SYNONYMS; [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4-ol; 202-179-2; 4-Biphenylol; 4-Phenylphenol; 4-Biphenylol; 92-69-3; Biphenyl-4-ol; DV5850000; (1,1'-Biphenyl)-2-ol; (1,1'-Biphenyl)-4-ol; PREVENTOL; D9; PREVENTOL9; PREVENTOLD9; PREVENT OL D9; (1,1'-Biphenyl)ol; [1,1'-Biphenyl]-2-ol; 110617-59-9; 126840-28-6; 192076-92-9 secondary; 1-Hydroxy-2-phenylbenzene; 1-Hydroxy-4-phenylbenzene; 2-Biphenylol; 2-Fenylfenol; 2-hydroxy biphenyl; 2-hydroxybiphenyl; preventol; 2-Hydroxydiphenyl; d9; 2-Phenyl phenol; 39387-78-5 secondary; 4-phenylphenol; 4-Hydroxy Biphenyl (en); 4-Hydroxy-1,1'-biphenyl; 4-HYDROXY-BIPHENYL; 4-Hydroxybiphenyl (4-Phenylphenol); preventol d9; 4-hydroxybiphenyl standard; preventol d9; 4-HYDROXYBIPHENYL-D9 (RINGS-D9); 4-Hydroxyphenylcyclohexane; 4-phenyl phenol; 4-phenylphenol 99%; 4-phenylphenol, 97%; 4-phenylphenol, preventol; 98%; 4-phenylphenol, 99%; preventol d9; 4-Phenylphenol202-179-2MFCD00002347; 4-Hydroxy Biphenyl; Biphenyl, 2-hydroxy-; Biphenyl, 4-hydroxy-; Biphenyl-2-o1; Biphenyl-2-ol; Biphenylol; BIPHENYLOL (MIXED ISOMERS); C019046; CHEMBL73380; preventol d9; para-hydroxydiphenyl; Paraxenol; p-biphenylol; Phenol p-phenyl; Phenol, o-phenyl-; Phenol, p-phenyl; Phenyl-2 phenol; p-Hydroxybiphenyl; p-hydroxydiphenyl; p-Hydroxydiphenyl;p-Phenylphenol; p-phenyl phenol; p-phenylphenol mostly para isomer; Preventol O extra; p-Xenol; d9; OPP alkali salt formulation; Preventol OF 45; Preventol trial product OC 3041; Preventol VP.OC 3041; 4-Phenylphenol; 92-69-3; Biphenyl-4-ol; [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4-ol; 4-HYDROXYBIPHENYL; 4-Biphenylol; p-Phenylphenol; p-Hydroxybiphenyl; 4-Hydroxydiphenyl; p-Hydroxydiphenyl; p-Biphenylol; 4-Diphenylol; Paraxenol; para-Phenylphenol;
para-Hydroxydiphenyl; preventol d9; Tetrasin P 300; Phenol p-phenyl; 1-Hydroxy-4-phenylbenzene; Tetrosin P 300; 4-phenyl phenol; (1,1'-Biphenyl)-4-ol; Biphenyl, 4-hydroxy-; [1,1'-Biphenyl]ol; p-phenyl phenol; UNII-50LH4BZ6MD; NSC 1858; CCRIS 1836; HSDB 5277; (1,1'-Biphenyl)ol; 4-Phenylphenol, 97%; EINECS 202-179-2; MFCD00002347; 4-HYDROXY-BIPHENYL;
4-Hydroxy-1,1'-biphenyl; 50LH4BZ6MD; CHEMBL73380; AI3-00080; CHEBI:34422; 4-HYDROXYBIPHENYL (4-PHENYLPHENOL); DSSTox_CID_1152; DSSTox_RID_75979;
DSSTox_GSID_21152; 4-Phenylphenol, analytical standard; CAS-92-69-3; 4-phenyl-phenol;
p-Xenol; Phenol, p-phenyl; 4'-hydroxybiphenyl; 4-hydroxy biphenyl; prevent; EINECS 215-333-9;
PubChem17429; BIDD:ER0225; [1,1''-biphenyl]-4-ol; DTXSID7021152; KS-00000JRP; NSC1858;
HMS1369I22; NSC-1858; ZINC1510005; Tox21_202220; Tox21_302734; ANW-75564; BBL009748;
BDBM50149238; KM3135; SBB060890; 4-Phenylphenol, purified by sublimation, 99%; C14224;
AB01331816-02; SR-01000395951; SR-01000395951-1; W-100277; preventol d9; Biphenylol; 92-69-3; Biphenyl-4-ol; DV5850000; (1,1'-Biphenyl)-2-ol; (1,1'-Biphenyl)-4-ol; PREVENTOL; D9; PREVENTOL9; PREVENTOLD9; PREVENT OL D9; (1,1'-Biphenyl)ol; [1,1'-Biphenyl]-2-ol; 110617-59-9; 126840-28-6; 192076-92-9 secondary; 1-Hydroxy-2-phenylbenzene; 1-Hydroxy-4-phenylbenzene; 2-Biphenylol; 2-Fenylfenol; 2-hydroxy biphenyl; 2-hydroxybiphenyl; preventol; 2-Hydroxydiphenyl; d9; 2-Phenyl phenol; 39387-78-5 secondary; 4-phenylphenol; 4-Hydroxy Biphenyl (en); 4-Hydroxy-1,1'-biphenyl; 4-HYDROXY-BIPHENYL; 4-Hydroxybiphenyl (4-Phenylphenol); preventol d9; 4-hydroxybiphenyl standard; preventol d9; 4-HYDROXYBIPHENYL-D9 (RINGS-D9); 4-Hydroxyphenylcyclohexane; 4-phenyl phenol; 4-phenylphenol 99%; 4-phenylphenol, 97%; 4-phenylphenol, preventol; 98%; 4-phenylphenol, 99%; preventol d9; 4-Phenylphenol202-179-2MFCD00002347; 4-Hydroxy Biphenyl; Biphenyl, 2-hydroxy-; Biphenyl, 4-hydroxy-; Biphenyl-2-o1; Biphenyl-2-ol; Biphenylol; BIPHENYLOL (MIXED ISOMERS); C019046; CHEMBL73380; preventol d9; para-hydroxydiphenyl; Paraxenol; p-biphenylol; Phenol p-phenyl; Phenol, o-phenyl-; Phenol, p-phenyl; Phenyl-2 phenol; p-Hydroxybiphenyl; p-hydroxydiphenyl; p-Hydroxydiphenyl;p-Phenylphenol; p-phenyl phenol; p-phenylphenol mostly para isomer; Preventol O extra; p-Xenol; d9; OPP alkali salt formulation; Preventol OF 45; Preventol trial product OC 3041; Preventol VP.OC 3041; 4-Phenylphenol; 92-69-3; Biphenyl-4-ol; [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4-ol; 4-HYDROXYBIPHENYL; 4-Biphenylol; p-Phenylphenol; p-Hydroxybiphenyl; 4-Hydroxydiphenyl; p-Hydroxydiphenyl; p-Biphenylol; 4-Diphenylol; Paraxenol; para-Phenylphenol;
para-Hydroxydiphenyl; preventol d9; Tetrasin P 300; Phenol p-phenyl; 1-Hydroxy-4-phenylbenzene; Tetrosin P 300; 4-phenyl phenol; (1,1'-Biphenyl)-4-ol; Biphenyl, 4-hydroxy-; [1,1'-Biphenyl]ol; p-phenyl phenol; UNII-50LH4BZ6MD; NSC 1858; CCRIS 1836; HSDB 5277; (1,1'-Biphenyl)ol; 4-Phenylphenol, 97%; EINECS 202-179-2; MFCD00002347; 4-HYDROXY-BIPHENYL;
4-Hydroxy-1,1'-biphenyl; 50LH4BZ6MD; CHEMBL73380; AI3-00080; CHEBI:34422; 4-HYDROXYBIPHENYL (4-PHENYLPHENOL)
4-Bisfenol veya preventol, (CH3)2C(C6H4OH)2 formülüne sahip sentetik organik bileşik. İki hidroksifenil grubu barındırır, difenilmetanlar ve bisfenoller altında incelenir. Renksiz katı halde bulunan BPA, organik çözücülerle çözünse de suda çok az çözünür.
1957 yılından beri ticari anlamda üretimi devam eden 4-bifenol bazı plastiklerin ve epoksi reçinelerinin yapımında kullanılır. 4-bifenol -bazlı plastik daha berrak ve serttir. Bu nedenle su şişeleri, spor ekipmanları, CD'ler ve DVD'lerde yoğun olarak kullanılır. preventol içeren epoksi reçineleri ise su borularını astarlamak için kullanılır. Bunun yanında birçok endüstriyel yiyecek-içecek kaplarının iç yüzeyini kaplamakta ve satış fişlerinde kullanılan termal kâğıtların yapımında kullanılır.[1] 2015 yılında tahmini olarak 4 milyon ton üretilen 4-bifenol, dünya çapında en çok üretilen kimyasal maddelerden biridir.[2]
Hidroklorik asit başta olmak üzere, asit sınıfındaki maddeler aracılığıyla işlenmeye müsait olan madde, aşağıdaki gibi elde edilebilmektedir.
PREVENTOL, korunmasız cinsel ilişkiden sonra gebeliği önlemek için kullanılabilen hormonal bir doğum kontrol yöntemidir. Her biri 0.75 mg Levonorgestrel içeren iki oral haptan oluşur. PREVENTOL, yakın zamanda korunmasız cinsel ilişkiye girmiş veya kontraseptif başarısızlık yaşayan ve hamilelikten kaçınmak isteyen kadınlar için önemli bir seçenektir. İlişki ile sonuçlanan cinsel saldırı, PREVENTOL kullanımının önemli bir göstergesidir. Acil kontrasepsiyonda kullanılan iki tür rejim vardır: sadece Levonorgestrel rejimi ve kombine östrojen-progestin rejimi.
PREVENTOL ilk rejime girer. Sadece levonorgestrel hapları, kombine oral kontraseptif haplar kadar etkilidir ve daha az yan etkiye sahiptir. Bununla birlikte, bu iki rejim de yerleşik bir hamileliği bozmaz. PREVENTOL'ün kesin etki şekli bilinmemektedir. Araştırmalar, yumurtlamayı engelleyerek veya geciktirerek, sperm, yumurta veya embriyonun taşınmasını değiştirerek, korpus luteum işlevine müdahale ederek, döllenmeyi önleyerek ve implantasyonu engelleyerek hamileliği önlediğini göstermektedir.
Preventol d9 Yapıştırıcıların, tutkalların, polimer dispersiyonların ve emülsiyonların, metal işleme / kesme sıvılarının, boyaların, endüstriyel yağlayıcıların, pigmentlerin ve dolgu süspansiyonlarının, inşaat endüstrisindeki malzemelerin (örn. Beton katkı maddeleri, derz çimentoları), boya ve kaplamaların, kağıt, tekstilin korunması için üretimin her aşamasında fotoğraf, petrol endüstrileri ve deri.
PREVENTOL UYGULAMALARI • Preventol® CMK Koruyucunun ürünün bitmiş formülasyonda eşit olarak dağılmasını sağlamak için önceden çözülmesi (örn. Alkol, glikol veya kostik soda solüsyonu) önerilir. • Preventol® CMK Preservative, alkali stok solüsyonu şeklinde de eklenebilir. o% 30 PREVENTOL® CMK Koruyucu içeren bir stok çözelti, 1 kg Preventol® CMK Koruyucu 1.85 litre su ve 0.5 kg% 50 kostik soda çözeltisi çözünene kadar karıştırılarak formüle edilebilir. o Sıvı nazikçe ısıtılarak çözülme hızlandırılabilir. • PREVENTOL® CMK Preservative'in buhar uçuculuğu, belirli uygulamalarda dikkate alınmalıdır (örneğin, Preventol® CMK Preservative içeren tutkal bulamaçlarını kuruturken)
Uygulama alanları
• Beton katkılarının korunması
• İnşaat sektörü - Duvar macunları, sıvalar, sızdırmazlık malzemeleri vb. İçin Mikrobiyal saldırıya karşı koruma
• Doğal ve sentetik yapıştırıcıların korunması
• Raf ömrünü uzatmak için boyaların kutu içinde saklanması
• Uygulama sonrası kaplama yüzeyinin kuru film ile korunması Su arıtma kimyasalları
• Endüstriyel koruma
• Dezenfektanlar ve biyosidal aktifler
Kullanım Alanları Sulu kaplamaların, polimer dispersiyonların, dolgu süspansiyonlarının, yapıştırıcı ve kıvam arttırıcıların solüsyonları ve dispersiyonlarının, beton katkı maddelerinin, yağ emülsiyonlarının, cilaların vb. Korunması için. Yüzey aktif maddelerin, temizleyicilerin ve dezenfektanların korunması için. Depolama Orijinal kapalı ambalajında, oda sıcaklığında doğru şekilde saklanır ve saklanırsa, raf ömrü 1 yıldır. Ürün ısıdan (sıcaklık 40 ° C'yi geçmemelidir) ve dondan korunmalıdır. Uygulamalar Geniş aktivite yelpazesi, suda iyi çözünürlüğü ve düşük akut toksisitesi ile Preventol D9, kullanımı kolay çok yönlü bir koruyucudur. Preventol D9'un aktivite spektrumu, formaldehite dirençli türler, mantarlar, maya ve algler dahil olmak üzere bakterileri kapsar. Preventol D9, üretim sürecinin herhangi bir aşamasında dahil edilebilir, ancak en iyisi önce besleme suyuna eklenir. Üretim işlemi sırasında daha yüksek sıcaklıklar (> 40 ° C) veya pH (> 9) değerlerinin ortaya çıkması muhtemelse, ürün işlemin sonunda eklenmelidir. Bu durumda koruyucuyu, korunacak ürün içinde homojen bir şekilde dağıtmaya özen gösterin. Preventol D9, düşük viskozitesinden dolayı çoğu durumda seyreltilmeden kullanılabilir. Ürün ayrıca su, alkoller veya alkol / su karışımları içinde sorunsuz bir şekilde önceden çözülmüş olabilir. Preventol D9'un sulu formülasyonların korunmasında kullanılması genellikle herhangi bir istenmeyen yan etkiye neden olmaz. Formaldehidi ayıran aktif bileşenler içeren koruyucuların tersine Preventol D9, protein (örn. Kazein) içeren ürünlerin korunması için oldukça uygundur. Preventol D9 yeni ürün veya uygulamalarda kullanılmadan önce uyumluluk testlerinin yapılması tavsiye edilir.
PREVENTOL is a hormonal method of contraception that can be used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. It consists of two oral pills, each containing 0.75mg Levonorgestrel. PREVENTOL is an important option for women who recently have had unprotected intercourse or a contraceptive failure and want to avoid pregnancy. Sexual assault culminating in intercourse is an important indication for use of PREVENTOL. There are two kinds of regimens used in emergency contraception: the Levonorgestrel-only regimen and the combined estrogen-progestin regimen. PREVENTOL comes under the first regimen. Levonorgestrelonly pills are as effective as comined oral contraceptive pills and have fewer side effects. However, both these regimens do not disrupt an established pregnancy. The exact mode of action of PREVENTOL is not known. Studies show that it prevents pregnancy by inhibiting or delaying ovulation, altering transport of sperm, ovum or embryo, interfering with corpus luteum function, preventing fertilization and inhibiting implantation.
INDICATIONS • Not using any contraceptive method during intercourse • Coitus interruptus / failed coitus interruptus • Ejaculation on external genitalia • Miscalculation of rhythm method (fertility awareness method/period abstinence) • Condom rupture,dislodgement or misuse • Diaphragm / cap inserted incorrectly, dislodged during intercourse, found to be torn or removed too early • Missed oral contraceptive pills: PREVENTOL is indicated if two or more oral contraceptive pills are missed consecutively in a single-pill cycle • Sexual assault culminating in rape CONTRAINDICATIONS • PREVENTOL may not prevent ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy in the tube or anywhere other than uterus) • Hypersensitivity to Levonorgestrel • Known or suspected pregnancy
• Preventol® OF is a liquid, water-dilutable alkaline formulation based on o-phenylphenol.
• Fungicide for the temporary protection of sawn timber against blue stain and mold infestation.
• Suitable as preservative for technical products such as finishing agents, adhesives or concrete additives.
Preventol d9 applications
Construction material
Material protection
Wood preservatives
Concrete additives
Fungicidal treatment of construction material
Fungicidal treatment of bitumen isolation coverings
Fungicidal treatment of plaster
• Aqueous formulation of approx. 14 % isothiazolinones (CMIT/MIT).
• The spectrum of activity covers bacteria, including formaldehyde-resistant species, fungi, yeast and algae.
• Concentrate for the preservation of aqueous systems such as water circuits, metal-working emulsions, polymer dispersions, aqueous coatings, filler suspensions, solutions and dispersions of thickeners and glues, oil emulsions, concrete additives, polishes etc.
• Raw material for the production of biocidal formulations.
Preventol d9 Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
Approved applications and uses vary by region. For up to date approved applications and uses, please contact your local LANXESS representative.
Preventol d9
For the preservation of adhesives, glues, polymer dispersions and emulsions, metalworking/cutting fluids, dyes, industrial lubricants, pigments and filler suspensions, materials in the building industry (e.g., concrete additives, joint cements), paint and coatings, paper, textile, photo, oil industries and leather at all stages of production.
• It is recommended that the Preventol® CMK Preservative be pre-dissolved (e.g. in alcohol, glycol or caustic soda solution) to ensure the product is evenly distributed in the finished formulation.
• Preventol® CMK Preservative can also be added in the form of an alkaline stock solution.
o A stock solution containing 30% PREVENTOL® CMK Preservative can be formulated by stirring 1 kg Preventol® CMK Preservative into 1.85 liters of water and 0.5kg 50% caustic soda solution until it dissolves.
o Dissolving can be accelerated by gently heating the liquid.
• The steam-volatility of PREVENTOL® CMK Preservative must be taken in account in the case of certain applications (e.g. when drying glue slurries which contain Preventol® CMK Preservative)
Preventol® brand of products are anti-microbial compounds to preserve a wide range of water based industrial products.
Due to their low toxicity and environmentally friendly nature, these products are being increasingly preferred by the industry.
Preventol® range of products impart high stability to water based industrial products by controlling the microbial count.
This in turn prevents the spoilage of the products being preserved and helps retain the physical characteristics of the products.
¦ Eco friendly
¦ Long term and reliable preservation
¦ Biodegradable
Areas of application
• Preservation of concrete admixtures
• Building industry – For wall putties, plasters, sealants, etc Preservation against microbial attack
• Preservation of natural and synthetic adhesives
• In-can preservation of paints to prolong shelf life
• Dry film preservation of the coatings surface after application Water treatment chemicals
• Industrial preservation
• Disinfectants and biocidal actives
We have gained goodwill in the market for our offered Preventol D9 that is procured from the renowned and trustworthy vendors of the market in order to ensure high quality and dependability. Further, the range is also tested against vigorous quality testing parameters to confirm superior quality and efficient performance. Moreover, our clients can avail the range from us at industry leading prices.
• Bayferrox Iron Oxide Pigments,
• Lanxess Boicide
• Emulsion Binders,
• Emulsifiers and Surfactants
• Biocide for water treatment
• Redispersible Powders,
• Defoamer, MEG, Pine Oil,
• Pigment Pastes,
Uses For the preservation of aqueous coatings, polymer dispersions, filler suspensions, solutions and dispersions of adhesives and thickeners, concrete additives, oil emulsions, polishes etc. For the preservation of surfactants, cleaners and disinfectants. Storage If correctly stored and kept in the original sealed package at room temperature the shelf life is 1 year. The product should be protected from heat (temperature should not exceed 40 °C) and from frost.
Applications With its broad spectrum of activity, good solubility in water and low acute toxicity, Preventol D9 is a versatile preservative which is easy to use. Preventol D9's spectrum of activity covers bacteria, including formaldehyde-resistant species, fungi, yeast and algae. Preventol D9 can be incorporated at any stage of the production process but is best added to the feedwater first. If higher temperatures (> 40 °C) or pH (> 9) values are likely to occur during the manufacturing process, the product should be added at the end of the process, however. In this case take care to homogeneously distribute the preservative within the product to be protected. Because of its low viscosity, in the most cases Preventol D9 can be used undiluted. The product can also be unproblematic pre-dissolved in water, alcohols or alcohol/water mixtures. The use of Preventol D9 in the preservation of aqueous formulations does not generally cause any undesirable side-effects. In contrast to preservatives containing active ingredients which split off formaldehyde, Preventol D9 is highly suitable for the preservation of products which contain protein (e. g. casein). It is advisable to carry out compatibility tests before Preventol D9 is used in new products or applications.
Precautions Preventol D9 is a clear, lowviscosity solution. Skin contact and inhalation of vapour should be avoided. The precautions generally recommended for handling of chemicals have to be observed, e. g. wearing of safety goggles, protective gloves and protective clothing. If the product comes into contact with the skin, the affected area should be washed immediately with large amounts of soap and plenty of water; splashes in the eyes should be rinsed out immediately with plenty of water. If irritation persists, medical attention should be obtained. Contaminated clothing should be changed immediately. Leverkusen-based Lanxess AG has introduced an innovative new biocidal product that is said to significantly increase the lifespan of wood plastic composites (WPCs). Preventol d9 is based on a careful combination of materials that provides the organic material with effective protection from the fungi that can cause discoloration and damage, the company says. Leverkusen-based Lanxess AG has introduced an innovative new biocidal product that is said to significantly increase the lifespan of wood plastic composites (WPCs). Preventol d9 is based on a careful combination of materials that provides the organic material with effective protection from the fungi that can cause discoloration and damage, the company says.
Preventol® D9 by Lanxess is a preservative in solutions and dispersions of adhesives. It is an aqueous formulation of isothiazolinones (CMIT/MIT). The spectrum of Preventol® D9 covers bacteria, including formaldehyde-resistant species, mold, yeast and algae. It is recommended for construction.
4-Phenylphenol, or o-phenylphenol, is an organic compound. In terms of structure, it is one of the monohydroxylated isomers of biphenyl.[1][2] It is a white solid. It is a biocide used as a preservative with E number E231 and under the trade names Dowicide, Torsite, Fungal, Preventol, Nipacide and many others.
The primary use of 2-phenylphenol is as an agricultural fungicide. It is generally applied post-harvest. It is a fungicide used for waxing citrus fruits. It is no longer a permitted food additive in the European Union, but is still allowed as a post harvest treatment in 4 EU countries.
It is also used for disinfection of seed boxes. It is a general surface disinfectant, used in households, hospitals, nursing homes, farms, laundries, barber shops, and food processing plants. It can be used on fibers and other materials. It is used to disinfect hospital and veterinary equipment. Other uses are in rubber industry and as a laboratory reagent. It is also used in the manufacture of other fungicides, dye stuffs, resins and rubber chemicals.
4-Phenylphenol is found in low concentrations in some household products such as spray disinfectants and aerosol or spray underarm deodorants.
The sodium salt of orthophenyl phenol, sodium orthophenyl phenol, is a preservative, used to treat the surface of citrus fruits.[3]
Orthophenyl phenol is also used as a fungicide in food packaging and may migrate into the contents