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Alipure, AlzChem, alfa lipoik asit, alfa lipoic acid, alpha lipoic acid, alphalipoic acid, alfalipoik asit, alfalipoikasit, aplhalipoicacid

Alipur, çözeltisiz prosesle üretilen yüksek kaliteli alfa-lipoik asittir.


Alfa lipoik asit


The Alipure brand stands for an especially premium quality alpha-lipoic acid manufactured in a solvent-free process. Alfa lipoik asit, koenzim görevi gören ve vücutta üretilen bir bileşendir. Dışarıdan yiyecekler yoluyla da vücuda alınan alfa lipoik asit, güçlü bir antioksidan etki sağlar ve C vitamini gibi diğer antioksidanların yeniden üretilmesine yardımcı olur.


Alfa lipoik asit ilaç olarak kullanımında diyabetin bir sonucu olan diyabetik polinöropatiyi tedavi edebilir.




Alpha lipoic acid occurs naturally in the body where it fulfils an important task as a co-enzyme.Alpha lipoic acid, which is also taken into the body through the food we eat, proves a very effective antioxidant and is even capable of regenerating other antioxidants, such as vitamin C. Antioxidants work by intercepting radicals; in doing so they counter the so-called oxidative stress that is largely responsible for the ageing processes and various illnesses.


As a medication alpha lipoic acid is prescribed primarily to treat diabetic polyneuropathy, a secondary illness resulting from the widespread disease of diabetes.

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