1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z


DOW CORNING; Dow corning; DOW CORNING 2-8566 AMINO FLUID; dow corning 2-8566; DOW CORNING 2-8566; DOWSIL 2-8566; Amino Fluid; DOW CORNING; AMINO FLUID 2-8566; polymethylsiloxane; amodimethicones;DOW CORNING 2-8566; dow corn; 2-8566; dowsil aminofluid; dowcorning 2-8556; DOWSILTM 2-8566; copolyols; copolyol; polydiethylsiloxane; dimethiconol; aminosilicone; amidomethicone; polyquatemium; cyclopentasiloxane; methicone; DC 2-8566; Amino Fluid; Amodimethicone; DC 2-8220 Conditioning Additive; DOW CORNING; Dow corning; dow corning 2-8566; DOW CORNING 2-8566; DOWSIL 2-8566 Amino Fluid; DOW CORNING; AMINO FLUID 2-8566; polymethylsiloxane; amodimethicones;DOW CORNING 2-8566; dow corn; 2-8566; dowsil aminofluid; dowcorning 2-8556; DOWSILTM 2-8566; copolyols; copolyol; polydiethylsiloxane; dimethiconol; aminosilicone; amidomethicone; polyquatemium; cyclopentasiloxane; methicone; DC 2-8566; Amino Fluid; Amodimethicone; DC 2-8220 Conditioning Additive;DOWSILTM 2-8566 Amino Fluid ; DOW CORNING; Dow corning; DOW CORNING 2-8566 AMINO FLUID; dow corning 2-8566; DOW CORNING 2-8566; DOWSIL 2-8566; Amino Fluid; DOW CORNING; AMINO FLUID 2-8566; polymethylsiloxane; amodimethicones;DOW CORNING 2-8566; dow corn; 2-8566; dowsil aminofluid; dowcorning 2-8556; DOWSILTM 2-8566; copolyols; copolyol; polydiethylsiloxane; dimethiconol; aminosilicone; amidomethicone; polyquatemium; cyclopentasiloxane; methicone; DC 2-8566; Amino Fluid; Amodimethicone; DC 2-8220 Conditioning Additive; DOW CORNING; Dow corning; dow corning 2-8566; DOW CORNING 2-8566; DOWSIL 2-8566 Amino Fluid; DOW CORNING; AMINO FLUID 2-8566; polymethylsiloxane; amodimethicones;DOW CORNING 2-8566; dow corn; 2-8566; dowsil aminofluid; dowcorning 2-8556; DOWSILTM 2-8566; copolyols; copolyol; polydiethylsiloxane; dimethiconol; aminosilicone; amidomethicone; polyquatemium; cyclopentasiloxane; methicone; DC 2-8566; Amino Fluid; Amodimethicone; DC 2-8220 Conditioning Additive;
Fruit Oil (and) Magnesium stearate is the chemical compound with the formula Mg 2. Croda XIAMETER PMX-0245 CYCLOPENTASILOXANE DOW CORNING .... PEG- 15 stearate, sodium lauroyl lactylate) 
DOWSIL 2-8566 Amino Fluid is an aminofunctional polymethylsiloxane.DOW CORNING 2-8566 AMINO FLUID the organic like nature of the primary amine groups on amodimethicone causes silicone to have some affinity for hair, resulting in a product with longer lasting benefits such as conditioning and feel. Conditioning shampoos, rinse-off and leave-on conditioner, styling aids and longer lasting colorants, perms and relaxers are the recommended uses for this product.
Dow offers unique innovative ingredients that empower brand owners around the world to create products with exceptional performance and exciting new benefits consumers can see and feel. We continue to bring forward new technologies and formulation solutions that differentiate our customers' products, enhance the consumer experience and sustain the environment. With a deep understanding of customers' needs, combined with our knowledge of market insights and technical expertise, and broad portfolio of technologies, we help deliver solutions across home and personal care applications from hair and skin care to fabric care, dish care and beyond. Our novel solutions help enable products that are unique and memorable, and meet the growing demands of today's consumers. With business centers, research and development (R&D), manufacturing plants and customer applications centers around the globe, Dow has the expertise and foundation to foster global and local innovations.
Amodimethicone. DOWSILTM 2-8566 Amino Fluid acts as a conditioning agent. It is an amino-functional polydimethylsiloaxe. It offers affinity for hair, smoothness, wet & dry combing and improved shine. It brings long-lasting conditioning without build-up, improved color depth & longevity and protects hair from heat damage. It is environmentally degradable, non-bioaccumulative and free of emulsifiers, preservatives and animal-derived impurities. Moreover, it is not tested on animals. It enables cold process manufacturing and is stable in wide range of cosmetic formulations. DOWSILTM 2-8566 Amino Fluid finds application in formulating clear & opaque conditioning shampoos, rinse-off & leave-on conditioners, styling aids (mousses, gels, lotions & pomades) and colorants, perms & relaxers. Meets NZIoC, REACH, TSCA, PICCS, KECI, ENCS/ISHL, IECSC, AICS, DSL and TCSI.


There are described cosmetic preparations, in particular hair conditioning compositions, which contain at least one imidazoline derivative having at least two long fat residues and at least one silicone and / or at least one cosmetic oil, wherein the weight ratio of imidazoline derivative to silicones and / or cosmetic oils 20: 1 to 1: 20 is
DOW CORNING 2-8566 AMINO FLUID is an amino functional polymethylsiloxane. DOW CORNING 2-8566 AMINO FLUID is compatible with a variety of typical hair care formulation ingredients, including quaternary ammonium salts, cyclomethicone, isododecane and partially with alcohol.
Dow Corning was[3][4] an American multinational corporation headquartered in Midland, Michigan, United States. Originally established as a joint venture between The Dow Chemical Company and Corning Incorporated, Dow bought out Corning and Dow Corning became a 100% Dow subsidiary. After a brief existence as a DowDuPont-owned company, as Dow spun out from DowDuPont on April 1, 2019, it is now wholly owned by Dow and specializes in silicone and silicon-based technology, and is the largest silicone product producer in the world.[5]
1 History
2 Products
3 Problems with breast implants
4 See also
5 References
6 External links



Dow Corning,DOW CORNING 2-8566 AMINO FLUID, Bay City
DOW CORNING 2-8566 Amino Fluid is an aminofunctional polydimethylsiloxane. The organic-like nature of the primary amine groups on amodimethicone causes this silicone polymer to have some affinity for hair, resulting in a product with longer lasting benefits such as conditioning and feel.
Dow Corning was formally established in 1943 as a joint venture between the American conglomerates Dow Chemical and Corning Glass to explore the potential of silicone and was a manufacturer of products for use by the U.S. military in World War II. The company began operating its first plant, in Midland, MI, in 1945. Dr. E. C. Sullivan was named president, and Dr. William R. Collings was named general manager in 1943. Dr. Collings later became president from 1954 until 1962.[6] It expanded into Canada and Europe in 1948, and into South America and Japan in 1961.[6]



Dow Corning Corporation'ın büyük bir çoğunluğuna sahip olduğu iştiraki Hemlock Semiconductor Corporation'dır. [5] Hem yarı iletken silikon gofret üretiminde hem de güneş pilleri olarak fotovoltaik uygulamalarında kullanılmak üzere değişen saflık derecelerinde satılan, dünyanın en büyük yüksek saflıktaki polikristalin silikon üreticilerinden biridir. [6]
2002 yılında, şirket Xiameter markasını yalnızca çevrimiçi bir distribütör olarak yarattı. Xiameter, 2011 itibariyle, 2.100 Dow Corning'in 7.000 ürününü sunar.
13 Kasım 2014'te, Dow Chemical'ın CEO'su Andrew N. Liveris, Corning Incorporated'ın diğer önceliklere dayanarak 71 yıllık ortak girişimden çıkmak istediğini belirten yatırımcılara bir sunum yaptı. 11 Aralık 2015, DuPont ile birleşeceğini açıkladıktan sonra, Dow aynı zamanda, Corning'in Dow Corning'deki hissesini 4,8 milyar dolar nakit karşılığında elde etmek için bir anlaşma yaptığını ve Corning'in kabaca% 40'lık bir hisse kazandığını açıkladı. Hemlock Semiconductor Şirketi. Dow Chemical, 1 Haziran 2016 tarihinde Dow Corning'in tam mülkiyetini üstlendi. [8] [9] Şirket, adını 2018'de Dow Silicones Corporation olarak değiştirdi.



Dow Silicones, çeşitli sızdırmazlık maddeleri, yapıştırıcılar, kauçuklar, yağlayıcılar, silikon yağları ve çözücüler dahil olmak üzere 7000'den fazla ürün pazarlamaktadır. Bunların yaklaşık 2.100'ü, Dow Corning'in yalnızca çevrimiçi dağıtıcısı Xiameter, sıvılar, jeller ve reçineler dahil olmak üzere temin edilebilir. Dow Corning ürünlerinin hedeflediği sanayi yelpazesi, elektronik ve otomotivden inşaat, sağlık ve diğerlerine kadar uzanıyor. Son yıllarda, şirket, özellikle 1 milyar doları aşan bir polisilikon franchise'ı oluşturan Hemlock Semiconductor Corporation'daki çoğunluk hissesiyle güneş pillerinin üretimini genişletti. [10] CTO Gregg Zank, 2011'de şirketin ürün geliştirme sürecini toplumsal "megatrends" (örneğin, enerji kıtlığı ve kentleşme) üzerinde yoğunlaştırmaya çalıştığını belirtti. [11]



Meme implantları ile ilgili sorunlar
1980'lerde ve 1990'larda sınıf davaları [12], Dow Corning'in silikon meme implantlarının sistemik sağlık sorunlarına yol açtığını iddia etti. İstemler önce meme kanseri üzerine odaklandı ve sonra lupus, romatoid artrit ve çeşitli nörolojik problemler dahil olmak üzere bir dizi otoimmün hastalığa göç etti. Bu, 1984'te başlayan ve 1998'in milyarlarca dolarlık sınıf eylem yerleşiminde sonuçlanan sayısız davaya yol açtı. [13] Sonuç olarak, Dow Corning dokuz yıl boyunca iflas koruması altında kaldı ve Haziran 2004'te sona erdi [14]. Bu süre zarfında büyük ölçüde klinik pazarlardan çekildi. [15]



Birleşik Devletler'deki Tıp Enstitüsü de dahil olmak üzere birçok bağımsız inceleme, daha sonra silikon meme implantlarının meme kanserlerine veya tanımlanabilir herhangi bir sistemik hastalığa neden olmadığını göstermesine rağmen, [16] [17] Meme implantları olan kadınların, anaplastik büyük hücreli lenfoma (ALCL) adı verilen nadir bir kanser formuna yakalanma riskinin "çok düşük ama artmış riski" olduğunu gösterir. [18] FDA, kanserin dokuz ölümle ilişkili olduğunu söyledi. Bu bulgular meme implantı çıkarma ameliyatlarında artmaya neden oldu.
Amodimetikon [INCI / CTFA]


Özellikler DOW CORNING 2-8566

● İyi yapışkanlık ve tarama yeteneği

● Emülsifiye edilmesi kolaydır

Faydaları DOW CORNING 2-8566

● Süper yumuşak ve ipeksi pürüzsüzlük hissi

● Tarak kolay

● Cilt bakım ürünlerinde mükemmel bakım etkisi

● Elastik bir film oluşturmak için oda sıcaklığında çapraz bağlanabilir

Açıklama DOW CORNING 2-8566

IOTA 9930, iyi yapışma ve tarama kabiliyetine sahip aktif bir amino grup modifiye edilmiş polidimetilsiloksandır. Mineral yağlarla uyumludur ve noniyonik yüzey aktif cisimleri ile emülsifiye edilmesi kolaydır. Asetik asitlerin yardımıyla ince bir amino silikon emülsiyonu elde edilebilir. Ürün, şampuan, ruj, saç bakım bileşenleri, saç kremleri ve marcel yardımcıları gibi kişisel bakım ürünleri için ideal bir katkı maddesidir.

Teknik tarih

Görünüş: Renksiz ila sarımsı, Şeffaf ila yarı saydam sıvı

Kırılma indisi (25 ° C): 1.4000-1.4150

Özgül ağırlık (25 ° C): 0.960-0.990

Viskozite (cst, 25 ° C): 2500-6000



IOTA 9930 şeffaf şampuan ve saç bakım ürünleri için ideal bir bileşendir.
Dow Silicones markets more than 7000 products including various sealants, adhesives, rubbers, lubricants, silicone oils and solvents. Approximately 2,100 of these are available, including only the online distributor Xiameter of Dow Corning, liquids, gels and resins. The range of industries targeted by Dow Corning products range from electronics and automotive to construction, healthcare and others. In recent years, the company has expanded its production of solar cells, with a majority stake in Hemlock Semiconductor Corporation, which in particular created a polysilicon franchise that exceeded $ 1 billion. [10] CTO Gregg Zank said in 2011 that the company was trying to concentrate its product development on social "megatrends" (for example, energy scarcity and urbanization). [11th]



Problems with breast implants
Class cases in the 1980s and 1990s [12] claimed that Dow Corning's silicone breast implants caused systemic health problems. The claims first focused on breast cancer and then migrated to a number of autoimmune diseases including lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and various neurological problems. This led to countless cases that began in 1984 and ended in the 1998 billions of dollars of class action settlements. As a result, Dow Corning remained under bankruptcy protection for nine years and ended in June 2004 [14]. During this time it withdrew largely from the clinical markets. [15]



Although many independent investigations, including the Institute of Medicine in the United States, have subsequently shown that silicone breast implants do not cause breast cancers or any identifiable systemic disease, [16] [17] women with breast implants have anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). The risk of developing a rare form of cancer called "very low but increased risk" indicates that. [18] The FDA says cancer is associated with nine deaths. These findings led to an increase in breast implant removal operations.
Amodimethicone [INCI / CTFA]


Characteristics DOW CORNING 2-8566

● Good adhesion and screening ability

● Easy to emulsify

Benefits of DOW CORNING 2-8566

● Super soft and silky smoothness

● Comb easy

● Excellent care effect on skin care products

● Can be crosslinked at room temperature to form an elastic film

Description DOW CORNING 2-8566

IOTA 9930 is an active amino group modified polydimethylsiloxane with good adhesion and screening ability. It is compatible with mineral oils and is easy to emulsify with nonionic surfactants. A fine amino silicone emulsion can be obtained with the aid of acetic acids. The product is an ideal additive for personal care products such as shampoo, lipstick, hair care ingredients, hair conditioners and marcel aids.

Technical history

Appearance: Colorless to yellowish, Transparent to translucent liquid

Refractive index (25 ° C): 1.4000-1.4150

Specific gravity (25 ° C): 0.960-0.990

Viscosity (cst, 25 ° C): 2500-6000


IOTA 9930 is an ideal component for transparent shampoo and hair care products.


How to use?
DOW CORNING 2-8566 Amino Liquid is an aminofunctional polydimethylsiloxane. The organic-like nature of the main amine groups on amodimethicone causes this silicone polymer to have some affinity for the hair, resulting in a product with longer lasting benefits such as conditioner and care.
● IOTA 9930 enters the products used for marcelling and dyeing hair and partially replaces the ammonia or amine compound that can protect the hair from certain physical and chemical elements.
● IOTA 9930 slowly at 50 ℃, then stir completely
● IOTA 9930, saçın marcellenmesi ve boyanması için kullanılan ürünlere girer ve kısmen saçı bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal elementlerden koruyabilen amonyak veya amin bileşiğinin yerini alır.
● In hair care products, melting oil phase, and add IOTA 9930 slowly at 50℃, then stir completely.
The recommended usage level of this product is 0.1-0.2%.
This product is supplied in in 50Kg plastic containers and 200Kg iron drums.
Storage and transport
The product needs to be stored in tightly sealing condition. Exposed to moisture for a long time will reduce the transparency of the product, but it also can be used in the normal application. This product will become yellow and increase viscosity if exposed to the open air for a long time.
Prevent from the exposure of moisture, acids, alkalis, and other impurities. The product has 12 months storage period from the date of production at room temperature in seal-tight condition.
or reference, the following table, Table 1, comprises (Tan&dgr;)-1 values of some commercially available polar functional silicone materials. By mixing such silicones with a durability additive, the value of (Tan&dgr;)-1 can be made greater than zero, thereby improving the durability performance, as demonstrated in Table 2 (see below): 1 Commercial Fluid Supplier (tan □)-1 XS69-B5476 GE Bayer -0.04 KF861 Shin Etsu -0.02 X22-3701E Shin Etsu -0.27 Abilsoft AF100 Goldschmidt -0.15 Silwet L8500 OSi Silicones -0.68 Wetsoft CTW Wacker -0.09 DC2-8211 Dow Corning -0.19 DC8566 Dow Corning -0.10 Rhodorsil 21637 Rhodia -0.51
uitable functionalized silicones according to the present invention include, but are not limited to, organomodified silicones with amine functionality available commercially under the trade names such as ADM1100 and ADM1600 from Wacker Silicones, DC2-8211, DC8822, DC8822A, DC8803, DC2-8040, DC2-8813, DC2-8630 and DC8566 from Dow Corning Corporation, KF-862, KF-861, KF-862S, KF-8005, KF-8004, KF-867S, KF-873, and X-52-2328 from Shin-Etsu Corporation, and TSF 4702, TSF 4703, TSF 4704, TSF 4705, TSF 4707, TSF 4708, TSF 4709, F42-B3115, SF 1708, SF 1923, SF 1921, SF 1925, OF TP AC3309, OF 7747, OF-NH TP Al3631, OF-NH TP Al3683 from GE Bayer Silicones and organomodified siliciones with amine and polyether functionality available commercially under the trade names such as XS69-B5476 from GE Bayer Silicones and Abilsoft AF100 from Goldschmidt.
eroxide base #1 #2 Ingredients Wt % Wt % Emulsion base: Deionized water 29.17 29.17 Cetyl alcohol (1) 2.20 2.20 Stearyl alcohol (2) 2.20 2.20 Ceteareth-25 (3) 1.47 1.47 Phenoxyethanol (4) 0.11 0.11 Sodium benzoate (5) 0.09 0.09 Tetrasodium EDTA (87%) (6) 0.04 0.04 Deionized water 32.00 32.00 Pentasodium pentetate (40%) (7) 0.24 0.24 Hydroxyethane diphosphonic acid 0.16 0.16 (60%) (8) Phosphoric acid (75%) (9) 0.08 0.08 Sodium stannate (95%) (10) 0.04 0.04 Hydrogen peroxide (35%) (11) 16.80 16.80 Deionized water 10.40 10.40 Functionalized Silicone premix: MQ resin sold under the name 0.025 0.005 SR1000 by the company GE Bayer Silicones Aminopolyether functional silicone 4.995 B available from the Dow Corning UK under order number JV. 0211.10 Aminofunctional silicone A 1.80 available from Dow Corning UK under order number JV.0208.13 Aminofunctional polydimethylsiloxane sold under the name DC 2-8566.DOW CORNING 2-8566 Amino Fluid is an aminofunctional polydimethylsiloxane. The organic-like nature of the primary amine groups on amodimethicone causes this silicone polymer to have some affinity for hair, resulting in a product with longer lasting benefits such as conditioning and feel.MQ resin sold under the name SR1000 by the company GE Bayer Silicones 0.20 0.10 0.02 -Aminopolyether functional silicone fluid sold under the name XS69-B5476 by the company GE Bayer silicones 1.80 -Aminofunctional polydimethylsiloxane sold under the name Dowcorning 2-8566 silicone fluids by the company Dow corning 1.98 -Amino functional silicone fluid sold under the name Rhodorsil 21637 by the company Rhodia 1.90 (14): available as citric acid anhydrous fine from Aldrich



Nasıl kullanılır?
DOW CORNING 2-8566 Amino Sıvısı, bir aminofonksiyonel polidimetilsiloksandır. Ana amin gruplarının amodimetikon üzerindeki organik benzeri doğası, bu silikon polimerinin saçlar için bir miktar afiniteye sahip olmasına neden olur, bu da saç kremi ve bakım gibi daha uzun süre kalıcı yararları olan bir ürün ortaya çıkarır.



Dow Corning, DOW CORNING 2-8566 AMİNO SIVISI, Bay City
DOW CORNING 2-8566 Amino Sıvısı, bir aminofonksiyonel polidimetilsiloksandır. Ana amin gruplarının amodimetikon üzerindeki organik benzeri doğası, bu silikon polimerinin saçlar için bir miktar afiniteye sahip olmasına neden olur, bu da saç kremi ve yumuşatma gibi daha uzun süre kalıcı yararları olan bir ürünle sonuçlanır.
Dow Corning, 1943 yılında, Amerikan şirketlerinden Dow Chemical ve Corning Glass arasında silikon potansiyelini keşfetmek için bir ortak girişim olarak kuruldu ve 2. Dünya Savaşı'nda ABD ordusu tarafından kullanılmak üzere bir ürün üreticisi idi. Şirket ilk fabrikasını 1945'te Midland, MI'da kullanmaya başladı. Dr. EC Sullivan başkan olarak ve Dr. William R. Collings 1943'te genel müdür olarak seçildi. Dr. Collings daha sonra 1954'ten 1962'ye kadar başkan oldu. [ 6] 1948'de Kanada ve Avrupa'ya, 1961'de Güney Amerika ve Japonya'ya genişledi. [6]


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