CAS NO:6283-92-7
METATAGS:dodecyl 2-hydroxypropanoate; 2-hydroxypropionic acid dodecyl ester; dodecyl 2-hydroxypropionate; Eutanol G; lauryl lactate; LAURYL LACTATE; Cyclochem LVL; Dodecyl lactate; Dodecyl 2-hydroxypropanoate; Ceraphyl 31; 6283-92-7; Crodamol LL; Lactic acid, dodecyl ester; Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, dodecyl ester; NSC 7752; Propanoic acid,2-hydroxy-, dodecyl ester; Pelemol LL; EINECS 228-504-8; Chrystap HYL 98; AC1L2KVQ; Lactic Acid Dodecyl Ester; lauryl lactate, AldrichCPR; SCHEMBL33838; LACTIC ACID DODECYLESTER; CTK5B6301; NSC7752; QQQMUBLXDAFBRH-UHFFFAOYSA-N; NSC-7752; 2-Hydroxypropanoic Acid Dodecyl Ester; AKOS015950776; 2-Hydroxypropanoic acid, dodecyl ester; LAURİL LAKTAT; lauril laktat;CeraphylTM 31 ; EXCEPARL® LM-LC; Pelemol LL;Ceraphyl 31;Crodamol LL;Cyclochem LVL;Schercemol LL;Dodecyllactate;Chrystap HYL 98;Lactic Acid Dodecyl Ester;Lactic acid, dodecyl ester (7CI);2-hydroxypropionic acid dodecyl ester;dodecyl 2-hydroxypropionate;Eutanol G;lauryl lactate;LAURYL LACTATE;Cyclochem LVL;Dodecyl lactate;Dodecyl 2-hydroxypropanoate;Ceraphyl 31;6283-92-7;Crodamol LL;Lactic acid, dodecyl ester;Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, dodecyl ester;NSC 7752;Propanoic acid,2-hydroxy-, dodecyl ester;Pelemol LL;EINECS 228-504-8;Chrystap HYL 98;AC1L2KVQ;Lactic Acid Dodecyl Ester;lauryl lactate, AldrichCPR;SCHEMBL33838;LACTIC ACID DODECYLESTER;CTK5B6301;NSC7752;QQQMUBLXDAFBRH-UHFFFAOYSA-N;NSC-7752;2-Hydroxypropanoic Acid Dodecyl Ester;AKOS015950776;2-Hydroxypropanoic acid, dodecyl ester;129086-71-1;AN-21933;LP007872;AB1004645;FT-0670699;10.14272/QQQMUBLXDAFBRH-UHFFFAOYSA-N;doi:10.14272/QQQMUBLXDAFBRH-UHFFFAOYSA-N;143894-91-1;ceraphyl 31;crodamol LL;cyclochem LVL;dermol LL;dodecyl 2-hydroxypropanoate;dodecyl lactate;2-hydroxy-propanoic acid dodecyl ester;2-hydroxypropanoic acid dodecyl ester;2-hydroxypropanoic acid, dodecyl ester;lactic acid dodecyl ester;lactic acid, dodecyl ester;propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, dodecyl ester;schercemol LL ester;NSC 7752;Pelemol LL;Ceraphyl 31;Crodamol LL;Cyclochem LVL;Schercemol LL;Dodecyllactate;Chrystap HYL 98;Lactic Acid Dodecyl Ester;Lactic acid, dodecyl ester (7CI);CETYL LACTATE ;Nomilin TRI(N-OCTYLDECYL)ACETYL CITRATE LACTIC ACID ;TETRADECYL ESTER PROTOVERATRINE B STEARYL TARTRATE DEACETYLNOMILIN Paclitaxel PROTOVERATRINE A Docetaxel GYPSOGENIN-3-GLUCORONIDE RUTAEVIN Sitofibrate STEARYL CITRATE MONO PACLITAXEL-[BENZOATE RING-UL-14C] ;PROTOVERATRINE A+B Limonin 3BETA-HYDROXY-5-ANDROSTEN-17-ONE 3-GLUCURONIDE;2-hydroxy-propanoicacidodecylester; 2-hydroxy-propionicaciddodecylester Dodecyllactate Propanoicacid,2-hydroxy-,dodecylester 6283-92-7 2-hydroxy-propanoic acid dodecyl ester ;Lactic Acid Dodecyl Ester Ceraphyl ;31 Chrystap HYL 98 Crodamol LL Cyclochem LVL Lactic acid, dodecyl ester (7CI) NSC 7752 Pelemol LL Schercemol LL Aliphatics Fatty Acid Derivatives & Lipids Glycerols;2-hydroxy-propanoicacidodecylester;2-hydroxy-propionicaciddodecylester;Dodecyllactate;Propanoicacid,2-hydroxy-,dodecylester;2-hydroxy-propanoic acid dodecyl ester;Lactic Acid Dodecyl Ester;Ceraphyl 31;Chrystap HYL 98;EXCEPARL® LM-LC;2-hydroxy-propanoicacidodecylester;2-hydroxy-propionicaciddodecylester;Dodecyllactate;Propanoicacid,2-hydroxy-,dodecylester;2-hydroxy-propanoic acid dodecyl ester;Lactic Acid Dodecyl Ester;2-Hydroxypropanoic Acid Dodecyl Ester; Ceraphyl 31; Chrystap HYL 98; Crodamol LL; Cyclochem LVL; Dodecyl Lactate; Lauryl Lactate; NSC 7752; Pelemol LL;;Lauryl lactate;2-Hydroxypropanoate de dodécyle [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name];Dodecyl 2-hydroxypropanoate [ACD/IUPAC Name];Dodecyl-2-hydroxypropanoat [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name];Lactic acid, dodecyl ester;Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, dodecyl ester [ACD/Index Name];UNII:G5SU0BFK7O;129086-71-1 [RN];143894-91-1 [RN];228-504-8 [EINECS];2-Hydroxypropanoic acid dodecyl ester;2-Hydroxy-propanoic acid dodecyl ester;2-Hydroxypropanoic acid, dodecyl ester;6283-92-7 [RN];Ceraphyl 31;Chrystap HYL 98;Crodamol LL;Cyclochem LVL;dodecyl lactate;Eutanol G;Lactic Acid Dodecyl Ester;LACTIC ACID DODECYLESTER;Lactic acid, dodecyl ester (7CI);Lauryllactate;Pelemol LL;Propanoic acid,2-hydroxy-, dodecyl ester;Schercemol LL;L3; Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy 2-(C10-16-alkyloxy)-1-methyl-2-oxoethyl ester; Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, 2-(C10-16-alkyloxy)-1-methyl-2-oxoethyl ester; Propanoic Acid, 2-Hydroxy-, 2-(C10-16-Alkyloxy)-1-Methyl-2-Oxoethyl Ester;Dodecyl 2-hydroxypropanoate; 2-Hydroxypropanoic acid, dodecyl ester; Lauryl lactate; Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, dodecyl ester; Ceraphyl 31; Crodamol LL; Cyclochem LVL; Dodecyl lactate; Lactic acid, dodecyl ester; NSC 7752; UNII-G5SU0BFK7O;Cyclochem LVL, Dodecyl lactate, Ceraphyl 31, Crodamol LL, Eutanol G, LAURYL LACTATE, Lactic acid, dodecyl ester, Dodecyl 2-hydroxypropanoate, NSC7752, CID22692, NSC 7752, EINECS 228-504-8, 2-Hydroxypropanoic acid, dodecyl ester, Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, dodecyl ester, 6283-92-7, 129086-71-1, 143894-91-1
EC NO: 228-504-8
Moleküler formül
Dodesil 2-hidroksipropanoat
Lauril laktat güzellik ürünleri ve bir yumuşatıcı, cilt bakım maddesi ve exfoliant olarak işlev kozmetik bulunan bir alfa-hidroksi asit (AHA) olarak bilinen doğal olarak oluşan bir asittir. Ayrıca bazı ürünlerde de parfümün verilmesinde nadiren kullanılır.
Lauril Laktatın İşlevi
Lauril laktat güzellik ürünleri ve bir yumuşatıcı, cilt bakım maddesi ve exfoliant olarak işlev kozmetik bulunan bir alfa-hidroksi asit (AHA) olarak bilinen doğal olarak oluşan bir asittir. Ayrıca bazı ürünlerde de parfümün verilmesinde nadiren kullanılır.
nemlendiriciler, exfoliants, temizleyiciler, vücut losyonları, makyaj, şampuanlar, saç boyaları, ve klimalar: Loril Laktat çok yönlü olduğu için, güzellik ürünleri ve kozmetik dahil çeşitli bir madde olarak görülüyor.
Lauril Laktat Nedir?
Glikolik Asit ve Laktik Asit, Alfa Hidroksi Asitleri veya AHAs olarak da bilinen organik asitlerdir. Glikolik asit tuzları (amonyum glikolat, sodyum glikolat), laktik asit (Amonyum laktat, kalsiyum laktat, Potassiu laktat, sodyum laktat, TEA-laktat) tuzları ve laktik asit esterleri (metil laktat, etil laktat, bütil laktat , Lauril Laktat, Miristik Laktat, Setil Laktat) kozmetik ve kişisel bakım ürünlerinde de kullanılabilir. Kozmetik ve kişisel bakım ürünlerinde, bu malzemeler de makyaj, şampuanlar, saç boyaları ve renkleri ve diğer saç bakım ürünlerinde olduğu gibi, nemlendiriciler, temizlik ürünleri ve diğer cilt bakım ürünlerinin formülasyonunda kullanılır.
CeraphylTM 31 (Lauryl Lactate), petrolatum gibi diğer bileşenlerin yapışkanlığını ve yağlanmasını azaltmak için kullanılır. Hidroklorik ürünlere yağlı olmayan kayganlık kazandırır. Emülsiyonlaştırmak kolaydır ve nötr pH'da en iyisidir. Bu ürün, şampuanlara ve vücut yıkamalarına viskozite arttırıcı ve köpük veren kremler sağlar.
Lauryl Lactate, güzellik ürünleri ve kozmetiklerde yumuşatıcı, cilt iyileştirici ajan ve eksfoliyant olarak işlev gören Alfa Hidroksi Asit (AHA) olarak bilinen, doğal olarak oluşan bir asittir. Ayrıca, bazı ürünlerde parfümün verilmesinde nadiren kullanılır
Banyo ve duş ürünleri
Saç Bakımı
Cilt bakımı
EO- & SLES-Free formülasyonlar için bile doğal sıvı kalıcı
PEG, Azot ve Tuzsuz ürün
Biyolojik olarak parçalanabilir, Hafif ve Güvenli ürün
Viskozite ve pH Stabilizörü
Reoloji Değiştirici
Görünüm: açık sarı ila sarı berrak sıvı (est)
Deney:% 88.00 -% 100.00
Gıda Kimyasalları Kodlanmış Listelenen: Hayır
Özgül ağırlık: 25.00 ° C'de 0.91000 ila 0.92200
Galon başına Pounds - (tahmini): 7.572 - 7.672
Kırılma İndeksi: 25.00 ° C'de 1.44170 ila 1.44560.
Kaynama noktası: 303.00 - 304.00 ° C. @ 760.00 mm Hg
Asit Değeri: 5,00 max. KOH / g
Sabunlaşma değeri: 210.00 - 225.00
Buhar Basıncı: 0.000080 mm / Hg @ 25.00 ° C. (Avustralya, Brezilya ve Kuzey Amerika ülkelerinin kullandığı saat uygulaması)
Parlama noktası: 271.00 ° F TCC (132.78 ° C).
EC NO:228-504-8
Molecular Formula
dodecyl 2-hydroxypropanoate
Lauryl Lactate is a naturally occurring acid known as an Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) found in beauty products and cosmetics functioning as an emollient, skin conditioning agent, and exfoliant. It is also infrequently used to impart fragrance in some products.
Function of Lauryl Lactate
Lauryl Lactate is a naturally occurring acid known as an Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) found in beauty products and cosmetics functioning as an emollient, skin conditioning agent, and exfoliant. It is also infrequently used to impart fragrance in some products.
Because Lauryl Lactate is so versatile, it is seen as an ingredient in a variety of beauty products and cosmetics, including: moisturizers, exfoliants, cleansers, body lotions, makeup, shampoos, hair dyes, and conditioners.
What Is Lauryl Lactate
Glycolic Acid and Lactic Acid are naturally occuring organic acids also known as Alpha Hydroxy Acids or AHAs. The salts of Glycolic Acid (Ammonium Glycolate, Sodium Glycolate), the salts of Lactic Acid (Ammonium Lactate, Calcium Lactate, Potassiu Lactate, Sodium Lactate, TEA-Lactate) and the esters of Lactic Acid (Methyl Lactate, Ethyl Lactate, Butyl Lactate, Lauryl Lactate, Myristyl Lactate, Cetyl Lactate) may also be used in cosmetics and personal care products. In cosmetics and personal care products, these ingredients are used in the formulation of moisturizers, cleansing products, and other skin care products, as well as in makeup, shampoos, hair dyes and colors and other hair care products.
CeraphylTM 31 (Lauryl Lactate) is used to reduce tackiness and greasiness of other components, such as petrolatum. It imparts non-oily lubricity to hydro-alcoholic products. It is easy to emulsify and best at neutral pH. This product provides viscosity building & lather creaminess to shampoos and body washes.
Lauryl Lactate is a naturally occurring acid known as an Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) found in beauty products and cosmetics functioning as an emollient, skin conditioning agent, and exfoliant. It is also infrequently used to impart fragrance in some products.
Bath and shower products
Hair care
Skin care
Natural Liquid thickener even for EO- & SLES-Free formulations
PEG-, Nitrogen- & Salt-Free product
Biodegradable, Mild and Safe product
Viscosity and pH Stabiliser
Rheology Modifier
Appearance: pale yellow to yellow clear liquid (est)
Assay: 88.00 to 100.00 %
Food Chemicals Codex Listed: No
Specific Gravity: 0.91000 to 0.92200 @ 25.00 °C.
Pounds per Gallon - (est).: 7.572 to 7.672
Refractive Index: 1.44170 to 1.44560 @ 25.00 °C.
Boiling Point: 303.00 to 304.00 °C. @ 760.00 mm Hg
Acid Value: 5.00 max. KOH/g
Saponification Value: 210.00 to 225.00
Vapor Pressure: 0.000080 mm/Hg @ 25.00 °C. (est)
Flash Point: 271.00 °F. TCC ( 132.78 °C. )