MAA olarak kısaltılan metakrilik asit, organik bir bileşiktir. Bu renksiz, viskoz sıvı, buruk, hoş olmayan bir kokuya sahip bir karboksilik asittir.
Ilık suda çözünür ve çoğu organik çözücü ile karışabilir.
Metakrilik asit, esterlerine, özellikle metil metakrilat (MMA) ve poli (metil metakrilat) (PMMA) için öncü olarak endüstriyel olarak büyük ölçekte üretilir.
MAA, Roma papatyası yağında doğal olarak küçük miktarlarda bulunur.
Tercih edilen IUPAC adı: 2-Metilprop-2-enoik asit. Diğer isimler: Metakrilik asit; 2-Metil-2-propenoik asit; a-Metakrilik asit; 2-Metilakrilik asit; 2-Metilpropenoik asit
CAS Numarası: 79-41-4
Adı: Metakrilik asit
CAS: 79-41-4
Moleküler Formül: C4H6O2
Moleküler Ağırlık: 86.09
CAS 79-41-4
79-41-4 - İsimler ve Tanımlayıcılar
Adı: Metakrilik asit
Eş anlamlılar: 2-Metilpropenoik asit; 2-Metilakrilik asit; Metilakrilik Asit; Metilakrilik Asit; a-Metilakrilik asit; CAS: 79-41-4; EINECS: 201-204-4
79-41-4 - Fiziko-kimyasal Özellikler
Moleküler Formül: C4H6O2
Molar Kütle: 86.09 g / mol
Yoğunluk: 1.015
Erime Noktası: 16℃
Boling Noktası: 163℃
Parlama Noktası: 76 ℃
Çözünürlük: 9,7 g / 100 mL (20 ℃)
Kırılma İndeksi: 1.4295
En yaygın şekilde, metakrilik asit, sülfürik asit kullanılarak metakrilamid sülfata dönüştürülen aseton siyanohidrinden hazırlanır.
Bu türev daha sonra tek aşamada metakrilik aside hidrolize edilir veya metil metakrilata esterlenir.
İkinci yolda, izobutilen veya tert-butanol, metakroleine, ardından metakrilik aside oksitlenir.
Bu amaç için metakrolein, formaldehit ve etilenden de elde edilebilir.
İzobütirik asit ayrıca metakrilik aside dehidrojenize edilebilir.
Ayrıca itakonik asit, sitrakonik asit ve mesakonik asidin dekarboksilasyonu ile de hazırlanabilir. Bu tür yeşil öncülerin ticari değeri yoktur.
Bununla birlikte, sitra- veya mezo-brompirotartarik asitlerin alkalilerle kaynatılmasıyla elde edilir.
Metakrilik asit, akrilik tırnakların tırnak plağına yapışmasına yardımcı olmak için bazı tırnak astarlarında kullanılır.
Metakrilik asit ilk önce fosfor pentaklorürün oksiizobütirik ester (beta-hidroksi-bütirik asit veya 3-hidroksibütirik asit ile eşanlamlısı) ile işlenmesiyle etil esteri formunda elde edildi.
Bir alkali ile birleştiğinde propanoik asit oluşturur. Sodyum amalgam onu izobütirik aside indirger.
Polimerik bir metakrilik asit formu 1880'de tarif edildi.
Metakrilik asit, keskin bir kokuya sahip berrak renksiz bir sıvı (veya düşük erime noktalı katı) olarak görünür.
Metaller ve dokular için aşındırıcıdır. Parlama noktası 170 ° F. Erime noktası 61 ° F.
Isıtıldığında veya kirlendiğinde ekzotermik olarak polimerize olabilir.
Polimerizasyon bir kap içinde gerçekleşirse, kap şiddetli bir şekilde parçalanabilir.
Sudan daha az yoğun. Havadan daha ağır buharlar. Plastik yapmak için kullanılır.
Metakrilik asit, 2 konumundaki hidrojenin bir metil grubu ile ikame edildiği akrilik asit olan bir alfa, beta-doymamış monokarboksilik asittir.
Akrilik bir asitten elde edilir. Bir metakrilatın eşlenik asididir.
2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-
2-Methylacrylic acid
Methylacrylic acid
2-Methylpropenoic acid
2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid
2-methylprop-2-enoic acid
alpha-Methylacrylic acid
2-Methylenepropionic acid
Acrylic acid, 2-methyl-
alpha-Methacrylic acid
Propionic acid, 2-methylene-
Kyselina methakrylova
Propenoic acid, 2-methyl
NSC 7393
Acido metacrilico [Spanish]
Acide methacrylique [French]
Kyselina methakrylova [Czech]
CCRIS 5925
2-Methyl-acrylic acid
HSDB 2649
.alpha.-Methacrylic acid
EINECS 201-204-4
.alpha.-Methylacrylic acid
Polymethacrylic acid
Acido metacrilico
2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, homopolymer
Methacrylic acid homopolymer
Acide methacrylique
Methacrylic acid, 99.5%, extra pure, stabilized
Methyl acrylic acid
GMAA Methacrylic Acid
Methacrylic acid glacial
Methacrylic acid monomer
Glacial Methacrylic Acid
EC 201-204-4
Methacrylic acid, inhibited
2-Propenoicacid, 2-methyl-
2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid
2-Methylacrylic acid
2-Methylenepropionic acid
2-Methylpropenoic acid
2-methylpropenoic acid
2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-
Acide methacrylique
Acido metacrilico
Acrylic acid, 2-methyl-
alpha-Methylacrylic acid
Kyselina methakrylova
Methacrylic acid
Methacrylic acid
methacrylic acid
methacrylic acid; 2-methylpropenoic acid
Propenoic acid, 2-methyl
Propionic acid, 2-methylene-
Translated names
2- methylpropenová kyselina (cs)
2- metilpropénsav (hu)
2-methylpropensyre (da)
2-Methylpropensäure (de)
2-metil-propenonska kiselina (hr)
2-metilpropeno rūgštis (lt)
2-metilpropenojska kislina (sl)
2-metilpropānskābe (lv)
2-metylpropensyra (sv)
2-metylpropensyre (no)
2-Metyylipropeenihappo (fi)
2-metüülpropeenhape (et)
2-метилпропенолова киселина (bg)
acid 2-metil propenoic (ro)
acid metacrilic (ro)
acide méthacrylique; acide 2-méthylpropénoïque (fr)
acido 2-metil propenoico (it)
acido metacrilico (it)
kwas 2-metylopropenowy (pl)
kwas metakrylowy (pl)
kyselina 2-metylpropénová (sk)
kyselina metakrylová (sk)
metakrilna kiselina (hr)
metakrilna kislina (sl)
metakrilo rūgštis (lt)
metakrilsav (hu)
metakrilskābe (lv)
metakrylsyra (sv)
metakrylsyre (no)
Metakryylihappo (fi)
Metakrüülhape (et)
methacrylsyre (da)
Methacrylsäure (de)
methacrylzuur (nl)
methakrylová kyselina (cs)
ácido 2-metilpropenoico (es)
ácido 2-metilpropenóico (pt)
ácido metacrílico (es)
ácido metacrílico (pt)
μεθακρυλικό οξύ 2-μεθυλοπροπενικό οξύ (el)
мeтакрилова киселина (bg)
CAS names
2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-
IUPAC names
2- methylpropenoic acid
2-methyl-2-propenic acid
2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid
2-methylacrylic acid
2-Methylprop-2-enoic acid
2-methylprop-2-enoic acid
2-methylprop-2-enoic acid
2-methylpropenic acid
2-methylpropenoic acid
2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-
Methacrylic acid
methacrylic acid
Methacrylic Acid
Methacrylic acid
methacrylic acid
Methacrylic Acid (stabilized with MEHQ)
methacrylic acid; 2-methylpropenoic acid
methyacrylate acid
methyl propenoate
sodium 2-methylprop-2-enoate
Trade names
.alpha.-Methacrylic acid
.alpha.-Methylacrylic acid
2-Methacrylic acid
2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid
2-Methylacrylic acid
2-Methylenepropenoic acid
2-Methylpropenoic acid
2-propanoic acid, 2-methyl
2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl
2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl- (9CI)
Acide methacrylique (french)
Acido metacrilico (spanish)
Acrylic acid, 2-methyl
alpha methacrylic acid
alpha-methacrylic acid
alpha-methylacrylic acid
Glacial Methacrylic Acid (GMAA)
Isobutenoic acid
Kyselina methakrylova (czech)
Methacrylic acid
methacrylic acid
Methacrylic acid (8CI)
Methacrylic Acid (MAA)
Methacrylic Acid A-102
Methacrylsäure (german)
Methylacrylic acid
Prop-2-enoic acid, 2-methyl- (PICCS)
Propenoic acid, 2-methyl
Propenoic acid, 2-methylene
Methacrylic acid, abbreviated MAA, is an organic compound. This colorless, viscous liquid is a carboxylic acid with an acrid unpleasant odor.
It is soluble in warm water and miscible with most organic solvents.
Methacrylic acid is produced industrially on a large scale as a precursor to its esters, especially methyl methacrylate (MMA) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA).
MAA occurs naturally in small amounts in the oil of Roman chamomile.
Preferred IUPAC name: 2-Methylprop-2-enoic acid. Other names: Methacrylic acid; 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid; α-Methacrylic acid; 2-Methylacrylic acid; 2-Methylpropenoic acid
CAS Number: 79-41-4
Name: Methacrylic acid
CAS: 79-41-4
Molecular Formula: C4H6O2
Molecular Weight: 86.09
CAS 79-41-4
79-41-4 - Names and Identifiers
Name: Methacrylic acid
Synonyms: 2-Methylpropenoic acid; 2-Methylacrylic acid; Methlacrylic Acid; Methylacrylic Acid; α-Methylacrylic acid; CAS: 79-41-4; EINECS: 201-204-4
79-41-4 - Physico-chemical Properties
Molecular Formula:C4H6O2
Molar Mass: 86.09 g/mol
Density: 1.015
Melting Point: 16℃
Boling Point: 163℃
Flash Point: 76℃
Solubility: 9.7 g/100 mL (20℃)
Refractive Index: 1.4295
In the most common route, methacrylic acid is prepared from acetone cyanohydrin, which is converted to methacrylamide sulfate using sulfuric acid.
This derivative in turn is hydrolyzed to methacrylic acid, or esterified to methyl methacrylate in one step.
In the second route, isobutylene or tert-butanol are oxidized to methacrolein, then methacrylic acid.
Methacrolein for this purpose can also be obtained from formaldehyde and ethylene.
Isobutyric acid can also be dehydrogenated to methacrylic acid.
It can also be prepared by decarboxylation of itaconic acid, citraconic acid, and mesaconic acid. Such green precursors are not of commercial value.
It is, however, obtained by boiling citra- or meso-brompyrotartaric acids with alkalis.
Methacrylic acid is used in some nail primers to help acrylic nails adhere to the nail plate.
Methacrylic acid was first obtained in the form of its ethyl ester by treating phosphorus pentachloride with oxyisobutyric ester (A synonym for beta-hydroxy-butyric acid or 3-hydroxybutyric acid) .
When fused with an alkali, it forms propanoic acid. Sodium amalgam reduces it to isobutyric acid.
A polymeric form of methacrylic acid was described in 1880.
Methacrylic acid appears as a clear colorless liquid (or low-melting solid) with a pungent odor.
Corrosive to metals and tissue. Flash point 170°F. Melting point 61°F.
May polymerize exothermically if heated or contaminated.
If the polymerization takes place inside a container, the container may rupture violently.
Less dense than water. Vapors heavier than air. Used to make plastics.
Methacrylic acid is an alpha,beta-unsaturated monocarboxylic acid that is acrylic acid in which the hydrogen at position 2 is substituted by a methyl group.
It derives from an acrylic acid. It is a conjugate acid of a methacrylate.
2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-
2-Methylacrylic acid
Methylacrylic acid
2-Methylpropenoic acid
2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid
2-methylprop-2-enoic acid
alpha-Methylacrylic acid
2-Methylenepropionic acid
Acrylic acid, 2-methyl-
alpha-Methacrylic acid
Propionic acid, 2-methylene-
Kyselina methakrylova
Propenoic acid, 2-methyl
NSC 7393
Acido metacrilico [Spanish]
Acide methacrylique [French]
Kyselina methakrylova [Czech]
CCRIS 5925
2-Methyl-acrylic acid
HSDB 2649
.alpha.-Methacrylic acid
EINECS 201-204-4
.alpha.-Methylacrylic acid
Polymethacrylic acid
Acido metacrilico
2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, homopolymer
Methacrylic acid homopolymer
Acide methacrylique
Methacrylic acid, 99.5%, extra pure, stabilized
Methyl acrylic acid
GMAA Methacrylic Acid
Methacrylic acid glacial
Methacrylic acid monomer
Glacial Methacrylic Acid
EC 201-204-4
Methacrylic acid, inhibited
2-Propenoicacid, 2-methyl-
2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid
2-Methylacrylic acid
2-Methylenepropionic acid
2-Methylpropenoic acid
2-methylpropenoic acid
2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-
Acide methacrylique
Acido metacrilico
Acrylic acid, 2-methyl-
alpha-Methylacrylic acid
Kyselina methakrylova
Methacrylic acid
Methacrylic acid
methacrylic acid
methacrylic acid; 2-methylpropenoic acid
Propenoic acid, 2-methyl
Propionic acid, 2-methylene-
Translated names
2- methylpropenová kyselina (cs)
2- metilpropénsav (hu)
2-methylpropensyre (da)
2-Methylpropensäure (de)
2-metil-propenonska kiselina (hr)
2-metilpropeno rūgštis (lt)
2-metilpropenojska kislina (sl)
2-metilpropānskābe (lv)
2-metylpropensyra (sv)
2-metylpropensyre (no)
2-Metyylipropeenihappo (fi)
2-metüülpropeenhape (et)
2-метилпропенолова киселина (bg)
acid 2-metil propenoic (ro)
acid metacrilic (ro)
acide méthacrylique; acide 2-méthylpropénoïque (fr)
acido 2-metil propenoico (it)
acido metacrilico (it)
kwas 2-metylopropenowy (pl)
kwas metakrylowy (pl)
kyselina 2-metylpropénová (sk)
kyselina metakrylová (sk)
metakrilna kiselina (hr)
metakrilna kislina (sl)
metakrilo rūgštis (lt)
metakrilsav (hu)
metakrilskābe (lv)
metakrylsyra (sv)
metakrylsyre (no)
Metakryylihappo (fi)
Metakrüülhape (et)
methacrylsyre (da)
Methacrylsäure (de)
methacrylzuur (nl)
methakrylová kyselina (cs)
ácido 2-metilpropenoico (es)
ácido 2-metilpropenóico (pt)
ácido metacrílico (es)
ácido metacrílico (pt)
μεθακρυλικό οξύ 2-μεθυλοπροπενικό οξύ (el)
мeтакрилова киселина (bg)
CAS names
2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-
IUPAC names
2- methylpropenoic acid
2-methyl-2-propenic acid
2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid
2-methylacrylic acid
2-Methylprop-2-enoic acid
2-methylprop-2-enoic acid
2-methylprop-2-enoic acid
2-methylpropenic acid
2-methylpropenoic acid
2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-
Methacrylic acid
methacrylic acid
Methacrylic Acid
Methacrylic acid
methacrylic acid
Methacrylic Acid (stabilized with MEHQ)
methacrylic acid; 2-methylpropenoic acid
methyacrylate acid
methyl propenoate
sodium 2-methylprop-2-enoate
Trade names
.alpha.-Methacrylic acid
.alpha.-Methylacrylic acid
2-Methacrylic acid
2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid
2-Methylacrylic acid
2-Methylenepropenoic acid
2-Methylpropenoic acid
2-propanoic acid, 2-methyl
2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl
2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl- (9CI)
Acide methacrylique (french)
Acido metacrilico (spanish)
Acrylic acid, 2-methyl
alpha methacrylic acid
alpha-methacrylic acid
alpha-methylacrylic acid
Glacial Methacrylic Acid (GMAA)
Isobutenoic acid
Kyselina methakrylova (czech)
Methacrylic acid
methacrylic acid
Methacrylic acid (8CI)
Methacrylic Acid (MAA)
Methacrylic Acid A-102
Methacrylsäure (german)
Methylacrylic acid
Prop-2-enoic acid, 2-methyl- (PICCS)
Propenoic acid, 2-methyl
Propenoic acid, 2-methylene