MONOETHANOLMINE; MONOETHANOLAMİNE; Ethanolamine; 2-aminoethanol; monoethanolamine; 141-43-5; colamine; Aminoethanol; Glycinol; 2-Hydroxyethylamine; 2-Amino-1-ethanol; Ethanol, 2-amino-; Olamine; 2-Aminoethan-1-ol; Ethylolamine; beta-Hydroxyethylamine; 2-Hydroxyethanamine;MONOETHANOLMINE; MONOETHANOLAMİNE; Ethanolamine; 2-aminoethanol; monoethanolamine; 141-43-5; colamine; Aminoethanol; Glycinol; 2-Hydroxyethylamine; 2-Amino-1-ethanol; Ethanol, 2-amino-; Olamine; 2-Aminoethan-1-ol; Ethylolamine; beta-Hydroxyethylamine; 2-Hydroxyethanamine; 1-Amino-2-hydroxyethane; 2-Aminoethyl alcohol; beta-Aminoethyl alcohol; Aethanolamin; 2-Ethanolamine; Thiofaco M-50; beta-Aminoethanol; 2-amino-ethanol; MEA (alcohol); beta-ethanolamine; Kolamin [Czech]; USAF EK-1597; Kolamin; Monoaethanolamin; Aethanolamin [German]; Caswell No. 426; Etanolamina [Italian]; 2-Aminoaethanol; 2-Amino ethanol; Monoaethanolamin [German]; 2-Aminoaethanol [German]; 2-Aminoetanolo [Italian]; Glycinol (monoethanolamine); UN2491; CCRIS 6260; MEA; Monoetanolamin; Monoetanolamine; Mono etanolamin; Mono etanol amin; Monoethanolamine; Mono ethanolamine ; Mono ethanol amine 1-Amino-2-hydroxyethane; 2-Aminoethyl alcohol; beta-Aminoethyl alcohol; Aethanolamin; 2-Ethanolamine; Thiofaco M-50; beta-Aminoethanol; 2-amino-ethanol; MEA (alcohol); beta-ethanolamine; MONOETHANOLMINE; MONOETHANOLAMİNE; Ethanolamine; 2-aminoethanol; monoethanolamine; 141-43-5; colamine; Aminoethanol; Glycinol; 2-Hydroxyethylamine; 2-Amino-1-ethanol; Ethanol, 2-amino-; Olamine; 2-Aminoethan-1-ol; Ethylolamine; beta-Hydroxyethylamine; 2-Hydroxyethanamine;MONOETHANOLMINE; MONOETHANOLAMİNE; Ethanolamine; 2-aminoethanol; monoethanolamine; 141-43-5; colamine; Aminoethanol; Glycinol; 2-Hydroxyethylamine; 2-Amino-1-ethanol; Ethanol, 2-amino-; Olamine; 2-Aminoethan-1-ol; Ethylolamine; beta-Hydroxyethylamine; 2-Hydroxyethanamine; 1-Amino-2-hydroxyethane; 2-Aminoethyl alcohol; beta-Aminoethyl alcohol; Aethanolamin; 2-Ethanolamine; Thiofaco M-50; beta-Aminoethanol; 2-amino-ethanol; MEA (alcohol); beta-ethanolamine; Kolamin [Czech]; USAF EK-1597; Kolamin; Monoaethanolamin; Aethanolamin [German]; Caswell No. 426; Etanolamina [Italian]; 2-Aminoaethanol; 2-Amino ethanol; Monoaethanolamin [German]; 2-Aminoaethanol [German]; 2-Aminoetanolo [Italian]; Glycinol (monoethanolamine); UN2491; CCRIS 6260; MEA; Monoetanolamin; Monoetanolamine; Mono etanolamin; Mono etanol amin; Monoethanolamine; Mono ethanolamine ; Mono ethanol amine 1-Amino-2-hydroxyethane; 2-Aminoethyl alcohol; beta-Aminoethyl alcohol; Aethanolamin; 2-Ethanolamine; Thiofaco M-50; beta-Aminoethanol; 2-amino-ethanol; MEA (alcohol); beta-ethanolamine; Kolamin [Czech]; USAF EK-1597; Kolamin; Monoaethanolamin; Aethanolamin [German]; Caswell No. 426; Etanolamina [Italian]; 2-Aminoaethanol; 2-Amino ethanol; Monoaethanolamin [German]; 2-Aminoaethanol [German]; 2-Aminoetanolo [Italian]; Glycinol (monoethanolamine); UN2491; CCRIS 6260; MEA; Monoetanolamin; MONOETHANOLMINE; MONOETHANOLAMİNE; Ethanolamine; 2-aminoethanol; monoethanolamine; 141-43-5; colamine; Aminoethanol; Glycinol; 2-Hydroxyethylamine; 2-Amino-1-ethanol; Ethanol, 2-amino-; Olamine; 2-Aminoethan-1-ol; Ethylolamine; beta-Hydroxyethylamine; 2-Hydroxyethanamine; 1-Amino-2-hydroxyethane; 2-Aminoethyl alcohol; beta-Aminoethyl alcohol; Aethanolamin; 2-Ethanolamine; Thiofaco M-50; beta-Aminoethanol; 2-amino-ethanol; MEA (alcohol); beta-ethanolamine; Kolamin [Czech]; USAF EK-1597; Kolamin; Monoaethanolamin; Aethanolamin [German]; Caswell No. 426; Etanolamina [Italian]; 2-Aminoaethanol; 2-Amino ethanol; Monoaethanolamin [German]; 2-Aminoaethanol [German]; 2-Aminoetanolo [Italian]; Glycinol (monoethanolamine); UN2491; CCRIS 6260; MEA; Monoetanolamin; Monoetanolamine; Mono etanolamin; Mono etanol amin; Monoethanolamine; Mono ethanolamine ; Mono ethanol amine; Monoetanolamine; Mono etanolamin; Mono etanol amin; Monoethanolamine; Mono ethanolamine ; Mono ethanol amine; Monoetanolamin; MONOETANOLAMİN; Kolamin [Czech]; USAF EK-1597; Kolamin; Monoaethanolamin; Aethanolamin [German]; Caswell No. 426; Etanolamina [Italian]; 2-Aminoaethanol; 2-Amino ethanol; Monoaethanolamin [German]; 2-Aminoaethanol [German]; 2-Aminoetanolo [Italian]; Glycinol (monoethanolamine); UN2491; CCRIS 6260; MEA; Monoetanolamin; MONOETHANOLMINE; MONOETHANOLAMİNE; Ethanolamine; 2-aminoethanol; monoethanolamine; 141-43-5; colamine; Aminoethanol; Glycinol; 2-Hydroxyethylamine; 2-Amino-1-ethanol; Ethanol, 2-amino-; Olamine; 2-Aminoethan-1-ol; Ethylolamine; beta-Hydroxyethylamine; 2-Hydroxyethanamine; 1-Amino-2-hydroxyethane; 2-Aminoethyl alcohol; beta-Aminoethyl alcohol; Aethanolamin; 2-Ethanolamine; Thiofaco M-50; beta-Aminoethanol; 2-amino-ethanol; MEA (alcohol); beta-ethanolamine; Kolamin [Czech]; USAF EK-1597; Kolamin; Monoaethanolamin; Aethanolamin [German]; Caswell No. 426; Etanolamina [Italian]; 2-Aminoaethanol; 2-Amino ethanol; Monoaethanolamin [German]; 2-Aminoaethanol [German]; 2-Aminoetanolo [Italian]; Glycinol (monoethanolamine); UN2491; CCRIS 6260; MEA; Monoetanolamin; Monoetanolamine; Mono etanolamin; Mono etanol amin; Monoethanolamine; Mono ethanolamine ; Mono ethanol amine; Monoetanolamine; Mono etanolamin; Mono etanol amin; Monoethanolamine; Mono ethanolamine ; Mono ethanol amine; Monoetanolamin; MONOETANOLAMİN
Le monoéthanolamine (MEA), ou 2-aminoéthanol, est un phospholipide constitué d'une amine primaire et d'un alcool primaire. Ce composé chimique toxique est une base faible qui se présente sous la forme d'un liquide visqueux à l'odeur d'ammoniaque.
Utilisations du monoéthanolamine
Le Monoethanolamine est utilisé dans la production de nombreux produits chimiques comme des détergents, des émulsifiants ou des produits pharmaceutiques.
Le Monoethanolamine est aussi employé pour réduire l'acidité de certains gaz et pour capturer le dioxyde de carbone des gaz de post-combustion.
Le Monoethanolamine pour obtenir du gaz carbonique pur
À température ambiante, une solution de Monoethanolamine capture le CO2 gazeux sous forme de sels. Il suffit ensuite de chauffer la solution dans un milieu confiné pour provoquer la libération du dioxyde de carbone et la régénération de la solution de monoéthanolamine. On obtient ainsi du gaz carbonique pure
Sauter à la navigationSauter à la recherche
Monoéthanolamine Ethanolamine-3D
Structure de Monoethanolamine
Identification du Monoéthanolamine
Nom UICPA du Monoéthanolamine 2-aminoéthanol
Synonymes du Monoéthanolamine
alcool β-aminoéthyliquel,
glycinol, olamine, MEA
No CAS du Monoéthanolamine 141-43-5
No ECHA du Monoéthanolamine 100.004.986
No CE du Monoéthanolamine 205-483-3
No RTECS du Monoéthanolamine KJ5775000
PubChem du Monoéthanolamine 700
ChEBI du Monoéthanolamine 16000
SMILES du Monoéthanolamine
InChI du Monoéthanolamine
Apparence du Monoéthanolamine liquide incolore et huileux à l'odeur ammoniacale
Propriétés chimiques du Monoéthanolamine
Formule brute du Monoéthanolamine C2H7NO [Isomères]
Masse molaire du Monoéthanolamine1 61,0831 ± 0,0026 g/mol
C 39,33 %, H 11,55 %, N 22,93 %, O 26,19 %,
Propriétés physiques du Monoéthanolamine
T° fusion du Monoéthanolamine 10 °C2
T° ébullition du Monoéthanolamine 170 °C2
Paramètre de solubilité du Monoéthanolamine δ 31,8 J1/2·cm-3/2 (30 °C)3;
13,5 cal1/2·cm-3/24
Masse volumique du Monoéthanolamine 1,02 g·cm-3 à 20 °C2
T° d'auto-inflammation du Monoéthanolamine 410 °C2
Point d'éclair du Monoéthanolamine 85 °C2
Limites d'explosivité du Monoéthanolamine dans l'air 5,5 - 17 %
Pression de vapeur saturante du Monoéthanolamine 50 Pa à 20 °C
163 Pa à 40 °C
343 Pa à 50 °C2
Thermochimie du Monoéthanolamine
Propriétés optiques du Monoéthanolamine
Indice de réfraction {\displaystyle {\textit {n}}_{D}^{20}}\textit{n}_{D}^{20} = 1,4539 à 20 °C6
SGH05 : Corrosif
H302, H312, H314, H332, H335, P261, P280, P305+P351+P338, P308+P313,
NFPA 704
Symbole NFPA 704
Unités du SI et CNTP, sauf indication contraire.
modifier Consultez la documentation du modèle
Monoethanolamine, également appelée 2-aminoéthanol ou monoéthanolamine, est un composé chimique organique qui est à la fois une amine primaire (par son groupe amine) et un alcool primaire (par son groupe hydroxyle). À l'instar des autres amines, la monoéthanolamine se comporte en base faible. Monoethanolamine est un liquide toxique, inflammable, corrosif, incolore et visqueux ; son odeur est similaire à celle de l'ammoniac.
Monoethanolamine est communément appelée monoéthanolamine afin de la distinguer de la diéthanolamine et de la triéthanolamine. Le groupeMonoethanolamine est le deuxième plus fréquent groupe de tête des phospholipides, des substances que l'on retrouve dans les membranes biologiques.
On produit la monoéthanolamine en faisant réagir l'oxyde d'éthylène avec l'ammoniaque aqueux ; cette réaction produit également de la diéthanolamine et de la triéthanolamine. Il est possible d'exercer un contrôle sur les proportions de ces produits en changeant la stœchiométrie des réactifs7.
Réaction de l'oxyde d'éthylène avec l'ammoniaque
Les analyses scientifiques ont permis de conclure que l'usage de la monoéthanolamine (MEA) et de la triéthanolamine (TEA), est sécuritaire dans les cosmétiques conçus pour une utilisation à courte échéance, suivie d'un rinçage complet de la surface de la peau. Dans les produits destinés à être en contact prolongé avec la peau, la concentration d'éthanolamines ne doit pas dépasser 5 %8.
L'usage de la cocamide DEA, de la cocamide DIPA et d'autres acides gras avec Monoethanolamine est autorisé dans les cosmétiques, car ces substances ne présentent pas les mêmes caractéristiques que la DEA. Cependant, dans les cosmétiques, on interdit leur utilisation en association avec des agents formant de la nitrosamine8.
La présence de diéthanolamine (DEA) n'est pas autorisée dans les cosmétiques au Canada. En effet, la DEA et les composés similaires, comme la diisopropanolamine (DIPA), peuvent produire des nitrosamines dangereuses possiblement associées au cancer. La DEA et la DIPA, de même que tous les ingrédients capables d'induire la formation de nitrosamines, lorsqu'ils sont ajoutés à un cosmétique, peuvent présenter un risque pour la santé des consommateurs et ne doivent donc pas se retrouver dans les cosmétiques vendus au Canada, comme l'indique la Liste critique des ingrédients8.
La monoéthanolamine est utilisée en solution aqueuse pour neutraliser certains gaz. Elle sert d'ingrédient de base dans la production de détergents, émulsifiants, vernis, produits pharmaceutiques, inhibiteurs de corrosion, intermédiaires chimiques, etc.7 Par exemple, la réaction entre Monoethanolamine et l'ammoniac donne de l'éthylènediamine, un agent chélateur courant
Monoethanolamine is the most commonly studied alkanolamine and shares some reaction pathways with other ethanolamines including: secondary (eg, DEA), tertiary (eg, MDEA), cyclic (eg, 3-methanolpiperazine, 3-PM), and sterically hindered (eg, AMP) alkanolamines.
Biogasification of Waste Monoethanolamine Generated in Post Combustion CO2 Capture
Deshai Botheju, ... Rune Bakke, in Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Gas Processing Symposium, 2010
4.1 Aerobic Batch Tests
Monoethanolamine containing reactors consume more oxygen than the control, demonstrating Monoethanolamine degradation (Fig 1). 500 mg/L Monoethanolamine initial concentration show less ultimate BOD and slower reaction compared to 125 mg/L Monoethanolamine (Fig. 1(a)), explained by Monoethanolamine induced inhibition. Such inhibition was avoided in the second test by using the culture from the first test after longer adaptation and pH adjusted to neutral (Fig. 1 (b)). Monoethanolamine toxicity and inhibition has also been noticed by others (Lai and Shieh, 1996).
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Figure 1. BOD profiles for the aerobic degradation test series; (a) series 1-non-adopted, non diluted inoculum (b) series 2- adopted and diluted (4x) inoculum
First order rate constants for aerobic Monoethanolamine biodegradation are calculated according to Botheju et al. (2010b) using the experimental BOD data (Table 3).
Table 3. Degradation rate constant (K1) values (d-1) for different Monoethanolamine concentrations and test series
Monoethanolamine con. (mg/L) Rate constant (d-1)
125 1.08 (by series 1)
500 0.66 (average from series 1 and 2)
2000 0.47 (by series 2)
Conventional amine scrubbing for CO2 capture
G.T. Rochelle, in Absorption-Based Post-combustion Capture of Carbon Dioxide, 2016
3.9.1 Monoethanolamine (MEA)
Monoethanolamine is an important candidate for CO2 capture by amine scrubbing. ASEA Brown Boveri (ABB) Lummus built several small units scrubbing coal-fired flue gas with 20 wt% Monoethanolamine using carbon steel with a corrosion inhibitor. Fluor has commercialized 30 wt% Monoethanolamine in a number of units based on gas combustion. Numerous publications report extensive bench-scale and pilot plant results with MEA.
Monoethanolamine is the least expensive of the important absorption liquids. It is produced in large quantities from the reaction of ammonia and ethylene oxide, a primary raw material for antifreeze polyester. It is a primary amine near the optimum Acid Dissociation Constant (pKa), so it has an average rate of CO2 absorption and above average normalized capacity with excellent viscosity. Its heat of CO2 absorption is high, so it performs well with thermal-swing regeneration.
Unfortunately, Monoethanolamine is prone to oxidative degradation and its Tmax for thermal degradation is 120°C. Oxidation inhibitors, nitrogen sparging to remove dissolved oxygen, or other methods will be required to manage oxidation.
Monoethanolamine (MEA)
Amine with alcohol and amine characteristics used in detergent, personal care, textile finishing, and wood treating products, as well as oil well and metalworking products for corrosion prevention. Also can be used as a cement grinding aid. Building block in the manufacture of triazine based corrosion inhibitors.
Gas sweetening
Concrete admixtures
Urethane foam catalysts
Personal care products
Agricultural chemicals
Photographic emulsions
Unique reactions
Broad spectrum of applications
Act as amines or alcohols
These values are typical properties and are not intended for use in preparing specifications.
Performance Benefits
Corrosion Inhibitor, Grinding Aid, Intermediate, Neutralizing Agent, pH Regulator, Processing Agent, Reactive Agent
MonoEthanolAmine (MEA)
MonoEthanolamine (MEA) is a clear, colorless, viscous liquid with an odor of ammonia. The molecular formula is C2H7NO. Monoethanol amine combine 2 differents chemical functions, alcool and amine.
MonoEthanolAmine Chemical Structure Composition.
Monoethanolamine is produced by reacting ethylene oxide with aqueous ammonia.
This reaction produce monoethanolamine as well as diethanolamine and triethanolamine.
The ratio of each product can be controlled by the ratio of the reactants.
Monoethanolamine (MEA) is mainly used in detergents, personal-care products, textile, gas treating, wood treating, metal-working fluids, and catalysts for PU foams.
Monoethanolamine , also known as aminoethanol or colamine, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as 1, 2-aminoalcohols. These are organic compounds containing an alkyl chain with an amine group bound to the C1 atom and an alcohol group bound to the C2 atom. Monoethanolamine exists as a liquid, soluble (in water), and an extremely weak acidic (essentially neutral) compound (based on its pKa). Monoethanolamine has been found in human brain, pancreas and epidermis tissues, and has also been detected in most biofluids, including feces, breast milk, saliva, and blood. Within the cell, Monoethanolamine is primarily located in the cytoplasm and myelin sheath. Monoethanolamine exists in all eukaryotes, ranging from yeast to humans. Monoethanolamine participates in a number of enzymatic reactions. In particular, Monoethanolamine can be converted into O-phosphoMonoethanolamine through the action of the enzyme choline/Monoethanolamine kinase. Furthermore, Monoethanolamine can be converted into O-phosphoMonoethanolamine through its interaction with the enzyme choline/Monoethanolamine kinase. Furthermore, Monoethanolamine can be converted into O-phosphoethanolamine through the action of the enzyme choline/Monoethanolamine kinase. Finally, Monoethanolamine can be converted into O-phosphoethanolamine; which is mediated by the enzyme choline/ethanolamine kinase. In humans, Monoethanolamine is involved in phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis PC(22:2(13Z, 16Z)/16:1(9Z)) pathway, phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis PC(13m5/11m3) pathway, phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis PC(22:0/14:1(9Z)) pathway, and phosphatidylMonoethanolamine biosynthesis pe(22:5(7Z, 10Z, 13Z, 16Z, 19Z)/22:4(7Z, 10Z, 13Z, 16Z)) pathway. Outside of the human body, Monoethanolamine can be found in a number of food items such as allspice, lemon grass, pitanga, and date. This makes Monoethanolamine a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Monoethanolamine is a potentially toxic compound. Monoethanolamine has been found to be associated with the diseases known as ethanolaminuria; Monoethanolamine has also been linked to several inborn metabolic disorders including propionic acidemia and maple syrup urine disease.
Human Metabolome Database (HMDB)
Monoethanolamine is a first generation monoethanolamine with antihistaminic property. Monoethanolamine competes with free histamine for binding at the histamine (H)-1 receptor thereby acting as an inverse agonist that combines with and stabilizes the inactive form of the H1-receptor thereby shifting the equilibrium toward the inactive state. This leads to a reduction of the negative symptoms brought on by H1-receptor binding.
NCI Thesaurus (NCIt)
Monoethanolamine appears as a clear colorless liquid with an odor resembling that of ammonia. Flash point 185°F. May attack copper, brass, and rubber. Corrosive to tissue. Moderately toxic. Produces toxic oxides of nitrogen during combustion.
CAMEO Chemicals
Monoetanolamin (MEA)
Monoetanolamin (MEA)
Monoetanolamin Kimyasal Formülü: C2H7NO
CAS No: 141-43-5
Monoetanolamin Moleküler Ağırlık 61.08 g/mol
Monoetanolamin Yoğunluk 1.018 g/cm3
Monoetanolamin Donma Noktası -10°C
Monoetanolamin Kaynama Noktası 171°C
Monoetanolamin Erime Noktası 10.5°C
Monoetanolamin Parlama Noktası 85°C
Monoetanolamin pH 11.8
Monoetanolamin (MEA)
220 kg varillerde bulunmaktadır.
Etilen Oksit ile Amonyak tepkimesi neticesinde elde edilir.
Hafif amonyak kokusu barındırır.
Etilen diamin, taurin ve fenil etanolamin üretiminde hammadde olarak kullanılır.
Alkanolamidlerin üretiminde sentez aracı olarak işlev görebilir.
Oda sıcaklığı baz alındığında düşük bir uçuculuk oranına sahiptir.
Sıvı haldedir. Ancak düşük sıcaklıklarda katılaşma ihtimali mevcuttur.
Hava ile temas etmesi neticesinde kararma gözlemlenebilir.
Cilde, göze ve solunum sistemine zararlıdır.
Monoetanolamin (MEA)
Monoetanolamin Cas No 141-43-5
Monoetanolamin EINECS No 205-483-3
Monoetanolamin Kimyasal Formülü C2H7NO
Monoetanolamin Görünüm Şeffaf Sıvı
Monoetanolamin Saflık, % 99,9
Monoetanolamin Yoğunluk (Kg/Litre) 1,012
Monoetanolamin Parlama Noktası, °C 96 °C
Monoetanolamin Kaynama Noktası, °C 170 °C
Monoetanolamin Asitik değer, % 0,001
Monoetanolamin Molekül Ağırlığı 61
Monoetanolamin Eşanlamlı Kelimeler
MEA, Ethanolamine
Monoetanolamin (MEA) esas olarak deterjanlarda, kişisel bakım ürünlerinde, tekstil, gaz işlemede, ahşap işlemede, metal işleme sıvılarında ve PU köpükler için katalizörlerde kullanılır.
Aminoetanol veya kolamin olarak da bilinen monoetanolamin, 1,2-aminoalkoller olarak bilinen organik bileşikler sınıfına aittir. Bunlar, C1 atomuna bağlı bir amin grubuna ve C2 atomuna bağlı bir alkol grubuna sahip bir alkil zinciri içeren organik bileşiklerdir. Monoetanolamin, sıvı, çözünür (suda) ve son derece zayıf asidik (esasen nötr) bir bileşik (pKa'ya göre) olarak bulunur. Monoetanolamin, insan beyni, pankreas ve epidermis dokularında bulunmuştur ve ayrıca dışkı, anne sütü, tükürük ve kan dahil olmak üzere çoğu biyo sıvıda da tespit edilmiştir. Monoetanolamin hücre içinde öncelikle sitoplazma ve miyelin kılıfında bulunur. Monoetanolamin, mayadan insanlara kadar tüm ökaryotlarda bulunur. Monoetanolamin, bir dizi enzimatik reaksiyona katılır. Özellikle, Monoetanolamin, enzim kolin / Monoetanolamin kinazın etkisiyle O-fosfoMonoetanolamine dönüştürülebilir. Ayrıca, Monoetanolamin, enzim kolin / Monoetanolamin kinaz ile etkileşimi yoluyla O-fosfoMonoetanolamine dönüştürülebilir. Ayrıca, Monoetanolamin, enzim kolin / Monoetanolamin kinazın etkisiyle O-fosfoetanolamine dönüştürülebilir. Son olarak, Monoetanolamin, O-fosfoetanolamine dönüştürülebilir; buna kolin / etanolamin kinaz enzimi aracılık eder. İnsanlarda, Monoetanolamin fosfatidilkolin biyosentez PC (22: 2 (13Z, 16Z) / 16: 1 (9Z)) yolu, fosfatidilkolin biyosentez PC (13m5 / 11m3) yolu, fosfatidilkolin biyosentez PC (22: 0/14: 1) ile ilgilidir. (9Z)) yolu ve fosfatidil Monoetanolamin biyosentez pe (22: 5 (7Z, 10Z, 13Z, 16Z, 19Z) / 22: 4 (7Z, 10Z, 13Z, 16Z)) yolu. İnsan vücudunun dışında, Monoetanolamin yenibahar, limon otu, pitanga ve hurma gibi bir dizi gıda maddesinde bulunabilir. Bu, Monoetanolamin'i bu gıda ürünlerinin tüketimi için potansiyel bir biyolojik belirteç yapar. Monoetanolamin, potansiyel olarak toksik bir bileşiktir. Monoetanolaminin etanolaminüri olarak bilinen hastalıklarla ilişkili olduğu bulunmuştur; Monoetanolamin ayrıca propiyonik asidemi ve akçaağaç şurubu idrar hastalığı dahil olmak üzere birçok doğuştan gelen metabolik bozukluklarla ilişkilendirilmiştir.
İnsan Metabolom Veritabanı (HMDB)
Monoetanolamin, antihistaminik özelliğe sahip birinci nesil bir monoetanolamindir. Monoetanolamin, histamin (H) -1 reseptöründe bağlanmak için serbest histamin ile rekabet eder, böylece H1 reseptörünün inaktif formu ile birleşen ve onu stabilize eden ve böylece dengeyi inaktif duruma kaydıran bir ters agonist olarak hareket eder. Bu, H1-reseptör bağlanmasının getirdiği negatif semptomlarda bir azalmaya yol açar.
NCI Eş Anlamlılar Sözlüğü (NCIt)
Monoetanolamin, amonyak kokusuna benzeyen berrak, renksiz bir sıvı olarak görünür. Parlama noktası 185 ° F. Bakır, pirinç ve kauçuğa saldırabilir. Doku için aşındırıcıdır. Orta derecede toksik. Yanma sırasında toksik nitrojen oksitleri üretir.
Monoetanolamin (MEA)
Monoetanolamin Özellikleri:
Etilen Oksit ile Amonyak tepkimesi neticesinde elde edilir.
Hafif amonyak kokusu barındırır.
Etilen diamin, taurin ve fenil etanolamin üretiminde hammadde olarak kullanılır.
Alkanolamidlerin üretiminde sentez aracı olarak işlev görebilir.
Oda sıcaklığı baz alındığında düşük bir uçuculuk oranına sahiptir.
Sıvı haldedir. Ancak düşük sıcaklıklarda katılaşma ihtimali mevcuttur.
Hava ile temas etmesi neticesinde kararma gözlemlenebilir.
Monoetanolamin Kullanım Alanları:
Deterjanlarda, araba yıkama şampuanlarında, genel yağ gidericilerde, wax uzaklaştırıcılarda nötralize ajan ve korozyon önleyici olarak;
Zirai kimyasallarda, ilaç ürün formülasyonlarında yapıştırıcı olarak;
Zamklar, lateks ve fotoğraf geliştiriciler için dağıtıcı ajanlarda, kauçuk vulkonizasyonu tetikleyicilerde, korozyon önleyicilerde, PH kontrolöründe, ara madde sentezlerinde, vernik, boya, wax ve cila ıslatma ajanlarında kullanılır.
Monoetanolamin (MEA)
Monoetanolamin Cas No 141-43-5
Monoetanolamin EINECS No 205-483-3
Monoetanolamin Kimyasal Formülü C2H7NO
Monoetanolamin Görünüm Şeffaf Sıvı
Monoetanolamin Saflık, % 99,9
Monoetanolamin Yoğunluk (Kg/Litre) 1,012
Monoetanolamin Parlama Noktası, °C 96 °C
Monoetanolamin Kaynama Noktası, °C 170 °C
Monoetanolamin Asitik değer, % 0,001
Monoetanolamin Molekül Ağırlığı 61
Monoetanolamin Eşanlamlı Kelimeler
MEA, Ethanolamine
Ürün Çeşitleri
Monoetanolamin (Dow)
Monoetanolamin (Rus)
Monoetanolamin (Kore)