CAS NO: 107-15-3
EC NO:203-468-6
Ethylendiamin; etilendiamin; ethane-1,2-diamine; ETİLENDİAMİN; etilendiamin; ETİLEN DİAMİN; ETİLEN DİAMİNE; ETHYLENE DİAMİNE; ethylene diamine; etilen diamin; etilendiamin; etilene diamin; etilendiamin; etılendıamıne; etilen diamine; etilen; 1,2-diaminoethane; 1,2-ethanediamine; edamine; ethane-1,2-diamine; ethyl diamine; ethylenediamine; ethylenediamine (1:1) sulfate; ethylenediamine (1:1) sulfite; ethylenediamine conjugate acid; ethylenediamine dihydrobromide; ethylenediamine dihydrochloride; ethylenediamine dihydrogen iodide; ethylenediamine dihydroiodide; ethylenediamine dinitrate; ethylenediamine hydrochloride; ethylenediamine monohydrochloride; ethylenediamine phosphate, ethylenediamine sulfate; ethylenediamine, 3H-labeled cpd; ethylenediamine;Ethane-1,2-diamine; 1,2-Ethanediamine; 1,2-Diaminoethane; 107-15-3; Ethylene diamine; Ethylendiamine; Dimethylenediamine; edamine, 1,2-Ethylenediamine; Aethaldiamin, Aethylenediamin; Ethyleendiamine; Ethylene-diamine; beta-Aminoethylamine; 1,2-Diaminoaethan; Algicode 106L; Amerstat 274; etilendiamin; 1,2-Diamino-ethaan; 1,2-Diamino-ethano; Ethylendiamin; ethane-1,2-diamine; etilendiamin; etilendiamin; ETİLEN DİAMİN; etilendiamin; ETİLEN DİAMİNE; ETHYLENE DİAMİNE; ethylene diamine; etilen diamin; etilendiamin; etilene diamin; Aethaldiamin [German]; Ethylendiamin;ethane-1,2-diamine;etilendiamin; ETİLEN DİAMİN; ETİLEN DİAMİNE; ETHYLENE DİAMİNE; ethylene diamine; etilen diamin; etilendiamin; etilene diamin;Caswell No. 437; Ethyleendiamine [Dutch]; Aethylenediamin [German]; Ethylene-diamine [French]; 1,2-Diaminoaethan [German]; 1,2-Diamino-ethaan [Dutch]; 1,2-Diamino-ethano [Italian]; CHEBI:30347; EINECS 203-468-6; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 004205; Ethylendiamin;ethane-1,2-diamine;etilendiamin; ETİLEN DİAMİN; ETİLEN DİAMİNE; ETHYLENE DİAMİNE; ethylene diamine; etilen diamin; etilendiamin; etilene diamin; etilendiamin; etılendıamıne; etilen diamine; etilen; 1,2-diaminoethane; 1,2-ethanediamine; edamine; ethane-1,2-diamine; ethyl diamine; ethylenediamine; ethylenediamine (1:1) sulfate; ethylenediamine (1:1) sulfite; ethylenediamine conjugate acid; ETİLENDİAMİN; ethylenediamine dihydrobromide; ethylenediamine dihydrochloride; ethylenediamine dihydrogen iodide; ethylenediamine dihydroiodide; ethylenediamine dinitrate; ethylenediamine hydrochloride; ethylenediamine monohydrochloride; ethylenediamine phosphate, ethylenediamine sulfate; ethylenediamine, 3H-labeled cpd; ethylenediamine;Ethane-1,2-diamine; 1,2-Ethanediamine; 1,2-Diaminoethane; 107-15-3; Ethylene diamine; Ethylendiamine; Dimethylenediamine; edamine, 1,2-Ethylenediamine; Aethaldiamin, Aethylenediamin; Ethyleendiamine; Ethylene-diamine; beta-Aminoethylamine; 1,2-Diaminoaethan; Algicode 106L; Amerstat 274, 1,2-Diamino-ethaan; 1,2-Diamino-ethano; Ethylendiamin; ethane-1,2-diamine; etilendiamin; ETİLEN DİAMİN; ETİLEN DİAMİNE; ETHYLENE DİAMİNE; ethylene diamine; etilen diamin; etilendiamin; etilene diamin; Aethaldiamin [German]; Ethylendiamin;ethane-1,2-diamine;etilendiamin; ETİLEN DİAMİN; ETİLEN DİAMİNE; ETHYLENE DİAMİNE; ethylene diamine; etilen diamin; etilendiamin; etilendiamin; etilene diamin;Caswell No. 437; ETİLENDİAMİN; etilendiamin; etilendiamin; ETİLENDİAMİN; Ethyleendiamine [Dutch]; ETİLENDİAMİN; Aethylenediamin [German]; ETİLENDİAMİN; Ethylene-diamine [French]; 1,2-Diaminoaethan [German]; 1,2-Diamino-ethaan [Dutch]; 1,2-Diamino-ethano [Italian]; CHEBI:30347; EINECS 203-468-6; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 004205; BRN 0605263; Ethylendiamin; AI3-24231; PIICEJLVQHRZGT-UHFFFAOYSA-N; Ethylenediamine, ReagentPlus(R), >=99%; Ethylenediamine [JAN]; ethylenediarnine; 1,2-Ethanediamine, homopolymer; 2-aminoethylamine; ethylene di amine; 1,4-diazabutane; 1,2-diaminoethan; Ethylenediamine, piperazine polymer; ethylene - diamine; EDN; 1,2-diamino-ethane; ethane 1,2-diamine; ETHYLENE DIAMINE; Ethylendiamin;ethane-1,2-diamine;etilendiamin; ETİLEN DİAMİN; ETİLEN DİAMİNE; ETHYLENE DİAMİNE; ethylene diamine; etilen diamin; etilendiamin; etilene diamin;ATHYLENE DIAMIN; ETHYLENE DİAMİNE; ETHYLENE DİAMİN; ETİLEN DİAMİN; ETHLEN DİAMİN; ETILEN DIAMIN; ETILEN DIAMINE; EDILEN DIAMIN; etilen diamin; etilendiamin; etilendiamin; etılendıamın; etilendıamin; etilendiamin; EPI-DA; ETHANE,1,2-DIAMINO; ETİLENDİAMİN; etilendiamin; 1,2-DIAMINOETHANE; 1,2-ETHANEDIAMINE;1,2 Ethylenediamine; ETİLENDİAMİN; ETHYLENEDIAMINE; EDA; ETHANE-1,2-DIAMINE; 1,2-Diaminoaethan; 1,2-Diamino-ethaan
Etilendiamin (bir ligand olduğunda en çok kısaltılan) C2H4 (NH2) 2 formülüne sahip organik bileşiktir. Amonyak benzeri bir koku içeren bu renksiz sıvı güçlü bir baz amindir. 1998 yılında yaklaşık 500.000 ton üretilen, kimyasal sentezde yaygın olarak kullanılan bir yapı taşıdır. Etilen diamin, nemli havada neme karşı kolayca reaksiyona girerek aşındırıcı, toksik ve tahriş edici bir sis üretir; buna kısa maruz kalmalar bile sağlıkta ciddi hasarlara neden olabilir (bkz. Güvenlik).
Etilendiamin (CAS # 000107-15-3, 1,2-diaminoetan) en düşük molekül ağırlıklı etilendiamindir. İki primer azot içeren tek bileşenli bir üründür. Amonyak benzeri bir koku vardır ve berraktır ve renksizdir.
Etilendiamin Uygulamalar
Etilen diamin birçok sanayi kimyasalının üretimi için büyük miktarlarda kullanılır. Karboksilik asitler (yağ asitleri dahil), nitriller, alkoller (yüksek sıcaklıklarda), alkile edici maddeler, karbon disülfid ve aldehitler ve ketonlarla türevler oluşturur. İkili işlevselliği nedeniyle, iki amin bulunduğundan, kolayca imidazolidinler gibi heterosikleleri oluşturmaktadır.
Etilendiamin Şelasyon ajanlarına, ilaçlara ve zirai kimyasallara öncü
Etilen diaminin en belirgin türevi, siyanür ve formaldehit içeren Strecker sentezi yoluyla etilendiamin'den türetilmiş kenetleme maddesi EDTA'dır. Hidroksietiletilendiamin ticari açıdan önemli bir kenetleme maddesidir. Birçok biyoaktif bileşik ve ilaç, bazı antihistaminikler dahil N-CH2-CH2-N bağını içerir. Etilenebisdithiocarbamate'in tuzları, Maneb, Mancozeb, Zineb ve Metiram markaları altında ticari açıdan önemli fungisitlerdir. Bazı imidazolin içeren fungisidler etilendiamin'den türemiştir.
Etilendiamin Farmasötik madde
Etilendiamin, ortak tansiyon bronkodilatör ilacı olan aminofilin içerisindeki aktif terkip maddesi teofilini çözündüren bir maddedir. Etilen diamin dermatolojik preparatlarda da kullanılmaktadır, ancak kontakt dermatite neden olduğu için bazılarından uzaklaştırılmıştır. Farmasötik bir eksipiyan olarak kullanıldığında, ağızdan verildikten sonra biyoyararlanımı önemli bir ilk geçiş etkisinden dolayı yaklaşık 0.34'tür. Pisuar atılımı ile% 20'den daha azı elimine edilir.
Etilendiamin Polimerlerdeki rolü
Ethylenediamine, iki amin grubu içerdiğinden, çeşitli polimerler için yaygın olarak kullanılan bir öncüdür. Formaldehitten türetilen kondansatörler plastikleştiricilerdir. Poliüretan elyaf üretiminde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Dendrimerlerin PAMAM sınıfı etilendiamin'den türemiştir.
Etilendiamin Tetraasetiletilendiamin
Ağartma aktivatörü tetraasetiletilendiamin, etilendiamin'den üretilir. Türevi N, N-etilenbis (stearamid) (EBS), ticari açıdan önemli bir kalıp ayırıcı ajan ve benzin ve motor yağı içindeki bir sürfaktandır.
Etilendiamin - Diğer uygulamalar
Bir çözücü olarak polar çözücülerle karışabilir ve albüminler ve kazeinler gibi proteinleri çözünürleştirmek için kullanılır. Aynı zamanda bazı elektrokaplama banyolarında da kullanılır.
Boyalar ve soğutucularda korozyon önleyici olarak kullanılırlar.
Etilendiamin dihidroiyodür (EDDI) hayvan yemlerine iyodür kaynağı olarak eklenir.
Renk fotoğrafçılığı için kimyasal maddeler, bağlayıcılar, yapışkanlar, kumaş yumuşatıcılar, epoksisler için kür ajanları ve boyalar.
• Ağartıcı aktivatörleri
• Şelat ajanları
• Korozyon inhibitörleri
• Elastomerik elyaflar
• Mantar ilaçları
• Yağlama yağları ve yakıt katkıları
• Mineral işleme yardımcıları
• İlaç
• Plastik yağlayıcılar
• Poliamid reçineler
• Lastik işlenme katkılar
• Tekstil katkı maddeleri
• Üretan kimyasallar
Etilendiamin Ürün Kategorileri: Alfa, omega-Alkanediaminler; alfa-omega-Alkanediaminler; alfa, omega-iki fonksiyonlu alkanlar; biyokimya; tek işlevli ve alfa, omega-iki fonksiyonlu alkanlar; Oligosakarit Sentezi için Reaktifler; Kimya; organik amin; Biyoaktif Küçük Moleküller; Yapı Taşları; Hücre Biyolojisi; Kimyasal Sentez; E: Azot Bileşikleri; Organik Yapı Taşları; Poliaminler
Anahtar Kelimeler: Etilendiamin kök kanal tedavisi; şelasyon ajanları
Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) is an effective chelating agent and lubricant. EDTA was thought to chemically soften the root canal dentin and dissolve the smear layer and increase dentin permeability. EDTA reacts with the calcium ions in dentin and forms soluble calcium chelates. For removing inorganic and organic material of smear layer, combined using EDTA and NaOCl is recommended. In this article, the usage and efficacy of EDTA in endodontic therapy are discussed. The aim of this review is s to analyze the relevant literature on EDTA.
Fiziksel özelliği : Berrak Renksiz Sıvı
Kimyasal Formülü : C2H8N2
Molekül ağırlığı:60,10 g/mol
Ambalaj şekli : Varil
Yanıcı bir maddedir.Aldehit ve asitlerle şiddetli reaksiyona girer.Havadan karbondioksiti absorplar.Higroskobiktir.Su eter benzen aseton ve hekzanda çzöünür.
Kullanım Alanları
-Tekstil sektöründe kullanılmaktadır.
-Elyaf ,poliamid ,kauçuk alanlarında kullanılır.
-Şelat ajan ve korozif inhibitör olarak kullanılır.
-Plastik sektöründe yağlayıcı ajan olarak kullanılır.
-Köpük üretim işlemlerinde kullanılmaktadır.
Etilendiamin IUPAC adı 1,2-diaminoetan
Etilendiamin Diğer isimler en
Etilendiamin Tanımlayıcıları
Etilendiamin CAS numarası 107-15-3
Etilendiamin RTECS numarası KH8575000
Etilendiamin NCCN SMILES
Etilendiamin Özellikleri
Etilendiamin Moleküler formül C2H8N2
Etilendiamin Molar kütle 60.10 g / mol
Etilendiamin Görünüş renksiz sıvı (saf olmayan: sarı)
Etilendiamin Yoğunluğu 0.899 g / cm3, sıvı
Etilendiamin Erime noktası 9 ° C
Etilendiamin Kaynama noktası 116 ° C
Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi
Etilendiamin İskelet formül
etilendiaminin Topu ve sopa modeli
Uzay-doldurma etilendiaminin modeli
Bir kavanoz içinde etilendiamin Örnek
Tercih IUPAC adı
Sistematik IUPAC adı
Diğer isimler
Bir ligand 'en' Edamine 1,2-diaminoetan,
CAS numarası
107-15-3 ☑
3D modeli ( JSmol )
Etkileşimli görüntü
Kısaltmalar tr
Beilstein Referans
Chebi: 30347 ☑
ChEMBL816 ☑
13835550 ☑
AKA InfoCard 100.003.154
EC Numarası 203-468-6
Gmelin Referans
D01114 ☑
MeSH etilendiamin
pubchem CID
RTECS numarası KH8575000
60V9STC53F ☑
BM numarası 1604
InChl = 1 S / C2H8N2 / c3-1-2-4 / h1-4H2 ☑
Kimyasal formül
Cı- 2 , H 8 K 2
Molar kütle 60.10 g · mol -1
Görünüm Renksiz sıvı
Koku Amonyaklı
Yoğunluk 0.90 g / cc 3.
Erime noktası 8 ° C (46 ° F, 281 K)
Kaynama noktası 116 ° C (241 ° F; 389 K)
sudaki çözünürlük
log P -2,057
Buhar basıncı 1.3 kPa (20 ° C'de)
Henry yasası
sabiti ( k H )
5.8 mol Pa -1 kg -1
Manyetik duyarlılık (χ)
-46,26 · 10 -6 cm 3 / mol
-76,2 · 10 -6 cm 3 / mol (HCl tuzu)
Kırılma indisi ( n D )
Isı kapasitesi ( Cı )
172.59 JK -1 mol -1
Std mol
entropi ( S O 298 )
202,42 JK -1 mol -1
Std entalpi
oluşumu (Δ f lH O 298 )
-63.55--62.47 kJ.mol -1
Std entalpi
yanma (Δ C H O 298 )
-1.8678--1.8668 MJ mol -1
GHS piktogramlar Sınıflandırma ve Kimyasalların Etiketleme Küresel Uyumluluk Sistemde alev piktogram (GHS) Sınıflandırma ve Kimyasalların Etiketleme Küresel Uyumluluk Sistemde korozyon piktogram (GHS) Kimyasalların Sınıflandırılması ve Etiketlenmesi konusunda Küresel Uyumlaştırılmış Sistemi ünlem işareti piktogram (GHS) Kimyasalların Sınıflandırılması ve Etiketlenmesi konusunda Küresel Uyumlaştırılmış Sistemde sağlık tehlikesi sembolü (GHS)
GHS sinyal kelimesi TEHLİKE
GHS tehlike ifadeleri
H226 , H302 , H312 , H314 , H317 , H334
GHS önlem ifadeleri
P261 , P280 , P305 + 351 + 338 , P310
NFPA 704
NFPA 704 dört renkli elmas
Alevlenme noktası 34 ° C (93 ° F, 307 K)
kendinden yanma
385 ° C (725 ° F 658 K)
Patlayıcı sınırları 2,7-16%
Öldürücü bir doz veya konsantrasyon ( LD , LC ):
LD 50 ( ortalama doz )
500 mg / kg (oral, sıçan)
470 mg / kg (oral, gine domuzu)
1160 mg / kg (oral, sıçan)
ABD sağlık maruziyet limitleri ( NIOSH ):
PEL (İzin)
TWA 10 ppm (25 mg / m 3 )
REL (Önerilen)
TWA 10 ppm (25 mg / m 3 )
IDLH (Anında tehlike)
1000 ppm'den
Bağıntılı bileşikler
İlgili alkanamines
1,2-Diaminopropan , 1,3-Diaminopropan
Bağıntılı bileşikler
Etilamin , Ethylenedinitramine
Aksi belirtilmediği sürece, veriler, malzemeler için verilmiştir , standart duruma (25 ° C [77 ° F] 100 kPa).
☑ doğrulamak ( ne ?) ☑☒
Bilgikutusu kaynakları
Etilendiamin (kısaltılır tr bir zaman ligand olan) bir organik bileşik ile , formül C 2 H 4 (NH 2 ) 2 . Bir ile bu renksiz sıvı Amonyağın benzeri koku bir kuvvetle bazik amin . Yaklaşık 500,000, kimyasal sentezlerde yaygın olarak kullanılan bir yapı taşıdır ton daha kısa maruz kalma sağlığa ciddi hasara neden olabilir için 1998 Etilendiamin kolaylıkla bir korozif, toksik ve tahriş edici bir buğu oluşturmak için, nemli hava içinde nem ile reaksiyona üretilen, (bakınız Emniyet). Etilendiamin olarak adlandırılan ilk üyesi olan polietilen aminler .
Etilendiamin işlenmesiyle endüstriyel üretilir 1,2-dikloroetan ile amonyak , bir sulu ortam içinde, 180 ° C'de basınç altında:
Ethylendiamin Darstellung.svg
Bu reaksiyonda hidrojen klorür amin ile bir tuz oluşturan, oluşturulur. Amin ilavesi ile serbest kalan sodyum hidroksit ve daha sonra geri kazanılabilir düzeltme [ de ] . Dietilentriamin (DETA) ve trietilentetramin (TETA), yan ürünler olarak oluşturulurlar.
Etilendiamine başka endüstriyel yol reaksiyonunu içerir etanolamin ve amonyak:
MEOA.svg gelen EDA sentezi
Bu işlem, nikel bir yatak üzerinde gaz reaktantları geçirilmesini kapsar heterojen katalizörler
Etilendiamin birçok endüstriyel kimyasal maddelerin üretimi için büyük miktarlarda kullanılır. Bu sahip türevler meydana karboksilik asitlerin (dahil yağ asitleri ), nitriller , alkoller (yüksek sıcaklıklarda), alkile edici ajanlar, karbon disülfit , ve aldehit ve ketonlar . Nedeniyle iki işlevli doğası nedeniyle, iki aminler sahip olan, kolaylıkla gibi heterosikller oluşturur imidazolidin .
kenetleme maddeleri, ilaçlar, ve tarım kimyasalları için Öncül
Bir etilendiamin en önemli türevidir kenetleme maddesi EDTA bir ile etilendiamin türetilir, Strecker sentezine dahil siyanür ve formaldehit . Hidroksietiletilendiamin başka ticari olarak önemli bir kenetleme maddesidir. Çok sayıda biyo-aktif bileşikleri ve ilaçların N-CH-içeren 2 -CH 2 de dahil olmak üzere N bağı, antihistaminler . Etilenbisditiyokarbamat tuzları ticari markalar altında önemli mantar ilaçları vardır Maneb , Mankozeb, Zineb ve Metiram. Bazı imidazolin mantar öldürücüler ihtiva eden etilendiamin türetilir.
İlaç madde
Etilendiamin bir bir bileşen ortak bronkodilatör ilaç aminofilin aktif maddenin çözündürülmesi için hizmet eder, teofilin . Etilendiamin de dermatolojik preparasyonlar kullanılmıştır, fakat neden kontakt dermatit bazı kaldırıldı. Farmasötik bir yardımcı madde olarak kullanıldığında, ağız yoluyla uygulamadan sonra da biyo- nedeniyle önemli bir, yaklaşık 0.34 olan ilk-pas etkisi . Az% 20 ile elimine edilir pisuar boşaltım.
Etilendiamin türetilmiş antihistaminikler beş sınıflarının en eski olan birinci kuşak antihistaminikler ile başlayan piperoksan Fransa'daki Pasteur Enstitüsü'nde 1933 yılında keşfedilen, nam benodain ve ayrıca dahil mepiramin , tripelenamin ve antazolin . Diğer sınıflar türevleridir etanolamin , alkilamin , piperazin (birincil olarak trisiklik ve tetrasiklik ilişkin bileşikler ve diğer fenotiyazinler , trisiklik antidepresanlar olarak, siproheptadin - fenindamin ailesi)
Polimerlerde rol
Bu iki amin grubu içerdiği için etilendiamin, çeşitli polimerler için yaygın olarak kullanılan bir öncüsüdür. Formaldehid türetilen kondansasyon ürünleri plastikleştiriciler bulunmaktadır. Bu yaygın poliüretan liflerin üretiminde kullanılır. Ve tein sınıfı dendrimerler etilendiamin türetilir.
Ağartma aktivatör tetraasetiletilendiamin etilendiamin oluşturulur. Türevi , N , N -ethylenebis (stearamid) (EBS) ticari olarak önemli bir mold- olan bir ayırıcı madde ve bir yüzey aktif madde , benzin ve motor yağı.
Diğer uygulamalar
bir şekilde bir çözücü , bunun karışabilir polar çözücüler ve çözündürülmesi için kullanılan proteinler gibi albüminler ve kazein . Aynı zamanda bazı kullanılır galvanik banyolarında.
bir şekilde korozyon önleyici boyalar ve soğutuculara .
etilendiamin dihidroiyodid hayvan iyodür kaynağı olarak beslemeleri (EDDI) ilave edilir.
için kimyasal renkli fotoğraf banyosu, bağlayıcılar , yapıştırıcılar , çamaşır yumuşatıcılar , sertleştirme için ajanlar epoxys ve boyalar .
Koordinasyon kimyası
Etilendiamin iyi bilinen bir çift dişli kenetleme ligandı için koordinasyon bileşiklerinin iki nitrojen atomu elektron onların yalnız çiftleri verici ile, ne bir ligand olarak etilendiamin davranır. Genellikle inorganik kimyada "tr" kısaltılır. Kompleks , [Co (etilendiamin) 3 ] 3+ önemli zaman dilimlerini bir kiral tris-şelat kompleksi olmasıdır. Salen ligandlar kataliz kullanılan bazıları, yoğunlaştırılmasından türetilen salisilaldehitleri ve etilendiamin.
İlgili ligandlar
Etilendiamin ilgili türevleri arasında tetrametiletilendiamin (TMEDA) ve tetraetiletilendiamin (TEEDA). Kiral analogları etilendiamin bulunmaktadır 1,2-diaminopropan ve trans- -diaminocyclohexane .
Etilendiamin gibi amonyak ve diğer düşük molekül ağırlıklı aminler , cilt ve solunum tahriş edicidir. Sıkı içerdiği sürece, sıvı etilendiamin, özellikle ısıtma, çevresi toksik ve tahriş edici buharlar serbest bırakır. Buharlar deri, gözler, akciğer ve mukus zarlarına son derece rahatsız edici bir özelliktir beyaz sis oluşturmak üzere, nemli hava içinde nem ile reaksiyona girer.
Ethylenediamine appears as a clear colorless liquid with an ammonia-like odor. Flash point of 91°F and a melting point of 47°F. Corrosive to tissue. Vapors are heavier than air. Produces toxic oxides of nitrogen during combustion. Density 7.5 lb / gal. Used to make other chemicals and as a fungicide.
CAMEO Chemicals
Ethylenediamine is an alkane-alpha,omega-diamine in which the alkane is ethane. It has a role as a GABA agonist. It derives from a hydride of an ethane.
Ethylenediamine is an organic compound that is used as a building block for the production of many other chemical products. It is also used as an excipient in many pharmacological preparations such as creams. Notably, ethylenediamine is a contact sensitizer capable of producing local and generalized reactions. Sensitivity to ethylenediamine may be identified with a clinical patch test.
Ethylenediamine is an organic compound that is used as a building block for the production of many other chemical products. It is also used as an excipient in many pharmacological preparations such as creams. Notably, ethylenediamine is a contact sensitizer capable of producing local and generalized reactions 1. Sensitivity to ethylenediamine may be identified with a clinical patch test.
Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid grafted onto chitosan was shown to increase the antibacterial activity of chitosan via magnesium complexation, thereby destabilizing the membrane of Gram negative bacteria (El-Sharif and Hussain, 2011; Valenta et al., 1997). The grafting polymerization of dicyandiamide (DCDA) onto chitosan resulted in the synthesis of a water-soluble derivative that displayed antibacterial activity at pH of 7 and 4 when tested against E. coli and S. aureus (Khalil et al., 2015).
Ethylenediamine, H2NCH2CH2NH2, (abbreviated as en in writing formulas for complexes) forms many stable complexes with metal ions. One such complex is [Pt(en)2]2+. The amide ion will remove protons from the coordinated en so in liquid ammonia the reaction
occurs (where en-H represents an en molecule from which a proton has been removed). The deprotonated species undergoes a reaction with methyl chloride,Ethylenediamine plays an essential role in the formation of crystalline ZnO. Zinc-ethylenediamine complex forms in the solution as shown by Eq.Ethylenediamine is a common aliphatic chain chelate and it forms very stable chelating compounds with a variety of transition metals. Howe and Lunsford [123] incorporated Co(II)-ethylenediamine complex into zeolites X and Y to form composite compounds that can adsorb oxygen. In both zeolite cages the oxygen adduct [Co(II)](en)2O2]2- may be formed and this complex adduct is stable up to 70°C in the presence of oxygen. The ESR parameters of adduct are similar to those for the adduct in solution.Tris(ethylenediamine) cobalt(III), tris(alaninato) cobalt(III), and bis(ethylenediamine) glutamate cobalt(III) have the Λ configuration
IUPAC name 1,2-diaminoethane
Other names en
CAS number 107-15-3
RTECS number KH8575000
Molecular formula C2H8N2
Molar mass 60.10 g/mol
Appearance colourless liquid (impure: yellow)
Density 0.899 g/cm3, liquid
Melting point
9 °C
Boiling point
116 °C
Solubility in water Miscible in water
Solubility Most polar solvents
Basicity (pKb) 3.92
Molecular shape Tetrahedral at N and C
Main hazards Flammable, corrosive
Except where noted otherwise, data are given for
materials in their standard state
(at 25 °C, 100 kPa)
Infobox disclaimer and references
Ethylenediamine is the organic compound with the formula C2H4(NH2)2. This colorless liquid with an ammonia-like odor is a strongly basic amine. It is a widely used building block in chemical synthesis, with approximately 500,000,000 kg being produced in 1998.[1]
Additional recommended knowledge
Don't let static charges disrupt your weighing accuracy
Safe Weighing Range Ensures Accurate Results
How to ensure accurate weighing results every day?
1 Synthesis
2 Applications
2.1 Precursor to chelating agents
2.2 Precursor to pharmaceuticals and agrichemicals
2.3 Role in polymers
2.4 Tetraacetylethylenediamine
2.5 Specialized applications
3 Coordination chemistry
4 Ethylenamines
5 Related diamines
6 Safety
7 See also
8 References
Ethylenediamine is manufactured by reacting ammonia and 1,2-dichloroethane. The reaction yields the mixture of ethylenediamine and the linear polyamines. A simplified equation would be:
ClCH2CH2Cl + 4 NH3 → H2NCH2CH2NH2 + 2 NH4Cl
Ethylenediamine is used in large quantities for production of many industrial chemicals. It forms derivatives with carboxylic acids (including fatty acids), nitriles, alcohols (at elevated temperatures), alkylating agents, carbon disulfide, and aldehydes and ketones. Because of its bifunctional nature, having two amines, it readily forms heterocycles such as imidazolidines.
Precursor to chelating agents
The most prominent derivative of ethylenediamine is EDTA, which is derived from ethylenediamine via a Strecker synthesis involving cyanide and formaldehyde. Hydroxyethylethyelenediamine is another commercially significant chelating agent. The salen ligands, derived from the condensation of salicaldehydes and ethylenediamine, are popular chelating agents in the research laboratory although not commercially significant.[1]
Precursor to pharmaceuticals and agrichemicals
Numerous bio-active compounds contain the N-CH2-CH2-N linkage, including aminophylline and some antihistamines.[2] Salts of ethylenebisdithiocarbamate are commercially significant fungicides under the brandnames Maneb, Mancozeb, Zineb, and Metiram. Some imidazoline-containing fungicides are derived from ethylenediamine.[1]
Role in polymers
Ethylenediamine, by virtue of its bifunctionality (i.e. it contains two reactive amines) is widely used in diverse polyester formulations. Condensates derived from formaldehyde are plasticizers. It is widely used in the production of polyurethane fibers. The PAMAM class of dendrimers are derived from ethylenediamine.[1]
The bleaching activator tetraacetylethylenediamine is generated from ethylenediamine. The derivative N,N-ethylenebis(stearamide) (EBS) is a commercially significant mold-release agent and a surfactant in gasoline and motor oil.
Specialized applications
as a solvent, it is miscible with polar solvents and is used to solubilize proteins such as albumins and casein. It is also used in certain electroplating baths
as a corrosion inhibitor in paints and coolants.
ethylenediamine dihydroiodide (EDDI) is added to animal feeds as a source of iodide.
chemicals for color photography developing, binders, adhesives, fabric softeners, curing agents for epoxys, and dyes.
Coordination chemistry
Ethylenediamine is the prototypical chelating ligand ethylenediamine for coordination compounds, such as [Co(ethylenediamine)3]3+.
Ethylenediamine (most abbreviated containing a ligand) ethylenediamine is an organic compound with the formula 2 C2H4 (NH2). This colorless liquid with an ammonia-like fragrance is a strong base amine. It is a building block widely used in chemical synthesis, under approximately 500,000 tons in 1998. Ethylene diamine is a corrosive, toxic and irritating mist by reacting; security can cause short damage (see Security).
Ethylenediamine (CAS # 000107-15-3, 1,2-diaminoethane) is the lowest molecular weight ethylenediamine. It is a one-component product containing two primary nitrogen. It has an ammonia-like odor and is clear and colorless.
Ethylene diamine is ethylenediamine used in large quantities for the production of most industrial chemicals. It consists of carboxylic acids (including fatty acids), nitriles, alcohols (at high temperatures), alkylating agents, carbon disulfide and aldehydes and derivatives with ketones. Due to their binary details, two amines are available, they have heterocycles such as imidazolidines.
Pioneer of chelation agents, medicines and agrochemicals
The most prominent derivative of ethylene diamine is EDTA, which is ethylenediamine derived from ethylenediamine by Strecker synthesis containing cyanide and formaldehyde. Hydroxyethylethylenediamine is an important commercial chelating agent. Contains N-CH2-CH2-N bond. Salts of ethylenebisdithiocarbamate, commercial activity under the brands Maneb, Mancozeb, Zineb and Metiram are important fungicides. Some imidazoline-containing fungicides are non-specific from ethylenediamine.
Pharmaceutical substance
Ethylenediamine is a substance that dissolves the active ingredient theophylline in aminophylline, the common sweating bronchodilator drug. Ethylene diamine is also necessary in dermatological preparations, but has been removed from some as it causes contact dermatitis. Using it as a pharmaceutical excipient, its bioavailability is about 0.34, some of the major first-pass effects. With the urinal excretion we expect less than 20% to be eliminated.
Participate in polymers
Ethylenediamine is a commonly used ethylenediamine precursor for various polymers because ethylenediamine it contains two amine groups. Capacitors derived from formaldehyde are plasticizers. It is widely applied from polyurethane fiber. Dendrimers are our species from PAMAM grade ethylenediamine.
The bleach activator tetraacetylethylenediamine is ethylenediamine produced from ethylenediamine. Its derivative is N, N-ethylenebis (stearamide) (EBS), an important commercial release agent and a surfactant containing gasoline and engine oil.
Other applications
It can be mixed with polar solvents as a solvent and used to dissolve proteins such as albumin and caseins. It is also used in electroplating baths.
They are used as corrosion inhibitors in paints and coolants.
Ethylenediamine dihydroiodide (EDDI) is added to animal feed as a source of iodide.
Chemicals, binders, adhesives, fabric softeners, curing agents and dyes for epoxies.
• Bleach activators
• Chelating agents
• Corrosion inhibitors
• Elastomeric fibers
• Fungicides
• Lubricating oils and fuel
• Mineral Processing Aids
• Medicine
• Plastic lubricants
• Polyamide Resins
• Tire Processing Products
• Textile Materials
• Urethane chemicals
Product Categories: Alpha, Omega-Alkanediamines; ethylenediamine ; alpha-omega-Alkanediam days; alpha, omega-two function alkanes; Biochemistry; monofunctional and alpha, omega-two function alkanes; Reagents for Oligosaccharide Synthesis; Chemistry; organic amine; Bioactive Small Molecules; Building blocks; Cell Biology; Chemical Synthesis; E: Nitrogen Compounds; Organic Building Blocks; polyamines
Ethylenediamine (abbreviated as en when a ligand) is the organic compound with the formula C2H4(NH2)2. This colorless liquid with an ammonia-like odor is a strongly basic amine. It is a widely used building block in chemical synthesis, with approximately 500,000 tonnes produced in 1998. Ethylenediamine readily reacts with moisture in humid air to produce a corrosive, toxic and irritating mist, to which even short exposures can cause serious damage to health (see safety).
Ethylenediamine (CAS #000107-15-3, 1,2- diaminoethane) is the lowest molecular weight ethylenediamine. It is a single-component product with two primary nitrogens. It has an ammonia-like odor and is clear and colorless.
Ethylenediamine is used in large quantities for production of many industrial chemicals. It forms derivatives with carboxylic acids (including fatty acids), nitriles, alcohols (at elevated temperatures), alkylating agents, carbon disulfide, and aldehydes and ketones. Because of its bifunctional nature, having two amines, it readily forms heterocycles such as imidazolidines.
Precursor to chelation agents, drugs, and agrochemicals
A most prominent derivative of ethylenediamine is the chelating agent EDTA, which is derived from ethylenediamine via a Strecker synthesis involving cyanide and formaldehyde. Hydroxyethylethylenediamine is another commercially significant chelating agent. Numerous bio-active compounds and drugs contain the N-CH2-CH2-N linkage, including some antihistamines. Salts of ethylenebisdithiocarbamate are commercially significant fungicides under the brand names Maneb, Mancozeb, Zineb, and Metiram. Some imidazoline-containing fungicides are derived from ethylenediamine.
Pharmaceutical ingredient ethylenediamine
Ethylenediamine is an ingredient in the common bronchodilator drug aminophylline, where it serves to solubilize the active ingredient theophylline. Ethylenediamine has also been used in dermatologic preparations, but has been removed from some because of causing contact dermatitis. When used as a pharmaceutical excipient, after oral administration its bioavailability is about 0.34, due to a substantial first-pass effect. Less than 20% is eliminated by urinal excretion.
Role in polymers ethylenediamine
Ethylenediamine, because it contains two amine groups, is a widely used precursor to various polymers. Condensates derived from formaldehyde are plasticizers. It is widely used in the production of polyurethane fibers. The PAMAM class of dendrimers are derived from ethylenediamine.
Tetraacetylethylenediamine ethylenediamine
The bleaching activator tetraacetylethylenediamine is generated from ethylenediamine. The derivative N,N-ethylenebis(stearamide) (EBS) is a commercially significant mold-release agent and a surfactant in gasoline and motor oil.
Other applications ethylenediamine
as a solvent, it is miscible with polar solvents and is used to solubilize proteins such as albumins and casein. It is also used in certain electroplating baths.
as a corrosion inhibitor in paints and coolants.
ethylenediamine dihydroiodide (EDDI) is added to animal feeds as a source of iodide.
chemicals for color photography developing, binders, adhesives, fabric softeners, curing agents for epoxys, and dyes.
APPLICATIONS - Ethylenediamine
• Bleach activators
• Chelating agents
• Corrosion inhibitors
• Elastomeric fibers
• Fungicides
• Lube oil and fuel additives
• Mineral processing aids
• Pharmaceuticals
• Plastic lubricants
• Polyamide resins
• Rubber processing additives
• Textile additives
• Urethane chemicals
Product Categories: Pharmaceutical Intermediates;alpha,omega-Alkanediamines;alpha,omega-Bifunctional Alkanes;Biochemistry;Monofunctional & alpha,omega-Bifunctional Alkanes;Reagents for Oligosaccharide Synthesis;Chemistry;organic amine;Bioactive Small Molecules;Building Blocks;Cell Biology;Chemical Synthesis;E;Nitrogen Compounds;Organic Building Blocks;Polyamines
Etilen diamin tetra asetik asit (EDTA) etkili bir şelasyon ajanı ve lubrikanttır. EDTA'nın kimyasal olarak kök kanal dentinini yumuşattığı, smear tabakasını kaldırdığı ve dentin geçirgenliğini arttırdığı düşünülmektedir. EDTA dentindeki kalsiyum iyonuna bağlanarak suda çözünebilir kalsiyum şelatları meydana getirir. Smear tabakasının inorganik ve organik komponentlerinin etkin bir şekilde uzaklaştırılması için EDTA ve NaOCl?nin birlikte kullanımı önerilmektedir. Bu makalede EDTA'nın endodontik tedavide kullanım alanı ve etkinliği tartışılmaktadır. Bu derlemenin amacı, endodontide EDTA ile yapılan çalışmaları incelemektir.
CAMEO Chemicals
Ethylenediamine is an alkane-alpha, omega-diamine in which the alkane is ethane. It has a role as a GABA agonist. It derives from a hydride of an ethane.
Ethylenediamine is an organic compound that is used as a building block for the production of many other chemical products. It is also used as an excipient in many pharmacological preparations such as creams. Notably, ethylenediamine is a contact sensitizer capable of producing local and generalized reactions. Sensitivity to ethylenediamine may be identified with a clinical patch test.
Ethylenediamine is an organic compound that is used as a building block for the production of many other chemical products. It is also used as an excipient in many pharmacological preparations such as creams. Notably, ethylenediamine is a contact sensitizer capable of producing local and generalized reactions 1. Sensitivity to ethylenediamine may be identified with a clinical patch test.
Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid grafted onto chitosan was shown to increase the antibacterial activity of chitosan via magnesium complexation, thereby destabilizing the membrane of Gram negative bacteria (El-Sharif and Hussain, 2011; Valenta et al., 1997). The grafting polymerization of dicyandiamide (DCDA) onto chitosan resulted in the synthesis of a water-soluble derivative that displayed antibacterial activity at pH of 7 and 4 when tested against E. coli and S. aureus (Khalil et al., 2015).
Ethylenediamine, H2NCH2CH2NH2, (abbreviated as en in writing formulas for complexes) forms many stable complexes with metal ions. One such complex is [Pt (en) 2] 2+. The amide ion will remove protons from the coordinated en so in liquid ammonia the reaction
occurs (where en - H represents an en molecule from which a proton has been removed). The deprotonated species undergoes a reaction with methyl chloride, Ethylenediamine plays an essential role in the formation of crystalline ZnO. Zinc-ethylenediamine complex forms in the solution as shown by Eq.Ethylenediamine is a common aliphatic chain chelate and it forms very stable chelating compounds with a variety of transition metals. Howe and Lunsford [123] incorporated Co (II) -ethylenediamine complex into zeolites X and Y to form composite compounds that can adsorb oxygen. In both zeolite cages the oxygen adduct [Co (II)] (en) 2O2] 2- may be formed and this complex adduct is stable up to 70 ° C in the presence of oxygen. The ESR parameters of adduct are similar to those for the adduct in solution.Tris (ethylenediamine) cobalt (III), tris (alaninato) cobalt (III), and bis (ethylenediamine) glutamate cobalt (III) have the Λ configuration
Ethylenediamine IUPAC name 1,2-diaminoethane
Ethylenediamine Other names en
Ethylenediamine Identifiers
Ethylenediamine CAS number 107-15-3
Ethylenediamine RTECS number KH8575000
Ethylenediamine NCCN SMILES
Ethylenediamine Properties
Ethylenediamine Molecular formula C2H8N2
Ethylenediamine Molar mass 60.10 g / mol
Ethylenediamine Appearance colorless liquid (impure: yellow)
Ethylenediamine Density 0.899 g / cm3, liquid
Ethylenediamine Melting point 9 ° C
Ethylenediamine Boiling point 116 ° C
Solubility in water Miscible in water
Solubility Most polar solvents
Basicity (pKb) 3.92
Molecular shape Tetrahedral at N and C
Main hazards Flammable, corrosive
Except where noted otherwise, data are given for
materials in their standard state
(at 25 ° C, 100 kPa)
Infobox disclaimer and references
Ethylenediamine is the organic compound with the formula C2H4 (NH2) 2. This colorless liquid with an ammonia-like odor is a strongly basic amine. It is a widely used building block in chemical synthesis, with approximately 500,000,000 kg being produced in 1998. [1]
Additional recommended knowledge
Don't let static charges disrupt your weighing accuracy
Safe Weighing Range Ensures Accurate Results
How to ensure accurate weighing results every day?
1 Synthesis
2 Applications
2.1 Precursor to chelating agents
2.2 Precursor to pharmaceuticals and agrichemicals
2.3 Role in polymers
2.4 Tetraacetylethylenediamine
2.5 Specialized applications
3 Coordination chemistry
4 Ethylenamines
5 Related diamines
6 Safety
7 See also
8 References
Ethylenediamine is manufactured by reacting ammonia and 1,2-dichloroethane. The reaction yields the mixture of ethylenediamine and the linear polyamines. A simplified equation would be:
ClCH2CH2Cl + 4 NH3 → H2NCH2CH2NH2 + 2 NH4Cl
Ethylenediamine is used in large quantities for production of many industrial chemicals. It forms derivatives with carboxylic acids (including fatty acids), nitriles, alcohols (at elevated temperatures), alkylating agents, carbon disulfide, and aldehydes and ketones. Because of its bifunctional nature, having two amines, it readily forms heterocycles such as imidazolidines.
Precursor to chelating agents
The most prominent derivative of ethylenediamine is EDTA, which is derived from ethylenediamine via a Strecker synthesis involving cyanide and formaldehyde. Hydroxyethylethyelenediamine is another commercially significant chelating agent. The salen ligands, derived from the condensation of salicald
Send feedback
Communityehydes and ethylenediamine, are popular chelating agents in the research laboratory although not commercially significant. [1]
Precursor to pharmaceuticals and agrichemicals
Numerous bio-active compounds contain the N-CH2-CH2-N linkage, including aminophylline and some antihistamines. [2] Salts of ethylenebisdithiocarbamate are commercially significant fungicides under the brandnames Maneb, Mancozeb, Zineb, and Metiram. Some imidazoline-containing fungicides are derived from ethylenediamine. [1]
Role in polymers
Ethylenediamine, by virtue of its bifunctionality (i.e. it contains two reactive amines) is widely used in diverse polyester formulations. Condensates derived from formaldehyde are plasticizers. It is widely used in the production of polyurethane fibers. The PAMAM class of dendrimers are derived from ethylenediamine. [1]
Tetraacetylethylenediam to
The bleaching activator tetraacetylethylenediamine is generated from ethylenediamine. The derivative N, N-ethylenebis (stearamide) (EBS) is a commercially significant mold-release agent and a surfactant in gasoline and motor oil.
Specialized applications
as a solvent, it is miscible with polar solvents and is used to solubilize proteins such as albumins and casein. It is also used in certain electroplating baths
as a corrosion inhibitor in paints and coolants.
ethylenediamine dihydroiodide (EDDI) is added to animal feeds as a source of iodide.
chemicals for color photography developing, binders, adhesives, fabric softeners, curing agents for epoxys, and dyes.
Coordination chemistry
Ethylenediamine is the prototypical chelating ligand for coordination compounds, such as [Co (ethylenediamine) 3] 3+.
Ethylenediamine (most abbreviated containing a ligand) is an organic compound with the formula 2 C2H4 (NH2). This colorless liquid with an ammonia-like fragrance is a strong base amine. It is a building block widely used in chemical synthesis, under approximately 500,000 tons in 1998. Ethylene diamine is a corrosive, toxic and irritating mist by reacting; security can cause short damage (see Security).
Ethylenediamine (CAS # 000107-15-3, 1,2-diaminoethane) is the lowest molecular weight ethylenediamine. It is a one-component product containing two primary nitrogen. It has an ammonia-like odor and is clear and colorless.
Ethylene diamine is used in large quantities for the production of most industrial chemicals. It consists of carboxylic acids (including fatty acids), nitriles, alcohols (at high temperatures), alkylating agents, carbon disulfide and aldehydes and derivatives with ketones. Due to their binary details, two amines are available, they have heterocycles such as imidazolidines.
Pioneer of chelation agents, medicines and agrochemicals
The most prominent derivative of ethylene diamine is EDTA, which is derived from ethylenediamine by Strecker synthesis containing cyanide and formaldehyde. Hydroxyethylethylenediamine is an important commercial chelating agent. Contains N-CH2-CH2-N bond. Salts of ethylenebisdithiocarbamate, commercial activity under the brands Maneb, Mancozeb, Zineb and Metiram are important fungicides. Some imidazoline-containing fungicides are non-specific from ethylenediamine.
Pharmaceutical substance
Ethylenediamine is a substance that dissolves the active ingredient theophylline in aminophylline, the common sweating bronchodilator drug. Ethylene diamine is also necessary in dermatological preparations, but has been removed from some as it causes contact dermatitis. Using it as a pharmaceutical excipient, its bioavailability is about 0.34, some of the major first-pass effects. With the urinal excretion we expect less than 20% to be eliminated.
Participate in polymers
Ethylenediamine is a commonly used precursor for various polymers because it contains two amine groups. Capacitors derived from formaldehyde are plasticizers. It is widely applied from polyurethane fiber. Dendrimers are our species from PAMAM grade ethylenediamine.
The bleach activator tetraacetylethylenediamine is produced from ethylenediamine. Its derivative is N, N-ethylenebis (stearamide) (EBS), an important commercial release agent and a surfactant containing gasoline and engine oil.
Other applications
It can be mixed with polar solvents as a solvent and used to dissolve proteins such as albumin and caseins. It is also used in electroplating baths.
They are used as corrosion inhibitors in paints and coolants.
Ethylenediamine dihydroiodide (EDDI) is added to animal feed as a source of iodide.
Chemicals, binders, adhesives, fabric softeners, curing agents and dyes for epoxies.
• Bleach activators
• Chelating agents
• Corrosion inhibitors
• Elastomeric fibers
• Fungicides
• Lubricating oils and fuel
• Mineral Processing Aids
• Medicine
• Plastic lubricants
• Polyamide Resins
• Tire Processing Products
• Textile Materials
• Urethane chemicals
Product Categories: Alpha, Omega-Alkanediamines; alpha-omega-Alkaned
iam days; alpha, omega-two function alkanes; Biochemistry; monofunctional and alpha, omega-two function alkanes; Reagents for Oligosaccharide Synthesis; Chemistry; organic amine; Bioactive Small Molecules; Building blocks; Cell Biology; Chemical Synthesis; E: Nitrogen Compounds; Organic Building Blocks; polyamines
Ethylenediamine (abbreviated as en when a ligand) is the organic compound with the formula C2H4 (NH2) 2. This colorless liquid with an ammonia-like odor is a strongly basic amine. It is a widely used building block in chemical synthesis, with approximately 500,000 tonnes produced in 1998. Ethylenediamine readily reacts with moisture in humid air to produce a corrosive, toxic and irritating mist, to which even short exposures can cause serious damage to health (see safety).
Ethylenediamine (CAS # 000107-15-3, 1,2- diaminoethane) is the lowest molecular weight ethylenediamine. It is a single-component product with two primary nitrogens. It has an ammonia-like odor and is clear and colorless.
Ethylenediamine is used in large quantities for production of many industrial chemicals. It forms derivatives with carboxylic acids (including fatty acids), nitriles, alcohols (at elevated temperatures), alkylating agents, carbon disulfide, and aldehydes and ketones. Because of its bifunctional nature, having two amines, it readily forms heterocycles such as imidazolidines.
Precursor to chelation agents, drugs, and agrochemicals
A most prominent derivative of ethylenediamine is the chelating agent EDTA, which is derived from ethylenediamine via a Strecker synthesis involving cyanide and formaldehyde. Hydroxyethylethylenediamine is another commercially significant chelating agent. Numerous bio-active compounds and drugs contain the N-CH2-CH2-N linkage, including some antihistamines. Salts of ethylenebisdithiocarbamate are commercially significant fungicides under the brand names Maneb, Mancozeb, Zineb, and Metiram. Some imidazoline-containing fungicides are derived from ethylenediamine.
Pharmaceutical ingredient
Ethylenediamine is an ingredient in the common bronchodilator drug aminophylline, where it serves to solubilize the active ingredient theophylline. Ethylenediamine has also been used in dermatologic preparations, but has been removed from some because of causing contact dermatitis. When used as a pharmaceutical excipient, after oral administration its bioavailability is about 0.34, due to a substantial first-pass effect. Less than 20% is eliminated by urinal excretion.
Role in polymers
Ethylenediamine, because it contains two amine groups, is a widely used precursor to various polymers. Condensates derived from formaldehyde are plasticizers. It is widely used in the production of polyurethane fibers. The PAMAM class of dendrimers are derived from ethylenediamine.
Tetraacetylethylenediam to
The bleaching activator tetraacetylethylenediamine is generated from ethylenediamine. The derivative N, N-ethylenebis (stearamide) (EBS) is a commercially significant mold-release agent and a surfactant in gasoline and motor oil.
Other applications
as a solvent, it is miscible with polar solvents and is used to solubilize proteins such as albumins and casein. It is also used in certain electroplating baths.
as a corrosion inhibitor in paints and coolants.
ethylenediamine dihydroiodide (EDDI) is added to animal feeds as a source of iodide.
chemicals for color photography developing, binders, adhesives, fabric softeners, curing agents for epoxys, and dyes.
• Bleach activators
• Chelating agents
• Corrosion inhibitors
• Elastomeric fibers
• Fungicides
• Lube oil and fuel additives
• Mineral processing aids
• Pharmaceuticals
• Plastic lubricants
• Polyamide resins
• Rubber processing additives
• Textile additives
• Urethane chemicals
Product Categories: Pharmaceutical Intermediates; alpha, omega-Alkanediamines; alpha, omega-Bifunctional Alkanes; Biochemistry; Monofunctional & alpha, omega-Bifunctional Alkanes; Reagents for Oligosaccharide Synthesis; Chemistry; organic amine; Bioactive Small Molecules; Building Blocks; Cell Biology; Chemical Synthesis; E; Nitrogen Compounds; Organic Building Blocks; Polyamines
(EDTA) is an effective chelating agent and lubricant. EDTA is thought to chemically soften the root canal dentin, remove the smear layer and increase dentin permeability. It binds to the calcium ion in EDTA dentin to form water-soluble calcium chelates. It is recommended to use EDTA and NaOCl together in order to effectively remove the inorganic and organic components of the smear layer. This article discusses the use and effectiveness of EDA in endodontic treatment. The purpose of this review is to examine studies with EDA in endodontics