GLUTARALDEHYDE (Glutaraldehit) 50%
CAS numarası: 111-30-8. IUPAC adı: Pentanedial.Diğer adlar: Glutaraldehit; Glutardialdehit; Glutaril asit dialdehit; Glutarik aldehit; Glutarik dialdehit;1,5-Pentanedial
Diğerlerinin yanı sıra Cidex ve Glutaral markaları altında satılan Glutaraldehyde bir dezenfektan, ilaç, koruyucu ve fiksatiftir. Dezenfektan olarak cerrahi aletlerin ve hastanelerin diğer alanlarının sterilize edilmesinde kullanılır. İlaç olarak ayak tabanındaki siğilleri tedavi etmek için kullanılır. Glutaraldehit sıvı olarak uygulanır.
Yan etkiler arasında cilt tahrişi bulunur. Çok miktarda maruz kalırsa mide bulantısı, baş ağrısı ve nefes darlığı ortaya çıkabilir. Özellikle yüksek konsantrasyonlarda kullanıldığında koruyucu ekipman kullanılması tavsiye edilir. Glutaraldehit, sporlar dahil bir dizi mikroorganizmaya karşı etkilidir. Glutaraldehyde bir dialdehittir. Bir dizi mekanizma ile çalışır.
Glutaraldehit, 1960'larda tıbbi kullanıma girdi. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'nün Temel İlaçlar Listesinde yer almaktadır. Deri tabaklama gibi bir dizi başka ticari kullanım vardır.
Glutaraldehit, keskin, keskin bir kokuya sahip renksiz, yağlı bir sıvıdır. Glutaraldehit, endüstriyel, laboratuvar, tarımsal, tıbbi ve bazı evsel amaçlarla, öncelikle yüzeylerin ve ekipmanların dezenfekte edilmesi ve sterilizasyonu için kullanılır. Örneğin, petrol ve gaz geri kazanım operasyonlarında ve boru hatlarında, atık su arıtımında, x-ışını işlemede, mumyalama sıvısında, deri tabaklama, kağıt endüstrisinde, kümeslerin buğulaması ve temizliğinde ve üretiminde kimyasal ara ürün olarak kullanılmaktadır. çeşitli malzemeler. Boya ve çamaşır deterjanı gibi seçkin ürünlerde kullanılabilir.
Glutaraldehit, C-1 ve C-5'te aldehit fonksiyonlarına sahip pentandan oluşan bir dialdehittir. Çapraz bağlama reaktifi, dezenfektan ve fiksatif olarak rol oynar.
Glutaraldehit çözeltisi açık sarı bir sıvıdır. Su ile karışır.
Tercih edilen IUPAC adı: Pentanedial. Diğer isimler: Glutaraldehyde; Glutardialdehyde; Glutarik asit dialdehit; Glutarik aldehit; Glutarik dialdehit; 1,5-Pentanedial
Diğer isimler: Pentanedial; Glutaral; Aldesan; Alhydex; Cidex; Glutardialdehyde; Glutarik asit dialdehit; Glutarik aldehit; Glutarik dialdehit; Hospex; Sonacide; 1,5-Pentanedial; 1,5-Pentanedion; Cidex'in bileşeni; Glutaraldehyd; Glutarol; NCI-C55425; Uçarit; Aqucar; Glutarex 28; Relugan GT; Relugan GT 50; Sporicidin; Cidex 7; Ucarcide 250; Relugan GTW; Glutaclean; Sterihyde; 1,3-Diformilpropan; Coldcide-25 mikrobiyosit; Glutaralum; Gluteraldehyde; Novaruca; Pentan-1,5 kadran; Güçlendirilmiş asit glutaraldehit; Veruca-sep; NSC 13392
CAS No. 111-30-8
EC / Liste no .: 203-856-5
Mol. formül: C5H8O2
Glutaraldehyde, C5H8O2 veya OCH (CH₂) ₃CHO, keskin bir kokuya sahip şeffaf, yağlı bir sıvıdır. Glutaraldehite maruziyet şu semptomlara neden olabilir: boğaz ve akciğer tahrişi, astım ve nefes almada güçlük, dermatit, burun tahrişi, hapşırma, hırıltılı solunum, gözlerde yanma ve konjunktivit. İşçiler, glutaraldehite maruz kalmaktan zarar görebilir. Çalışanlar, soluma veya cilt teması yoluyla glutaraldehite maruz kalabilir.
Glutaraldehit bir dizi uygulama için kullanılır:
Isı ile sterilize edilemeyen cerrahi aletler için dezenfektan
Çapraz bağlama ve tabaklama ajanı
Metal işleme sıvılarında ve petrol ve gaz boru hatlarında bir biyosit
Su arıtma sistemlerinde antimikrobiyal
Kağıt üretiminde ince öldürücü
Kozmetikte bir koruyucu
Hayvan barınağında dezenfektan
Histoloji ve patoloji laboratuvarlarında doku fiksatifi
X-ışınlarının geliştirilmesinde sertleştirici bir ajan
Mumyalama çözümlerinde
Greft ve biyoprotezlerin hazırlanmasında
Çeşitli klinik uygulamalarda
Kimyasal formül: C5H8O2
Molar kütle: 100.117
Görünüm: Berrak sıvı
Koku: keskin
Yoğunluk: 1,06 g / mL
Erime noktası: -14 ° C (7 ° F; 259 K)
Kaynama noktası: 187 ° C (369 ° F; 460 K)
Suda çözünürlük: Karışabilir, reaksiyona girer
Buhar basıncı: 17 mmHg (20 ° C)
Glutaraldehit, dezenfektan ve ilaç olarak kullanılır. Genellikle çözelti olarak uygulanır, cerrahi aletlerin ve diğer alanların sterilize edilmesinde kullanılır.
Glutaraldehit, biyokimya uygulamalarında, SDS-PAGE, boyama veya elektron mikroskobu öncesinde aminle reaktif homobifonksiyonel çapraz bağlayıcı ve fiksatif olarak kullanılır. Proteinlerini çapraz bağlayarak hücreleri hızla öldürür. Bakteriler, bitki materyali ve insan hücreleri gibi örnekleri stabilize etmek için genellikle tek başına veya formaldehit ile karıştırılarak iki fiksatif işlemden ilki olarak kullanılır. İkinci bir fiksatif prosedür, hücre ve organel membran lipidlerini çapraz bağlamak ve stabilize etmek için osmiyum tetroksit kullanır. Fiksasyonu genellikle dokunun etanol veya aseton içinde dehidrasyonu ve ardından bir epoksi reçine veya akrilik reçine içine gömme takip eder.
Proteinlerin glutaraldehit ile tedavisine yönelik başka bir uygulama, bakteriyel toksinlerin, örneğin GlaxoSmithKline tarafından üretilen Boostrix Tdap aşısındaki boğmaca (boğmaca) toksoid bileşeni gibi toksoid aşılar oluşturmak için inaktivasyonudur.
İlgili bir uygulamada, glutaraldehit bazen deri tabaklama ve mumyalama işlemlerinde kullanılır.
Molekül formülü: C5H8O2
Molekül kütlesi:100,117 g/mol
Görünüm renksiz:sıvı
Koku: keskin
Yoğunluk:1.06 gr/cm3
Erime noktası: −14 °C (7 °F; 259 K)
Kaynama noktası: 187 °C (369 °F; 460 K)
Çözünürlük (su içinde): karışıp reaksiyona girebilir
Siğil tedavisi
İlaç olarak plantar siğilleri tedavi etmek için kullanılır. Bu amaçla,% 10 w / v solüsyonu kullanılır. Cildi kurutarak siğilin fiziksel olarak uzaklaştırılmasını kolaylaştırır Ticari isimler Diswart Solution ve Glutarol içerir.
Yan etkiler arasında cilt tahrişi bulunur. Çok miktarda maruz kalırsa mide bulantısı, baş ağrısı ve nefes darlığı ortaya çıkabilir. Özellikle yüksek konsantrasyonlarda kullanıldığında koruyucu ekipman kullanılması tavsiye edilir. Glutaraldehit, sporlar dahil bir dizi mikroorganizmaya karşı etkilidir.
Güçlü bir sterilize edici olan glutaraldehit, toksiktir ve güçlü bir tahriş edicidir. Kanserojen aktiviteye dair güçlü bir kanıt yoktur. Bu kimyasalla çalışan bazı mesleklerde bazı kanser riski artmıştır.
Hareket mekanizması
Glutaraldehidin biyosidal özelliklerini açıklamak için bir dizi mekanizmaya başvurulmuştur.Diğer birçok aldehit gibi, proteinlerde ortak fonksiyonel gruplar olan aminler ve tiyol grupları ile reaksiyona girer. İki işlevli olduğundan, aynı zamanda potansiyel bir çapraz bağlayıcıdır.
Üretim ve reaksiyonlar
Diels-Alder reaksiyonu yoluyla glutaraldehit sentezi.
Glutaraldehit endüstriyel olarak siklopentenin oksidasyonu ile üretilir. Alternatif olarak, akrolein ve vinil eterlerin Diels-Alder reaksiyonu ve ardından hidroliz yoluyla yapılabilir.
Diğer birçok dialdehit (örn., Glioksal) ve basit aldehitler (örn. Formaldehit) gibi, glutaraldehit sulu çözeltide çeşitli hidratlara dönüşür ve bu da diğer dengeleyici türlere dönüşür.
Tarih ve kültür
Glutaraldehit, 1960'larda tıbbi kullanıma girmiştir.Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'nün bir sağlık sisteminde ihtiyaç duyulan en güvenli ve en etkili ilaçlar olan Temel İlaçlar Listesi'nde yer almaktadır.Deri tabaklama gibi bir dizi başka ticari kullanım vardır.
Sistem dezenfeksiyonu için biyosit olarak ve uzun süreli saklama için koruyucu olarak% 0.1 ila% 1.0 konsantrasyonlu bir glutaraldehit çözeltisi kullanılabilir. Pek çok mikroorganizma ve virüse ek olarak endosporları öldüren bir sterilandır.
Bir biyosit olarak glutaraldehit, hidrolik kırılma ("çatlatma") sıvısının bir bileşenidir. Alpha 1427 adlı katkı maddesine dahildir. Bakteriyel büyüme, bu kuyulardan petrol ve gazın çıkarılmasını engeller. Glutaraldehit, mikrobiyal büyümeyi engellemek için kırılma sıvısının bir bileşeni olarak pompalanır.
CAS NO.:111-30-8
MOL WT .: 100.12
HS Kodu: 2912.19.5000
TOKSİSİTE: Oral sıçan LD50:> 90 ml / kg
SENONİMLER: Glutarik asit dialdehit; Glutardialdehyde; Glutaral, 1,3-Diformylpropane; 1,5-Pentanedial; 1,5-Pentanedion; Glutarik aldehit; Glutarol; Gluteraldehyde; Pentanedial; Sonacide; Aldehyd glutarowy; Aldesan; Uçarit; Diğer RN: 37245-61-7, 79215-57-9, 107950-89-0
Dezenfektan, Anti-Enfektif ajan, Fiksatif
Isıya duyarlı ekipmanın sterilizasyonu için bir dezenfektan olarak ve özellikle sabitleyici olarak bir laboratuvar reaktifi olarak kullanılan protein çapraz bağlama reaktiflerinden biridir.
Glutaric dialdehyde
Glutaric aldehyde
Glutaric acid dialdehyde
Aldehyd glutarowy
Caswell No. 468
Glutaraldehyd [Czech]
Glutaraldehyde solution
Glutaralum [INN-Latin]
Relugan GT
Relugan GTW
Aldehyd glutarowy [Polish]
component of Cidex
Glutarex 28
NSC 13392
Glutaral [USAN:INN:JAN]
Sonacide (TN)
Cidex 7
Ucarcide 250
Relugan GT 50
Sterihyde L (TN)
Pentanedial, homopolymer
Coldcide-25 microbiocide
EINECS 203-856-5
Glutaral (JAN/USP/INN)
BRN 0605390
Potentiated acid glutaraldehyde
1, 5-Pentanedial
Glutaraldehyde Solution, 25%
1,3-Diformyl propane
Glutaric dialdehyde
111-30-8 [RN]
203-856-5 [EINECS]
glutaral [Wiki]
Glutaraldehyd [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
Glutaraldehyde [ACD/IUPAC Name]
Glutaraldéhyde [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
Glutaric acid dialdehyde
Glutaric aldehyde
glutaric dialdehyde
MFCD00007025 [MDL number]
Pentanedial [ACD/Index Name]
1,3-Diformyl propane
Aldehyd glutarowy [Polish]
Aldehyd glutarowy [Polish]
Bactron K31
Cidex 7
Coldcide-25 microbiocide
Glutaral [USAN:INN:JAN] [INN] [JAN] [USAN]
Glutaraldehyd [Czech]
Glutaraldehyde (50per cent in water)
Glutaraldehyde solution, 50% in water
Glutaralum [Latin]
Glutaralum [INN-Latin]
Glutarex 28
Relugan GT
Relugan GT 50
Relugan GTW
Sterihyde L
Ucarcide 225
Ucarcide 250
戊二醛 [Chinese]
Aldehyd glutarowy
glutaral; glutaraldehyde; 1,5-pentanedial
Glutaric acid dialdehyde
Glutaric aldehyde
Glutaric dialdehyde
Translated names
1,5-pentaandiaal (et)
1,5-pentandial (hr)
1,5-pentandiale (it)
1,5-pentandialis (lt)
1,5-pentanedial (fr)
1,5-pentanodial (es)
1,5-pentándial (hu)
1,5-pentāndiāls (lv)
1,5-пентандиал (bg)
gluraraldeide (it)
Glutaaral (glutaaraldehyde) (nl)
glutaaraldehyd (nl)
glutaaraldehüüd (et)
Glutaraal (et)
Glutaraal (glutaaraldehüüd) (et)
Glutaraali (glutaarialdehydi) (fi)
glutaral (cs)
Glutaral (aldehyd glutarowy) (pl)
Glutaral (glutaraldehid) (hr)
Glutaral (Glutaraldehidă) (ro)
glutaral (glutaraldehyd) (cs)
Glutaral (Glutaraldehyde) (mt)
Glutaral (glutaraldehído) (es)
Glutaral (glutaraldeído) (pt)
Glutaral (glutaraldéhyde) (fr)
glutaraldehid (hr)
glutaraldehida (ro)
glutaraldehyd (cs)
glutaraldehydi (fi)
glutaraldehído (es)
glutaraldeído (pt)
glutaraldéhyde (fr)
glutarale (it)
Glutarale (Glutaraldeide) (it)
glutaralis (lt)
Glutaralis (glutaraldehidas) (lt)
Glutardialdehyd (de)
glutaro aldehidas (lt)
glutarál (sk)
Glutarál (Glutáraldehid) (hu)
glutarāls (lv)
Glutarāls (glutāraldehīds) (lv)
glutáraldehid (hu)
glutáraldehyd (sk)
glutāraldehīds (lv)
pentaanidiaali (fi)
pentandial (cs)
pentano-1,5-dial (pl)
pentándiál (sk)
pentándiál (glutáraldehyd) (sk)
Γλουταράλη (γλουταραλδεΰδη) (el)
γλουταραλδεΰδη (el)
глутарал (bg)
Глутарал (глутаралдехид) (bg)
глутаралалдехид (bg)
CAS names: Pentanedial
Other IUPAC names: 1,5-Pentandiol; Glutar aldehyde; glutaral; glutaraldehyde; 1,5-pentanedial; Glutaraldehyde - Solution (50 %);pentane 1,5 dial
Trade names
1,5-pentanedial (IUPAC and CTPA name)
1,5-pentanedione (alternative chemical name)
AQUCAR™ GA 50 MUP Antimicrobial
AQUCAR™ GA 50 Water Treatment Microbiocide
Basolon GDA 50
BIOBAN™ GA 50 Antimicrobial
Common name: glutaraldehyde
Glutaral (INCI name)
Glutarex 28
IUPAC name: 1,5-Pentanedial
Pentanedial (9CI)
Protectol GA 50 (trade name)
Protectol GDA (trade name)
Relugan 50 GT
Sepacid GA 50
Synonyms: glutardialdehyde, glutaric dialdehyde, glutaral
Tradenames: UCARCIDE(TM) 50 Antimicrobial
UCARCIDE(TM) 250 Antimicrobial
Other identifiers
CAS number
CAS number
CAS number
CAS number
CAS number
Glutaraldehyde, sold under the brandname Cidex and Glutaral among others, is a disinfectant, medication, preservative, and fixative. As a disinfectant, it is used to sterilize surgical instruments and other areas of hospitals. As a medication, it is used to treat warts on the bottom of the feet. Glutaraldehyde is applied as a liquid.
Side effects include skin irritation. If exposed to large amounts, nausea, headache, and shortness of breath may occur. Protective equipment is recommended when used, especially in high concentrations. Glutaraldehyde is effective against a range of microorganisms including spores. Glutaraldehyde is a dialdehyde. It works by a number of mechanisms.
Glutaraldehyde came into medical use in the 1960s. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines. There are a number of other commercial uses such as leather tanning.
Glutaraldehyde is a colorless, oily liquid with a sharp, pungent odor. Glutaraldehyde is used for industrial, laboratory, agricultural, medical, and some household purposes, primarily for disinfecting and sterilization of surfaces and equipment. For example, it is used in oil and gas recovery operations and pipelines, waste water treatment, x-ray processing, embalming fluid, leather tanning, paper industry, in fogging and cleaning of poultry houses, and as a chemical intermediate in the production of various materials. It may be used in select goods, such as paint and laundry detergent.
Glutaraldehyde is a dialdehyde comprised of pentane with aldehyde functions at C-1 and C-5. It has a role as a cross-linking reagent, a disinfectant and a fixative.
Glutaraldehyde solution is a light yellow liquid. Mixes with water.
Preferred IUPAC name: Pentanedial. Other names: Glutaraldehyde; Glutardialdehyde; Glutaric acid dialdehyde; Glutaric aldehyde; Glutaric dialdehyde; 1,5-Pentanedial
Other names: Pentanedial; Glutaral; Aldesan; Alhydex; Cidex; Glutardialdehyde; Glutaric acid dialdehyde; Glutaric aldehyde; Glutaric dialdehyde; Hospex; Sonacide; 1,5-Pentanedial; 1,5-Pentanedione; component of Cidex; Glutaraldehyd; Glutarol; NCI-C55425; Ucarcide; Aqucar; Glutarex 28; Relugan GT; Relugan GT 50; Sporicidin; Cidex 7; Ucarcide 250; Relugan GTW; Glutaclean; Sterihyde; 1,3-Diformylpropane; Coldcide-25 microbiocide; Glutaralum; Gluteraldehyde; Novaruca; Pentane-1,5-dial; Potentiated acid glutaraldehyde; Veruca-sep; NSC 13392
CAS No. 111-30-8
EC / List no.: 203-856-5
Mol. formula: C5H8O2
Glutaraldehyde, C5H8O2 or OCH(CH₂)₃CHO, is a transparent oily, liquid with a pungent odor. Exposure to glutaraldehyde may cause the following symptoms: throat and lung irritation, asthma and difficulty breathing, dermatitis, nasal irritation, sneezing, wheezing, burning eyes, and conjunctivitis. Workers may be harmed from exposure to glutaraldehyde. Workers can be exposed to glutaraldehyde through inhalation or skin contact.
Glutaraldehyde is used for a number of applications:
Disinfectant for surgical instruments that cannot be heat sterilized
A cross-linking and tanning agent
A biocide in metalworking fluids and in oil and gas pipelines
An antimicrobial in water-treatment systems
A slimicide in paper manufacturing
A preservative in cosmetics
A disinfectant in animal housing
A tissue fixative in histology and pathology labs
A hardening agent in the development of X-rays
In embalming solutions
In the preparation of grafts and bioprostheses
In various clinical applications
Chemical formula: C5H8O2
Molar mass: 100.117
Appearance: Clear liquid
Odor: pungent
Density: 1.06 g/mL
Melting point: −14 °C (7 °F; 259 K)
Boiling point: 187 °C (369 °F; 460 K)
Solubility in water: Miscible, reacts
Vapor pressure: 17 mmHg (20°C)
Glutaraldehyde is used as a disinfectant and medication.
Usually applied as a solution, it is used to sterilize surgical instruments and other areas.
Glutaraldehyde is used in biochemistry applications as an amine-reactive homobifunctional crosslinker and fixative prior to SDS-PAGE, staining, or electron microscopy. It kills cells quickly by crosslinking their proteins. It is usually employed alone or mixed with formaldehyde as the first of two fixative processes to stabilize specimens such as bacteria, plant material, and human cells. A second fixative procedure uses osmium tetroxide to crosslink and stabilize cell and organelle membrane lipids. Fixation is usually followed by dehydration of the tissue in ethanol or acetone, followed by embedding in an epoxy resin or acrylic resin.
Another application for treatment of proteins with glutaraldehyde is the inactivation of bacterial toxins to generate toxoid vaccines, e.g., the pertussis (whooping cough) toxoid component in the Boostrix Tdap vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline.
In a related application, glutaraldehyde is sometimes employed in the tanning of leather and in embalming.
Wart treatment
As a medication it is used to treat plantar warts. For this purpose, a 10% w/v solution is used. It dries the skin, facilitating physical removal of the wart.Trade names include Diswart Solution and Glutarol.
Side effects include skin irritation. If exposed to large amounts, nausea, headache, and shortness of breath may occur. Protective equipment is recommended when used, especially in high concentrations. Glutaraldehyde is effective against a range of microorganisms including spores.
As a strong sterilant, glutaraldehyde is toxic and a strong irritant. There is no strong evidence of carcinogenic activity.Some occupations that work with this chemical have an increased risk of some cancers.
Mechanism of action
A number of mechanisms have been invoked to explain the biocidal properties of glutaraldehyde.Like many other aldehydes, it reacts with amines and thiol groups, which are common functional groups in proteins. Being bi-function, it is also a potential crosslinker.
Production and reactions
Synthesis of glutaraldehyde via the Diels-Alder reaction.
Glutaraldehyde is produced industrially by the oxidation of cyclopentene. Alternatively it can be made by the Diels-Alder reaction of acrolein and vinyl ethers followed by hydrolysis.
Like many other dialdehydes, (e.g., glyoxal) and simple aldehydes (e.g., formaldehyde), glutaraldehyde converts in aqueous solution to various hydrates that in turn convert to other equilibrating species
History and culture
Glutaraldehyde came into medical use in the 1960s.It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system.There are a number of other commercial uses such as leather tanning.
A glutaraldehyde solution of 0.1% to 1.0% concentration may be used as a biocide for system disinfection and as a preservative for long-term storage. It is a sterilant, killing endospores in addition to many microorganisms and viruses.
As a biocide, glutaraldehyde is a component of hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") fluid. It is included in the additive called Alpha 1427. Bacterial growth impairs extraction of oil and gas from these wells. Glutaraldehyde is pumped as a component of the fracturing fluid to inhibit microbial growth
CAS NO.:111-30-8
MOL WT.: 100.12
HS Code: 2912.19.5000
TOXICITY: Oral rat LD50: > 90 ml/kg
SYNONYMS: Glutaric acid dialdehyde; Glutardialdehyde; Glutaral;1,3-Diformylpropane; 1,5-Pentanedial; 1,5-Pentanedione; Glutaric aldehyde; Glutarol; Gluteraldehyde; Pentanedial; Sonacide; Aldehyd glutarowy; Aldesan; Ucarcide; Other RN: 37245-61-7, 79215-57-9, 107950-89-0
Disinfectant, Anti-Infective agent, Fixative
One of the protein cross-linking reagents that is used as a disinfectant for sterilization of heat-sensitive equipment and as a laboratory reagent, especially as a fixative.
PHYSICAL STATE: Clear to yellowish liquid
SOLVENT SOLUBILITY: Soluble in alcohol
pH: 3.2 - 4.2
log P: -0.18 (Octanol-water)
VAPOR PRESSURE 0.6 (mmHg at 25 C)
HENRY LAW CONSTANT: 1.10E-07 (atm-m3/mole at 25 C)
OH RATE CONSTANT: 2.38E-11 (cm3/molecule-sec at 25 C Atmospheric)
Drug Information Portal (U.S. National Library of Medicine) - GLUTARALDEHYDE
Glutaraldehyde is a chemical frequently used as a disinfectant and sterilizing agent against bacteria and viruses (2% solution), an embalming fluid and tissue fixative, a component of leather tanning solutions, and an intermediate in the production of certain sealants, resins, dyes, and electrical products (HSDB, 1996). For commercial purposes, solutions of 99%, 50%, and 20% are available. Glutaraldehyde is also an atmospheric reaction product of cyclohexene. The annual statewide industrial emissions from facilities reporting under the Air Toxics Hot Spots Act in California based on the most recent inventory were estimated to be 29,603 pounds of glutaraldehyde
Glutaraldehyde is a colorless, oily, liquid-chemical with a pungent odor. It is used for a number of applications such as the following:
A cold sterilant in the health care industry
A cross-linking and tanning agent
A biocide in metalworking fluids and in oil and gas pipelines
An antimicrobial in water-treatment systems
A slimicide in paper manufacturing
A preservative in cosmetics
A disinfectant in animal housing
A tissue fixative in histology and pathology labs
A hardening agent in the development of X-rays
In embalming solutions
In the preparation of grafts and bioprostheses
In various clinical applications
In the health care industry, glutaraldehyde is most often used to disinfect equipment that cannot be heat sterilized such as dialysis instruments, surgical instruments, suction bottles, bronchoscopes, endoscopes, and ear, nose, and throat instruments.
Local: Glutaraldehyde containing two aldehyde groups, is used as a disinfectant. It is used in sterilizing medical and dental equipment which cannot be heat sterilized. It is used as a fixative for biological tissues and for leather tanning. It is used as a chemical intermediate to produce other compounds.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DISINFECTANT: Disinfectant is an agent applied to inanimate objects to destroy, neutralize, or inhibit the growth of disease-carrying microorganisms, (whereas antiseptics are applied primarily to living things). Heat and radiation are also disinfectants. Common ingredients of chemical disinfectant are:
GLUTARALDEHYDE (Glutaraldehit) 50%
CAS No: 111-30-8
1,5-Pentanedial; Glutaraldehyde; Pentane-1,5-dial; Glutaric acid dialdehyde, Glutaric aldehyde, Glutaric dialdehydeCas No: 111-30-8Bioglan Brand of GlutaralBode Brand of GlutaralCahill May Roberts Brand of GlutaralCidexDermal Brand of GlutaralDermatech Brand of GlutaralDiswartEcolab Brand of Glutaral;Gludesin;Glutaral;Glutaraldehyde;Glutardialdehyde;Glutarol;Johnson and Johnson Brand of Glutaral;Korsolex;Novaruca;Sekumatic;Sonacide;Sporicidin;glutaraldehyde;Pentanedial;Glutaral;111-30-8;Glutaric dialdehyde;Cidex;Glutardialdehyde;1,5-Pentanedial;Glutarol;Sonacide;Glutaric aldehyde;1,5-Pentanedione;Glutaric acid dialdehyde;Glutaraldehyd;Glutaralum;Ucarcide;Aldesan;Alhydex;Hospex;Pentane-1,5-dial;1,3-Diformylpropane;Gluteraldehyde;Glutaraldehyde solution;Aldesen;NCI-C55425;component of Cidex;Caswell No. 468;Glutaraldehyd [Czech];1,3-Diformyl propane
;Glutaralum [INN-Latin];Glutaraldehyde; Pentanedial; Glutaral; 111-30-8; Glutaric dialdehyde; Cidex; Bioglan Brand of Glutaral Bode Brand of Glutaral; Cahill May Roberts Brand of Glutaral; Cidex; Dermal Brand of Glutaral; Dermatech Brand of Glutaral; Diswart; Gludesin; Glutaral; Glutaraldehyde; Glutardialdehyde; Glutarol; Korsolex; Novaruca; Sekumatic; Sonacide; Sporicidin; 111-30-8; glutaral; Glutaraldehyd; Glutaraldehyde; Glutaraldéhyde; glutaralum; Glutardialdehyde; Glutaric acid dialdehyde; Glutaric aldehyde; glutaric dialdehyde; Gluteraldehyde; PENTANE-1,5-DIAL; Pentanedial; [111-30-8]; 1,3-Diformyl propane; 1,3-Diformylpropane; 1,5-Pentanedial; 203-856-5; 4-01-00-03659; 5-Pentanedial; Aldehyd glutarowy; Aldehyd glutarowy; Aldesan; Aldesen; Alhydex; Aqucar; Bactron K31; Cidex; Cidex 7; Coldcide-25 microbiocide; Dioxopentane; Diswart; EINECS 203-856-5; Gludesin; Glutaclean; Glutaral; Glutaraldehyd; Glutaraldehyde solution; Glutaraldehyde solution, 25% in water; Glutaralum; Glutaralum; Glutarex 28; Glutaric dialdehyde solution, 50 wt. % in H2O; Glutaricdialdehyde; Glutarol; Glutarol-1,5-pentanedial; Glutural; Hospex; MA2450000; MFCD00007025; Novaruca; Pentanedial, 50 % aqueous solution; PTD; Relugan GT; Relugan GT 50; Relugan GTW; Sonacide; Sporicidin; Sterihyde; Sterihyde L; Ucarcide; Ucarcide 225; Ucarcide 250; Ucarset; UNII-T3C89M417N; Verucasep; Veruca-sep; Virsal; Glutaric acid dialdehyde; Glutardialdehyde; Glutaral;
1,3-Diformylpropane; 1,5-Pentanedial; 1,5-Pentanedione; Glutaric aldehyde; Glutarol; Gluteraldehyde; Pentanedial; Sonacide; Aldehyd glutarowy; Aldesan; Ucarcide; Other RN: 37245-61-7, 79215-57-9, 107950-89-0;Glutaric acid dialdehyde; Glutardialdehyde; Glutaral;
1,3-Diformylpropane; 1,5-Pentanedial; 1,5-Pentanedione; Glutaric aldehyde; Glutarol; Gluteraldehyde; Pentanedial; Sonacide; Aldehyd glutarowy; Aldesan; Ucarcide; Other RN: 37245-61-7, 79215-57-9, 107950-89-0;1,5-PENTANEDIAL;FIXATIVE 15960;FIXATIVE 15970;FIXATIVE 15980;GLUTARALDEHYDE;GLUTARDIALDEHYDE;GLUTARIC DIALDEHYDE;PANTHANEDIAL;PENTANE-1,5-DIAL;1,3-diformalpropane;1,3-Diformylpropane;1,5-Pentanedione;aldehydglutarowy;Aldesan;aldesen;Alhydex;Aqucar;Cidex;Cidex 7;Coldcide-25 microbiocide;;glutaraldehyde;Pentanedial;Glutaral;111-30-8;Glutaric dialdehyde;Cidex;Glutardialdehyde;1,5-Pentanedial;Sonacide;Glutarol;Glutaric aldehyde;Glutaraldehyd;Glutaralum;Aldesan;Alhydex;Ucarcide;1,5-Pentanedione;Hospex;Glutaric acid dialdehyde;Pentane-1,5-dial;1,3-Diformylpropane;Gluteraldehyde;Aldesen;NCI-C55425;Caswell No. 468;Glutaraldehyd [Czech];Glutaraldehyde solution;Glutaralum [INN-Latin];Aldehyd glutarowy [Polish];component of Cidex;NSC 13392;UNII-T3C89M417N;CCRIS 3800;HSDB 949;1,3-Diformyl propane;EINECS 203-856-5;Glutarol-1,5-pentanedial;EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 043901;BRN 0605390;CHEBI:64276;SXRSQZLOMIGNAQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N;MFCD00007025;Glutaraldehyde solution (50% or less);Glutaraldehyde solution, 25% in water;NCGC00091110-01;DSSTox_CID_5355;DSSTox_RID_77761;DSSTox_GSID_25355;Sporicidin;Novaruca;Aldehyd glutarowy;Polyglutaraldehyde;79215-57-9;CAS-111-30-8;PTD;Poly(glutaraldehyde);Glutaclean;Glutaral [USAN:INN:JAN];Sterihyde;Aqucar;Glutaraldehyde solution, for electron microscopy, ~25% in H2O;Glutardialdehydl;Veruca-sep;Glutaric aldehydl;Relugan GT;Relugan GTW;Glutaral [USAN:USP:INN:JAN];Glutaric dialdehydl;Glutarex 28;Sonacide (TN);Cidex 7;Ucarcide 250;Sterihyde L (TN);Relugan GT 50;Ginkgo biloba extract;Glutaraldehyde,solution;Glutaric acid dialdehydl;Pentanedial, homopolymer;ACMC-1BGTC;pentane-1,5-dialdehyde;AC1Q6QKG;Coldcide-25 microbiocide;SCHEMBL836;WLN: VH3VH;Glutaric dialdehyde solution;AC1L1G1H;Glutaral (JAN/USP/INN);4-01-00-03659 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); KSC175E5H;BIDD:ER0299; Potentiated acid glutaraldehyde;CHEMBL1235482;DTXSID6025355;CTK0H5253;GLUTARALDEHYDE, 25% SOLN;MolPort-001-781-859;Bio1_000462;Bio1_000951;Bio1_001440;T3C89M417N;NSC13392;ZINC1729593;Tox21_111083;Tox21_201742;Tox21_303295;ANW-43543;LS-529;NSC13392; STL281872;ZINC01729593;AKOS008967285;DB03266;MCULE-6802048757;NE10465;RL00461;RP18697;RTR-034054;Glutaric dialdehyde, 25%sol. In water;NCGC00091110-02;NCGC00091110-03;NCGC00257231-01;NCGC00259291-01;29257-65-6;AJ-31184;AK156425;AN-22657;CJ-29390;DR000111;I856;KB-52255;LP067495;SC-22641;Glutaraldehyde solution, 25 wt. % in H2O;Glutaraldehyde solution, 50 wt. % in H2O;TR-034054;FT-0626730;G0067;G0068;ST24047332;EN300-18037;C12518;D01120;Glutaraldehyde solution, for synthesis, 25.0%;49147-EP2270505A1;49147-EP2280274A2;49147-EP2282200A2;49147-EP2287152A2;49147-EP2287155A1;49147-EP2298312A1;49147-EP2301940A1;49147-EP2308848A1;49147-EP2311823A1;49147-EP2372017A1;49147-EP2377842A1;49147-EP2377845A1;Glutaraldehyde solution, Grade II, 25% in H2O;Glutaric dialdehyde solution, 50 wt. % in H2O;A802339;Glutaraldehyde solution, 50 wt. % in water 100g;Glutaraldehyde solution, for in vitro diagnostic use;I14-1782;Q-201162;Glutaric dialdehyde solution, 50 wt. % in H2O, FCC;I14-10112;F2191-0161;Glutaraldehyde solution, SAJ first grade, 20.0-26.0%;Glutaraldehyde solution, technical, ~25% in H2O (2.6 M);Glutaraldehyde solution, technical, ~50% in H2O (5.6 M);Glutaraldehyde solution, 1.2 % (w/v) glutaraldehyde in H2O;Glutaraldehyde solution, for electron microscopy, ~50% in H2O;Glutaraldehyde solution, for electron microscopy, ~8% in H2O;Glutaraldehyde solution, 50% in H2O, suitable for photographic applications;107950-89-0;37245-61-7;Glutaraldehyde solution, Grade I, 25% in H2O, specially purified for use as an electron microscopy fixative; 1,5-Pentanedial; Glutaraldehyde; Pentane-1,5-dial; Glutaric acid dialdehyde, Glutaric aldehyde, Glutaric dialdehydeCas No: 111-30-8Bioglan Brand of GlutaralBode Brand of GlutaralCahill May Roberts Brand of GlutaralCidexDermal Brand of GlutaralDermatech Brand of GlutaralDiswartEcolab Brand of Glutaral;Gludesin;Glutaral;Glutaraldehyde;Glutardialdehyde;Glutarol;Johnson and Johnson Brand of Glutaral;Korsolex;Novaruca;Sekumatic;Sonacide;Sporicidin;glutaraldehyde;Pentanedial;Glutaral;111-30-8;Glutaric dialdehyde;Cidex;Glutardialdehyde;1,5-Pentanedial;Glutarol;Sonacide;Glutaric aldehyde;1,5-Pentanedione;Glutaric acid dialdehyde;Glutaraldehyd;Glutaralum;Ucarcide;Aldesan;Alhydex;Hospex;Pentane-1,5-dial;1,3-Diformylpropane;Gluteraldehyde;Glutaraldehyde solution;Aldesen;NCI-C55425;component of Cidex;Caswell No. 468;Glutaraldehyd [Czech];1,3-Diformyl propane
;Glutaralum [INN-Latin];Glutaraldehyde; Pentanedial; Glutaral; 111-30-8; Glutaric dialdehyde; Cidex; Bioglan Brand of Glutaral Bode Brand of Glutaral; Cahill May Roberts Brand of Glutaral; Cidex; Dermal Brand of Glutaral; Dermatech Brand of Glutaral; Diswart; Gludesin; Glutaral; Glutaraldehyde; Glutardialdehyde; Glutarol; Korsolex; Novaruca; Sekumatic; Sonacide; Sporicidin; 111-30-8; glutaral; Glutaraldehyd; Glutaraldehyde; Glutaraldéhyde; glutaralum; Glutardialdehyde; Glutaric acid dialdehyde; Glutaric aldehyde; glutaric dialdehyde; Gluteraldehyde; PENTANE-1,5-DIAL; Pentanedial; [111-30-8]; 1,3-Diformyl propane; 1,3-Diformylpropane; 1,5-Pentanedial; 203-856-5; 4-01-00-03659; 5-Pentanedial; Aldehyd glutarowy; Aldehyd glutarowy; Aldesan; Aldesen; Alhydex; Aqucar; Bactron K31; Cidex; Cidex 7; Coldcide-25 microbiocide; Dioxopentane; Diswart; EINECS 203-856-5; Gludesin; Glutaclean; Glutaral; Glutaraldehyd; Glutaraldehyde solution; Glutaraldehyde solution, 25% in water; Glutaralum; Glutaralum; Glutarex 28; Glutaric dialdehyde solution, 50 wt. % in H2O; Glutaricdialdehyde; Glutarol; Glutarol-1,5-pentanedial; Glutural; Hospex; MA2450000; MFCD00007025; Novaruca; Pentanedial, 50 % aqueous solution; PTD; Relugan GT; Relugan GT 50; Relugan GTW; Sonacide; Sporicidin; Sterihyde; Sterihyde L; Ucarcide; Ucarcide 225; Ucarcide 250; Ucarset; UNII-T3C89M417N; Verucasep; Veruca-sep; Virsal; Glutaric acid dialdehyde; Glutardialdehyde; Glutaral;
1,3-Diformylpropane; 1,5-Pentanedial; 1,5-Pentanedione; Glutaric aldehyde; Glutarol; Gluteraldehyde; Pentanedial; Sonacide; Aldehyd glutarowy; Aldesan; Ucarcide; Other RN: 37245-61-7, 79215-57-9, 107950-89-0;Glutaric acid dialdehyde; Glutardialdehyde; Glutaral;
1,3-Diformylpropane; 1,5-Pentanedial; 1,5-Pentanedione; Glutaric aldehyde; Glutarol; Gluteraldehyde; Pentanedial; Sonacide; Aldehyd glutarowy; Aldesan; Ucarcide; Other RN: 37245-61-7, 79215-57-9, 107950-89-0;1,5-PENTANEDIAL;FIXATIVE 15960;FIXATIVE 15970;FIXATIVE 15980;GLUTARALDEHYDE;GLUTARDIALDEHYDE;GLUTARIC DIALDEHYDE;PANTHANEDIAL;PENTANE-1,5-DIAL;1,3-diformalpropane;1,3-Diformylpropane;1,5-Pentanedione;aldehydglutarowy;Aldesan;aldesen;Alhydex;Aqucar;Cidex;Cidex 7;Coldcide-25 microbiocide;;glutaraldehyde;Pentanedial;Glutaral;111-30-8;Glutaric dialdehyde;Cidex;Glutardialdehyde;1,5-Pentanedial;Sonacide;Glutarol;Glutaric aldehyde;Glutaraldehyd;Glutaralum;Aldesan;Alhydex;Ucarcide;1,5-Pentanedione;Hospex;Glutaric acid dialdehyde;Pentane-1,5-dial;1,3-Diformylpropane;Gluteraldehyde;Aldesen;NCI-C55425;Caswell No. 468;Glutaraldehyd [Czech];Glutaraldehyde solution;Glutaralum [INN-Latin];Aldehyd glutarowy [Polish];component of Cidex;NSC 13392;UNII-T3C89M417N;CCRIS 3800;HSDB 949;1,3-Diformyl propane;EINECS 203-856-5;Glutarol-1,5-pentanedial;EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 043901;BRN 0605390;CHEBI:64276;SXRSQZLOMIGNAQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N;MFCD00007025;Glutaraldehyde solution (50% or less);Glutaraldehyde solution, 25% in water;NCGC00091110-01;DSSTox_CID_5355;DSSTox_RID_77761;DSSTox_GSID_25355;Sporicidin;Novaruca;Aldehyd glutarowy;Polyglutaraldehyde;79215-57-9;CAS-111-30-8;PTD;Poly(glutaraldehyde);Glutaclean;Glutaral [USAN:INN:JAN];Sterihyde;Aqucar;Glutaraldehyde solution, for electron microscopy, ~25% in H2O;Glutardialdehydl;Veruca-sep;Glutaric aldehydl;Relugan GT;Relugan GTW;Glutaral [USAN:USP:INN:JAN];Glutaric dialdehydl;Glutarex 28;Sonacide (TN);Cidex 7;Ucarcide 250;Sterihyde L (TN);Relugan GT 50;Ginkgo biloba extract;Glutaraldehyde,solution;Glutaric acid dialdehydl;Pentanedial, homopolymer;ACMC-1BGTC;pentane-1,5-dialdehyde;AC1Q6QKG;Coldcide-25 microbiocide;SCHEMBL836;WLN: VH3VH;Glutaric dialdehyde solution;AC1L1G1H;Glutaral (JAN/USP/INN);4-01-00-03659 (Beilstein Handbook Reference);KSC175E5H;BIDD:ER0299;Potentiated acid glutaraldehyde;CHEMBL1235482;DTXSID6025355;CTK0H5253;GLUTARALDEHYDE, 25% SOLN;MolPort-001-781-859;Bio1_000462;Bio1_000951;Bio1_001440;T3C89M417N;NSC13392;ZINC1729593;Tox21_111083;Tox21_201742;Tox21_303295;ANW-43543;LS-529;NSC-13392;STL281872;ZINC01729593;AKOS008967285;DB03266;MCULE-6802048757;NE10465;RL00461;RP18697;RTR-034054;Glutaric dialdehyde, 25%sol. In water;NCGC00091110-02;NCGC00091110-03;NCGC00257231-01;NCGC00259291-01;29257-65-6;AJ-31184;AK156425;AN-22657;CJ-29390;DR000111;I856;KB-52255;LP067495;SC-22641;Glutaraldehyde solution, 25 wt. % in H2O;Glutaraldehyde solution, 50 wt. % in H2O;TR-034054;FT-0626730;G0067;G0068;ST24047332;EN300-18037;C12518;D01120;Glutaraldehyde solution, for synthesis, 25.0%;49147-EP2270505A1;49147-EP2280274A2;49147-EP2282200A2;49147-EP2287152A2;49147-EP2287155A1;49147-EP2298312A1;49147-EP2301940A1;49147-EP2308848A1;49147-EP2311823A1;49147-EP2372017A1;49147-EP2377842A1;49147-EP2377845A1;Glutaraldehyde solution, Grade II, 25% in H2O;Glutaric dialdehyde solution, 50 wt. % in H2O;A802339;Glutaraldehyde solution, 50 wt. % in water 100g;Glutaraldehyde solution, for in vitro diagnostic use;I14-1782;Q-201162;Glutaric dialdehyde solution, 50 wt. % in H2O, FCC;I14-10112;F2191-0161;Glutaraldehyde solution, SAJ first grade, 20.0-26.0%;Glutaraldehyde solution, technical, ~25% in H2O (2.6 M);Glutaraldehyde solution, technical, ~50% in H2O (5.6 M);Glutaraldehyde solution, 1.2 % (w/v) glutaraldehyde in H2O;Glutaraldehyde solution, for electron microscopy, ~50% in H2O;Glutaraldehyde solution, for electron microscopy, ~8% in H2O;Glutaraldehyde solution, 50% in H2O, suitable for photographic applications;107950-89-0;37245-61-7;Glutaraldehyde solution, Grade I, 25% in H2O, specially purified for use as an electron microscopy fixative;Glutaraldehyde solution, Grade I, 50% in H2O, specially purified for use as an electron microscopy fixative or other sophisticated use;Glutaraldehyde solution, Grade I, 70% in H2O, specially purified for use as an electron microscopy fixative or other sophisticated use;Glutaraldehyde solution, Grade I, 8% in H2O, specially purified for use as an electron microscopy fixative or other sophisticated use;GLUTRALDEHT;GLUTERALDEHİT;GLUTERALDEHİT;GLUTERALDEHT;GLUTARALDEHT;GLUTER ALDEHİT;GLUTER ALDEHIT;gluteraldeht;gluteraldehit;gluteraldeht;glutaraldeht;gluter aldehit;gluter aldehıt; Glutaraldehyde solution, Grade I, 50% in H2O, specially purified for use as an electron microscopy fixative or other sophisticated use;Glutaraldehyde solution, Grade I, 70% in H2O, specially purified for use as an electron microscopy fixative or other sophisticated use;Glutaraldehyde solution, Grade I, 8% in H2O, specially purified for use as an electron microscopy fixative or other sophisticateduse;GLUTRALDEHT 50; GLUTERALDEHİT50;GLUTERALDEHİT 50; GLUTERALDEHT 50;GLUTARALDEHT 50;GLUTERALDEHİT 50;GLUTERALDEHIT 50;gluteraldeht 50; gluteraldehit;gluteraldeht;glutaraldeht; gluteraldehit 50; gluter aldehıt 50; Glutaraldehit %50; Glutaraldehit 50%; Glutaraldehit ; Glutaraldehit50; Glutar aldehit; Glutar aldehit 50%; Glutar aldehit%50 Glutaraldehit50; Glutaraldehit50%; GLUTARALDEHİT; GLUTARALDEHIT; GLUTARALDEHITE; GLUTARALDEHIDE;GLUTAR ALDEHITE; GLUTAR ALDEHIDE
Glutaraldehit Model Yapısı
IUPAC adı[gizle]
Diğer adlar[gizle]
Glutaril asit dialdehit
Glutarik aldehit
Glutarik dialdehit
CAS numarası 111-30-8
PubChem 3485
Molekül formülü C5H8O2
Molekül kütlesi 100,117 g/mol
Görünüm renksiz sıvı
Koku keskin
Yoğunluk 1.06 gr/cm3
Glutaraldehit Erime noktası
-14 °C (7 °F; 259 K)
Glutaraldehit Kaynama noktası
187 °C (369 °F; 460 K)
Glutaraldehit Çözünürlük (su içinde) karışıp reaksiyona girebilir
glutaraldehit ne demek?
Dezenfektan madde.
Mikrop kırma özelliği olan (madde).
Canlı için kullanılmayan ancak, aygıt ve malzemeler için kullanılan, mikropları öldüren kimyasal maddeler.
Cansız objeler üzerindeki mikroorganizmaları öldürmek için kullanılan kimyasal madde, patojenik etkenleri öldürücü etki yapan madde, hastalık etkenlerini yok edici.
Proteinlerin amino gruplarını ve DNA bazlarını alkilleyerek onların yapı ve işlevini bozarak hücre üzerinde zehirli etki oluşturan geniş spektrumlu bir jermisit.
Dezenfektan ve Antiseptik Çeşitleri
Etil alkol
Vegetatif bakterilere bakterisit etkilidir.
%95'lik etil alkol tüberkilosiddir.
Antiseptik olarak %70'lik solüsyonu kullanılır.
Alkolün gerek sporisit etkisinin olmayışı, gerekse kan pıhtılarına nüfus edemeyişi nedeniyle aletlerin sterilizasyonda kullanılmaz.
Glutaraldehit En az 10 dk. %70'lik alkolle tutulan termometreler bu yolla dezenfekte edilebilir.
Glutaraldehit Eğer tam nem sağlanabilirse iki dakika içinde cilt üzerindeki bakteri sayısını %90'a yakın bir oranda azaltır.
Glutaraldehit Mercekli aletleri bozduğu (metalleri paslandırdığı) için tıbbi alet ve cihazda dezenfektan olarak tercih edilmez.
Glutaraldehit Alkol proteinleri çökeltmesi nedeniyle açık yarada ve mukozada kullanılmamalıdır.
Glutaraldehit Antiseptik ve dezenfektan olarak kullanılabilir.
Glutaraldehit Gram pozitif ve bazı gram negatif bakterilere etkilidir.
Glutaraldehit Sabunlar ile etkilerinin inaktive oluşu,ayrıca lastik,plastik ve pamuk gibi maddelerin de üzerine absorbe olması ile temasta etkinliklerini kaybetmeleri dezavantajdır.
Glutaraldehit mikroorganizmalarla kontaminasyona eğilimlidir.
Glutaraldehit Geçmiş yıllarda kontakt lenlerin saklanmasında kullanılmışsa da ,kornea ülserlerine yol açması nedeni ile kullanımı terk edilmiştir.
Glutaraldehit günümüzde kullanılması önerilmeyen bir solüsyondur.
Geniş spektrumlu bir antiseptiktir.
Sporlara da etkili olduğu bilinmektedir.
Preoperatif cilt temizliğinde ve yanık tedavisinde kullanılır
Kauçuk ve plastik gibi aletlerin sterilizasyonu için kullanılır.
Glutaraldehit ciltte temas dermatiti yaptığından antiseptik olarak kullanılmaz.
İzopropil alkol
%70'lik ve daha yoğun eriyikleri etil alkolden daha güçlü bakterisit etkiye sahiptir.
Alkol vegetatif bakterileri süratle öldürürse de spor, virüs ve mantar üzerine etkili değildir.
Uygulandığı yerde daha güçlü vazodilatasyon yaptığından kanmaya eğilim artar.
Glutaraldehit; Onaylanmış sterilizasyon etkisi olan tek sıvı ürün Glutaraldehittir.
Hem asit hem bazik ortamda aktiftir. Pratikte kullanımı sınırlı olmasına rağmen dezenfeksiyonu 60 dakikada, sterisizasyonu 10 saatte sağlar.
Saf ve orjinal bir ürün olan Glutaraldehit %50'liktir. Seyreltme işlemi yapılmamıştır. Piyasadakilerin hepsi %50'liktir.
Glutaraldehit, ticari ismiyle Glutaral dezenfektan, ilaçlarda ve dericilikte kullanılan bir bileşiktir.[2][3] Dezenfektan olarak ameliyatlarda ve diğer alanlarda kullanılır.[2] İlaç olarak ise ayakta oluşan siğilin giderilmesinde kullanılır.[3] Sıvı olarak uygulanır.[2] Deride ise formaldehitin yerine tabaklamadan sonra retenajda kullanılır.[4]
Deride tahrişe sebep olabilir.[3] Fazla kullanımında baş ağrısı , nefes alıp vermede zorlanma ve bulantı görülebilir.[2] Kullanırken koruyucu ekipman kullanılması önerilir. Glutardialdehitler sporlara karşı etkilidir.[2][5] Bu bir dizi aşama sonrasında etkisini gösterir.[5]
Glutaraldehitlerin ilaçlarda kullanımı 1960'lara dayanmaktadır.[6] Bunlar WHO'nun temel gerekli ilaçlar listesinde, sağlık sitemi için en önemli ve kullanımı uygun maddelerden biri olarak geçer.[7] Fiyatı yaklaşık %2'lik çözeltisinin litresi 1.50 ile 7.40 USD arasında değişmektedir.[8] Cidex adı altında satılmaktadır.[9] Deri tabaklamada ise çok çeşitli isimler altında satılmaktadır.[4]
BİORAD - Glutaraldehit 2%
%2 Glutaraldehit, Antikorozif maddeler, formül yapıcılar ve deoyinize su.
Glutaraldehit %2 formülasyonu ile cerrahi aletlerin ve endoskopların yüksek düzey dezenfeksiyonu için tasarlanmış, antimikrobiyal, antikorozif 30 gün kullanım özelliği olan etkin bir üründür. Tıbbi aletlerin, flexible ve rijid endoskopların dezenfeksiyonu için kullanılan, fenol, klor ve formaldehit içermeyen renksiz, kokusuz, toksik olmayan kullanıma hazır alet dezenfektanıdır.
Glutaraldehit KULLANIM ŞEKLİ:
Glutaraldehit %2 Endoskop yıkama makinelerinde ve manuel kullanıma uygundur. Solüsyonu dezenfektan küvetine doldurunuz ön temizliği yapılmış aletleri demonte ederek, tüm yüzeyleri solüsyonla temas edecek şekilde küvete yerleştiriniz. Küvetin ağzını kapatınız. Etki süresi kadar bekletildikten sonra aletleri solüsyondan çıkarıp bol su ile durulayınız. S olüsyon etkinliği test stripleri ile kolayca kontrol edilebilir. Solüsyonda gözle görülür bir kirlilik oluştuğunda değiştirilmesi tavsiye edilir. Etkisini kaybetmiş solüsyona 5lt için 25-32 gr sodyumbisülfat karıştırarak uygun yönetmeliklere göre bertaraf edilir. Otomatik endoskopi yıkama ve dezenfeksiyon makinelerinde kullanılırken üretici tarafından verilen kullanıcı talimatlarına uyunuz.
Glutaraldehit 2% solüsyonu, her türlü cerrahi aletlerin, ısıya dayanıksız anestezi aksesuarlarının (maske ambu, vb) ve Karl storz, Olympus, Pentax, Fujinon, flexible ve rijid gibi tüm sabit ve esnek endoskopların dezenfeksiyonu yanı sıra her türdeki cerrahi aletin ve laparoskopik aletlerin dezenfeksiyonu için çok uygundur. Endoskop kılıflarında paslanma,korozyon, yumuşama,renk değişikliği gibi zedelenmelere neden olmaz. Glutaraldehit 2% solüsyonu kauçuk, plastik, cam, Pvc ,akrilik, polimer, polikarbon, polistren , HDPE, porselen ve paslanmaz çelik malzemelerden yapılmış tıbbi cihazların dezenfeksiyonuna uygundur.
Bakterisid, Fungusid, Sporosid, Virüsid, Tüberkülosid, Mikobakterisid.
Glutaraldehit AMBALAJ ŞEKLİ:
5 litre PE bidonlarda.
EC NUMARASI: 203-856-5
Glutaraldehit isimleri ve tanımlayıcıları
Glutaraldehit 'nin Hesaplanan Tanımlayıcıları
IUPAC Glutaraldehit ismi
Moleküler Formül Moleküler Formül
Glutaraldehit FİZİKSEL DURUM: Sarı sıvıya dönüşür
Glutaraldehit ERGİTE NOKTASI: -14 C
Glutaraldehit KAYNAMA NOKTASI: 187 C
Glutaraldehit SUDA ÇÖZÜNÜRLÜK: çözünür
Glutaraldehit ÇÖZÜCÜ ÇÖZÜCÜĞÜ: Alkolde Çözünür
Glutaraldehit PH: 3.2-4.2
Glutaraldehit Log P: -0.18
Glutaraldehit BUHAR BASINCI: 0,6 (mmHg, 25 ° C'de)
Glutaraldehit, CH2 (CH2CHO) 2 formülüne sahip organik bir bileşiktir. Tıbbi ve dişçilik ekipmanlarının sterilizasyonu için keskin kokulu, yağsız sıvı glutaraldehit kullanılır. Endüstriyel su arıtımında ve koruyucu olarak da kullanılır. Çoğunlukla sulu bir solüsyon olarak bulunur ve bu solüsyonlarda aldehid grupları hidratlıdır. Glutaraldehit, bakteri ve virüslere karşı (2% çözelti), dezenfekte edici bir akışkan ve doku sabitleyiciye, deri tabaklama çözümünde kullanılan bir dezenfektan ve sterilize edici ajan olarak sıkça kullanılan bir kimyasaldır ve belirli sızdırmazlık maddeleri, reçineler, boyalar, Ve elektrikli ürünler (HSDB, 1996). Ticari amaçlar için,% 99,% 50 ve% 20'lik çözeltiler mevcuttur. Glutaraldehid ayrıca siklohekzen'in atmosferik bir reaksiyon ürünüdür. Kaliforniya'daki Hava Toksik Sıcak Nokta Yasası uyarınca en son envantere dayanan tesislerden gelen yıllık eyalet çapında endüstriyel emisyonların 29.660 kilo glutaraldehid olduğu tahmin edilmektedir
Glutaraldehit, mikrobik kontaminasyon sorunlarının ortadan kaldırılmasına yardımcı olabilir. Bu yüksek performanslı antimikrobik maddeler, glutaraldehidin güçlü ve benzersiz antimikrobiyal etkisine dayanılarak çok çeşitli mikroorganizmalar üzerinde mükemmel kontrol sağlar. Düşük kullanım konsantrasyonlarında bakteri, küf ve mayaya karşı antimikrobiyal etkilidir (% 0.01-0.1 aktif madde). Anyonik, noniyonik ve katyonik yüzeyaktif maddeler ve biyosidal etkinlik ile geniş bir pH ve sıcaklık aralığı boyunca mükemmel uyumluluk gösterir.
İki aldehit grubu içeren glutaraldehit bir dezenfektan olarak kullanılır. Isı sterilize edilemeyen tıbbi ve diş hekimliği ekipmanlarının sterilizasyonu için kullanılır. Biyolojik dokular için ve deri tabaklamada fiksatif olarak kullanılır. Diğer bileşikler üretmek için bir kimyasal ara madde olarak kullanılır.
Glutaraldehit, keskin kokusu olan, renksiz, yağlı, sıvı kimyasal bir maddedir. Aşağıdakiler gibi bir çok uygulama için kullanılır:
-Glutaraldehit Sağlık sektöründe soğuk sterilatör
-Glutaraldehit A çapraz bağlama ve tabaklama maddesi
-Glutaraldehit Metal işleme sıvıları ve petrol ve gaz boru hatlarında biyosit
-Glutaraldehit Su arıtma sistemlerinde antimikrobiyal
-Glutaraldehit Kağıt imalatında bir slimicide
-Glutaraldehit Kozmetikte koruyucu madde
-Glutaraldehit Ev hayvan barınağındaki dezenfektan
-Glutaraldehit Histoloji ve patoloji laboratuarlarında doku fiksatifi
-Glutaraldehit Röntgen ışınlarının gelişiminde bir sertleştirici madde
-Glutaraldehit Kım delme çözümlerinde
-Glutaraldehit Gram ve biyoprotezlerin hazırlanmasında
-Glutaraldehit Çeşitli klinik uygulamalarda
Sağlık sektöründe, glutaraldehit, diyaliz cihazları, cerrahi aletler, emme şişeleri, bronkoskoplar, endoskoplar, kulak burun ve boğaz aletleri gibi sterilize edilemeyen cihazların dezenfeksiyonunda sıkça kullanılır.
Glutardialdehit, ticari ismiyle Glutaral dezenfektan, ilaçlarda ve dericilikte kullanılan bir bileşiktir.[2][3Glutaraldehit ] Dezenfektan olarak ameliyatlarda ve diğer alanlarda kullanılır.[2] İlaç olarak ise ayakta oluşan siğilin giderilmesinde kullanılır.[3]Glutaraldehit Sıvı olarak uygulanır.[2] Glutaraldehit Deride ise formaldehitin yerine tabaklamadan sonra retenajda kullanılır.[4]
Glutaraldehit Deride tahrişe sebep olabilir.[3] Fazla kullanımında baş ağrısı , nefes alıp vermede zorlanma ve bulantı görülebilir.[2] Glutaraldehit Kullanırken koruyucu ekipman kullanılması önerilir. Glutardialdehitler sporlara karşı etkilidir.[2][5] Bu bir dizi aşama sonrasında etkisini gösterir.[5]
Glutardialdehit lerin ilaçlarda kullanımı 1960'lara dayanmaktadır.[6] Bunlar WHO'nun temel gerekli ilaçlar listesinde, sağlık sitemi için en önemli ve kullanımı uygun maddelerden biri olarak geçer.[7] Fiyatı yaklaşık %2'lik çözeltisinin litresi 1.50 ile 7.40 USD arasında değişmektedir.[8] Cidex adı altında satılmaktadır.[9] Deri tabaklamada ise çok çeşitli isimler altında satılmaktadır.
EC NUMARASI: 203-856-5
Glutaraldehit isimleri ve tanımlayıcıları
Glutaraldehit in Hesaplanan Tanımlayıcıları
IUPAC Glutaraldehit ismi
Moleküler Formül Moleküler Formül
FİZİKSEL DURUM: Sarı sıvıya dönüşür
ÇÖZÜCÜ ÇÖZÜCÜĞÜ: Alkolde Çözünür
PH: 3.2-4.2
Log P: -0.18
BUHAR BASINCI: 0,6 (mmHg, 25 ° C'de)
Glutaraldehit, CH2 (CH2CHO) 2 formülüne sahip organik bir bileşiktir. Tıbbi ve dişçilik ekipmanlarının sterilizasyonu için keskin kokulu, yağsız sıvı glutaraldehit kullanılır. Endüstriyel su arıtımında ve koruyucu olarak da kullanılır. Çoğunlukla sulu bir solüsyon olarak bulunur ve bu solüsyonlarda aldehid grupları hidratlıdır. Glutaraldehit, bakteri ve virüslere karşı (2% çözelti), dezenfekte edici bir akışkan ve doku sabitleyiciye, deri tabaklama çözümünde kullanılan bir dezenfektan ve sterilize edici ajan olarak sıkça kullanılan bir kimyasaldır ve belirli sızdırmazlık maddeleri, reçineler, boyalar, Ve elektrikli ürünler (HSDB, 1996). Ticari amaçlar için,% 99,% 50 ve% 20'lik çözeltiler mevcuttur. Glutaraldehid ayrıca siklohekzen'in atmosferik bir reaksiyon ürünüdür. Kaliforniya'daki Hava Toksik Sıcak Nokta Yasası uyarınca en son envantere dayanan tesislerden gelen yıllık eyalet çapında endüstriyel emisyonların 29.660 kilo glutaraldehid olduğu tahmin edilmektedir
Glutaraldehit, mikrobik kontaminasyon sorunlarının ortadan kaldırılmasına yardımcı olabilir. Bu yüksek performanslı antimikrobik maddeler, glutaraldehidin güçlü ve benzersiz antimikrobiyal etkisine dayanılarak çok çeşitli mikroorganizmalar üzerinde mükemmel kontrol sağlar. Düşük kullanım konsantrasyonlarında bakteri, küf ve mayaya karşı antimikrobiyal etkilidir (% 0.01-0.1 aktif madde). Anyonik, noniyonik ve katyonik yüzeyaktif maddeler ve biyosidal etkinlik ile geniş bir pH ve sıcaklık aralığı boyunca mükemmel uyumluluk gösterir.
İki aldehit grubu içeren glutaraldehit bir dezenfektan olarak kullanılır. Isı sterilize edilemeyen tıbbi ve diş hekimliği ekipmanlarının sterilizasyonu için kullanılır. Biyolojik dokular için ve deri tabaklamada fiksatif olarak kullanılır. Diğer bileşikler üretmek için bir kimyasal ara madde olarak kullanılır.
Glutaraldehit, keskin kokusu olan, renksiz, yağlı, sıvı kimyasal bir maddedir.
Glutaraldehyde 50%
General description
Glutaraldehyde solution is 50% solution of glutaraldehyde in water. Antibacterial action of 2% solution of alkaline glutaraldehyde against various atypical mycobacteria has been investigated.[8]
Related Categories Aldehydes, Biochemicals and Reagents, Building Blocks, C1 to C6, Carbohydrates,
Carbohydrates A to Z, Carbohydrates G, Carbonyl Compounds, Chemical Synthesis, Core Bioreagents, Monosaccharide, Organic Building Blocks, Research Essentials
Quality Level 200
vapor density 1.05 (vs air)
vapor pressure 15 mmHg ( 20 °C)
concentration 50 wt. % in H2O
refractive index n20/D 1.42
density 1.106 g/mL at 25 °C
SMILES string [H]C(CCCC([H])=O)=O
InChI 1S/C5H8O2/c6-4-2-1-3-5-7/h4-5H,1-3H2
Cross-linking agent for gelatin,[1][2] poly(vinyl alcohol),[3] and polyheptapeptides.[4]
Glutaraldehyde may be used in the following studies:
• To compose the fixative solution (Glutaraldehyde + Paraformaldehyde + NaPO4) for use in high-resolution light microscopy and electron microscopy studies.[5]
• To study the conjugation of goat anti-horseradish peroxidase with alkaline phosphatase by a reported method.[6]
• To compose the primary fixative, which is employed to protect the deterioration of cytoplasmic features of yeast cells during permanganate fixation.[7]
1 L in glass bottle
25 mL in glass bottle
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Skeletal formula of glutaraldehyde
Ball-and-stick model of the glutaraldehyde molecule
Preferred IUPAC name
Other names
Glutaric acid dialdehyde
Glutaric aldehyde
Glutaric dialdehyde
CAS Number
111-30-8 ☑
3D model (JSmol)
Interactive image
3365 ☑
DB03266 ☑
ECHA InfoCard 100.003.506
D01120 ☑
PubChem CID
T3C89M417N ☑
CompTox Dashboard (EPA)
DTXSID6025355 Edit this at Wikidata
Chemical formula
Molar mass 100.117
Appearance Clear liquid
Odor pungent[2]
Density 1.06 g/mL
Melting point -14 °C (7 °F; 259 K)
Boiling point 187 °C (369 °F; 460 K)
Solubility in water
Miscible, reacts
Vapor pressure 17 mmHg (20°C)[2]
Safety data sheet CAS 111-30-8
GHS pictograms GHS05: CorrosiveGHS06: ToxicGHS08: Health hazardGHS09: Environmental hazard
GHS Signal word Danger
GHS hazard statements
H302, H314, H317, H331, H334, H400
GHS precautionary statements
P260, P264, P270, P271, P272, P273, P280, P284, P301+312, P330, P302+352, P332+313, P304+340, P305+351+338, P311, P403+233, P405, P501
NFPA 704 (fire diamond)
NFPA 704 four-colored diamond
Flash point noncombustible[2]
Threshold limit value (TLV)
0.2 ppm (0.82 mg/m3) (TWA), 0.05 ppm (STEL)
Lethal dose or concentration (LD, LC):
LD50 (median dose)
134 mg/kg (rat, oral); 2,560 mg/kg (rabbit, dermal)
NIOSH (US health exposure limits):
REL (Recommended)
0.2 ppm (0.8 mg/m3)[2]
Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa).
☑ verify (what is ☑☒ ?)
Infobox references
Glutaraldehyde, sold under the brandname Cidex and Glutaral among others, is a disinfectant, medication, preservative, and fixative.[3][4][5][6] As a disinfectant, it is used to sterilize surgical instruments and other areas of hospitals.[3] As a medication, it is used to treat warts on the bottom of the feet.[4] Glutaraldehyde is applied as a liquid.[3]
Side effects include skin irritation.[4] If exposed to large amounts, nausea, headache, and shortness of breath may occur.[3] Protective equipment is recommended when used, especially in high concentrations.[3] Glutaraldehyde is effective against a range of microorganisms including spores.[3][7] Glutaraldehyde is a dialdehyde.[8] It works by a number of mechanisms.[7]
Glutaraldehyde came into medical use in the 1960s.[9] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system.[10] The wholesale cost in the developing world is about US$1.50-7.40 per liter of 2% solution.[11] There are a number of other commercial uses such as leather tanning.[12]
1 Uses
1.1 Disinfection
1.2 Fixative
1.3 Wart treatment
2 Safety
3 Mechanism of action
4 Production and reactions
5 History and culture
6 References
7 External links
Glutaraldehyde is used as a disinfectant and medication.[3][4][13]
Usually applied as a solution, it is used to sterilize surgical instruments and other areas.[3]
Glutaraldehyde is used in biochemistry applications as an amine-reactive homobifunctional crosslinker and fixative prior to SDS-PAGE, staining, or electron microscopy. It kills cells quickly by crosslinking their proteins. It is usually employed alone or mixed with formaldehyde[14] as the first of two fixative processes to stabilize specimens such as bacteria, plant material, and human cells. A second fixative procedure uses osmium tetroxide to crosslink and stabilize cell and organelle membrane lipids. Fixation is usually followed by dehydration of the tissue in ethanol or acetone, followed by embedding in an epoxy resin or acrylic resin.[citation needed]
Another application for treatment of proteins with glutaraldehyde is the inactivation of bacterial toxins to generate toxoid vaccines, e.g., the pertussis (whooping cough) toxoid component in the Boostrix Tdap vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline.[15]
In a related application, glutaraldehyde is sometimes employed in the tanning of leather and in embalming.[citation needed]
Wart treatment
As a medication it is used to treat warts on the bottom of the feet.[4] For this purpose, a 10% w/w solution is used. It dries the skin, facilitating physical removal of the wart.[16] Trade names include Diswart Solution and Glutarol.[citation needed]
Side effects include skin irritation.[4] If exposed to large amounts, nausea, headache, and shortness of breath may occur.[3] Protective equipment is recommended when used, especially in high concentrations.[3] Glutaraldehyde is effective against a range of microorganisms including spores.[3][7]
As a strong sterilant, glutaraldehyde is toxic and a strong irritant.[17] There is no strong evidence of carcinogenic activity.[18] Some occupations that work with this chemical have an increased risk of some cancers.[18]
Mechanism of action
A number of mechanisms have been invoked to explain the biocidal properties of glutaraldehyde.[7] Like many other aldehydes, it reacts with amines and thiol groups, which are common functional groups in proteins. Being bi-function, it is also a potential crosslinker.[19]
Production and reactions
Synthesis of glutaraldehyde via the Diels-Alder reaction.
Glutaraldehyde is produced industrially by the oxidation of cyclopentene. Alternatively it can be made by the Diels-Alder reaction of acrolein and vinyl ethers followed by hydrolysis.[20]
Like many other dialdehydes, (e.g., glyoxal) and simple aldehydes (e.g., formaldehyde), glutaraldehyde converts in aqueous solution to various hydrates that in turn convert to other equilibrating species.[clarification needed][21][20]
Monomeric glutaraldehyde polymerizes by aldol condensation reaction yielding alpha, beta-unsaturated poly-glutaraldehyde. This reaction usually occurs at alkaline pH values.[medical citation needed]
History and culture
Glutaraldehyde came into medical use in the 1960s.[22] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system.[10] The wholesale cost in the developing world is about US$1.50-7.40 per liter of 2% solution.[11] There are a number of other commercial uses such as leather tanning.[23]
A glutaraldehyde solution of 0.1% to 1.0% concentration may be used as a biocide for system disinfection and as a preservative for long-term storage. It is a sterilant, killing endospores in addition to many microorganisms and viruses.[24]
As a biocide, glutaraldehyde is a component of hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") fluid. It is included in the additive called Alpha 1427.[25] Bacterial growth impairs extraction of oil and gas from these wells. Glutaraldehyde is pumped as a component of the fracturing fluid to inhibit microbial growth.[medical citation needed]
Glutaraldehyde is a colorless, oily liquid with a sharp, pungent odor. Glutaraldehyde is used for industrial, laboratory, agricultural, medical, and some household purposes, primarily for disinfecting and sterilization of surfaces and equipment. For example, it is used in oil and gas recovery operations and pipelines, waste water treatment, x-ray processing, embalming fluid, leather tanning, paper industry, in fogging and cleaning of poultry houses, and as a chemical intermediate in the production of various materials. It may be used in select goods, such as paint and laundry detergent.
CDC-ATSDR Toxic Substances Portal
Glutaral is used as an antimicrobial agent in sugar mills and as a fixing agent in the immobilisation of glucose isomerase enzyme preparations for use in the manufacture of high fructose corn syrup A polymerized isomer of glutaraldehyde known as polycycloglutaracetal is a fertilizer for aquatic plants. It is claimed that it provides a bioavailable source of carbon for higher plants that is not available to algae. Though not marketed as such due to federal regulations, the biocidal effect of glutaraldehyde kills most algae at concentrations of 0. 5 - 5. 0 ppm. These levels are not harmful to most aquatic fauna and flora. Adverse reactions have been observed by some aquarists at these concentrations in some aquatic mosses, liverworts, and vascular plants. Glutaraldehyde is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor used to disinfect medical and dental equipment. It is also used for industrial water treatment and as a chemical preservative. Glutaraldehyde is an oily liquid at room temperature (density 1. 06 g/mL), and miscible with water, alcohol, and benzene. It is used as a tissue fixative in electron microscopy. It is employed as an embalming fluid, is a component of leather tanning solutions, and occurs as an intermediate in the production of certain industrial chemicals. Glutaraldehyde is frequently used in biochemistry applications as an amine-reactive homobifunctional crosslinker. The oligomeric state of proteins can be examined through this application. However, it is toxic, causing severe eye, nose, throat and lung irritation, along with headaches, drowsiness and dizziness. It is a main source of occupational asthma among health care providers.
Human Metabolome Database (HMDB)
Glutaraldehyde is a dialdehyde comprised of pentane with aldehyde functions at C-1 and C-5. It has a role as a cross-linking reagent, a disinfectant and a fixative.
Glutaraldehyde is a commonly used chemical cross-linking agent that forms cross-links between the aldehyde and the e-amine groups of lysine or hydroxylysine in collagen.
From: Peptides and Proteins as Biomaterials for Tissue Regeneration and Repair, 2018
Related terms:
ResinAntibodyProteinFormaldehydeCacodylic AcidElectron MicroscopyParaformaldehydeUranyl Acetate
EC NUMBER: 203-856-5
Names and Identifiers of GLUTARALDEHYDE
Computed Descriptors of GLUTARALDEHYDE
Molecular Formula Molecular Formula
PHYSICAL STATE: Clear to yellowish liquid
SOLVENT SOLUBILITY: Soluble in alcohol
pH: 3.2 - 4.2
log P: -0.18
VAPOR PRESSURE: 0.6 (mmHg at 25 C)
Glutaraldehyde is an organic compound with the formula CH2(CH2CHO)2. A pungent colorless oily liquid, glutaraldehyde is used to sterilise medical and dental equipment. It is also used for industrial water treatment and as a preservative. It is mainly available as an aqueous solution, and in these solutions the aldehyde groups are hydrated. Glutaraldehyde is a chemical frequently used as a disinfectant and sterilizing agent against bacteria and viruses (2% solution), an embalming fluid and tissue fixative, a component of leather tanning solutions, and an intermediate in the production of certain sealants, resins, dyes, and electrical products (HSDB, 1996). For commercial purposes, solutions of 99%, 50%, and 20% are available. Glutaraldehyde is also an atmospheric reaction product of cyclohexene. The annual statewide industrial emissions from facilities reporting under the Air Toxics Hot Spots Act in California based on the most recent inventory were estimated to be 29,603 pounds of glutaraldehyde
Glutaraldehyde can help to eliminate microbial contamination problems. Based on the powerful and unparalleled antimicrobial action of glutaraldehyde, these high-performance antimicrobials provide excellent control over a wide variety of microorganisms. It has antimicrobial efficacy against bacteria, mold, and yeast at low use concentrations (0.01-0.1% active ingredient). It shows excellent compatibility with anionic, nonionic, and cationic surfactants and biocidal activity over a broad pH and temperature range.
Glutaraldehyde containing two aldehyde groups, is used as a disinfectant. It is used in sterilizing medical and dental equipment which cannot be heat sterilized. It is used as a fixative for biological tissues and for leather tanning. It is used as a chemical intermediate to produce other compounds.
Glutaraldehyde is a colorless, oily, liquid-chemical with a pungent odor. It is used for a number of applications such as the following:
-A cold sterilant in the health care industry
-A cross-linking and tanning agent
-A biocide in metalworking fluids and in oil and gas pipelines
-An antimicrobial in water-treatment systems
-A slimicide in paper manufacturing
-A preservative in cosmetics
-A disinfectant in animal housing
-A tissue fixative in histology and pathology labs
-A hardening agent in the development of X-rays
-In embalming solutions
-In the preparation of grafts and bioprostheses
-In various clinical applications
-In the health care industry, glutaraldehyde is most often used to disinfect equipment that cannot be heat sterilized such as dialysis instruments, surgical instruments, suction bottles, bronchoscopes, endoscopes, and ear, nose, and throat instruments.
EC NUMBER: 203-856-5
Names and Identifiers of GLUTARALDEHYDE
Computed Descriptors of GLUTARALDEHYDE
Molecular Formula Molecular Formula
PHYSICAL STATE: Clear to yellowish liquid
SOLVENT SOLUBILITY: Soluble in alcohol
pH: 3.2 - 4.2
log P: -0.18
VAPOR PRESSURE: 0.6 (mmHg at 25 C)
Glutaraldehyde is an organic compound with the formula CH2(CH2CHO)2. A pungent colorless oily liquid, glutaraldehyde is used to sterilise medical and dental equipment. It is also used for industrial water treatment and as a preservative. It is mainly available as an aqueous solution, and in these solutions the aldehyde groups are hydrated. Glutaraldehyde is a chemical frequently used as a disinfectant and sterilizing agent against bacteria and viruses (2% solution), an embalming fluid and tissue fixative, a component of leather tanning solutions, and an intermediate in the production of certain sealants, resins, dyes, and electrical products (HSDB, 1996). For commercial purposes, solutions of 99%, 50%, and 20% are available. Glutaraldehyde is also an atmospheric reaction product of cyclohexene. The annual statewide industrial emissions from facilities reporting under the Air Toxics Hot Spots Act in California based on the most recent inventory were estimated to be 29,603 pounds of glutaraldehyde
Glutaraldehyde can help to eliminate microbial contamination problems. Based on the powerful and unparalleled antimicrobial action of glutaraldehyde, these high-performance antimicrobials provide excellent control over a wide variety of microorganisms. It has antimicrobial efficacy against bacteria, mold, and yeast at low use concentrations (0.01-0.1% active ingredient). It shows excellent compatibility with anionic, nonionic, and cationic surfactants and biocidal activity over a broad pH and temperature range.
Glutaraldehyde containing two aldehyde groups, is used as a disinfectant. It is used in sterilizing medical and dental equipment which cannot be heat sterilized. It is used as a fixative for biological tissues and for leather tanning. It is used as a chemical intermediate to produce other compounds.
Glutaraldehyde is a colorless, oily, liquid-chemical with a pungent odor.
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Image illustrative de l'article Glutaraldéhyde
Nom UICPA Pentane-1,5-dial
No CAS 111-30-8
No ECHA 100.003.506
No CE 203-856-5
Apparence liquide incolore, limpide, visqueux, d'odeur âcre. (pur).
Ou liquide incolore, limpide, d'odeur âcre. (solution à 50 %)1
Propriétés chimiques
Formule brute C5H8O2 [Isomères]
Masse molaire2 100,1158 ± 0,0052 g/mol
C 59,98 %, H 8,05 %, O 31,96 %,
Propriétés physiques
T° fusion -14 °C (pur)1,
-6 °C (solution à 50 %)1
T° ébullition (décomposition) : 187 à 189 °C (pur)1,
(décomposition) : 101 °C (solution à 50 %)1
Solubilité dans l'eau : miscible1.
Miscible à l'éthanol et au benzène
Masse volumique 0,7 g·cm-3 (pur)1,
1,1 g·cm-3 (solution à 50 %)1
Pression de vapeur saturante à 20 °C : 2,3 kPa1
SGH05 : CorrosifSGH06 : ToxiqueSGH08 : Sensibilisant, mutagène, cancérogène, reprotoxiqueSGH09 : Danger pour le milieu aquatique
H301, H314, H317, H331, H334, H400,
D1B : Matière toxique ayant des effets immédiats gravesE : Matière corrosive
D1B, D2B, E,
LogP -0,221
Seuil de l'odorat bas : 0,04 ppm5
Unités du SI et CNTP, sauf indication contraire.
modifier Consultez la documentation du modèle
Le glutaraldéhyde est une substance utilisée pour la fixation des protéines et la stérilisation mais aussi dans certains processus industriels.
1 Nature du produit
2 Toxicité
3 Usages
3.1 Biologie
3.2 Médical
3.3 Industrie
3.4 Autres
4 Divers
5 Voir aussi
5.1 Bibliographie
5.2 Liens internes
5.3 Liens externes
5.4 Notes et références
Nature du produit
C'est un liquide incolore très odorant, à l'aspect huileux, soluble dans l'eau, dans l'alcool et dans le benzène.
C'est un produit toxique (toxicité cellulaire et systémique), qui, une fois inhalé, peut causer une irritation sévère des yeux, du nez, de la gorge et des poumons, ainsi que des maux de tête et des troubles de la perception.
Le glutaraldéhyde est utilisé pour la fixation des tissus en microscopie optique et électronique. Par exemple, il permet de fixer les protéines avant la coloration lors d'électrophorèses SDS-PAGE. Il est aussi utilisé comme intermédiaire de « cross-linking » (ou réticulation) intermoléculaire entre protéines. Il a des propriétés de fluorescence : il absorbe la lumière à une longueur d'onde de 540 nm et émet à 560 nm6.
En milieu hospitalier dans le cadre de la décontamination des endoscopes, le glutaraldéhyde permet un nettoyage des appareils et dépose un film de protection. Aujourd'hui, à la suite de plusieurs décrets, ce produit tend à être remplacé par l'acide peracétique.
On le trouve dans la composition de certains vaccins : Pentavac (coqueluche, diphtérie, tétanos, poliomyélite, hiB) Tetravac-Acellulaire (coqueluche, diphtérie, tétanos, poliomyélite).
Dans le secteur industriel, le glutaraldéhyde peut être utilisé dans le tannage du cuir ou comme un intermédiaire chimique de la fabrication des adhésifs et de matériel électrique. Il peut également être utilisé comme agent de conservation de certains produits chimiques comme les adoucisseurs et les cosmétiques mais aussi dans les processus d'embaumement en thanatopraxie.
Le glutaraldéhyde est utilisé comme biocide dans les fluides de fracturation hydraulique, pour protéger contre les bactéries du sol les gommes naturelles (guar) présentes dans le fluide.
Récemment, le glutaraldéhyde a commencé à être utilisé dans le domaine de l'aquariophilie. En fort petites doses, dans les aquariums plantés, le carbone de ce composé est assimilé par les plantes aquatiques pour la photosynthèse. Il faut faire attention, car une dose trop forte pourrait endommager la faune et la flore aquatique.
Le glutaraldéhyde fait partie de la liste des médicaments essentiels de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (liste mise à jour en avril 2013)7.
Voir aussi
BOURBONNAIS, R., C. LAFORTUNE, S. LEVERT. « Exposition au glutaraldéhyde au service d'endoscopie », Objectif prévention, vol. 20, no 1, 1997, p. 34-35.
PISANIELLO, D.L. et al. Glutaraldehyde Exposure and Symptoms Among Endoscopy Nurses in South Australia. Appl.Occup.Environ.Hyg. 12(3), 1997, p. 171-177.
MARANDE, J.-L. « Mesures des niveaux d'exposition au glutaraldéhyde dans différents secteurs d'un hôpital ». Cahier des conférences et des abrégés (4e Conférence internationale de la CIST sur la santé au travail des travailleurs de la santé, Montréal, 1999).
COURTOIS, G. Avis du ministère de l'Environnement et de la Faune, Service des matières dangereuses, Québec, Canada, Avril 1998.
Liens internes
Désinfection, Désinfectant
Toxicologie, écotoxicologie
Liens externes
Fiche toxicologique [archive] (REPTOX Canada)
Fiche toxicologique [archive] (CHU Rouen, France)
Fiche toxicologique [archive] (INRS, France)
Page CDC [archive](USA)
Formule moléculaire brute : C5H8O2
Principaux synonymes
Noms français :
1,3-Diformal propane
Aldéhyde glutarique
Glutaric acid dialdehyde
Glutaric aldehyde
Noms anglais :
Glutaraldehyde, activated or inactivated
Glutaric dialdehyde
Famille chimique
Le glutaraldéhyde est très rarement vendu ou utilisé sous forme pure. Généralement, on le trouve en solution aqueuse dont la concentration varie entre 1 et 50 %. Ces solutions commerciales contiennent habituellement un stabilisant en faible concentration (ex. méthanol, entre 0,05 et 0,5 %), pour ralentir la polymérisation graduelle du glutaraldéhyde.
Utilisation et sources d'émission
Le glutaraldéhyde est utilisé dans les secteurs médical et dentaire
comme agent désinfectant (les solutions aqueuses à 2 % sont utilisées pour la stérilisation à froid des instruments)
dans les solutions de développement de films de rayons -X (solutions aqueuses 0,5 à 1 %)
comme fixateur de matériel biologique (solutions aqueuses de 3 % à 8 %)
comme agent thérapeutique (solutions aqueuses à 2 %, 10 % et 25 % utilisées dans le traitement contre la transpiration excessive, les infections fongiques, les verrues).
Il est également utilisé dans le secteur industriel
comme agent de tannage du cuir
comme agent de conservation en thanatopraxie (embaumement)
comme intermédiaire chimique de la fabrication des adhésifs et de matériel électrique
comme biocide dans les boues de forage, les conduites d'huile et de gaz ainsi que dans les procédés de traitements des eaux de refroidissement industrielles
comme agent de conservation de plusieurs produits chimiques tels que les adoucisseurs et les cosmétiques.
Formule Chimique Détails
Nom Glutaraldéhyde
Numéro CAS 111-30-8
Numéro CE 203-856-5
Numéro index 605-022-00-X
Synonymes Glutaral, Pentane-1,5-dial, Aldéhyde glutarique
Propriétés physiques
Nom Substance Détails
Glutaraldéhyde N° CAS 111-30-8
Etat Physique Liquide
Masse molaire 100,12
Point de fusion -14 °C
Point d'ébullition 187 à 189 °C avec décomposition
Densité 0,72 à 1,061
Densité gaz / vapeur 3,4 à 3,5
Pression de vapeur 2,2 à 2,3 kPa à 20 °C
Point d'éclair 71 °C
Coefficient de partage noctanol / eau (log Pow)
-0,22 à 25 °C
Propriétés chimiques
Récipients de stockage
Valeurs Limites d'Exposition Professionnelle
Substance Pays
Valeur Plafond
Valeur Plafond
Glutaraldéhyde France (Valeur indicative - circulaire 1996) 0,1 0,4 0,2 0,8
Glutaraldéhyde Etats-Unis (ACGIH - 1998) (*) TLV-C, valeur
- - 0,05 0,2
Glutaraldéhyde Allemagne (valeur MAK) 0,05 0,21 0,2 0,83
[1 à 7]
Intermédiaire en synthèse organique.
Agent de réticulation des protéines et de composés polyhydroxylés.
Composant de solutions de développement de films de rayons X.
Substance active biocide entrant dans la composition de produits biocides.
Dans la pratique, le glutaraldéhyde est très rarement vendu ou utilisé tel quel. Généralement, il est livré sous forme de solutions aqueuses dont la concentration varie
entre 1 et 50 %. Ces solutions commerciales contiennent habituellement un stabilisant en faible concentration (ex. méthanol, entre 0,05 et 0,5 %), pour ralentir la
polymérisation graduelle du glutaraldéhyde.
[1 à 11]
À l'état pur, le glutaraldéhyde se présente sous la forme d'un liquide huileux incolore, d'odeur caractéristique avec une limite de détection olfactive de l'ordre de 0,04
ppm. Il est soluble en toutes proportions dans l'eau et l'éthanol.
À 20 °C et 101,3 kPa, 1 ppm = 4,16 mg/m .
Solution aqueuse à 50 % :
Point de fusion : - 6 °C ; Point d'ébullition : 101 °C ; Densité : 1,1 ; Pression de vapeur : 2,3 kPa à 20 °C ; Point d'éclair : > 100 °C (donnée fournisseur).
[2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13]
Le glutaraldéhyde est un produit très réactif qui peut se polymériser en présence d'eau. La réaction de condensation est plus rapide en milieu alcalin et peut devenir
violente au contact de bases fortes.
Ses solutions aqueuses acides (pH < 5) sont relativement stables et peuvent se conserver plusieurs mois ; ses solutions alcalines sont moins stables suite à une réaction
de polymérisation qui est plus rapide à pH plus élevé. Ainsi, à pH 9, les solutions aqueuses ne se conservent que quelques semaines.
L'addition d'un stabilisant (par exemple le méthanol) permet de conserver les solutions aqueuses plus longtemps.
C'est également un agent réducteur puissant qui peut réagir vivement avec les acides forts et les agents oxydants forts.
Le glutaraldéhyde et ses solutions aqueuses corrodent de nombreux matériaux, notamment l'acier, le fer galvanisé, l'aluminium, l'étain et le zinc.
Les solutions aqueuses peuvent être stockées dans des récipients en polyéthylène ou en acier inoxydable.
Des valeurs limites d'exposition professionnelle (VLEP) dans l'air des lieux de travail ont été établies pour le glutaraldéhyde.
Base de données FICHES TOXICOLOGIQUES Glutaraldéhyde - Edition : Juillet 2018 Page 3 / 10
Méthodes de détection et de détermination dans l'air
Incendie - Explosion
Pathologie - Toxicologie
Toxicocinétique - Métabolisme
Chez l'animal
Schéma métabolique
Prélèvement par passage de l'air au travers d'un tube ou d'une cartouche rempli(e) de gel de silice imprégné de 2,4-dinitrophénylhydrazine (2,4-DNPH). Le dérivé
formé (dinitrophénylhydrazone) est désorbé à l'aide d'acétoni- trile ou d'un mélange acétonitrile/dichlorométhane puis dosé par chromatographie liquide haute
performance avec détection UV [33 à 35].
Prélèvement par passage de l'air au travers d'une cassette porte-filtre contenant deux filtres en fibre de verre imprégnés de 2,4-DNPH. Désorption du dérivé formé à
l'aide d'acétonitrile. Dosage par chromatographie liquide haute performance avec détection UV [36].
L'utilisation d'un échantillonneur passif est possible : le prélèvement se fait alors par diffusion au travers d'un badge contenant un filtre imprégné de 2,4-DNPH.
Désorption du dérivé formé à l'aide d'acétonitrile. Dosage par chromatographie liquide haute performance avec détection UV.
[8, 12, 14]
Les solutions de glutaraldéhyde ne sont pas combustibles. Il faut néanmoins noter la présence de méthanol comme stabilisant (< 0,5 %). D'autre part, le départ de l'eau,
dans des cas exceptionnels, laisse un résidu combustible donnant lieu à des émanations de fumées acres.
Les agents d'extinction préconisés sont le dioxyde de carbone, les mousses spéciales et les poudres chimiques. L'eau n'est pas recommandée (risque de dispersion de l'in‐
cendie). On pourra toutefois l'utiliser sous forme pulvérisée, ou sous forme de brouillard en grande quantité, pour éteindre un feu peu important ou pour refroidir les fûts
exposés et disperser les vapeurs.
Les intervenants, qualifiés, seront équipés d'appareils de protection respiratoire autonomes isolants et de combinaisons de protection spéciales.
Toxicité aigüe
[15, 16]
Le glutaraldéhyde est un irritant local fort quelle que soit la voie d'exposition ; c'est également un irritant respiratoire et un sensibilisant
La toxicité par voie orale est inversement proportionnelle à la concentration de glutaraldéhyde dans l'eau ; l'irritation du tractus gastro-intestinal induite à plus forte
concentration et la tendance du glutaraldéhyde à se polymériser en présence d'eau, ce qui diminue la quantité d'aldéhyde libre actif, pourraient en être la cause. Les
animaux meurent en 1 à 3 jours ; la souris semble plus sensible que le rat.
Les signes d'une toxicité par inhalation sont limités au tractus respiratoire et à une irritation oculaire (blépharos- pasme, larmoiements, écoulement nasal, respiration
buccale et abdominale). Les vapeurs de glutaraldéhyde générées à haute température (60 °C) sont plus toxiques que celles générées à température ambiante qui
n'engendrent pas de létalité chez les animaux.
Après une exposition orale, les rats présentent une pilo- érection, des croûtes péri-oculaires et péri-nasales, des mouvements ralentis, une respiration rapide et des
diarrhées. À l'autopsie, on note une distension et une congestion de l'estomac avec des zones hémorragiques de la paroi, ainsi que de l'intestin grêle et un
épaississement du pylore. À l'occasion, on observe également une congestion des surrénales, du foie, des reins, de la rate et des poumons.
Après exposition cutanée, des effets locaux apparaissent chez le lapin : érythème, œdème, nécrose, desquamation et escarres. Il n'y a pas de toxicité systémique chez
les survivants ; à l'autopsie, on note une congestion du foie, des reins, de la rate et des poumons.
Les solutions à plus de 10 % de glutaraldéhyde sont irritantes pour la peau du lapin, provoquant érythème, œdème et nécrose disséminée ; celles à 45 ou 50 % provo‐
quent une inflammation locale sévère avec desquamation et nécrose.
Les solutions à plus de 1 % de glutaraldéhyde provoquent, chez le lapin, des lésions cornéennes qui s'amplifient avec la concentration ; l'inflammation de la
conjonctive apparaît à la concentration de 0,2 %.
Chez la souris, le glutaraldéhyde induit une irritation respiratoire (RD50 = 13,9 ppm). Ce n'est pas un irritant respiratoire chez le cobaye.
C'est également un sensibilisant cutané chez l'animal (test du gonflement de l'oreille et test du ganglion local chez la souris, test de maximisation chez le cobaye et la
souris) ; il augmente, chez la souris, le taux des cytokines spécifiques d'une réponse allergique humorale et, à des concentrations > 10 %, le taux d'IgE.
Toxicité subchronique, chronique
Effets génotoxiques
Effets cancérogènes
Inhalatoire Rat 0,1-0,8 mg/l/4 h (24-192 ppm)
Vapeurs : 96 (mâles) - 154 (femelles) mg/m
Aérosol : 350 (mâles) - 280 (femelles) mg/m
605-735 mg/kg 45-50 %
Rat 409-500 mg/kg 25 %
99-183 mg/kg 1-15 %
Orale Souris 325-352 mg/kg
110-130 mg/kg
25 %
2 %
Lapin 125 mg/kg 25 %
Cobaye 50 mg/kg ?
Rat > 2000 mg/kg
Cutanée Souris > 5840 mg/kg
Lapin 897-1432 mg/kg 45-50 %
2128-3045 mg/kg 25 %
Tableau 2. DL50, CL50 [1, 3]
[17 à 20]
Les effets d'une exposition prolongée ou répétée au glutaraldéhyde sont essentiellement dus à l'irritation engendrée localement.
Des rats et des souris ont été exposés au glutaraldéhyde par inhalation :
pendant 2 semaines (0 - 0,16 - 0,5 - 1,6 - 5 - 16 ppm, 6 h/j, 5 j/sem.) : les deux plus fortes concentrations sont létales pour les deux espèces, les animaux meurent en
détresse respiratoire. À l'autopsie, on observe nécrose, inflammation et métaplasie squameuse au niveau du nez et du larynx ; aux plus fortes concentrations, des
lésions semblables sont présentes dans la trachée et, chez le rat, dans les poumons et sur la langue.
pendant 13 semaines (0 - 0,0625 - 0,125 - 0,250 - 0,51 ppm, 6 h/j, 5 j/sem.) : la plus forte concentration est létale pour la souris. Chez le rat, en dehors d'une perte de
poids et d'une dyspnée, aucun signe clinique n'est observé. À l'autopsie, les lésions du tractus respiratoire sont semblables à celles observées lors de l'exposition
pendant 2 semaines : lésions de l'épithélium respiratoire et olfactif chez le rat (NOAEL 0,125 ppm), métaplasie squameuse modérée de l'épithélium du larynx et
des cornets du nez et inflammation suppurante de la partie antérieure de la cavité nasale chez la souris à 1 ppm, nécrose et inflammation aux concentrations
pendant 104 semaines (rats 0 à 0,75 ppm, souris 0 à 0,25 ppm, 6 h/j, 5 j/sem.) : les résultats sont semblables à ceux obtenus lors d'une exposition pendant 13
Des rats, exposés dans l'eau de boisson (0 - 50 - 250 - 1000 ppm, soit 0 - 4 - 17 - 64 mg/kg/j pour les mâles et 0 - 6 - 25 - 86 mg/kg/j pour les femelles) pendant 104
semaines, présentent une réduction de la prise de poids, de nourriture et de boisson, avec pour conséquence une diminution du volume urinaire et du poids des
reins et une irritation gastrique à la forte dose. Des observations identiques ont été faites chez la souris (jusqu'à 1000 ppm) et le chien (jusqu'à 250 ppm).
Une exposition par voie cutanée n'induit, chez le rat (50 - 100 - 150 mg/kg/j, 26 j), qu'une irritation locale et une légère baisse de poids [15].
[15, 16]
Le glutaraldéhyde n'est pas génotoxique dans les tests pratiqués in vitro et in vivo .
In vitro, les tests effectués avec le glutaraldéhyde ne mettent pas en évidence d'effet mutagène sur les souches bactériennes habituellement utilisées. Les études
révèlent un taux faible ou nul de mutations ponctuelles, d'échange entre chromatides sœurs sur cellules ovariennes de hamster chinois ou de synthèse non
programmée de l'ADN sur hépatocyte de rat.
In vivo, le glutaraldéhyde n'induit pas de mutation létale récessive liée au sexe chez la drosophile ni de mutation létale dominante chez la souris. Il n'est pas clastogène
(pas de micronoyaux ou d'aberrations chromosomiques) chez le rat ou la souris.
[15, 16 ]
Le glutaraldéhyde n'est pas cancérogène pour l'animal.
Les expositions à long terme (2 ans) de rats et de souris n'ont pas montré d'effet cancérogène du glutaraldéhyde chez ces animaux, en dehors d'une augmentation
du taux de leucémies lymphoïdes chroniques (néoplasme spontané chez le rat) uniquement chez les femelles. Cet effet n'est pas considéré par les auteurs comme
représentatif d'un effet cancérogène
Le glutaraldéhyde n'est pas toxique pour la reproduction ou le développement de l'animal à des doses non toxiques pour les mères.
Les expositions à long terme n'ont pas montré d'effet du glutaraldéhyde sur l'appareil reproducteur des animaux. Dans le test de létalité dominante chez la souris, il
n'y a pas de réduction de fertilité ou de modification de la viabilité embryonnaire.
Dans une étude chez le rat, sur deux générations (50 - 100 - 250 ppm), le glutaraldéhyde ne provoque pas d'effet sur la reproduction malgré une baisse du poids
Des souris et des rats ont reçu, du 6 au 15 jour de gestation, entre 16 et 100 mg/kg/j. À 50 et 100 mg/kg/j, on note des signes d'intoxication chez les femelles
gestantes et dans les portées. Il n'y a pas de fœtotoxicité aux doses non toxiques pour les mères.
Des lapins gavés avec 5 - 15 - 45 mg/kg/j du 7 au 19 jour de gestation prés