1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z

Генамин Ш 100 Д П ( GENAMIN SH 100 )

 Genamin SH 100 - это сырье для химико-технологической промышленности. Этот воскообразный сорт состоит из стеариламина. Первичные жирные алкиламины представляют собой жидкие или пастообразные нерастворимые в воде основы. Они легко растворяются в органических растворителях, таких как минеральное масло, изопропанол и хлороформ. Этот продукт используется в качестве сырья для производства этоксилатов жирных аминов и солей жирных аминов.

Он также применяется как антистатик, флотационный агент, агент против слеживания, эмульгатор для смолы и ингибитор коррозии. Кроме того, он используется в текстильной и кожевенной промышленности.

Генамин Ш 100 Д П


Genamin SH 100 D - это первичный амин, используемый в качестве промежуточного продукта для полимочевинных смазок.

Преимущества: Прекурсор с высоким содержанием первичного амина.

Без вторичных аминов


Октадециламин; 1-аминооктадекан; 1-октадециламин; Adogenen 142; Аламин 7; Аламин 7D; Амин 18D; Амин AB; Armeen 18; Armeen 18D; Армин 18Д-ФЛК; Армофильм; Crodamine 1.18D;

Фармин 80; Genamin SH 100; Кемамин P 990; Кемамин P 990D; Монооктадециламин

Примечания по применению: Октадециламин используется в биологических исследованиях для образования ионных пар в качестве альтернативы для улучшения инкапсуляции и стабильности, а также для уменьшения раздражения кожи ретиноевой кислотой, содержащейся в твердых липидных наночастицах.



Первичные жирные алкиламины

Продаваемые марки

Генамин CC 100 (D) Генамин 8 R 100 D

Генамин OL 100 (D) Генамин 12 R 100 D

Генамин SH 100 (D) Генамин LA 100 D

Генамин TA 100 (D) Генамин 18 R 100 D


Первичные жирные алкиламины представляют собой жидкие или пастообразные нерастворимые в воде основы. Они легко растворяются в органических растворителях, таких как минеральное масло, изопропанол и хлороформ.



Сырье для производства этоксилатов жирных аминов и солей жирных аминов.

Антистатики, флотационные агенты, антислеживатели, ингибиторы коррозии, текстильная и кожевенная промышленность, пигменты, эмульгаторы для смол


Название продукта: октадеканамин

Синонимы: Armeen 18; Armeen 18D; Armeen 18D-FLK; Armofilm; Farmin 80; Genamin SH 100; Kemamine P 990D; Монооктадециламин; NSC 9857; Nissan Amine AB; ODA; Stearamine; Stearylamine;

н-октадециламин; н-стеариламин; 1-аминооктадекан; 1-октадециламин; адогенен 142; аламин 7; аламин7D; амин 18D; амин AB;

Номер CAS: 124-30-1

Молекулярная формула: C18H39N

Молекулярный вес: 269,52.


Химическое название: N-OCTADECYLAMINE.

CAS: 124-30-1

Молекулярная формула: C18H39N

Молекулярный вес: 269,50896

Синонимы: Armeen 18; Armeen 18D; Armeen 18D-FLK; Armofilm; Farmin 80; Genamin SH 100; Kemamine P 990D; Monooctadecylamine; NSC 9857; Nissan Amine AB; ODA; Stearamine; Stearylamine;

н-октадециламин; н-стеариламин; 1-аминооктадекан; 1-октадециламин; адогенен 142; аламин 7; аламин7D; амин 18D; амин AB;

EINECS: 204-695-3

Плотность: 0,818 г / см3

Точка плавления: 50-60 ° C

Точка кипения: 348,875 ° C при 760 мм рт.

Температура вспышки: 154,077 ° C

Растворимость: практически не растворяется в воде.

Коды риска: 36/37 / 38-41-38

Транспорт: UN 3259


Октадециламин - химическое соединение из группы алифатических аминов.

Извлечение и представление:

Октадециламин можно получить каталитическим гидрированием стеарилнитрила.



Октадециламин представляет собой легковоспламеняющееся твердое вещество белого цвета без запаха, практически не растворимое в воде. Он разлагается при нагревании с образованием оксидов азота, монооксида углерода и диоксида углерода.



Октадециламин используется в качестве антикоррозионного средства в паропроводах и котлах. Модифицированный октадециламином монтмориллонит (например, Nanofil 848) используется в качестве антипирена.














Первичные жирные алкиламины

Продаваемые марки

Генамин CC 100 (D) Генамин 8 R 100 D

Генамин OL 100 (D) Генамин 12 R 100 D

Генамин SH 100 (D) Генамин 12/14 R 100 D

Генамин TA 100 (D) Генамин 18 R 100 D


Первичные жирные алкиламины представляют собой жидкие или пастообразные нерастворимые в воде основы. Они легко растворяются в органических растворителях, таких как минеральное масло,

 изопропанол и хлороформ.

Совместимость с кожей: При работе с жирными алкиламинами необходимо соблюдать особую осторожность. Следует избегать контакта с кожей и вдыхания паров. В качестве сильных, растворимых

 в липидах оснований они могут вызывать коррозионные повреждения и аллергические реакции, если оставаться в контакте с кожей в течение длительного периода. Поэтому следует соблюдать 

те же меры безопасности, что и при работе со щелочами (в том числе нанесение защитного крема для кожи и ношение очков и защитных перчаток). Брызги жирных алкиламинов на коже необходимо

 как можно глубже стереть тряпкой. Загрязненную одежду необходимо снять. Любые следы жирных алкиламинов, оставшиеся на коже, необходимо немедленно нейтрализовать 1% уксусной кислотой, 

а затем промыть кожу проточной водой. После этого следует промыть водой с мылом. Брызги жирных алкиламинов в глазах необходимо немедленно промыть пищевым маслом и большим количеством 




Genamin SH 100 (Octadecylamine) Stearylamine

oktadesilamin, oktadesilamine, oktadesil amin, oktadesil amine, octadeylamine, octadecyl amine, octadecylamin, octadecyl amin, okta, desil, amin, okta desil, oktadesil, octadesil,


Genamin SH 100, kimya-teknoloji endüstrisi için bir hammaddedir. Bu mum benzeri sınıf, stearilaminden oluşur. Birincil yağlı alkilaminler, sıvı veya macun kıvamında, suda çözünmeyen

bazlardır. Mineral yağ, izopropanol ve kloroform gibi organik çözücülerde kolaylıkla çözünürler. Bu ürün, yağlı amin etoksilatlar ve yağlı amin tuzlarının üretiminde hammadde 

olarak kullanılır.

Aynı zamanda bir antistatik ajan, yüzdürme ajanı, topaklanmayı önleyici ajan, reçine için emuslifier ve korozyon inhibitörü olarak da uygulanır. Ayrıca tekstil ve deri sanayinde



Oktadesilamin, suda hemen hemen çözünmeyen, yanıcı beyaz kokusuz bir katıdır. Isıtıldığında azot oksitler, karbon monoksit ve karbondioksit üreterek ayrışır.



Oktadesilamin, buhar hatlarında ve kazanlarda korozyon önleyici olarak kullanılır. Oktadesilamin ile modifiye edilmiş montmorillonit (örneğin Nanofil 848) alev geciktirici

olarak kullanılır.


Birincil yağlı alkilaminler, sıvı veya macun kıvamında, suda çözünmeyen bazlardır. Mineral yağ, izopropanol ve kloroform gibi organik çözücülerde kolaylıkla çözünürler.

Cilt uyumluluğu: Yağlı alkilaminlerle çalışırken özel dikkat gösterilmelidir. Deri temasından ve buharın solunmasından kaçınılmalıdır. Güçlü, lipoidde çözünen bazlar olarak, uzun süre 

ciltle temas halinde kalmalarına izin verildiğinde aşındırıcı yaralanmalara ve alerjik reaksiyonlara neden olabilirler. Bu nedenle, alkalilerle çalışırken olduğu gibi aynı güvenlik 

önlemlerine uyulmalıdır (bir cilt bariyer kremi uygulaması ve gözlük ve koruyucu eldiven giyilmesi dahil). Deriye sıçrayan yağlı alkilaminler bir bez ile mümkün olduğunca silinmelidir.

Kontamine giysiler çıkarılmalıdır. Ciltte kalan yağlı alkilamin kalıntıları hemen% 1 asetik asit ile nötralize edilmeli ve cilt akan su ile durulanmalıdır. Bunu su ve sabunla yıkamak

takip etmelidir. Gözlere yağlı alkilamin sıçraması derhal yapılmalıdır.

yemeklik yağ ve bol su ile durulanır; gecikmeden bir doktora başvurulmalıdır.






Genamin SH 100 is a raw material for the chemical-techonological industry. This wax-like grade is composed of stearylamine. Primary fatty alkylamines are liquid or pasty, water 

insoluble bases. They are readily soluble in organic solvents such as mineral oil, isopropanol and chloroform. This product is used as a raw material for the manufacture of fatty 

amine ethoxilates and fatty amine salts.


It is also applied as an antistatic agent, flotation agent, anti-caking agent, emuslifier for resin, and corrosion inhibitor. Furthermore, it is used in the textile and leather 



Genamin SH 100 D P


Genamin SH 100 D is a primary amine and used as an intermediate for polyurea greases.

Benefits: Precursor with a high content of primary amine    

Free of secondary amines


Octadecylamine; 1-Aminooctadecane; 1-Octadecylamine; Adogenen 142; Alamine 7; Alamine 7D; Amine 18D; Amine AB; Armeen 18; Armeen 18D; Armeen 18D-FLK; Armofilm; Crodamine 1.18D; 

Farmin 80; Genamin SH 100; Kemamine P 990; Kemamine P 990D; Monooctadecylamine袈袈袈袈

Application Notes: Octadecylamine is used in biological studies for the formation of ion pairing as alternative to improve encapsulation and stability and to reduce skin

 irritation of retinoic acid loaded in solid lipid nanoparticles.



Primary fatty alkyl amines

Marketed grades

Genamin CC 100 (D) Genamin 8 R 100 D

Genamin OL 100 (D) Genamin 12 R 100 D

Genamin SH 100 (D) Genamin LA 100 D

Genamin TA 100 (D) Genamin 18 R 100 D


Primary fatty alkyl amines are liquid or pasty, water-insoluble bases. They are readily soluble in organic solvents such as mineral oil, isopropanol and chloroform



Raw material for the manufacture of fatty amine ethoxilates and fatty amine salts.

Antistatic agents, flotation agents, anti-caking agents, corrosion inhibitors, textile and leather industry, pigments, emulsifier for resin


Product Name:   Octadecanamine

Synonyms:   Armeen 18;Armeen 18D;Armeen 18D-FLK;Armofilm;Farmin 80;Genamin SH 100;Kemamine P 990D;Monooctadecylamine;NSC 9857;Nissan Amine AB;ODA;Stearamine;Stearylamine;

n-Octadecylamine;n-Stearylamine;1-Aminooctadecane;1-Octadecylamine;Adogenen 142;Alamine 7;Alamine7D;Amine 18D;Amine AB;

CAS No.:   124-30-1

Molecular Formula:   C18H39N

Molecular Weight :   269.52 .



CAS: 124-30-1

Molecular Formula: C18H39N

Molecular Weight: 269.50896

Synonyms: Armeen 18;Armeen 18D;Armeen 18D-FLK;Armofilm;Farmin 80;Genamin SH 100;Kemamine P 990D;Monooctadecylamine;NSC 9857;Nissan Amine AB;ODA;Stearamine;Stearylamine;

n-Octadecylamine;n-Stearylamine;1-Aminooctadecane;1-Octadecylamine;Adogenen 142;Alamine 7;Alamine7D;Amine 18D;Amine AB;

EINECS: 204-695-3

Density: 0.818 g/cm3

Melting Point: 50-60 °C

Boiling Point: 348.875 °C at 760 mmHg

Flash Point: 154.077 °C

Solubility: practically insoluble in water

Risk Codes: 36/37/38-41-38

Transportation: UN 3259  


Octadecylamine is a chemical compound from the group of aliphatic amines .

Extraction and representation 

Octadecylamine can be obtained by catalytic hydrogenation of stearyl nitrile . [3]



Octadecylamine is a flammable white odorless solid that is practically insoluble in water. It decomposes when heated, producing nitrogen oxides , carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide .



Octadecylamine is used as a corrosion protection agent in steam lines and boilers. Octadecylamine-modified montmorillonite (e.g. Nanofil 848) is used as a flame retardant . 







Stearyl amine







Primary fatty alkylamines

Marketed grades

Genamin CC 100 (D) Genamin 8 R 100 D

Genamin OL 100 (D) Genamin 12 R 100 D

Genamin SH 100 (D) Genamin 12/14 R 100 D

Genamin TA 100 (D) Genamin 18 R 100 D


Primary fatty alkylamines are liquid or pasty, water insoluble bases. They are readily soluble in organic solvents such as mineral oil, isopropanol and chloroform.

Skin compatibility: Special care must be taken when working with fatty alkylamines. Skin contact and the inhalation of vapour must be avoided. As strong, lipoid-soluble

bases they can cause corrosive injury and allergic reactions when allowed to remain in contact with the skin for a prolonged period. The same safety precautions should therefore 

be observed as when working with alkalis (including the application of a skin barrier cream and the wearing of goggles and protective gloves). Splashes of fatty alkylamines on

the skin must be wiped off as far as possible with a rag. Contaminated garments must be removed. Any traces of fatty alkylamines left on the skin must be immediately neutralized

 with 1% acetic acid and the skin then rinsed with running water. This should be followed by washing with soap and water. Splashes of fatty alkylamines in the eyes must be immediately

rinsed out with edible oil and plenty of water; a doctor must be contacted without delay.


Raw material for the manufacture of fatty amine

ethoxilates and fatty amine salts.

Antistatic agents, flotation agents, anti-caking agents,

corrosion inhibitors, textile and leather industry,

pigments, emulsifier for resin


Safety precautions

Fatty amines are strong organic bases. Therefore special care must be taken when working with these products.

Please see detailed safety precautions in the MSDS of each fatty alkyl amine.


Fatty alkyl amine, produced from fatty acid, an important chemical intermediate for surfactants. Produced from fatty alcohol/acid, the most important raw material for cationic

 surfactants. Cocos Amidopropyl Betaines Alkyl betaines Alkyl amidopropyldimethylamine oxides amine oxides


Industry and downstream products:

Industry:Used for producing antistatic agents for plastics、Compound fertilizer anti caking agent 、Equalizing agent、Sylvite flotation agent、 Glyphosate emulsifier etc.


Downstream products:Extensive Used for textile,agriculture,flotation agent to minerals,plastic,lubricant,produce other functional surfactant and corrosion inhibitor etc.



CAS Number: 124-30-1





Molecular Structure:

Molecular Structure of 124-30-1 (Octadecanamine)


Armeen 18;Armeen 18D;Armeen 18D-FLK;Armofilm;Farmin 80;Genamin SH 100;Kemamine P 990D;Monooctadecylamine;NSC 9857;Nissan Amine AB;ODA;Stearamine;Stearylamine;n-Octadecylamine;n-Stearylamine;1-Aminooctadecane;1-Octadecylamine;Adogenen 142;Alamine 7;Alamine7D;Amine 18D;Amine AB;

Molecular Weight:

269.52 .




0.818 g/cm3

Melting Point:



Amido Betaines (Cocos Amidopropyl Betaines – CAPB)

amphoteric surfactants based on fatty acid


GENAGEN CAB 818 : Cocamidopropyl betaine : 61789-40-0 C8-C18

GENAGEN CAB 818J : Cocamidopropyl betaine : 61789-40-0 C8-C18

GENAGEN CAB PRE : Cocamidoamine : 68140-01-2 C12-C18

GENAGEN B 3200 : Cocamidopropyl betaine : 61789-40-0 C12-C18

GENAGEN CAB : Cocamidopropyl betaine : 70851-07-9 C12-C18

GENAGEN CAB-CM : Cocamidopropyl betaine : 61789-40-0 C12-C18

GENAGEN CAB DM : Cocamidopropyl betaine : 61789-40-0 C12-C18

GENAGEN CAB-K : Cocamidopropyl betaine : 61789-40-0 C12-C18

GENAGEN CAB-NF : Cocamidopropyl betaine : 61789-40-0 C12-C18

GENAGEN CAB-S : Cocamidopropyl betaine : 61789-40-0 C12-C18

GENAGEN CAB UQS : Cocamidopropyl betaine : 61789-40-0 C12-C18

GENAGEN CAB-Z : Cocamidopropyl betaine : 61789-40-0 C12-C18

GENAGEN SBT : Cocamidopropyl betaine : 61789-40-0 C12-C18

GENAGEN CAB-L : Lauramidopropyl betaine : C12

GENAGEN DAB : Lauramidopropyl betaine : C12

GENAGEN DAB 30 : Lauramidopropyl betaine : C12

GENAGEN SBF : Stearamidopropyl betaine : 6179-44-8 C18

Amino Betaines (Alkyl Betaines)

amphoteric surfactants formed from tertiary amines


GENAGEN B 1566 : Cocoyl dimethyl betaine : 68424-94-2 C12-16

GENAGEN KB : Lauryl dimethyl betaine : 66455-29-6 C12-C14

GENAGEN LAB : Lauryl dimethyl betaine : 66455-29-6 C12-C14

Amido Amine Oxides (Alkylamidopropyl Amine Oxides)

amphoteric surfactants formed from combining fatty acids and amines


GENAMINOX AP : Lauramidopropyl dimethyl amine oxide : 61792-31-2 C12

Amine Oxides

amphoteric surfactants formed from tertiary amines (in turn formed from fatty alcohol)


GENAMINOX 12 R : Lauryl dimethyl amine oxide : 1643-20-5 C12

GENAMINOX 1014 : Alkyl dimethyl amine oxide : 2605-79-0 / 3332-27-2 C10, C14

GENAMINOX 1216 : Alkyl dimethyl amine oxide : 85408-49-7 C12-C16

GENAMINOX 14 R : Myristyl dimethyl amine oxide : 3332-27-2 C14

GENAMINOX CHE : Cocoyl bis-(2-hydroxyethyl) amine oxide : 61791-47-7 C8-C18

GENAMINOX CSL : Cocoyl dimethyl amine oxide : 61788-90-7 C12-C18

GENAMINOX DC 40 : Decyl dimethyl amine oxide : 2605-79-0 C10

GENAMINOX DL : Decyl dimethyl amine oxide : 2605-79-0 C10

GENAMINOX K-10 : Decyl dimethyl amine oxide : 2605-79-0 C10

GENAMINOX K-12 : Lauryl dimethyl amine oxide : 1643-20-5 C12

GENAMINOX KC : Cocoyl dimethyl amine oxide : 61788-90-7 C12-C18

GENAMINOX KCP : Cocoyl dimethyl amine oxide : 61788-90-7 C12-C18

GENAMINOX LA : Lauryl dimethyl amine oxide : 1643-20-5 C12

GENAMINOX LAH : Lauryl dimethyl amine oxide : 1643-20-5 C12

GENAMINOX LO : Cocoyl dimethyl amine oxide : 61788-90-7 C12-C18

GENAMINOX MY : Myristyl dimethyl amine oxide : 3332-27-2 C14

GENAMINOX MY-I : Myristyl dimethyl amine oxide : 3332-27-2 C14

GENAMINOX OC : Octyl dimethyl amine oxide : 2605-78-9 C8

Ampho Acetate

amphoteric surfactants formed from combining fatty acids and amines


GENAGEN LAA : Lauryl amphoacetate : 26837-33-2 C12

Benzyl Quats

cationic surfactants and a derivative product of tertiary amines


CLOUDING QUAT 158 : Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 68424-85-1 C12-C16

DODIGEN 226 : Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 68391-01-5 C12-C18

DODIGEN 226 K : Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 68391-01-5 C12-C18

DODIGEN 661-RB : Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 68391-01-5 C12-C18

DODIGEN 800 : Cocoyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 61789-71-7 C12-C18

DODIGEN 1611 : Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 68424-85-1 C12-C16

DODIGEN 1611 S : Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 68424-85-1 C12-C16

DODIGEN 1611-30 : Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 63449-41-2 C12-C14

DODIGEN 1828 : Stearyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 122-19-0 C18

DODIGEN 2541 : Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 68424-85-1 C12-C16

DODIGEN 2541 conc. : Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 68424-85-1 C12-C16

DODIGEN 2808 : Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 68391-01-5 C12-C18

DODIGEN 2808/L : Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 68424-85-1 C12-C16

DODIGEN 2808 S : Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 68424-85-1 C12-C16

DODIGEN 2809 : Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 85409-22-9 C12-C14

DODIGEN 2809-L : Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 85409-22-9 C12-C14

DODIGEN 5343 : Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 68391-01-5 C12-C18

DODIGEN 5462-2 : Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 68391-01-5 C12-C18

DODIGEN V 5065 : Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 68424-85-1 C12-C16

Primary Amines

non-ionic surfactants, formed from fatty acids


GENAMIN CC 100 : Cocoyl fatty amine : 68155-27-1 C8-C18

GENAMIN CC 100 D : Cocoyl fatty amine, dist. : 68155-27-1 C8-C18

GENAMIN PA-12 : Dodecyl amine : 124-22-1 C12

GENAMIN PA-12 D : Dodecyl amine, dist. : 124-22-1 C12

GENAMIN PA-14 : Tetradecyl amine : 2016-42-4 C14

GENAMIN PA-14 D : Tetradecyl amine, dist. : 2016-42-4 C14

GENAMIN PA-16 : Hexadecyl amine : 143-27-1 C16

GENAMIN PA-16 D : Hexadecyl amine, dist. : 143-27-1 C16

GENAMIN PA-18 : Octadecyl amine : 124-30-1 C18

GENAMIN PA-18 D : Octadecyl amine, dist. : 124-30-1 C18

GENAMIN PA-LA : Dodecyl/Tetradecyl amine : 130169-56-1 C12-C14

GENAMIN PA-LA D : Dodecyl/Tetradecyl amine, dist. : 130169-56-1 C12-C14

GENAMIN PA-OL : sat./unsat. C16-18 Alkyl amine : 1213789-63-9 C16-C18

GENAMIN PA-OL D : sat./unsat. C16-18 Alkyl amine, dist. : 1213789-63-9 C16-C18

GENAMIN PA-SH : C16-18 Alkyl amine : 90640-32-7 C16-C18

GENAMIN PA-SH D : C16-18 Alkyl amine, dist. : 90640-32-7 C16-C18

GENAMIN PA-TA : Tallow fatty amine : 68037-95-6 C16-C18

GENAMIN PA-TA D : Tallow fatty amine, dist. : 68037-95-6 C16-C18

Tertiary Amines

non-ionic surfactants formed from fatty alcohols, products from which a number of the other JV products are derived


GENAMIN 10 R 302 D : Decyl dimethyl amine, dist. : 1120-24-7 C10

GENAMIN 12 R 302 D : Dodecyl dimethyl amine, dist. : 112-18-5 C12

GENAMIN 12/14 R 302 D : Dodecyl/Tetradecyl dimethyl amine, dist. : 112-18-5 C12-C14

: : 112-75-4

GENAMIN 14 R 302 D : Tetradecyl dimethyl amine, dist. : 112-75-4 C14

GENAMIN 16 R 302 D : Hexadecyl dimethyl amine, dist. : 112-69-6 C16

GENAMIN 16/18 R 302 D : Hexadecyl/Octadecyl dimethyl amine, dist. : 112-69-6 C16-C18


GENAMIN 18 R 302 D : Octadecyl dimethyl amine, dist. : 124-28-7 C18

GENAMIN CS 302 D : Cocoyl dimethyl amine, dist. : 68439-70-3 C12-C18

GENAMIN CSL 302 D : C12-18 Alkyl dimethyl amine, dist. : 68391-04-8 C12-C18

GENAMIN CSP 302 D : C12-18 Alkyl dimethyl amine, dist. : 68391-04-8 C12-C18

GENAMIN LA 302 D : C12-16 Alkyl dimethyl amine, dist. : 84649-84-3 C12-C16

GENAMIN MY 302 D : C12-16 Alkyl dimethyl amine, dist. : 68439-70-3 C12-C16

GENAMIN SH 302 D : C16-18 Alkyl dimethyl amine, dist. : 68390-97-6 C16-C18

GENAMIN TA 302 D : Tallow alkyl dimethyl amine, dist. : 68037-96-7 C16-C18

GENAMIN 10 R 302 : Decyl dimethyl amine, undist. : 1120-24-7 C10

GENAMIN 12 R 302 : Dodecyl dimethyl amine, undist. : 112-18-5 C12

GENAMIN 12/14 R 302 : Dodecyl/Tetradecyl dimethyl amine, undist. : 112-18-5 C12-C14


GENAMIN 14 R 302 : Tetradecyl dimethyl amine, undist. : 112-75-4 C14

GENAMIN 16 R 302 : Hexadecyl dimethyl amine, undist. : 112-69-6 C16

GENAMIN 16/18 R 302 : Hexadecyl/Octadecyl dimethyl amine, undist. : 112-69-6 C16-C18


GENAMIN 18 R 302 : Octadecyl dimethyl amine, undist. : 124-28-7 C18

GENAMIN LA 302 : C12-16 Alkyl dimethyl amine, undist. : 84649-84-3 C12-C16

GENAMIN MY 302 : C12-16 Alkyl dimethyl amine, undist. : 68439-70-3 C12-C16

GENAMIN SH 302 : C16-18 Alkyl dimethyl amine, undist. : 68390-97-6 C16-C18

GENAMIN TA 302 : Tallow alkyl dimethyl amine, undist. : 68037-96-7 C16-C18







Genamin SH 100 est une matière première pour l'industrie chimique et technologique. Ce grade semblable à de la cire est composé de stéarylamine. Les alkylamines grasses primaires sont des bases liquides ou pâteuses, insolubles dans l'eau. Ils sont facilement solubles dans les solvants organiques tels que l'huile minérale, l'isopropanol et le chloroforme. Ce produit est utilisé comme matière première pour la fabrication d'éthoxilates d'amines grasses et de sels d'amines grasses.


Il est également appliqué comme agent antistatique, agent de flottation, agent anti-agglomérant, émulsifiant pour résine et inhibiteur de corrosion. De plus, il est utilisé dans l'industrie du textile et du cuir.


Genamin SH 100 D P


Genamin SH 100 D est une amine primaire et est utilisée comme intermédiaire pour les graisses polyurée.

Avantages: précurseur à haute teneur en amine primaire

Sans amines secondaires


Octadécylamine; 1-aminooctadécane; 1-octadécylamine; Adogenen 142; Alamine 7; Alamine 7D; Amine 18D; Amine AB; Armeen 18; Armeen 18D; Armeen 18D-FLK; Armofilm; Crodamine 1.18D;

Farmin 80; Genamin SH 100; Kemamine P 990; Kemamine P 990D; Monooctadécylamine

Notes d'application: L'octadécylamine est utilisée dans les études biologiques pour la formation d'appariements d'ions comme alternative pour améliorer l'encapsulation et la stabilité et pour réduire l'irritation cutanée de l'acide rétinoïque chargé dans des nanoparticules lipidiques solides.



Alkyl amines grasses primaires

Grades commercialisés

Genamin CC 100 (D) Genamin 8 R 100 D

Genamin OL 100 (D) Genamin 12 R 100 D

Genamin SH 100 (D) Genamin LA 100 D

Genamin TA 100 (D) Genamin 18 R 100 D


Les alkylamines grasses primaires sont des bases liquides ou pâteuses, insolubles dans l'eau. Ils sont facilement solubles dans les solvants organiques tels que l'huile minérale, l'isopropanol et le chloroforme



Matière première pour la fabrication d'éthoxilates d'amines grasses et de sels d'amines grasses.

Agents antistatiques, agents de flottation, anti-agglomérants, inhibiteurs de corrosion, industrie textile et du cuir, pigments, émulsifiant pour résine


Nom du produit: octadécanamine

Synonymes: Armeen 18; Armeen 18D; Armeen 18D-FLK; Armofilm; Farmin 80; Genamin SH 100; Kemamine P 990D; Monooctadecylamine; NSC 9857; Nissan Amine AB; ODA; Stearamine; Stearylamine;

n-octadécylamine; n-stéarylamine; 1-aminooctadécane; 1-octadécylamine; Adogenen 142; Alamine 7; Alamine7D; Amine 18D; Amine AB;

No CAS: 124-30-1

Formule moléculaire: C18H39N

Poids moléculaire: 269,52.



CAS: 124-30-1

Formule moléculaire: C18H39N

Poids moléculaire: 269,50896

Synonymes: Armeen 18; Armeen 18D; Armeen 18D-FLK; Armofilm; Farmin 80; Genamin SH 100; Kemamine P 990D; Monooctadecylamine; NSC 9857; Nissan Amine AB; ODA; Stearamine; Stearylamine;

n-octadécylamine; n-stéarylamine; 1-aminooctadécane; 1-octadécylamine; Adogenen 142; Alamine 7; Alamine7D; Amine 18D; Amine AB;

EINECS: 204-695-3

Densité: 0,818 g / cm3

Point de fusion: 50-60 ° C

Point d'ébullition: 348,875 ° C à 760 mmHg

Point d'éclair: 154,077 ° C

Solubilité: pratiquement insoluble dans l'eau

Codes de risque: 36/37 / 38-41-38

Transport: UN 3259


L'octadécylamine est un composé chimique du groupe des amines aliphatiques.

Extraction et représentation

L'octadécylamine peut être obtenue par hydrogénation catalytique du stéaryl nitrile.



L'octadécylamine est un solide inodore blanc inflammable qui est pratiquement insoluble dans l'eau. Il se décompose lorsqu'il est chauffé, produisant des oxydes d'azote, du monoxyde de carbone et du dioxyde de carbone.



L'octadécylamine est utilisée comme agent de protection contre la corrosion dans les conduites de vapeur et les chaudières. La montmorillonite modifiée par octadécylamine (par exemple Nanofil 848) est utilisée comme retardateur de flamme.

























genamin sh 100; genamin SH100; genamin SH-100; genamin-SH100; genamin-sh100; genamin; sh; 100

Genamin® SH 100 is a raw material for the chemical-techonological industry.
This wax-like grade is composed of stearylamine. Primary fatty alkylamines are liquid or pasty, water insoluble bases.
They are readily soluble in organic solvents such as mineral oil, isopropanol and chloroform.
This product is used as a raw material for the manufacture of fatty amine ethoxilates and fatty amine salts.
It is also applied as an antistatic agent, flotation agent, anti-caking agent, emuslifier for resin, and corrosion inhibitor.
Furthermore, it is used in the textile and leather industry.

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