Paraformaldehyde 91% (Paraformaldehit 91% )
Paraformaldehit 91%; paraformaldehyde; para formaldehyde; para form aldehyde; peraformaldehyde; pera form aldehyde; pera formaldehyde; paraformaldehit; para formaldehit; para form aldehit; Paraformaldehyde; Para Formaldehyde; Para Form Aldehyde; Peraformaldehyde; Pera Form Aldehyde; Pera Formaldehyde; Paraformaldehit; Para formaldehit; Para Form Aldehit; PARAFORMALDEHIT; PARA FORMALDEHYDE; PARA FORM ALDEHYDE; PARAFORMALDEHYDE; PERA FORM ALDEHYDE; PERA FORMALDEHYDE; PARAFORMALDEHYDE; PARA FORMALDEHIT; PARA FORM ALDEHIT; formalin; methanal; formol; methylene oxide; paraformaldehyde; oxomethane; paraform; formic aldehyde; oxymethylene; methyl aldehyde; Polyoxymethylene; Polyoxymethylene; metaformaldehyde; paraform; formagene; paraffinize; paraffinoid; paraffinoma; parafoil; parafollicular cell; paraformaldehyde; paraganglioma; paraganglion; paragenesis; parageusia; paraglide; paraflutizide; parafoil; parafoils; parafollicular; paraformaldehyde; paraformer; paraformers; parafoveal; parafransoletite; paraganglia; formaldehyde; formalin; methanal; formol; Paraformaldehyde; Formaldehyde; Formalin; Formol; Methanal; Oxomethane; formaldehyde; formalin; methanal; formol; Paraformaldehyde; 50-00-0; Methylene oxide; Oxomethane; Paraform; Formic aldehyde; Oxymethylene; Methyl aldehyde; Fannoform; Formalith; Formaldehyde solution; Methaldehyde; Superlysoform; Formalina; Lysoform; Morbicid; Karsan; Formaldehyd; Formaline; Oxomethylene; Polyoxymethylene; Aldehyde formique; FYDE; Formaldehyde, gas; Formalin 40; Aldeide formica; 30525-89-4; Oplossingen; Dormol; Polyformaldehyde; Formalin-loesungen; Paraformic aldehyde; Rcra waste number U122; Aldacide; Aldehyd mravenci; Paraformaldehydum; Oilstop, Halowax; Flo-Mor; CH2O; UN 2209 (formalin); Formaldehyde (gas); Formaldehyde polymer; Formaline [German]; NCI-C02799; Formalina [Italian]; Oplossingen [Dutch]; HCHO; Caswell No. 465; Caswell No. 633; FORMYL GROUP; Polyoxymethylene glycol; Polymerised formaldehyde, Fordor; UN 1198; Aldehyd mravenci [Czech]; POLY(OXYMETHYLENE); Aldeide formica [Italian]; Aldehyde formique [French]; Formalin-loesungen [German]; Formaldehyd [Czech, Polish]; CCRIS 315; NSC 298885; Formaldehyde [USP]; HSDB 164; Aldehyde formique [ISO-French]; BFV; Formaldehyde, solution; Paraformaldehit 91% ; UNII-1HG84L3525; CHEBI:16842; AI3-26806; HSDB 4070; Paraformaldehyde, polymer; UN1198; UN2209; UN2213; RCRA waste no. U122; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 043001; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 043002; Formalin Solution; UGFAIRIUMAVXCW-UHFFFAOYSA-N; WSFSSNUMVMOOMR-UHFFFAOYSA-N; Formaldehyde, Para; Formaldehyde (USP); MFCD00003274; 1HG84L3525; Formaldehyde, solution (37% to 50%); Formalde-Fresh Solution; DSSTox_CID_637; Formalin, Buffered, 10%; DSSTox_RID_82549; DSSTox_GSID_47796; CAS-NOCAS_47796; Formaldehyde, 37% by Weight; Formaldehyde, 40% by Volume; Paraformaldehyde, 90%, pure; Formaldehyd (CZECH, POLISH); Formalde-Fresh Solution, Buffered; Formalaz; Formaldehyde, solutions, flammable [UN1198] [Flammable liquid]; MFCD00133991; Formaldehyde, solutions with not <25% formaldehyde [UN2209] [Corrosive];; Buffer Solution, pH 4.00, Color-Coded Red; Formic aldehyde; Paraformaldehyde [JAN]; formaidehyde; formaldeyde; formaldhyde; methanon; paraformaldehyd; paraformaldehye; Paraformaldehyde [USP:JAN]; UNII-Y19UC83H8E; Formadehyde; Formaldehye; Veracur; Durine; paraformaidehyde; Formaldehyde, 37 wt% sol. in water, stab. with 5-15% methanol; Formaldehyde, ACS reagent, 37 wt% sol., stab. 10-15% methanol; para formaldehyde; paraform-aldehyde; Para-formaldehyde; Formalin solution, neutral buffered, 10%, histological tissue fixative; F-gen; Hyperband (TN); Formalin [JAN]; EINECS 200-001-8; Methan 21; CARBONMONOXIDE; HCOH; Floguard 1015; Formalin (JP17); CARBON-MONOXIDE; Hercules 37M6-8; RFPDT@; FORMALDEHYDE, ACS; H2CO; WLN: VHH; Formaldehyde [BSI:ISO]; Paraformaldehyde (JP17); ACMC-1AVX8; FORMALDEHYDE 37%; bmse000256; Epitope ID:116196; Melamine-Formaldehyde Resin; EC 200-001-8; Formaldehyde, 4% in PBS; Formaldehyde, methanol-free; AC1L19UQ; C3H8O; CHEMBL1255; Formaldehyde solution, 10%; BIDD:ER0493; GTPL4196; Y19UC83H8E; DTXSID7020637; CTK1G9461; Formaldehyde, solution, flammable; Formaldehyde, as formalin solution; Formaldehyde, solutions, flammable; KS-000010JW; Tox21_111160; Tox21_302438; ANW-44009; FM 282; LS-134; NSC298885; AKOS008967440; BufferPacTM Color-Coded Solutions; DB03843; Formaldehyde, 37% in aqueous solution; MCULE-1476806907; NA 9202; NSC-298885; RL03829; RTR-017915; UN 1016; UN 2209; Formaldehyde solution 37 wt. % in H2O; NCGC00255116-01; AN-24361; BP-21234; E240; SC-46956;Formaldehyde solution, 37 wt. % in H2O; AB1002009; LS-101266; TR-017915; F0622; FT-0626522; FT-0689115; P0018; Y1318; Formaldehyde solution ACS 37 wt. % in H2O; Paraformaldehyde [UN2213] [Flammable solid]; C00067; D00017; D01494; Formaldehyde, solutions (Formalin) (corrosive); Paraformaldehyde [UN2213] [Flammable solid]; A827922; Formaldehyde solution, tested according to Ph.Eur.; SR-01000944454; Formaldehyde, solutions with not <25% formaldehyde; SR-01000944454-1; I14-19020; I14-94270; I14-114193; Formaldehyde Solution, 10% w/w in 84.8 - 94.2% H2O; Paraformaldehyde, 16% w/v aqueous solution, methanol freeFormaldehyde neutral buffer solution, 3.7% formaldehyde in H2O; Formaldehyde neutral buffer solution, 7.5% formaldehyde in H2O; Formaldehyde solution, puriss. p.a., ACS reagent, >=36.5%; Formaldehyde solution, for molecular biology, 36.5-38% in H2O; Formaldehyde solution, meets analytical specification of USP, >=34.5 wt. %; Formaldehyde solution, puriss., 37.0%, contains 6.0-9.0% Methanol; Formaldehyde solution, AR, contains 5-8% methanol as stabilizer, 37-41 % (w/v); Formaldehyde solution, contains 10-15% methanol as stabilizer, 37 wt. % in H2O; Formaldehyde solution, for molecular biology, BioReagent, >=36.0% in H2O (T); Formaldehyde solution, JIS special grade, 36.0-38.0%, contains methanol as stabilizer; Formaldehyde solution, LR, contains 5-8% methanol as stabilizer, 37-41 % (w/v); Formaldehyde solution, SAJ first grade, >=35.0%, contains methanol as stabilizer; Formalin solution, neutral buffered, 10%, case of 24 x 60 mL, histological tissue fixative; Formalin solution, neutral buffered, 10%, case of 48 x 15 mL, histological tissue fixative; Formaldehyde solution, ACS reagent, 37 wt. % in H2O, contains 10-15% Methanol as stabilizer (to prevent polymerization); Formaldehyde solution, meets analytical specification of Ph.??Eur., BP, 35 wt. %, contains 10% methanol as stabilizer; Formaldehyde solution, meets USP testing specifications, contains 9.0-15% methanol as stabilizer; Formaldehyde solution, stabilized with methanol, ~37 wt. % in H2O, certified reference material; Formalin solution, neutral buffered, 10%, case of 24 x 120 mL, histological tissue fixative; Paraformaldehyde 91% ; Paraformaldehyde 91; PARAFORMALDEHYDE 91; Paraformaldehyde %91; para formaldehit %91; paraformaldehit %91; paraformaldehit 91; paraformaldehite %91; para formaldehite %91; para formaldehite 91; Paraformaldehit 91%; PARAFORMALDEHİT 91%
Paraformaldehyde 91%
Numéro CAS : 30525-89-4
Numéro UN : UN2213
Formule moléculaire brute : POLYMERE
Principaux synonymes
Noms français :
Paraformaldehyde 91%
Noms anglais :
Paraformaldehyde 91%
Utilisation et sources d'émission
Bactéricide, agent désinfectant
Mise à jour : 1992-03-31
Solide poudreux, flocons, blanc à odeur de formaldéhyde
Propriétés physiques
Mise à jour : 1992-03-31
État physique : Solide
Masse moléculaire : Sans objet
Densité : 1,46 g/ml à 20 °C
Solubilité dans l'eau : Peu soluble
Densité de vapeur (air=1) : Sans objet
Point de fusion : Sans objet
Point d'ébullition : Sans objet
Tension de vapeur : < 2,00 mm de Hg (0,266644 kPa) à 20 °C
Facteur de conversion (ppm->mg/m³) : Sans objet
Mise à jour : 1994-05-15
Ce produit est stable.
Ce produit est incompatible avec ces substances: Les agents oxydants forts, les acides forts, les bases fortes, les anhydrides d'acides, les agents réducteurs forts, les isocyanates, le cuivre et ses alliages, l'acier.
Produits de décomposition
Décomposition thermique (120-170 degrés Celsius): se décompose au point de fusion en libérant de la formaldéhyde (gaz toxique et inflammable).
Mise à jour : 1991-12-02
Éviter tout contact avec la peau. Porter un appareil de protection des yeux et, en cas de ventilation insuffisante, un appareil respiratoire approprié.
Ne pas manger et ne pas boire pendant l'utilisation.
Manipuler à l'abri des matières incompatibles.
Lorsque manipulé sous forme de poudre, mettre l'appareillage à la masse.
Informations supplémentaires: Éviter toute opération conduisant à la formation d'un nuage de poussières.
Conserver dans un récipient hermétique placé dans un endroit frais.
Conserver à l'écart de toute source de chaleur et d'ignition.
Entreposer à l'abri des matières incompatibles.
Ramasser dans un contenant hermétique dûment identifié en utilisant une technique appropriée afin d'empêcher la contamination du milieu.
Paraformaldéhyde 91% Prills UN2213
Produits chimiques de haute pureté paraformaldéhyde est une poudre blanche avec une odeur de formaldéhyde-like, il est soluble dans l' eau (eau chaude - ~ 37% p / v; lentement soluble dans l' eau froide), des produits chimiques en cuir Numéro CAS: 30525-89-4 .Polymeric Aldéhyde fois Le paraformaldéhyde PFA est dépolymérisé. Le formaldéhyde ainsi obtenu peut être utilisé comme fumigant, désinfectant, fongicide et fixateur. Produits chimiques haut de gamme
1. En tant que substitut du formaldéhyde aqueux, si une teneur en formaldéhyde plus élevée et une teneur en eau plus faible sont requises
2. Production de résines phénoliques, mélaminiques et d'urée
3. Production de résines échangeuses d'ions
4. Synthèse organique dans l'industrie chimique et pharmaceutique
5. production de colorants; cuir, papier et auxiliaires textiles; agents de conservation techniques, auxiliaires en caoutchouc, herbicides
Comme additif à écoulement libre pour l'engrais à base d'urée
1.Informations générales
Formule moléculaire: (CH2O) n
Poids moléculaire: 600
N ° CAS: 30525-89-4
2 Applications
Résines, produits agrochimiques, applications médicales, autres (y compris développement de films photographiques, fabrication de papier, produits chimiques pour champs pétrolifères, additifs pour lubrifiants, etc.)
3. spécification
Formaldehyde Content , %
Ash, %
0.05 Max
Acidity, %
0.03 Max
Iron content, %
0.0002 Max
5. Stockage et manutention
Tenir à l'écart de la chaleur et des flammes. Éviter tout contact avec des matières oxydantes. Conserver dans un endroit frais, sec et bien ventilé.
Paraformaldehyde 91%
Not to be confused with Paraldehyde.
Paraformaldehyde 91%
IUPAC name
CAS Number
30525-89-4 ☑
ECHA InfoCard 100.108.270
PubChem CID
CompTox Dashboard (EPA)
DTXSID8034798 Edit this at Wikidata
Properties of Paraformaldehyde 91%
Chemical formula of Paraformaldehyde 91%
OH(CH2O)nH (n = 8 - 100)
Appearance of Paraformaldehyde 91% white crystalline solid
Density of Paraformaldehyde 91%1.42 g·cm-3 (25 °C)
Melting point of Paraformaldehyde 91% 120 °C (248 °F; 393 K)
Solubility of Paraformaldehyde 91% in water
Safety data sheet Oxford MSDS[dead link]
EU classification (DSD) (outdated)
Toxic (T); Corrosive (C)
Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa).
☒ verify (what is ☑☒ ?)
Infobox references
Paraformaldehyde 91% (PFA) is the smallest polyoxymethylene, the polymerization product of formaldehyde with a typical degree of polymerization of 8-100 units. Paraformaldehyde 91% commonly has a slight odor of formaldehyde due to decomposition. Paraformaldehyde 91% is a poly-acetal.
Paraformaldehyde 91% forms slowly in aqueous formaldehyde solutions as a white precipitate, especially if stored in the cold. Formalin actually contains very little monomeric formaldehyde; most of Paraformaldehyde 91% forms short chains of polyformaldehyde. A small amount of methanol is often added as a stabilizer to limit the extent of polymerization.
Paraformaldehyde 91% can be depolymerized to formaldehyde gas by dry heating[1] and to formaldehyde solution by water in the presence of a base or heat. The high purity formaldehyde solutions obtained in this way are used as a fixative for microscopy and histology.
The resulting formaldehyde gas from dry heating Paraformaldehyde 91% is flammable.
Once Paraformaldehyde 91% is depolymerized, the resulting formaldehyde may be used as a fumigant, disinfectant, fungicide, and fixative. Longer chain-length (high molecular weight) polyoxymethylenes are used as a thermoplastic and are known as polyoxymethylene plastic (POM, Delrin). It was used in the past in the discredited Sargenti method of root canal treatment.[2]
Paraformaldehyde 91% is not a fixative; it must be depolymerized to formaldehyde in solution. In cell culture, a typical formaldehyde fixing procedure would involve using a 4% formaldehyde solution in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) on ice for 10 minutes. In histology and pathology specimens preparation, usually, the fixation step is performed using 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin (4% formaldehyde) for, at least, 24 hours.
Paraformaldehyde 91% is also used to crosslink proteins to DNA, as used in ChIP (chromatin immunoprecipitation) which is a technique to determine which part of DNA certain proteins are binding to.
Paraformaldehyde 91% can be used as a substitute of aqueous formaldehyde to produce the resinous binding material, which is commonly used together with melamine, phenol or other reactive agents in the manufacturing of particle board, medium density fiberboard and plywood.[3]
Toxicity of Paraformaldehyde 91%
As a formaldehyde releasing agent, Paraformaldehyde 91% is a potential carcinogen.[4] Its acute oral median lethal dose in rats is 592 mg/kg.[5]
See also
1,3,5-Trioxane (metaformaldehyde), the cyclic trimer of formaldehyde
General description of Paraformaldehyde 91%
Paraformaldehyde 91% is also referred as polyoxymethylene. It participates as an external CO source in the synthesis of aromatic aldehydes and esters.[4]
Paraformaldehyde 91% is an ideal fixative used in histology.[7] It is generally preferred over other fixative as the others result in more silver grains on the tissues. Paraformaldehyde 91%, appropriately combined with DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) ensures its uniform distribution over the tissue section.[7] Paraformaldehyde 91% is also used in recognizing and stabilizing the expression of intracellular antigen.[6]
Application of Paraformaldehyde 91%
Paraformaldehyde 91% has been used as a fixative[8][10][11] in histological analysis.[9] Paraformaldehyde 91% has also been used in mitotic catastrophe assay.[5]
Paraformaldehyde 91%
Paraformaldehyde 91% is the informal name of polyoxymethylene, a polymer of formaldehyde (also known by many other and confusing names, such as ‘paraform', ‘formagene', ‘para', ‘polyoxymethane').
Properties of Paraformaldehyde 91%
86%Paraformaldehyde 92%Paraformaldehyde
Chemical Formula HO(CH2O)nH
Molecular Weight n=2~100 (Melecular weight differs with number of 'n')
Appearance or other feature White, granular solid, pungent odor
Specific Gravity (true specific gravity) 1.25~1.35 1.30~1.40
Boiling Point (℃ 30mmHg) No data
Freezing Point (℃) 80~160 120~170
Flash Point (℃) Approx. 63 Approx. 93
Ignition Temperature (℃) Approx. 300
Dust Explosion: Lower Explosive Limit 40g/m3
Minimum Ignition Energy 20mJ
Solubility Hardly soluble in water, readily soluble in hot water
Reactivity Highly reactive substance; mainly produces methylol and methylene compounds.
Paraformaldehyde 91% is a free flowing white granules or powder with the molecular formula (CH2O)n. It is mainly used as a raw material for manufacture of resins for plastics (e.g. molding powders) and for the wood industry. Paraformaldehyde 91% is also suitable for the manufacturing of paints, varnishes, coatings, dyes and other specialty chemicals, and it may also be used as a bactericide and fungicide.
Paraformaldehyde 91%(PFA) is the smallest polyoxymethylene, the polymerization product of formaldehyde with a typical degree of polymerization of 8-100 units. Paraformaldehyde 91%commonly has a slight odor of formaldehyde due to decomposition. Paraformaldehyde 91%is a poly-acetal. Contents Synthesis Reactions Uses Toxicity See also References Synthesis Paraformaldehyde 91%forms slowly in aqueous formaldehyde solutions as a white precipitate, especially if stored in the cold. Formalin actually contains very little monomeric formaldehyde; most of it forms short chains of polyformaldehyde. A small amount of methanol is often added as a stabilizer to limit the extent of polymerization. Reactions Paraformaldehyde 91%can be depolymerized to formaldehyde gas by dry heating[1] and to formaldehyde solution by water in the presence of a base or heat. The high purity formaldehyde solutions obtained in this way are used as a fixative for microscopy and histology. The resulting formaldehyde gas from dry heating Paraformaldehyde 91%is flammable.
Paraformaldehyde 91%Paraformaldehyde 91%is the informal name of polyoxymethylene, a polymer of formaldehyde (also known by many other and confusing names, such as ‘paraform`, ‘formagene`, ‘para`, ‘polyoxymethane`). From: Materials Science for Dentistry (Tenth Edition), 2018 Related terms: TissuesAntibodyProteinGlutaraldehydeTriton X 100Fixative View all Topics Download as PDF Set alert About this page Learn more about Paraformaldehyde 91%Gene Probes Joseph T. McCabe, Donald W. Pfaff, in Methods in Neurosciences, 1989
4% Paraformaldehyde 91%in PBS Paraformaldehyde 91%powder is dangerous to mucous membranes. When handling, avoid contact with eyes, wear gloves and a mask. To prepare Paraformaldehyde 91%fixative, warm PBS up to 65°C. Only then, with vigorous stirring, slowly add paraformaldehyde. Add 160 g paraformaldehyde/4 liters PBS, 40 g paraformaldehyde/1000 ml PBS, or 32 g/800 ml PBS. Gradually add a few drops of 6 M NaOH as a final clearing step, then filter with fluted filter paper. Do not allow the temperature of the Paraformaldehyde 91%solution to exceed 68°C and do not prepare Paraformaldehyde 91%too long before use (longer than 1 month) since it will polymerize. An alternative procedure is to prepare 2× Paraformaldehyde 91%in water. This Paraformaldehyde 91%will not polymerize as quickly, and can be used by diluting with 2× PBS.
1 Fixatives a "Karlsson-Schultz": 2.5% Glutaraldehyde/4% Formaldehyde in Phosphate Buffer pH 7.3 According to Karlsson and Schultz (1965) Paraformaldehyde 91%(16%) stock solution: Mix 80 g Paraformaldehyde 91%with 450 ml H2O. Stir at 60°C for 15-20 min. Add droplets of 1 M NaOH until solution turns clear. Add H2O to a final volume of 500 ml. Filter with a NalgeneTM filter unit and freeze aliquots for storage (-20°C). Thaw aliquots at 60°C for use, the solution should be clear. Fixative working solution (200 ml): 0.36 g NaH2PO4∙H2O.
The amount of glutaraldehyde in this fixing solution can be reduced to 0.2% when samples should be processed for immunoelectron microscopy. In case of sensitive antigens, glutaraldehyde can also be omitted, but this will result in a less-preserved ultrastructure. An excellent and detailed protocol for cryosectioning according to Tokuyasu (1973) and immunolabeling of thawed cryosections is provided by Peters and Pierson (2008) and therefore not explained further here. b "Perfixol": 5% Glutaraldehyde/4% Formaldehyde in Cacodylate Buffer pH 7.2 According to Griffiths et al. (1981 Buffer (0.08 M Na-cacodylate, pH 7.2): Dissolve 8.56 g Na-cacodylate in 450 ml H2O. Adjust pH to 7.2 with 1 M HCl. Add H2O to a final volume of 500 ml. Fixative working solution (500 ml): 150 ml 0.08 M cacodylate buffer 250 ml 8% Paraformaldehyde 91%in H2O (final: 4%) 100 ml glutaraldehyde 25% in H2O, EM-grade (final: 5%) 0.33 g CaCl2∙2H2O Filter with a NalgeneTM filter, adjust pH to 7.2 if necessary. Embryo dishes (preferably black, if used for small, quasi-transparent samples) or crystallization dishes (e.g., from Agar, Stansted, U.K.); -0.2 M cacodylate buffer (contains arsenic compounds!), optionally supplemented with 2 mM sucrose; 0.05-0.1 M phosphate buffer, optionally supplemented with 2 mM sucrose and/or 0.02 mM magnesium sulfate; 0.001 M Tris-HCl, 1 mM CaCl2, 0.1 mM MgCl2, 0.1 mM KCl, 1 mM NaH2CO3, pH 7.8 (Hydra culture medium); Urethane was from Sigma-Aldrich, Inc (St Louis, U.S.A.); Paraformaldehyde 91%(Sigma-Aldrich), glutaraldehyde, OsO4 crystals, epoxy resins (Epon, Spurr`s) were from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis, MO), Agar-Scientific (Stansted, England), EMS (Hatfield, PA), Polysciences (Warrington, PE), or Ted Pella (Redding, CA). B Chemical Fixation 1 Chemicals (be aware that most of the reagents are more or less toxic and/or hazardous to health; for their safe use and disposal consult the relevant Material Safety Data Sheets) 0.05-0.2 M cacodylate buffer (contains arsenic compounds!), optionally supplemented with varying concentrations of sucrose. 0.05-0.1 M phosphate buffer, optionally supplemented with varying concentrations of sucrose and/or magnesium sulfate. Hydra culture medium: 0.001 M Tris-HCl, 1 mM CaCl2, 0.1 mM MgCl2, 0.1 mM KCl, 1 mM NaH2CO3; pH 7.8 (all Sigma-Aldrich or Merck). Urethane and 1-phenoxy-2-propanol (Sigma-Aldrich).
D Preparation of Skin Tissue for In Situ Hybridization Paraformaldehyde 91%is yet another method of fixation that allows for morphological and histological analyses, including in situ hybridization. Samples harvested for these types of experiments should be fixed immediately for optimal results. It is essential that tissues be handled quickly with RNAse-free instruments to protect against RNA degradation.
Samples should be immediately fixed in 4% Paraformaldehyde 91%that was freshly prepared in DEPC-treated H2O. Fix tissues for 16-24 hours at 4 °C and rinse thoroughly with DEPC-treated PBS. For whole-mount or large tissue samples only, permeabilize with 50% methanol in DEPC-treated PBS briefly and then 100% methanol at -20 °C. Permeabilization time can range from 30 minutes to several months, depending on the size of tissue. Rehydrate by washing with 50% methanol in PBST-DEPC for 5 minutes on a rocker. Repeat with 30% methanol in PBST-DEPC with two final washes in PBST-DEPC for 5 minutes each. Transfer samples to 20% DEPC-treated sucrose, and incubate at 4 °C until tissues sink to the bottom. This time can range from 2 hours to overnight. Transfer samples to OCT compound and embed as described previously. If possible, cut sections per slide at 5-10 μm. The steps involved in the preparation of probes, and their application for the detection of specific keratin mRNAs in skin tissue sections, have been described elsewhere (Tong and Coulombe, 2004; Wang et al., 2003).
Sörensen`s buffer: Make two stock solutions, 67 mM KH2PO4·H2O and 67 mM Na2HPO4 in Milli-Q water; to make a buffer solution of pH 7.2, mix 19.6 ml of 67 mM KH2PO4 and 80.4 ml of 67 mM Na2HPO4. Phosphate buffer (0.1 M): Make two stock solutions, 0.2 M NaH2 PO4·H2O and 0.2 M Na2HPO4; for 1 liter of pH 7.2, mix 95 ml of 0.2 M NaH2PO4·H2O, 405 ml of 0.2 M Na2HPO4, and 500 ml Milli-Q water. Tris buffer: 8.5 mM Na2HPO4, 3.5 mM KH2PO4, 120 mM NaCl, 41 mM tris(hydroxmethyl)aminomethane; adjust the pH to 7.6. Streptavidin diluent: 0.7% λ-carrageenan (Sigma, Type IV), 0.4% Triton X-100 in Tris buffer. Antibody diluent: 0.7% λ-carrageenan (Type IV), 0.4% Triton X-100, and 3% bovine serum albumin in Tris buffer. Poly-l-lysine (0.1%) for coating slides: 0.1% poly-l-lysine (MW > 300,000; Sigma) in Milli-Q water; aliquot in 1-ml vials; can be stored at -20°C for 3-4 months.
•3.1 Formaldehyde
Paraformaldehyde 91%is the informal name of polyoxymethylene, a polymer of formaldehyde (also known by many other and confusing names, such as ‘paraform`, ‘formagene`, ‘para`, ‘polyoxymethane`). It is slowly formed as a white precipitate by condensation from the predominant species methanediol (formaldehyde hydrate) in solutions of formaldehyde (which may also be called ‘formalin`, ‘formal`, or ‘formalose`) on standing, in an equilibrium (Fig. 3.1). The solution is predominantly of oligomers, but when n becomes large enough the material becomes sufficiently insoluble as to precipitate, when the condensation may still continue. The resulting solid may have n range from ~ 8 to 100, or more. The reaction is driven to the left, to release formaldehyde, by a low concentration of formaldehyde, and accelerated by acidic or alkaline conditions. Solid Paraformaldehyde 91%smells plainly of the monomer (b.p. - 21 °C), so it is essentially a convenient means of delivering formaldehyde slowly.
Formaldehyde reacts (as the hydrate) with proteins, cross-linking them, by condensing with secondary amines at the peptide linkage (Fig. 27§3.5), and with the primary amines at the N-terminal or the side chains of arginine, histidine and lysine residues to create irreversible methylene bridges (Fig. 3.2).[48][49] Similar reactions also occur with the -SH group of cysteine residues, and the amines of DNA and RNA. Whilst such reactions are useful when tissue needs to be fixed for histological work, or simply museum specimens (or cadavers for dissection), clearly they are problematic in living systems. Indeed, formaldehyde is now known variously to be allergenic, generally toxic, extremely cytotoxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic, and so is increasingly under strict control in many contexts. Inhalation of the vapour must be avoided (the vapour pressure is high[50]). It is implicated as an asthma-inducer or exacerbator, and is a major component of house-fire smoke and photochemical smog. The use of paraformaldehyde, therefore, as an ingredient of endodontic cements[51] - to achieve so-called "mummification" (i.e. fixed tissue) - is now considered inappropriate (although not without controversy[52]). The inclusion of alkaline ingredients only serves to accelerate the hydrolysis and depolymerization. Sterilization would, of course, occur anyway. Formaldehyde itself is also used.[53] The acid hydrolysis of hexamethylene tetramine[54] (Fig. 3.3) (solubility in water ~ 850 g/L, 20 °C), an ingredient of one known endodontic product,[55] also yields formaldehyde.
Formaldehyde was formerly used as a dentine desensitizing agent, and has even been included in toothpastes (with a pungent taste!) for the same supposed effect, although unsuccessfully.[56][57]
Formaldehyde is also formed as a by-product of free-radical polymerization of methacrylates (as in filled resins) in the presence of oxygen (6§6),[58] and in this context may be a contributory factor to adverse reactions,[59] being released slowly over a long period, presumably as the peroxides break down. This might also occur with acrylic denture bases as an irritant for denture stomatitis or ‘sore mouth` in addition to residual MMA (5§2.7).[60] Since the precursor peroxides are not thermally stable, in heat-cured materials these will be decomposed and the resulting formaldehyde may escape, if allowed sufficient time. In cold-cure materials (5§3), this decomposition will not occur, and the available concentration will therefore be higher. Similar effects will occur in any chemically-similar system, such as so-called "resin-modified" GI cement (9§8.9).[61][62] This underlines the value of removing the oxygen-inhibited layer wherever possible.
Degradation of cyanoacrylates may proceed through depolymerization by hydrolysis (10§6.2), by the simple hydrolysis of the ester first, but another reaction occurs that also generates formaldehyde (Fig. 3.4).[63] Again, this may lead to the irritation of living tissue.
There is much concern over human exposure to formaldehyde because of the possibility of adverse reactions, despite the fact that it is present (at a low concentration, generally) in the environment from a number of natural sources as well as being a normal and essential physiological metabolite in man at very low concentrations, where it is not toxic.[64]
Paraformaldehyde: To 1 liter doubly distilled H2O, add 40 g Paraformaldehyde 91%and 12.5 g Na2HPO4 Chromic sulfuric acid: Combine 1800 ml sulfuric acid and 5 ml Chromerge (chromic sulfuric acid cleaning solution, J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, NJ). Reuse until solution turns green Subbing solution [1% (w/v) gelatin, 0.1% (w/v) chrome alum]: To 1 liter doubly distilled H2O, add 10 g gelatin (heated to dissolve). Then add 1 g chromium potassium sulfate (chrome alum) Mounting solution: Combine 1 ml subbing solution with 9 ml doubly distilled H2O Concentrated (0.25 M) sodium phosphate buffer stock solution: Combine 30 g Na2HPO4 and 5.35 g NaH2PO4 · H2O and bring to 1000 ml with doubly distilled H2O. Store refrigerated up to 3 months Sodium phosphate-buffered saline (0.01 M, working solution): Combine 40 ml concentrated sodium phosphate buffer stock, 8.5 g NaCl, and 960 ml doubly distilled H2O. Bring to pH 7.4 with HNO3 or NaOH Boric acid/sodium tetraborate buffer (0.2 M): Bring 0.2 M boric acid (0.62 g in 50 ml doubly distilled H2O) to pH 8.5 with 0.05 M sodium tetraborate (0.95 g sodium tetraborate in 50 ml doubly distilled H2O). Store at room temperature 1-3 months 11.4 mg allantoin 3 ml boric acid/sodium tetraborate buffer, pH 7.5 20.2 mg cupric nitrate 1.2 g silver nitrate 6.4 ml pure pyridine Pour into washed container, wrap in aluminum foil, and place in 40°C water bath for 20-30 min before adding slides
Ammoniacal silver: Dissolve 18 g silver nitrate completely in 97.65 ml doubly distilled H2O; add
47.7 ml 0.4% (w/v) sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
4.5 ml acetone
Note: Add just enough ammonia to clear the solution. Ammonia may lose its potency over time, so the precise amount required may vary. This is a critical step since it determines the degree of silver impregnation. Too much ammonia prevents silver impregnation and too little can cause impregnation of normal tissue 7 ml 1% (w/v) citric acid 100 ml 100% (v/v) ethanol 881 ml neutralized doubly distilled H2O Sodium thiosulfate: 250 ml of a 1.0% (w/v) solution Potassium ferricyanide: 250 ml of a 0.5% (w/v) solution Sodium hydroxide: 250 ml of a 0.4% (w/v) solution Citric acid: 250 ml of a 1.0% (w/v) solution Formalin (10%, v/v): Add 2 ml 37% commercial formaldehyde solution to 18 ml doubly distilled H2O
Paraformaldehyde 91% for synthesis. CAS 30525-89-4, chemical formula (CH₂O)n. Paraformaldehyde: Malzeme Güvenlik Bilgi Formu (MSDS) veya SDS, Analiz Sertifikası (COA) ve Kalite Uygunluk Sertifikası (COQ), dosyalar, broşürler ve diğer dokümanlar. SDSCoA Hill Formula: (CH₂O)n CAS #: 30525-89-4 Chemical Formula: (CH₂O)n 818715 View Pricing & Availability Download Product Safety Card OverviewSupporting DocumentationRelated Products & Applications Overview Replacement Information Description Product Information Applications Physicochemical Information Toxicological Information Safety Information according to GHS Safety Information Storage and Shipping Information Transport Information Specifications Key Spec Table Pricing & Availability Replacement Information Replacement Information In North America 818715.1000 is identical to PX0055-3 but in a different pack size In North America 818715.0100 is identical to PX0055-3 but in a different pack size Key Spec Table CAS # Hill Formula Chemical Formula 30525-89-4 (CH₂O)n (CH₂O)n Pricing & Availability Number Availability Packaging Qty/Pack Price Quantity 8187150100 Contact Customer Service Plastic bottle 100 g Upon Order Completion More Information - Add To Favorites 8187151000 Contact Customer Service Plastic bottle 1 kg Upon Order Completion More Information Add To Favorites Add To Cart Description Catalogue Number 818715 Replaces PX0055-3 Product Information CAS number 30525-89-4 Hill Formula (CH₂O)n Chemical formula (CH₂O)n HS Code 2912 60 00 Structure formula Image Structure formula Image Applications Application Paraformaldehyde 91% for synthesis. CAS 30525-89-4, chemical formula (CH₂O)n. Physicochemical Information Density 1.4 g/cm3 (20 °C) Explosion limit 7 - 73 %(V) Ignition temperature 300 °C Melting Point 100 - 130 °C pH value 5.5 (H₂O, 20 °C) (saturated solution) Vapor pressure 1.93 hPa (25 °C) Toxicological Information LD 50 oral LD50 Rat 592 mg/kg Safety Information according to GHS Hazard Pictogram(s) Hazard Pictogram(s) Hazard Pictogram(s) Hazard Pictogram(s) Hazard Statement(s) H350: May cause cancer. H302 + H332: Harmful if swallowed or if inhaled. H315: Causes skin irritation. H317: May cause an allergic skin reaction. H318: Causes serious eye damage. H335: May cause respiratory irritation. H341: Suspected of causing genetic defects. Precautionary Statement(s) P201: Obtain special instructions before use. : Wear protective gloves. P280: Wear eye protection. P302 + P352: IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water. P305 + P351 + P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
Signal Word Danger
RTECS RV0540000
Storage class 4.1B Flammable solid hazardous materials
WGK WGK 2 obviously hazardous to water
Disposal 3
Relatively unreactive organic reagents should be collected in container A. If halogenated, they should be collected in container B. For solid residues use container C.
Safety Information
Hazard Symbols Hazard SymbolsToxic
Categories of danger harmful, irritant, carcinogenic, sensitizing
R Phrase R 45-20/22-37/38-68-41-43
May cause cancer.Also harmful by inhalation and if swallowed.Irritating to respiratory system and skin.Possible risk of irreversible effects.Risk of serious damage to eyes.May cause sensitisation by skin contact.
S Phrase S 22-26-36/37-45-53
Do not breathe dust.In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves.In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible).Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use.
Storage and Shipping Information
Storage Store at <= 20°C.
Transport Information
Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RID UN 2213 , 4.1, III
Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGR UN 2213 , 4.1, III
Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-Code UN 2213 , 4.1, III
Assay (acidimetric) ≥ 95.0 %
Identity (IR) passes test
Recently Viewed
818715 Sigma-Aldrich
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Paraformaldehyde 91%(PFA) is the smallest polyoxymethylene, the polymerization product of formaldehyde with a typical degree of polymerization of 8-100 units. Paraformaldehyde 91% commonly has a slight odor of formaldehyde due to decomposition. Paraformaldehyde 91% is a poly-acetal. Contents Synthesis Reactions Uses Toxicity See also References Synthesis Paraformaldehyde 91% forms slowly in aqueous formaldehyde solutions as a white precipitate, especially if stored in the cold. Formalin actually contains very little monomeric formaldehyde; most of it forms short chains of polyformaldehyde. A small amount of methanol is often added as a stabilizer to limit the extent of polymerization. Reactions Paraformaldehyde 91% can be depolymerized to formaldehyde gas by dry heating[1] and to formaldehyde solution by water in the presence of a base or heat. The high purity formaldehyde solutions obtained in this way are used as a fixative for microscopy and histology. The resulting formaldehyde gas from dry heating Paraformaldehyde 91% is flammable.
Paraformaldehyde 91% Paraformaldehyde 91% is the informal name of polyoxymethylene, a polymer of formaldehyde (also known by many other and confusing names, such as ‘paraform`, ‘formagene`, ‘para`, ‘polyoxymethane`). From: Materials Science for Dentistry (Tenth Edition), 2018 Related terms: TissuesAntibodyProteinGlutaraldehydeTriton X 100Fixative View all Topics Download as PDF Set alert About this page Learn more about Paraformaldehyde 91% Gene Probes Joseph T. McCabe, Donald W. Pfaff, in Methods in Neurosciences, 1989
4% Paraformaldehyde 91% in PBS Paraformaldehyde 91% powder is dangerous to mucous membranes. When handling, avoid contact with eyes, wear gloves and a mask. To prepare Paraformaldehyde 91% fixative, warm PBS up to 65°C. Only then, with vigorous stirring, slowly add Paraformaldehyde 91%. Add 160 g Paraformaldehyde 91%/4 liters PBS, 40 g Paraformaldehyde 91%/1000 ml PBS, or 32 g/800 ml PBS. Gradually add a few drops of 6 M NaOH as a final clearing step, then filter with fluted filter paper. Do not allow the temperature of the Paraformaldehyde 91% solution to exceed 68°C and do not prepare Paraformaldehyde 91% too long before use (longer than 1 month) since it will polymerize. An alternative procedure is to prepare 2× Paraformaldehyde 91% in water. This Paraformaldehyde 91% will not polymerize as quickly, and can be used by diluting with 2× PBS.
1 Fixatives a "Karlsson-Schultz": 2.5% Glutaraldehyde/4% Formaldehyde in Phosphate Buffer pH 7.3 According to Karlsson and Schultz (1965) Paraformaldehyde 91% (16%) stock solution: Mix 80 g Paraformaldehyde 91% with 450 ml H2O. Stir at 60°C for 15-20 min. Add droplets of 1 M NaOH until solution turns clear. Add H2O to a final volume of 500 ml. Filter with a NalgeneTM filter unit and freeze aliquots for storage (-20°C). Thaw aliquots at 60°C for use, the solution should be clear. Fixative working solution (200 ml): 0.36 g NaH2PO4∙H2O.
The amount of glutaraldehyde in this fixing solution can be reduced to 0.2% when samples should be processed for immunoelectron microscopy. In case of sensitive antigens, glutaraldehyde can also be omitted, but this will result in a less-preserved ultrastructure. An excellent and detailed protocol for cryosectioning according to Tokuyasu (1973) and immunolabeling of thawed cryosections is provided by Peters and Pierson (2008) and therefore not explained further here. b "Perfixol": 5% Glutaraldehyde/4% Formaldehyde in Cacodylate Buffer pH 7.2 According to Griffiths et al. (1981 Buffer (0.08 M Na-cacodylate, pH 7.2): Dissolve 8.56 g Na-cacodylate in 450 ml H2O. Adjust pH to 7.2 with 1 M HCl. Add H2O to a final volume of 500 ml. Fixative working solution (500 ml): 150 ml 0.08 M cacodylate buffer 250 ml 8% Paraformaldehyde 91% in H2O (final: 4%) 100 ml glutaraldehyde 25% in H2O, EM-grade (final: 5%) 0.33 g CaCl2∙2H2O Filter with a NalgeneTM filter, adjust pH to 7.2 if necessary. Embryo dishes (preferably black, if used for small, quasi-transparent samples) or crystallization dishes (e.g., from Agar, Stansted, U.K.); -0.2 M cacodylate buffer (contains arsenic compounds!), optionally supplemented with 2 mM sucrose; 0.05-0.1 M phosphate buffer, optionally supplemented with 2 mM sucrose and/or 0.02 mM magnesium sulfate; 0.001 M Tris-HCl, 1 mM CaCl2, 0.1 mM MgCl2, 0.1 mM KCl, 1 mM NaH2CO3, pH 7.8 (Hydra culture medium); Urethane was from Sigma-Aldrich, Inc (St Louis, U.S.A.); Paraformaldehyde 91% (Sigma-Aldrich), glutaraldehyde, OsO4 crystals, epoxy resins (Epon, Spurr`s) were from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis, MO), Agar-Scientific (Stansted, England), EMS (Hatfield, PA), Polysciences (Warrington, PE), or Ted Pella (Redding, CA). B Chemical Fixation 1 Chemicals (be aware that most of the reagents are more or less toxic and/or hazardous to health; for their safe use and disposal consult the relevant Material Safety Data Sheets) 0.05-0.2 M cacodylate buffer (contains arsenic compounds!), optionally supplemented with varying concentrations of sucrose. 0.05-0.1 M phosphate buffer, optionally supplemented with varying concentrations of sucrose and/or magnesium sulfate. Hydra culture medium: 0.001 M Tris-HCl, 1 mM CaCl2, 0.1 mM MgCl2, 0.1 mM KCl, 1 mM NaH2CO3; pH 7.8 (all Sigma-Aldrich or Merck). Urethane and 1-phenoxy-2-propanol (Sigma-Aldrich). Paraformaldehyde 91%, potassium dichromate, as well as glutaraldehyde, OsO4 crystals, epoxy resins (Epon, Spurr`s) from Sigma-Aldrich, Agar (Stansted, U.K.), EMS (Hatfield, PA, U.S.A.), Polysciences (Warrington, PE, U.S.A.), or Ted Pella (Redding, CA, U.S.A.), LR-White acrylic resin from Sigma-Aldrich or London Resin Co (Woking, Surrey, U.K.). 2 Tools For specimen handling, embryo dishes (preferably black, if used for small, quasi-transparent species) or crystallization dishes (e.g., from Agar) and fine glass or small plastic pipettes were used.
D Preparation of Skin Tissue for In Situ Hybridization Paraformaldehyde 91% is yet another method of fixation that allows for morphological and histological analyses, including in situ hybridization. Samples harvested for these types of experiments should be fixed immediately for optimal results. It is essential that tissues be handled quickly with RNAse-free instruments to protect against RNA degradation.
Samples should be immediately fixed in 4% Paraformaldehyde 91% that was freshly prepared in DEPC-treated H2O. Fix tissues for 16-24 hours at 4 °C and rinse thoroughly with DEPC-treated PBS. For whole-mount or large tissue samples only, permeabilize with 50% methanol in DEPC-treated PBS briefly and then 100% methanol at -20 °C. Permeabilization time can range from 30 minutes to several months, depending on the size of tissue. Rehydrate by washing with 50% methanol in PBST-DEPC for 5 minutes on a rocker. Repeat with 30% methanol in PBST-DEPC with two final washes in PBST-DEPC for 5 minutes each. Transfer samples to 20% DEPC-treated sucrose, and incubate at 4 °C until tissues sink to the bottom. This time can range from 2 hours to overnight. Transfer samples to OCT compound and embed as described previously. If possible, cut sections per slide at 5-10 μm. The steps involved in the preparation of probes, and their application for the detection of specific keratin mRNAs in skin tissue sections, have been described elsewhere (Tong and Coulombe, 2004; Wang et al., 2003).
Sörensen`s buffer: Make two stock solutions, 67 mM KH2PO4·H2O and 67 mM Na2HPO4 in Milli-Q water; to make a buffer solution of pH 7.2, mix 19.6 ml of 67 mM KH2PO4 and 80.4 ml of 67 mM Na2HPO4. Phosphate buffer (0.1 M): Make two stock solutions, 0.2 M NaH2 PO4·H2O and 0.2 M Na2HPO4; for 1 liter of pH 7.2, mix 95 ml of 0.2 M NaH2PO4·H2O, 405 ml of 0.2 M Na2HPO4, and 500 ml Milli-Q water. Tris buffer: 8.5 mM Na2HPO4, 3.5 mM KH2PO4, 120 mM NaCl, 41 mM tris(hydroxmethyl)aminomethane; adjust the pH to 7.6. Streptavidin diluent: 0.7% λ-carrageenan (Sigma, Type IV), 0.4% Triton X-100 in Tris buffer. Antibody diluent: 0.7% λ-carrageenan (Type IV), 0.4% Triton X-100, and 3% bovine serum albumin in Tris buffer. Poly-l-lysine (0.1%) for coating slides: 0.1% poly-l-lysine (MW > 300,000; Sigma) in Milli-Q water; aliquot in 1-ml vials; can be stored at -20°C for 3-4 months.
•3.1 Paraformaldehyde 91%
Paraformaldehyde 91% 91% is the informal name of polyoxymethylene, a polymer of Paraformaldehyde 91% (also known by many other and confusing names, such as ‘paraform`, ‘formagene`, ‘para`, ‘polyoxymethane`). It is slowly formed as a white precipitate by condensation from the predominant species methanediol (Paraformaldehyde 91% hydrate) in solutions of Paraformaldehyde 91% (which may also be called ‘formalin`, ‘formal`, or ‘formalose`) on standing, in an equilibrium (Fig. 3.1). The solution is predominantly of oligomers, but when n becomes large enough the material becomes sufficiently insoluble as to precipitate, when the condensation may still continue. The resulting solid may have n range from ~ 8 to 100, or more. The reaction is driven to the left, to release Paraformaldehyde 91%, by a low concentration of Paraformaldehyde 91%, and accelerated by acidic or alkaline conditions. Solid Paraformaldehyde 91% smells plainly of the monomer (b.p. - 21 °C), so it is essentially a convenient means of delivering Paraformaldehyde 91% slowly.
Paraformaldehyde 91% reacts (as the hydrate) with proteins, cross-linking them, by condensing with secondary amines at the peptide linkage (Fig. 27§3.5), and with the primary amines at the N-terminal or the side chains of arginine, histidine and lysine residues to create irreversible methylene bridges (Fig. 3.2).[48][49] Similar reactions also occur with the -SH group of cysteine residues, and the amines of DNA and RNA. Whilst such reactions are useful when tissue needs to be fixed for histological work, or simply museum specimens (or cadavers for dissection), clearly they are problematic in living systems. Indeed, formaldehyde is now known variously to be allergenic, generally toxic, extremely cytotoxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic, and so is increasingly under strict control in many contexts. Inhalation of the vapour must be avoided (the vapour pressure is high[50]). Paraformaldehyde 91% is implicated as an asthma-inducer or exacerbator, and is a major component of house-fire smoke and photochemical smog. The use of Paraformaldehyde 91%, therefore, as an ingredient of endodontic cements[51] - to achieve so-called "mummification" (i.e. fixed tissue) - is now considered inappropriate (although not without controversy[52]). The inclusion of alkaline ingredients only serves to accelerate the hydrolysis and depolymerization. Sterilization would, of course, occur anyway. Paraformaldehyde 91% itself is also used.[53] The acid hydrolysis of hexamethylene tetramine[54] (Fig. 3.3) (solubility in water ~ 850 g/L, 20 °C), an ingredient of one known endodontic product,[55] also yields formaldehyde.
Paraformaldehyde 91% was formerly used as a dentine desensitizing agent, and has even been included in toothpastes (with a pungent taste!) for the same supposed effect, although unsuccessfully.[56][57]
Paraformaldehyde 91% is also formed as a by-product of free-radical polymerization of methacrylates (as in filled resins) in the presence of oxygen (6§6),[58] and in this context may be a contributory factor to adverse reactions,[59] being released slowly over a long period, presumably as the peroxides break down. This might also occur with acrylic denture bases as an irritant for denture stomatitis or ‘sore mouth` in addition to residual MMA (5§2.7).[60] Since the precursor peroxides are not thermally stable, in heat-cured materials these will be decomposed and the resulting Paraformaldehyde 91% may escape, if allowed sufficient time. In cold-cure materials (5§3), this decomposition will not occur, and the available concentration will therefore be higher. Similar effects will occur in any chemically-similar system, such as so-called "resin-modified" GI cement (9§8.9).[61][62] This underlines the value of removing the oxygen-inhibited layer wherever possible.
Paraformaldehyde 91%
Paraformaldehyde 91%, 100 g sc-253236A 100 g RMB226.00
Paraformaldehyde 91%, 500 g sc-253236B 500 g RMB271.00
Paraformaldehyde 91% 91% has documented uses as a disinfectant, fungicide, fixation reagent and in the preparation of formaldehyde. In fluorescence studies, Paraformaldehyde 91% 91% has been used as as a formalin fixative to fix cells and tissues. To use the chemical as a fixative, it must be converted to the monomer formaldehyde by heating as formaldehyde is the active chemical in fixation.
Protocol for Making a 4% Formaldehyde Solution in PBS
The vast majority of IHC/ICC procedures employ fixation of tissues and cells using formaldehyde-based fixatives. The protocol below describes the technique for generating a 4% formaldehyde solution in PBS. The most effective fixative must be determined experimentally. Caution: Formaldehyde is toxic. Please read the MSDS before working with this chemical. Gloves and safety glasses should be worn and solutions made inside a fume hood. Please read the protocol in its entirety before starting.
Paraformaldehyde 91% 91% powder
1X PBS: 0.145 M NaCl, 0.0027 M KCl, 0.0081 M Na2HPO4, 0.0015 M KH2PO4, pH 7.4 Materials Filter units Glassware and stir bar (dedicated for formaldehyde solution) Gloves and eye protection Hot plate with magnetic stirrer Thermometer Ventilated hood Procedure For 1 L of 4% Formaldehyde, add 800 mL of 1X PBS to a glass beaker on a stir plate in a ventilated hood. Heat while stirring to approximately 60 °C. Take care that the solution does not boil. Add 40 g of Paraformaldehyde 91% 91% powder to the heated PBS solution. The powder will not immediately dissolve into solution. Slowly raise the pH by adding 1 N NaOH dropwise from a pipette until the solution clears. Once the Paraformaldehyde 91% 91% is dissolved, the solution should be cooled and filtered. Adjust the volume of the solution to 1 L with 1X PBS.
Recheck the pH, and adjust it with small amounts of dilute HCl to approximately 6.9. The solution can be aliquoted and frozen or stored at 2-8 °C for up to one month.
The difference between Paraformaldehyde 91%, formaldehyde, and formalin Paraformaldehyde 91% 91% (chemical name is polyoxymethylene) is a powder of polymerized formaldehyde that by itself cannot fix tissues. To be usable as a tissue fixative, Paraformaldehyde 91% 91% has to be dissolved in hot water to become a formaldehyde solution. Formalin is a saturated formaldehyde solution in water (37% by weight, 40% by volume) containing 10-15% methanol. Methanol is added to slow down the polymerization to formaldehyde, which reduces the fixing power of formalin. Formalin can also be made in an alcohol-free form from powdered Paraformaldehyde 91%.
ICC/IHC Protocols
Paraformaldehyde 91% 91% (Paraform)
Abbreviation PFA
Plant Niigata
Main Applications Coating compounds, adhesive agent, textile-processing resins, phenol resins
Existing Chemical Substance No. (9)-1941
86%PFA 92%PFA
Chemical Formula HO(CH2O)nH
Molecular Weight n=2~100 (Melecular weight differs with number of `n`)
Appearance or other feature White, granular solid, pungent odor
Specific Gravity (true specific gravity) 1.25~1.35 1.30~1.40
Boiling Point (℃ 30mmHg) No data
Freezing Point (℃) 80~160 120~170
Flash Point (℃) Approx. 63 Approx. 93
Ignition Temperature (℃) Approx. 300
Dust Explosion: Lower Explosive Limit 40g/m3
Minimum Ignition Energy 20mJ
Solubility Hardly soluble in water, readily soluble in hot water
Reactivity Highly reactive substance; mainly produces methylol and methylene compounds.
Applicable Laws
86%PFA 92%PFA
Industrial Safety and Health Law Hazard indication required, specified type 3 chemical (as formalin)
High Pressure Gas None
Fire Service Law Specified combustible
Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law Deleterious substance (when containing formaldehyde)
Law on the Prevention of Marine Pollution and Maritime Disaster -
Ship Safety Law Hazardous material, Flammable materials
Civil Aeronautics Law Explosives, Flammable materials
Other Major Applicable Laws Air Pollution Control Law: specified toxic substance (as formalin)
Pharmaceutical Affairs Law: dangerous drug (designated drug)
(MGC does not directly market this chemical.)
Paraformaldehit 91%
Ürün Adı: Paraformaldehit 91% veya Para Formaldehit
Paraformaldehit 91% Eş anlamlılar: Paraformaldehyde 95%, 96% Prills, Powder
Paraformaldehit 91% CAS Numarası: 30525-89-4
Paraformaldehit 91% Özellikleri: Beyaz toz veya prills.
Paraformaldehit 91% Deney:% 95 Min,% 96 Min,% 91 Min
Paraformaldehit 91% Formül: (CH2O) n
Paraformaldehit 91% Yapı Formülü:
Paraformaldehyde Or Para Formaldehyde 95%, 96% Powder Or Prills formula.png
Anahtar Kelimeler: Paraformaldehit 91%, Para Formaldehit
BM Numarası: 2213
HSCODE: 29126000
Paraformaldehit 91% , çoğunlukla fenol içeren çeşitli reçinelerin üretiminde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Formaldehitin polimerizasyonu ile oluşturulmuş beyaz bir kristal katıdır. Paraformaldehit 91%, kontrplak ve sunta tahtasında bağlayıcı olarak kullanılan reçineler üretmek üzere fenol, üre, melamin veya resorsinol ile reaksiyona girer.
Paraformaldehit 91% Kullanılan Alanlar% 95,% 96 Prills, Toz:
- Paraformaldehit 91%, fenolik üre ve melamin reçineleri, fenol ve çeşitli yapıştırıcıların üretimi için kullanılır.
- Paraformaldehit 91%, lon Exchange Resins (Klorometilasyon Reaksiyonu) üretmek için kullanılabilir.
- çiftlik kimyasal alanı: Paraformaldehit 91% kompozit asetoklor, bütaklor, vb.
- boya: Paraformaldehit 91% kompozit üst düzey otomobil boyası
- kağıt yapımı: Paraformaldehit 91% kompozit kağıt yoğunlaştırıcı
- organik hammaddeler: gliserol, crylic asit ve benzeri üretim için
- ekim sanayi: Paraformaldehit 91%, fümigasyon dezenfekte edici olarak kullanılır
- Döküm: Paraformaldehit 91%, dökme sökücü ve dökme sentez yapıştırıcısı hazırlanması için kullanılır
- diğerleri: tıp ve dezenfeksiyon
Yüksek reaktivite için Formaldehit (Sulu Çözelti) yerine kullanılan Paraformaldehit 91% ve düşük su içeriği ile reaksiyona giren Aldeku içeriklerinin konsantrasyonları
Paraformaldehit 91% Kullanımı% 95,% 96 Prills, Toz:
Paraformaldehit 91% veya Para Formaldehit Organik kimya endüstrisinde, sentetik reçine ve ilaç endüstrisinde, ayrıca sterilizasyon maddesi olarak kullanılır.
Paraformaldehit 91%in Kullanımı% 95,% 96 Prills, Powder:
Onaylanmış solunum sistemi, gözlük, eldiven ve uygun giysi kullanılması önerilir
Paraformaldehit 91%i bütün dünyaya tedarik ediyoruz.
Paraformaldehit 91%, Para Formaldehit, sıvı formaldehidin katı halidir. Termoplastik olarak sınıflandırılan Paraformaldehit 91%, Para Formaldehit bileşiği, uzun zincirli polioksimetilen glikollerle benzer polimerlerin tipik özelliklerini, yani ısınmaya maruz kaldıklarında sıvıya dönüşebilen ve soğutma üzerine katılaşan veya sert, cam benzeri bir malzemeye donanabilen bir özellik sergilemektedir . Aslında,Paraformaldehit 91% tekrar tekrar eritilir ve soğutulabilir ve yine de özelliklerini değişmeden muhafaza edebilir.
Paraformaldehit 91% temel olarak bir formalin veya başka bir deyişle sulu formaldehitin yoğunlaştırılmış bir şeklidir, neredeyse aynı özelliklere sahiptir. Aslında Paraformaldehit 91%, para formaldehit, sulu formaldehidin yerini alabilir ve melamin, fenol veya diğer reaktif maddelerle kombine edildiğinde tahta ve kontrplak üretmek için gerekli olan reçineli bağlayıcı materyali üretebilir. Aslında, bazı avantajlar da vardır. Öncelikle, Paraformaldehit 91%, Paraformaldehit 91%i daha büyük bir ham ürün verimi üretmek için kullanılabilir. İkincisi, Paraformaldehit 91%, Para Formaldehit, işleme başlamadan önce reaktif maddeden suyun 20 katına kadar uzaklaştırılmasını mümkün kılar.
Paraformaldehit 91%, ayrıca bir aldehit olarak sınıflandırılır, çünkü bir karbonil grubu içerir. Paraformaldehit 91%, durumunda, karbon atomu iki hidrojen atomuna bağlanır. Aldehitler, tarçın ve vanilya gibi birçok tanıdık botaniklerin belirgin aromasıyla kanıtlandığı gibi, genellikle güçlü bir koku verirler. Paraformaldehit 91%, Para Formaldehit bazlı solüsyonlar, enzimlerin ve bakteriyel replikasyonun parçalanmasına bağlı olarak hücresel bozunmayı inhibe edebilen biyolojik sabitleyiciler olarak iyi bilinir. Bu nedenle, formaldehit ve Paraformaldehit 91%, para formaldehit de dahil olmak üzere türevleri, doku örneklerini korumak için kullanılır.
Buna ek olarak, bu özellikler Paraformaldehit 91%, Paraformaldehit 91%i bir fungisid ve böcek öldürücü olarak kullanışlı kılmaktadır. Gübre, flüoresan ışığı ve fotoğraf ve baskıda kullanılan belirli kimyasalların üretim sürecinde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Paraformaldehit 91%, Para Formaldehit, vitaminler, kişisel bakım ürünleri ve ev temizleme maddeleri de dahil olmak üzere çok çeşitli tüketici ürünlerinden daha popülerdir.
Formaldehit gibi, Paraformaldehit 91%, Para Formaldehit, solunum sistemi tarafından kolaylıkla emilebilir. Formülasyona hızla metabolize olur ve akciğerler veya böbrekler yoluyla atılır. Bununla birlikte, Paraformaldehit 91%, Paraformaldehit 91%'in çevre içinde hızla bozulmasına ve çevreye veya yaban hayatı içerisinde birikmesine neden olmazken, Paraformaldehit 91%'in Para Formaldehit'in insan sağlığına zararlı olduğunu göstermek için birçok kanıt bulunmaktadır. Yapılan araştırmalar ve çalışmalar, Paraformaldehit 91%, Para Formaldehit'in küçük miktarlarda bile tekrar tekrar uzun süre maruz kalmasının nazal skuamöz hücreli karsinomlara neden olabileceğini göstermiştir. Paraformaldehit 91%, Para Formaldehit ayrıca cilt ve müköz zarları aşındırıcıdır. Bu nedenle, Paraformaldehit 91% i ele aldığımızda özel dikkat gösterilmelidir.
Paraformaldehit 91% ana endeksleri
Test Öğesi
Beyaz toz ya da prills.
Uymak gerekir.
Erime noktası
135 ° C ~ 170 ° C
% 0.03 maksimum
% 0.01
Asitlik (Formik Asit)
% 0.05 maksimum
Paraformaldehit 91%
Paraldehit ile karıştırılmamalıdır.
Paraformaldehit 91%
CAS numarası
30525-89-4 ☑
ECHA Bilgi Kartı 100.108.270
PubChem CID
CompTox Kontrol Paneli (EPA)
Paraformaldehid'in Özellikleri% 91
Paraformaldehit 91%'in kimyasal formülü
OH (CH20) nH (n = 8-100)
Paraformaldehit 91% beyaz kristal katı görünümü
Paraformaldehit 91% yoğunluğu 1.42 g · cm - 3 (25 ° C)
Paraformaldehit 91% erime noktası 120 ° C (248 ° F; 393 K)
Paraformaldehit 91% suda çözünürlüğü
Güvenlik Bilgi Formu Oxford MSDS [ölü bağlantı]
AB sınıflandırması (DSD) (eski)
Zehirli (T); Aşındırıcı (C)
Aksi belirtilmedikçe, standart halindeki malzemeler için veriler verilir (25 ° C [77 ° F], 100 kPa'da).
☒ doğrula (☑☒ nedir?)
Bilgi kutusu referansları
Paraformaldehit 91% (PFA), tipik bir 8-100 birim polimerizasyon derecesine sahip formaldehidin polimerizasyon ürünü olan en küçük polioksimetilendir. Paraformaldehit 91% genellikle ayrışma nedeniyle hafif bir formaldehit kokusuna sahiptir. Paraformaldehit 91% bir poli-asetaldir.
Paraformaldehit 91% sulu formaldehit çözeltilerinde beyaz bir çökelti halinde, özellikle soğukta depolandığında yavaşça oluşur. Formalin aslında çok az monomerik formaldehit içerir; Paraformaldehit 91%'inin çoğu kısa poliformaldehit zincirleri oluşturur. Polimerizasyon derecesini sınırlamak için genellikle dengeleyici olarak az miktarda metanol eklenir.
Paraformaldehit 91% kuru ısıtma [1] ile formaldehit gazına ve bir baz veya ısı varlığında su ile formaldehit çözeltisine depolimerize edilebilir. Bu şekilde elde edilen yüksek saflıkta Paraformaldehit 91% çözeltileri mikroskopi ve histoloji için bir sabitleyici olarak kullanılır.
Kuru ısıtma Paraformaldehit 91%'den elde edilen formaldehit gazı% 91 yanıcıdır.
Paraformaldehit 91% Kullanımları
Paraformaldehit 91% depolimerize edildikten sonra, elde edilen formaldehit fumigant, dezenfektan, fungisit ve fiksatif olarak kullanılabilir. Daha uzun zincir uzunluğu (yüksek molekül ağırlıklı) polioksimetilenler termoplastik olarak kullanılır ve polioksimetilen plastik (POM, Delrin) olarak bilinir. Geçmişte kök kanal tedavisinin gözden düşmüş Sargenti yönteminde kullanılmıştı. [2]
Paraformaldehit %91 (PFA), tipik bir 8-100 birim polimerizasyon derecesine sahip formaldehidin polimerizasyon ürünü olan en küçük polioksimetilendir. Paraformaldehit %91 genellikle ayrışma nedeniyle hafif bir formaldehit kokusuna sahiptir. Paraformaldehit 91% bir poli-asetaldir. İçindekiler Sentez Reaksiyonları Toksisiteyi Kullanır Referanslara bakınız Sentez Paraformaldehit 91% sulu formaldehit çözeltilerinde beyaz bir çökelti halinde, özellikle soğukta depolandığında yavaşça oluşur. Formalin aslında çok az monomerik Paraformaldehit 91% içerir; çoğu kısa poliformaldehit zincirleri oluşturur. Polimerizasyon derecesini sınırlamak için genellikle dengeleyici olarak az miktarda metanol eklenir. Reaksiyonlar Paraformaldehit 91% kuru ısıtma [1] ile Paraformaldehit 91% gazına ve bir baz veya ısı varlığında su ile formaldehit çözeltisine depolimerize edilebilir. Bu şekilde elde edilen yüksek saflıkta Paraformaldehit 91% çözeltileri mikroskopi ve histoloji için bir sabitleyici olarak kullanılır. Kuru ısıtma Paraformaldehit 91%'den elde edilen formaldehit gazı % 91 yanıcıdır.
Paraformaldehit 91% Kullanımları
Paraformaldehit 91% Paraformaldehit 91%, formaldehitin bir polimeri olan polioksimetilenin gayri adıdır (ayrıca "paraform", "formagen", "para", "polioksimetan" gibi diğer birçok kafa karıştırıcı isim tarafından da bilinir). Gönderen: Diş Hekimliği için Malzeme Bilimi (Onuncu Baskı),Paraformaldehit 91% hakkında daha fazla bilgi
% 4 Paraformaldehit PBS içinde% 91 Paraformaldehit% 91 toz mukoza zarları için tehlikelidir. Kullanım sırasında gözlerle temasından kaçının, eldiven ve maske takın. Paraformaldehit% 91 fiksatif hazırlamak için 65 ° C'ye kadar PBS ısıtın. Sadece o zaman, kuvvetli karıştırma ile, yavaş yavaş% 91 Paraformaldehid ekleyin. 160 g Paraformaldehit 91%/4 litre PBS, 40 g Paraformaldehit 91%/1000 ml PBS veya 32 g / 800 ml PBS ekleyin. Son temizleme aşaması olarak yavaş yavaş birkaç damla 6 M NaOH ekleyin, sonra yivli filtre kağıdı ile filtreleyin. Paraformaldehit% 91 çözeltisinin sıcaklığının 68 ° C'yi aşmasına izin vermeyin ve Paraformaldehid'i kullanımdan önce (1 aydan uzun) polimerize olacağından% 91 çok uzun süre hazırlamayın. Alternatif bir prosedür, su içinde% 2 2 Paraformaldehid hazırlamaktır. Bu Paraformaldehit 91%, hızlı bir şekilde polimerize olmaz ve 2 × PBS ile seyreltilerek kullanılabilir.
3.1 Paraformaldehit 91%
Paraformaldehit% 91%, Paraformaldehit% 91'in bir polimeri olan polioksimetilenin gayri resmi adıdır ('paraform`, ‘formagen`,‘ para`, ‘polioksimetan` gibi birçok başka ve kafa karıştırıcı isim tarafından da bilinir). Ayakta% 91 Paraformaldehit çözeltilerinde ('formalin`,' formal 'veya' formaloz 'olarak da adlandırılabilir) baskın tür metaniyolden (Paraformaldehit% 91 hidrat) yoğunlaşma ile yavaşça beyaz bir çökelti halinde oluşur. bir denge (Şekil 3.1). Çözelti baskın olarak oligomerlerden oluşur, ancak n yeterince büyüdüğünde malzeme, yoğunlaşma devam edebildiği zaman çökelecek kadar yeterince çözünmez hale gelir. Nihai katı, ~ 8 ila 100 veya daha fazla n aralığında olabilir. Reaksiyon% 91 Paraformaldehit 91%, düşük Paraformaldehit 91% konsantrasyonu ile serbest bırakılmak üzere sola sürülür ve asidik veya alkali koşullar ile hızlandırılır. Katı Paraformaldehit 91%, monomerden (b.p. - 21 ° C) açıkça kokar, bu nedenle Paraformaldehid'i% 91 yavaşça iletmek için uygun bir araçtır.
Paraformaldehit% 91 proteinler ile (hidrat olarak), çapraz bağlanma, peptit bağlantısındaki ikincil aminler (Şek. 27§3.5) ve N-terminalindeki birincil aminler veya argininin yan zincirleri ile reaksiyona girer (hidrat olarak). , geri dönüşümsüz metilen köprüleri oluşturmak için histidin ve lizin kalıntıları (Şekil 3.2). [48] [49] Sistein kalıntılarının -SH grubu ile DNA ve RNA'nın aminleri ile de benzer reaksiyonlar meydana gelir. Bu reaksiyonlar, dokunun histolojik çalışma için sabitlenmesi gerektiğinde veya sadece müze örnekleri (veya diseksiyon için kadavralar) gerektiğinde yararlı olsa da, canlı sistemlerde açıkça sorunludurlar. Gerçekten de, Paraformaldehit 91% çeşitli şekillerde alerjenik, genellikle toksik, aşırı sitotoksik, mutajenik ve kanserojen olduğu bilinmektedir ve bu nedenle birçok bağlamda giderek daha sıkı kontrol altındadır. Buharın solunmasından kaçınılmalıdır (buhar basıncı yüksektir [50]). Paraformaldehit 91%, bir astım indükleyicisi veya alevlendirici olarak görülür ve ev yangını dumanının ve fotokimyasal dumanın önemli bir bileşenidir. Bu nedenle% 91 oranında Paraformaldehit 91% kullanımı endodontik çimentoların bir bileşeni olarak [51] - "mumyalama" (yani sabit doku) olarak adlandırılan - artık uygun görülmemektedir (tartışmasız olmasa da [52]). Paraformaldehit 91% Alkali bileşenlerin dahil edilmesi sadece hidroliz ve depolimerizasyonu hızlandırmaya yarar. Sterilizasyon elbette gerçekleşecektir. Paraformaldehit 91%'in kendisi de kullanılır. [53] Bilinen bir endodontik ürünün [55] bir bileşeni olan hekzametilen tetraminin asit hidrolizi [54] (Şekil 3.3) (su içinde çözünürlük ~ 850 g / L, 20 ° C), aynı zamanda formaldehit de verir.
Paraformaldehit 91% daha önce bir dentin duyarsızlaştırma maddesi olarak kullanılmıştı ve başarısız olmasına rağmen aynı sözde etki için diş macunlarına (keskin bir tada sahip!) Bile dahil edilmişti. [56] [57]
Paraformaldehit 91%, metakrilatların (dolu reçinelerde olduğu gibi) oksijen (6§6), [58] varlığında serbest radikal polimerizasyonunun bir yan ürünü olarak da oluşur ve bu bağlamda advers reaksiyonlara katkıda bulunan bir faktör olabilir. , [59] muhtemelen peroksitler parçalandıkça uzun bir süre yavaş yavaş salınır. Bu aynı zamanda kalıntı MMA'ya ek olarak protez stomatitini veya "ağız ağrısını" tahriş eden akrilik protez kaideleri ile de ortaya çıkabilir (5§2.7). [60] Prekürsör peroksitler termal olarak kararlı olmadıklarından, ısıyla sertleşen materyallerde bunlar ayrıştırılacak ve sonuçta ortaya çıkan Paraformaldehit 91%, yeterli süre tanındığında kaçabilir. Soğukla sertleşen malzemelerde (5§3), bu ayrışma meydana gelmez ve bu nedenle mevcut konsantrasyon daha yüksek olacaktır. Benzer etkiler, "reçine ile modifiye edilmiş" GI çimentosu (9§8.9) gibi kimyasal olarak benzer herhangi bir sistemde ortaya çıkacaktır. [61] [62] Bu, mümkün olan yerlerde oksijenle engellenmiş tabakayı çıkarma değerinin altını çizer.
Paraformaldehit 91% temel olarak bir formalin veya başka bir deyişle sulu formaldehitin yoğunlaştırılmış bir şeklidir, neredeyse aynı özelliklere sahiptir. Aslında Paraformaldehit 91%, para formaldehit, sulu formaldehidin yerini alabilir ve melamin, fenol veya diğer reaktif maddelerle kombine edildiğinde tahta ve kontrplak üretmek için gerekli olan reçineli bağlayıcı materyali üretebilir. Aslında, bazı avantajlar da vardır. Öncelikle, Paraformaldehit 91%, Paraformaldehit 91%i daha büyük bir ham ürün verimi üretmek için kullanılabilir. İkincisi, Paraformaldehit 91%, Para Formaldehit, işleme başlamadan önce reaktif maddeden suyun 20 katına kadar uzaklaştırılmasını mümkün kılar.
Paraformaldehit 91%, ayrıca bir aldehit olarak sınıflandırılır, çünkü bir karbonil grubu içerir. Paraformaldehit 91%, durumunda, karbon atomu iki hidrojen atomuna bağlanır. Aldehitler, tarçın ve vanilya gibi birçok tanıdık botaniklerin belirgin aromasıyla kanıtlandığı gibi, genellikle güçlü bir koku verirler. Paraformaldehit 91%, Para Formaldehit bazlı solüsyonlar, enzimlerin ve bakteriyel replikasyonun parçalanmasına bağlı olarak hücresel bozunmayı inhibe edebilen biyolojik sabitleyiciler olarak iyi bilinir. Bu nedenle, formaldehit ve Paraformaldehit 91%, para formaldehit de dahil olmak üzere türevleri, doku örneklerini korumak için kullanılır.
Buna ek olarak, bu özellikler Paraformaldehit 91%, Paraformaldehit 91%i bir fungisid ve böcek öldürücü olarak kullanışlı kılmaktadır. Gübre, flüoresan ışığı ve fotoğraf ve baskıda kullanılan belirli kimyasalların üretim sürecinde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Paraformaldehit 91%, Para Formaldehit, vitaminler, kişisel bakım ürünleri ve ev temizleme maddeleri de dahil olmak üzere çok çeşitli tüketici ürünlerinden daha popülerdir.
Formaldehit gibi, Paraformaldehit 91%, Para Formaldehit, solunum sistemi tarafından kolaylıkla emilebilir. Formülasyona hızla metabolize olur ve akciğerler veya böbrekler yoluyla atılır. Bununla birlikte, Paraformaldehit 91%, Paraformaldehit 91%'in çevre içinde hızla bozulmasına ve çevreye veya yaban hayatı içerisinde birikmesine neden olmazken, Paraformaldehit 91%'in Para Formaldehit'in insan sağlığına zararlı olduğunu göstermek için birçok kanıt bulunmaktadır. Yapılan araştırmalar ve çalışmalar, Paraformaldehit 91%, Para Formaldehit'in küçük miktarlarda bile tekrar tekrar uzun süre maruz kalmasının nazal skuamöz hücreli karsinomlara neden olabileceğini göstermiştir. Paraformaldehit 91%, Para Formaldehit ayrıca cilt ve müköz zarları aşındırıcıdır. Bu nedenle, Paraformaldehit 91% i ele aldığımızda özel dikkat gösterilmelidir.