ISO ASCORBIC ACID (isoascorbic acid)
SYNONYM: Erythorbic acid; isoascorbic asid; ısoascorbıcacıd; isoascorbicacid; iso askorbic asit; ISOASCORBICACID; izoaskorbikasit; isoaskorbicasit; ERYTHORBIC ACID; Araboascorbic acid; Araboascorbic acid; Isoascorbicacid; Isoascorbic acid; Iso ascorbic acid; Iso-ascorbic acid; Iso vitamin C; izoascorbicacid; isoascorbicacit; isoaskorbicacid; isocorbicacid; ascorbicacid;iascorbicacid; iso ascorbic acid; iso ascorbic acid;iso ascorbic acid;ıso ascorbic acid;ıso ascorbıc acıd;iso askorbic acid;iso ascorbic asid; IZOASCORBICACID; ISOASCORBICASID; ISOASCORBICACIT; IZOASCORBICACID; isoaskorbic; İSO ASKORBİC ACİD; isoaskarbicasid; isoaskorbicasit; iso ascorbicacid
D-erythro-Hex-2-enoic acid γ-lactone; D-Araboascorbic acid; Erythorbic acid; Glucosaccharonic acid; iraboascorbic acid; erythorbic acid; erythroascorbic acid; isoascorbice acid; isoaskorbiceacid;
araboascorbic acid; iso vitamin C; D-araboascorbic acid; Isoascorbic acid; Araboascorbic acid; D-araboascorbic acid; Dextro-araboascorbic acid; D-iso ascorbic acid; Dextro-iso ascorbic acid; Iso ascorbic acid ; Iso-ascorbic acid; 2,3-didehydro-dextro-erythro-hexono-1,4-lactone; (2R)-2-[(1R)-1,2- dihydroxyethyl]-4,5-dihydroxyfuran-3-one; Erythorbic acid; D-erythorbic acid; Dextro-erythorbic acid; D-erythro-3-ketohexonic acid lactone; Dextro-erythro-3-ketohexonic acid lactone; D-erythro-3-oxohexonic acid lactone; Dextro-erythro-3-oxohexonic acid lactone; 3-keto-D-erythro-hexonic acid gamma-lactone; 3-keto-dextro-erythro-hexonic acid gamma-lactone; D-erythroascorbic acid; Dextro-erythroascorbic acid; Glucosaccharonic acid; Saccharosonic acid
D-Isoascorbic acid(Erythorbic acid)
Erythorbic acid or erythorbate, formerly known as iso ascorbic acid and D-arabo ascorbic acid, is a stereoisomer of ascorbic acid. And its chemical properties have many similarities with Vc, but as an antioxidant, it has the inimitable advantage that Vc do not have: First, it is superior to the anti-oxidation than Vc
Erythorbic acid or erythorbate, formerly known as iso ascorbic acid and D-arabo ascorbic acid, is a stereoisomer of ascorbic acid.
And its chemical properties have many similarities with Vc, but as an antioxidant, it has the inimitable advantage that Vc do not have: First, it is superior to the anti-oxidation than Vc, therefore, mixed the Vc, it can effectively protect the properties Vc component in improving the properties have very good results, while protecting the Vc color. Second, higher security, no residue in the human body, participating in metabolism after absorb by human body, which can be transformed into Vc partially. In recent years, Chinese medicine take it as complementary information be used in Vc film, Vc Yinqiao-Vc and health care products, and obtain good effect. Specification: 99%min Other name: D-erythro-Hexonicacid, 3-keto-, g-lactone(6CI);Erythorbic acid (7CI);Araboascorbic acid; Araboascorbic acid, D-;D-(-)-Isoascorbic acid;D-Araboascorbic acid;D-Erythorbic acid;D-Isoascorbicacid;D-arabino-Ascorbic acid;Glucosaccharonic acid;Isoascorbic acid;Isovitamin C;Saccharosonic acid
Functions and Applications
1.Erythorbic acid is produced in acidic condition by sodium erythorbate.
2.Erythorbic acid has strong reducing action and has effects on reducing blood press, diuresis,generationg liver glycogen,excreting pigment,detoxifying the body.
3.It is non-toxic.Its other applications are familiar to sodium erythorbate. Sodium erythorbateand erythorbic acid are generally recognized as the lastest A-class Green products internationally and have become the commodities in short supply both at home and abroad
Erythorbic acid (isoascorbic acid, D-araboascorbic acid) is a stereoisomer of ascorbic acid (vitamin C).[1] It is synthesized by a reaction between methyl 2-keto-D-gluconate and sodium methoxide. It can also be synthesized from sucrose or by strains of Penicillium that have been selected for this feature.[2] It is denoted by E number E315, and is widely used as an antioxidant in processed foods.[3]
Clinical trials have been conducted to investigate aspects of the nutritional value of erythorbic acid. One such trial investigated the effects of erythorbic acid on vitamin C metabolism in young women; no effect on vitamin C uptake or clearance from the body was found.[4] A later study found that erythorbic acid is a potent enhancer of nonheme-iron absorption.[5]
Since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned the use of sulfites as a preservative in foods intended to be eaten fresh (such as salad bar ingredients), the use of erythorbic acid as a food preservative has increased.
It is also used as a preservative in cured meats and frozen vegetables.[6]
It was first synthesized in 1933 by the German chemists Kurt Maurer and Bruno Schiedt
Flavor: characteristic
Erythorbic Acid is a stereoisomer of ascorbic acid. It is widely used as a preservative and color stabilizer for food and beverages. As a vegetable-derived food additive, it can be considered natural.
Category: antioxidants and preservatives for fragrance and flavor
Recommendation for isoascorbic acid usage levels up to:
not for fragrance use.
Use levels for FEMA GRAS flavoring substances on which the FEMA Expert Panel based its judgments that the substances are generally recognized as safe (GRAS).
The Expert Panel also publishes separate extensive reviews of scientific information on all FEMA GRAS flavoring substances and can be found at FEMA Flavor Ingredient Library
publication number: 3
average usual ppm average maximum ppm
baked goods: - 500.00000
beverages(nonalcoholic): - 100.00000
beverages(alcoholic): - -
breakfast cereal: - -
cheese: - -
chewing gum: - -
condiments / relishes: - -
confectionery froastings: - -
egg products: - -
fats / oils: - -
fish products: - -
frozen dairy: - 20.00000
fruit ices: - 20.00000
gelatins / puddings: - -
granulated sugar: - -
gravies: - -
hard candy: - -
imitation dairy: - -
instant coffee / tea: - -
jams / jellies: - -
meat products: - 380.00000
milk products: - -
nut products: - -
other grains: - -
poultry: - -
processed fruits: - -
processed vegetables: - -
reconstituted vegetables: - -
seasonings / flavors: - -
snack foods: - -
soft candy: - -
soups: - -
sugar substitutes: - -
sweet sauces: -
Ürün Adı: Erythorbic Acid BP, EP, FCC
Eş anlamlı kelimeler: D-isoascorbic acid, D-Iso askorbik asit
CAS Numarası: 89-65-6
Özellikleri: Beyaz ila hafif sarımsı bir toz.
Saflık (Deneme):% 99.0 -% 101.5
Moleküler Formül: C6H8O6
Erythorbic Acid, D-isoascorbic Acid FCC BP EP Structure-1.pngErythorbic Acid, D-isoascorbic Acid FCC BP EP Structure formula -2.jpg
Paket: 25Kgs / Ctn; 25kgs /
Paket: 25Kgs / Ctn; 25Kgs / Fiber Drum
Anahtar kelimeler:
Erythorbic Acid BP, EP, FCC;
D-izoaskorbik asit, D-İzo askorbik asit
D-izoaskorbik asit, D-İzo askorbik asit olarak da adlandırılan Erythorbic Acid BP, EP, FCC, bir anti-oksidan olarak kullanılan askorbik asitin optik bir izomeridir.
Antioksidan olarak kullanılır. Erythorbic Acid BP, EP, FCC (D-izoaskorbik asit, D-izo askorbik asit), gıda maddelerinin ve oksijenin gıda üzerindeki etkilerini engelleyerek koruyucu madde olarak çalışan gıda katkı maddeleridir ve sağlığa yararlı olabilir. Erythorbic Acid BP, EP, FCC (D-isoascorbic acid, D-Iso askorbik asit), sadece orijinal gıda rengini ve doğal aromalarını korumakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda herhangi bir yan etkisi olmayan gıdaların raf ömrünü de arttırır.
Erythorbic Acid BP, EP, FCC (D-isoascorbic acid, D-Iso askorbik asit) gıda endüstrisinde önemli bir antioksidandır, gıdaların rengini, doğal lezzetini koruyabilir ve herhangi bir toksik ve yan etki olmadan depolama süresini uzatabilir. Erythorbic Acid BP, EP, FCC (D-isoascorbic acid, D-Iso askorbik asit), et işleme, meyve, sebze, teneke ve reçel vb. Alanlarda da kullanılır. Ayrıca bira, üzüm şarabı, yumuşak içecek gibi içeceklerde de kullanılır. içecek, meyve çayı ve meyve suyu vb.
Erythorbic asit (izoaskorbik asit, D-araboaskorbik asit, (D-) eritroaskorbik asit), askorbik asidin (C vitamini) bir stereoizomeridir. Metil 2-keto-D-glukonat ve sodyum metoksit arasındaki bir reaksiyon ile sentezlenir. Sükroz veya bu özellik için seçilmiş olan Penicillium suşları ile de sentezlenebilir. Erythorbic Acid BP, EP, FCC (D-izoaskorbik asit, D-İzo askorbik asit) E315 E ile gösterilir ve işlenmiş gıdalarda yaygın bir antioksidan olarak kullanılır.
Erithorbik asitin besin değeri yönlerini araştırmak için klinik denemeler yapılmıştır. Böyle bir çalışma, genç kadınlarda erythorbic asitin C vitamini metabolizması üzerindeki etkilerini araştırdı; C vitamini tutulumuna veya vücuttan temizlenmeye hiçbir etkisi bulunmamıştır. Daha sonraki bir araştırma, erithorbik asitin demir olmayan demir emiliminin güçlü bir güçlendiricisi olduğunu bulmuştur.
FDA, taze olarak tüketilmesi öngörülen yiyeceklerde (salata barları gibi) koruyucu olarak sülfit kullanımını yasakladığı için, Erythorbic Acid BP, EP, FCC (D-izoaskorbik asit, D-İzo askorbik asit) gıda koruyucu arttı.
Dahası, kürlenmiş etlerde ve dondurulmuş sebzelerde koruyucu olarak kullanılır.
Eskiden izoaskorbik asit ve D-araboaskorbik asit olarak bilinen eritrosit asit veya erithorbat, askorbik asitin bir stereoizomeridir. Sükrozdan üretilen bitkisel türevli bir besin katkısıdır. E Numara E315 ile gösterilir ve işlenmiş gıdalarda yaygın bir antioksidan olarak kullanılır. Erithorbik asitin besin değeri yönlerini araştırmak için klinik denemeler yapılmıştır. Böyle bir çalışma, genç kadınlarda erythorbic asitin C vitamini metabolizması üzerindeki etkilerini araştırdı; C vitamini tutulumuna veya vücuttan temizlenmeye hiçbir etkisi bulunmamıştır.
Erythorbic Acid Hakkında
Erythorbic Acid BP, EP, FCC (D-isoascorbic acid, D-Iso askorbik asit) C vitamini bir stereoizomerdir ve bu nedenle C vitamininin kimyasal yapısı benzerdir. Erythorbic Acid beyazdan açık sarı veya kristal toz, kokusuz, asit tadı, erime noktası 166-172 - ve ayrıştırma, Erythorbic Acid yavaş yavaş ışığa maruz kaldığında kararır. Kuru durum, Erythorbic Acid BP, EP, FCC (D-isoascorbic acid, D-Iso askorbik asit) havada oldukça stabildir ve havaya maruz kaldığında ve hızla dejenere olduğunda çözelti içinde, E315 askorbik asitin fizyolojik aktivitesinde neredeyse hiçbir rol oynamaz. , Erythorbic Asit antioksidan özellikleri askorbik asit, ama Erythorbic Acid BP, EP, FCC (D-isoascorbic asit, D-Iso askorbik asit) zayıf ısı direnci, yoğunluğu azaltılmış, ağır metal iyonlarının ayrışması, suda oda içinde çözünebilir teşvik edebilir 40 g / 100 ml, çözünürlüğü etanol içinde çözünür, 5 g / 100 mi, gliserin içinde çözünmez, benzende çözünmez, pH değerinin pH değeri olan% 1`lik sulu çözelti. Antioksidan sodyum eritrozat, C vitamininin antioksidan kapasitesinden çok daha fazladır, rolünü güçlendirmek için C vitamini içermez, ancak Erythorbic Acid BP, EP, FCC (D-izoaskorbik asit, D-İzo askorbik asit), vücut emilimini engellemez ve askorbik asit kullanımı. E315 insan alımı, vücut CUS Gıda ve İlaç İdaresi`ne dönüştürülebilir (1980) Erythorbic Asit genellikle güvenli maddeler olarak kabul edilir.
Fengchen Group, Çin`den Erythorbic Acid BP, EP, FCC (D-isoascorbic acid, D-Iso askorbik asit) Tozu`nun önde gelen tedarikçisi konumundadır. Biz toptan ve toplu miktarlarda uzmanlaşmak, tüm müşterilerimize ihtiyaç duyduklarında Erythorbic Acid BP, EP, FCC (D-isoascorbic asit, D-Iso askorbik asit) toz doğru tedarikçisi var sağlamak. Erythorbic Acid BP, EP, FCC (D-isoascorbic acid, D-Iso askorbik asit) Tozu satın alırken veya satın alırken lütfen Fengchen Grubuna dönün.
Chemical Properties
Erythorbic acid occurs as a white or slightly yellow-colored crystals or powder. It gradually darkens in color upon exposure to light.
Antioxidant (industrial and food), especially in brewing industry, reducing agent in photography.
Erythorbic Acid is a food preservative that is a strong reducing agent (oxygen accepting) which functions similarly to antioxidants. In the dry crystalline state it is nonreactive, but in water solutions it reacts readily with atmospheric oxygen and other oxidizing agents, making it valuable as an antioxidant. During preparation, dissolving and mixing should incorporate a minimum amount of air, and storage should be at cool temperatures. It has a solubility of 43 g/100 ml of water at 25°c. One part is equivalent to one part ascorbic acid and equivalent to one part sodium erythorbate. It is used to control oxidative color and flavor deterioration in fruits at 150-200 ppm. It is used in meat curing to speed and control the nitrite curing reaction and prolong the color of cured meat at levels of 0.05%.
Production Methods
Erythorbic acid is synthesized by the reaction between methyl 2- keto-D-gluconate and sodium methoxide. It can also be synthesized from sucrose, and produced from Penicillium spp.
Biotechnological Production
Yeasts and other fungi synthesize the C5 sugar acid D-erythroascorbic acid which shares structural and physicochemical properties with Asc. D-erythroascorbic acid serves similar protective functions in these microorganisms as Asc does in plants and animals, including the scavenging of reactive oxygen species. The biosynthesis of D-erythroascorbic acid starts from D-arabinose obtained by the microorganism from decaying plant material. D-arabinose, presumably in its 1,4-furanosidic isomeric form, is oxidized by NAD(P)+ specific dehydrogenases to D-arabinono-1,4-lactone, which is further oxidized to D-erythroascorbic acid by D-arabinono-1,4-lactone oxidase. Resting cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae can synthesize Asc from L-galactose, L-galactono-1,4-lactone, or L-gulono- 1,4-lactone via the pathway naturally used for D-erythroascorbic acid.
Pharmaceutical Applications
Erythorbic acid is a stereoisomer of L-ascorbic acid, and is used as an antioxidant in foods and oral pharmaceutical formulations. It has approximately 5% of the vitamin C activity of L-ascorbic acid.
Erythorbic acid is widely used in food applications as an antioxidant. It is also used in oral pharmaceutical applications as an antioxidant. Erythorbic acid is generally regarded as nontoxic and nonirritant when used as an excipient. Erythorbic acid is readily metabolized and does not affect the urinary excretion of ascorbic acid.
The WHO has set an acceptable daily intake of erythorbic acid and its sodium salt in foods at up to 5 mg/kg body-weight.
Erythorbic acid should be stored in an airtight container, protected from light, in a cool, dry place.
Purification Methods
Crystallise D(-)-isoascorbic acid from H2O, EtOH or dioxane. is at 245nm with 7,500 (EtOH). [Reichstein et al. Helv max Chim Acta 17 510, 516 1934, Heslop et al. J Chem Soc 225 1944, Beilstein 18 III/IV 3037, 18/5 V 26.]
Erythorbic acid is incompatible with chemically active metals such as aluminum, copper, magnesium, and zinc. It is also incompatible with strong bases and strong oxidizing agents.
Regulatory Status
GRAS listed. Accepted for use as a food additive in Europe. Included in the FDA Inactive Ingredients Database (oral concentrate and tablets).
Appearance : Crystalline or powder
Physical State : Solid
Solubility : Soluble in water (50 mg/ml).
Storage : Store at room temperature
Melting Point : 169-172° C (lit.)(dec.)
Boiling Point : 552.7±50.0° C at 760 mmHg (Predicted)
Density : 2.0±0.1 g/cm3 (Predicted)
Optical Activity : α20/D 25°-16.8°, c = 2 in water
Preparation of iso-ascorbic acid
The present invention relates to a method of erythorbic acid, especially in an alcoholic solvent, an inorganic acid as an acidifying agent, sodium erythorbate erythorbic acid was acidified to directly belongs to the technical field of preparing an organic heterocyclic compound.
Isoascorbic acid (D-VC) isomer is ascorbic acid (L-VC) of vitamin C is often said, in addition to the role of ascorbic acid is other than L-VC 1/20, with the remaining properties substantially L- VC consistent; because of its excellent properties, has been widely used in food, pharmaceutical, chemical, cosmetic and other fields, and the production costs are lower than the L-VC, it is an advantage in many areas.
For erythorbic acid, the only foreign company in Japan and the United States made its manufacturing method reported in the country neither any reports, nor manufacturers; Japan Zeteng company uses plasma process method to sodium erythorbate solution as raw material, remove the sodium ions into an acid cation exchange resin, this method, the entire process is carried out in an aqueous solution, a low concentration (5 to 1.5%), and subject to a large amount of evaporative concentration erythorbic acid preparation, which The disadvantage is a tendency to deteriorate products, low yield, high energy consumption, harsh operating conditions, and activation of a large amount of waste acid resin, high investment.
Object of the present invention is to provide a process for preparing iso-ascorbic acid, which can overcome the above drawbacks, by using direct acidification sodium erythorbate, by physical methods, isolated from a mixture of erythorbic acid, the process can yield up to 90 % or more, erythorbic acid content of more than 99%, and reduce energy consumption, material consumption is reduced, it is an effective method for preparing an economical.
Object of the present invention is implemented mainly using insoluble inorganic salt characteristic alcohol, sodium erythorbate inorganic salt generated by a chemical reaction, to be separated from the mixture by freeze cooling, erythorbic acid leachable.
The method of preparation of a chemical reaction principles of the invention see below reaction formula:
This preparation method comprises the following steps: A, with an alcoholic solvent dissolving sodium erythorbate, sodium erythorbate and an alcohol solvent, the molar ratio of 1 (8 to 16), then purified mineral acid as an acidifying agent, in 10 to 80 ℃ acidified alcohol solution of sodium erythorbic acid directly above, acidified 2 to 8 hours reaction time, the mineral acid may be used in a hydrogen halide (HX) or a sulfur, nitrogen or oxygen-containing inorganic phosphorus acids, and inorganic acids and sodium erythorbate the molar ratio of 1: (1 ~ 1.2); B, after completion of the above until the reaction was acidified, to remove the inorganic salt byproduct, and then the solution containing the product was cooled to -5 ~ 20 ℃, erythorbic acid crystallized product; C, the above-mentioned alcohol solvent recovering the alcohol solvent is of the formula R-OH monohydric or polyhydric alcohols and mixtures thereof, wherein R is C1 ~ C4 alkyl, and the alcohol solvent used may be methanol or ethanol; inorganic acid HX, X is It refers to Cl, Br or I; sulfur, phosphorus or nitrogen is oxygen-containing inorganic acid H2SO4, H3PO4 or of HNO3; the acidifying agent is preferably an inorganic AR grade concentrated HCl purity of H2SO4; compared with the prior art, the present invention isoascorbic acid preparation has the following advantages: 1, Sodium erythorbate dissolved directly in the alcohol, add the acidulant direct acidification Preparation erythorbic acid, which method is simple and practical, purity more than 99%, the yield was 95%;
Production from glucose by Penicillium subspecies Antioxidant for foods and soft drinks. Flavouring ingredient; colouring preservative/antioxidant in fruit and meat products Erythorbic acid, formerly known as isoascorbic acid and D-araboascorbic acid, is a stereoisomer of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It is a vegetable-derived food additive produced from sucrose. It is denoted by E number E315, and is widely used as an antioxidant in processed foods
Chemical Formula C6H8O6
IUPAC name 5-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-3,4-dihydroxy-2,5-dihydrofuran-2-one
Vinylogous acid
Alpha,beta-unsaturated carboxylic ester
Enoate ester
Carboxylic acid ester
Secondary alcohol
Carboxylic acid derivative
Monocarboxylic acid or derivatives
Hydrocarbon derivative
Organic oxygen compound
Carbonyl group
Organic oxide
Primary alcohol
Organooxygen compound
Aliphatic heteromonocyclic compound
What Is It?
Ascorbyl Palmitate, Ascorbyl Dipalmitate and Ascorbyl Stearate are made from vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Erythorbic Acid and Sodium Erythorbate are substances with structures similar to vitamin C and the sodium salt of vitamin C. Ascorbyl Palmitate, Ascorbyl Dipalmitate and Ascorbyl Stearate are used primarily in makeup products. Erythorbic Acid and Sodium Erythorbate are used primarily in hair and nail products.
Why is it used in cosmetics and personal care products?
Ascorbyl Palmitate, Ascorbyl Dipalmitate, Ascorbyl Stearate, Erythorbic Acid and Sodium Erythorbate all function as antioxidants.
Safety Information:
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) includes Ascorbyl Palmitate and Erythorbic Acid among the substances considered Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) as a chemical preservative. Ascorbyl Palmitate is also specifically allowed to be used as a preservative in margarine. The safety of Ascorbyl Palmitate, Ascorbyl Dipalmitate, Ascorbyl Stearate, Erythorbic Acid and Sodium Erythorbate has been assessed by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) Expert Panel. The CIR Expert Panel evaluated the scientific data and concluded that Ascorbyl Palmitate and the related ingredients were safe for use as cosmetic ingredients.
A sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography method with electrochemical detection was used to estimate ascorbic, dehydroascorbic, isoascorbic, and dehydroisoascorbic acid in applesauce, fruit juices, canned fruits, peach marmalade, and beginner and junior baby foods. The selected processed foods showed variable amounts of total vitamin C, which in almost all the cases was in the form of ascorbic acid; dehydroascorbic acid was found in small proportion. Isoascorbic acid and its oxidized form, dehydroisoascorbic acid, was present in small amounts in some samples of applesauce and in peaches and pears of beginner and junior baby food.
Category: Aromatics, Heterocycles, Pharmaceuticals, Intermediates & Fine Chemicals,
Applications: Erythorbic Acid is used as a food additive as an antimicrobial and antioxidative agen