1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z

PVP/VA W 635

PVP/VA W-635

EC No: 607-540-1

PVP/VA W 635; PVP-VA W 635; PVP VA W 635; PVP/VA W-635; PVP/VA W/635 ; ethenyl acetate;1-ethenylpyrrolidin-2-one; copovidone; Kollidon ; VA64poly(V-co-V-Ac); poly(vinyl pyrrolidone-co-vinyl acetate); poli(vinil pirolidon-ko-vinil asetat); poly(vinylpyrrolidone-co-vinyl-acetate); poli(vinilpirolidon-ko-vinil-asetat); PVP VA64; PVP-VA; Poly(1-vinylpyrrolidone-co-Vinyl Acetate); 25086-89-9; PVP/VA Copolymer; Polectron 845; Luviskol VA 28I; Luviskol VA 37E; Luviskol VA 64; Kolima 10; Kolima 35; Luviskol VA 281; Gantron S 860; Luviskol VA 28 I; Luviskol VA 37 E; PVP-VA; ethenyl acetate- 1-ethenylpyrrolidin-2-one(1:1); Acetic acid vinyl ester, polymer with 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone; Acetic acid ethenyl ester, polymer with 1-ethenyl-2-pyrrolidinone; Vinyl acetate-vinylpyrrolidone polymer; vinil asetat-vinilpirolidon polimer; Vinylpyrrolidone-vinyl acetate polymer ;vinilpirolidon-vinil asetat polimer; Vinyl acetate-vinylpyrrolidinone polymer; Vinyl acetate-vinylpyrrolidone copolymer; Vinylpyrrolidinone-vinyl acetate polymer; Vinylpyrrolidone-vinyl acetate copolymer; N-Vinylpyrrolidone-vinyl acetate polymer; Vinyl acetate-N-vinylpyrrolidone polymer ;Vinyl acetate-N-vinylpyrrolidinone polymer ;Vinyl acetate-N-vinylpyrrolidone copolymer; Vinyl acetate-vinylpyrrolidinone copolymer; Vinylpyrrolidinone-vinyl acetate copolymer; Vinyl acetate-N-vinylpyrrolidinone copolymer; 1-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidone-vinyl acetate copolymer; 2-Pyrrolidinone, polymer with ethenyl acetate; Vinyl acetate-1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone polymer; Vinyl acetate-N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone copolymer; Vinyl acetate-N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone copolymer; Ethenyl acetate, polymer with 1-ethenyl-2-pyrrolidinone ; vinylpyrrolidone vinyl acetate; N-vinylpyrrolidone vinyl acetate; 1-vinylpyrrolidone vinyl acetate; 1-vinil pirolidon vinil asetat; PVP VA W 635; PVP_VA W 635; PVP VA W635; PVP/VAW-635; PVPVAW635; Polivinil Prolidon Vinil Asetat; Polıvınıl Prolıdon Vınıl Asetat; PolivinilProlidonVinilAsetat; Polıvınıl Prolıdon Vınıl Asetat; POLİVİNİL PROLİDON VİNİL ASETAT; POLİVİNİLPROLİDON VİNİL ASETAT; POLİVİNİLPROLİDONVİNİL ASETAT; POLİVİNİLPROLİDONVİNİLASETAT; POLIVINIL PROLIDON VINIL ASETAT; POLIVINILPROLIDON VINIL ASETAT; POLIVINILPROLIDONVINIL ASETAT; POLIVINIL PROLIDONVINIL ASETAT; PVP WA W 635; pvp wa w 635; pvp- wa -w- 635; pvp /wa /w /635; pvp -wa- w 635; PVP/VA Copolymer


PVP/VA W 635-735 (Polivinil Prolidon Vinil Asetat)

PVP/VA W 635-735 (Polivinil Prolidon Vinil Asetat)
PVP/VA tipleri, saç fixative (sabitleyici) olarak özellikle aerosol spreylerinde, pompa spreylerinde, sıvı ürünlerde, mousse'ler ve jellerde kullanılan non-iyonik, polimerik film oluşturucu ajanlardır.

PVP/VA W 635 termoplastik, lineer, random vinilpyrrolidone/vinylacetate kopolimeridir. PVP/VA W 635 endüstriyel, özel ve görüntülü kaplamalarda, baskı mürekkeplerinde ve boyalarda kullanılır. PVP/VA W 635 cam, plastik ve metallere transparanlık, esneklik, oksijen geçirgenliği ve adezyon kazandırır.

VP/VA kopolimeri alkolsüz saç bakım ürünlerinde yaygın olarak kullanılır. Sabitleştirici ve firim oluşturucu gibi davranır. VP/VA kopolimeri sert, parlak ve su uzaklaştırıcı filmler oluşturur. Pek çok modifiye edici ve plastikleştiriciyle uyumludur.

Polivinilpirolidon, PVP, poli(N-vinil-2-pirolidon), Albigen, Isoplasma gibi isimlere sahiptir.
Suyun dıında pek çok organik sıvıda da çözünür. PVP özellikle birkaç sebepten dolayı çok
ilginçtir. Biyolojik açıdan büyük bir öneme sahiptir; yapısı proteinlere benzediinden dolayı
bilimsel çalımalarda basit bir model olmaktadır. Fizyolojik olarak inaktif olan (toksitesi yok
ya da çok az) PVP, ilk olarak ikinci dünya savaı esnasında Almanya'da gelitirilmitir. %
2,5'luk tuz çözeltisi, Periston olarak adlandırılır, kan yokluunda kan yerine hastalara
verilebilmektedir; Almanya'da savata kanın % 50'si yerine bu çözelti uygulanmıtır.
: 1,53
Asidik ve alkali ortamda ve T=100
oC'da hidroliz olarak N-vinil--aminobütirik asite döner.

Polivinilpirolidon, PVP: N-vinil-2-pirolidon'un polimerlemesiyle elde edilir. Tutkal,
merubat, kozmetik ve deterjan yapımında, litografide, medikal uygulamalarda, kaıt
üretiminde, farmosetiklerde, fotorafçılıkta ve tekstilde kullanılır
PVP, ikinci dünya savaında kullanılarak
yüzlerce askere hayat vermesiyle birlikte, klinik uygulamalarda plazma artırıcı olarak
faydalanılmaktadır ve toksik etkisi yine çok düüktür. Poli[N-(2-hidroksipropil)metakrilamit]
(pHPMA) kopolimerleri, son yıllarda yaygın biçimde kullanılmaktadır ve imdiye kadarki
kanserli hastalarla yapılan çalımalarda herhangi bir toksik etkisine rastlanmamıtır
PVP / VA W-Serisi kopolimerler, 30/70 ila 40/60 vinil asetat (VA) ila vinilpirolidon (VP) arasında değişen monomerlerin serbest radikal polimerizasyonu ile üretilen doğrusal, rastgele kopolimerlerdir.
Ürün Özellikleri
Form: Sulu viskoz sıvı
VP / VA Oranı: 60/40
Suda% 50 çözelti
Renk (APHA) - olduğu gibi: 20 maks.
K Değeri (EtOH'de% 1): 26-34
Kullanım Seviyesi:% 0.5 - 6.0 katı
Özellikler ve Avantajlar
Güçlü, sert tutuş
Gelişmiş yüksek nem kıvrılma koruması
İyi itici yakıt uyumluluğu
Jeller, köpükler, şekillendirici kremler / losyonlar, saç renklendiricileri, merhemler, mumlar, macunlar için idealdir

İlgili Uygulamalar

Kişisel Bakım
Saç Bakımı

İlgili Avantajlar
Kişisel Bakım
Kıvrılma Tutma
Saç Stili Tutma
İlgili İşlevler
Kişisel Bakım
Film Yapımcıları
Fiksatifler ve Şekillendirici Polimerler

Ticari Markalar:
PVP-VA W-635
Vinilpirolidon / vinil asetat kopolimeri

8 100 kg
N-Vinilpirolidon (NVP), bir vinil grubuna bağlı 5 üyeli bir laktamdan oluşan organik bir bileşiktir. Ticari örnekler sarımsı görünmesine rağmen renksiz bir sıvıdır.

PVP, endüstriyel olarak 2-pirolidonun, yani asetilen ile baz katalizli reaksiyonun villenmesi ile üretilir. [2] PVP, önemli bir sentetik malzeme olan polivinilpirolidonun (PVP) öncüsüdür. PVP monomeri, mürekkepler, kaplamalar veya yapıştırıcılar olarak uygulanan ultraviyole ve elektron ışını ile sertleştirilebilir polimerlerde reaktif bir seyreltici olarak yaygın olarak kullanılır. [2]

Genellikle polividon veya povidon olarak da adlandırılan polivinilpirolidon (PVP), monomer N-vinilpirolidondan yapılan suda çözünür bir polimerdir. [1]

1 Kullanımları
1.1 Tıbbi
1.2 Teknik
1.3 Diğer kullanımlar
2 Güvenlik
3 Özellikleri
4 Tarih
5 Çapraz bağlı türevler
6 Ayrıca bakınız
7 Kaynaklar
PVP, 1950'den sonra travma kurbanları için plazma hacim genişletici olarak kullanıldı. Histamin salınımını provoke etme ve ayrıca kan grubuna müdahale etme kabiliyeti nedeniyle hacim genişletici olarak tercih edilmez.

PVP birçok farmasötik tablette bağlayıcı olarak kullanılır; [2] ağızdan alındığında vücuttan geçer. (Bununla birlikte, otopsiler, krospovidonun (PVPP), oral tüketime yönelik farmasötik tablet enjekte eden madde bağımlılarında pulmoner vasküler yaralanmaya katkıda bulunduğunu bulmuştur. [3] Krospovidon veya povidonun akciğer içinde uzun süreli etkileri bilinmemektedir.)

İyota eklenen PVP, dezenfektan özelliklere sahip olan povidon-iyot adı verilen bir kompleks oluşturur. [4] Bu kompleks çözeltiler, merhem, peserler, sıvı sabunlar ve cerrahi fırçalar gibi çeşitli ürünlerde kullanılır. Diğerlerinin birçoğu arasında Pyodine ve Betadine ticari isimleri altında bilinir.

PVP plörodezde kullanılır (sürekli plevral efüzyonlar nedeniyle plevranın füzyonu). Bu amaçla, povidon iyot talk kadar eşit derecede etkili ve güvenlidir ve kolay bulunabilirlik ve düşük maliyet nedeniyle tercih edilebilir. [5]

PVP bazı kontakt lenslerde ve ambalajlama çözümlerinde kullanılır. Sürtünmeyi azaltır, böylece merceğin içine yerleştirilmiş bir yağlayıcı veya ıslatıcı madde görevi görür. Bu kullanıma örnek olarak Bausch & Lomb'un MoistureSeal Teknolojisine sahip Ultra kontakt lensleri [6] ve Air Optix kontakt lens ambalaj çözeltisi ("kopolimer 845" adı verilen bir bileşen olarak) verilebilir. [7]

PVP bazı göz damlalarında yağlayıcı olarak kullanılır, örn. Bausch & Lomb'un Yatıştırıcısı. [8]


PVP, tutkal çubuğunda ve sıcakta eriyen yapıştırıcılarda yapışkan olarak kullanılır
PVP, piller, seramikler, cam elyafı, mürekkepler ve mürekkep püskürtmeli kağıtlar için özel bir katkı maddesi olarak ve kimyasal-mekanik düzlemselleştirme işleminde kullanılır
PVP, çözelti polimerizasyonu için bir emülgatör ve parçalayıcı olarak kullanılır
PVP, katot ışın tüpleri (CRT) için fotorezistlerde çözünürlüğü arttırmak için kullanılır [9]
PVP sulu metal söndürmede kullanılır
diyaliz ve su arıtma filtreleri gibi membranların üretimi için
PVP, bitki koruma, tohum işleme ve kaplama gibi tarımsal uygulamalarda bağlayıcı ve kompleks yapıcı olarak kullanılır
PVP diş beyazlatma jellerinde koyulaştırıcı bir ajan olarak kullanılır [10]
PVP, sıvı ve yarı sıvı dozaj formlarında (şuruplar, yumuşak jelatin kapsüller) ilaçların çözünürlüğünü arttırmaya yardımcı olarak ve yeniden kristalleşmenin bir inhibitörü olarak kullanılır.
PVP, Doro'nun RNA ekstraksiyon tamponuna bir katkı maddesi olarak kullanılır [alıntı gerekir]
PVP, DOSY NMR'de sıvı faz dispersiyon arttırıcı bir ajan olarak kullanılır [11]
PVP, nanoparçacık sentezinde ve bunların kendi kendine birleşmesinde bir yüzey aktif madde, indirgeyici madde, şekil kontrol maddesi ve dağıtıcı olarak kullanılır [12]
PVP tüm inorganik güneş pillerinde stabilize edici bir ajan olarak kullanılır [13]
Diğer kullanımlar
PVP, polaritesi nedeniyle polar moleküllere son derece iyi bağlanır. Bu, fotoğraf kalitesinde mürekkep püskürtmeli kağıtlar ve asetatlar için kaplamalarda ve ayrıca mürekkep püskürtmeli yazıcılar için mürekkeplerde uygulanmasına yol açmıştır.

PVP40 Polivinilpirolidon (PVP), ortalama mol ağırlıkça 40.000,
PVP10 Polivinilpirolidon (PVP), ortalama mol ağırlıkça 10,000,
PVP360 Polivinilpirolidon (PVP), ortalama mol ağırlık 360.000,
81420 Polivinilpirolidon (PVP), K 30,
437190 Polivinilpirolidon (PVP), LS'ye göre ortalama Mw ~ 1.300.000,
81440 Polivinilpirolidon (PVP), K 90,
P0930 Polivinilpirolidon (PVP), toz, BioXtra, fare embriyo hücre kültürü için uygun,
234257 Polivinilpirolidon (PVP), toz, ortalama Mw ~ 29.000,
P2307 Bitki hücre kültürü için uygun polivinilpirolidon (PVP), ortalama mol ağırlıkça 10,000,
856568 Polivinilpirolidon (PVP), toz, ortalama Mw ~ 55.000,
P5288 Polivinilpirolidon (PVP), moleküler biyoloji için, test edilen nükleik asit hibridizasyonu, mol wt 360.000,
90268 Polivinilpirolidon (PVP), K 25, Ph Eur'a göre test edilmiş,
RDD033 Polivinilpirolidon (PVP), serbest akışlı, Redi-Dri TM, toz, ortalama mol wt 40.000, Yeni
Genel açıklama
Polivinilpirolidon (PVP) fenolikler ve alkaloidlerle kompleksler oluşturabilir. Kompleks formasyon, fenoliklerin ve alkaloitlerin bitki örneklerinden çıkarılmasına izin verir, böylece proteinlerin kendileri tarafından herhangi bir modifikasyonunu ve protein içeriğinin spektrofotometrik tayinlerinde neden olabilecek herhangi bir engellemeyi engeller. PVP ayrıca enzimlerin stabilitesini de arttırabilir. [4]

Polivinilpirolidon PVP, bitki örneklerinden glutamin sentetazların saflaştırılmasında kullanılmıştır. [1] PVP, PVDF (poliviniliden diflorür) zarını bloke etmek ve spesifik olmayan bağlanmayı önlemek için kullanılmıştır. [2] [3]

1 kg poli şişede

5 kg poli tamburda

Poli şişede 50, 100, 500 g

Diğer notlar
Polivinilpirolidon PVP, Denhardt'ın Çözeltisinin bir bileşenidir ve standart 50X stok çözeltisine% 1 (a / h) konsantrasyonunda dahil edilir.

PVP: Poli vinil pirolidon
Ürün PVP: Poli vinil pirolidon
Yapı Kimyasal Yapı
CAS No. 9003-39-8
Uygulamalar Yapıştırıcılar, Deterjanlar, Elyaf tedavileri, Fotorezistler, Kozmetik, Boya ve pigment dağıtıcılar
Performans Polimerleri Satış ve Pazarlama Bölümü
Ürün sorgulama
PVP-Polivinilpirolidon iyonik olmayan, suda çözünen bir polimerdir ve aşağıdaki avantajlı özellikler nedeniyle çeşitli kullanım alanlarında uygulanabilir.

Suda ve çeşitli organik çözücülerde iyi çözünürlük
Çeşitli polimerlere ve reçinelere iyi afinite
Yüksek higroskopisite
İyi film oluşturma özelliği
Çeşitli yüzeylere iyi yapışkanlık
İyi şelat / kompleks oluşum özelliği
Polivinilpirolidonun tipik özellikleri
Ürün Polivinilpirolidon
K-30 Polivinilpirolidon
K-85 Polivinilpirolidon
Görünüm beyaz toz beyaz toz beyaz toz
K değeri * 1 27,0 ~ 33,0 84,0 ~ 88,0 88,0 ~ 96,0
Katı madde oranı,% ≥95.0 ≥95.0 ≥95.0
Su içeriği,% <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Artık monomer içeriği, ppm <100 <100 <100
pH * 2 3.0 ~ 7.0 5.0 ~ 9.0 5.0 ~ 9.0
* Sulu çözelti
Ürün Polivinilpirolidon
K-30W Polivinilpirolidon
K-85W Polivinilpirolidon
Görünüş Berrak viskoz sıvı Berrak viskoz sıvı Berrak viskoz sıvı
K değeri * 1 27.0 ~ 33.0 86.0 ~ 90.0 90.0 ~ 103.0
Katı madde oranı,% 29.0 ~ 31.0
49.0 ~ 51.0 19.0 ~ 21.0 19.0 ~ 21.0
Artık monomer içeriği, ppm <100 <100 <100
pH * 2 5.0 ~ 9.0 5.0 ~ 9.0 5.0 ~ 9.0
* Bunlar resmi şartname değildir.
* 1 Fikentscher'ın viskozite özelliklerinin değeri K-değeri, moleküler ağırlığa ilişkin bir viskozite endeksini temsil eder ve 25 ° C'de kılcal viskozimetre ile ölçülen, göreli viskoziteye sahip aşağıdaki Fikentscher formülü ile hesaplanır.
K = (1.5 log ηrel -1) / (0.15 + 0.003c) + (300c log ηrel + (c + 1.5clog ηrel) 2) 1/2 / (0.15c + 0.003c2)
ηrel: Sulu polivinilpirolidon çözeltisinin suya nispi viskozitesi
c: Sulu polivinilpirolidon çözeltisindeki polivinilpirolidon içeriği (ağırlıkça% w)
* 2% 10 sulu çözelti ile ölçülmüştür
Uygulama Örneği
su aktive (zarflar, pullar)
basınca duyarlı
tutkal çubukları
Koruyucu Kollektörler
partikül boyutlu regülatörler
askıya alma maddeleri
viskozite değiştiricileri
Reçine Bileşikleri
boya alıcılığı / basılabilirlik arttırıcılar
heterojen reçineler için uygunlaştırıcılar
dolgu dağıtıcıları
ahşap plastik kompozitler
anti-statik ajanlar
basılabilirlik arttırıcılar
yapışkanlık arttırıcılar
çapa kaplamalar
buğu önleyici ajanlar
görüntü alma kaplamaları
suda çözünür filmler
Tekstil / Elyaf
boya sıyırma
boya alıcılığı arttırıcılar
pigment dağıtıcılar
kirlenme önleyici maddeler
hidrofiliklik arttırıcılar
anti-statik ajanlar
Kağıt / Baskı
mukavemet arttırıcılar
haşıl maddeleri



PVP/VA W-635

PVP/VA Copolymer. PVP-VA W-635 acts as a film forming agent. It forms transparent, flexible and oxygen permeable films which adhere to glass, plastic and metal. It offers strong & stiff hold, enhanced high humidity curl retention and good propellant compatibility. PVP-VA W-635 finds application in formulating alcohol-free and hair care products like hairsprays, colorants, mousses, gels, styling lotions/creams and novelty stylers. It is a 50% solution of linear and random polyvinylpyrrolidone/vinyl acetate (PVP/VA) copolymer in water. It is produced by the free-radical polymerization of monomers in the ratio of 60/40 (VP/VA).

PVP/VA W 635 thermoplastic, linear, random vinylpyrrolidone/vinylacetate copolymer. PVP/VA W 635 used in industrial, specialty and imaging coatings, printing inks and paints. PVP/VA W 635 provides transparency, flexibility, oxygen permeability and adhesion to glass, plastics and metals.

VP/VA Copolymer. Used in wide range of alcohol-free hair care products. Acts as a film former and fixative. VP/VA Copolymer offers formation of hard, glossy and water-removable films. Shows good compatibility with many modifiers and plasticizers that permit further variation of hygroscopicity and film flexibility.

Film Formers
curl retention
Product: PVP/VA Polymers
Industries: Personal Care

Product Overview
INCI VP/VA Copolymer

PVP/VA W-Series copolymers are linear, random copolymers produced by the free-radical polymerization of the monomers varying from 30/70 to 40/60 vinyl acetate (VA) to vinylpyrrolidone (VP), supplied in water.
Product Specifications
Form: Aqueous viscous liquid
VP/VA Ratio: 60/40
50% solution in water
Color (APHA) - as is: 20 max.
K-Value (1% in EtOH): 26-34
Use Level: 0.5 - 6.0% solids
Features & Benefits
Strong, stiff hold
Enhanced high humidity curl retention
Good propellant compatibility
Ideal for gels, mousses, styling creams/lotions, hair colorants, pomades, waxes, pastes

Related Applications

Personal Care
Hair Care

Related Benefits
Personal Care
Curl Retention
Hairstyle Hold
Related Functions
Personal Care
Film Formers
Fixatives and Styling Polymers

PVP-VA W-635
Vinylpyrrolidone/vinyl acetate copolymer

8 100 kgs
N-Vinylpyrrolidone (NVP) is an organic compound consisting of a 5-membered lactam linked to a vinyl group. It is a colorless liquid although commercial samples can appear yellowish.

PVP is produced industrially by vinylation of 2-pyrrolidone, i.e. the base-catalyzed reaction with acetylene.[2] PVP is the precursor to polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), an important synthetic material. The PVP monomer is commonly used as a reactive diluent in ultraviolet and electron-beam curable polymers applied as inks, coatings or adhesives.[2]

Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), also commonly called polyvidone or povidone, is a water-soluble polymer made from the monomer N-vinylpyrrolidone.[1]

1 Uses
1.1 Medical
1.2 Technical
1.3 Other uses
2 Safety
3 Properties
4 History
5 Cross-linked derivatives
6 See also
7 References
PVP was used as a plasma volume expander for trauma victims after the 1950s.It is not preferred as volume expander due to its ability to provoke histamine release and also interfere with blood grouping.

PVP is used as a binder in many pharmaceutical tablets;[2] it simply passes through the body when taken orally. (However, autopsies have found that crospovidone (PVPP) contributes to pulmonary vascular injury in substance abusers who have injected pharmaceutical tablets intended for oral consumption.[3] The long-term effects of crospovidone or povidone within the lung are unknown.)

PVP added to iodine forms a complex called povidone-iodine that possesses disinfectant properties.[4] This complex is used in various products like solutions, ointment, pessaries, liquid soaps and surgical scrubs. It is known under the trade names Pyodine and Betadine, among a plethora of others.

PVP is used in pleurodesis (fusion of the pleura because of incessant pleural effusions). For this purpose, povidone iodine is equally effective and safe as talc, and may be preferred because of easy availability and low cost.[5]

PVP is used in some contact lenses and their packaging solutions. It reduces friction, thus acting as a lubricant, or wetting agent, built into the lens. Examples of this use include Bausch & Lomb's Ultra contact lenses with MoistureSeal Technology[6] and Air Optix contact lens packaging solution (as an ingredient called "copolymer 845").[7]

PVP is used as a lubricant in some eye drops, e.g. Bausch & Lomb's Soothe.[8]


PVP is used in as an adhesive in glue stick and hot-melt adhesives
PVP is used in as a special additive for batteries, ceramics, fiberglass, inks, and inkjet paper, and in the chemical-mechanical planarization process
PVP is used in as an emulsifier and disintegrant for solution polymerization
PVP is used in increase resolution in photoresists for cathode ray tubes (CRT)[9]
PVP is used in aqueous metal quenching
for production of membranes, such as dialysis and water purification filters
PVP is used in as a binder and complexation agent in agricultural applications such as crop protection, seed treatment and coating
PVP is used in as a thickening agent in tooth whitening gels[10]
PVP is used in as an aid for increasing the solubility of drugs in liquid and semi-liquid dosage forms (syrups, soft gelatine capsules) and as an inhibitor of recrystallisation
PVP is used in as an additive to Doro's RNA extraction buffer[citation needed]
PVP is used in as a liquid-phase dispersion enhancing agent in DOSY NMR [11]
PVP is used in as a surfactant, reducing agent, shape controlling agent and dispersant in nanoparticle synthesis and their self-assembly[12]
PVP is used in as a stabilizing agent in all inorganic solar cells[13]
Other uses
PVP binds to polar molecules exceptionally well, owing to its polarity. This has led to its application in coatings for photo-quality ink-jet papers and transparencies, as well as in inks for inkjet printers.

PVP is also used in personal care products, such as shampoos and toothpastes, in paints, and adhesives that must be moistened, such as old-style postage stamps and envelopes. It has also been used in contact lens solutions and in steel-quenching solutions.[14][15] PVP is the basis of the early formulas for hair sprays and hair gels, and still continues to be a component of some.

As a food additive, PVP is a stabilizer and has E number E1201. PVPP (crospovidone) is E1202. It is also used in the wine industry as a fining agent for white wine and some beers.

In molecular biology, PVP can be used as a blocking agent during Southern blot analysis as a component of Denhardt's buffer. It is also exceptionally good at absorbing polyphenols during DNA purification. Polyphenols are common in many plant tissues and can deactivate proteins if not removed and therefore inhibit many downstream reactions like PCR.

In microscopy, PVP is useful for making an aqueous mounting medium.[16]

PVP can be used to screen for phenolic properties, as referenced in a 2000 study on the effect of plant extracts on insulin production.[17]

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved this chemical for many uses,[18] and it is generally considered safe. However, there have been documented cases of allergic reactions to PVP/povidone, particularly regarding subcutaneous (applied under the skin) use and situations where the PVP has come in contact with autologous serum (internal blood fluids) and mucous membranes. For example, a boy having an anaphylactic response after application of PVP-Iodine for treatment of impetigo was found to be allergic to the PVP component of the solution.[19] A woman, who had previously experienced urticaria (hives) from various hair products, later found to contain PVP, had an anaphylactic response after povidone-iodine solution was applied internally. She was found to be allergic to PVP.[20] In another case, a man experiencing anaphylaxis after taking acetaminophen tablets orally was found to be allergic to PVP.[21]

Povidone is commonly used in conjunction with other chemicals. Some of these, such as iodine, are blamed for allergic responses, although testing results in some patients show no signs of allergy to the suspect chemical. Allergies attributed to these other chemicals may possibly be caused by the PVP instead.[22][23]

PVP is soluble in water and other polar solvents. For example, it is soluble in various alcohols, such as methanol and ethanol,[24] as well as in more exotic solvents like the deep eutectic solvent formed by choline chloride and urea (Relin).[25] When dry it is a light flaky hygroscopic powder, readily absorbing up to 40% of its weight in atmospheric water. In solution, it has excellent wetting properties and readily forms films. This makes it good as a coating or an additive to coatings.

A 2014 study found fluorescent properties of PVP and its oxidized hydrolyzate.[26]

PVP was first synthesized by Walter Reppe and a patent was filed in 1939 for one of the derivatives of acetylene chemistry. PVP was initially used as a blood plasma substitute and later in a wide variety of applications in medicine, pharmacy, cosmetics and industrial production.[27][28]

Cross-linked derivatives
Main article: Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone
See also
Peter DeMarco

Product #
PVP40 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), average mol wt 40,000,
PVP10 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), average mol wt 10,000,
PVP360 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), average mol wt 360,000,
81420 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), K 30,
437190 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), average Mw ~1,300,000 by LS,
81440 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), K 90,
P0930 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), powder, BioXtra, suitable for mouse embryo cell culture,
234257 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), powder, average Mw ~29,000,
P2307 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), suitable for plant cell culture, average mol wt 10,000,
856568 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), powder, average Mw ~55,000,
P5288 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), for molecular biology, nucleic acid hybridization tested, mol wt 360,000,
90268 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), K 25, tested according to Ph Eur,
RDD033 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), free-flowing, Redi-DriTM, powder, average mol wt 40,000, New
General description
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) can form complexes with phenolics and alkaloids. The complex formation allows removal of phenolics and alkaloids from plant samples, thereby inhibiting any modification of proteins by them and any hindrance they may cause in spectrophotometric determinations of protein content. PVP might also enhances the stability of enzymes.[4]

Polyvinylpyrrolidone PVP has been used in the purification of glutamine synthetases from plant samples.[1] PVP has been used to block the PVDF (polyvinylidene difluoride) membrane and to avoid nonspecific binding.[2][3]

1 kg in poly bottle

5 kg in poly drum

50, 100, 500 g in poly bottle

Other Notes
Polyvinylpyrrolidone PVP is a component of Denhardt′s Solution and is included at a concentration of 1% (w/v) in the standard 50X stock solution.

PVP: Poly vinyl pyrrolidone
Product PVP: Poly vinyl pyrrolidone
Structure Chemical Structure
CAS No. 9003-39-8
Applications Adhesives, Detergents, Fiber treatments, Photoresists, Cosmetics, Dye and pigment dispersants
Performance Polymers Sales & Marketing Dept.
Product Inquiry
PVP-Polyvinylpyrrolidone is a nonionic water-soluble polymer and can be applied in a variety of fields-of-use owing to following advantageous characteristics.

Good solubility in water as well as various organic solvents
Good affinity to various polymers and resins
High hygroscopicity
Good film formation property
Good adhesiveness to various substrates
Good chelate / complex formation property
Typical properties of Polyvinylpyrrolidone
Product Polyvinylpyrrolidone
K-30 Polyvinylpyrrolidone
K-85 Polyvinylpyrrolidone
Appearance White powder White powder White powder
K-value *1 27.0~33.0 84.0~88.0 88.0~96.0
Solid content, % ≥95.0 ≥95.0 ≥95.0
Water content, % <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Residual monomer content, ppm <100 <100 <100
pH *2 3.0~7.0 5.0~9.0 5.0~9.0
*Aqueous solution
Product Polyvinylpyrrolidone
K-30W Polyvinylpyrrolidone
K-85W Polyvinylpyrrolidone
Appearance Clear viscous liquid Clear viscous liquid Clear viscous liquid
K-value *1 27.0~33.0 86.0~90.0 90.0~103.0
Solid content, % 29.0~31.0
49.0~51.0 19.0~21.0 19.0~21.0
Residual monomer content, ppm <100 <100 <100
pH *2 5.0~9.0 5.0~9.0 5.0~9.0
* These are not official specification.
*1 Fikentscher's value of viscosity characteristics K-value represents a viscosity index relating to molecular weight and is calculated by the following Fikentscher's formula with relative viscosity which is measured by capillary viscometer at 25 C
K= (1.5 log ηrel -1)/ (0.15+0.003c)+ (300c log ηrel + (c+1.5clog ηrel)2)1/2/ (0.15c+0.003c2)
ηrel : Relative viscosity of aqueous polyvinylpyrrolidone solution to water
c : Content (w/w%)of polyvinylpyrrolidone in aqueous polyvinylpyrrolidone solution
*2 Measured with 10% aqueous solution
Example of Applications
water-activated (envelopes, stamps)
glue sticks
Protective Colliods
particle-size regulators
suspending agents
viscosity modifiers
Resin Compounds
dye-receptivity/printability improvers
compatibilizers for heterogeneous resins
filler dispersants
wood plastic composites
anti-static agents
printability improvers
adhesiveness improvers
anchor coatings
anti-fogging agents
image receiving coatings
water soluble films
Textiles / Fibers
dye stripping
dye-receptivity improvers
pigment dispersants
anti-fouling agents
hydrophilicity improvers
anti-static agents
Paper / Printing
strength improvers
sizing agents
pigment dispersants
ink removal in recycling paper
ink jet paper
Coatings / Inks
pigment /dye dispersants
viscosity modifiers
film levellers
anti-fogging coatings
anti-fouling coatings
ball-point inks
Laundry Detergants
anti-redeposition agents
dye-transfer inhibitors
binders for tablet formulations
Metal Working
metal quench bath
Oil / Gas Fields
drilling fluid additives
fluid loss cotrol
gas hydrate preventors
black matrix for TV tube
binders for battery electrodes
nonwoven battery separator treatment
binders for green sheets
photo emulsion additives
colorant receptors
hair gel
hair spray
lip stic
* These are not official specification.


Les copolymères PVP / VA de la série W sont des copolymères linéaires aléatoires produits par la polymérisation radicalaire des monomères variant de 30/70 à 40/60 d'acétate de vinyle (VA) en vinylpyrrolidone (VP), fournis dans l'eau.
Spécifications du produit
Forme: Liquide visqueux aqueux
Rapport VP / VA: 60/40
Solution à 50% dans l'eau
Couleur (APHA) - en l'état: 20 max.
Valeur K (1% dans EtOH): 26-34
Niveau d'utilisation: 0,5 - 6,0% de solides
Caractéristiques et avantages
Tenue solide et rigide
Rétention améliorée des boucles à humidité élevée
Bonne compatibilité avec les propulseurs
Idéal pour les gels, mousses, crèmes / lotions coiffantes, colorants capillaires, pommades, cires, pâtes

Applications associées

Soins personnels
Soin des cheveux

Avantages associés
Soins personnels
Sans alcool
Rétention des boucles
Tenue de coiffure
Fonctions associées
Soins personnels
Formateurs de films
Fixateurs et polymères coiffants

PVP-VA W-635
Copolymère vinylpyrrolidone / acétate de vinyle

8 100 kg
La N-vinylpyrrolidone (NVP) est un composé organique constitué d'un lactame à 5 chaînons lié à un groupe vinyle. Il s'agit d'un liquide incolore, bien que les échantillons commerciaux puissent apparaître jaunâtres.

Le PVP est produit industriellement par vinylation de la 2-pyrrolidone, c'est-à-dire la réaction catalysée par une base avec de l'acétylène. [2] Le PVP est le précurseur de la polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), un matériau synthétique important. Le monomère PVP est couramment utilisé comme diluant réactif dans les polymères durcissables aux rayons ultraviolets et aux faisceaux d'électrons appliqués comme encres, revêtements ou adhésifs. [2]

La polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), également communément appelée polyvidone ou povidone, est un polymère soluble dans l'eau fabriqué à partir du monomère N-vinylpyrrolidone. [1]

Le PVP a été utilisé comme expanseur de volume plasmatique pour les victimes de traumatismes après les années 1950. Il n'est pas préféré comme expanseur de volume en raison de sa capacité à provoquer la libération d'histamine et à interférer avec le groupe sanguin.

Le PVP est utilisé comme liant dans de nombreux comprimés pharmaceutiques [2], il traverse simplement le corps lorsqu'il est pris par voie orale. (Cependant, les autopsies ont révélé que la crospovidone (PVPP) contribue aux lésions vasculaires pulmonaires chez les toxicomanes qui ont injecté des comprimés pharmaceutiques destinés à la consommation orale. [3] Les effets à long terme de la crospovidone ou de la povidone dans les poumons sont inconnus.)

Le PVP ajouté à l'iode forme un complexe appelé povidone-iode qui possède des propriétés désinfectantes. [4] Ce complexe est utilisé dans divers produits comme les solutions, les pommades, les pessaires, les savons liquides et les gommages chirurgicaux. Il est connu sous les noms commerciaux Pyodine et Betadine, parmi une pléthore d'autres.

Le PVP est utilisé dans la pleurodèse (fusion de la plèvre en raison d'épanchements pleuraux incessants). À cette fin, la povidone iodée est tout aussi efficace et sûre que le talc, et peut être préférée en raison de sa disponibilité facile et de son faible coût [5].

Le PVP est utilisé dans certaines lentilles de contact et leurs solutions d'emballage. Il réduit la friction, agissant ainsi comme un lubrifiant ou un agent mouillant intégré à la lentille. Des exemples de cette utilisation incluent les lentilles de contact Ultra de Bausch & Lomb avec la technologie MoistureSeal [6] et la solution d'emballage pour lentilles de contact Air Optix (comme ingrédient appelé "copolymère 845"). [7]


Le PVP est utilisé comme adhésif dans les bâtons de colle et les adhésifs thermofusibles
Le PVP est utilisé comme additif spécial pour les batteries, la céramique, la fibre de verre, les encres et le papier jet d'encre, et dans le processus de planarisation chimico-mécanique
Le PVP est utilisé comme émulsifiant et désintégrant pour la polymérisation en solution
Le PVP est utilisé pour augmenter la résolution dans les résines photosensibles pour tubes à rayons cathodiques (CRT) [9]
Le PVP est utilisé dans la trempe aqueuse des métaux
pour la production de membranes telles que les filtres de dialyse et de purification d'eau
Le PVP est utilisé comme liant et agent de complexation dans des applications agricoles telles que la protection des cultures, le traitement des semences et l'enrobage
Le PVP est utilisé comme agent épaississant dans les gels de blanchiment des dents [10]
Le PVP est utilisé comme une aide pour augmenter la solubilité des médicaments sous des formes posologiques liquides et semi-liquides (sirops, gélules de gélatine molle) et comme inhibiteur de la recristallisation
Le PVP est utilisé comme additif au tampon d'extraction d'ARN de Doro [citation nécessaire]
Le PVP est utilisé comme agent améliorant la dispersion en phase liquide dans la RMN DOSY [11]
Le PVP est utilisé en tant que tensioactif, agent réducteur, agent de contrôle de forme et dispersant dans la synthèse de nanoparticules et leur auto-assemblage [12]
Le PVP est utilisé comme agent stabilisant dans toutes les cellules solaires inorganiques [13]
Autres utilisations
Le PVP se lie exceptionnellement bien aux molécules polaires, en raison de sa polarité. Cela a conduit à son application dans les revêtements pour papiers jet d'encre et transparents de qualité photo, ainsi que dans les encres pour imprimantes à jet d'encre.

Le PVP est également utilisé dans les produits de soins personnels, tels que les shampooings et les dentifrices, dans les peintures et les adhésifs qui doivent être humidifiés, tels que les timbres-poste et les enveloppes à l'ancienne.

La description
PVP40 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), mol mol moyenne 40 000,
PVP10 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), mol mol moyenne 10 000,
PVP360 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), mol mol moyenne 360 ​​000,
81420 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), K 30,
437190 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), moyenne Mw ~ 1 300 000 par LS,
81440 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), K 90,
P0930 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), poudre, BioXtra, adapté à la culture de cellules d'embryons de souris,
234257 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), poudre, moyenne Mw ~ 29 000,
P2307 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), adapté à la culture cellulaire végétale, mol mol moyenne 10 000,
856568 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), poudre, Mw ~ 55 000 moyen,
P5288 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), pour la biologie moléculaire, hybridation d'acide nucléique testée, mol wt 360,000,
90268 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), K 25, testé selon Ph Eur,
RDD033 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), fluide, Redi-Dri TM, poudre, poids moyen en masse 40 000, Neuf
Description générale
La polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) peut former des complexes avec des composés phénoliques et alcaloïdes. La formation complexe permet l'élimination des composés phénoliques et des alcaloïdes des échantillons de plantes, inhibant ainsi toute modification des protéines par eux et tout obstacle qu'ils peuvent provoquer dans les déterminations spectrophotométriques de la teneur en protéines. Le PVP pourrait également améliorer la stabilité des enzymes. [4]

La polyvinylpyrrolidone PVP a été utilisée dans la purification de glutamine synthétases à partir d'échantillons de plantes. [1] Le PVP a été utilisé pour bloquer la membrane de PVDF (polyvinylidène difluorure) et pour éviter une liaison non spécifique. [2] [3]

1 kg en bouteille poly

5 kg en fût poly

50, 100, 500 g en bouteille poly

Autres notes
La polyvinylpyrrolidone PVP est un composant de la solution de Denhardt et est incluse à une concentration de 1% (p / v) dans la solution mère standard 50X.

PVP: Poly vinyl pyrrolidone
Produit PVP: Poly vinyl pyrrolidone
Structure Structure chimique
No CAS 9003-39-8
Applications Adhésifs, Détergents, Traitements des fibres, Photorésists, Cosmétiques, Colorants et dispersants pigmentaires
Service des ventes et du marketing des polymères de performance
Demande de produit
La PVP-Polyvinylpyrrolidone est un polymère non ionique soluble dans l'eau et peut être appliqué dans une variété de domaines d'utilisation en raison des caractéristiques avantageuses suivantes.

Bonne solubilité dans l'eau ainsi que divers solvants organiques
Bonne affinité pour divers polymères et résines
Hygroscopicité élevée
Bonne propriété de formation de film
Bonne adhérence sur divers substrats
Bonne propriété de formation de chélates / complexes
Propriétés typiques de la polyvinylpyrrolidone
Produit Polyvinylpyrrolidone
Polyvinylpyrrolidone K-30
K-85 Polyvinylpyrrolidone
Aspect Poudre blanche Poudre blanche Poudre blanche
Valeur K * 1 27,0 ~ 33,0 84,0 ~ 88,0 88,0 ~ 96,0
Contenu solide,% ≥95,0 ≥95,0 ≥95,0
Teneur en eau,% <5,0 <5,0 <5,0
Teneur résiduelle en monomère, ppm <100 <100 <100
pH * 2 3,0 ~ 7,0 5,0 ~ 9,0 5,0 ~ 9,0
*Solution aqueuse
Produit Polyvinylpyrrolidone
Polyvinylpyrrolidone K-30W
Polyvinylpyrrolidone K-85W
Aspect Liquide visqueux clair Liquide visqueux clair Liquide visqueux clair
Valeur K * 1 27,0 ~ 33,0 86,0 ~ 90,0 90,0 ~ 103,0
Contenu solide,% 29,0 ~ 31,0
49,0 ~ 51,0 19,0 ~ 21,0 19,0 ~ 21,0
Teneur résiduelle en monomère, ppm <100 <100 <100
pH * 2 5,0 ~ 9,0 5,0 ~ 9,0 5,0 ~ 9,0
* Ce ne sont pas des spécifications officielles.
* 1 Valeur de Fikentscher des caractéristiques de viscosité La valeur K représente un indice de viscosité relatif au poids moléculaire et est calculée par la formule de Fikentscher suivante avec une viscosité relative qui est mesurée par un viscosimètre capillaire à 25 ° C
K = (1,5 log ηrel -1) / (0,15 + 0,003c) + (300c log ηrel + (c + 1,5clog ηrel) 2) 1/2 / (0,15c + 0,003c2)
ηrel: viscosité relative d'une solution aqueuse de polyvinylpyrrolidone par rapport à l'eau
c: Teneur (p / p%) de polyvinylpyrrolidone dans une solution aqueuse de polyvinylpyrrolidone
* 2 Mesuré avec une solution aqueuse à 10%
Exemple d'applications
Les adhésifs
activé par l'eau (enveloppes, timbres)
sensible à la pression
bâton de colle
Colliodes de protection
régulateurs granulométriques
suspendre les agents
modificateurs de viscosité
Composés de résine
améliorants de réceptivité aux colorants / imprimabilité
compatibilisants pour résines hétérogènes
dispersants de charge
composites bois-plastique
agents antistatiques
Les films
améliorants d'imprimabilité
améliorants d'adhésivité
revêtements d'ancrage
agents anti-buée
revêtements de réception d'image
films solubles dans l'eau
Textiles / fibres
décapage de teinture
améliorants de réceptivité aux colorants
dispersants pigmentaires
agents antisalissure
améliorants d'hydrophilie
agents antistatiques
Papier / Impression
améliorants de force
agents d'encollage
dispersants pigmentaires
élimination de l'encre dans le papier recyclé
papier Inkjet
Revêtements / encres
dispersants de pigments / colorants
modificateurs de viscosité
niveleurs de film
revêtements anti-buée
revêtements anti-fouling
encres à bille
Détergents à lessive
agents anti-redéposition
inhibiteurs de transfert de colorant
liants pour formulations de comprimés
Travail des métaux
bain de trempe en métal
Champs de pétrole / gaz
additifs pour fluides de forage
perte de liquide cotrol
anti-hydrates de gaz
matrice noire pour tube TV
liants pour électrodes de batterie

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