1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z



CAS NO 000126-71-6


TRIISOBUTYL PHOSPHATE; 126-71-6; tri-isobutyl phosphate; Isobutyl phosphate; Tri-isobutylphosphate; Phosphoric acid, tris(2-methylpropyl) ester; UNII-6MKE1AR3GB; EINECS 20; NSC 62222; 6MKE1AR3GBBRN 1710574; AI3-07850; Phosphoric acid, triisobutyl ester; AK128950; 2-methylpropyl di2-methylpropyl phosphate; tris(2-methylpropyl) phosphate; EC 204-798-3; DSSTox_CID_20698; DSSTox_RID_79549; NCIOpen2_002692;; DSSTox_GSID_40698; 4-01-00-01598 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); KSC176A0H; SCHEMBL133326; CHEMBL1887508; DTXSID8040698; CTK0H6003; Phosphoric acid triisobutyl ester; Le tributylphosphate ; tri izobütil fosfat; triizobütil fosfat; triizobütilfosfat; trizobütil fosfat; tri izobütil phosphat; tri izobütil phosphate; TRIISOBUTYL PHOSPHATE; 126-71-6; tri-isobutyl phosphate; Isobutyl phosphate; Tri-isobutylphosphate; Phosphoric acid, tris(2-methylpropyl) ester; UNII-6MKE1AR3GB; EINECS 20; NSC 62222; 6MKE1AR3GBBRN 1710574; AI3-07850; Phosphoric acid, triisobutyl ester; AK128950; 2-methylpropyl di2-methylpropyl phosphate; tris(2-methylpropyl) phosphate; EC 204-798-3; DSSTox_CID_20698; DSSTox_RID_79549; NCIOpen2_002692;; DSSTox_GSID_40698; 4-01-00-01598; TRIISOBUTYL PHOSPHATE; 126-71-6; tri-isobutyl phosphate; Isobutyl phosphate; Tri-isobutylphosphate; Phosphoric acid, tris(2-methylpropyl) ester; UNII-6MKE1AR3GB; EINECS 20; NSC 62222; 6MKE1AR3GBBRN 1710574; AI3-07850; Phosphoric acid, triisobutyl ester; AK128950; 2-methylpropyl di2-methylpropyl phosphate; tris(2-methylpropyl) phosphate; EC 204-798-3; DSSTox_CID_20698; DSSTox_RID_79549; NCIOpen2_002692;; DSSTox_GSID_40698; 4-01-00-01598 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); KSC176A0H; SCHEMBL133326; CHEMBL1887508; DTXSID8040698; CTK0H6003; Phosphoric acid triisobutyl ester; Le tributylphosphate ; tri izobütil fosfat; triizobütil fosfat; triizobütilfosfat; trizobütil fosfat; tri izobütil phosphat; tri izobütil phosphate; TRIISOBUTYL PHOSPHATE; 126-71-6; tri-isobutyl phosphate; Isobutyl phosphate; Tri-isobutylphosphate; Phosphoric acid, tris(2-methylpropyl) ester; UNII-6MKE1AR3GB; EINECS 20; NSC 62222; 6MKE1AR3GBBRN 1710574; AI3-07850; Phosphoric acid, triisobutyl ester; AK128950; 2-methylpropyl di2-methylpropyl phosphate; tris(2-methylpropyl) phosphate; EC 204-798-3; DSSTox_CID_20698; DSSTox_RID_79549; NCIOpen2_002692;; DSSTox_GSID_40698; 4-01-00-01598; triizobütil fosfat; tri izobütil fosfat;Phosphoric acid triisobutylester ,TIBP Tri-iso-butylphosphate Triisobutyl phosphate ,TBİP,TIBP,TİBP,TİPP,TİPB,TRİ İZO BUTİL FOSFAT,FOSFAT,TRİ İSO BUTİL FOSFAT,TRIIZOBURTIL FOSFAT ,TRI BUTIL FOSFAT,; tri isobutyl phosphate; triisobutyl phosphate; Le Triisobutyl phosphate ; Triisobutyl phosphate




Le tributylphosphate



No CAS 126-73-8
6131-90-4 (trihydrate)
No ECHA 100.004.365
No CE 204-800-2
No RTECS TC7700000
PubChem 31357
ChEBI 35019
Le tributyle phosphate est un composé organophosphoré (estherphosphorique) toxique, aussi
classé comme alkyle phosphate (Neerathilingam et al., 2010 ; DK EPA, 2016) ou alkylke
phosphate ester. C'est un liquide visqueux, pratiquement incolore et inodore, peu soluble
dans l'eau (0,4 g/L à 20 °C), très peu inflammable et miscible à la plupart des solvants
organiques. C'est un composé stable dans les conditions normales de température et de
pression. En présence d'eau, il s'hydrolyse lentement en formant du butanol et de l'acide
phosphorique. Chauffé à plus de 290 °C, il se décompose en butène et en acide phosphorique.
En cas de combustion, il y a formation d'oxydes de phosphore et d'oxydes de carbone. Les
oxydants peuvent réagir avec le tributyl phosphate 
Apparence du tributylphosphate liquide incolore
Propriétés chimiques
Formule brute C12H27O4P [Isomères]
Masse molaire1 266,3141 ± 0,0127 g/mol
C 54,12 %, H 10,22 %, O 24,03 %, P 11,63 %,
Propriétés physiques du tributylphosphate
T° fusion tributylphosphate -79 °C2
T° ébullition tributylphosphate 293 °C2
Paramètre de solubilité δ 15,3 J1/2·cm-3/2 (25 °C)3
Masse volumique de tributylphosphate 0,98 g·cm-3 à 20 °C2
0,979 g·cm-3 à 25 °C4
T° d'auto-inflammation 410 °C4
Point d'éclair de tributylphosphate 145 °C4
Pression de vapeur saturante 0,8 Pa à 20 °C2
27 mmHg à 178 °C4
7,3 mmHg à 150 °C4


Le tributylphosphate, correctement en français phosphate de tributyle, couramment appelé Triisobutyl phosphate, est un composé organophosphoré de formule semi-développée (CH3CH2CH2CH2O)3PO. Ce liquide incolore et inodore est utilisé en tant que solvant dans l'extraction liquide-liquide. Il est également utilisé comme plastifiant. C'est un ester résultant de la réaction entre l'acide phosphorique et le butan-1-ol.


Le tributylphosphate est synthétisé par estérification de l'acide phosphorique par du butan-1-ol. Pour sa synthèse en laboratoire, on utilise du trichlorure de phosphoryle5 :



POCl3 + 3 C4H9OH → PO(OC4H9)3 + 3 HCl.
On estime que la production mondiale de tributylphosphate est comprise entre 3 000 et 5 000 tonnes par an6.



Le tributylphosphate est un solvant et un plastifiant pour les esters de la cellulose, tels que la nitrocellulose et l'acétate de cellulose.Le tributylphosphate forme des complexes hydrophobes stables avec certains métaux ; ces complexes sont solubles dans les solvants organiques et dans le CO2 supercritique. Les principales utilisations du Le tributylphosphate sont en tant que composant de fluides hydrauliques pour l'industrie aéronautique et en tant que solvant d'extraction et de purification de l'acide phosphorique pour obtenir un acide phosphorique de qualité alimentaire ou pour la fabrication du tripolyphosphate de sodium, du nitrate d'uranyle dans le procédé de traitement des concentrés de minerais d'uranium, des terres rares et de leurs minerais6.



Risques du tributylphosphate
Lorsqu'il entre en contact avec de l'acide nitrique concentré, le mélange tributylphosphate -kérosène forme une substance dangereuse et explosive appelée red oil.
Le Triisobutyl phosphate est classé comme une substance cancérogène suspectée, et dangereuse avec des
effets à long terme pour les milieux aquatiques, mais c'est une substance peu réglementée en
France et en Europe. Son utilisation dans des cosmétiques est interdite (Règlement
1223/2009/CE) et le Triisobutyl phosphate fait partie des substances considérées dangereuses pour l'eau en
France (arrêté du 17 juillet 2009) et ciblée dans l'action nationale de recherche et de
réduction des substances dangereuses dans l'eau part les installations classées (RSDE). Il
existe une norme de qualité environnementale (NQE) pour le Triisobutyl phosphate pour l'eau douce et un seuil
de déclenchement de la surveillance pérenne dans le cadre de la RSDE. En revanche, le Triisobutyl phosphate
ne figure pas parmi les substances prioritaires de la Directive cadre sur l'eau (Directive
2000/60/CE) et n'est pas réglementé sous REACH.
En Europe le Triisobutyl phosphate est principalement utilisé par l'industrie comme retardateur de flamme,
notamment dans des fluides hydrauliques, des plastiques et résines, et comme solvant
d'extraction pour des métaux de terres rares, solvant de purification de minerais et de
fabrication et de retraitement de combustibles nucléaires. D'autres utilisations fréquemment
mentionnées mais dont l'ampleur voire la réalité est difficile à cerner, concernent
l'utilisation comme solvant dans des gommes, adhésifs et revêtements, encres et peintures,
esters cellulosiques, comme agent anti-mousse dans des détergents, adhésifs, fabrication du
papier béton et ciment, dans les peintures et adhésifs et comme plastifiant dans des résines,
plastiques, laques ...
Les informations disponibles en France sur les émissions de la substance se limitent aux
émissions vers l'eau. Ces émissions s'avèrent très variables d'une année à l'autre et il est
impossible de discerner des tendances. 
INERIS - DRC-16-158744-05752A
Version Décembre 2016 Page 4 sur 40



I N E R I S - Données technico-économiques sur les substances chimiques en France
Tandis que les mesures menées dans le cadre de la RSDE révèlent que de nombreux sites
industriels rejettent du Triisobutyl phosphate, un seul site, appartenant à l'industrie de la chimie, a dépassé le
seuil de déclenchement des études de réduction des émissions. Les résultats de mesures du
Triisobutyl phosphate dans les eaux de surface recensées dans la base de données Naiades indiquent que le Triisobutyl phosphate
a été quantifié dans moins de 2% des mesures, et qu'aucune de ces mesures ne dépasse (ni
s'approche de) la NQE pour l'eau douce.
A notre connaissance, les études publiées sur le Triisobutyl phosphate ne parlent pas de la nécessité d'une
substitution de cette substance, ni pour raisons environnementales ou sanitaires, ni pour
raisons économiques. Un certain nombre de substances pouvant servir de substituts sont
évoquées dans la littérature, en particulier d'autres retardateurs de flamme
organophosphorés, domaine en forte évolution technologique pour remplacer les
retardateursde flamme bromés, mais les informations disponibles concernant les coûts des
différentes substances sont incomplètes et non exploitables. 
Le Triisobutyl phosphate est également utilisé dans l'extraction par solvant organique dans la métallurgie de
zirconium et hafnium. Il s'agit d'une méthode de séparation liquide-liquide qui utilise la
solution de Triisobutyl phosphate dans l'acide nitrique (procédé français CEA-Nobel-Bozel, cf. Barberis, 2016)25
Cote (2016) cite comme principaux fabricants et distributeurs du Triisobutyl phosphate (pour utilisation
industrielle dans le procédé Purex, l'extraction des terres rares, l'extraction de Th et U en
milieu HNO3, l'extraction de Pt et Ir en milieu HCl, l'extraction de H3PO4, HF et HNO3, etc.)
des compagnies hors Europe. Il s'agit de Daihachi Chemical Industry au Japon et de Rare Mine
Chemical Resources Limited, Luoyang Aoda Chemical Co., Ltd et Luoyang Zhongda Chemical
Co., Ltd en Chine.
Etant un solvant efficace dans le coupage de matériaux difficiles à dissoudre, le Triisobutyl phosphate est
également utilisé comme solvant dans des encres lithographiques. Du fait de ses
caractéristiques d'agent surfactant et antigel, Le Triisobutyl est utilisé comme agent de coalescence26
pour des peintures de laques en latex pour applications par temps froid. Le Triisobutyl est utilisé dans
des peintures extérieurs diluées à base d'eau, e.g. pour des toitures (Environment and
Climate Change Canada, 2009) et dans la formulation de pigments (National Institute of
Chemical Safety, 2013b). Le Triisobutyl phosphate est également utilisé comme solvant porteur dans des
teintures fluorescentes (OECD, 2001 ; Environment and Climate Change Canada, 2009) et
comme solvant dans des peintures et laques (IPCS, 1991; INRS, 2008).
Le Triisobutyl phosphate est utilisé comme solvant pour gommes naturelles (IPCS, 1991 ; INRS, 2008) et pour
gommes et résines synthétiques27
Le Triisobutyl phosphate intervient également comme solvant dans la formulation d'adhésifs (DK EPA, 2016), par
exemple dans des adhésifs de polyuréthane (National Institute of Chemical Safety, 2013b) ou
d'adhésifs utilisés spécifiquement dans des contreplaqués affinés28. Le Triisobutyl est aussi utilisé dans la
formulation de revêtements, entre autres revêtements de polyuréthane (National Institute of
Chemical Safety, 2013b), produits de traitement et de revêtement de sol, produits de
protection et revêtement du bois (Environment and Climate Change Canada, 2009) et
revêtements de cellulose. Dans ces applications, Le Triisobutyl est probable que ses propriétés de
retardateur de flamme soient également exploitées.




Triisobutyl phosphate



Triisobutyl Phosphate (TBP) is an organophosphorous compound. The substance is basically colourless and odourless it's water solubility is poor. Triisobutyl phosphate has a low flammability and is miscible with most organic solvants.
Despite it being suspected of causing cancer and being harmful for aquatic organisms, the
substance is little regulated in France or Europe. Triisobutyl Phosphate is use in cosmetics is prohibited (Regulation
1223/2009/EC) and Triisobutyl phosphate is part of the substances considered dangerous to water (arrêté du 17
juillet 2009) and also included in the National action to identify and reduce substances that
are dangerous to water resources and emitted by classified installations (RSDE). An
environmental quality standard for fresh water has been defined as well as a threshold
activating a permanent monitoring in the framework of the RSDE. However, Triisobutyl phosphate is not
amongst the priority substances of the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC),
and is not regulated under REACH.
In Europe, principal industrial uses of Triisobutyl phosphate are as flame retardant, especially in hydraulic
fluids, plastics and resins, and as solvant for the extraction of rare earth metals, the
purification of ores and the manufatcure and reprocessing of nuclear fuel. Other uses
frequently mentioned, but difficult to confirm, are the substance's use as solvent in rubber,
adhésives and coatings, inks and paints and in cellulosic esters, as defoamer in detergents,
adhesives, in paper manufacturing, in concrete and cement and in paints and adhesives, and
as plasticizer in resins, plastics and lacquers ...
Information available on emissions of the substance in France is limited to water emissions.
They areh ighly fluctuating between years and across industrial activities. It is quasi
impossible to identify any clear trend over time.
The measurements carried out within the action RSDE reveal that many industrial sites emit
Triisobutyl phosphate. However, there is only one site, belonging to the chemical industry, that has exceeded
the threshold activating the need for a study to reduce emissions. The results of Triisobutyl phosphate
measurements in surface water included in the data base Naiades indicate that Triisobutyl phosphate was
quantified in less than 2% of the measurements, and that none of the quantities measured
exceeds, or even gets close to, the environmental quality standard for fresh water.
To our knowledge, none of the studies published about Triisobutyl phosphate express the need to substitute
this substance, neither for environmental or health reasons, nor for economic reasons. A
number of substances that can serve as substitutes are mentioned in the literature, especially
new organophosphorus flame retardants developed with the aim to replace brominated flame
retardants, but the information on the costs of the different substances is incomplete and not
Application of Triisobutyl phosphate TIBP
Triisobutyl phosphate TIBP is a very strong solvent used for liquefying concrete, textile auxiliaries, paper coating compounds etc.


Triisobutyl phosphate TIBP is a strong polar solvent, mainly used as an antifoaming agent in various aqueous systems where it has the ability to both destroy foam and act as a foam inhibitor.

Triisobutyl phosphate TIBP is also used in the reduction of solutions of synthetic resins and natural rubber. In both ellulose-based plastics and synthetic resins, Triisobutyl Phosphate is used as a flame-retarding plasticizer.

Triisobutyl phosphate TIBP is also used as a paste agent for pigment pastes. Due to the limited influence of temperature on the viscosityof TiBP,Triisobutyl Phosphate also serves as an important component in the manufacture of hydraulic fluids for aircrafts. as a very strong wetting aent, Triisobutyl Phosphate is used in the textile industry and in the fields of adhesives.

Triisobutyl phosphate TIBP is mainly used for textile auxiliaries, penetrating agent, dye auxiliaries, etc?


Triisobutyl phosphate TIBP is widely used in dyeing, printing ink, construction, oil additives and other industries and fields.
Triisobutyl phosphate



Triisobutyl phosphate_small.png
Triisobutyl phosphate_3D_Structure.png
Find Similar Structures
Chemical Safety: 



Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet
Molecular Formula: C12H27O4P
Chemical Names: 
Triisobutyl phosphate




Isobutyl phosphate
tri-isobutyl phosphate
Phosphoric acid, tris(2-methylpropyl) ester



Molecular Weight: 266.31 g/mol



Triisobutyl phosphate
Triisobutyl phosphate is a very strong solvent used for liquefying concrete, textile auxiliaries, paper coating compounds, etc.


Tri iso butyl phosphate (TiBP) is a very strong, polar solvent. It is mainly used as an antifoaming agent in various aqueous systems where it has the ability to both destroy foam and act as a foam inhibitor. TiBP is also used in the roduction of solutions of synthetic resins and natural rubber. In both ellulose-based plastics and synthetic resins, it is used as a flame-retarding plasticizer. TiBP is employed as a pasting agent for pigment pastes. Due to the limited influence of temperature on the viscosity of TiBP, it also serves as an important component in the manufacture of hydraulic fluids for aircraft. As a very strong wetting agent, TiBP is used in the textile industry and in the field of adhesives.

Bussiness Unit : Rhein Chemie Additives


Areas of Applications



Antifoam tetile
Building industry
Concrete additives
Construction material
Glues and adhesives
Catalysis and Chemicals
Processing Chemical synthesis
Paper and board
Manufacturing of glues and adhesives
Textiles and fibres


Properties & Benefits


strong solvent
strong antifoaming agent
strong wetting agent




Phosphoric acid triisobutylester
riisobutyl phosphate
Triisobutyl phosphate
Molecular FormulaC12H27O4P
Average mass266.314 Da
Monoisotopic mass266.164703 Da
ChemSpider ID29088
Tri-isobutyl phosphate
Product description


Product name: Tri-isobutyl phosphate

English name: PHOSPHORIC ACID TRIISOBUTYL ESTER; isobutylphosphate; Phosphoricacid,tris(2-methylpropyl)ester; Triisobutyl phosphate; TIBP; TRIS-ISOBUTYLPHOSPHATE; Triisobutylphosphat; Isobutyl phosphate; tri isobutyl phosphate

Molecular formula: C12H27O4P

Structural formula:

Relative molecular quality:: 266.32

CAS No.: 126-71-6

EINECS No.: 204-798-3

RETCS No.: TC9300000

HS code: 291990000.90

Physicochemical property


It is colorless transparent liquid; melting point: <-60?; boiling point: 264?; relative density: 0.9646(25/4?); dynamic viscosity: 5mPa·s(20?); refractive index: 1.4190; octanol/water partition coefficients: 3.7; hardly soluble in water; blended soluble in organic solvent, for example, alcohol and ether; flashing point: 132.5?; autoignition temperature: 428?; decomposition temperature: 272?



Should be preserved in seal container in cool and ventilated warehouse without drain-pipe and sewer;
Storage temperature should be no higher than 70?;
Separate from food and drink;
Keep it away from fire and heat source, oxidizing agent, acids and alkaline;


Stability: stable under normal pressure and temperature

Main urses

As solvent, anti foaming agent, penetrant and plasticizer in manufacturing of anti-foaming agent, hydraulic oil, printing and dyeing auxiliary, printing ink, textile auxiliary, synthetic resin and cellulose base plastic; also applied in construction and oil field

Adding in food and feed additive is strictly forbidden.

Quality parameter

Executive standard: Q/320205GKAM02-2014





refractive index n20D


acid value, mgKOH/g ?


moisture (H2O), w% ?




content[(C4H9O)3PO], w% ?



15kg plastic drum, 200kg iron drun, IBC, ISO-TANK
Chemical Industry Chemical synthesis Mineral oil and lubricant Petroleum industry Synthetic lubricants Textile auxiliaries Textile industry
Chemical Industry Chemical synthesis Mineral oil and lubricant Petroleum industry Synthetic lubricants Textile auxiliaries Textile industry
Phosphoric acid triisobutylester TIBP Tri-iso-butylphosphate Triisobutyl phosphate
Catalogue Number 818606
Description Triisobutyl phosphate
Product Information
CAS number 126-71-6
EC number 204-798-3
Hill Formula C0²H²7O4P
Chemical formula ((CH³)²CHCH²)³PO
Molar Mass 266.32 g/mol
HS Code 2919 90 00
Structure formula Image Structure formula Image
Application Triisobutyl phosphate for synthesis. CAS 126-71-6, EC Number 204-798-3, chemical formula ((CH³)²CHCH²)³PO.
Physicochemical Information
Boiling point 272 °C (1013 hPa) decomposes
Density 0.965 g/cm3 (20 °C)
Flash point 133 °C DIN 51758
Ignition temperature 430 °C DIN 51794
Melting Point <-60 °C
Vapor pressure 0.002 hPa (20 °C)
Solubility 0.26 g/l
Toxicological Information
LD 50 oral LD50 Rat > 5000 mg/kg
LD 50 dermal LD50 Rabbit > 5000 mg/kg
Safety Information according to GHS
Hazard Pictogram(s) Hazard Pictogram(s)
Hazard Statement(s) H317: May cause an allergic skin reaction.
Precautionary Statement(s) P280: Wear protective gloves.
P302 + P352: IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water.
Signal Word Warning
RTECS TC9300000
Storage class 10 - 13 Other liquids and solids
WGK WGK 1 slightly hazardous to water
Disposal 3
Relatively unreactive organic reagents should be collected in container A. If halogenated, they should be collected in container B. For solid residues use container C.
Safety Information
Hazard Symbols Hazard SymbolsIrritant
Categories of danger sensitizing, dangerous for the environment
R Phrase R 43
May cause sensitisation by skin contact.
S Phrase S 24-37
Avoid contact with skin.Wear suitable gloves.
Storage and Shipping Information
Storage Store below +30°C.
Assay (GC, area%) ? 99.0 % (a/a)
Density (d 20?°C/ 4?°C) 0.963 - 0.967
Identity (IR) passes test
riisobutyl phosphate Basic information
Product Name: Triisobutyl phosphate
Synonyms: PHOSPHORIC ACID TRIISOBUTYL ESTER;isobutylphosphate;Phosphoricacid,tris(2-methylpropyl)ester;TRIISOBUTYL PHOSPHATE;TIBP;TRIS-ISOBUTYLPHOSPHATE;tri isobutyl phosphate E:candyli(at)speedgainpharma(dot)com;Triisobutylphosphat
CAS: 126-71-6
MF: C12H27O4P
MW: 266.31
EINECS: 204-798-3
Product Categories: Extracting agent;Other
Mol File: 126-71-6.mol
Triisobutyl phosphate Structure
Triisobutyl phosphate Chemical Properties
Boiling point ~205 °C(lit.)
density 0.965 g/mL at 20 °C(lit.)
vapor pressure 0.002 hPa (20 °C)
refractive index n20/D 1.420
Fp 150 °C
storage temp. Store below +30°C.
solubility 0.26g/l
CAS DataBase Reference 126-71-6(CAS DataBase Reference)
EPA Substance Registry System Phosphoric acid, tris(2-methylpropyl) ester(126-71-6)
Safety Information
Hazard Codes Xi
Risk Statements 43
Safety Statements 36/37
WGK Germany 1
RTECS TC9300000
Autoignition Temperature 430 °C DIN 51794
HS Code 2919 90 00
Toxicity LD50 orally in Rabbit: > 5000 mg/kg LD50 dermal Rabbit > 5000 mg/kg
MSDS Information
Provider Language
Phosphoric acid triisobutyl ester English
SigmaAldrich English
Triisobutyl phosphate Usage And Synthesis
Purification Methods Purify it by repeated crystallisation, from hexane, of its addition compound with uranyl nitrate. (see tributyl phosphate.) [Siddall J Am Chem Soc 81 4176 1959; see Cherbuliez in Organo Phosphorus Compounds (Kosolapoff & Maier eds) Wiley Vol 6 pp 211-577 1973.]
Triisobutyl phosphate Preparation Products And Raw materials
Triisobutyl phosphate | CAS 126-71-6
Triisobutyl phosphate CAS 126-71-6
Product Information of Triisobutyl phosphate (TIBP)
Chemical Name: Tri-isobutyl phosphate
CAS No.: 126-71-6
EINECS No.: 204-798-3
Synonyms: Tri-isobutylphosphate; Isobutyl phosphate; Phosphoric acid, tris(2-methylpropyl) ester; 2-methylpropyl di2-methylpropyl phosphate; TIBP
Molecular Formula: C12H27O4P
Molecular Weight: 266.31 g/mol
Related Category: Flame retardant; phosphate ester; defoamer; penetrant
Package: 15kg plastic drum, 200kg galvanized iron drum, IBC, ISO-TANK
Specification of Triisobutyl phosphate
Appearance: Colorless or light yellow transparent liquid
Boiling Point: ~205 °C(lit.)
Density: 0.965 g/mL at 20 °C(lit.)
Refractive Index: n20/D 1.420
Flash Point: 150 °C
Steam Pressure: 0.0191mmHg at 25°C
For more details of triisobutyl phosphate, please contact us.



Applications or uses of Triisobutyl phosphate
Used as textile auxiliary, defoaming agent, dye auxiliary, etc.
Triisobutyl phosphate (126-71-6) is mainly used for defoamer and penetrant.
It is widely used in printing and dyeing, printing ink, building, oilfield auxiliaries, etc.


Triisobutyl phosphate is a chemical substance with molecular formula C12H27O4P.

Boiling point: ~ 205 c (lit.)

Density: 0.965 g/ml at 20 c (lit.)

Refractive index: n20/D 1.420

Flash point: 150 °C

Vapor pressure: 0.0191mmHg at 25°C


Tri-isobutyl Phosphate used as textile auxiliaries, penetrant, dye auxiliaries, etc.

Triisobutyl phosphate used for defoaming agent and penetrant. Widely used in printing and dyeing, printing ink, construction, oil field additives, etc.


Triisobutyl phosphate


Providing with tri-isobutyl phosphate price consultation, Zhangjiagang Fortune Chemical Co.,Ltd, among those excellent tri-isobutyl phosphate manufacturers in China, is waiting for you to buy bulk 126-71-6, tibp form its factory.


1. Molecular formula:C12H27O4P 
2. CAS-NO.:126-71-6
3. Molecular weight :266.32
4. Specification:
Appearance: Colorless and transparent liquid 
Color (APHA): 20 max
Assay %WT: 99.0 min
Specific Gravity ( 20?): 0.960-0.970
Moisture (%): 0.2 max
Acidity (mgKOH/g): 0.1 max
Refractive Index (n20/D): 1.4190-1.4200
5. Application:
It is a very strong, popular solvent which can be used as an antifoam agent, in hydraulic fluids, extraction agents and for the production of plastics. Other fields of application include concrete additives, glues and adhesives, and drilling fluids.
6. Packing: 200kgs/iron drum net (16tons/FCL); 1000kgs/IBC (18tons/FCL); 20-23tons/Isotank.
Tributyl phosphate, known commonly as Triisobutyl phosphate, is an organophosphorus compound with the chemical formula (CH3CH2CH2CH2O)3PO. This colourless, odorless liquid finds some applications as an extractant and a plasticizer. It is an ester of phosphoric acid with n-butanol.



1 Production
2 Use
2.1 Nuclear chemistry
3 Hazards
4 References
Tributyl phosphate is manufactured by reaction of phosphoryl chloride with n-butanol.[4]



POCl3 + 3 C4H9OH › PO(OC4H9)3 + 3 HCl
Production is estimated at 3,000-5,000 tonnes worldwide.[5]



Triisobutyl phosphate is a solvent and plasticizer for cellulose esters such as nitrocellulose and cellulose acetate. It forms stable hydrophobic complexes with some metals; these complexes are soluble in organic solvents as well as supercritical CO2. The major uses of Triisobutyl phosphate in industry are as a component of aircraft hydraulic fluid, brake fluid, and as a solvent for extraction and purification of rare-earth metals from their ores.[5]


Triisobutyl phosphate finds its use as a solvent in inks, synthetic resins, gums, adhesives (namely for veneer plywood), and herbicide and fungicide concentrates.

As it has no odour, it is used as an anti-foaming agent in detergent solutions, and in various emulsions, paints, and adhesives. It is also found as a de-foamer in ethylene glycol-borax antifreeze solutions.[citation needed] In oil-based lubricants addition of Triisobutyl phosphate increases the oil film strength. It is used also in mercerizing liquids, where it improves their wetting properties. It can be used as a heat-exchange medium.[6] Triisobutyl phosphate is used in some consumer products such as herbicides and water-thinned paints and tinting bases.[7]


Nuclear chemistry
A 15-40% (usually about 30%) solution of tributyl phosphate in kerosene or dodecane is used in the liquid-liquid extraction (solvent extraction) of uranium, plutonium, and thorium from spent uranium nuclear fuel rods dissolved in nitric acid, as part of a nuclear reprocessing process known as PUREX.


The shipment of 20 tons of tributyl phosphate to North Korea from China in 2002, coinciding with the resumption of activity at Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center, was seen by the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency as cause for concern; that amount was considered sufficient to extract enough material for perhaps three to five potential nuclear weapons.[8]


In contact with concentrated nitric acid the Triisobutyl phosphate-kerosene solution forms hazardous and explosive red oil.
Tributyl phosphate
Spacefill model of Tributyl phosphate
Ball and stick model of Tributyl phosphate
CAS Number
126-73-8 ?
6131-90-4 (trihydrate) ?
3D model (JSmol)
Interactive image
CHEBI:35019 ?
29090 ?
ECHA InfoCard 100.004.365
C14439 ?
PubChem CID
CompTox Dashboard (EPA)
DTXSID3021986 Edit this at Wikidata
Chemical formula
Molar mass 266.318 g·mol-1
Appearance Colorless to pale-yellow liquid[1]
Density 0.9727 g/mL
Melting point -80 °C (-112 °F; 193 K)
Boiling point 289 °C (552 °F; 562 K)
Solubility in water
0.4 g/L[2]
Vapor pressure 0.004 mmHg (25°C)[1]
Safety data sheet External MSDS
NFPA 704 
NFPA 704 four-colored diamond
Flash point 146.1 °C (295.0 °F; 419.2 K)
Lethal dose or concentration (LD, LC):
LD50 (median dose)
1189 mg/kg (mouse, oral)
3000 mg/kg (rat, oral)[3]
LC50 (median concentration)
227 ppm (cat, 4-5 h)
123 ppm (rat, 6 h)
117 ppm (rat)
2529 ppm (rat, 1 h)[3]
LCLo (lowest published)
2214 ppm (cat, 5 h)[3]
US health exposure limits (NIOSH):
PEL (Permissible)
TWA 5 mg/m3[1]
REL (Recommended)
TWA 0.2 ppm (2.5 mg/m3)[1]
IDLH (Immediate danger)
30 ppm
A 1-liter four-necked flask is fitted with an efficient condenser, an air-tight stirrer, a short-stemmed dropping funnel and a thermometer. Calcium chloride tubes are attached to the top of dropping funnel and the reflux condenser. 140 ml (111 g) of dry isobutyl alcohol, 132.5 ml (130 g) of dry pyridine and 140 ml of dry benzene are placed in the flask, which is stirred and cooled in an ice-salt mixture until the temperature falls to - 5° C. 40.5 ml (76.5 g) of freshly redistilled (b.p. 106-107° C) phosphorus oxychloride are dropwise added from the funnel at such a rate that the temperature does not rise above 10° C. When all phosphorus oxychloride has been added the reaction mixture is gently refluxed for 2 hours and cooled to room temperature. 250 ml of water are added in order to dissolve the pyridine hydrochloride, the benzene layer is separated, washed several times with water until the washings are neutral, and dried over anhydrous sodium or magnesium sulfate. The benzene is removed by evaporation and crude triisobutyl phosphate is purified by distillation in a vacuum. The fraction boiling at 117°/5.5 mm is collected yielding pure triisobutyl phosphate.


It is a great pleasure to introduce Triisobutyl Phosphate TIBP CAS 126-71-6 for you. Our TNJ chemical focus on supplying high quality solvent Triisobutyl Phosphate TIBP, meanwhile, it is also can be use for antifoamer and penetrant. It is also be widely used in printing and dying, ink, construction. If you want to buy Triisobutyl phosphate, please contact sales16@tnjchem.com for details.


Triisobutyl phosphate TIBP (CAS 126-71-6) is clorless transparent liquid, used for textile auxiliaries, penetrating agent, dye auxiliaries, etc.Triisobutyl Phosphate(TIBP) is mainly used for antifoamer and penetrant. It is also be widely used in printing and dying, ink, construction, and oil field additives, etc.


Specification of Triisobutyl phosphate TIBP

Appearance Colorless transparent liquid

Purity ? 99%

Refractive index nD20 1.4190-1.4200

Density (20)g/ml 0.960-0.970

H2O ?0.1%

Acid value mg KOH/g ?0.1%


Application of Triisobutyl phosphate TIBP
Triisobutyl phosphate TIBP is a very strong solvent used for liquefying concrete, textile auxiliaries, paper coating compounds etc.


Triisobutyl phosphate TIBP is a strong polar solvent, mainly used as an antifoaming agent in various aqueous systems where it has the ability to both destroy foam and act as a foam inhibitor.

Triisobutyl phosphate TIBP is also used in the reduction of solutions of synthetic resins and natural rubber. In both ellulose-based plastics and synthetic resins, it is used as a flame-retarding plasticizer.

Triisobutyl phosphate TIBP is also used as a paste agent for pigment pastes. Due to the limited influence of temperature on the viscosityof TiBP, it also serves as an important component in the manufacture of hydraulic fluids for aircrafts. as a very strong wetting aent, TiBP is used in the textile industry and in the fields of adhesives.

Triisobutyl phosphate TIBP is mainly used for textile auxiliaries, penetrating agent, dye auxiliaries, etc?

Triisobutyl phosphate TIBP is widely used in dyeing, printing ink, construction, oil additives and other industries and fields.


200kg/drum, 16mt/20''container
1000kg/IBC drum, 20mt/20"container



Storage & Handling
If stored correctly and kept in the original sealed container, the product has a shelf life of at least 24 months. 
Metallic materials such as stainless steel and aluminum, as well as ceramic apparatus components have proved suitable. Materials suitable for seals are polyethylene, poly tetrafluoro ethylene (PTFE) and graphite. 
Strong swelling may occur when plastic (PVC in particular) and rubber components are used as well as upon contact with the interior coatings of vessels. Testing of the resistance is therefore recommended.



Always refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for detailed information on handling and disposal.
roduct Specification
Type Concrete Admixture
Form Liquid
Grade Standard Technical Grade
Usage Industrial
Physical State Liquid
Packaging Type 200 Kgs Drum
Packaging Size 200 kgs
Minimum Order Quantity 2000 Unit
Product Description
CAS No.126-71-6
Triisobutyl Phosphate is a very strong solvent used for liquefying concrete, textile auxiliaries, paper coating compounds, etc.



Tri iso butyl phosphate (TiBP) is a very strong, polar solvent. It is mainly used as an antifoaming agent in various aqueous systems where it has the ability to both destroy foam and act as a foam inhibitor. TiBP is also used in the production of solutions of synthetic resins and natural rubber. In both cellulose-based plastics and synthetic resins, it is used as a flame-retarding plasticizer. TiBP is employed as a pasting agent for pigment pastes. Due to the limited influence of temperature on the viscosity of TiBP, it also serves as an important component in the manufacture of hydraulic fluids for aircraft. As a very strong wetting agent, TiBP is used in the textile industry and in the field of adhesives.


Tri-Isobutyl Phosphate

PHOSPHORIC ACID TRIISOBUTYL ESTER; TRIS-ISOBUTYLPHOSPHATE; Phosphoric acid, triisobutyl ester; isobutylphosphate; Phosphoricacid,tris(2-methylpropyl)ester; TRIISOBUTYL PHOSPHATE; Tris(2-methylpropyl) phosphate; TIBP; Phosphoric acid, tris (2-methylpropyl) ester; Isobutyl phosphate; Triisobutylphosphat


Tri-Isobutyl Phosphate uses and applications include: Antifoam in concrete additives, textile processing chemicals, glues, adhesives, paper coating slurries, plastic dispersions, drilling fluids, cementations, lubricants, coatings, electroplating 
Suggested storage of Tri-Isobutyl Phosphate: Keep container tightly closed



Specialty Chemicals

FUNCTIONS Additive, Lubricant


INDUSTRY Plating, Adhesives, Drilling Fluid
CAS Number : 000126-71-6



CAS Number 126-71-6
Molecular Formula C12H27O4P
Molecular Weight 266.318 g/mol
LogP 3.33
Triisobutyl phosphate
Tris(2-methylpropyl) phosphate
Phosphoric acid, tris(2-methylpropyl) ester
Separation of Triisobutyl phosphate on Newcrom R1 HPLC column
Triisobutyl phosphate can be analyzed by this reverse phase (RP) HPLC method with simple conditions. The mobile phase contains an acetonitrile (MeCN), water, and phosphoric acid. For Mass-Spec (MS) compatible applications the phosphoric acid needs to be replaced with formic acid. Smaller 3 µm particles columns available for fast UPLC applications. This liquid chromatography method is scalable and can be used for isolation impurities in preparative separation. It also suitable for pharmacokinetics.
roduct Details
Item Name: Triisobutyl Phosphate (TIBP)Other Name: Triphenyl PhosphiteAppearance: Colorless transparent liquidCAS NO.: 126-71-6MF: C12H27O4PFormula Weight: 266Boiling Point: 205.00?Flash Point: 126.00?Type: GENERAL
Triisobutyl Phosphate (TIBP) mainly used for anti-foaming agent, penetrant. Widely used in printing and dyeing, printing ink, construction, oil additives. Victory Chemical is one of the few manufacturers and suppliers in China that can provide Phosphate Flame Retardants.China has shut down many companies that do not meet environmental standards because of environmental concerns
Technical parameter
Triisobutyl Phosphate (TIBP)
Triisobutyl Phosphate (TIBP)
Product name Triisobutyl Phosphate; TIBP
Molecular Formula
CAS NO. 126-71-6
Product quality Appearance: Color transparent liquid Content: ?99% Acid value(mgKOH/g):?0.1 Water: less than 0.2% Chroma(APHA):?20 Relative density20?:0.96-0.97
Purpose Triisobutyl Phosphate(TIBP) mainly used for anti-foaming agent, penetrant. Widely used in printing and dyeing, printing ink, construction, oil additives.
Packing Net weight 200KG / barrel or 1000KG / IBC.
126-71-6 tri-isobutyl phosphate






Ürün Adı tri-isobutyl phosphate Tri İzobutil Fosfat
Eş anlamlı PHOSPHORIC ACID TRIISOBUTYL ESTER; isobutylphosphate; Phosphoricacid,tris(2-methylpropyl)ester; Triisobutyl phosphate; Tri izobütil fosfat; TRIS-ISOBUTYLPHOSPHATE; Triisobutylphosphat; Isobutyl phosphate; tri isobutyl phosphate; Tri izobütil fosfat; tri izobütil fosfat



Moleküler Formülü C12H27O4P
Molekül Ağırlığı 266.3141
InChI InChI=1/C12H27O4P/c1-10(2)7-14-17(13,15-8-11(3)4)16-9-12(5)6/h10-12H,7-9H2,1-6H3
CAS kayıt numarası 126-71-6
EINECS 204-798-3
Tri izobütil fosfat Moleküler Yapısı 126-71-6 tri-isobutyl phosphate
Tri izobütil fosfat Yoğunluğu 0.982g/cm3
Tri izobütil fosfat Kaynama noktası 261.2°C at 760 mmHg
Tri izobütil fosfatın Kırılma indisi 1.427
Tri izobütil fosfatın Alevlenme noktası 125.8°C
Tehlike Sembolleri Xi:Irritant;
Risk Kodları R43:;
Güvenlik Açıklaması S36/37:;
Tri izobütil fosfat, selüloz esterleri, vernikleri, plastik ve vinil reçineleri için kullanılan bir plastikleştiricidir. Tri izobütil Fosfat ayrıca mürekkepler, sentetik reçineler, zamklar, yapışkanlar (kaplama kontrplak için) ve herbisit ve fungisit konsantrelerinde bir çözücü olarak kullanılabilir. Kağıt ve koruyucu kaplamalarda, Tri izobütil fosfat bir antiforma ajanı olarak kullanılabilir. Ayrıca vinil lateks emülsiyonlarında, kauçuk esaslı boyalarda, kazein, mürekkeplerde, çimento, protein veya reçine bazlı yapışkanlarda ve tekstil boyutlarında bir köpük giderici olarak kullanılır.Tri izobütil fosfat, beton, tekstil yardımcı maddeleri, kağıt kaplama bileşikleri vb. Sıvılaştırmak için kullanılan çok güçlü bir çözücüdür. Tri izobütil fosfat (Tibp) çok kuvvetli polar bir çözücüdür. Genellikle köpük yok edici ve köpük önleyici olarak işlev gören çeşitli sulu sistemlerde köpük giderici bir ajan olarak kullanılır. Tri izobütil fosfat, sentetik reçinelerin ve doğal kauçuğun eritme işleminde de kullanılır. Hem ellulose esaslı plastiklerde hem de sentetik reçinelerde alev geciktirici bir plastikleştirici olarak kullanılır. Tri İzobutil Fosfat, pigment macunları için bir yapıştırıcı madde olarak kullanılır. Sıcaklığın Tri izobütil fosfat'nin viskozitesi üzerindeki sınırlı etkisinden dolayı, aynı zamanda uçaklar için hidrolik sıvı üretiminde önemli bir bileşen olarak görev yapmaktadır. Çok güçlü ıslatma maddesi olarak, Tri İzobutil Fosfat tekstil endüstrisinde ve yapıştırıcılar alanında kullanılır.
Tri İzobutil Fosfatın Uygulama Alanları; Tekstil ve elyalar, Yapı endüstrisi, Beton katkıları, İnşaat malzemesi, Tutkallar ve yapıştırıcılar, Kataliz ve Kimyasallar,Köpük önleyici, İşleme Kimyasal sentez, Tekstil, Kağıt ve tahta, Tutkal ve yapıştırıcıların imalatı,
Tri izobütil fosfat. Ancak, kimya endüstrisine ait,
emisyonları azaltmak için bir çalışma ihtiyacını aktive eden eşik. Tri izobütil fosfat sonuçları
Naiades veri tabanına dahil edilen yüzey sularındaki ölçümler, Tri izobutil fosfatın
ölçümlerin% 2'sinden daha azında ölçülmüş ve ölçülen miktarların hiçbiri
tatlı su için çevre kalite standardını aşar, hatta ona yaklaşır.
Bildiğimiz kadarıyla, Tri izobutil fosfat hakkında yayınlanan hiçbir çalışma, ikame ihtiyacını ifade etmemektedir.
bu madde, ne çevresel, ne de sağlık nedenleriyle, ya da ekonomik nedenlerle bir
Yedek olarak kullanılabilecek madde sayısı literatürde özellikle
bromlu alevi değiştirmek amacıyla geliştirilen yeni organofosfor alev geciktiriciler
geciktiriciler, ancak farklı maddelerin maliyetleri hakkındaki bilgiler eksiktir ve değil
Tri izobütil fosfat TIBP uygulaması
Tri izobütil fosfat TIBP beton, tekstil yardımcıları, kağıt kaplama bileşikleri vb. Sıvılaştırmak için kullanılan çok güçlü bir çözücüdür.


Tri izobütil fosfat TIBP, hem köpüğü yok etme hem de bir köpük inhibitörü olarak hareket etme yeteneğine sahip olduğu çeşitli sulu sistemlerde köpük önleyici bir ajan olarak kullanılan güçlü bir polar çözücüdür.

Tri izobütil fosfat TIBP, sentetik reçinelerin ve doğal kauçuğun çözeltilerinin azaltılmasında da kullanılır. Hem selüloz esaslı plastiklerde hem de sentetik reçinelerde alev geciktirici plastikleştirici olarak kullanılır.

Tri izobütil fosfat TIBP pigment pastaları için bir macun maddesi olarak da kullanılır. Sıcaklığın TiBP'nin viskozitesi üzerindeki sınırlı etkisi nedeniyle, hava taşıtları için hidrolik sıvıların imalatında da önemli bir bileşen olarak hizmet eder. çok güçlü bir ıslatma maddesi olarak,Tri İzobutil Fosfat tekstil endüstrisinde ve yapıştırıcı alanlarında kullanılmaktadır.

Tri izobütil fosfat TIBP esas olarak tekstil yardımcıları, delici ajan, boya yardımcıları, vb.


Tri izobütil fosfat TIBP boyama, baskı mürekkebi, inşaat, yağ katkı maddeleri ve diğer sanayi ve alanlarda yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır.
Tri izobütil fosfat, nitroselüloz ve selüloz asetat gibi selüloz esterler için bir çözücü ve plastikleştiricidir. Tri izobütil fosfat Bazı metallerle stabil hidrofobik kompleksler oluşturur; bu kompleksler organik çözücülerin yanı sıra süperkritik CO2 içinde çözünür. Tri izobütil fosfat'nin endüstrideki başlıca kullanım alanları uçak hidrolik sıvısı, fren sıvısı ve nadir toprak metallerinin cevherlerinden çıkarılması ve saflaştırılması için bir çözücüdür. [5]


Tri izobütil fosfat, mürekkeplerde, sentetik reçinelerde, zamklarda, yapıştırıcılarda (yani kontrplak kontrplak için) ve herbisit ve fungisit konsantrelerinde bir çözücü olarak kullanımını bulur.

Tri izobütil fosfat Kokusu olmadığı için deterjan çözeltilerinde ve çeşitli emülsiyonlarda, boyalarda ve yapıştırıcılarda köpük önleyici bir ajan olarak kullanılır. Aynı zamanda Tri izobütil fosfat etilen glikol-boraks antifriz çözeltilerinde köpük giderici olarak bulunur. [Kaynak belirtilmeli] Yağ bazlı kayganlaştırıcılarda Tri izobütil fosfat ilavesi, yağ filmi mukavemetini arttırır. Ayrıca ıslatma özelliklerini geliştirdiği sıvıların merserize edilmesinde de kullanılır. Isı değişim ortamı olarak kullanılabilir. [6] Tri izobütil fosfat, herbisitler ve su ile inceltilmiş boyalar ve renklendirme bazları gibi bazı tüketici ürünlerinde kullanılmaktadır. [7]


Nükleer kimyada Tri izobütil fosfat
Kerosen veya dodekan içindeki% 15-40 (genellikle yaklaşık% 30) tributil fosfat çözeltisi, nitrik asit içinde çözündürülmüş uranyum nükleer yakıt çubuklarından uranyum, plütonyum ve toryumun sıvı-sıvı ekstraksiyonunda (solvent ekstraksiyonu) kullanılır. PUREX olarak bilinen nükleer yeniden işleme sürecinin bir parçası.
Kimya endüstrisine ait tek bir alan olan Tri izobutil fosfat,
emisyon azaltma çalışmalarını tetikleme eşiği. Ölçüm sonuçları
Naiades veritabanında tanımlanan yüzey sularındaki Tri izobütil fosfat, Tri izobutil fosfatın
önlemlerin% 2'sinden daha azında ölçülmüştür ve bu önlemlerin hiçbiri aşmamıştır (ne de
(tatlı su için EQS).
Bildiğimiz kadarıyla, Tri izobutil fosfat üzerine yayınlanan çalışmalar,
bu maddenin ne çevre, ne sağlık nedenleri ne de
ekonomik nedenler. İkame olarak kullanılabilecek bazı maddeler şunlardır:
literatürde, özellikle diğer alev geciktiricilerde bahsedilen
organofosfatlar, güçlü teknolojik evrimin yerini alan
bromlu alev geciktiriciler, ancak maliyeti hakkında bilgi mevcut farklı maddeler eksiktir ve kullanılamaz.
Tri izobutil fosfat ayrıca metalürjisinde organik çözücü ekstraksiyonunda da kullanılır.
zirkonyum ve hafniyum. Bir sıvı-sıvı ayırma yöntemidir.
nitrik asit içinde Tri izobutil fosfat çözeltisi.
Cote (2016), Tri izobutil fosfat ana üreticileri ve distribütörleri olarak (kullanım için)
Purex sürecinde endüstriyel, nadir toprakların çıkarılması, Th ve U'nun çıkarılması
HNO3 ortamı, HCl ortamında Pt ve Ir ekstraksiyonu, H3PO4, HF ve HNO3 ekstraksiyonu, vb.)
Avrupa dışındaki şirketler
Çözünmesi zor malzemeleri kesmek için etkili bir çözücü olan Triisobutyl fosfat litografik mürekkeplerde çözücü olarak da kullanılır. Onun yüzünden sürfaktan ve antifriz maddesinin özellikleri, Triisobutyl bir birleştirme maddesi olarak kullanılır26 soğuk hava uygulamaları için lateks lake boyalar için. Triisobutyl kullanılır
sulandırılmış dış cephe boyaları, örneğin çatılar için kulanılabilir. 
CAS NO.:126-71-6



Moleküler Formül: C12H27O4


Moleküler ağırlık::--

Ürün kalitesi:

Görünüş: Renksiz şeffaf sıvı

Deney: ?99%

Asit değeri (mgKOH / g): ?0.1

Nem: ?% 0.2

Krom (APHA): ?20

Bağıl yoğunluk 20 ? : 0.96-0.97

Tri izobutil fosfat Kullanım Alanları: Genellikle boya, baskı, inşaat, yağ katkı maddeleri olarak kullanılan köpük gidericiler, penetrantlarda kullanılır.


Ürün Adı tri-isobutyl phosphate
Eş anlamlı PHOSPHORIC ACID TRIISOBUTYL ESTER; isobutylphosphate; Phosphoricacid,tris(2-methylpropyl)ester; Triisobutyl phosphate; TIBP; TRIS-ISOBUTYLPHOSPHATE; Triisobutylphosphat; Isobutyl phosphate; tri isobutyl phosphate
Moleküler Formülü C12H27O4P
Molekül Ağırlığı 266.3141
InChI InChI=1/C12H27O4P/c1-10(2)7-14-17(13,15-8-11(3)4)16-9-12(5)6/h10-12H,7-9H2,1-6H3
CAS kayıt numarası 126-71-6
EINECS 204-798-3
Moleküler Yapısı 126-71-6 tri-isobutyl phosphate
Yoğunluk 0.982g/cm3
Kaynama noktası 261.2°C at 760 mmHg
Kırılma indisi 1.427
Alevlenme noktası 125.8°C
Tehlike Sembolleri Xi:Irritant;
Risk Kodları R43:;
Güvenlik Açıklaması S36/37:;
Tribütil Fosfat, selüloz esterleri, vernikleri, plastik ve vinil reçineleri için kullanılan bir plastikleştiricidir. Triisobutyl phosphate ayrıca mürekkepler, sentetik reçineler, zamklar, yapışkanlar (kaplama kontrplak için) ve herbisit ve fungisit konsantrelerinde bir çözücü olarak kullanılabilir. Kağıt ve koruyucu kaplamalarda, Triisobutyl phosphate bir antiforma ajanı olarak kullanılabilir. Ayrıca vinil lateks emülsiyonlarında, kauçuk esaslı boyalarda, kazein, mürekkeplerde, çimento, protein veya reçine bazlı yapışkanlarda ve tekstil boyutlarında bir köpük giderici olarak kullanılır.Tri izobütil fosfat, beton, tekstil yardımcı maddeleri, kağıt kaplama bileşikleri vb. Sıvılaştırmak için kullanılan çok güçlü bir çözücüdür. Tri izo bütil fosfat (TiBP) çok kuvvetli polar bir çözücüdür. Genellikle köpük yok edici ve köpük önleyici olarak işlev gören çeşitli sulu sistemlerde köpük giderici bir ajan olarak kullanılır. TiBP, sentetik reçinelerin ve doğal kauçuğun eritme işleminde de kullanılır. Hem ellulose esaslı plastiklerde hem de sentetik reçinelerde alev geciktirici bir plastikleştirici olarak kullanılır. TiBP, pigment macunları için bir yapıştırıcı madde olarak kullanılır. Sıcaklığın TiBP'nin viskozitesi üzerindeki sınırlı etkisinden dolayı, aynı zamanda uçaklar için hidrolik sıvı üretiminde önemli bir bileşen olarak görev yapmaktadır. Çok güçlü ıslatma maddesi olarak, TiBP tekstil endüstrisinde ve yapıştırıcılar alanında kullanılır.
Tri İzobutil Fosfatın Uygulama Alanları; Tekstil ve elyalar, Yapı endüstrisi, Beton katkıları, İnşaat malzemesi, Tutkallar ve yapıştırıcılar, Kataliz ve Kimyasallar,Köpük önleyici, İşleme Kimyasal sentez, Tekstil, Kağıt ve tahta, Tutkal ve yapıştırıcıların imalatı,


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