BEHENTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE (Behentrimonyum klorit)
17301-53-0; N,N,N-Trimethyldocosan-1-aminium chloride; Behentrimonium chloride; Docosyltrimethylammonium chloride; 1-Docosanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl-, chloride (1:1); N,N,N-Trimethyl-1-docosanaminium chloride; EINECS 241-327-0; Behenyltrimonium chloride; 1-Docosanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl-, chloride; SCHEMBL29661; docosyltrimethylazanium chloride; behenyltrimethylammonium chloride; Trimethylbehenylammonium chloride; N-Docosyl-N,N,N-trimethylammonium chloride; Z-2424; Q4880765; 1-Docosanaminium,N,N,N-trimethyl-, chloride (1:1);Behentrimonium chloride; behentrimonyumklorür; behentrimonyum klorür; BEHENTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE; BEHENTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE; BEHENTRIMONIUMCHLORIDE; BEHENTRIMONIUM CLORIDE; BEHENTRIMONUM CHLORIDE; BEHENTRIMONIUMCHLORIDE; BEHENTRIMONIUM KLORIT; BEHEN TRIMONIUM CHLORIDE; BEHENTRIMONIUM CHLORUR; BEHENTRIMONUMCHLORIDE; BEHENTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE; behentrımonyum klorur; Behentrimonium chloride; Behentrimoniumchloride; Behentırmonıum chlorıde; Behentrimonyum chloride; Behentrimonium chlorit; Behentrimonium chlorite; Behentrimoniumchloride; Behentrimoniumchlorite; Behentrimonium chlorit; behentrimonium chloride; 17301-53-0; N,N,N-Trimethyldocosan-1-aminium chloride; Behentrimonium chloride; Docosyltrimethylammonium chloride; 1-Docosanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl-, chloride (1:1); N,N,N-Trimethyl-1-docosanaminium chloride; EINECS 241-327-0; Behenyltrimonium chloride; 1-Docosanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl-, chloride; SCHEMBL29661; docosyltrimethylazanium chloride; behenyltrimethylammonium chloride; Trimethylbehenylammonium chloride; N-Docosyl-N,N,N-trimethylammonium chloride; Z-2424; Q4880765; 1-Docosanaminium,N,N,N-trimethyl-, chloride (1:1);Trimethylbehenylammonium chloride; N-Docosyl-N,N,N-trimethylammonium chloride; Z-2424; Q4880765; 1-Docosanaminium,N,N,N-trimethyl-, chloride (1:1); Behentrimonium chloride; behentrimonyumklorür; behentrimonyum klorür; BEHENTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE; BEHENTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE; BEHENTRIMONIUMCHLORIDE; BEHENTRIMONIUM CLORIDE; BEHENTRIMONUM CHLORIDE; BEHENTRIMONIUMCHLORIDE; BEHENTRIMONIUM KLORIT; BEHEN TRIMONIUM CHLORIDE; BEHENTRIMONIUM CHLORUR; BEHENTRIMONUMCHLORIDE; BEHENTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE; behentrımonyum klorur; Behentrimonium chloride; Behentrimoniumchloride; Behentırmonıum chlorıde; Behentrimonyum chloride; Behentrimonium chlorit; Behentrimonium chlorite; N,N,N-Trimethyldocosan-1-aminium chloride; Behentrimoniumchloride; Behentrimoniumchlorite; Behentrimonium chlorit; behentrimonium chloride; behentrimoinum cloride, behentrimonium kloride; Behentrimonium Kloride; behentrimonyum klorid ; behentrimonyum clorid; behentrımonyum klorıd; behentrimoniyum klorid; behentrimoniyum klorid; behentrimoniyum chlorid; behentrimoniyum chlorit; behentırimonyum klorit; behentirimonyum klorit; Behentrimonyum klorite; Behentrimonyum Klorit; Behentrimonyum Klorid; BehentrimonyumKlorit; BehentrimonyumKlorid
behentrimoniyum klorür; behentrimoniyum chlorure; behentrimoniyum chlorur; behentırimonyum klorür; behentirimonyum klorür; Behentrimonyum klorit; Behentrimonyum Klorüre; Behentrimonyum Klorür; BehentrimonyumKlorür; BehentrimonyumKlorür
Behentrimonyum klorit
behentrimonyum klorit KCI Yüksek performanslı kuru ve ıslak tarama kolaylığı sağlayan madde
CAS N °: 17301-53-0 - Behentrimonyum klorit
Tüm kategorilerde "korkunç değil".
Köken (ler): Bitki, Sentetik
Diğer diller: Behentrimoniumchlorid, Cloruro de behentrimonio, Cloruro di Behentrimonium
Kimyasal adı: Dokosiltrimetilamonyum klorit
EINECS / ELINCS N °: 241-327-0
Sınıflandırma: Kuvaterner amonyum, Düzenleyici, Koruyucu
Behentrimonyum klorit esas olarak kozmetikte anti-statik ajan veya saç kremi olarak kullanılan bir kuaterner amonyumdur. Behentrimonyum klorit esas olarak saç bakımında kullanılır. Behentrimonyum klorit organik olarak yasaklanmıştır.
2010 yılında, bir görüş raporunda, Tüketici Güvenliği Bilim Komitesi (SCCS), "Kuvaterner amonyum türevlerinin formülasyonlarının, özellikle ilgili bileşiklerin kombinasyonları, tahriş edici bir potansiyele sahip olmasının yanı sıra, kullanıldığında, SCCS, düzenlenmiş konsantrasyon sınırları içinde kullanıldığında CETRIMONIUM CHLORIDE, STEARTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE ve Behentrimonyum klorit kullanımının "sağlığı için bir risk oluşturmadığını" gösterir (aşağıya bakınız).
Avrupa'da Kısıtlama: V / 44
Kısıtlamalar Behentrimonyum kloritin aşağıdakilerde kullanılmasına bağlıdır:
a) Saç ve yüz kılları için durulama
b) Saç ve yüz saçı için bırakılan ürünler
c) Yüz için bırakılan ürünler
İzin verilen maksimum konsantrasyonlar aşağıdaki gibidir:
a) Behentrimonyum kloritin bireysel konsantrasyonu veya setrimonyum klorür, steartrimonium klorür ve Behentrimonyum kloritin bireysel konsantrasyonlarının toplamı için% 5.0, cetrimonyum klorür ve steartrimonium klorürün toplamı için uygulanabilir ', 286. satırda gösterilmiştir.
b) Behentrimonyum klorit in bireysel konsantrasyonu veya setrimonyum klorür, steartrimonium klorür ve Behentrimonyum klorit in bireysel konsantrasyonlarının toplamı için% 3.0, bu arada setrimonyum klorür ve steartrimonium klorürün toplamı için uygulanabilir 286 satırında belirtilenden daha fazla.
c) Behentrimonyum klorit in tek tek konsantrasyonu için veya setrimonyum klorür, steartrimonium klorür ve Behentrimonyum klorit in bireysel konsantrasyonlarının toplamı için, bu arada setrimonyum klorür ve steartrimonium klorürün toplamı 286 satırında belirtilenden daha fazla.
Behentrimonyum klorit in Fonksiyonları (INCI)
Antistatik: Bir yüzeydeki elektrik yükünü nötralize ederek statik elektriği azaltır
Saç kremi: Saçı kolay taranabilir, esnek, yumuşak ve parlak bırakır ve / veya hacim, hafiflik ve parlaklık verir.
Koruyucu: Kozmetik ürünlerde mikroorganizmaların gelişimini engeller.
INCI: Behentrimonyum klorit
Behentrimonyum klorit veya Behentrimonyum klorür nedir?
Bir kuaterner amonyum tuzu, sarı renkli mumsu bir organik bileşiktir.
Kullanım ve faydaları:
Behentrimonyum klorit antistatik bir ajan olarak kullanılır; saç üzerinde bir tabaka oluşturur ve karmasını engeller. Behentrimonyum klorit emülgatör olarak da kullanılır. Behentrimonyum klorit esas olarak saç kremi ve tentürlerde bulunur.
Behentrimonyum klorit, ürünün saç üzerinde eşit olarak kaymasına izin verir, bu da özellikle hasar görmüş saçlar için dolaşıklığı ve nemlendirmeyi kolaylaştırır. Behentrimonyum klorit saç şaftına nüfuz edebileceğinden, kuruluğu yumuşatmak ve düzeltmek için birçok kıvırcık siyah saç ürününde kullanılır.
Bununla birlikte, Behentrimonyum klorit in bazı antimikrobiyal faydaları vardır.
Behentrimonyum klorit Silikon içermeyen söz, daha doğal görünmek için saç şampuanı, saç kremi veya saç maskesi ürünlerimizde kullanılır. Ancak Behentrimonyum klorit, setrimonyum klorür veya behentrimonyum metosülfat veya ana olanlar için Stearamidopropil Dimetilamin, saçlarımızı güzelleştirmek için değiştirir: bunlar silikonlar yerine (gizli olarak ...) hareket eden kuaterner amonyum tuzlarıdır (quats). Kimya bu nedenle korkutucu kimyanın yerini alır. Gerçekten dörtlü nedir, bu saç kozmetik aktif bileşenlerinin rolü nedir ve saçlar için gerçekten zararlı ve kötü mü?
Bunları saçlarınız veya kozmetik bakım ürünleriniz için "monium", "klorür", "bromür" veya "kuaternium" başlıklarına göre INCI içerik listesinde bulabilirsiniz:
N, N, N-trimetildoksan-1-aminyum klorür
Diğer isimler
Dokosiltrimetilamonyum klorür, BTAC-228, dokosil-trimetilazonyum klorür
CAS numarası
17301-53-0 ☑
3D model (JSmol)
Etkileşimli görüntü
2283212 ☑
ECHA Bilgi Kartı 100.037.554
PubChem CID
kullanım alanları:
Antistatik ve dolaşıklık özelliklerine sahip güçlü saç kremi
Behentrimonyum klorit Hasarlı saçları geri yükleyebilir ve yeniden inşa edebilir (kolza yağı nedeniyle kaplamaz, ancak saç şaftına nüfuz eder ve nüfuz eder)
Behentrimonyum klorit Özellikle kaba saçların yumuşatılmasında etkilidir
Behentrimonyum klorit Bazı antimikrobiyal özelliklere sahiptir
Kullanımı:% 0.5-3 seviyesini kullanın, ılık suya veya eriyiğe (85 ° C) pelet ekleyin, aşırı ısınmayı önleyin. Sadece harici kullanım içindir.
Dokosiltrimetilamonyum klorür veya BTAC-228 olarak da bilinen Behentrimonyum klorit, antistatik bir madde ve bazen dezenfektan olarak kullanılan CH3 (CH2) 21N (Cl) (CH3) 3 kimyasal formülüne sahip sarı balmumu benzeri bir organik bileşiktir. Behentrimonyum klorit Saç kremleri, saç boyası ve köpük gibi kozmetiklerde ve ayrıca deterjanlarda yaygın olarak bulunur.Behentrimonyum klorit in Laboratuar testleri, biyolojik olarak kolayca parçalanmadığını göstermiştir. [1]
Behentrimonyum klorit şu şekilde sınıflandırılır:
Saç bakımı
CAS Numarası 17301-53-0
EINECS / ELINCS No: 241-327-0
Kısıtlama (yalnızca AB için geçerlidir): VI / 44
COSING REF No: 32112
Chem / IUPAC Ürün Adı: Dokosiltrimetilamonyum klorür
Açıklama: Kolza yağı (kanola yağı) ile kuvvetli kondisyonlama etkisine sahip katyonik kuaterner amonyum bileşiği (dokosiltrimetilamonyum klorür). Whole Foods Premium Vücut Bakımı onaylandı. Beyaz ila kirli beyaz pullar, alkol benzeri koku.Behentrimonyum klorit Sıcak suda veya yağda çözünür (85 ° C / 185 ° F), pH: 6-8 (% 2 çözelti). Aktivite:% 79-81 aktif madde.
CAS: 17301-53-0, 64-17-5
INCI Adı: Behentrimonyum klorit, etil alkol
Antistatik ve dolaşıklık özelliklerine sahip güçlü saç kremi
Behentrimonyum klorit Hasarlı saçları geri yükleyebilir ve yeniden inşa edebilir (kolza yağı nedeniyle kaplamaz, ancak saç şaftına nüfuz eder ve nüfuz eder)
Behentrimonyum klorit Özellikle kaba saçların yumuşatılmasında etkilidir
Behentrimonyum klorit Bazı antimikrobiyal özelliklere sahiptir
Kullanımı:% 0.5-3 seviyesini kullanın, ılık suya veya eriyiğe (85 ° C) pelet ekleyin, aşırı ısınmayı önleyin. Sadece harici kullanım içindir.
Behentrimonyum klorit Uygulamaları: Saç kremleri, saç şampuanları, saç durulama.
Menşe Ülke: USA
Hammadde kaynağı: Kolza yağı (kanola yağı)
Behentrimonyum klorit üretimi: Behentrimonyum klorit kolza yağından (kanola yağı) elde edilen yağ asitlerinden üretilir ve ayrıca bir kuaterner amonyum bileşiği elde etmek için üçüncül aminlerin alkillenmesi ile "kuaternize" edilir.
Hayvan Testi: Hayvanlarda test edilmemiştir
GDO: Veri yok
Vegan: Hayvansal kökenli bileşenler içermez
CAS N °: 17301-53-0 - Behentrimonyum klorit
Tüm kategorilerde "korkunç değil".
Köken (ler): Bitki, Sentetik
Diğer diller: Behentrimoniumchlorid, Cloruro de behentrimonio, Cloruro di Behentrimonium
Kimyasal adı: Dokosiltrimetilamonyum klorür
EINECS / ELINCS N °: 241-327-0
Sınıflandırma: Kuvaterner amonyum, Düzenleyici, Koruyucu
Behentrimonyum klorit esas olarak kozmetikte anti-statik ajan veya saç kremi olarak kullanılan bir kuaterner amonyumdur. Behentrimonyum klorit esas olarak saç bakımında kullanılır. Behentrimonyum klorit organik olarak yasaklanmıştır.
İzin verilen maksimum konsantrasyonlar aşağıdaki gibidir:
a) Behentrimonyum kloritin bireysel konsantrasyonu veya setrimonyum klorür, steartrimonium klorür ve Behentrimonyum kloritin bireysel konsantrasyonlarının toplamı için% 5.0, cetrimonyum klorür ve steartrimonium klorürün toplamı için uygulanabilir ', 286. satırda gösterilmiştir.
b) Behentrimonyum kloritin bireysel konsantrasyonu veya setrimonyum klorür, steartrimonium klorür ve Behentrimonyum kloritin bireysel konsantrasyonlarının toplamı için% 3.0, bu arada setrimonyum klorür ve steartrimonium klorürün toplamı için uygulanabilir 286 satırında belirtilenden daha fazla.
c) Behentrimonyum kloritin tek tek konsantrasyonu için veya setrimonyum klorür, steartrimonium klorür ve Behentrimonyum kloritin bireysel konsantrasyonlarının toplamı için, bu arada setrimonyum klorür ve steartrimonium klorürün toplamı 286 satırında belirtilenden daha fazla.
Üründeki mikroorganizmaların gelişimini inhibe etmek dışındaki amaçlar için. Bu son ürünün sunumundan anlaşılmalıdır.
Behentrimonyum klorit Fonksiyonları (INCI)
Antistatik: Bir yüzeydeki elektrik yükünü nötralize ederek statik elektriği azaltır
Saç kremi: Saçı kolay taranabilir, esnek, yumuşak ve parlak bırakır ve / veya hacim, hafiflik ve parlaklık verir.
Koruyucu: Kozmetik ürünlerde mikroorganizmaların gelişimini engeller.
INCI: Behentrimonyum klorit
Behentrimonyum klorit veya Béhentrimonyum klorür nedir?
Bir kuaterner amonyum tuzu, sarı renkli mumsu bir organik bileşiktir.
Behentrimonyum kloritin Kullanım ve faydaları:
Behentrimonyum klorit antistatik bir ajan olarak kullanılır; saç üzerinde bir tabaka oluşturur ve karmasını engeller. Behentrimonyum klorit emülgatör olarak da kullanılır. Behentrimonyum klorit esas olarak saç kremi ve tentürlerde bulunur.
Behentrimonyum klorit, ürünün saç üzerinde eşit olarak kaymasına izin verir, bu da özellikle hasar görmüş saçlar için dolaşıklığı ve nemlendirmeyi kolaylaştırır. Behentrimonyum klorit saç şaftına nüfuz edebileceğinden, kuruluğu yumuşatmak ve düzeltmek için birçok kıvırcık siyah saç ürününde kullanılır.
Bununla birlikte, Behentrimonyum kloritin bazı antimikrobiyal faydaları vardır.
Silikon içermeyen söz, daha doğal görünmek için saç şampuanı, saç kremi veya saç maskesi ürünlerimizde gelişir. Ancak Behentrimonyum klorit, setrimonyum klorür veya behentrimonyum metosülfat veya ana olanlar için Stearamidopropil Dimetilamin, saçlarımızı güzelleştirmek için değiştirir: bunlar silikonlar yerine (gizli olarak ...) hareket eden kuaterner amonyum tuzlarıdır (quats). Kimya bu nedenle korkutucu kimyanın yerini alır. Gerçekten dörtlü nedir, bu saç kozmetik aktif bileşenlerinin rolü nedir ve saçlar için gerçekten zararlı ve kötü mü?
2010 yılında, bir görüş raporunda, Tüketici Güvenliği Bilim Komitesi (SCCS), "Kuvaterner amonyum türevlerinin formülasyonlarının, özellikle ilgili bileşiklerin kombinasyonları kullanıldığında tahriş edici bir potansiyele sahip olmasının yanı sıra, SCCS'nin CETRIMONIUM CHLORIDE, STEARTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE ve Behentrimonium chloride kullanımı, düzenlenmiş konsantrasyon sınırları dahilinde kullanıldığında tüketicinin sağlığı için bir risk oluşturmaz "(aşağıya bakınız).
Avrupa'da Kısıtlama: V / 44
Kısıtlamalar Behentrimonyum klorit in aşağıdakilerde kullanılmasına bağlıdır:
a) Saç ve yüz kılları için durulama
b) Saç ve yüz saçı için bırakılan ürünler
Behentrimonium chloride
N° CAS : 17301-53-0 - Chlorure de behentrimonium
"Pas terrible" dans toutes les catégories.
Origine(s) : Végétale, Synthétique
Autres langues : Behentrimoniumchlorid, Cloruro de behentrimonio, Cloruro di Behentrimonium
Nom INCI : behentrimonyum klorid
Nom chimique : Docosyltrimethylammonium chloride
N° EINECS/ELINCS : 241-327-0
Classification : Ammonium quaternaire, Règlementé, Conservateur
Le Behentrimonium Chloride est un ammonium quaternaire principalement utilisé en cosmétique en tant que qu'agent anti-statique ou conditionneur capillaire. Behentrimonium chloride est employé pour ses raisons principalement dans les soins capillaires. Behentrimonium chloride est interdit en bio.
En 2010, dans un rapport d'opinions, le Comité scientifique pour la sécurité des consommateurs (CSSC) a conclu que "Outre le fait que les formulations de dérivés d'ammonium quaternaire ont un potentiel irritant, en particulier lorsque des combinaisons des composés concernés sont utilisés, le SCCS indique que l'utilisation de CETRIMONIUM CHLORIDE, de STEARTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE et de BEHENTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE ne posent pas de risque pour la santé du consommateur" lorsqu'ils sont utilisés dans les limites de concentration réglementées (voir ci-dessous).
Restriction en Europe : V/44
Les restrictions sont dépendantes de l'utilisation de Behentrimonium chloride dans:
a) Produits à rincer pour les cheveux et la pilosité faciale
b) Produits sans rinçage pour les cheveux et la pilosité faciale
c) Produits sans rinçage pour le visage
Les concentrations maximales autorisées sont les suivantes :
a) 5,0 % pour la concentration individuelle en behentrimonium chloride ou la somme des concentrations individuelles en cetrimonium chloride, en steartrimonium chloride et en behentrimonium chloride, tout en respectant la concentration maximale applicable pour la somme du cetrimonium chloride et du steartrimonium chloride telle qu'indiquée à la ligne 286.
b) 3,0 % pour la concentration individuelle en behentrimonium chloride ou pour la somme des concentrations individuelles en cetrimonium chloride, en steartrimonium chloride et en behentrimonium chloride, tout en respectant la concentration maximale applicable pour la somme du cetrimonium chloride et du steartrimonium chloride telle qu'indiquée à la ligne 286.
c) 3,0 % pour la concentration individuelle en behentrimonium chloride ou pour la somme des concentrations individuelles en cetrimonium chloride, en steartrimonium chloride et en behentrimonium chloride, tout en respectant la concentration maximale applicable pour la somme du cetrimonium chloride et du steartrimonium chloride telle qu'indiquée à la ligne 286.
À des fins autres qu'inhiber le développement de micro-organismes dans le produit. Cette fin doit ressortir de la présentation du produit.
Ses fonctions (INCI)
Antistatique : Réduit l'électricité statique en neutralisant la charge électrique sur une surface
Conditionneur capillaire : Laisse les cheveux faciles à coiffer, souples, doux et brillants et / ou confèrent volume, légèreté et brillance
Conservateur : Inhibe le développement des micro-organismes dans les produits cosmétiques.
INCI: Behentrimonium chloride
Qu'est-ce que le Behentrimonium chloride ou Chlorure de béhentrimonium?
C'est un sel d'ammonium quaternaire, un composé organique cireux de couleur jaune.
Utilisation et bénéfices:
Behentrimonium chloride est utilisé comme agent antistatique ; il forme une couche sur les cheveux et leur permet de rester démêlés. Behentrimonium chloride est également utilisé comme émulsifiant. On trouve Behentrimonium chloride surtout dans les revitalisants et les teintures.
Behentrimonium chloride permet au produit de glisser uniformément sur les cheveux, ce qui facilite le démêlage et l'hydratation, en particulier pour les cheveux abîmés. Utilisé dans de nombreux produits pour cheveux noirs bouclés pour adoucir et restaurer la sécheresse car Behentrimonium chloride peut pénétrer la tige capillaire.
Behentrimonium chloride présente toutefois certains avantages antimicrobiens.
La mention sans silicones fleurit sur nos produits cheveux de shampooing, d'après-shampooing ou masque capillaire..., afin de paraître plus naturels. Mais behentrimonium chloride, cetrimonium chloride ou encore behentrimonium methosulfate ou Stearamidopropyl Dimethylamine pour les principaux les remplacent pour embellir nos cheveux : il s'agit des sels d'ammonium quaternaire (quats) qui agissent (discrètement...) à la place des silicones. La chimie remplace donc la chimie qui fait peur. Que sont vraiment les quats, quel est le rôle de ces actifs cosmétiques capillaires et sont-ils vraiment nocifs et mauvais pour les cheveux ? Décryptage :
Vous les repérerez dans la liste INCI des ingrédients de vos produits capillaires ou de soin cosmétique par leur intitulé comportant « monium », « chloride », « bromide » ou « quaternium » :
Quaternium avec un chiffre
Polyquaternium avec un chiffre
DSDMAC (Quaternium-5)
CTAC (Cetyl triméthyl ammonium chlorure)
BTMS Behentrimonium methosulfate (Alcool cétéarylique et behentrimonium chloride)
Dipalmitoylethyl hydroxyethylmonium methosulfate
Hydroxypropyl guar
Hydroxypropyltrimonium chloride
Cetrimonium choride
Behentrimonium chloride
Zoom sur le Behentrimonium chloride et le Stearamidopropyl Dimethylamine (utilisés dans l'AS Ultra-Doux de Garnier et le masque Expert Nutrition de Franck Provost ; le beurre de karité mis en avant n'est en fait présent qu'en quantité infime dans ces deux produits, tout à la fin de la liste des ingrédients...) :
1/ Le Behentrimonium chloride
C'est un sel d'ammonium quaternaire de type tensioactif cationique à longue chaîne grasse, ce qui le rend très efficace pour se déposer le long du cheveu abîmé et le lisser (Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists, pg 85-94, 1994).
Il peut aussi éliminer les petites salissures (mais reste moins lavant que les tensioactifs anioniques comme le SLS qui décape mieux les huiles). Il possède aussi des proprietés antiseptiques (élimime les bactéries), ce qui lui permet de jouer le role de conservateur.
Une petite quantité suffit normalement du fait de son attirance naturelle (charge positive) avec la charge négative de la kératine par attraction électrostatique (comme des aimants).
Toutefois dans l'après-shampooing de Garnier à l'avocat et au karité, on constate qu'il arrive en tête de liste (4e position) ce qui signifie qu'il est présent en forte concentration.
Son action est favorisée lorsqu'il est combiné avec certains acides gras comme le Cetyl alcohol (Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists, pg 251-263, 1989) ou encore les Stearyl alcohol et Cetearyl alcohol (qui est une combinaison de Stearyl et Cetyl alcohol). D'autres corps gras ou huiles comme l'huile de coco ou le beurre de karité favorisent encore son absorption capillaire.
Dans l'Après-shampooing de Garnier, il est associé au Cetearyl alcohol. Il est conseillé de ne pas utiliser les produits à base de Behentrimonium avec des shampooings à tendance acide mais plutôt à ph neutre.
Sur le Behentrimonium Chloride elle se demande en quoi celui-ci est naturel et indique : « Ce qui est vrai, c'est que l'acide béhénique est en règle générale d'origine végétale. Mais, derrière l'appellation Behentrimonium Chloride se cache le processus chimique de la quaternisation, et il s'agit là de chimie dure. »
Behentrimonium chloride
IUPAC name
N,N,N-trimethyldocosan-1-aminium chloride
Other names
Docosyltrimethylammonium chloride, BTAC-228, docosyl-trimethylazanium chloride
CAS Number
17301-53-0 ☑
3D model (JSmol)
Interactive image
2283212 ☑
ECHA InfoCard 100.037.554
PubChem CID
Behentrimonium chloride, also known as docosyltrimethylammonium chloride or BTAC-228, is a yellow waxlike organic compound with chemical formula CH3(CH2)21N(Cl)(CH3)3, used as an antistatic agent and, sometimes, a disinfectant. It is commonly found in cosmetics such as conditioners, hair dye, and mousse, and also in detergents. Laboratory tests have indicated that it does not readily biodegrade.[1]
Behentrimonium chloride is classified as :
Hair conditioning
CAS Number 17301-53-0
EINECS/ELINCS No: 241-327-0
Restriction (applies to EU only): VI/44
COSING REF No: 32112
Chem/IUPAC Name: Docosyltrimethylammonium chloride
Description: Cationic quaternary ammonium compound (docosyltrimethylammonium chloride) made from colza oil (canola oil) with potent conditioning effect. Whole Foods Premium Body Care approved. White to off-white flakes, alcohol-like odor. Soluble in hot water or oil (85°C/185°F), pH: 6-8 (2% solution). Activity: 79-81% active substances.
CAS: 17301-53-0, 64-17-5
INCI Name: Behentrimonium chloride, ethyl alcohol
Potent conditioner with antistatic & detangling properties
Able to restore & rebuild damaged hair (due to colza oil it does not coat but penetrates & substantiates the hair shaft)
Especially effective for softening coarse hair
Has some antimicrobial properties
Use: Use level 0.5-3 %, add pellets to warm water or oil (85°C) to melt, avoid overheating. For external use only.
Applications: Hair conditioners, hair shampoos, hair rinses.
Country of Origin: USA
Raw material source: Colza oil (canola oil)
Manufacture of Behentrimonium chloride: Behentrimonium chloride is produced from fatty acids obtained from colza oil (canola oil) and further "quaternized" by alkylation of tertiary amines to obtain a quaternary ammonium compound.
Animal Testing: Not animal tested
GMO: No data available
Vegan: Does not contain animal-derived components
CAS N °: 17301-53-0 - Behentrimonium chloride
"Not terrible" in all categories.
Origin (s): Plant, Synthetic
Other languages: Behentrimoniumchlorid, Cloruro de behentrimonio, Cloruro di Behentrimonium
Chemical name: Docosyltrimethylammonium chloride
EINECS / ELINCS N °: 241-327-0
Classification: Quaternary ammonium, Regulated, Preservative
Behentrimonium Chloride is a quaternary ammonium mainly used in cosmetics as an anti-static agent or hair conditioner. Behentrimonium chloride is used for its reasons mainly in hair care. Behentrimonium chloride is prohibited in organic.
In 2010, in a opinions report, the Scientific Committee for Consumer Safety (SCCS) concluded that "Besides the fact that formulations of quaternary ammonium derivatives have an irritant potential, in particular when combinations of the compounds concerned are used, the SCCS indicates that the use of CETRIMONIUM CHLORIDE, STEARTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE and Behentrimonium chloride does not pose a risk to the health of the consumer "when used within the regulated concentration limits (see below).
Restriction in Europe: V / 44
The restrictions are dependent on the use of Behentrimonium chloride in:
a) Rinses for hair and facial hair
b) Leave-in products for hair and facial hair
c) Leave-in products for the face
The maximum permitted concentrations are as follows:
a) 5.0% for the individual concentration of behentrimonium chloride or the sum of the individual concentrations of cetrimonium chloride, steartrimonium chloride and behentrimonium chloride, while respecting the maximum concentration applicable for the sum of cetrimonium chloride and steartrimonium chloride as 'indicated on line 286.
b) 3.0% for the individual concentration of behentrimonium chloride or for the sum of the individual concentrations of cetrimonium chloride, steartrimonium chloride and behentrimonium chloride, while respecting the maximum concentration applicable for the sum of cetrimonium chloride and steartrimonium chloride such than indicated on line 286.
c) 3.0% for the individual concentration of behentrimonium chloride or for the sum of the individual concentrations of cetrimonium chloride, steartrimonium chloride and behentrimonium chloride, while respecting the maximum concentration applicable for the sum of cetrimonium chloride and steartrimonium chloride such than indicated on line 286.
For purposes other than inhibiting the development of microorganisms in the product. This end must be apparent from the presentation of the product.
Its functions (INCI)
Antistatic: Reduces static electricity by neutralizing the electric charge on a surface
Hair conditioner: Leaves hair easy to comb, flexible, soft and shiny and / or gives volume, lightness and shine
Preservative: Inhibits the development of microorganisms in cosmetic products.
INCI: Behentrimonium chloride
What is Behentrimonium chloride or Béhentrimonium chloride?
It is a quaternary ammonium salt, a waxy organic compound of yellow color.
Use and benefits of Behentrimonium chloride:
Behentrimonium chloride is used as an antistatic agent; it forms a layer on the hair and keeps it untangled. Behentrimonium chloride is also used as an emulsifier. Behentrimonium chloride is found mainly in conditioners and tinctures.
Behentrimonium chloride allows the product to slide evenly over the hair, which facilitates detangling and moisturizing, especially for damaged hair. Used in many curly black hair products to soften and restore dryness as Behentrimonium chloride can penetrate the hair shaft.
Behentrimonium chloride, however, has certain antimicrobial benefits.
The mention without silicone flourishes on our hair shampoo, conditioner or hair mask products, in order to appear more natural. But behentrimonium chloride, cetrimonium chloride or behentrimonium methosulfate or Stearamidopropyl Dimethylamine for the main ones replace them to beautify our hair: these are quaternary ammonium salts (quats) which act (discreetly ...) in place of silicones. Chemistry therefore replaces scary chemistry. What are quats really, what is the role of these hair cosmetic active ingredients and are they really harmful and bad for the hair? Decryption:
Cationic surfactant with anti-static and conditioning effect
What is Behentrimonium chloride
Behentrimonium chloride is a waxy solid derived from colza oil.[1] Colza oil comes from the seeds of Brassica rapa olifera, also called canola or rapeseed, which is part of the mustard plant family. The plant has signature yellow flowers.[2] Behentrimonium chloride is quaternary ammonium salt and a straight chain alkyl trimonium.[3,4]
What Behentrimonium chloride does in our products
Behentrimonium chloride is an antistatic and hair conditioning agent; it is also an emulsifying agent.[5] It is a type of trimonium that makes cationic chains attract to anionic charges in the protein structure of skin and hair, which creates a conditioning effect.[6] It tends not to dissolve in water, which means it remains on the hair, making it popular in rinse-off hair conditioners.[7]Behentrimonium chloride is present in hundreds of personal care products, including conditioner, hair coloring, moisturizers, bath soaps, mousse and other items.[8]
How Behentrimonium chloride made
Making behentrimonium chloride begins by making canola oil. Canola seeds are heated then pressed via screw presses or expellers. Solvents are usually added to the remaining "presscake" to extract the remaining oil. The solvent is later removed from the oil via a steam and heat process.[9]Behentrimonium chloride is then made by quaternizing behenyl dimethylamine with methyl chloride in 30% dipropylene glycol.[10]
Why we use Behentrimonium chloride
We use behentrimonium chloride in several of our products as a hair detangler, and it is a much more natural alternative to harsh silicones. The Cosmetics Ingredient Review has deemed the ingredient safe for use in cosmetics.[11] Whole Foods has deemed the ingredient acceptable in its body care quality standards.[12,13] In addition, behentrimonium chloride (25% in cetearyl alcohol) was reported to be an ocular irritant, though several studies show the ingredient is not a strong skin irritant
CosIng functions
Hair Conditioning Agent
As a preservative
• Maximum concentration in ready for use preparation: 0.1%
Rinse-off hair products
• Maximum concentration in ready for use preparation: 5,0% for the individual concentration of behentrimonium chloride or the sum of the individual concentrations of cetrimonium chloride, steartrimonium chloride and behentrimonium chloride, while at the same time respecting the relevant maximum concentration for the sum of cetrimonium chloride and steartrimonium chloride set out in entry 265
• Other conditions: for purposes other than inhibiting the development of micro-organisms in the product. The purpose has to be apparent from the presentation of the product
Leave-on hair products
• Maximum concentration in ready for use preparation: 3,0% for the individual concentration of behentrimonium chloride or the sum of the individual concentrations of cetrimonium chloride, steartrimonium chloride and behentrimonium chloride, while at the same time respecting the relevant maximum concentration for the sum of cetrimonium chloride and steartrimonium chloride set out in entry 265
• Other conditions: for purposes other than inhibiting the development of micro-organisms in the product. The purpose has to be apparent from the presentation of the product
Leave-on face products
• Maximum concentration in ready for use preparation: 3,0% for the individual concentration of behentrimonium chloride or the sum of the individual concentrations of cetrimonium chloride, steartrimonium chloride and behentrimonium chloride, while at the same time respecting the relevant maximum concentration for the sum of cetrimonium chloride and steartrimonium chloride set out in entry 265
• Other conditions: for purposes other than inhibiting the development of micro-organisms in the product. The purpose has to be apparent from the presentation of the product
WHAT IS IT? Behentrimonium chloride is a quaternary ammonium salt used as a preservative, antistatic agent, defrizzer, emulsifier and hair conditioning agent. It is primarily used in hair care products such as conditioner, dye and mousse.
HEALTH RISKS: Behentrimonium chloride is a toxic compound, and concentrations of .1% and higher have been shown to damage the eyes by causing tissue death of the mucous membranes. It's also highly flammable, irritating to the skin and can cause an increased risk of cancer, nerve damage, anemia and disintegration of the kidneys.
What is Behentrimonium Chloride
The form it comes in is a white prill pictured above. Behenetrimonium chloride is very similar chemically to cetrimonium chloride. We already reviewed it because it's in our shampoo, and you can find that post here. The basic difference is the fatty portion is different. Behenyl has twenty-two carbon atoms in the chain, while cetrimonium chloride has only sixteen. Other than that, the molecules are exactly the same. While that doesn't seem like a huge difference, it actually is. I always make the analogy that H2O is water and is perfectly safe, but just the addition of a single oxygen to make it H2O2 can kill you. That's hydrogen peroxide.
The extra carbons make a big difference in the feel. You can really feel behentrimonium chloride on your hair after it's rinsed, where that isn't really the case with cetrimonium chloride. That doesn't mean the cetrimonium chloride isn't working. It's just that you can't actually notice it very well. In this industry, it's all about consumer perception. If the consumer can't feel the difference, they don't think it works.
Is Behentrimonium Chloride Safe?
Just like above, because the molecules were close they were tested together by the CIR. The difference I was talking about in performance from the small change in structure doesn't necessarily translate in safety. Because the molecules have the same basic structure, they have similar safety profiles. This is where changing the fatty portion doesn't matter so much when going from sixteen to twenty-two carbons. The same report applies to cetrimonium chloride and I linked it in that blog post already. But in case you missed it, you can see it here. The panel's conclusion is it's safe as used in rinse off (which a conditioner is). It's safe up to 0.25% in a leave on product. I talked about what levels are typically used in the previous post as well. It's going to be less than 0.25% in pretty much everything.
The next post will cover another silicone as a conditioner, dimethicone.
Behentrimonium chloride (BTC) is a straight-chain alkyltrimonium chloride compound commonly used as an antistatic, hair conditioning, emulsifier, or preservative agent in personal care products. Although the European Union recently restricted the use of alkyltrimonium chlorides and bromides as preservatives to ?0.1%, these compounds have been safely used for many years at ?5% in hundreds of cosmetic products for other uses than as a preservative. In vitro, clinical, and controlled consumer usage tests in barrier-impaired individuals were conducted to determine if whole body, leave-on skin care products containing 1-5% BTC cause dermal irritation or any other skin reaction with use. BTC-containing formulations were predicted to be non-irritants by the EpiDerm® skin irritation test and the bovine corneal opacity and permeability (BCOP)/chorioallantoic membrane vascular assay (CAMVA) ocular irritation test battery. No evidence of allergic contact dermatitis or cumulative dermal irritation was noted under the exaggerated conditions of human occlusive patch tests. No clinically assessed or self-reported adverse reactions were noted in adults or children with atopic, eczematous, and/or xerotic skin during two-week and four-week monitored home usage studies. These results were confirmed by post-marketing data for five body lotions, which showed only 0.69 undesirable effects (mostly skin irritation) reported per million shipped consumer units during 2006-2011; a value consistent with a non-irritating body lotion. No serious undesirable effects were reported during in-market use of the products. Therefore, if formulated in appropriate conditions at 1-5%, BTC will not cause dermal irritation or delayed contact sensitization when used in a whole-body, leave-on product.
Not only conditioning it also acts as a preservative by preventing the growth of bacteria in liquid solutions, and therefore help products to last longer. It is also a surfactant: partly water-soluble and partly oil-soluble, it allows oil and water to become dispersed and give products a good consistency and a gentle cleansing foam.
Behentrimonium chloride is a quaternary ammonium salt, its concentration in cosmetics is highly controlled by state regulations.
It is very similar to another conditioning ingredient called cetrimonium chloride. Indeed, only the number of carbon atoms they contain differs, which slightly changes the feel of the conditioner on the hair when you apply it, cetrimonium chloride being very light, almost imperceptible when the hair is still wet, whereas, with behentrimonium, you can really feel the product in the hair.
What is it? Behentrimonium Chloride is a cationic emulsifier and conditioning ingredient. Unlike Behentrimonium Methosulfate (BTMS) it is often available without any stabilizing additives like cetearyl alcohol, so you'll need to add some of your own in order to create stable emulsions with it.
INCI Behentrimonium Chloride
Appearance White pellets or flakes
Usage rate 0.5-3%
Texture Products made with behentrimonium chloride tend to have a smooth, powdery finish.
Scent Strong fishy odor
Approximate Melting Point 90°C (194°F)
pH 6-8
Charge Cationic
Solubility Oil
Why do we use it in recipes? Behentrimonium Chloride is an excellent conditioner, helping improve comb-through, reduce static, and soften coarse hair. It is most typically used in cream-type hair conditioners, both leave-in and rinse-out.
Do you need it? No, but I'd recommend trying a store bought product that uses it as the primary conditioning agent-some people find their hair really prefers Behentrimonium Chloride to Behentrimonium Methosulfate (BTMS).
Refined or unrefined? Behentrimonium Chloride only exists as a refined product.
Strengths Behentrimonium Chloride is an excellent conditioning active in hair products.
Weaknesses Behentrimonium Chloride smells pretty bad, though I don't find it tends to come through in finished products. Its higher melting point can also make it difficult to work with (it doesn't like to melt in water baths).
Alternatives & Substitutions BTMS-50 is a good alternative.
How to Work with It Melt it in your oil phase; I find it typically needs some form of direct heat (microwave or stovetop) to melt through. Be careful not to burn it!
Storage & Shelf Life Stored somewhere cool, dark, and dry, Behentrimonium Chloride should last at least two years.
Tips, Tricks, and Quirks Behentrimonium Chloride is made from canola oil and is Whole Foods Premium Body Care approved.
Safety Measures/Side Effects:
Behentrimonium chloride is a toxic compound, and concentrations of .1% and higher have been shown to damage the eyes by causing tissue death of the mucous membranes. It's also highly flammable, and irritating to the skin.
Recommended Products with Behentrimonium chloride:
Mad Hippie Exfoliating Serum ($35 in the shop)
Behentrimonium chloride
* A yellow, waxlike organic compound. Also known as docosyltrimethylammonium chloride or BTAC-228.
Acts as an anti-static and conditioning agent. Its waxy texture also makes it a great defrizzer and emulsifier. Primarily used in hair care products such as conditioner, dye and mousse.
Add phase A into a disinfected glass beaker, quaternium-87 will dissolve in the warm water. Add phase B
into a separate beaker and stir the ingredients. Add phase A to phase B and stir gently to mix all
ingredients. Adjust the ph value to 4 to 5.5 with citric acid.
Conditioning and moisturizing hair fluid that adds shine and detangles hair due to behentrimonium and
propyltrimonium. The jojoba protein coats and conditions damaged hair and retains moisture. Ideal to use
with a pump spray
Behentrimonium Chloride
What it is:
A cleaning/conditioning agent (known in technical terms as a "cationic quaternary ammonium compound") made from colza oil obtained from the seeds of Brassica rapa, var. oleifera (oilseed turnip).
What it does:
Conditions, detangles, fights static, softens, and helps strenghten hair (1,2,3). Since it's plant-based and not petrochemical-based, it doesn't coat but penetrates the hair shaft for potent conditioning effects. In some applications, it also acts as a preservative (1,3).
Why we use it:
Not only is this particular conditioning agent plant-based and especially effective at doing its job, it's also Whole Foods Premium Body Care approved. And, their standards, developed by a team of scientists over the course of years, are some of the strictest available. If they give it a thumbs-up, we do, too.
Behentrimonium chloride, also known as docosyltrimethylammonium chloride or BTAC-228, is a yellow waxlike organic compound with chemical formula CH3(CH2)21N(Cl)(CH3)3, used as an antistatic agent and, sometimes, a disinfectant. It is commonly found in cosmetics such as conditioners, hair dye, and mousse, and also in detergents. Laboratory tests have indicated that it does not readily biodegrade.
Hair conditioning
CAS Number 17301-53-0
EINECS/ELINCS No: 241-327-0
Restriction (applies to EU only): VI/44
COSING REF No: 32112
Chem/IUPAC Name: Docosyltrimethylammonium chloride
Light yellow flakes
In water treatment, it acts as an algaecide.
Used as an antistatic agent and a disinfectant. It is commonly found in cosmetics such as conditioners, hair dyes, and mousse.
Behentrimonium Chloride; UPI T/N-Uniquat BH75; Degussa T/N-Varisoft BT-85 Flake; Quarternary Ammonium Compounds: C20-C22-Alkyl Trimethyl Chloride & Isoptopanol
Keep container tightly closed away from heat and sunlight between 5-30oC.
Specification Sheet
Description: Cationic quaternary ammonium compound (docosyltrimethylammonium chloride) made from colza
oil (canola oil) with potent conditioning effect. Whole Foods Premium Body Care approved. White to off-white
flakes, alcohol-like odor. Soluble in hot water or oil (85°C/185°F), pH: 6-8 (2% solution). Activity: 79-81%
active substances.
CAS: 17301-53-0, 64-17-5
INCI Name: Behentrimonium chloride, ethyl alcohol