of drugs known as antimicrobials. It works by decreasing the amount of bacteria in the mouth, helping to reduce swelling and redness of the gums and bleeding when youKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate brush.How to use Chlorhexidine Gluconate MouthwashRinse your mouth with the solution after brushing your teeth, usually twice daily (after breakfast and at bedtime) or as directed by your doctor.Measure 1/2 ounce (15 milliliters) of the solution using the supplied measuring cup. Swish the solution in your mouth for 30 seconds, and then spit it out.Do not swallow the solution or mix it with any other substance. After using chlorhexidine, wait at least 30 minutes before rinsing your mouth with water or mouthwash, brushing your teeth, eating, or drinking.What otherKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate drugs will affect chlorhexidine gluconate? Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateIt is not likely that other drugs you take orally or inject will have an effect on chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse. But many drugs can interact with each other. Tell each of your health care providers about all medicines you use, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate ChlorhexidineChlorhexidineKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate (commonly known by the salt forms chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) or chlorhexidine acetate), is a disinfectant and antiseptic that is used for skin disinfection before surgery and to sterilize surgical instruments.[2] It may be used both to disinfect the skin of the patient and the hands of the healthcare providers.[3] Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateIt is also used for cleaning wounds, preventing dental plaque, treating yeast infections of the mouth, and to keep urinary catheters from blocking.[3] It is used as a liquid or powder.[2][3] Side effects may include skin irritation, teeth discoloration, and allergic reactions.[3] It may cause eye problems if direct contact occurs.[1] Use in pregnancy appears to be safe.[4] Chlorhexidine may come mixed in alcohol, water, or surfactant solution.[3] It is effective against a range of microorganisms, but does not inactivate spores.[2]Chlorhexidine came into medical use in the 1950s.[5] Chlorhexidine is available over the counter (OTC) in the United States.[1] It is on the WorldKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.[6] In 2017, it was the 286th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than one million prescriptions.Nepal was the first country in the world to use chlorhexidine to treat the umbilical cord of newborn babies, and received a USAID Pioneers Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconatePrize for reducing the neonatal death rate.[22] Chlorhexidine is very effective for poor countries like Nepal and its use is growing in the world for treating the umbilical cord. A 2015 Cochrane review hasKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate yielded high-quality evidence that within the community setting, chlorhexidine skin or cord care can reduce the incidence of omphalitis (inflammation of the umbilical cord) by 50% and also neonatal mortality by 12%.[23] Chlorhexidine gluconate is used as a skin cleanser for surgical scrubs, a cleanser for skin woundsKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate, for preoperative skin preparation and germicidal hand rinses.[15] Chlorhexidine eye drops have been used as a treatment for eyes affected by Acanthamoeba keratitis.[24]CHG is ototoxic; if put into an ear canaKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconatel which has a ruptured eardrum, it can lead to deafness.[25]CHG does not meet current European specifications for a hand disinfectant. Under the test conditions of the European Standard EN 1499, no significant difference in the efficacy was found between a 4% solution of chlorhexidine digluconate and soap.In theKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate U.S., between 2007 and 2009, Hunter Holmes McGuire Veterans Administration Medical Center conducted a cluster-randomized trial and concluded that daily bathing of patients in intensive care units with washcloths saturated with chlorhexidine gluconate reduced the risk of hospital-acquired infections.Chlorhexidine topical is sold as Betasept, Biopatch, Calgon Vesta, ChloraPrep One-Step, Dyna-Hex, Hibiclens, Hibistat Towelette, Scrub Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateCare Exidine, Spectrum-4 among others.[34]Chlorhexidine gluconate mouth rinse is soldKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate as Paroex, Peridex, PerioChip, Periogard, Dentohexin among others.[35]Hexoralettene N contains benzocaine, menthol and chlorhexidine hydrochloride. It is used as oral antiseptic candies.Whether prolonged exposure over many years may have carcinogenic potential s still not clear.TheKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA recommendation is to limit the use of a chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash to a maximum Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateof sixKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate months. Chlorhexidine gluconate is a germicidal mouthwash that reduces bacteria in the mouth.Chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse is used to treat gingivitis (swelling, redness, bleeding gums). Chlorhexidine gluconate is usually prescribed by a dentist.Chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse is not for treating all types of gingivitis. Use the medication only to treat the condition your dentist prescribed it for. Do not share this medication with another person, even if they have Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconatethe same gum symptoms you have.Chlorhexidine gluconate may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Important InformationChlorhexidine gluconate can cause a rare but serious allergic reaction thatKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate may be life-threatening. Get emergency medical help if you have: hives, severe skin rash; wheezing, difficult breathing; cold sweats, feeling light-headed; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.DoKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate not give this medication to a child or teenager without a doctor's advice. chlorhexidine gluconate may cause severe irritation or chemical burns in young children.Before taking this medicineYou should not use this medication if you are allergic to chlorhexidine gluconate.If you have periodontal disease, Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate you may need special treatments while you are using chlorhexidine gluconate.Do not give this medication to a child or teenager without a doctor's advice. This medicine may cause severe irritation or chemical burns in young children. Chlorhexidine gluconate is not approved for use by anyone younger than 18 years old.It is not known whether this medicine will harm an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant.It is not known whether chlorhexidne gluconate passes into breast milk or if it could affect the nursing baby. Tell your doctor if you are breast-feeding.How should I use chlorhexidine gluconate?Follow all directions on your prescription label. Do not use chlorhexidine gluconate in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended.Rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine gluconate twice daily after brushing your teeth.Measure your dose using the cup provided with the medication. Swish the medicine in your mouth for at least 30 seconds, then spit it out. Do not Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateswallow the mouthwash.Do not add water to the oral rinse. Do not rinse your mouth with water or other mouthwashes right after using chlorhexidine gluconate.Chlorhexidine gluconate may leave an unpleasant taste in your mouth. Do not rinse your mouth to remove this taste after using the medication. You may rinse the medicine away and reduce its effectiveness.Use this medication for the full prescribed length of time. Your symptoms may improve before your gingivitis is completely cleared. Chlorhexidine gluconate will not treat a viral or fungal infection such as cold sores, canker sores, or oral thrush (yeast infection).Visit your dentist at least evKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateery 6 months for preventive tooth and gum care.Store chlorhexidine gluconate at room temperature away from moisture and heat.What happens if I miss a dose?
Use the missed dose as soon as you remember, but brush your teeth first. Skip the missed dose if it is almost time for your next scheduled dose. Do not use extra medicine to make up the missed dose.What happens if I overdose?Seek emergency medical attention or call the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222, especially if a child has swallowed 4 or more ounces of chlorhexidine gluconate.An overdose of chlorhexidine would occur only if the medicine were swallowed. Overdose symptoms may include nausea, stomach pain, or the appearance of being drunk.What should I avoid while taking chlorhexidine gluconate?ChlorhexidineKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate gluconate can stain teeth, dentures, tooth restorations, your tongue, or the inside of your mouth. Talk with your dentist about ways to remove staining from these surfaces. Stains may be harder to remove from false teeth that have scratches in their surfaces.Avoid eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth just after using this medication.Do not use any other mouthwash unless your doctor has told you to. Chlorhexidine gluconate side effectsChlorhexidine gluconate can cause a rare but serious allergic reaction that may be life-threatening. GetKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives, severe skin rash; wheezing, difficult breathing; cold sweats, feeling light-headed; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.Call your doctor at once if you have:white patches or sores inside your mouth or on your lips;mouth ulcers; orswelling of your salivary glands (underneath your jaws).Common side effects may include:mouth irritation;tooth staining;dry mouth;unusual or unpleasant taste in your mouth; ordecreased taste sensation. This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects toKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.ee also:Chlorhexidine topical side effects (in more detail)This medication is used along with regular tooth brushing/flossing to treat gingivitis, a gum disease that causes red, swollen, and easily bleeding gums. Chlorhexidine belongs to a class of drugs known as antimicrobials. It works by decreasing the amount of bacteria in the mouth, helping to reduce swelling and redness of the gums and bleeding when youKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate brush.How to use Chlorhexidine Gluconate MouthwashRinse your mouth with the solution after brushing your teeth, usually twice daily (after breakfast and at bedtime) or as directed by your doctor.Measure 1/2 ounce (15 milliliters) of the solution using the supplied measuring cup. Swish the solution in your mouth for 30 seconds, and then spit it out.Do not swallow the solution or mix it with any other substance. After using chlorhexidine, wait at least 30 minutes before rinsing your mouth with water or mouthwash, brushing your teeth, eating, or drinking.What otherKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate drugs will affect chlorhexidine gluconate? Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateIt is not likely that other drugs you take orally or inject will have an effect on chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse. But many drugs can interact with each other. Tell each of your health care providers about all medicines you use, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate ChlorhexidineChlorhexidineKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate (commonly known by the salt forms chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) or chlorhexidine acetate), is a disinfectant and antiseptic that is used for skin disinfection before surgery and to sterilize surgical instruments.[2] It may be used both to disinfect the skin of the patient and the hands of the healthcare providers.[3] Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateIt is also used for cleaning wounds, preventing dental plaque, treating yeast infections of the mouth, and to keep urinary catheters from blocking.[3] It is used as a liquid or powder.[2][3] Side effects may include skin irritation, teeth discoloration, and allergic reactions.[3] It may cause eye problems if direct contact occurs.[1] Use in pregnancy appears to be safe.[4] Chlorhexidine may come mixed in alcohol, water, or surfactant solution.[3] It is effective against a range of microorganisms, but does not inactivate spores.[2]Chlorhexidine came into medical use in the 1950s.[5] Chlorhexidine is available over the counter (OTC) in the United States.[1] It is on the WorldKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.[6] In 2017, it was the 286th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than one million prescriptions.Nepal was the first country in the world to use chlorhexidine to treat the umbilical cord of newborn babies, and received a USAID Pioneers Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconatePrize for reducing the neonatal death rate.[22] Chlorhexidine is very effective for poor countries like Nepal and its use is growing in the world for treating the umbilical cord. A 2015 Cochrane review hasKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate yielded high-quality evidence that within the community setting, chlorhexidine skin or cord care can reduce the incidence of omphalitis (inflammation of the umbilical cord) by 50% and also neonatal mortality by 12%.[23] Chlorhexidine gluconate is used as a skin cleanser for surgical scrubs, a cleanser for skin woundsKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate, for preoperative skin preparation and germicidal hand rinses.[15] Chlorhexidine eye drops have been used as a treatment for eyes affected by Acanthamoeba keratitis.[24]CHG is ototoxic; if put into an ear canaKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconatel which has a ruptured eardrum, it can lead to deafness.[25]CHG does not meet current European specifications for a hand disinfectant. Under the test conditions of the European Standard EN 1499, no significant difference in the efficacy was found between a 4% solution of chlorhexidine digluconate and soap.In theKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate U.S., between 2007 and 2009, Hunter Holmes McGuire Veterans Administration Medical Center conducted a cluster-randomized trial and concluded that daily bathing of patients in intensive care units with washcloths saturated with chlorhexidine gluconate reduced the risk of hospital-acquired infections.Chlorhexidine topical is sold as Betasept, Biopatch, Calgon Vesta, ChloraPrep One-Step, Dyna-Hex, Hibiclens, Hibistat Towelette, Scrub Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateCare Exidine, Spectrum-4 among others.[34]Chlorhexidine gluconate mouth rinse is soldKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate as Paroex, Peridex, PerioChip, Periogard, Dentohexin among others.[35]Hexoralettene N contains benzocaine, menthol and chlorhexidine hydrochloride. It is used as oral antiseptic candies.Whether prolonged exposure over many years may have carcinogenic potential s still not clear.TheKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA recommendation is to limit the use of a chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash to a maximum Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateof sixKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate months. Chlorhexidine gluconate is a germicidal mouthwash that reduces bacteria in the mouth.Chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse is used to treat gingivitis (swelling, redness, bleeding gums). Chlorhexidine gluconate is usually prescribed by a dentist.Chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse is not for treating all types of gingivitis. Use the medication only to treat the condition your dentist prescribed it for. Do not share this medication with another person, even if they have Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconatethe same gum symptoms you have.Chlorhexidine gluconate may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Important InformationChlorhexidine gluconate can cause a rare but serious allergic reaction thatKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate may be life-threatening. Get emergency medical help if you have: hives, severe skin rash; wheezing, difficult breathing; cold sweats, feeling light-headed; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.DoKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate not give this medication to a child or teenager without a doctor's advice. chlorhexidine gluconate may cause severe irritation or chemical burns in young children.Before taking this medicineYou should not use this medication if you are allergic to chlorhexidine gluconate.If you have periodontal disease, Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate you may need special treatments while you are using chlorhexidine gluconate.Do not give this medication to a child or teenager without a doctor's advice. This medicine may cause severe irritation or chemical burns in young children. Chlorhexidine gluconate is not approved for use by anyone younger than 18 years old.It is not known whether this medicine will harm an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant.It is not known whether chlorhexidne gluconate passes into breast milk or if it could affect the nursing baby. Tell your doctor if you are breast-feeding.How should I use chlorhexidine gluconate?Follow all directions on your prescription label. Do not use chlorhexidine gluconate in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended.Rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine gluconate twice daily after brushing your teeth.Measure your dose using the cup provided with the medication. Swish the medicine in your mouth for at least 30 seconds, then spit it out. Do not Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateswallow the mouthwash.Do not add water to the oral rinse. Do not rinse your mouth with water or other mouthwashes right after using chlorhexidine gluconate.Chlorhexidine gluconate may leave an unpleasant taste in your mouth. Do not rinse your mouth to remove this taste after using the medication. You may rinse the medicine away and reduce its effectiveness.Use this medication for the full prescribed length of time. Your symptoms may improve before your gingivitis is completely cleared. Chlorhexidine gluconate will not treat a viral or fungal infection such as cold sores, canker sores, or oral thrush (yeast infection).Visit your dentist at least evKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateery 6 months for preventive tooth and gum care.Store chlorhexidine gluconate at room temperature away from moisture and heat.What happens if I miss a dose?
Use the missed dose as soon as you remember, but brush your teeth first. Skip the missed dose if it is almost time for your next scheduled dose. Do not use extra medicine to make up the missed dose.What happens if I overdose?Seek emergency medical attention or call the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222, especially if a child has swallowed 4 or more ounces of chlorhexidine gluconate.An overdose of chlorhexidine would occur only if the medicine were swallowed. Overdose symptoms may include nausea, stomach pain, or the appearance of being drunk.What should I avoid while taking chlorhexidine gluconate?ChlorhexidineKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate gluconate can stain teeth, dentures, tooth restorations, your tongue, or the inside of your mouth. Talk with your dentist about ways to remove staining from these surfaces. Stains may be harder to remove from false teeth that have scratches in their surfaces.Avoid eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth just after using this medication.Do not use any other mouthwash unless your doctor has told you to. Chlorhexidine gluconate side effectsChlorhexidine gluconate can cause a rare but serious allergic reaction that may be life-threatening. GetKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives, severe skin rash; wheezing, difficult breathing; cold sweats, feeling light-headed; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.Call your doctor at once if you have:white patches or sores inside your mouth or on your lips;mouth ulcers; orswelling of your salivary glands (underneath your jaws).Common side effects may include:mouth irritation;tooth staining;dry mouth;unusual or unpleasant taste in your mouth; ordecreased taste sensation. This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects toKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.ee also:Chlorhexidine topical side effects (in more detail)This medication is used along with regular tooth brushing/flossing to treat gingivitis, a gum disease that causes red, swollen, and easily bleeding gums. Chlorhexidine belongs to a class of drugs known as antimicrobials. It works by decreasing the amount of bacteria in the mouth, helping to reduce swelling and redness of the gums and bleeding when youKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate brush.How to use Chlorhexidine Gluconate MouthwashRinse your mouth with the solution after brushing your teeth, usually twice daily (after breakfast and at bedtime) or as directed by your doctor.Measure 1/2 ounce (15 milliliters) of the solution using the supplied measuring cup. Swish the solution in your mouth for 30 seconds, and then spit it out.Do not swallow the solution or mix it with any other substance. After using chlorhexidine, wait at least 30 minutes before rinsing your mouth with water or mouthwash, brushing your teeth, eating, or drinking.What otherKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate drugs will affect chlorhexidine gluconate? Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateIt is not likely that other drugs you take orally or inject will have an effect on chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse. But many drugs can interact with each other. Tell each of your health care providers about all medicines you use, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate ChlorhexidineChlorhexidineKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate (commonly known by the salt forms chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) or chlorhexidine acetate), is a disinfectant and antiseptic that is used for skin disinfection before surgery and to sterilize surgical instruments.[2] It may be used both to disinfect the skin of the patient and the hands of the healthcare providers.[3] Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateIt is also used for cleaning wounds, preventing dental plaque, treating yeast infections of the mouth, and to keep urinary catheters from blocking.[3] It is used as a liquid or powder.[2][3] Side effects may include skin irritation, teeth discoloration, and allergic reactions.[3] It may cause eye problems if direct contact occurs.[1] Use in pregnancy appears to be safe.[4] Chlorhexidine may come mixed in alcohol, water, or surfactant solution.[3] It is effective against a range of microorganisms, but does not inactivate spores.[2]Chlorhexidine came into medical use in the 1950s.[5] Chlorhexidine is available over the counter (OTC) in the United States.[1] It is on the WorldKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.[6] In 2017, it was the 286th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than one million prescriptions.Nepal was the first country in the world to use chlorhexidine to treat the umbilical cord of newborn babies, and received a USAID Pioneers Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconatePrize for reducing the neonatal death rate.[22] Chlorhexidine is very effective for poor countries like Nepal and its use is growing in the world for treating the umbilical cord. A 2015 Cochrane review hasKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate yielded high-quality evidence that within the community setting, chlorhexidine skin or cord care can reduce the incidence of omphalitis (inflammation of the umbilical cord) by 50% and also neonatal mortality by 12%.[23] Chlorhexidine gluconate is used as a skin cleanser for surgical scrubs, a cleanser for skin woundsKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate, for preoperative skin preparation and germicidal hand rinses.[15] Chlorhexidine eye drops have been used as a treatment for eyes affected by Acanthamoeba keratitis.[24]CHG is ototoxic; if put into an ear canaKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconatel which has a ruptured eardrum, it can lead to deafness.[25]CHG does not meet current European specifications for a hand disinfectant. Under the test conditions of the European Standard EN 1499, no significant difference in the efficacy was found between a 4% solution of chlorhexidine digluconate and soap.In theKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate U.S., between 2007 and 2009, Hunter Holmes McGuire Veterans Administration Medical Center conducted a cluster-randomized trial and concluded that daily bathing of patients in intensive care units with washcloths saturated with chlorhexidine gluconate reduced the risk of hospital-acquired infections.Chlorhexidine topical is sold as Betasept, Biopatch, Calgon Vesta, ChloraPrep One-Step, Dyna-Hex, Hibiclens, Hibistat Towelette, Scrub Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateCare Exidine, Spectrum-4 among others.[34]Chlorhexidine gluconate mouth rinse is soldKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate as Paroex, Peridex, PerioChip, Periogard, Dentohexin among others.[35]Hexoralettene N contains benzocaine, menthol and chlorhexidine hydrochloride. It is used as oral antiseptic candies.Whether prolonged exposure over many years may have carcinogenic potential s still not clear.TheKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA recommendation is to limit the use of a chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash to a maximum Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateof sixKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate months. Chlorhexidine gluconate is a germicidal mouthwash that reduces bacteria in the mouth.Chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse is used to treat gingivitis (swelling, redness, bleeding gums). Chlorhexidine gluconate is usually prescribed by a dentist.Chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse is not for treating all types of gingivitis. Use the medication only to treat the condition your dentist prescribed it for. Do not share this medication with another person, even if they have Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconatethe same gum symptoms you have.Chlorhexidine gluconate may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Important InformationChlorhexidine gluconate can cause a rare but serious allergic reaction thatKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate may be life-threatening. Get emergency medical help if you have: hives, severe skin rash; wheezing, difficult breathing; cold sweats, feeling light-headed; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.DoKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate not give this medication to a child or teenager without a doctor's advice. chlorhexidine gluconate may cause severe irritation or chemical burns in young children.Before taking this medicineYou should not use this medication if you are allergic to chlorhexidine gluconate.If you have periodontal disease, Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate you may need special treatments while you are using chlorhexidine gluconate.Do not give this medication to a child or teenager without a doctor's advice. This medicine may cause severe irritation or chemical burns in young children. Chlorhexidine gluconate is not approved for use by anyone younger than 18 years old.It is not known whether this medicine will harm an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant.It is not known whether chlorhexidne gluconate passes into breast milk or if it could affect the nursing baby. Tell your doctor if you are breast-feeding.How should I use chlorhexidine gluconate?Follow all directions on your prescription label. Do not use chlorhexidine gluconate in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended.Rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine gluconate twice daily after brushing your teeth.Measure your dose using the cup provided with the medication. Swish the medicine in your mouth for at least 30 seconds, then spit it out. Do not Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateswallow the mouthwash.Do not add water to the oral rinse. Do not rinse your mouth with water or other mouthwashes right after using chlorhexidine gluconate.Chlorhexidine gluconate may leave an unpleasant taste in your mouth. Do not rinse your mouth to remove this taste after using the medication. You may rinse the medicine away and reduce its effectiveness.Use this medication for the full prescribed length of time. Your symptoms may improve before your gingivitis is completely cleared. Chlorhexidine gluconate will not treat a viral or fungal infection such as cold sores, canker sores, or oral thrush (yeast infection).Visit your dentist at least evKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateery 6 months for preventive tooth and gum care.Store chlorhexidine gluconate at room temperature away from moisture and heat.What happens if I miss a dose?
Use the missed dose as soon as you remember, but brush your teeth first. Skip the missed dose if it is almost time for your next scheduled dose. Do not use extra medicine to make up the missed dose.What happens if I overdose?Seek emergency medical attention or call the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222, especially if a child has swallowed 4 or more ounces of chlorhexidine gluconate.An overdose of chlorhexidine would occur only if the medicine were swallowed. Overdose symptoms may include nausea, stomach pain, or the appearance of being drunk.What should I avoid while taking chlorhexidine gluconate?ChlorhexidineKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate gluconate can stain teeth, dentures, tooth restorations, your tongue, or the inside of your mouth. Talk with your dentist about ways to remove staining from these surfaces. Stains may be harder to remove from false teeth that have scratches in their surfaces.Avoid eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth just after using this medication.Do not use any other mouthwash unless your doctor has told you to. Chlorhexidine gluconate side effectsChlorhexidine gluconate can cause a rare but serious allergic reaction that may be life-threatening. GetKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives, severe skin rash; wheezing, difficult breathing; cold sweats, feeling light-headed; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.Call your doctor at once if you have:white patches or sores inside your mouth or on your lips;mouth ulcers; orswelling of your salivary glands (underneath your jaws).Common side effects may include:mouth irritation;tooth staining;dry mouth;unusual or unpleasant taste in your mouth; ordecreased taste sensation. This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects toKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.ee also:Chlorhexidine topical side effects (in more detail)This medication is used along with regular tooth brushing/flossing to treat gingivitis, a gum disease that causes red, swollen, and easily bleeding gums. Chlorhexidine belongs to a class of drugs known as antimicrobials. It works by decreasing the amount of bacteria in the mouth, helping to reduce swelling and redness of the gums and bleeding when youKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate brush.How to use Chlorhexidine Gluconate MouthwashRinse your mouth with the solution after brushing your teeth, usually twice daily (after breakfast and at bedtime) or as directed by your doctor.Measure 1/2 ounce (15 milliliters) of the solution using the supplied measuring cup. Swish the solution in your mouth for 30 seconds, and then spit it out.Do not swallow the solution or mix it with any other substance. After using chlorhexidine, wait at least 30 minutes before rinsing your mouth with water or mouthwash, brushing your teeth, eating, or drinking.What otherKlorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate drugs will affect chlorhexidine gluconate? Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconateIt is not likely that other drugs you take orally or inject will have an effect on chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse. But many drugs can interact with each other. Tell each of your health care providers about all medicines you use, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Klorhekzidinglukonat, klorhexidinglukonat, klor hekzidine glukonate, klor hexidin glukonat, klorhexidine glukonat, chlorhexidinegluconate, chlorhexıdınegluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, chlor hexidine gluconate, chlor hexidinegluconate, chlor hexıdıne gluconate