CAS NUMBER: 122-99-6
Phenoxy ethanol
Phenoxy ethanol is an alternative to formaldehyde-releasing preservatives.[4] In Japan and the EU, its concentration in cosmetics is restricted to 1%.[5]
Phenoxy ethanol by Lanxess is used as a crosslinking agent. Phenoxy ethanol is effective against gram positive and gram negative bacteria and fungi. Phenoxy ethanol complies with FDA 21 CFR 175.105 for indirect food contact use in adhesives.
Chemically, phenoxy ethanol is known as a glycol ether, or in other words, a solvent. describes Phenoxy ethanol as "an oily, slightly sticky liquid with a faint rose-like scent."
You likely come into contact with this chemical on a regular basis. But is it safe? The evidence is mixed.
We'll review the most relevant scientific research about this common cosmetics ingredient. You can decide whether you'd like to keep or banish it from your personal care products arsenal.
Phenoxy ethanol is also used in other industries, including in vaccines and textiles. This article focuses on Phenoxy ethanol's role in topical cosmetics.
When combined with another chemical, some evidence indicates that it's effective at reducing acne. One 2008 study on 30 human subjects with inflammatory acne showed that after six weeks of twice-daily applications, more than half of the subjects saw a 50 percent improvement in their number of pimples.
Manufacturers who want to avoid using parabens, which have recently lost favor among health-conscious consumers, might use Phenoxy ethanol in their products as a substitute.
But is Phenoxy ethanol safer than parabens for topical use in humans?
The FDA currently allows the use of this ingredient in cosmetics, and as an indirect food additive.
An expert panel from The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) first reviewed all available data on this chemical in 1990. They deemed it safe when applied topically in concentrations of 1 percent or lower.
In 2007, the panel reviewed newly available data, then confirmed their former decision that it's safe for adults to use topically in very low concentrations.
The European Commission on Health and Food Safety also gives this chemical a "safe" rating when used in cosmetics at a 1-percent or less concentration. However, this report notes that using several products all containing a low dose could result in overexposure.
Japan also restricts use in cosmetics to a 1-percent concentration.
Several studies have shown both humans and animals can experience:
In another case report, ultrasound gel that contained this chemical caused contact dermatitis in a human subject.
Both of these cases are just examples of many similar incidences of this chemical causing irritation and rashes in humans. But the frequency of these symptoms is very low when compared to how often people are exposed with no notable side effects. And they're generally thought to be caused by allergies.
Experimental Properties of Phenoxy Ethanol
Physical Description of Phenoxy Ethanol
Ethylene glycol phenyl ether is a colorless liquid with a pleasant odor. Density 1.02 g / cm3. An irritant.
Glycol ethers, with the combination of ether, alcohol and hydrocarbon chain in one molecule, provide versatile solvency characteristics with both polar and non-polar properties. The chemical structure of long hydrocarbon chain resist to solubility in water, while ether or alcohol groups introduce the promoted hydrophilic solubility performance. This surfactant-like structure provides the compatibility between water and a number of organic solvents, and the ability to couple unlike phases. Glycol ethers are characterized by their wide range of hydrophilic/hydrophobic balances. glycol ethers are used as diluents and levelling agents in the manufacture of paints and baking finishes. Glycol ether series are used in the manufacture of nitrocellulose and combination lacquers. They are used as an additive in brake fluid. They are formulated for dying textiles and leathers and for insecticides and herbicides. They provides performance in cleaners products with oil-water dispersions. They are used in printing industries as they have a slow evaporation rate. They are used as a fixative for perfumes, germicides, bactericides, insect repellents and antiseptic. They are used as an additive for jet fuel to prevent ice buildup. Glymes, dimethyl ethers, have two terminal methyl groups which offer stability and high solvency. They are useful as solubilizers and phase transfer catalysts. Glymes offer the property required as an inert reaction medium chemical reaction due to their low chemical reactivity. They are suitable particularly for organometallic and polymerization reactions. Glycol ethers which contain hydroxyl group are also useful chemical intermediate. The hydroxyl group will undergo reaction with aldehydes (or ketones) to produce hemiacetals (or acetals), with epoxides to produce polyether alcohols, with halogenating agents to produce alkoxy alkyl halides, with carboxylic acid compounds or inorganic acids to produce a number of esters.
Phenoxy ethanol is one of the most widely used preservatives in personal care products including detergents, cosmetics, toiletries and pharmaceuticals. It provides a broad spectrum anti-microbial activity against either gram-negative or gram-positive bacteria, yeasts and moulds. It is soluble in many non-polar ingredients and contributes solvency activity. Its activity is effective in protein-based products also. In most countries, it is permitted to a maximum of 1% concentration.
Tanım: Hafif karakteristik kokulu berrak renksiz hafif viskos sıvı.
Ambalaj şekli: 5 Litre
CAS No: 122-99-6
EINECS No: 204-589-7
INCI Name:Fenoksi etanol.
Fenoksi etanol Faydaları:
Gram negatif, gram pozitif bakteriler, maya ve küfleri içeren geniş spektrumlu aktivite,
Özellikle pseudomonasspp ve diğer problem oluşturan gram negatif bakterisine etkili,
pH : 3-8,5 arasında kararlı ve etkili,
Normal kullanım konsantrasyonlarında gözleri, cildi ve mukus (mukoza) zarını tahriş etmez,
Fenoksi etanol Cilt hassasiyeti göstermez,
Proteinler ve noniyonik yüzey aktifler ve kişisel bakım ürünlerinin diğer bilinen bileşenlerinin bir çoğunun varlığında aktivitelerini korurlar,
Fenoksi etanol Oda sıcaklığında düşük uçuculuk gösterir, uzun depolamalarda bile koruyucu kaybı yoktur,
Sıvı işlenme kolaylığı,
Fenoksi etanol Suda dikkate değer olarak tipik kullanım konsantrasyonlarının üzerinde, yaklaşık % 2,4 oranında çözünür,
Avrupa, Amerika, Japonya ve diğer önemli kişisel bakım marketlerinde kullanımına izin verilmiştir.
Çözünürlük, stabilite, uygunluk:
Fenoksi etanol glikollerin ve alkollerin (etanol, propanol ve propilen glikol gibi) geniş bir aralığıyla tamamen karışır ve suda ılımlı bir şekilde çözünür (% 2,4). Fenoksi etanol Bu geniş bir formülasyon çeşitliliğinin içerisine kolay bir şekilde dahil olmasına imkan verir.Fenoksi etanol mükemmel solvent özelliklerine sahiptir, bundan dolayı zayıf çözünürlük profiline sahip aktif madde ve ham maddeleri çözmek için kullanılabilir.
Asitler ve alkaliler varlığında ayrıca yüksek sıcaklık şartları altında aşırı kararlılık gösterir. Bu nedenle sıcak üretim proseslerinde dayanıklıdır ve geniş bir geniş bir pH aralığında etkili kontrol sağlar.
Fenoksi etanol Genel olarak kullanılan yüzey aktiflerin çoğuyla uyumludur. (anyonik, katyonik, noniyonik ve amfoterik) Fenoksi etanol Ayrıca diğer antimikrobiyallerle uyumludur.(örn; 2,4 diklorobenzil alkol, 1,2-dibromo-2-4 diizosiyanobutan:DBDCB ve iodopropinilbutilkarbamat: IPBC ve parabenler gibi).
Fenoksi etanol Uygulamaları:
Fenoksi etanol, şampuan ve banyo köpükleri gibi deterjan bazlı ürünlerde % 0,5-1,0 aralığında kullanılır. Fenoksi etanol Proteinlerle aktifliğini kaybetmez ve protein bazlı ürünlerde % 0,5-1,0 aralığında kullanılabilir.
Fenoksi etanol'ün düşük konsantrasyonları mantar karşıtı aktiviteyi artırmak için parabenler gibi diğer koruyucularla kombinasyon içerisinde kullanılabilirler.
Fenoksi etanol Suyla karışan ve suyla emülsifiye edilebilen metal işleme sıvıları konsantrelerinde % 10-15 oranında kullanılabilir. Bu, final kullanım seyrelmesinde yaklaşık bir % 0,5 konsantrasyonu elde etmek için dizayn edilir, böylelikle Fenoksi etanol kullanımında sıvıya iyi bir antimikrobiyal koruma sağlar.
Diğer endüstriyel muameleler için tavsiye edilen kullanım düzeyleri, sistem şartlarına ve diğer biositlerin varlığına bağlı olarak % 0,5-1 aralığındadır.
Fenoksi etanol Kullanımı:
Bir çok susuz maddede Fenoksi etanol kolaylıkla çözünür ve deterjan bazlı ürünlere ısıtmaksızın direkt olarak eklenebilir. Emülsiyonlarda, ya emülsifikasyondan önceki faza yada hemen sonra hızlı bir karıştırmayla eklenebilir. Fenoksi etanol, çözücülük ve aktivite çifte avantajlarının yardımıyla bir çok geniş spektrumlu koruyucuların sıvı karışımlarında kullanılır.
Fenoksi etanol Uygulama Alanları:
Tüketici ürünleri korunmasında Fenoksi etanol kullaımı: İlaç, kozmetik, tuvalet malzemeleri, gündelik ev eşyaları ve hammaddelerin korunmasında,
Endüstriyel ürünlerin korunmasındaFenoksi etanol kullaımı: Metal işleme sıvıları, yapıştırıcı ve endüstriyel katkı maddeleri gibi teknik ürünlerin korunmasında,
Yüzey ve enstrumanlardaFenoksi etanol kullaımı: enfeksiyon önleyici olarak:
Sert yüzey ve tıbbi malzemelerde enfeksiyon önleyici olarak Fenoksi etanol kullaımı: kullanılan ürün formülasyonlarında kullanılır.
Tüm dünya genelinde üretilen kozmetik ürün çeşitlerinde en yaygın şekilde kullanılan koruyucu maddelerden biri de Fenoksi etanol (fenoksi etanol) adlı maddedir. Fondöten, banyo köpüğü, göz makyajı ürünleri, cilt bakım ürünleri ve deterjan çeşitleri gibi çeşitli maddelerin üretiminde kullanılan koruyucu madde antibakteriyel ve aynı zamanda antifungal özelliğe sahip olmasıyla da biliniyor. Baskı mürekkepleri, yapıştırıcı malzemeler, metal işleme sıvıları ve bazı endüstriyel maddelerin üretiminde de kullanılan Fenoksi etanol (Fenoksi etanol) çözücü özellikte bir madde olmasıyla da ön plana çıkıyor. İdeal oranda kullanıldığında cilde, gözlere ve mukozaya herhangi bir zarar vermiyor olması ve cilt hassasiyeti yaşatmaması çeşitli sektörlerde yaygın şekilde bu koruyucu maddenin kullanımını beraberinde getiriyor.
Fenoksi etanol un kotu olmadigini bilimsel kanitlara dayanarak sizde goreceksiniz.
Eger "preservative free (koruyucusuz)" urun gorurseniz, kullanmadan once iki kere dusunun birle demiyorum, kosarak urunden uzaklasin diyorum. Neden mi? Koruyucu olmayan su bazli urunlerde neler urer: mikrop, hem de cesit cesit alasindan!
Neden kozmetik urunun icinde Fenoksi etanol onemli?
Avrupa Tuketici Guvenligi Bilimsel Komitesi [The Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS)] yiyecek disi urunler ve kozmetikler uzerinde saglik ve guvenlik riskleri konusunda arastirma yaparak fikirlerini bildiren bir komite. Komitenin yapisinda bir cok bilim adami ve konusunda uzman insanlar var. Gecmislerini ve CV lerini surada gorebilirsiniz.
Avrupa Komisyonu, cocuklarda olasi potansiyel etkilerin incelenmesi icin Avrupa Tuketici Guvenligi Bilimsel Komitesine (SCCS) Fenoksi etanol'u incelemelerini istedi. SCCS bu yas gurubunda bu koruyucunun bir risk teskil etmedigini tesbit etti. Bu konudaki yayini incelemek isterseniz buraya tik tik.
Fenoksi Etanolün Deneysel Özellikleri
Fenoksi Etanolün Fiziksel Tanımı
Fenoksi Etanolün Genel Tanıtımı ve Uygulamaları
Fenoksi etanol, bir molekül içinde eter, alkol ve hidrokarbon zincirinin kombinasyonuyla hem kutupsal hem de polar olmayan özelliklere sahip çok yönlü ödeme gücü özellikleri sağlar. Uzun hidrokarbon zincirinin kimyasal yapısı, suda çözünürlüğe karşı direnirken, eter veya alkol grupları yükseltilmiş hidrofil çözünürlük performansını getirir. Bu sürfaktan benzeri yapı, su ve bir dizi organik çözücü arasında uyumluluğu ve farklı fazları birleştirmeyi sağlar. Fenoksi etanol geniş hidrofilik / hidrofobik dengeleriyle karakterizedir. Fenoksi etanol, boya ve fırın kaplamaları imalatında seyrelticiler ve dengeleyici ajanlar olarak kullanılırlar. Fenoksi etanol, nitroselüloz ve kombinasyon vernikleri üretiminde kullanılır. Fren sıvısında katkı maddesi olarak kullanılırlar. Boyanan tekstil ve deri için, böcek öldürücü ve herbisitler için formüle edilmiştir. Yağlı su dispersiyonlu temizleyici ürünlerinde performans sağlarlar. Yavaş buharlaşma oranı nedeniyle baskı endüstrilerinde kullanılırlar. Parfümler, mikrop öldürücü ilaçlar, bakterisitler, böcek kovucuları ve antiseptik için bir fiksatif madde olarak kullanılırlar. Buz birikimini önlemek için jet yakıtı için katkı maddesi olarak kullanılırlar. Glymes, dimetil eterler, kararlılık ve yüksek ödeme gücü sağlayan iki terminal metil grubuna sahiptir. Çözündürücüler ve faz transfer katalizörleri olarak faydalıdırlar. Glymes, düşük kimyasal tepkimelerinden dolayı inert bir reaksiyon orta kimyasal reaksiyon olarak gerekli mülkiyet sunar. Özellikle organometalik ve polimerizasyon reaksiyonları için uygundurlar. Hidroksil grubu içeren glikol eterleri de yararlı kimyasal ara ürünlerdir. Hidroksil grubu, polieter alkoller üretmek üzere epoksi ile hemiasetaller (veya asetaller) üretmek üzere aldehitler (veya ketonlar) ile reaksiyona girerek bir dizi ester üretmek üzere karboksilik asit bileşikleri veya inorganik asitler ile alkoksi alkil halojenürler üretmek üzere halojenleme ajanları ile reaksiyona girer.
Fenoksi etanol, deterjanlar, kozmetik ürünleri, tuvalet malzemeleri ve ilaçları içeren kişisel bakım ürünlerinde en yaygın kullanılan koruyucu maddelerden biridir. Bu, gram negatif veya gram pozitif bakterilere, mayalara ve kalıplara karşı geniş bir yelpazede anti-mikrobik etkinlik sağlar. Birçok kutupsuz terkip maddesinde çözünür ve ödeme gücü faaliyete katkıda bulunur.Fenoksi etanol Etkinliği protein bazlı ürünler için de etkilidir. Çoğu ülkede, maksimum% 1 Fenoksi etanol konsantrasyona izin verilir.
Le phénoxyéthanol
Le phénoxyéthanol est un éther de glycol aromatique de formule semi-développée C6H5O-CH2-CH2OH utilisé dans les produits dermatologiques tels que les crèmes pour la peau et les crèmes solaires pour ses propriétés d'agent de conservation et de solvant.
Utilisé en pharmacie comme conservateur, Le phénoxyéthanol est présent dans la plupart des vaccins, et listé comme ingrédient pour de nombreux vaccins par les Centres pour le contrôle et la prévention des maladies20.
Le Comité scientifique européen pour la sécurité des consommateurs (CSSC) a considéré, dans son avis final sur le phénoxyéthanol du 6 octobre 2016, que le phénoxyéthanol utilisé à 1 % en tant que conservateur dans les produits cosmétiques est sûr pour la santé, quel que soit le groupe d'âge.22
CAS Number: 122-99-6; IUPAC name: 2-Phenoxyethanol; Phenoxyethanol; Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether; Phenoxytolarosol;Dowanol EP / EPH; Protectol PE; Emery 6705; Rose ether;1-Hydroxy-2-phenoxyethane
;β-hydroxyethyl phenyl ether; Phenyl cellosolve;Ethylene glycol phenyl ether;2-PHENOXYETHANOL; Cas No: 122-99-6; Phenoxyethanol; Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether; Ethanol, 2-phenoxy-; Phenyl cellosolve; Phenoxytol; Phenoxethol; Phenoxetol; Ethylene glycol phenyl ether; Phenoxyethyl alcohol
; 2-Phenoxyethan-1-Ol; 1-Hydroxy-2-phenoxyethane; Rose ether; Phenylmonoglycol ether; Arosol; Dowanol EP; 2-Phenoxyethyl alcohol; Glycol monophenyl ether; 2-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether; Phenylglycol
;Fenyl-cellosolve; 2-Fenoxyethanol; Dowanol EPH; 2-Phenoxy-ethanol; Emery 6705; Emeressence 1160; Fenylcelosolv; Marlophen P; beta-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether; 2-phenoxy ethanol;2-phenoxyethanol; Emuclens;Erisept; ethylene glycol monophenyl ether; phenoxethol; phenoxyethanol
2-Phenoxyethanol, also known as phenyl cellosolve or phenoxytol, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as phenol ethers. These are aromatic compounds containing an ether group substituted with a benzene ring. 2-Phenoxyethanol exists as a solid, soluble (in water), and an extremely weak acidic (essentially neutral) compound (based on its pKa). 2-Phenoxyethanol has been detected in multiple biofluids, such as feces and saliva. Within the cell, 2-phenoxyethanol is primarily located in the cytoplasm. 2-Phenoxyethanol exists in all eukaryotes, ranging from yeast to humans. 2-Phenoxyethanol can be biosynthesized from phenol. 2-Phenoxyethanol is a potentially toxic compound.
Phenoxyethanol is a germicidal and germistatic glycol ether, phenol ether, and aromatic alcohol often used together with quaternary ammonium compounds.
Use: Phenoxyethanol is used as a perfume fixative; an insect repellent; an antiseptic; a solvent for cellulose acetate, dyes, inks, and resins; a preservative for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and lubricants; an anesthetic in fish aquaculture; and in organic synthesis.
Phenoxyethanol is an alternative to formaldehyde-releasing preservatives.In Japan and the European Union, its concentration in cosmetics is restricted to 1%.
Production: Phenoxyethanol is produced by the hydroxyethylation of phenol (Williamson synthesis), for example, in the presence of alkali-metal hydroxides or alkali-metal borohydrides.
Efficacy: Phenoxyethanol is effective against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, and the yeast Candida albicans
Safety: Phenoxyethanol is a vaccine preservative and potential allergen, which may result in a nodular reaction at the site of injection. It reversibly inhibits NMDAR-mediated ion currents.
Ingestion may cause central nervous system and respiratory depression, vomiting and diarrhea in infants, particularly when combined with chlorphenesin
Phenoxyethanol, is the most commonly used globally-approved preservative in personal care formulations. It is extremely easy to use in most types of formulations and is chemically very stable. Phenoxyethanol
has a broad spectrum antimicrobial activity against bacteria, yeasts, and mold. The typical use level in formulations is 0,5 – 0,8%, and it is often combined with other preservatives, like Ethylhexyl glycerin, Hexylene glycol, Benzyl alcohol, Benzoic acid, Potassium
sorbate, Dehydroacetic acid, Chlorphenesin or Capryl glycol. The European Economic Community (EEC). Cosmetics Derivative and the Cosmetics Regulation of the European Union approved Phenoxyethanol in concentrations up 1%.
APPLICATIONS: Skin care - Make up - Hair care – Deodorant- ToiletriesCleansers- Sun care - Body care – Fragrances – Wet wipes
FORMULATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Phenoxyethanol, is the most commonly used globally-approved preservative in personal care formulations. It is extremely easy to use in most types of formulations and is chemically very stable. Phenoxyethanol
has a broad spectrum antimicrobial activity against bacteria, yeasts, and mold. The typical use level in formulations is 0,5 – 0,8%, and it is often combined
with other preservatives, like Ethylhexyl glycerin, Hexylene glycol, Benzyl alcohol, Benzoic acid, Potassium sorbate, Dehydroacetic acid, Chlorphenesin or Capryl glycol. The European Economic Community (EEC)
Cosmetics Derivative and the Cosmetics Regulation of the European Union approved Phenoxyethanol in concentrations up 1%.
Chemical formula: C8H10O2
Molar mass: 138.166 g·mol−1
Appearance: Colorless oily liquid
Odor: faint rose-like
Density: 1.102 g/cm3
Melting point: −2 °C (28 °F; 271 K)
Boiling point: 247 °C (477 °F; 520 K)
Solubility in water: 26 g/kg
Solubility: Chloroform, Alkali, diethyl ether: soluble
Solubility in peanut oil: slightly
Solubility in olive oil: slightly
Solubility in acetone: miscible
Solubility in ethanol: miscible
Solubility in glycerol: miscible
Vapor pressure: 0.001 kPa (0.00015 psi)
Thermal conductivity: 0.169 W/(m⋅K)
Refractive index (nD): 1.534 (20 ℃)
Phenoxyethanol is used as a preservative in cosmetic products and also as a stabilizer in perfumes and soaps. Exposure to phenoxyethanol has been linked to reactions ranging from eczema
to severe, life-threatening allergic reactions. Infant oral exposure to phenoxyethanol can acutely affect nervous system function.
FOUND IN: Moisturizer, eye shadow, foundation, sunscreen, conditioner, mascara, eye liner, shampoo, lip gloss, concealer, body wash, hand cream, blush, hair color, hair spray, lip balm,
lotion, nail polish, baby wipes, baby lotions and soaps, soap (liquid and bar), shaving cream, deodorant, toothpaste, fragrance, hair removal waxes, hand sanitizer and ultrasound gel.
WHAT IS PHENOXYETHANOL? Phenoxyethanol is used as a preservative in cosmetic products to limit bacterial growth. A review of 43 cosmetic products demonstrated that only 25 percent of
the products had concentrations of phenoxyethanol greater than 0.6 percent and the mean concentration of phenoxyethanol was 0.46 percent.[5] Phenoxyethanol is also used as to stabilize
components found in perfumes and soaps.
What Is It?
Phenoxyethanol is an oily, slightly sticky liquid with a faint rose-like scent. It is used as a preservative in a wide variety of both leave-on and rinse-off cosmetics and personal care products, including skin care, eye makeup, fragrances, blushers, foundations, lipstick, bath soaps, and detergents, among others. Phenoxyethanol has been reviewed by experts worldwide who have concluded it is safe as used in these products.
Why is it used in cosmetics and personal care products?
Phenoxyethanol has been used safely since the 1950s as a preservative in cosmetics and personal care products. It is highly effective in preventing the growth of fungi, bacteria, and yeast that could cause products to spoil, just like food. The use of preservatives enhances products’ shelf life and safety.
Products that contain water are susceptible to mold, discoloration, or unpleasant odors caused by the bacteria and fungi naturally present in the environment. As cosmetics are used, they come in contact with the skin and applicators that contact the skin, thus potentially exposing the product to these harmful microorganisms.
Under certain conditions, an inadequately preserved product can become contaminated, which could cause health problems such as irritation or infection. Products contaminated by microorganisms may also negatively impact how the product performs, looks, feels, and smells. Preservatives like phenoxyethanol help prevent such problems.
2-phenoxyethanol is an aromatic ether that is phenol substituted on oxygen by a 2-hydroxyethyl group. It has a role as an antiinfective agent and a central nervous system depressant. It is a hydroxyether, a primary alcohol and an aromatic ether. It derives from a phenol.
Ethylene glycol phenyl ether is a colorless liquid with a pleasant odor. Density 1.02 g / cm3. An irritant.
2-PHENOXYETHANOL; Cas No: 122-99-6; Phenoxyethanol; Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether; Ethanol, 2-phenoxy-; Phenyl cellosolve; Phenoxytol; Phenoxethol; Phenoxetol; Ethylene glycol phenyl ether; Phenoxyethyl alcohol
; 2-Phenoxyethan-1-Ol; 1-Hydroxy-2-phenoxyethane; Rose ether; Phenylmonoglycol ether; Arosol; Dowanol EP; 2-Phenoxyethyl alcohol; Glycol monophenyl ether; 2-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether; Phenylglycol
;Fenyl-cellosolve; 2-Fenoxyethanol; Dowanol EPH; 2-Phenoxy-ethanol; Emery 6705; Emeressence 1160; Fenylcelosolv; Marlophen P; beta-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether; 2-phenoxy ethanol
Marlophen P 7
Spermicide 741
Tritonyl 45
Ethylan HB 4
Fenylcelosolv [Czech]
2-Fenoxyethanol [Czech]
Fenyl-cellosolve [Czech]
Plastiazan-41 [Russian]
Polyoxyethylene phenol ether
Polyoxyethylene phenyl ether
Phenol-ethylene oxide adduct
Glycols, polyethylene, monophenyl ether
Phenoxyethanol [NF]
Polyethylene glycol phenyl ether
.beta.-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether
HSDB 5595
2-Phenoxyethanol, 99%
EINECS 204-589-7
.beta.-Phenoxyethyl alcohol
ethyleneglycol monophenyl ether
Phenoxyethanol (NF)
Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-phenyl-omega-hydroxy-
Phenol, ethoxylated
CCRIS 9481
Ethylene glycol-monophenyl ether
Dalpad A
Newpol EFP
2-Phenoxyethanol, 9CI
EC 204-589-7
2-Phenoxyethanol, >=99%
4-06-00-00571 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)
Euxyl K 400 (Salt/Mix)
Ethylene glycol mono phenyl ether
2-Phenoxyethanol, analytical standard
Fungal Terminator [veterinary] (TN)
Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether, >=90%
2-Phenoxyethanol, tested according to Ph.Eur.
Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether, SAJ first grade, >=95.0%
Phenoxyethanol, European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Reference Standard
Phenoxyethanol, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard
2-Phenoxyethanol, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified Reference Material
EU: EINECS) 204-589-7,(Annex I Index No.) 3-098-00-9
USA: (TSCA)Existing chemical
Canada: (DSL)
China: IECSC) Existing chemica
Japan: Existing chemical:(9)-1277, (3)-558
ASEAN (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore,
Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Brunei): (PICSS)
Existing chemical
South Korea: KE-28257
Australia (NICNAS – Cosmetics): No limitation
New Zealand: HSR003045
Description: Phenoxyethanol is an oily, slightly sticky
liquid with a faint rose-like odour. It is used as a preservative
in a wide variety of cosmetic and personal care products.
Research shows that this ingredient is safe when used in
these products.
INCI: Phenoxyethanol
Escherichia coli (bacteria gram negative) -.32%
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacteria gram negative) -.32%
Staphylococcus aureus (bacteria gram positive) -.64%
Aspergillus niger (mold) -.32%
Candida albicans (yeast) -.32%
Phenoxyethanol is a glycol ether used as a preservative in cosmetic products. It is used in many skin care, make-up, hair care products. Because of its anti-bacterial properties, it is also used in baby wipes and hand sanitizer.
PHENOXYETHANOL is classified as :
CAS Number 122-99-6
EINECS/ELINCS No: 204-589-7
Restriction (applies to EU only): VI/29
COSING REF No: 36522
Chem/IUPAC Name: 2-Phenoxyethanol
Consumer products
Preservation of cosmetics, toiletry and household products and their raw materials. Phenoxyethanol is often used in combination with other preservatives and in some cases positive synergetic effects can be obtained. It is also used in acne treatment. Due to its low evaporation, Phenoxyethanol is used as a fixative in perfumes and fragrance.
Industrial products
It can be used in water mixable lubricants, in paints and varnishes as coalescing agent and as a modifier in melamine formaldehyde resins. It is used as a solvent in ball pen and printing inks. Phenoxyethanol is used as a striping agent and in the surface treatment of metals as degreaser. Its biostatic abilities is often used in combination with other actives to preserve metal working fluids, glues and industrial adhesives.
Eye contact may cause moderate irritation or moderate corneal injury. Repeated skin contact may result in absorption of harmful amounts. Swallowing small amounts is unlikely to result in injury. Swallowing large amounts may result in injury.
Phenoxyethanol is a high boiling liquid with a low vapor pressure, so exposure to vapors is unlikely at room temperature.
Phenoxyethanol is thermally stable at typical storage and use temperatures. It can oxidize at elevated temperatures. Phenoxyethanol is readily biodegradable and has a low potential for bioconcentration. It is practically nontoxic to aquatic organisms.
Handling and storage
Contact with eyes and skin should be avoided. Safety googles must be worn when handling the concentrated product. The product should be stored at seald packaging as supplied, in dry conditions, at temperatures not exceeding 30
Classification according to UN criteria: Not classified as hazardous under transport regulation
Packaging & Shelf Life:
Under proper storage conditions the shelf life is 24 month.
Health & Safety:
Detailed information on the product can be found in our Material Safety Data Sheet.
Translated names
2-fenoksietanol (hr)
2-Fenoksietanoli (fi)
2-fenoksietanolis (lt)
2-Fenoksietanols (lv)
2-fenoksyetanol (no)
2-fenoksüetanool (et)
2-Fenossietanol (mt)
2-fenossietanolo (it)
2-Fenoxietanol (es)
2-fenoxyetanol (sk)
2-fenoxyethan-1-ol (cs)
2-Fenoxyethanol (nl)
2-phenoxyethanol (da)
2-phénoxyéthanol (fr)
2-φαινοξυ-αιθανόλη (el)
2-φαινοξυαιθανόλ (el)
2-феноксиетанол (bg)
eter monofenylowy glikolu etylenowego (pl)
fenil glicol (it)
fenylglykol (sv)
fenoksi etanol (tr)
fenoksiethanol (tr)
fenoksi ethanol (tr)
CAS names: Ethanol, 2-phenoxy-
Other IUPAC names:
2-PhenoxyethanolRD_CLP_122-99-6_Ethanol, 2-phenoxy-_V1_20180112_TS
Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether
Ethylene glycol phenyl ether
Ethyleneglycol monophenyl ether
Trade names
(2-hydroxy-ethyl)-phenyl-ether (alternative chemical name)
.beta.-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether
.beta.-Phenoxyethyl alcohol
2-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether
2-Phenoxyethyl alcohol
Beta-phenoxyethylalcohol (alternative chemical name)
Dalpad A
DALPAD™ A Coalescing Agent
Dowanol EP
Dowanol EPh
Dowanol EPH Glycol Ether
DOWANOL™ EPH Glycol Ether
Ethanol, 2-phenoxy- (6CI, 7CI, 8CI, 9CI)
Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether (alternative chemical name)
H 4644
Marlosol PHE
Phenoxyethanol (INCI name and CTFA adopted name)
Phenoxyethyl alcohol
Phenyl cellosolve
Protectol EPE (trade name)
Protectol PE (trade name)
Phenoxyethanol [Wiki]
122-99-6 [RN]
204-589-7 [EINECS]
2-Phenoxyethanol [ACD/IUPAC Name]
2-Phenoxyethanol [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
2-Phénoxyéthanol [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
Ethanol, 2-phenoxy- [ACD/Index Name]
Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether
PhE [Formula]
Phenyl cellosolve
Rose ether
1219804-65-5 [RN]
134367-25-2 [RN]
18249-17-7 [RN]
200260-63-5 [RN]
21273-38-1 [RN]
2-Fenoxyethanol [Czech]
2-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether
2-phenoxyethanol 99%
2-phenoxyethanol, ??? 98.5%
2-phenoxyethanol, 94%
2-phenoxyethanol, 99%
2-Phenoxyethanol, 9CI
2-Phenoxyethyl alcohol
2-Phenoxyethyl-1,1,2,2-d4 Alcohol
2-Phenoxyethyl--d4 Alcohol
37220-49-8 [RN]
4-06-00-00571 (Beilstein Handbook Reference) [Beilstein]
438620-17-8 [RN]
56257-90-0 [RN]
79586-53-1 [RN]
Dalpad A
Diethylene glycol monophenyl ether
Dowanol EP
Dowanol EPH
EINECS 204-589-7
Emeressence 1160
Ethylan HB 4
Ethylene glycol mono phenyl ether
ethylene glycol monobenzyl ether
ethylene glycol monophenyl ether 98%
Ethylene glycol-monophenyl ether
Ethyleneglycol monophenyl ether
Ethyleneglycol-monophenyl ether
Euxyl K 400 (Salt/Mix)
Fenyl-cellosolve [Czech]
Fenylcelosolv [Czech]
Glycol monophenyl ether
Glycols, polyethylene, monophenyl ether
Marlophen P
Marlophen P 7
Newpol EFP
Phenol, ethoxylated
Phenol-ethylene oxide adduct
phenoxyethanol, reagent
Phenoxyethanol, USP-NF grade
Phenoxyl ethanol
Phenylmonoglycol ether
Plastiazan-41 [Russian]
Polyethylene glycol phenyl ether
Polyoxyethylene phenol ether
Polyoxyethylene phenyl ether
Spermicide 741
Tritonyl 45
β-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether
β-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether
β-Phenoxyethyl alcohol
β-Phenoxyethyl alcohol
苯氧乙醇 [Chinese]
Numéro CAS: 122-99-6; Nom IUPAC: 2-phénoxyéthanol; Phénoxyéthanol; Éther monophénylique d'éthylène glycol; Phénoxytolarosol, Dowanol EP / EPH; Protectol PE; Emery 6705; Rose éther, 1-hydroxy-2-phénoxyéthane, β-hydroxyéthylphényléther; Phényl cellosolve; éther phénylique d'éthylène glycol; 2-PHÉNOXYÉTHANOL; N ° CAS: 122-99-6; Phénoxyéthanol; Éther monophénylique d'éthylène glycol; Éthanol, 2-phénoxy-; Phenyl cellosolve; Phenoxytol; Phenoxethol; Phenoxetol; Éther phénylique d'éthylène glycol; Alcool phénoxyéthylique
; 2-phénoxyéthan-1-Ol; 1-hydroxy-2-phénoxyéthane; Rose éther; Éther de phénylmonoglycol; Arosol; Dowanol EP; Alcool 2-phénoxyéthylique; Éther monophénylique de glycol; 2-hydroxyéthylphényléther; Phénylglycol
; Fenyl-cellosolve; 2-fénoxyéthanol; Dowanol EPH; 2-phénoxy-éthanol; Emery 6705; Emeressence 1160; Fenylcelosolv; Marlophen P; l'éther bêta-hydroxyéthylphénylique; 2-phénoxy éthanol, 2-phénoxyéthanol; Emuclens, Erisept; l'éther monophénylique d'éthylène glycol; phénoxethol; phénoxyéthanol
Le 2-phénoxyéthanol, également connu sous le nom de phényl cellosolve ou phénoxytol, appartient à la classe des composés organiques appelés éthers phénoliques. Ce sont des composés aromatiques contenant un groupe éther substitué par un cycle benzénique. Le 2-phénoxyéthanol existe sous forme de composé solide, soluble (dans l'eau) et extrêmement faible acide (essentiellement neutre) (basé sur son pKa). Le 2-phénoxyéthanol a été détecté dans plusieurs biofluides, tels que les matières fécales et la salive. Dans la cellule, le 2-phénoxyéthanol est principalement situé dans le cytoplasme. Le 2-phénoxyéthanol existe dans tous les eucaryotes, allant de la levure à l'homme. Le 2-phénoxyéthanol peut être biosynthétisé à partir du phénol. Le 2-phénoxyéthanol est un composé potentiellement toxique.
Le phénoxyéthanol est un éther de glycol germicide et germistatique, un éther de phénol et un alcool aromatique souvent utilisés avec des composés d'ammonium quaternaire.
Utilisation: Le phénoxyéthanol est utilisé comme fixateur de parfum; un insectifuge; un antiseptique; un solvant pour l'acétate de cellulose, les colorants, les encres et les résines; un conservateur pour produits pharmaceutiques, cosmétiques et lubrifiants; un anesthésique en pisciculture; et en synthèse organique.
Le phénoxyéthanol est une alternative aux conservateurs libérant du formaldéhyde.Au Japon et dans l'Union européenne, sa concentration dans les cosmétiques est limitée à 1%.
Production: Le phénoxyéthanol est produit par l'hydroxyéthylation du phénol (synthèse de Williamson), par exemple, en présence d'hydroxydes de métaux alcalins ou de borohydrures de métaux alcalins.
Efficacité: le phénoxyéthanol est efficace contre les bactéries Gram négatif et Gram positif, et la levure Candida albicans
Innocuité: Le phénoxyéthanol est un agent de conservation du vaccin et un allergène potentiel, qui peut entraîner une réaction nodulaire au site d'injection. Il inhibe de manière réversible les courants ioniques médiés par NMDAR.
L'ingestion peut provoquer une dépression du système nerveux central et respiratoire, des vomissements et de la diarrhée chez les nourrissons, en particulier lorsqu'elle est associée à la chlorphénésine
Le phénoxyéthanol est le conservateur le plus couramment utilisé dans le monde dans les formulations de soins personnels. Il est extrêmement facile à utiliser dans la plupart des types de formulations et est chimiquement très stable. Le phénoxyéthanol a une activité antimicrobienne à large spectre contre les bactéries, les levures et les moisissures. Le niveau d'utilisation typique dans les formulations est de 0,5 à 0,8%, et il est souvent combiné avec d'autres conservateurs, comme l'éthylhexyl glycérine, l'hexylène glycol, l'alcool benzylique, l'acide benzoïque, le sorbate de potassium, l'acide déhydroacétique, la chlorphénésine ou le capryl glycol. La Communauté économique européenne (CEE). Le dérivé cosmétique et le règlement cosmétique de l'Union européenne ont approuvé le phénoxyéthanol à des concentrations en hausse de 1%.
APPLICATIONS: Soin de la peau - Maquillage - Soin des cheveux - Déodorant - Produits de toilette Nettoyants - Soin solaire - Soin du corps - Parfums - Lingettes humides
FORMULATION ET RECOMMANDATIONS: Le phénoxyéthanol est le conservateur le plus couramment utilisé dans le monde dans les formulations de soins personnels. Il est extrêmement facile à utiliser dans la plupart des types de formulations et est chimiquement très stable. Le phénoxyéthanol a une activité antimicrobienne à large spectre contre les bactéries, les levures et les moisissures. Le niveau d'utilisation typique dans les formulations est de 0,5 à 0,8%, et il est souvent combiné
avec d'autres conservateurs, comme l'éthylhexyl glycérine, l'hexylène glycol, l'alcool benzylique, l'acide benzoïque, le sorbate de potassium, l'acide déhydroacétique, la chlorphénésine ou le capryl glycol. Le dérivé cosmétique de la Communauté économique européenne (CEE) et le règlement cosmétique de l'Union européenne ont approuvé le phénoxyéthanol à des concentrations allant jusqu'à 1%.
Formule chimique: C8H10O2
Masse moléculaire: 138,166 g · mol − 1
Apparence: Liquide huileux incolore
Odeur: légèrement rose
Densité: 1,102 g / cm3
Point de fusion: -2 ° C (28 ° F; 271 K)
Point d'ébullition: 247 ° C (477 ° F; 520 K)
Solubilité dans l'eau: 26 g / kg
Solubilité: Chloroforme, alcali, éther diéthylique: soluble
Solubilité dans l'huile d'arachide: légèrement
Solubilité dans l'huile d'olive: légèrement
Solubilité dans l'acétone: miscible
Solubilité dans l'éthanol: miscible
Solubilité dans le glycérol: miscible
Pression de vapeur: 0,001 kPa (0,00015 psi)
Conductivité thermique: 0,169 W / (m⋅K)
Indice de réfraction (nD): 1,534 (20 ℃)
Le phénoxyéthanol est utilisé comme conservateur dans les produits cosmétiques et également comme stabilisant dans les parfums et les savons. L'exposition au phénoxyéthanol a été liée à des réactions allant de l'eczéma
à des réactions allergiques graves et potentiellement mortelles. L'exposition orale du nourrisson au phénoxyéthanol peut affecter gravement le fonctionnement du système nerveux.
TROUVÉ DANS: Hydratant, ombre à paupières, fond de teint, crème solaire, revitalisant, mascara, eye-liner, shampooing, brillant à lèvres, correcteur, gel douche, crème pour les mains, blush, couleur de cheveux, laque pour cheveux, baume à lèvres,
lotion, vernis à ongles, lingettes pour bébé, lotions et savons pour bébé, savon (liquide et pain), crème à raser, déodorant, dentifrice, parfum, cires d'épilation, désinfectant pour les mains et gel à ultrasons.
QU'EST-CE QUE LE PHÉNOXYÉTHANOL? Le phénoxyéthanol est utilisé comme conservateur dans les produits cosmétiques pour limiter la croissance bactérienne. Un examen de 43 produits cosmétiques a démontré que seulement 25% des
les produits avaient des concentrations de phénoxyéthanol supérieures à 0,6 pour cent et la concentration moyenne de phénoxyéthanol était de 0,46 pour cent. [5] Le phénoxyéthanol est également utilisé pour stabiliser
composants trouvés dans les parfums et les savons.
Qu'Est-ce que c'est?
Le phénoxyéthanol est un liquide huileux légèrement collant avec une légère odeur de rose. Il est utilisé comme conservateur dans une grande variété de cosmétiques et de produits de soins personnels sans rinçage et à rincer, notamment les soins de la peau, le maquillage des yeux, les parfums, les fards à joues, les fonds de teint, les rouges à lèvres, les savons de bain et les détergents, entre autres. Le phénoxyéthanol a été examiné par des experts du monde entier qui ont conclu qu'il est sans danger tel qu'il est utilisé dans ces produits.
Pourquoi est-il utilisé dans les cosmétiques et les produits de soins personnels?
Le phénoxyéthanol est utilisé en toute sécurité depuis les années 1950 comme conservateur dans les cosmétiques et les produits de soins personnels. Il est très efficace pour empêcher la croissance de champignons, de bactéries et de levures qui pourraient altérer les produits, tout comme les aliments. L’utilisation d’agents de conservation améliore la durée de conservation et la sécurité des produits.
Les produits contenant de l'eau sont sensibles aux moisissures, à la décoloration ou aux odeurs désagréables causées par les bactéries et les champignons naturellement présents dans l'environnement. Lors de l'utilisation de produits cosmétiques, ils entrent en contact avec la peau et les applicateurs qui entrent en contact avec la peau, exposant ainsi potentiellement le produit à ces micro-organismes nocifs.
Dans certaines conditions, un produit mal conservé peut devenir contaminé, ce qui pourrait entraîner des problèmes de santé tels qu'une irritation ou une infection. Les produits contaminés par des microorganismes peuvent également avoir un impact négatif sur les performances, l'apparence, la sensation et l'odeur du produit. Les conservateurs comme le phénoxyéthanol aident à prévenir de tels problèmes.
Le 2-phénoxyéthanol est un éther aromatique qui est un phénol substitué sur l'oxygène par un groupe 2-hydroxyéthyle. Il a un rôle d'agent anti-infectieux et de dépresseur du système nerveux central. C'est un hydroxyéther, un alcool primaire et un éther aromatique. Il dérive d'un phénol.
L'éther phénylique de l'éthylène glycol est un liquide incolore à l'odeur agréable. Densité 1,02 g / cm3. Un irritant
CAS Number: 122-99-6; IUPAC name: 2-Phenoxyethanol; Phenoxyethanol; Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether; Phenoxytolarosol;Dowanol EP / EPH; Protectol PE; Emery 6705; Rose ether;1-Hydroxy-2-phenoxyethane
;β-hydroxyethyl phenyl ether; Phenyl cellosolve;Ethylene glycol phenyl ether;2-PHENOXYETHANOL; Cas No: 122-99-6; Phenoxyethanol; Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether; Ethanol, 2-phenoxy-; Phenyl cellosolve; Phenoxytol; Phenoxethol; Phenoxetol; Ethylene glycol phenyl ether; Phenoxyethyl alcohol
; 2-Phenoxyethan-1-Ol; 1-Hydroxy-2-phenoxyethane; Rose ether; Phenylmonoglycol ether; Arosol; Dowanol EP; 2-Phenoxyethyl alcohol; Glycol monophenyl ether; 2-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether; Phenylglycol
;Fenyl-cellosolve; 2-Fenoxyethanol; Dowanol EPH; 2-Phenoxy-ethanol; Emery 6705; Emeressence 1160; Fenylcelosolv; Marlophen P; beta-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether; 2-phenoxy ethanol;2-phenoxyethanol; Emuclens;Erisept; ethylene glycol monophenyl ether; phenoxethol; phenoxyethanol
2-Phenoxyethanol, also known as phenyl cellosolve or phenoxytol, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as phenol ethers. These are aromatic compounds containing an ether group substituted with a benzene ring. 2-Phenoxyethanol exists as a solid, soluble (in water), and an extremely weak acidic (essentially neutral) compound (based on its pKa). 2-Phenoxyethanol has been detected in multiple biofluids, such as feces and saliva. Within the cell, 2-phenoxyethanol is primarily located in the cytoplasm. 2-Phenoxyethanol exists in all eukaryotes, ranging from yeast to humans. 2-Phenoxyethanol can be biosynthesized from phenol. 2-Phenoxyethanol is a potentially toxic compound.
Phenoxyethanol is a germicidal and germistatic glycol ether, phenol ether, and aromatic alcohol often used together with quaternary ammonium compounds.
Use: Phenoxyethanol is used as a perfume fixative; an insect repellent; an antiseptic; a solvent for cellulose acetate, dyes, inks, and resins; a preservative for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and lubricants; an anesthetic in fish aquaculture; and in organic synthesis.
Phenoxyethanol is an alternative to formaldehyde-releasing preservatives.In Japan and the European Union, its concentration in cosmetics is restricted to 1%.
Production: Phenoxyethanol is produced by the hydroxyethylation of phenol (Williamson synthesis), for example, in the presence of alkali-metal hydroxides or alkali-metal borohydrides.
Efficacy: Phenoxyethanol is effective against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, and the yeast Candida albicans
Safety: Phenoxyethanol is a vaccine preservative and potential allergen, which may result in a nodular reaction at the site of injection. It reversibly inhibits NMDAR-mediated ion currents.
Ingestion may cause central nervous system and respiratory depression, vomiting and diarrhea in infants, particularly when combined with chlorphenesin
Phenoxyethanol, is the most commonly used globally-approved preservative in personal care formulations. It is extremely easy to use in most types of formulations and is chemically very stable. Phenoxyethanol
has a broad spectrum antimicrobial activity against bacteria, yeasts, and mold. The typical use level in formulations is 0,5 – 0,8%, and it is often combined with other preservatives, like Ethylhexyl glycerin, Hexylene glycol, Benzyl alcohol, Benzoic acid, Potassium
sorbate, Dehydroacetic acid, Chlorphenesin or Capryl glycol. The European Economic Community (EEC). Cosmetics Derivative and the Cosmetics Regulation of the European Union approved Phenoxyethanol in concentrations up 1%.
APPLICATIONS: Skin care - Make up - Hair care – Deodorant- ToiletriesCleansers- Sun care - Body care – Fragrances – Wet wipes
FORMULATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Phenoxyethanol, is the most commonly used globally-approved preservative in personal care formulations. It is extremely easy to use in most types of formulations and is chemically very stable. Phenoxyethanol
has a broad spectrum antimicrobial activity against bacteria, yeasts, and mold. The typical use level in formulations is 0,5 – 0,8%, and it is often combined
with other preservatives, like Ethylhexyl glycerin, Hexylene glycol, Benzyl alcohol, Benzoic acid, Potassium sorbate, Dehydroacetic acid, Chlorphenesin or Capryl glycol. The European Economic Community (EEC)
Cosmetics Derivative and the Cosmetics Regulation of the European Union approved Phenoxyethanol in concentrations up 1%.
Chemical formula: C8H10O2
Molar mass: 138.166 g·mol−1
Appearance: Colorless oily liquid
Odor: faint rose-like
Density: 1.102 g/cm3
Melting point: −2 °C (28 °F; 271 K)
Boiling point: 247 °C (477 °F; 520 K)
Solubility in water: 26 g/kg
Solubility: Chloroform, Alkali, diethyl ether: soluble
Solubility in peanut oil: slightly
Solubility in olive oil: slightly
Solubility in acetone: miscible
Solubility in ethanol: miscible
Solubility in glycerol: miscible
Vapor pressure: 0.001 kPa (0.00015 psi)
Thermal conductivity: 0.169 W/(m⋅K)
Refractive index (nD): 1.534 (20 ℃)
Phenoxyethanol is used as a preservative in cosmetic products and also as a stabilizer in perfumes and soaps. Exposure to phenoxyethanol has been linked to reactions ranging from eczema
to severe, life-threatening allergic reactions. Infant oral exposure to phenoxyethanol can acutely affect nervous system function.
FOUND IN: Moisturizer, eye shadow, foundation, sunscreen, conditioner, mascara, eye liner, shampoo, lip gloss, concealer, body wash, hand cream, blush, hair color, hair spray, lip balm,
lotion, nail polish, baby wipes, baby lotions and soaps, soap (liquid and bar), shaving cream, deodorant, toothpaste, fragrance, hair removal waxes, hand sanitizer and ultrasound gel.
WHAT IS PHENOXYETHANOL? Phenoxyethanol is used as a preservative in cosmetic products to limit bacterial growth. A review of 43 cosmetic products demonstrated that only 25 percent of
the products had concentrations of phenoxyethanol greater than 0.6 percent and the mean concentration of phenoxyethanol was 0.46 percent.[5] Phenoxyethanol is also used as to stabilize
components found in perfumes and soaps.
What Is It?
Phenoxyethanol is an oily, slightly sticky liquid with a faint rose-like scent. It is used as a preservative in a wide variety of both leave-on and rinse-off cosmetics and personal care products, including skin care, eye makeup, fragrances, blushers, foundations, lipstick, bath soaps, and detergents, among others. Phenoxyethanol has been reviewed by experts worldwide who have concluded it is safe as used in these products.
Why is it used in cosmetics and personal care products?
Phenoxyethanol has been used safely since the 1950s as a preservative in cosmetics and personal care products. It is highly effective in preventing the growth of fungi, bacteria, and yeast that could cause products to spoil, just like food. The use of preservatives enhances products’ shelf life and safety.
Products that contain water are susceptible to mold, discoloration, or unpleasant odors caused by the bacteria and fungi naturally present in the environment. As cosmetics are used, they come in contact with the skin and applicators that contact the skin, thus potentially exposing the product to these harmful microorganisms.
Under certain conditions, an inadequately preserved product can become contaminated, which could cause health problems such as irritation or infection. Products contaminated by microorganisms may also negatively impact how the product performs, looks, feels, and smells. Preservatives like phenoxyethanol help prevent such problems.
2-phenoxyethanol is an aromatic ether that is phenol substituted on oxygen by a 2-hydroxyethyl group. It has a role as an antiinfective agent and a central nervous system depressant. It is a hydroxyether, a primary alcohol and an aromatic ether. It derives from a phenol.
Ethylene glycol phenyl ether is a colorless liquid with a pleasant odor. Density 1.02 g / cm3. An irritant.
2-PHENOXYETHANOL; Cas No: 122-99-6; Phenoxyethanol; Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether; Ethanol, 2-phenoxy-; Phenyl cellosolve; Phenoxytol; Phenoxethol; Phenoxetol; Ethylene glycol phenyl ether; Phenoxyethyl alcohol
; 2-Phenoxyethan-1-Ol; 1-Hydroxy-2-phenoxyethane; Rose ether; Phenylmonoglycol ether; Arosol; Dowanol EP; 2-Phenoxyethyl alcohol; Glycol monophenyl ether; 2-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether; Phenylglycol
;Fenyl-cellosolve; 2-Fenoxyethanol; Dowanol EPH; 2-Phenoxy-ethanol; Emery 6705; Emeressence 1160; Fenylcelosolv; Marlophen P; beta-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether; 2-phenoxy ethanol
Marlophen P 7
Spermicide 741
Tritonyl 45
Ethylan HB 4
Fenylcelosolv [Czech]
2-Fenoxyethanol [Czech]
Fenyl-cellosolve [Czech]
Plastiazan-41 [Russian]
Polyoxyethylene phenol ether
Polyoxyethylene phenyl ether
Phenol-ethylene oxide adduct
Glycols, polyethylene, monophenyl ether
Phenoxyethanol [NF]
Polyethylene glycol phenyl ether
.beta.-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether
HSDB 5595
2-Phenoxyethanol, 99%
EINECS 204-589-7
.beta.-Phenoxyethyl alcohol
ethyleneglycol monophenyl ether
Phenoxyethanol (NF)
Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-phenyl-omega-hydroxy-
Phenol, ethoxylated
CCRIS 9481
Ethylene glycol-monophenyl ether
Dalpad A
Newpol EFP
2-Phenoxyethanol, 9CI
EC 204-589-7
2-Phenoxyethanol, >=99%
4-06-00-00571 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)
Euxyl K 400 (Salt/Mix)
Ethylene glycol mono phenyl ether
2-Phenoxyethanol, analytical standard
Fungal Terminator [veterinary] (TN)
Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether, >=90%
2-Phenoxyethanol, tested according to Ph.Eur.
Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether, SAJ first grade, >=95.0%
Phenoxyethanol, European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Reference Standard
Phenoxyethanol, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard
2-Phenoxyethanol, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified Reference Material
EU: EINECS) 204-589-7,(Annex I Index No.) 3-098-00-9
USA: (TSCA)Existing chemical
Canada: (DSL)
China: IECSC) Existing chemica
Japan: Existing chemical:(9)-1277, (3)-558
ASEAN (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore,
Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Brunei): (PICSS)
Existing chemical
South Korea: KE-28257
Australia (NICNAS – Cosmetics): No limitation
New Zealand: HSR003045
Description: Phenoxyethanol is an oily, slightly sticky
liquid with a faint rose-like odour. It is used as a preservative
in a wide variety of cosmetic and personal care products.
Research shows that this ingredient is safe when used in
these products.
INCI: Phenoxyethanol
Escherichia coli (bacteria gram negative) -.32%
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacteria gram negative) -.32%
Staphylococcus aureus (bacteria gram positive) -.64%
Aspergillus niger (mold) -.32%
Candida albicans (yeast) -.32%
Phenoxyethanol is a glycol ether used as a preservative in cosmetic products. It is used in many skin care, make-up, hair care products. Because of its anti-bacterial properties, it is also used in baby wipes and hand sanitizer.
PHENOXYETHANOL is classified as :
CAS Number 122-99-6
EINECS/ELINCS No: 204-589-7
Restriction (applies to EU only): VI/29
COSING REF No: 36522
Chem/IUPAC Name: 2-Phenoxyethanol
Consumer products
Preservation of cosmetics, toiletry and household products and their raw materials. Phenoxyethanol is often used in combination with other preservatives and in some cases positive synergetic effects can be obtained. It is also used in acne treatment. Due to its low evaporation, Phenoxyethanol is used as a fixative in perfumes and fragrance.
Industrial products
It can be used in water mixable lubricants, in paints and varnishes as coalescing agent and as a modifier in melamine formaldehyde resins. It is used as a solvent in ball pen and printing inks. Phenoxyethanol is used as a striping agent and in the surface treatment of metals as degreaser. Its biostatic abilities is often used in combination with other actives to preserve metal working fluids, glues and industrial adhesives.
Eye contact may cause moderate irritation or moderate corneal injury. Repeated skin contact may result in absorption of harmful amounts. Swallowing small amounts is unlikely to result in injury. Swallowing large amounts may result in injury.
Phenoxyethanol is a high boiling liquid with a low vapor pressure, so exposure to vapors is unlikely at room temperature.
Phenoxyethanol is thermally stable at typical storage and use temperatures. It can oxidize at elevated temperatures. Phenoxyethanol is readily biodegradable and has a low potential for bioconcentration. It is practically nontoxic to aquatic organisms.
Handling and storage
Contact with eyes and skin should be avoided. Safety googles must be worn when handling the concentrated product. The product should be stored at seald packaging as supplied, in dry conditions, at temperatures not exceeding 30
Classification according to UN criteria: Not classified as hazardous under transport regulation
Packaging & Shelf Life:
Under proper storage conditions the shelf life is 24 month.
Health & Safety:
Detailed information on the product can be found in our Material Safety Data Sheet.
Translated names
2-fenoksietanol (hr)
2-Fenoksietanoli (fi)
2-fenoksietanolis (lt)
2-Fenoksietanols (lv)
2-fenoksyetanol (no)
2-fenoksüetanool (et)
2-Fenossietanol (mt)
2-fenossietanolo (it)
2-Fenoxietanol (es)
2-fenoxyetanol (sk)
2-fenoxyethan-1-ol (cs)
2-Fenoxyethanol (nl)
2-phenoxyethanol (da)
2-phénoxyéthanol (fr)
2-φαινοξυ-αιθανόλη (el)
2-φαινοξυαιθανόλ (el)
2-феноксиетанол (bg)
eter monofenylowy glikolu etylenowego (pl)
fenil glicol (it)
fenylglykol (sv)
fenoksi etanol (tr)
fenoksiethanol (tr)
fenoksi ethanol (tr)
CAS names: Ethanol, 2-phenoxy-
Other IUPAC names:
2-PhenoxyethanolRD_CLP_122-99-6_Ethanol, 2-phenoxy-_V1_20180112_TS
Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether
Ethylene glycol phenyl ether
Ethyleneglycol monophenyl ether
Trade names
(2-hydroxy-ethyl)-phenyl-ether (alternative chemical name)
.beta.-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether
.beta.-Phenoxyethyl alcohol
2-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether
2-Phenoxyethyl alcohol
Beta-phenoxyethylalcohol (alternative chemical name)
Dalpad A
DALPAD™ A Coalescing Agent
Dowanol EP
Dowanol EPh
Dowanol EPH Glycol Ether
DOWANOL™ EPH Glycol Ether
Ethanol, 2-phenoxy- (6CI, 7CI, 8CI, 9CI)
Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether (alternative chemical name)
H 4644
Marlosol PHE
Phenoxyethanol (INCI name and CTFA adopted name)
Phenoxyethyl alcohol
Phenyl cellosolve
Protectol EPE (trade name)
Protectol PE (trade name)
Phenoxyethanol [Wiki]
122-99-6 [RN]
204-589-7 [EINECS]
2-Phenoxyethanol [ACD/IUPAC Name]
2-Phenoxyethanol [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
2-Phénoxyéthanol [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
Ethanol, 2-phenoxy- [ACD/Index Name]
Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether
PhE [Formula]
Phenyl cellosolve
Rose ether
1219804-65-5 [RN]
134367-25-2 [RN]
18249-17-7 [RN]
200260-63-5 [RN]
21273-38-1 [RN]
2-Fenoxyethanol [Czech]
2-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether
2-phenoxyethanol 99%
2-phenoxyethanol, ??? 98.5%
2-phenoxyethanol, 94%
2-phenoxyethanol, 99%
2-Phenoxyethanol, 9CI
2-Phenoxyethyl alcohol
2-Phenoxyethyl-1,1,2,2-d4 Alcohol
2-Phenoxyethyl--d4 Alcohol
37220-49-8 [RN]
4-06-00-00571 (Beilstein Handbook Reference) [Beilstein]
438620-17-8 [RN]
56257-90-0 [RN]
79586-53-1 [RN]
Dalpad A
Diethylene glycol monophenyl ether
Dowanol EP
Dowanol EPH
EINECS 204-589-7
Emeressence 1160
Ethylan HB 4
Ethylene glycol mono phenyl ether
ethylene glycol monobenzyl ether
ethylene glycol monophenyl ether 98%
Ethylene glycol-monophenyl ether
Ethyleneglycol monophenyl ether
Ethyleneglycol-monophenyl ether
Euxyl K 400 (Salt/Mix)
Fenyl-cellosolve [Czech]
Fenylcelosolv [Czech]
Glycol monophenyl ether
Glycols, polyethylene, monophenyl ether
Marlophen P
Marlophen P 7
Newpol EFP
Phenol, ethoxylated
Phenol-ethylene oxide adduct
phenoxyethanol, reagent
Phenoxyethanol, USP-NF grade
Phenoxyl ethanol
Phenylmonoglycol ether
Plastiazan-41 [Russian]
Polyethylene glycol phenyl ether
Polyoxyethylene phenol ether
Polyoxyethylene phenyl ether
Spermicide 741
Tritonyl 45
β-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether
β-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether
β-Phenoxyethyl alcohol
β-Phenoxyethyl alcohol
苯氧乙醇 [Chinese]
Numéro CAS: 122-99-6; Nom IUPAC: 2-phénoxyéthanol; Phénoxyéthanol; Éther monophénylique d'éthylène glycol; Phénoxytolarosol, Dowanol EP / EPH; Protectol PE; Emery 6705; Rose éther, 1-hydroxy-2-phénoxyéthane, β-hydroxyéthylphényléther; Phényl cellosolve; éther phénylique d'éthylène glycol; 2-PHÉNOXYÉTHANOL; N ° CAS: 122-99-6; Phénoxyéthanol; Éther monophénylique d'éthylène glycol; Éthanol, 2-phénoxy-; Phenyl cellosolve; Phenoxytol; Phenoxethol; Phenoxetol; Éther phénylique d'éthylène glycol; Alcool phénoxyéthylique
; 2-phénoxyéthan-1-Ol; 1-hydroxy-2-phénoxyéthane; Rose éther; Éther de phénylmonoglycol; Arosol; Dowanol EP; Alcool 2-phénoxyéthylique; Éther monophénylique de glycol; 2-hydroxyéthylphényléther; Phénylglycol
; Fenyl-cellosolve; 2-fénoxyéthanol; Dowanol EPH; 2-phénoxy-éthanol; Emery 6705; Emeressence 1160; Fenylcelosolv; Marlophen P; l'éther bêta-hydroxyéthylphénylique; 2-phénoxy éthanol, 2-phénoxyéthanol; Emuclens, Erisept; l'éther monophénylique d'éthylène glycol; phénoxethol; phénoxyéthanol
Le 2-phénoxyéthanol, également connu sous le nom de phényl cellosolve ou phénoxytol, appartient à la classe des composés organiques appelés éthers phénoliques. Ce sont des composés aromatiques contenant un groupe éther substitué par un cycle benzénique. Le 2-phénoxyéthanol existe sous forme de composé solide, soluble (dans l'eau) et extrêmement faible acide (essentiellement neutre) (basé sur son pKa). Le 2-phénoxyéthanol a été détecté dans plusieurs biofluides, tels que les matières fécales et la salive. Dans la cellule, le 2-phénoxyéthanol est principalement situé dans le cytoplasme. Le 2-phénoxyéthanol existe dans tous les eucaryotes, allant de la levure à l'homme. Le 2-phénoxyéthanol peut être biosynthétisé à partir du phénol. Le 2-phénoxyéthanol est un composé potentiellement toxique.
Le phénoxyéthanol est un éther de glycol germicide et germistatique, un éther de phénol et un alcool aromatique souvent utilisés avec des composés d'ammonium quaternaire.
Utilisation: Le phénoxyéthanol est utilisé comme fixateur de parfum; un insectifuge; un antiseptique; un solvant pour l'acétate de cellulose, les colorants, les encres et les résines; un conservateur pour produits pharmaceutiques, cosmétiques et lubrifiants; un anesthésique en pisciculture; et en synthèse organique.
Le phénoxyéthanol est une alternative aux conservateurs libérant du formaldéhyde.Au Japon et dans l'Union européenne, sa concentration dans les cosmétiques est limitée à 1%.
Production: Le phénoxyéthanol est produit par l'hydroxyéthylation du phénol (synthèse de Williamson), par exemple, en présence d'hydroxydes de métaux alcalins ou de borohydrures de métaux alcalins.
Efficacité: le phénoxyéthanol est efficace contre les bactéries Gram négatif et Gram positif, et la levure Candida albicans
Innocuité: Le phénoxyéthanol est un agent de conservation du vaccin et un allergène potentiel, qui peut entraîner une réaction nodulaire au site d'injection. Il inhibe de manière réversible les courants ioniques médiés par NMDAR.
L'ingestion peut provoquer une dépression du système nerveux central et respiratoire, des vomissements et de la diarrhée chez les nourrissons, en particulier lorsqu'elle est associée à la chlorphénésine
Le phénoxyéthanol est le conservateur le plus couramment utilisé dans le monde dans les formulations de soins personnels. Il est extrêmement facile à utiliser dans la plupart des types de formulations et est chimiquement très stable. Le phénoxyéthanol a une activité antimicrobienne à large spectre contre les bactéries, les levures et les moisissures. Le niveau d'utilisation typique dans les formulations est de 0,5 à 0,8%, et il est souvent combiné avec d'autres conservateurs, comme l'éthylhexyl glycérine, l'hexylène glycol, l'alcool benzylique, l'acide benzoïque, le sorbate de potassium, l'acide déhydroacétique, la chlorphénésine ou le capryl glycol. La Communauté économique européenne (CEE). Le dérivé cosmétique et le règlement cosmétique de l'Union européenne ont approuvé le phénoxyéthanol à des concentrations en hausse de 1%.
APPLICATIONS: Soin de la peau - Maquillage - Soin des cheveux - Déodorant - Produits de toilette Nettoyants - Soin solaire - Soin du corps - Parfums - Lingettes humides
FORMULATION ET RECOMMANDATIONS: Le phénoxyéthanol est le conservateur le plus couramment utilisé dans le monde dans les formulations de soins personnels. Il est extrêmement facile à utiliser dans la plupart des types de formulations et est chimiquement très stable. Le phénoxyéthanol a une activité antimicrobienne à large spectre contre les bactéries, les levures et les moisissures. Le niveau d'utilisation typique dans les formulations est de 0,5 à 0,8%, et il est souvent combiné
avec d'autres conservateurs, comme l'éthylhexyl glycérine, l'hexylène glycol, l'alcool benzylique, l'acide benzoïque, le sorbate de potassium, l'acide déhydroacétique, la chlorphénésine ou le capryl glycol. Le dérivé cosmétique de la Communauté économique européenne (CEE) et le règlement cosmétique de l'Union européenne ont approuvé le phénoxyéthanol à des concentrations allant jusqu'à 1%.
Formule chimique: C8H10O2
Masse moléculaire: 138,166 g · mol − 1
Apparence: Liquide huileux incolore
Odeur: légèrement rose
Densité: 1,102 g / cm3
Point de fusion: -2 ° C (28 ° F; 271 K)
Point d'ébullition: 247 ° C (477 ° F; 520 K)
Solubilité dans l'eau: 26 g / kg
Solubilité: Chloroforme, alcali, éther diéthylique: soluble
Solubilité dans l'huile d'arachide: légèrement
Solubilité dans l'huile d'olive: légèrement
Solubilité dans l'acétone: miscible
Solubilité dans l'éthanol: miscible
Solubilité dans le glycérol: miscible
Pression de vapeur: 0,001 kPa (0,00015 psi)
Conductivité thermique: 0,169 W / (m⋅K)
Indice de réfraction (nD): 1,534 (20 ℃)
Le phénoxyéthanol est utilisé comme conservateur dans les produits cosmétiques et également comme stabilisant dans les parfums et les savons. L'exposition au phénoxyéthanol a été liée à des réactions allant de l'eczéma
à des réactions allergiques graves et potentiellement mortelles. L'exposition orale du nourrisson au phénoxyéthanol peut affecter gravement le fonctionnement du système nerveux.
TROUVÉ DANS: Hydratant, ombre à paupières, fond de teint, crème solaire, revitalisant, mascara, eye-liner, shampooing, brillant à lèvres, correcteur, gel douche, crème pour les mains, blush, couleur de cheveux, laque pour cheveux, baume à lèvres,
lotion, vernis à ongles, lingettes pour bébé, lotions et savons pour bébé, savon (liquide et pain), crème à raser, déodorant, dentifrice, parfum, cires d'épilation, désinfectant pour les mains et gel à ultrasons.
QU'EST-CE QUE LE PHÉNOXYÉTHANOL? Le phénoxyéthanol est utilisé comme conservateur dans les produits cosmétiques pour limiter la croissance bactérienne. Un examen de 43 produits cosmétiques a démontré que seulement 25% des
les produits avaient des concentrations de phénoxyéthanol supérieures à 0,6 pour cent et la concentration moyenne de phénoxyéthanol était de 0,46 pour cent. [5] Le phénoxyéthanol est également utilisé pour stabiliser
composants trouvés dans les parfums et les savons.
Qu'Est-ce que c'est?
Le phénoxyéthanol est un liquide huileux légèrement collant avec une légère odeur de rose. Il est utilisé comme conservateur dans une grande variété de cosmétiques et de produits de soins personnels sans rinçage et à rincer, notamment les soins de la peau, le maquillage des yeux, les parfums, les fards à joues, les fonds de teint, les rouges à lèvres, les savons de bain et les détergents, entre autres. Le phénoxyéthanol a été examiné par des experts du monde entier qui ont conclu qu'il est sans danger tel qu'il est utilisé dans ces produits.
Pourquoi est-il utilisé dans les cosmétiques et les produits de soins personnels?
Le phénoxyéthanol est utilisé en toute sécurité depuis les années 1950 comme conservateur dans les cosmétiques et les produits de soins personnels. Il est très efficace pour empêcher la croissance de champignons, de bactéries et de levures qui pourraient altérer les produits, tout comme les aliments. L’utilisation d’agents de conservation améliore la durée de conservation et la sécurité des produits.
Les produits contenant de l'eau sont sensibles aux moisissures, à la décoloration ou aux odeurs désagréables causées par les bactéries et les champignons naturellement présents dans l'environnement. Lors de l'utilisation de produits cosmétiques, ils entrent en contact avec la peau et les applicateurs qui entrent en contact avec la peau, exposant ainsi potentiellement le produit à ces micro-organismes nocifs.
Dans certaines conditions, un produit mal conservé peut devenir contaminé, ce qui pourrait entraîner des problèmes de santé tels qu'une irritation ou une infection. Les produits contaminés par des microorganismes peuvent également avoir un impact négatif sur les performances, l'apparence, la sensation et l'odeur du produit. Les conservateurs comme le phénoxyéthanol aident à prévenir de tels problèmes.
Le 2-phénoxyéthanol est un éther aromatique qui est un phénol substitué sur l'oxygène par un groupe 2-hydroxyéthyle. Il a un rôle d'agent anti-infectieux et de dépresseur du système nerveux central. C'est un hydroxyéther, un alcool primaire et un éther aromatique. Il dérive d'un phénol.
L'éther phénylique de l'éthylène glycol est un liquide incolore à l'odeur agréable. Densité 1,02 g / cm3. Un irritant
Translated names
2-fenoksietanol (hr)
2-Fenoksietanoli (fi)
2-fenoksietanolis (lt)
2-Fenoksietanols (lv)
2-fenoksyetanol (no)
2-fenoksüetanool (et)
2-Fenossietanol (mt)
2-fenossietanolo (it)
2-Fenoxietanol (es)
2-fenoxyetanol (sk)
2-fenoxyethan-1-ol (cs)
2-Fenoxyethanol (nl)
2-phenoxyethanol (da)
2-phénoxyéthanol (fr)
2-φαινοξυ-αιθανόλη (el)
2-φαινοξυαιθανόλ (el)
2-феноксиетанол (bg)
eter monofenylowy glikolu etylenowego (pl)
fenil glicol (it)
fenylglykol (sv)
fenoksi etanol (tr)
fenoksiethanol (tr)
fenoksi ethanol (tr)
CAS names: Ethanol, 2-phenoxy-
Other IUPAC names:
2-PhenoxyethanolRD_CLP_122-99-6_Ethanol, 2-phenoxy-_V1_20180112_TS
Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether
Ethylene glycol phenyl ether
Ethyleneglycol monophenyl ether
Trade names
(2-hydroxy-ethyl)-phenyl-ether (alternative chemical name)
.beta.-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether
.beta.-Phenoxyethyl alcohol
2-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether
2-Phenoxyethyl alcohol
Beta-phenoxyethylalcohol (alternative chemical name)
Dalpad A
DALPAD™ A Coalescing Agent
Dowanol EP
Dowanol EPh
Dowanol EPH Glycol Ether
DOWANOL™ EPH Glycol Ether
Ethanol, 2-phenoxy- (6CI, 7CI, 8CI, 9CI)
Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether (alternative chemical name)
H 4644
Marlosol PHE
Phenoxyethanol (INCI name and CTFA adopted name)
Phenoxyethyl alcohol
Phenyl cellosolve
Protectol EPE (trade name)
Protectol PE (trade name)
Phenoxyethanol [Wiki]
122-99-6 [RN]
204-589-7 [EINECS]
2-Phenoxyethanol [ACD/IUPAC Name]
2-Phenoxyethanol [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
2-Phénoxyéthanol [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
Ethanol, 2-phenoxy- [ACD/Index Name]
Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether
PhE [Formula]
Phenyl cellosolve
Rose ether
1219804-65-5 [RN]
134367-25-2 [RN]
18249-17-7 [RN]
200260-63-5 [RN]
21273-38-1 [RN]
2-Fenoxyethanol [Czech]
2-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether
2-phenoxyethanol 99%
2-phenoxyethanol, ??? 98.5%
2-phenoxyethanol, 94%
2-phenoxyethanol, 99%
2-Phenoxyethanol, 9CI
2-Phenoxyethyl alcohol
2-Phenoxyethyl-1,1,2,2-d4 Alcohol
2-Phenoxyethyl--d4 Alcohol
37220-49-8 [RN]
4-06-00-00571 (Beilstein Handbook Reference) [Beilstein]
438620-17-8 [RN]
56257-90-0 [RN]
79586-53-1 [RN]
Dalpad A
Diethylene glycol monophenyl ether
Dowanol EP
Dowanol EPH
EINECS 204-589-7
Emeressence 1160
Ethylan HB 4
Ethylene glycol mono phenyl ether
ethylene glycol monobenzyl ether
ethylene glycol monophenyl ether 98%
Ethylene glycol-monophenyl ether
Ethyleneglycol monophenyl ether
Ethyleneglycol-monophenyl ether
Euxyl K 400 (Salt/Mix)
Fenyl-cellosolve [Czech]
Fenylcelosolv [Czech]
Glycol monophenyl ether
Glycols, polyethylene, monophenyl ether
Marlophen P
Marlophen P 7
Newpol EFP
Phenol, ethoxylated
Phenol-ethylene oxide adduct
phenoxyethanol, reagent
Phenoxyethanol, USP-NF grade
Phenoxyl ethanol
Phenylmonoglycol ether
Plastiazan-41 [Russian]
Polyethylene glycol phenyl ether
Polyoxyethylene phenol ether
Polyoxyethylene phenyl ether
Spermicide 741
Tritonyl 45
β-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether
β-Hydroxyethyl phenyl ether
β-Phenoxyethyl alcohol
β-Phenoxyethyl alcohol
苯氧乙醇 [Chinese]