COLANYL BLUE B2G 131; Colanyl Blue B2G 131; COLANYL BLUE B2G 131; Colanyl Blue B2G 131; COLANYL BLUE B2G-131;Mavi; BLue; blue; blu; mavi; kolanil; Colanyl Blue B2G 131-; COLANYL BLUE B 2G 131; Colanyl Blue B 2G 131; COLANYIL BLUE B2G 131; Colanyıl Blue B2G 131; COLANiL BLUE B2G 131; Colanil Blue B2G 131; Blue; Kolanil blue; COLANYL BLUE; COLANİL BLUE; COLANYL BLUE B2G; BLUE; colanyl blue b2g 131; colanyl blue b2g 131; colanyl blue b2g-131; colanyl blue b2g 131-; colanyl blue b 2g 131; colanyl blue b 2g 131; colanyıl blue b2g 131; colanyıl blue b2g 131; colanil blue b2g 131; colanil blue b2g 131; blue; kolanil blue; colanyl blue; colanil blue; colanyl blue b2g; blue; COLANYL BLUE B2G 131; Colanyl Blue B2G 131; COLANYL BLUE B2G-131; Colanyl Blue B2G 131-; COLANYL BLUE B 2G 131; Colanyl Blue B 2G 131; COLANYIL BLUE B2G 131; Colanyıl Blue B2G 131; Colanil BLUE B2G 131; Colanil Blue B2G 131; Blue; Kolanil Blue; COLANYL BLUE; COLANİL BLUE; COLANYL BLUE B2G; BLUE; COLANYL BLUE B2G 131; Colanyl Blue B2G 131; COLANYL BLUE B2G 131; Colanyl Blue B2G 131; COLANYL BLUE B2G-131;Mavi; BLue; blue; blu; mavi; kolanil; Colanyl Blue B2G 131-; COLANYL BLUE B 2G 131; Colanyl Blue B 2G 131; COLANYIL BLUE B2G 131; Colanyıl Blue B2G 131; COLANiL BLUE B2G 131; Colanil Blue B2G 131; Blue; Kolanil blue; COLANYL BLUE; COLANİL BLUE; COLANYL BLUE B2G; BLUE; colanyl blue b2g 131; colanyl blue b2g 131; colanyl blue b2g-131; colanyl blue b2g 131-; colanyl blue b 2g 131; colanyl blue b 2g 131; colanyıl blue b2g 131; colanyıl blue b2g 131; colanil blue b2g 131; colanil blue b2g 131; blue; kolanil blue; colanyl blue; colanil blue; colanyl blue b2g; blue; COLANYL BLUE B2G 131; Colanyl Blue B2G 131; COLANYL BLUE B2G-131; Colanyl Blue B2G 131-; COLANYL BLUE B 2G 131; Colanyl Blue B 2G 131; COLANYIL BLUE B2G 131; Colanyıl Blue B2G 131; Colanil BLUE B2G 131; Colanil Blue B2G 131; Blue; Kolanil Blue; COLANYL BLUE; COLANİL BLUE; COLANYL BLUE B2G; BLUE; COLANYL BLUE B2G 131; Colanyl Blue B2G 131; COLANYL BLUE B2G 131; Colanyl Blue B2G 131; COLANYL BLUE B2G-131;Mavi; BLue; blue; blu; mavi; kolanil; Colanyl Blue B2G 131-; COLANYL BLUE B 2G 131; Colanyl Blue B 2G 131; COLANYIL BLUE B2G 131; Colanyıl Blue B2G 131; COLANiL BLUE B2G 131; Colanil Blue B2G 131; Blue; Kolanil blue; COLANYL BLUE; COLANİL BLUE; COLANYL BLUE B2G; BLUE; colanyl blue b2g 131; colanyl blue b2g 131; colanyl blue b2g-131; colanyl blue b2g 131-; colanyl blue b 2g 131; colanyl blue b 2g 131; colanyıl blue b2g 131; colanyıl blue b2g 131; colanil blue b2g 131; colanil blue b2g 131; blue; kolanil blue; colanyl blue; colanil blue; colanyl blue b2g; blue; COLANYL BLUE B2G 131; Colanyl Blue B2G 131; COLANYL BLUE B2G-131; Colanyl Blue B2G 131-; COLANYL BLUE B 2G 131; Colanyl Blue B 2G 131; COLANYIL BLUE B2G 131; Colanyıl Blue B2G 131; Colanil BLUE B2G 131; Colanil Blue B2G 131; Blue; Kolanil Blue; COLANYL BLUE; COLANİL BLUE; COLANYL BLUE B2G; BLUE
Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Le Colanyl Blue B2G 131 est une préparation pigmentaire aqueuse sans liant à base d'agents mouillants et dispersants non ioniques et / ou anioniques et de propylène glycol. Le Colanyl Blue B2G 131 a une consistance versable et pompable et convient aux doseuses. En raison de sa bonne durabilité, le Colanyl Blue B2G 131 peut être utilisé pour une utilisation intérieure et extérieure après des tests de vieillissement adéquats.
Avantages du Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Préparation de pigments aqueux sans liant pour peintures décoratives à base d'eau
Fabriqué sans utiliser d'additifs alkylphénol éthoxylés (APEO)
Convient pour l'équipement de distribution manuel et automatique
Miscible en toutes proportions entre elles, préparation pigmentaire de la gamme Colanyl 100
Données produit de Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Caractéristiques de Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Grav. teinte. Résistance du Colanyl Blue B2G 131
[%] 97-103
Vol. teinte. Résistance du Colanyl Blue B2G 131
[%] 95-105
Densité du bleu de colanyl B2G 131
[g / cm3] 1,19-1,26
Nuance de Colanyl Blue B2G 131
dH de Colanyl Blue B2G 131 (*) +/- 0,5
Pureté du bleu de colanyl B2G 131dC (*)
+/- 0,8
Viscosité du bleu de colanyl B2G 131 [Pa * s] 0,3-1,3
Principaux domaines d'application du Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Peintures en émulsion
Enduits liés en résine synthétique
Autres domaines d'application possibles
résines de coulée acrylique et polyester
taches de bois aqueuses
Données physiques
Densité [g / cm3] 1,23
Composition de Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Contenu pigmentaire
[%] 47
Total solide
[%] 57
Glycols [%] 20
Eau [%] 23
Données de solidité
aux intempéries
Lumière du jour (DIN EN ISO 105-B01)
[Échelle 1-8]
Europe centrale 12 mois (DIN EN ISO 105-A02)
[Échelle 1-5]
Ombre profonde
8 5
1/25 SD
8 5
(*) après ajustement de la force tinctoriale
Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Fiche technique | Fourni par Clariant
Phtalocyanine de Cu, ß-Mod. Est une préparation pigmentaire aqueuse sans liant à base d'agents mouillants et dispersants non ioniques et / ou anioniques ainsi que de propylène glycol. En raison de son excellente résistance aux intempéries, il convient à une utilisation intérieure et extérieure. Utilisé dans les peintures en émulsion, les enduits liés à la résignation synthétique, les résines de moulage acrylique et polyester, les latex et les teintures aqueuses pour bois.
Type de produit Pigments et colorants colorés> Préparations
Composition chimique Cu phtalocyanine
Numéro CAS 147-14-8
Le Colanyl Blue B2G 131 est une préparation pigmentaire aqueuse sans liant à base d'agents mouillants et dispersants non ioniques et / ou anioniques et de propylène glycol. Le produit a une consistance versable et pompable et convient aux doseuses. En raison de sa bonne durabilité, il peut être utilisé pour une utilisation intérieure et extérieure après des tests de vieillissement adéquats.
CAS de Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Type de produit Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Pigment> Colorants pigmentaires
Applications de Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Revêtements> Waterbase
Revêtements> Industriel
Industrie du Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Producteur de Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Préparations aqueuses de pigments sans liant à base d'agents mouillants et dispersants non ioniques et / ou anioniques.
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 utilisé dans
Peintures décoratives à base d'émulsions aqueuses et enduits / enduits à base de dispersions aqueuses de polymères.
Sans liant
Propriétés typiques du Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Indice de couleur du bleu colanyl B2G 131 bleu pigment 15
Densité du bleu de colanyl B2G 131: 1,26
Solides, en poids,% 54
Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Colanyl Blue B2G 131, noniyonik ve / veya anyonik ıslatıcı ve dağıtıcı ajanlar ve propilen glikole dayanan bağlayıcı içermeyen, sulu bir pigment preparatıdır. Colanyl Blue B2G 131 dökülebilir ve pompalanabilir bir kıvama sahiptir ve dozlama makineleri için uygundur. İyi dayanıklılığı nedeniyle Colanyl Blue B2G 131, yeterli hava şartlandırma testlerinden sonra iç ve dış kullanım için kullanılabilir.
Colanyl Blue B2G 131'in Faydaları
Su bazlı dekoratif boyalar için bağlayıcı içermeyen sulu pigment preparasyonu
Alkil fenol etoksillenmiş (APEO) katkı maddeleri kullanılmadan üretilmiştir
Manuel ve otomatik dağıtım ekipmanları için uygun
Colanyl 100 serisinin pigment preparasyonu ile her oranda karışabilir
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 Ürün Verileri
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 Teknik Özellikleri
Yerçekimi. Tinct. Kolanil Mavisi Gücü B2G 131
[%] 97-103
Vol. Tinct. Colanyl Blue B2G 131 Gücü B2G 131
[%] 95-105
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 Yoğunluğu B2G 131
[G / cm3] 1,19-1,26
Colanyl Blue gölgesi B2G 131
dH Colanyl Blue B2G 131 (*) +/- 0.5
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 Saflığı B2G 131dC (*)
+/- 0,8
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 Viskozitesi B2G 131 [Pa * s] 0.3-1.3
Colanyl Blue B2G 131'in Ana Uygulama Alanları
Emülsiyon boyalar
Sentetik reçine bağlı kaplamalar
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 Diğer olası Uygulama Alanları
akrilik ve polyester döküm reçineleri
sulu ahşap lekeleri
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 Fiziksel bilgi
Yoğunluk [g / cm3] 1.23
PH değeri
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 bileşimi
Pigment İçeriği
[%] 47
Toplam Katı
[%] 57
Glikoller [%] 20
Su [%] 23
Haslık Verileri
Gün ışığı (DIN EN ISO 105-B01)
[Ölçek 1-8]
12 aylık orta Avrupa (DIN EN ISO 105-A02)
[Ölçek 1-5]
Derin Gölge
8 5
1/25 SD
8 5
(*) renklendirme kuvvetinin ayarlanmasından sonra
Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Teknik Veri Sayfası | Clariant tarafından sağlanır
Cu ftalosiyanin, ß-Mod. Noniyonik ve / veya anyonik ıslatıcı ve dağıtıcı ajanların yanı sıra propilen glikole dayanan bağlayıcı içermeyen, sulu bir pigment preparatıdır. Mükemmel ayrışma haslığı nedeniyle, iç ve dış kullanım için uygundur. Emülsiyon boyalarda, sentetik reçineye bağlı kaplamalarda, akrilik ve polyester döküm reçinelerinde, latekslerde ve sulu ahşap lekelerinde kullanılır.
Ürün Tipi Renk Pigmentleri ve Boyalar> Preparatlar
Kimyasal Bileşimi Cu ftalosiyanin
CAS Numarası 147-14-8
Colanyl Blue B2G 131, noniyonik ve / veya anyonik ıslatıcı ve dağıtıcı ajanlar ve propilen glikole dayanan bağlayıcı içermeyen, sulu bir pigment preparatıdır. Colanyl Blue B2G 131 dökülebilir ve pompalanabilir bir kıvama sahiptir ve dozlama makineleri için uygundur. İyi dayanıklılığı nedeniyle, yeterli hava şartlandırma testlerinden sonra iç ve dış mekanlarda kullanılabilir.
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 CAS
Ürün Tipi Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Pigment> Renk pigmentleri boyaları
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 Uygulamaları
Kaplamalar> Su Bazlı
Kaplamalar> Endüstriyel
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 endüstrisi
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 Üreticisi
Colanyl Blue B2G 131
İyonik olmayan ve / veya anyonik ıslatıcı ve dağıtıcı maddelere dayanan sulu, bağlayıcı içermeyen pigment preparatları.
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 Kullanılan
Sulu emülsiyon boyalarına dayanan dekoratif boyalar ve sulu polimer dispersiyonlarına dayalı sıvalar / sıvalar.
Bağlayıcı içermez
Colanyl Blue B2G 131'in Tipik Özellikleri
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 Renk İndeksi Pigment 15
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 Yoğunluğu : 1.26
Katı maddeler, ağırlıkça,% 54
Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 is a binder-free, aqueous pigment preparation based on nonionic and / or anionic wetting and dispersing agents and propylene glycol. Colanyl Blue B2G 131 has a pourable and pumpable consistency and is suitable for dosing machines. Because of its good durability, Colanyl Blue B2G 131 can be used for interior and exterior use after adequate weathering tests.
Benefits of Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Binder-free aqueous pigment preparation for water-based decorative paints
Manufactured without using alkyl phenol ethoxylated (APEO) additives
Suitable for manual and automatic dispensing equipment
Miscible in all proportions with each other pigment preparation of the Colanyl 100 range
Product Data of Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Specifications of Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Grav. tinct. Strength of Colanyl Blue B2G 131
[%] 97-103
Vol. tinct. Strength of Colanyl Blue B2G 131
[%] 95-105
Density of Colanyl Blue B2G 131
[g/cm3] 1.19-1.26
Shade of Colanyl Blue B2G 131
dH of Colanyl Blue B2G 131(*) +/- 0.5
Purity of Colanyl Blue B2G 131dC (*)
+/- 0.8
Viscosity of Colanyl Blue B2G 131 [Pa*s] 0.3-1.3
Main Fields of Application of Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Emulsion paints
Synthetic resin bound renderings
Further possible Fields of Application
acrylic and polyester casting resins
aqueous wood stains
Physical Data
Density [g/cm3] 1.23
pH Value
Composition of Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Pigment Content
[%] 47
Total Solid
[%] 57
Glycols [%] 20
Water [%] 23
Fastness Data
to Light
to Weathering
Daylight (DIN EN ISO 105-B01)
[Scale 1-8]
12 month middle Europe (DIN EN ISO 105-A02)
[Scale 1-5]
Deep Shade
8 5
1/25 SD
8 5
(*) after adjustment of tinctorial strength
Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Technical Datasheet | Supplied by Clariant
Cu phthalocyanine, ß-Mod. Is a binder-free, aqueous pigment preparation based on nonionic and / or anionic wetting and dispersing agents as well as on propylene glycol. Because of the excellent weathering fastness, it is suitable for interior and exterior use. Used in emulsion paints, synthetic resign bound renderings, acrylic and polyester casting resins, latices and aqueous wood stains.
Product Type Color Pigments & Dyes > Preparations
Chemical Composition Cu phthalocyanine
CAS Number 147-14-8
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 is a binder-free, aqueous pigment preparation based on nonionic and/or anionic wetting and dispersing agents and propylene glycol. The product has a pourable and pumpable consistency and is suitable for dosing machines. Because of its good durability, it can be used for interior and exterior use after adequate weathering tests.
CAS of Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Product Type of Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Pigment > Color pigments dyes
Applications of Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Coatings > Waterbase
Coatings > Industrial
Industry of Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Producer of Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Aqueous, binder free pigment preparations that are based on non-ionic and/or anionic wetting and dispersing agents.
Colanyl Blue B2G 131 Used In
Decorative paints based on aqueous emulsion paints and plasters/renderings based on aqueous polymer dispersions.
Binder free
Typical Properties of Colanyl Blue B2G 131
Color Index of Colanyl Blue B2G 131 Pigment Blue 15
Density of Colanyl Blue B2G 131 : 1.26
Solids, by weight, % 54