1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z


CAS: 72869-69-3
SYNONYMS: PERSIC OIL; APRICOT KERNEL OIL; FEMA 2150; Oils; apricot; PRUNUS ARMENIACA (APRICOT) KERNEL OIL; Prunusarmeniacakerneloil; refined; APRICOT(PRUNUSARMENIACA)KERNELOIL; PERSICOILREFINED; APRICOT KERNEL OIL; APRİCOT; APRICOT; KERNEL; OIL; OİL; APRICOT KERNEL; KERNEL OIL; aprıcot kernel oıl; apricot; aprıcot; kernel; oıl; oil; aprıcot kernel; kernel oıl; Apricot kernel oil; Oil of apricot kernels; Persic oil; Prunus armeniaca; Apricot kernel oil (Prunus armeniaca L.); Apricot oil; FEMA No. 2105; Oils, apricot; Prunus armeniaca kernel oil; Prunus armeniaca oil; UNII-54JB35T06A; 54JB35T06A, 72869-69-3; Apricot kernel oil; Oil of apricot kernels; Persic oil; Prunus armeniaca; Oils, apricot; Apricot kernel oil (Prunus armeniaca L.); Apricot oil; FEMA No. 2105; 72869-69-3; Apricot kernel oil; Oil of apricot kernels; Persic oil; Prunus armeniaca; Oils, apricot; Apricot kernel oil (Prunus armeniaca L.); Apricot oil; FEMA No. 2105; Prunus armeniaca kernel oil; Prunus armeniaca oil; UNII-54JB35T06A; ynonyms; Apricot kernel oil; Apricot kernel oil (Prunus armeniaca L.); Apricot oil; FEMA No. 2105; Oils, apricot; Prunus armeniaca kernel oil; Prunus armeniaca oil; UNII-54JB35T06A


Apricot oil or apricot kernel oil is pressed from the kernels of the Prunus armeniaca (apricot). Apricot kernels have an oil content of 40-50%. The oil is similar to almond oil and peach oil, both of which are also extracted from the kernels of the respective fruit.[1]
The seed cake is also used separately to extract an essential oil, which contains Amygdalin - a colorless crystalline glucoside.
The oil is chiefly composed of oleic acid and linoleic acid, both of which are unsaturated fats.

Components of Apricot Kernel Oil
-Vitamin A
-Vitamin C
-Vitamin E
-Omega 9
-Omega 6
-Omega 3
-Palmitic Acid
-Stearic Acid

Benefits of Apricot Kernel Oil
- Works on all different types of skin.
- Full of anti-aging and anti-oxidant vitamins and acids.
- Moisturises both skin and hair.
- Cleanses pores.
- Protects skin from UV radiation.
- Stimulates skin regeneration.
- Helps prevent blackheads.
- Rejuvenates mature skin.
- Hydrates, softens, and soothes the skin.
- Hydrates hair.

Apricot kernel oil is obtained by pressing selected apricot kernels (Prunus armeniaca), using purely mechanical methods (cold-pressed apricot kernel oil). Usually, the cold-pressed oil obtained in this manner is then refined (refined apricot kernel oil).

The apricot tree originated in Western Asia (Armenia) or China. This small tree, with its dark green, lustrous ovoid leaves, likes warmth and is cultivated nowadays mainly in the Mediterranean region, Hungary, South Africa, Australia and the USA (California, Utah). Apricots are enjoyed in their raw form, but they are also used in the preparation of compôtes, marmalade, juice, dried fruit, preserves, fruit jellies, brandy and an apricot liqueur (Marillenlikör). The kernels of this orange-red stone fruit are used in the confectionery industry in a manner similar to that in which almond kernels are used (Persipan, a marzipan substitute).

With their (40-50%) oil content, kernels are also used in the production of apricot kernel oil, which is obtained by passing pulverised apricot kernels through a mechanical press (cold-pressed apricot kernel oil; rarely traded). As a rule, the crude product (if not destined for flavouring) is then refined (refined apricot kernel oil). Cold-pressed apricot kernel oil is a mid-yellow oil with a characteristic smell and taste (apricot), whilst the refined product is pale to mid-yellow, with a mild taste and a faint, characteristic smell.
In particular, apricot kernel oil contains oleic (58-68%), linoleic (22-31%) and palmitic (3-10%) acids. It is quite strongly unsaturated and tends, therefore, to go rancid fairly quickly, which accounts for the fact that it is usually offered for sale in small quantities. Apricots are closely related to almonds. This is reflected in the fatty acid composition of the oil. Differentiation is possible, using a colour reagent, but this is not always entirely reliable. Apricot kernel oil is used almost exclusively by the cosmetics industry, for care products (soaps, ointments, creams) and hair products (shampoos). It is rarely used in the confectionery industry and it is only used extremely rarely as an edible oil.
There are many beneficial forms of oil for culinary and therapeutic purposes, but apricot kernel oil is one that many people don't even know exists. Before adding this unique oil to your health regimen, however, it is critical that you understand where it comes from and what potential benefits it holds for your health, as well as any side effects you may experience.

What is Apricot Kernel Oil?

As the name clearly suggests, apricot kernel oil is derived from the kernel (e.g. seed, pit) of an apricot, the fruit of the apricot tree, scientifically known as Prunus armeniaca. While there are a number of different species called apricot, they have very similar nutrient profiles, as does the oil contained within their kernels. Using a cold-pressing method, apricot kernel oil can be removed from the hard pit in the center of the fruit.

This oil is quite light and has a nutty, aromatic flavor, making it a popular addition to many culinary efforts in certain parts of the world. In some cases, people replace almond oil with apricot kernel oil for cooking and medicinal purposes. There is a high concentration of oil in each kernel and has likely been in use for thousands of years, given its multiple applications in Chinese traditional medicine. There are two different varieties of apricot kernel oil - one used for cosmetic purposes and the other for culinary consumption. This oil has high levels of vitamin E, vitamin K, and a number of powerful antioxidants, such as caffeic acid and various catechins, all of which leads to the many health benefits of this oil.

What the Hunzas Knew About Apricot Kernels

In the 1930s, Major Sir Robert McCarrison wrote about a tribe called the Hunzas who lived in the remote countryside of the Himalayas near Northern Pakistan.

He encountered this hardy community while he was working with the Indian Medical Service. According McCarrison's written observations, the Hunzas seemed to enjoyed near-perfect health. Some lived to be over 135 years old and no one in their clan had any of the conditions so common in the modern world, such as diabetes, obesity, heart attack, and cancer.

Then, twenty years later, Dr. Ernest Krebs, a biochemist with a desire to understand what makes cancer cells work, discovered McCarrison's writing about apricot kernels. Krebs also began studying the lifestyle habits of the Hunzas.

What became clear to Krebs was that the Hunzas' vitality had a lot to do with their overall lifestyle and diet. Their diet consisted of raw milk, the occasional meat and bone broth, fresh grains and veggies. They ate little sugar and, as nomads and herders, they naturally got plenty of exercise. The other characteristic that was unique about the Hunzas is that they ate massive quantities of apricot seed kernels.
Intrigued, Krebs continued his research until he found what he thought was the secret weapon inside the humble apricot kernel when it came to tumor eradication - the glycoside amygdalin.
What is Amygdalin?
Amygdalin is a powerful phytonutrient that is found in apricot kernels, along with many other seed-bearing natural foods (estimates range from 1,200 to 1,500 foods). It is found in the highest concentrations and with the most effective accompanying enzymes in apricot seed kernels. Amygdalin is a nitriloside and its structure most resembles that of a B complex vitamin, so Krebs named it "B17." The substance laetrile was created by Dr. Krebs as a concentrate of amygdalin and is created by extracting it from apricot kernels.
Health Benefits of Apricot Kernel Oil
There are quite a few notable health benefits of apricot kernel oil, including its ability to moisturize the skin, protect the hair, reduce symptoms of acne, and prevent certain types of cancer, among others.
Moisturizes the Skin
When topically applied, the emollient properties of apricot kernel oil can help to exfoliate and moisturize the skin, helping it retain moisture, eliminating patches of dry skin, and relieving inflammatory conditions, such as rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema.
Improves Hair Health
Many people use this oil on their hair and scalp, as it can help to strengthen weak hair strands and promote the health of hair follicles.It can reduce the levels of certain chemicals that accumulate in the scalp in response to testosterone, which can slow hair growth and even lead to hair loss. Rubbing this oil into the scalp will also reduce inflammatory conditions on the scalp, such as dandruff.
Prevents Cancer
Packed with antioxidants, apricot kernel oil is able to reduce oxidative stress in the skin, which is good news for people who are suffering from premature aging or have wrinkles. These antioxidants can help to tighten and tone the skin, reducing the appearance of age spots and preventing cellular mutation, which can lead to skin cancer.
Treats Acne
It can be difficult to eliminate acne, but suppressing the symptoms is often the first step. Applying apricot kernel oil to the site of an acne flare-up can reduce inflammation and prevent the buildup of sebum in the glands, treating both the symptoms and the underlying problem.
Improves Respiratory Health
In very small amounts, some natural healers recommend the use of apricot kernel oil to relieve respiratory distress. Small amounts can be consumed to treat this area of the body, or you can add some of this oil to aromatic diffusers to help relieve inflammation in the respiratory tracts.
Reduces Inflammation
If you are suffering from chronic pain and inflammation from a condition like arthritis or gout, topically applying this oil to the area of discomfort can quickly soothe pain and reduce swelling and redness.
Apricot Kernel Oil Uses
This specialized oil has become quite popular in recent years and has gained a lot of attention due to its many applications, including topical use, cosmetic products, biodiesel production, and as a hair mask, among others.
You will often find this oil blended into natural cosmetics, including moisturizers, exfoliators and face masks, as this can directly impact the health and appearance of your facial skin.
Hair Mask
When this oil is blended with other carrier oils, it can be made into a hair mask and applied directly to your scalp and locks. This should only be allowed to sit on the scalp for 15-20 minutes before gently washing out with warm water.
Topical Use
There are many topical uses of apricot kernel oil, on the temples for headaches, sore joints and muscles for inflammation, and the improvement of skin conditions on various parts of the body.
The therapeutic benefits of the apricot Kernel Oil for skin, wrinkle and acne treatments
Apricot kernel oil is good for your skin and body - it works doubly as well when combined with almond oil. Apricot oil contains strong antioxidant properties that, when applied topically, penetrate the surface of your skin and removes harmful bacteria and free-radicals that can lead to infection or cause general skin irritation and dryness.
By penetrating beneath the surface skin layer, the oil also nourishes and replenishes moisture and vitamins that are lost over the course of the day. This will restore your skin's natural luster and keep it looking healthy.
When applying apricot kernel oil to your skin, it's important to note that it does have a mild comedogenic quality (a rating of 2). This means that it can block up pores and lead to blemishes and blackheads - so it's important to rinse your face with water and dry pat with a clean towel after applying the oil. I do however, still recommend that you use the oil for treating your face - so long as you do so in small amounts.
The healthy nutrient and vitamin content of the oil helps to nourish your skin, and the antioxidants will remove and germs that could lead to infection or worsen the symptoms of acne. The high Vitamin K, E and Omega 6 content found in apricot oil also helps to relieve the signs of dark circles that occur under the eyes.
The oil allows the nutrients to penetrate the surface of your skin and nourish your blood cells. In order to have a stronger effect on relieving the dark circles and fight the signs of aging on your skin, I recommend adding lemongrass, bergamot or orange essential oil to the apricot oil in order to stimulate blood circulation.
Some of the leading causes of dark circles is a lack of nutrients in the blood cells and a stagnation of the flow of the capillaries. The skin layer is thinner in that area and patchiness will show through - hence the darkening of the skin. Treat regularly as a means of speeding up the recovery process and prolonging the effects.
Apricot Kernel Oil VS. Sweet Almond Essential Oil

Both oils are equally effective in treating hair and skin issues and both have strong health benefits when ingested orally. In fact, they're very similar in many regards: they taste almost the same, they both contain similar vitamin types (A,C,E, K etc.), they both have high levels of linalool and they both act as natural antioxidants.
However, sweet almond oil is a bit better for use on your face (or more sensitive skin types) because of its low comedogenic rating. This means that it will not block up your pores or create unwanted blemishes or blackhead when applied.
However, apricot oil works very well as a massage oil and penetrates the skin much deeper than almond oil. This makes it more effective for treating muscle and joint pains and for relieving dry, cracked skin. Both have their pros and cons, but really - they work best when used together.
Why is cold pressed Apricot Kernel Oil best?
Cold pressed apricot oil is generally considered the best option for regular use and consumption because it contains the highest amount of pure nutrient extracts and vitamin content. Organically sourced apricot oil is even better as some commercially cultivated apricots are treated with harmful pesticides that can penetrate the flesh of the fruit and in some cases even enter into the kernel. Any chemicals that make it into the kernel will show up in the oil - so be sure to source naturally grown apricot oils for the best results.

How to make DIY Apricot Kernel Oil
Apricot kernel oil generally cannot be produced at home as you need industrial machinery to provide the best results. However, you're in luck because I took the effort of researching the industrial method and figured out a way to reverse-engineer the process - just for you! Although, it's still quite costly and time consuming and will wind up costing you a lot more than just buying the readymade product - but for those among you who enjoy a challenge, or are looking for a new hobby, try this on size.
Firstly, you have to obtain roughly 500 grams of sweet apricot kernels or seeds (they look roughly like almonds). Let the apricot seeds soak in water for at least 20 minutes so that they become nice and soft. Now, crush the seeds with a mortar and pestle. Make sure that you get them as fine as possible. You need to get them down to a powder-like state, so keep crushing.
If you're mortar isn't large enough, you can do it in parts or use a blender. If you find that you're not achieving the desired results yet, pour the crushed shells out and use a sharp knife or roller blade to chop them into finer pieces and then continue crushing with the mortar and pestle. Add roughly 20 ml of water to the crushed apricots. The seeds are close to being ready for oil extraction when they're in a paste-like state.
Now comes the tricky part. You need to heat the paste from the mortar in a pan with a tablespoon of coconut or olive oil. Not too hot, just so that you evaporate some of the water from the paste and make it thicker - more oily. To extract the oil, you need to subject this paste to a large amount of pressure.
I recommend placing some plastic sandwich wrap on the floor or on your kitchen counter (your spillage catchment safety net) and place a cutting board on top of that. Then cover your cutting board with a sheet of the same plastic wrapping and make sure you wrap it underneath the board, so that it stays in place.
Roll the paste out with all your might - and I mean really, as much pressure as you can apply, even if it means calling a friend or family member who does heavy-lifting/gyms regularly. By doing this, you should see small amounts of oil escaping the paste - I'm talking tears here. Fret not, pure oil occurs in small amount - which why I still recommend purchasing readymade oil. But that basically how to do it in a nutshell. Note that this recipe isn't fool proof and amounts may vary on the results you get or the amount you wish to create.
Our organic Apricot Kernel oil is cold pressed and unrefined. At the core of the apricot pit is the kernel, and this is what is used to produce this exquisite oil. It is very similar to sweet almond oil, but it is more suitable for sensitive and mature skin.
Organic Apricot Kernel oil is well suited for skin care products because it is a mild, moisturizing oil, and is readily absorbed into the skin without leaving a residue behind. Apricot Kernel oil makes a wonderful massage oil for babies and adults and is used extensively in aromatherapy. It is recommended for mature or sensitive skin. As an emollient oil, it is great for use in face and body creams, lotions, balms, lip care, hair care and soaps. Stores well under any condition but extreme heat will lessen the shelf life.
Fatty Acids
Palmitic Acid- 4-7.5%
Oleic Acid- 62-76%
Linoleic Acid- 19-33%

Description: Light carrier oil made from the dried kernels of apricots. Has similar properties as almond oil. 100% pure. Rich in vitamin A & E and oleic & linoleic fatty acids. Clear light yellow liquid, cold pressed, refined, characteristic mild odor. SAP Value: 180-200.
CAS: 72869-69-3
INCI Name: Prunus Armeniaca (Apricot) kernel oil
Excellent carrier oil for all kinds of skin care products and color cosmetics
Has good moisturizing and water-retaining properties
Use: Typical use levels: 1-100% in personal care products. For external use only. Stable when kept in a closed container, protected from light, at a cool & dry place.
Applications: creams, lotions, makeup, face oils, color cosmetics, conditioners, skin treatments, hand creams.
Country of Origin: Italy, Turkey, United States
Raw material source: Apricot seeds
Manufacture: Cold-pressed from the seeds of apricot trees.
Animal Testing: Not animal tested
Apricot Kernel Carrier Oil is pressed from the oil-rich kernels of Apricots.
Apricot Kernel Carrier Oil closely resembles the natural sebum produced in human skin.
Used topically, Apricot Kernel Carrier Oil moisturizes dry, sensitive skin and smooths out blemishes, wrinkles, fine lines, and other symptoms of maturing skin.
Those with nut allergies who want to experience the healthful properties of oils such as Sweet Almond Carrier Oil, can benefit from substituting it with Apricot Kernel Oil.
Applied to itchy, chapped, wounded, or sore skin, Apricot Kernel Oil facilitates faster healing without leaving a greasy residue.
Used medicinally, Apricot Kernel Carrier Oil works to soothe problems related to stiff and aching joints as well as symptoms of cold, cough, and constipation.

Used topically, Apricot Kernel Carrier Oil works to moisturize dry, sensitive skin and to smooth out blemishes, wrinkles, fine lines, and other symptoms typical of maturing skin. Its high level of unsaturated fatty acids makes it non-greasy, and its combination of Oleic, Linoleic, and Linolenic acids helps relieve and prevent acne. Those with nut allergies, who want to experience the healthful properties of oils such as Sweet Almond Carrier Oil, can benefit from substituting it with Apricot Kernel Oil, a lighter, enriching alternative that is ideal for use on mature skin. This non-irritating, soothing oil is easily applied topically, as its thin consistency allows it to absorb quickly but penetrate deeply into the skin, leaving it looking and feeling smooth and soft.

Used medicinally, Apricot Kernel Carrier Oil works to soothe problems related to stiff and aching joints as well as symptoms of cold, cough, and constipation. It is often also used to address the problem of hair loss when massaged into the skin and hair. Applied to itchy, chapped, wounded, or sore skin, it facilitates faster healing without leaving a greasy residue. It is ideal for use on acne-prone skin or skin afflicted with eczema and can be added to natural homemade moisturizers for the face and the body.
The full fruit bearing potential of Apricot trees begins 2 to 6 years after planting, if they are grown in usual conditions with appropriate maintenance. In Winter, Apricot flower buds begin to bloom. In Spring, Apricot fruits begin to ripen. The Apricot is a drupe, which is a fleshy, thin-skinned fruit with a "stone" at its center that contains the seed. Apricots have a dry, fuzzy outer layer called the Exocarp. This protects the fruit flesh, which is known as the Mesocarp. This encloses the hard, woody Endocarp also called the Seed, Pit, or the Kernel. This ripe kernel is the source of Apricot Kernel Carrier Oil.
The Apricot Kernel Oil extraction process begins with softening the hard, outer shells of the Kernels. This is done by soaking the Kernels in water between 10 and 20 minutes, which makes it easier for the shells to break open and release the inner Kernel.

When the extraction process begins, Apricot Kernel Oil is derived from the ripe kernels by cold pressing, which preserves the oil's quality by protecting it from heat. Sometimes the extraction process requires a previous pulverization of the seeds into a fine powder or a paste. Cold pressing involves placing the Kernels - or the Kernel powder - between two rotating metal plates to apply extreme mechanical pressure that will cause them to break and release their oils. The resultant crude oil is mid-yellow in color with the characteristic scent of Apricot. Oil that undergoes further refinement is a lighter yellow in color and its characteristic scent is fainter.

Throughout the pressing process, an Apricot kernel "press-cake" develops inside the squeezing barrel. This cake consists of solid kernel matter, and it remains inside the barrel, as it is unable to pass through the same openings as the pressed oil. Any residual oil in the cake is extracted by distillation using water or steam. This process removes the remaining volatile components, such as the kernels' Amygdalin content that would otherwise make the finished product toxic. After the press cakes are heated to draw out the oils, then cooled, fresh seeds are added to contribute a sufficient amount of Emulsins, which are enzymes that help to "hydrolyze" Amygdalin, that is break down the Amygdalin compound.
The press cake is used for various purposes including animal feed, and in some countries like India it is used for developing a bowl-shaped support for weaving wool. The press cake that remains after the pressing of bitter Apricot kernels is not used for animal feed, due to the previously mentioned toxicity of these kernels.
The uses of Apricot Kernel Carrier Oil are abundant, ranging from medicinal to cosmetic. Its many forms include massage oils, hair oils, gels, body butters, lip products, perfumes, lotions, creams, soaps, bath products, shampoos, and other hair care products.
Used topically, Apricot Kernel Oil makes a non-greasy, enriching emollient. It can be applied directly to the skin as a revitalizing salve that soothes and prevents acne, inflammation, and dryness. Used under the eyes, it is known to diminish the appearance of dark circles, fine lines, and puffiness. It can be massaged into the face to gently and effectively cleanse and soften the skin. Additionally, it can be applied in a thick layer as a moisturizing, fast-absorbing face mask that leaves dry, sensitive skin feeling and looking dewy, silky, supple, and evenly toned.
To remove makeup without scrubbing the skin with harsh cleansers, Apricot Kernel Oil can be applied to easily dissolve and remove oil on the skin as well as residue from oil-based makeup. To create a facial oil that is ideal for sensitive skin, 20 ml (0.70 oz.) Apricot Kernel Carrier Oil
Those with acne-prone skin may experience the clogging of pores if the Apricot Kernel Carrier Oil is used on its own at 100% concentration. Accordingly, Apricot Kernel Oil may be blended with a non-comedogenic oil, such as Hemp Seed Carrier Oil, and diluted for use in oil cleansers and serums.
sed in hair, Apricot Kernel Carrier Oil can detangle and nourish the strands, thereby promoting hair growth. To create a hair mask that not only reduces scalp problems related to dryness, but also results in shiny, oil-free hair, blend 6-8 drops of Apricot Kernel Oil with Almond Carrier Oil and Coconut Carrier Oil.
Apricot Kernel Oil
Inci Name: Prunus Armeniaca Kernel Oil
Türkçe ismi: Kayısı Çekirdeği Yağı
Apricot oil, hafif ve nazikçe nemlendirir ve nem dengesinin korunmasına yardımcı olur. GLA also plays a role in firming and toning your skin, according to Close. A ve E vitamini bakımından oldukça zengindir. Cildi besleyici olmasının yanı sıra aynı zamanda yatıştırıcıdır.
ORGANIC APRICOT KERNEL OIL is rich in gamma linoleic acid, or GLA, which comes from essential fatty acid omega-6 and vitamins E, B1, B2, B6 and A, ideal light moisturizer for everyday use.
ORGANIC APRICOT KERNEL OIL is PURE with no chemicals or synthetic solvents. No fillers, additives or artificial fragrances added. Non toxic, does not clog the pores. Absorbs quickly, leaving a light, non-greasy feeling. Not tested on Animals, DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY PRESERVATIVES.
ORGANIC APRICOT KERNEL OIL is very beneficial for plumping and firming the skin. Suitable for all skin types, it is a great aromatherapy carrier oil, massage oil or after bath oil.
ORGANIC APRICOT KERNEL OIL is highly recommended for DRY, BRITTLE AND DAMAGED HAIR to encourage healthy hair growth, repair split ends and increased vitality.
Of all products in the plant kingdom, apricot kernel oil has the highest concentration of vitamin B17, which has been attributed with anti-carcinogenic properties. Apricot kernel oil has been used in traditional Chinese medicine as an anti-tumour treatment
Apricot kernel oil is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B17 and E. Vitamin E's antioxidant properties protect against free radicals (which cause damage and age the skin)
Apricot kernel oil is perfect as a basic carrier oil, with its rejuvenating and protectant qualities for the skin.
Apricot kernel oil is very rich in oleic acid, which has emollient properties. It makes the skin soft, supple, and more radiant.

Apricot kernel oil also contains linoleic acid (omega-6), which is essential, because the human body cannot synthesize
Apricot kernel oil has regenerative properties, acting as an excellent skin moisturizer and fighting against skin ageing.
Apricot kernel oil - Produced with The oil is cold-pressed and filled using the method.This oil is made from aromatic kernels of fully ripe apricots. The apricot kernel oil"s typical nut aroma gives dishes a fine taste that reminds of almonds and marzipan. Apricot kernel oil also pampers your skin, making it silky soft!


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