1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z


CAS No: 1314-56-3

Diphosphorus pentoxide; Phosphorus(V) oxide; Phosphoric anhydride; Tetraphosphorus decaoxide; Tetraphosphorus decoxide; phosphorus pentoxide; difosfor pentaoksit; pentaoksit; pentoksit; fosforik anhidrit; tetrafosfor dekaoksit; tetrafosfor dekoksit; fosfor pentoksit; P4O10; P2O5; 1,3-Dioxodiphosphoxan-1,3-diium-1,3-diolat; phosphorane, 1,1'-oxybis[1-oxo-, dioxide]; Phosphorus(V) oxide; Phosphoric oxide; fosforik oksit; tricyclo[3,3,1,13,7]tetraphosphoxane 1,3,5,7-tetraoxide
CAS No: 1314-56-3

Nem çekici olduğu için kurutucu olarak, fosfatlı bileşenlerde,şeker rafinasyonunda, ısıya dayanıklı cam, tarım ilaçlarında ve yüzey aktif ara maddelerde kullanılır. Ayrıca bazı tekstil aplikasyonlarında fosfat esteri üretimleri için vazgeçilmez bir kimyasaldır.



Phosphorus pentoxide is a white, microcrystalline, light weight powder which is produced by the combustion of elemental phosphorus in an excess of oxygen.
Phosphorus pentoxide is the anhydride of orthophosphoric acid, H3PO4.
It is very hygroscopic and is converted by water to H3PO4 via intermediates.
The reaction with water is very vigorous and proceeds with the evolution of a large amount of heat.
Due to its highly hygroscopic and microcrystalline character, the capability of flowing of P2O5 may vary in a certain range.
Furthermore, the formation of soft agglomerates, which come apart under slight pressure, is not preventable.

Phosphorus pentoxide is a useful building block and reagent in the chemical industry:
Organic synthesis
Phosphorus pentoxide can be used as a reagent for condensations in organic synthesis and polymerisation reactions. Typical uses include cyclisation / ring closures in such reactions as acetylation, alkylation, production of amines, acid amides, cyclic ketones, cyclic olefins or oxygen and sulphur heterocyclic compounds. These types of reaction are widely used in the preparation of organic intermediates in the pharmaceutical, vitamin, colours and dyes industries.
Catalyst production
Phosphorus pentoxide can be used in the manufacture of special phosphoric acid supported catalysts.
Specialty inorganic phosphates
Phosphorus pentoxide can be used in the manufacture of specialty sodium and ammonium phosphates.
Polyphosphoric acids
Various grades of superphosphoric and polyphosphoric acids can be manufactured by blending phosphorus pentoxide with phosphoric acid.
Beside silicon dioxide and boron trioxide also phosphorus pentoxide is used for glass making.
Phosphate esters
Phosphorus pentoxide can be used to produce phosphate esters with a mono/di ester content. The acid is reacted directly with the appropriate alcohol or phenol to produce the acidic phosphate ester.
Drying agent
Because of its strong hygroscopic properties phosphorus pentoxide can be used as a drying agent.

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