1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z




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N° CAS du POLYQUATERNİUM 11 : 53633-54-8
"Pas terrible" dans toutes les catégories.
Origine(s) du POLYQUATERNİUM 11: Synthétique
Nom INCI du POLYQUATERNİUM 11: Polyquaternium 11
Classification du POLYQUATERNİUM 11: Ammonium quaternaire, Polymère de synthèse
Ses fonctions (INCI)
Antistatique : Réduit l'électricité statique en neutralisant la charge électrique sur une surface
Agent filmogène : Produit un film continu sur la peau, les cheveux ou les ongles
Cet ingrédient est présent dans 0.45% des cosmétiques.
Mousse coiffante (24,44%)
Spray coiffant (5,18%)
Gel coiffant (5,11%)
Soins capillaires ciblés (4,29%)
Après-shampooing (1,14%)



Polyquaternium 11 (alias Quaternium-32)
Mise en garde
Cela s'accroche aux cheveux pour les rendre plus épais. Il aide également à rendre les cheveux plus faciles à coiffer [Begoun (Beauté) Pg 303]. Fabriqué à partir de cellulose. Utilisé comme filmogène (recouvre les cheveux) et pour empêcher le produit de se séparer. Donne de la brillance aux cheveux [Hiver pg 435]. C'est une résine qui produit une certaine accumulation. Utilisé pour le conditionnement, pour augmenter la facilité de peignage et pour donner du corps. Il n'est pas trouvé toxique [Chasse (Conditionnement) p. 335]. Selon Johnson [page 79], cela forme un film clair, non collant et brillant sur les cheveux et il est utilisé pour revitaliser les produits coiffants et offrir une excellente rétention des boucles. comme il peut s'accumuler dans nos cheveux et devenir collant avec le temps. C'est bien dans une aide au coiffage, où vous vous attendez à une tenue, mais soyez prudent dans les shampooings et les revitalisants. En outre, cela est connu pour augmenter le corps, ce qui n'est pas ce dont ceux d'entre nous qui ont les cheveux vraiment bouclés ont besoin.


Je suis d'accord avec Polyquaternium 11 qui est un vieil ami qui est dans la plupart de mes revitalisants préférés. Mais il semble que le Polyquaternium 11 soit un peu plus fort et qu'il commence à être un ingrédient de coiffage / tenue. Mais ce n'est pas encore là. C'est limite. Maintenant, le polyquaternium-16 est à éviter, car il est entièrement croisé du côté du produit collant / coiffant. Le Polyquaternium 11 est presque collant, mais il est aussi lissant - je suppose que c'est smicky? Il semble que, bien qu'il soit plus fort que 10, il n'a pas franchi cette ligne fine pour devenir totalement un ingrédient de maintien. Eh bien, pas un que j'éviterais, je ne pense pas. Depuis le 31/12/2016, j'essaie un produit qui contient cela, donc je vois ce que je ressens à ce sujet.


Qu'est-ce que Polyquaternium 11?
Le Polyquaternium 11 est un liquide trouble de couleur paille. Dans les cosmétiques et les produits de soins personnels, il est principalement utilisé dans la formulation de produits de soins capillaires avec une utilisation limitée dans d'autres types de produits.



Pourquoi Polyquaternium 11 est-il utilisé dans les cosmétiques et les produits de soins personnels?
Le Polyquaternium 11 fonctionne comme un agent antistatique, un filmogène et un fixateur capillaire.



Faits scientifiques:
Le polyquaternium 11 est le sel d'ammonium quaternaire polymère formé par la réaction de sulfate de diéthyle et d'un copolymère de vinylpyrrolidone et de diméthylaminoéthylméthacrylate. Il appartient à la classe chimique connue sous le nom de composés d'ammonium quaternaire (généralement appelés «Quat»). Ces composés sont des dérivés azotés tétra-substitués chargés positivement. Polyquaternium 11 est disponible sous deux formes: environ 50% de Polyquaternium 11 dissous dans de l'alcool et 19% dissous dans l'eau avec les deux formes appelées «Polyquaternium 11 commercial». Pur ou non dilué, le Polyquaternium 11 n'est pas disponible pour une utilisation en cosmétique et produits de soins personnels.



Polyquaternium 11 (ammonium quaternaire)
Nom inci
Polyquaternium 11
Nom français
Polyquaternium 11 (ammonium quaternaire)
N ° CAS.
N ° CE.
Autres appellations
Polyquaternium 11
Fonctions CosIng
Agent antistatique
Agent filmogène
Agent de fixation capillaire



Polyquaternium 11
Le polyquaternium 11 est un composé d'ammonium quaternaire qui forme des films flexibles avec des avantages de conditionnement doux dans les applications de rinçage et de coiffage.


Polyquaternium 11 Utiliser comme agent revitalisant dans les shampooings et les crèmes ou les revitalisants de rinçage clair. Procure un démêlage instantané tout en ajoutant du volume et du corps aux cheveux. Cela rend les cheveux plus faciles à coiffer.

Particulièrement efficace dans les produits coiffants, y compris en spray sur les revitalisants et démêlants. Excellent pour une utilisation avec le brushing et les lisseurs où il peut fournir une protection thermique pour les cheveux.

Polyquaternium 11 peut également être utilisé dans les produits de soin de la peau pour améliorer le toucher de la peau. Polyquaternium 11 fonctionne bien dans les produits de rasage, les crèmes et lotions pour la peau, le savon liquide et les pains de savon.

Le polyquarternium lorsqu'il est utilisé dans un produit moussant tel qu'un shampooing ou un gel douche améliorera les niveaux de mousse. Le Polyquaternium 11 est compatible avec les tensioactifs non ioniques, anioniques et amphotères et les modificateurs de rhéologie. Le polyquaternium 11 est excellent combiné avec du carbomère pour produire des gels lisses et faciles à appliquer.

Le polyquaternium 11 peut améliorer la stabilité des formulations à base de surfactant, de crème et de lotion.


Liquide visqueux clair à jaune clair avec une odeur caractéristique. Fourni comme 20% actif dans l'eau



Nom latin
Polyquaternium 11



Numéro CAS de Polyquaternium 11



Origine du Polyquaternium 11
Dérivés azotés tétra-substitués chargés positivement



Comment utiliser Polyquaternium 11
Le Polyquaternium 11 est fourni sous forme de liquide visqueux, bien qu'il soit fourni dans un pot pour une utilisation facile car le liquide est très épais. Un réchauffement doux peut contribuer à la facilité d'utilisation de la formulation.


Le polyquarternium 11 est facilement dissous dans l'eau et il est donc plus facile de se dissoudre dans l'étape de formulation aqueuse. Lorsqu'elle est utilisée dans la formulation à base de surfactant, nous conseillons d'ajouter le Polyquaternium 11 avant les surfactants pour faciliter la dispersion.

Lors de la formulation dans des applications de processus à chaud, ajouter à la phase aqueuse et disperser. Le Polyquaternium 11 est résistant à la chaleur.


Niveau d'utilisation recommandé de Polyquaternium 11
0,1 à 1%



Niveau d'utilisation maximal du Polyquaternium 11
Non définis, des niveaux supérieurs à 2% peuvent donner une sensation collante et collante aux produits.




Polyquaternium 11 (aka Quaternium-32)
This clings to hair to make it feel thicker. It also helps make hair easier to comb [Begoun (Beauty) Pg 303]. Made from cellulose. Used as a film-former (coats the hair) and to keep product from separating. Gives hair shine [Winter pg 435]. This is a resin that produces some build up. Used for conditioning, to increase ease of combing, and to give body. It isn't found to be toxic [Hunting (Conditioning) pg 335]. Per Johnson [page 79], this forms a clear, non-sticky, glossy film on the hair and it's used to provide conditioning in styling products as well as providing excellent curl retention.-I'm putting this as a caution because it looks like it may build up in our hair and become sticky over time. That's fine in a styling aid, where you expect hold, but be cautious of it in shampoos and conditioners. Also, this is known to increase body, which is not what those of us with really curly hair needs.


I'm fine with Polyquaternium 11 which is an old friend that's in most of my favorite conditioners. But it looks like Polyquaternium 11 is a bit stronger, and is beginning to lean towards being a styling /hold ingredient. But it isn't there yet. It's borderline. Now, polyquaternium-16 is a definite avoid, because it's fully crossed over to the sticky/styling product side. Polyquaternium 11 is almost sticky, but it's also smoothing - I guess it's smicky? It looks like, though it's stronger than 10, it hasn't crossed that fine line into totally being a hold ingredient. Well, not one I'd avoid I don't think. As of 12/31/2016 I'm trying out a product that has this in it, so I'm seeing how I feel about this.


What Is Polyquaternium 11?
Polyquaternium 11 is a cloudy, straw-colored liquid. In cosmetics and personal care products, it is primarily used in the formulation of hair care products with limited use in other product types.



Why is Polyquaternium 11 used in cosmetics and personal care products?
Polyquaternium 11 functions as an antistatic agent, a film former and a hair fixative.



Scientific Facts: 
Polyquaternium 11 is the polymeric quaternary ammonium salt formed by the reaction of diethyl sulfate and a copolymer of vinyl pyrrolidone and dimethyl aminoethylmethacrylate. It is in the chemical class known as quaternary ammonium compounds (generally referred to as a "Quat"). These compounds are positively charged tetra-substituted nitrogen derivatives. Polyquaternium 11 is available in two forms: approximately 50% Polyquaternium 11 dissolved in alcohol, and 19% dissolved in water with both forms referred to as "commercial Polyquaternium 11." Pure, or undiluted, Polyquaternium 11 is not available for use in cosmetics and personal care products.



Polyquaternium 11 (ammonium quaternaire)
Nom inci
Polyquaternium 11
Nom français
Polyquaternium 11 (ammonium quaternaire)
N° CE.
Autres appellations
Polyquaternium 11
Fonctions CosIng
Agent antistatique
Agent filmogène
Agent de fixation capillaire



Polyquaternium 11
Polyquaternium 11 is a quaternary ammonium compound that forms flexible films with mild conditioning benefits in rinse off and styling applications.


Polyquaternium 11 Use as a conditioning agent in shampoos and cream or clear rinse conditioners. Provides instant detangling whilst adding volume and body to the hair. It makes the hair easier to comb.

Particularly effective in hair styling products, including spray on conditioners and detanglers. Excellent for use with blow drying and straighteners where it can provide thermal protection for the hair.

Polyquaternium 11 can be used in skincare products also for improved skin feel. Polyquaternium 11 works well in shaving products, skin creams and lotions, liquid soap and bars of soap.

Polyquarternium when used in a foaming product such as a shampoo or shower gel will enhance the foam levels. Polyquaternium 11 is compatible with with non-ionic, anionic and amphoteric surfactants and rheology modifiers. Polyquaternium 11 is excellent combined with carbomer to produce smooth and easily applied gels.

Polyquaternium 11 can enhance the stability of surfactant, cream and lotion based formulations.


Clear to light yellow viscous liquid with characteristic odour. Supplied as 20% active in water



Latin Name
Polyquaternium 11



Cas Number of Polyquaternium 11



Origin of Polyquaternium 11
Positively charged tetra-substituted nitrogen derivatives



How to Use Polyquaternium 11
Polyquaternium 11 is supplied as a viscous liquid, though supplied in a jar for ease of use as the liquid is very thick. Gently warming can help with the usability in formulation.


Polyquarternium 11 is readily dissolved in water and thus it is easiest to dissolve into the water stage of formulation. When used in surfactant based formulation we advise adding the Polyquaternium 11 before surfactants for ease of dispersal.

When formulating in hot process applications, add to the water phase and disperse. Polyquaternium 11 is resilient to heat.


Recommended Usage Level of Polyquaternium 11
0.1 - 1%



Maximum Usage Level of Polyquaternium 11
Undefined, levels above 2% may result in a sticky and tacky feel to products.







POLYQUATERNİUM 11 is classified as :
Film forming
CAS Number du POLYQUATERNİUM 11 53633-54-8
Chem/IUPAC Name du POLYQUATERNİUM 11: 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl ester, polymer with 1-ethenyl-2-pyrrolidinone, compd. with diethyl sulphate



Polyquaternium 11 (aka Quaternium-32)
This clings to hair to make it feel thicker. It also helps make hair easier to comb [Begoun (Beauty) Pg 303]. Made from cellulose. Used as a film-former (coats the hair) and to keep product from separating. Gives hair shine [Winter pg 435]. This is a resin that produces some build up. Used for conditioning, to increase ease of combing, and to give body. It isn't found to be toxic [Hunting (Conditioning) pg 335]. Per Johnson [page 79], this forms a clear, non-sticky, glossy film on the hair and it's used to provide conditioning in styling products as well as providing excellent curl retention.-I'm putting this as a caution because it looks like it may build up in our hair and become sticky over time. That's fine in a styling aid, where you expect hold, but be cautious of it in shampoos and conditioners. Also, this is known to increase body, which is not what those of us with really curly hair needs.


I'm fine with Polyquaternium 11 which is an old friend that's in most of my favorite conditioners. But it looks like Polyquaternium 11 is a bit stronger, and is beginning to lean towards being a styling /hold ingredient. But it isn't there yet. It's borderline. Now, polyquaternium-16 is a definite avoid, because it's fully crossed over to the sticky/styling product side. Polyquaternium 11 is almost sticky, but it's also smoothing - I guess it's smicky? It looks like, though it's stronger than 10, it hasn't crossed that fine line into totally being a hold ingredient. Well, not one I'd avoid I don't think. As of 12/31/2016 I'm trying out a product that has this in it, so I'm seeing how I feel about this.


What Is Polyquaternium 11?
Polyquaternium 11 is a cloudy, straw-colored liquid. In cosmetics and personal care products, it is primarily used in the formulation of hair care products with limited use in other product types.



Why is Polyquaternium 11 used in cosmetics and personal care products?
Polyquaternium 11 functions as an antistatic agent, a film former and a hair fixative.



Scientific Facts: 
Polyquaternium 11 is the polymeric quaternary ammonium salt formed by the reaction of diethyl sulfate and a copolymer of vinyl pyrrolidone and dimethyl aminoethylmethacrylate. It is in the chemical class known as quaternary ammonium compounds (generally referred to as a "Quat"). These compounds are positively charged tetra-substituted nitrogen derivatives. Polyquaternium 11 is available in two forms: approximately 50% Polyquaternium 11 dissolved in alcohol, and 19% dissolved in water with both forms referred to as "commercial Polyquaternium 11." Pure, or undiluted, Polyquaternium 11 is not available for use in cosmetics and personal care products.



Polyquaternium 11 (ammonium quaternaire)
Nom inci
Polyquaternium 11
Nom français
Polyquaternium 11 (ammonium quaternaire)
N° CE.
Autres appellations
Polyquaternium 11
Fonctions CosIng
Agent antistatique
Agent filmogène
Agent de fixation capillaire



Polyquaternium 11
Polyquaternium 11 is a quaternary ammonium compound that forms flexible films with mild conditioning benefits in rinse off and styling applications.


Polyquaternium 11 Use as a conditioning agent in shampoos and cream or clear rinse conditioners. Provides instant detangling whilst adding volume and body to the hair. It makes the hair easier to comb.

Particularly effective in hair styling products, including spray on conditioners and detanglers. Excellent for use with blow drying and straighteners where it can provide thermal protection for the hair.

Polyquaternium 11 can be used in skincare products also for improved skin feel. Polyquaternium 11 works well in shaving products, skin creams and lotions, liquid soap and bars of soap.

Polyquarternium when used in a foaming product such as a shampoo or shower gel will enhance the foam levels. Polyquaternium 11 is compatible with with non-ionic, anionic and amphoteric surfactants and rheology modifiers. Polyquaternium 11 is excellent combined with carbomer to produce smooth and easily applied gels.

Polyquaternium 11 can enhance the stability of surfactant, cream and lotion based formulations.


Clear to light yellow viscous liquid with characteristic odour. Supplied as 20% active in water



Latin Name
Polyquaternium 11



Cas Number of Polyquaternium 11



Origin of Polyquaternium 11
Positively charged tetra-substituted nitrogen derivatives



How to Use Polyquaternium 11
Polyquaternium 11 is supplied as a viscous liquid, though supplied in a jar for ease of use as the liquid is very thick. Gently warming can help with the usability in formulation.


Polyquarternium 11 is readily dissolved in water and thus it is easiest to dissolve into the water stage of formulation. When used in surfactant based formulation we advise adding the Polyquaternium 11 before surfactants for ease of dispersal.

When formulating in hot process applications, add to the water phase and disperse. Polyquaternium 11 is resilient to heat.


Recommended Usage Level of Polyquaternium 11
0.1 - 1%



Maximum Usage Level of Polyquaternium 11
Undefined, levels above 2% may result in a sticky and tacky feel to products.



Products to Use In
Hair Conditioner
Hair Styling Products
Aftershave Balms
Creams and Lotions
Gels, especially those based upon Carbomer
Use gloves (disposable are ideal)


Take care when handling hot oils

Wear eye protection

Work in a well ventilated room

Keep ingredients and hot oils away from children

If ingested seek immediate medical advice

If contact is made with eyes, rinse immediately with clean warm water and seek medical advice if in any doubt


Safety First
In addition to our precautions and general safety information, we always recommend keeping a first aid kit nearby. You are working with hot water and oils, accidents can happen, so always be prepared!



Polyquaternium 11
* Film former and anti-static agent
Polyquaternium 11 is a cloud, straw-colored film former and anti-static agent widely used in hair care products. According to various beauty sites, including CozyCot.com, it also has anti-bacterial properties, although research did not confirm this assertion. It is available in two forms: 50% Polyquaternium-11 dissolved in alcohol, and 19% dissolved in water. Pure Polyquaternium 11 is not available for use in cosmetics and beauty products (CosmeticsInfo.org). The CIR approves it for use below certain concentrations.


* Film former and anti-static agent


Polyquaternium 11 is a cloud, straw-colored film former and anti-static agent widely used in hair care products. According to various beauty sites, including CozyCot.com, it also has anti-bacterial properties, although research did not confirm this assertion. It is available in two forms: 50% Polyquaternium-11 dissolved in alcohol, and 19% dissolved in water. Pure Polyquaternium 11 is not available for use in cosmetics and beauty products (CosmeticsInfo.org). The CIR approves it for use below certain concentrations.

Safety Measures/Side Effects:

The Cosmetics Database finds Polyquaternium 11 to be a low hazard ingredient, and only notes data gaps and bioaccumulation as concerns. However, CosmeticsInfo.org also mentions the potential inclusion of unreacted Vinylpyrrolidone, a somewhat suspected mutagenic (although studies have shown it to be non-mutagenic), but notes that the low levels of this toxin would not cause harm in cosmetics or beauty products.

Recommended Products w/ Polyquaternium 11:

Head Organics Hair Spray and Leave In Conditioner, Dermalogica Soothing Shaving Cream with Daily Defense Block, Organix Pomegranate and Green Tea Shampoo



Polikuaterniyum 11


Polikuaterniyum 11 Nedir?
Polikuaterniyum 11, bulanık, saman renginde bir sıvıdır. Kozmetik ve kişisel bakım ürünlerinde, diğer ürün türlerinde kullanımı sınırlı olan saç bakım ürünlerinin formülasyonunda öncelikli olarak kullanılmaktadır.



Polikuaterniyum 11 neden kozmetik ve kişisel bakım ürünlerinde kullanılıyor?
Polikuaterniyum 11, antistatik bir ajan, bir film oluşturucu ve bir saç sabitleyici olarak işlev görür.



Bilimsel gerçekler:
Polikuaterniyum 11, dietil sülfat ile bir vinil pirolidon ve dimetil aminoetilmetakrilat kopolimerinin reaksiyonu ile oluşan polimerik kuaterner amonyum tuzudur. Kuaterner amonyum bileşikleri olarak bilinen kimyasal sınıftadır (genel olarak "Kuat" olarak anılır). Bu bileşikler, pozitif yüklü tetra ikameli azot türevleridir. Polikuaterniyum 11 iki biçimde mevcuttur: yaklaşık% 50 Polikuaterniyum 11 alkol içinde çözülmüş ve% 19 su içinde çözülmüş, her iki biçimde de "ticari Polikuaterniyum 11" olarak anılacaktır. Saf veya seyreltilmemiş Polikuaterniyum 11, kozmetikte kullanım için mevcut değildir ve kişisel bakım ürünleri.



Polikuaterniyum 11 (amonyum kuaternaire)
Nom inci
polyQuaternium 11
Nom français
Polikuaterniyum 11 (amonyum kuaternaire)
N ° CAS.
N ° CE.
Autres unvanları
Polikuaterniyum 11



Polikuaterniyum 11
Polikuaterniyum 11, durulama ve şekillendirme uygulamalarında hafif bakım yararları ile esnek filmler oluşturan bir kuaterner amonyum bileşiğidir.


Polikuaterniyum 11 Şampuanlarda ve kremlerde veya temiz durulama saç kremlerinde bakım maddesi olarak kullanın. Saça hacim ve hacim kazandırırken anında açılma sağlar. Saçın taranmasını kolaylaştırır.

Saç şekillendirici ürünlerde özellikle etkilidir, saç kremi ve saç açıcı spreyler dahil. Saç için termal koruma sağlayabildiği fön ve düzleştiriciler ile kullanım için mükemmeldir.

Polikuaterniyum 11, cilt bakım ürünlerinde de daha iyi cilt hissi için kullanılabilir. Polikuaterniyum 11 tıraş ürünlerinde, cilt kremlerinde ve losyonlarında, sıvı sabun ve kalıp sabunlarda iyi çalışır.

Şampuan veya duş jeli gibi köpüren bir üründe kullanıldığında polikarterniyum köpük seviyelerini artıracaktır. Polikuaterniyum 11, iyonik olmayan, anyonik ve amfoterik yüzey aktif maddeler ve reoloji değiştiricilerle uyumludur. Polikuaterniyum 11, pürüzsüz ve kolayca uygulanan jeller üretmek için karbomer ile mükemmel bir şekilde birleştirilmiştir.

Polikuaterniyum 11, yüzey aktif madde, krem ​​ve losyon bazlı formülasyonların stabilitesini artırabilir.


Karakteristik kokulu, berrak ila açık sarı viskoz sıvı. Suda% 20 aktif olarak tedarik edilir



Latin isim
Polikuaterniyum 11



Cas Polikuaterniyum Sayısı 11



Polikuaterniyum 11'in Kökeni
Pozitif yüklü tetra ikameli azot türevleri



Polikuaterniyum 11 Nasıl Kullanılır
Polikuaterniyum 11 viskoz bir sıvı olarak sağlanır, ancak sıvı çok kalın olduğundan kullanım kolaylığı için bir kavanoz içinde sağlanır. Nazikçe ısınma, formülasyonda kullanılabilirliğe yardımcı olabilir.


Polikuarterniyum 11 suda kolayca çözülür ve bu nedenle formülasyonun su aşamasında çözülmesi en kolay yoldur. Sürfaktan bazlı formülasyonda kullanıldığında, dispersiyon kolaylığı için sürfaktanlardan önce Polikuaterniyum 11'in eklenmesini tavsiye ederiz.

Sıcak proses uygulamalarında formüle ederken, su fazına ekleyin ve dağıtın. Polikuaterniyum 11, ısıya dayanıklıdır.


PoPolikuaterniyum 11 Önerilen Kullanım Düzeyi 11
% 0.1 - 1



Polikuaterniyum 11'un Maksimum Kullanım Düzeyi 11
Tanımsız,% 2'nin üzerindeki seviyeler, ürünlerde yapışkan ve yapışkan bir his yaratabilir.



Polikuaterniyum 11 Nedir?
Polikuaterniyum 11, bulanık, saman renginde bir sıvıdır. Kozmetik ve kişisel bakım ürünlerinde, diğer ürün türlerinde kullanımı sınırlı olan saç bakım ürünlerinin formülasyonunda öncelikli olarak kullanılmaktadır.
Polikuaterniyum 11 neden kozmetik ve kişisel bakım ürünlerinde kullanılıyor?
Polikuaterniyum 11, antistatik bir ajan, bir film oluşturucu ve bir saç sabitleyici olarak işlev görür.


Polikuaterniyum 11, dietil sülfat ile bir vinil pirolidon ve dimetil aminoetilmetakrilat kopolimerinin reaksiyonu ile oluşan polimerik kuaterner amonyum tuzudur. Kuaterner amonyum bileşikleri olarak bilinen kimyasal sınıftadır (genel olarak "Kuat" olarak anılır). Bu bileşikler, pozitif yüklü tetra ikameli azot türevleridir. Polikuaterniyum 11 iki biçimde mevcuttur: yaklaşık% 50 Polikuaterniyum 11 alkol içinde çözülmüş ve% 19 su içinde çözülmüş, her iki biçimde de "ticari Polikuaterniyum 11" olarak anılacaktır. Saf veya seyreltilmemiş Polikuaterniyum 11, kozmetikte kullanım için mevcut değildir ve kişisel bakım ürünleri.


Polikuaterniyum 11
Polikuaterniyum 11, durulama ve şekillendirme uygulamalarında nazik bakım yararları ile esnek filmler oluşturan bir kuaterner amonyum bileşiğidir.


Polikuaterniyum 11 Şampuanlarda ve kremlerde veya durulama kremlerinde bakım maddesi olarak kullanın. Saça hacim ve gövde katarken anında açılma sağlar. Saçın taranmasını kolaylaştırır.

Saç kremleri ve saç kremleri üzerine sprey olarak dahil olmak üzere, şekillendirme ürünlerinde özellikle etkilidir. Saç için termal koruma sağlayabildiği fön makinesi ve düzleştiricilerle kullanım için mükemmeldir.

Polikuaterniyum 11, cilt hissini iyileştirmek için cilt bakım ürünlerinde de kullanılabilir. Polikuaterniyum 11 tıraş ürünleri, cilt kremleri ve losyonları, sıvı sabun ve kalıp sabunda iyi çalışır.

Şampuan veya duş jeli gibi köpüren bir üründe kullanıldığında polikarterniyum köpük seviyelerini iyileştirecektir. Polikuaterniyum 11 noniyonik, anyonik ve amfoterik yüzey aktif maddeler ve reoloji değiştiricilerle uyumludur. Polikuaterniyum 11, pürüzsüz ve uygulaması kolay jeller üretmek için karbomer ile mükemmel bir kombinasyondur.

Polikuaterniyum 11 yüzey aktif madde, krem ​​ve losyon formülasyonlarının stabilitesini geliştirebilir.


Karakteristik kokusu olan berrak ila açık sarı viskoz sıvı. Suda% 20 aktif olarak tedarik edilir



Latin isim
Polikuaterniyum 11



Polikuaterniyum 11 CAS numarası



Polikuaterniyum 11'in Kökeni
Pozitif yüklü tetra ikameli azot türevleri



Polikuaterniyum 11 nasıl kullanılır
Polikuaterniyum 11, akışkan bir sıvı olarak sağlanır, ancak sıvı çok kalın olduğundan kolay kullanım için bir kavanoz içinde gelir. Nazik ısıtma, formülasyonun kullanım kolaylığına katkıda bulunabilir.


Polikuarterniyum 11 suda kolaylıkla çözülür ve bu nedenle sulu formülasyon aşamasında çözülmesi daha kolaydır. Sürfaktan formülasyonunda kullanıldığında, dispersiyonu kolaylaştırmak için sürfaktanlardan önce Polikuaterniyum 11 eklemenizi öneririz.

Sıcak işlem uygulamalarında formüle ederken, sulu faza ekleyin ve dağıtın. Polikuaterniyum 11 ısıya dayanıklıdır.


Polikuaterniyum 11'in önerilen kullanım düzeyi
% 0,1 ila 1



Polikuaterniyum 11'in maksimum kullanım seviyesi
Tanımsız,% 2'nin üzerindeki seviyeler ürünleri yapışkan ve yapışkan hale getirebilir.


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