MIT (2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one)
Tercih edilen IUPAC adı: 2-Metil-1,2-tiyazol-3 (2H) -one. Diğer isimler: 2-Metilizotiyazol-3 (2H) -one; 2-Metil-4-izotiyazolin-3-on; CAS Numarası: 2682-20-4; EC Numarası: 220-239-6; Kimyasal formül: C4H5NOS; Molar kütle: 115,1 g / mol
2-metil-2H-izotiyazol-3-on; EC / Liste no .: 220-239-6; CAS no .: 2682-20-4; Mol. Formülü: C4H5NOS
2-metil-2H-izotiyazol-3-on; 2-metil-2H-izotiyazol-3-on (MIT); ; 2-metil-4-izotiyazolin-3-on; 2-metilizotiyazol-3 (2H) -one; 2-metilizotiyazolin-3 (2H) -one; Metilizotiyazolinon
IUPAC isimleri: MIT; 2-Metil-1,2-tiyazol-3 (2H) -one; 2-metil-1,2-tiazol-3-on; 2-metil-1,2-tiyazol-3-on hidroklorür; 2-metil-2,3-dihidro-1,2-tiazol-3-on; 2-Metil-2H-izotiyazol-3-on
2-Metil-3 (2H) -izotiyazolon; 2-metil-4-izotiyazolin-3-on; 2-Metilizotiyazol-3 (2H) -one; 2-Metilizotiyazolin-3-on; 3 (2H) -Isothiazolone, 2-metil-; Metilizotiyazolinon; 2-Metil-4-izotiyazolin-3-on
CAS NUMARASI. 2682-20-4
EINECS NO.:220-239-6
MOL WT. 115.15
H.S. KODU: 2934.10.7000
2-Metil-3 (2H) -izotiyazolon; 2-Metil-4-izotiyazolin-3-on;
2-Metil-2,3-dihidroizotiyazol-3-on; Skycide; 2-Metil-2H-izotiazol-3-ona (İspanyolca) 2-Metil-2H-izotiyazol-3-on (Fransızca); Metilizotiyazolinon; 2-Metil-4-izotiyazolin-3-on; 2-Metil-2H-izotiyazol-3-on; Diğer RN: 125794-71-0, 184720-17-0, 26172-54-3 (hidroklorür)
İzotiyazolinler boya endüstrisinde koruyucu olarak kullanılır ve burada ürünü mantar ve küf saldırılarından korumaya hizmet eder. Bu türden en yaygın ürünlerden biri, 1 kısım metilizotiyazolinon (CAS No 2682-20-4) ve 3 kısım klorometilizotiyazolinondan (CAS No 26172-55-4) oluşan% 1.5 sulu çözelti olan Kathon® idi. . Bu karışım ayrıca özel bir CAS No, 55965-84-9 ile de tanımlanabilir. Alerji riskinden kaçınmak için çok daha zayıf 1,2-benzizotiyazolinon (genellikle BIT olarak adlandırılır) kullanılır. Bu, her şeyden önce lateks boyalarda koruyucu olarak kullanılır. Bu maddeler boya, yapıştırıcı, birleştirme bileşikleri, kesme sıvıları ve deterjanlarda kullanılmaktadır. Boya, yapıştırıcı ve deterjanlar hem profesyonel hem de tüketici kullanımı için satılan ürünlerdir.
Metilizotiyazolinon, nitrojen atomunda bir metil grubu taşıyan 4-izotiyazolin-3-on olan bir 1,2-thazoldür. Güçlü bir biyosit ve koruyucudur ve Kathon (TM) ticari ürününün minör aktif bileşenidir. Antifouling biyosit, antimikrobiyal ajan ve antifungal ajan olarak rol oynar.
Metilizotiyazolinon ve diğer izotiyazolinon türevi biyositler, su içeren solüsyonlarda mikrobiyal büyümeyi kontrol etmek için kullanılır.
En yaygın olarak kullanılan izotiyazolinon biyositlerinden ikisi, 5-kloro-2-metil-4-izotiyazolin-3-on (klorometilizotiyazolinon veya CMIT) ve 2-metil-4-izotiyazolin-3-on (metilizotiyazolinon veya MIT) 'dir. Ticari olarak Kathon olarak satılan 3: 1 karışımdaki (CMIT: MIT) aktif maddeler.
Kathon, üreticilere% 1.5-15 CMIT / MIT içeren konsantre bir stok çözeltisi olarak tedarik edilmektedir. Uygulamalar için önerilen kullanım seviyesi 6 ppm ila 75 ppm aktif izotiyazolonlardır. Biyosidal uygulamalar, madencilik, kağıt üretimi, metal işleme sıvıları ve enerji üretimi gibi çeşitli süreçlerde endüstriyel su depolama tanklarından soğutma ünitelerine kadar çeşitlilik gösterir.
Tercih edilen IUPAC adı: 2-Metil-1,2-tiyazol-3 (2H) -one. Diğer isimler: 2-Metilizotiyazol-3 (2H) -one; 2-Metil-4-izotiyazolin-3-on; CAS Numarası: 2682-20-4; EC Numarası: 220-239-6; Kimyasal formül: C4H5NOS; Molar kütle: 115,1 g / mol
2-metil-2H-izotiyazol-3-on; EC / Liste no .: 220-239-6; CAS no .: 2682-20-4; Mol. Formülü: C4H5NOS
2-metil-2H-izotiyazol-3-on; 2-metil-2H-izotiyazol-3-on (MIT); ; 2-metil-4-izotiyazolin-3-on; 2-metilizotiyazol-3 (2H) -one; 2-metilizotiyazolin-3 (2H) -one; Metilizotiyazolinon
IUPAC isimleri: MIT; 2-Metil-1,2-tiyazol-3 (2H) -one; 2-metil-1,2-tiazol-3-on; 2-metil-1,2-tiyazol-3-on hidroklorür; 2-metil-2,3-dihidro-1,2-tiazol-3-on; 2-Metil-2H-izotiyazol-3-on
2-Metil-3 (2H) -izotiyazolon; 2-metil-4-izotiyazolin-3-on; 2-Metilizotiyazol-3 (2H) -one; 2-Metilizotiyazolin-3-on; 3 (2H) -Isothiazolone, 2-metil-; Metilizotiyazolinon; 2-Metil-4-izotiyazolin-3-on
CAS NUMARASI. 2682-20-4
EINECS NO.:220-239-6
MOL WT. 115.15
H.S. KODU: 2934.10.7000
2-Metil-3 (2H) -izotiyazolon; 2-Metil-4-izotiyazolin-3-on;
2-Metil-2,3-dihidroizotiyazol-3-on; Skycide; 2-Metil-2H-izotiazol-3-ona (İspanyolca) 2-Metil-2H-izotiyazol-3-on (Fransızca); Metilizotiyazolinon; 2-Metil-4-izotiyazolin-3-on; 2-Metil-2H-izotiyazol-3-on; Diğer RN: 125794-71-0, 184720-17-0, 26172-54-3 (hidroklorür)
İzotiyazolinler boya endüstrisinde koruyucu olarak kullanılır ve burada ürünü mantar ve küf saldırılarından korumaya hizmet eder. Bu türden en yaygın ürünlerden biri, 1 kısım metilizotiyazolinon (CAS No 2682-20-4) ve 3 kısım klorometilizotiyazolinondan (CAS No 26172-55-4) oluşan% 1.5 sulu çözelti olan Kathon® idi. . Bu karışım ayrıca özel bir CAS No, 55965-84-9 ile de tanımlanabilir. Alerji riskinden kaçınmak için çok daha zayıf 1,2-benzizotiyazolinon (genellikle BIT olarak adlandırılır) kullanılır. Bu, her şeyden önce lateks boyalarda koruyucu olarak kullanılır. Bu maddeler boya, yapıştırıcı, birleştirme bileşikleri, kesme sıvıları ve deterjanlarda kullanılmaktadır. Boya, yapıştırıcı ve deterjanlar hem profesyonel hem de tüketici kullanımı için satılan ürünlerdir.
Metilizotiyazolinon, nitrojen atomunda bir metil grubu taşıyan 4-izotiyazolin-3-on olan bir 1,2-thazoldür. Güçlü bir biyosit ve koruyucudur ve Kathon (TM) ticari ürününün minör aktif bileşenidir. Antifouling biyosit, antimikrobiyal ajan ve antifungal ajan olarak rol oynar.
Metilizotiyazolinon ve diğer izotiyazolinon türevi biyositler, su içeren solüsyonlarda mikrobiyal büyümeyi kontrol etmek için kullanılır.
En yaygın olarak kullanılan izotiyazolinon biyositlerinden ikisi, Ticari olarak Kathon olarak satılan 3: 1 karışımdaki (CMIT: MIT) aktif maddeler.
Kathon, üreticilere% 1.5-15 CMIT / MIT içeren konsantre bir stok çözeltisi olarak tedarik edilmektedir. Uygulamalar için önerilen kullanım seviyesi 6 ppm ila 75 ppm aktif izotiyazolonlardır. Biyosidal uygulamalar, madencilik, kağıt üretimi, metal işleme sıvıları ve enerji üretimi gibi çeşitli süreçlerde endüstriyel su depolama tanklarından soğutma ünitelerine kadar çeşitlilik gösterir.
Kathon ayrıca, gıdayla temas eden kağıt ürünlerinin üretiminde slime'ı kontrol etmek için de kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca bu ürün, lateks yapıştırıcılarda ve aynı zamanda gıdayla temas eden kağıt kaplamalarda antimikrobiyal ajan olarak görev yapar.
Diğer izotiyazolinonlar
Bir izotiyazolinon, Sea-Nine 211 (4,5-dikloro-2-n-oktil-4-izotiyazolino-3-on, DCOI), gemi gövdesi boyasında tercih edilen kirlenme önleyici madde olarak tributil kalinin yerini hızla almıştır. Yakın zamanda yapılan bir araştırma, Japonya'nın Osaka kentinde, özellikle zayıf dolaşımdaki demirleme alanlarında hem liman suyu hem de tortu örneklerinde DCOI'nin varlığını bildirdi.
Çevresel kaygılardan dolayı, artık marinalarda tahmin edilen DCOI seviyeleri çeşitli deniz omurgasız türleri için bir tehdit olarak kabul edilmektedir.
İzotiyazolinonlar ayrıca balıklar için son derece toksiktir.
Endüstriyel kullanımda, en büyük mesleki inhalasyon maruziyeti açık döküm sırasında meydana gelir. Genel popülasyon tarafından izotiyazolinonlara mesleki olmayan maruziyet, çok daha düşük konsantrasyonlarda da olsa meydana gelir.
Bu bileşikler, çok sayıda yaygın olarak kullanılan kozmetikte mevcuttur.
Metilizotiyazolinon, nitrojen atomunda bir metil grubu taşıyan 4-izotiyazolin-3-on olan bir 1,2-thazoldür.
Güçlü bir biyosit ve koruyucudur ve Exocide ticari ürününün küçük aktif bileşenidir.
Antifouling biyosit, antimikrobiyal ajan ve antifungal ajan olarak rol oynar.
Çok amaçlı temizleyiciler, temizlik ve endüstriyel kullanım bezleri, yer ve mobilya cilaları / cilaları, otomobil yıkamaları, cilaları ve cilaları gibi temizleyiciler ve cilalar
Sıvı çamaşır deterjanları, kumaş yumuşatıcıları ve ön lekeleyiciler gibi çamaşır ürünleri
Bulaşık yıkama deterjanları ve genel sıvı temizleme solüsyonu gibi sıvı deterjanlar
Nemli havlular, oda spreyleri, nemli süngerler, jel hava spreyleri gibi diğer uygulamalar
Hammadde ve yüzey aktif maddelerin korunması
Yapıştırıcı endüstrisi
Yapı sektörü
Alçı, sıva ve harç
Çamaşır ve temizlik maddeleri
Yağlayıcı / soğutucular
Boya ve kaplama endüstrisi
Kağıt üretimi
Teknik süspansiyon / emülsiyon
Tekstil ve deri endüstrisi
Su arıtma
MIT, kozmetik ürünlerin korunmasına yardımcı olmak için tek başına kullanılabilir.
Kliniklerinde MIT'ye karşı alerji vakalarında bir artış olduğunu bildiren dermatologlarla yapılan görüşmelerin ardından, Avrupa kozmetik endüstrisi, MIT'ye karşı alerjik reaksiyon riski ile ilgili mevcut bilgileri değerlendirdi ve Aralık 2013'te Avrupa Kişisel Bakım Derneği, Cosmetics Europe, bırakılan cilt bakım ürünlerinde MIT kullanımını durdurmaları için şirketlere bir Tavsiye yayınladı.
Güvenlik konularında tavsiyelerde bulunan Avrupa Komisyonu'nun bağımsız uzman bilimsel paneli (Tüketici Güvenliği Bilimsel Komitesi, SCCS), kozmetik ürünlerde MIT kullanımını gözden geçirdi.
2013 yılında SCCS ayrıca bırakılan kozmetik ürünlerden MIT'nin çıkarılmasını ve durulanan kozmetik ürünlerde kullanılan MIT miktarının azaltılmasını tavsiye etti.
Sonuç olarak, Avrupa Komisyonu kozmetik yasasını, bırakılan kozmetik ürünlerde MIT kullanımını yasaklayacak şekilde değiştirdi. 12 Şubat 2017'den bu yana, bu ürünlerin tüketicilere sunulmasına artık izin verilmiyor.
Ayrıca durulanan ürünlerde bulunan maksimum MIT miktarı azaltıldı ve 27 Nisan 2018 tarihinden itibaren tüketicilere sunulan tüm ürünlerin yeni limite uyması gerekiyor.
Tüketicilere MIT alerjisi teşhisi konmuşsa, durulanan kozmetik ürünlerin içerik listesini kontrol etmek önemlidir. Avrupa'da bir ürünün nereden satın alındığına bakılmaksızın, "metilizotiyazolinon" adı her zaman "metilizotiyazolinon" olarak listelenecektir.
MIT ayrıca, gıdayla temas eden kağıt ürünlerinin üretiminde balçık kontrolü için de kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca bu ürün, lateks yapıştırıcılarda ve aynı zamanda gıdayla temas eden kağıt kaplamalarda antimikrobiyal ajan olarak görev yapar.
İnsan sağlığı
MIT alerjenik ve sitotoksiktir ve bu, kullanımıyla ilgili bazı endişelere yol açmıştır. 2003 yılında, Tüketicilere Yönelik Kozmetik Ürünler ve Gıda Dışı Ürünlerle ilgili Avrupa Bilimsel Komitesi (SCCNFP) tarafından yayınlanan bir rapor da, MIT'nin yeterli risk değerlendirme analizine izin vermek için yetersiz bilginin mevcut olduğu sonucuna varmıştır.
3(2H)-Isothiazolone, 2-methyl-
Caswell No. 572A
EINECS 220-239-6
3(2H)-Isothiazolone, methyl-
2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one, 50% aqueous solution
Microcare MT
Kordek MLX
MIT (biocide)
Acticide M 10
Acticide M 20
Bestcide 600
Kordek 50
Kordek 50C
Neolone 950
Kordek 573F
Kathon CG 243
MIT 950
MT 10
2-Methyl 4-Isothiazoline 3-one
2-Methyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone #
2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (MI)
2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one, 95%
2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one, analytical standard
220-239-6 [EINECS]
2682-20-4 [RN]
2-Methyl-1,2-thiazol-3(2H)-on [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
2-Methyl-1,2-thiazol-3(2H)-one [ACD/IUPAC Name]
2-Méthyl-1,2-thiazol-3(2H)-one [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
2-Methylisothiazol-3(2H)-one [ACD/IUPAC Name]
3(2H)-Isothiazolone, 2-methyl- [ACD/Index Name]
606203 [Beilstein]
methylisothiazolinone [Wiki]
MFCD01742315 [MDL number]
2-Methyl 4-Isothiazoline 3-one
2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (MI)
2-Methyl-4-isothiazoline-3-one, 50% aqueous solution
50% aqueous solution
N-Methyl-3-oxodihydroisothiazole, 95%
甲基异噻唑啉酮 [Chinese]
Translated names
2-Methyl-(2H)-isothiazol-3-on (de)
2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-on (MIT) (da)
2-Methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-on (MIT) (de)
2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one (MIT) (mt)
2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one (MIT) (no)
2-Methyl-2H-isothiazool-3-on (MIT) (nl)
2-methylisothiazol-3(2H)-on (cs)
2-methylisothiazol-3(2H)-on (da)
2-methylisothiazool-3(2H)-on (nl)
2-methyltetrahydroisothiazol-3(2H)-on (MIT) (cs)
2-Metil-2H-isotiazol-3-ona (MIT) (es)
2-Metil-2H-isotiazol-3-ona (MIT) (pt)
2-metil-2H-isotiazol-3-one (MIT) (it)
2-metil-2H-isotiazol-3-onă (MIT) (ro)
2-metil-2H-izotiazol-3-on (MIT) (hr)
2-metil-2H-izotiazol-3-on (MIT) (hu)
2-metil-2H-izotiazol-3-on (MIT) (sl)
2-metil-2H-izotiazol-3-onas (MIT) (lt)
2-Metil-2H-izotiazol-3-ons (MIT) (lv)
2-metilisotiazol-3(2H)-on (hu)
2-metilisotiazol-3(2H)-on (mt)
2-Metilisotiazol-3(2H)-ona (es)
2-metilisotiazol-3(2H)-ona (pt)
2-metilisotiazol-3(2H)-one (it)
2-metilizotiazol-3(2H)-on (hr)
2-metilizotiazol-3(2H)-on (sl)
2-metilizotiazol-3(2H)-onas (lt)
2-metilizotiazol-3(2H)-ons (lv)
2-metilizotiazol-3(2H)-onă (ro)
2-metyl-(2H)-izotiazol-3-ón (sk)
2-metyl-2H-isotiazol-3-on (MIT) (sv)
2-metyl-2H-izotiazol-3-ón (MIT) (sk)
2-metylisotiazol-3(2H)-on (sv)
2-metylo-2H-izotiazol-3-on (MIT) (pl)
2-metyloizotiazol-3(2H)-on (pl)
2-metyyli-2H-isotiatsol-3-oni (MIT) (fi)
2-metyyli-isotiatsol-3(2H)-oni (fi)
2-metüül-2H-isotiasool-3-oon (MIT) (et)
2-metüülisotiasool-3(2H)-oon (et)
2-méthyl-2H-isothiazole-3-one (MIT) (fr)
2-méthylisothiazol-3(2H)-one (fr)
2-Μεθυλ-2H-ισοδιαζολ-3-όνη (MIT) (el)
2-μεθυλισοθειαζολ-3(2H)-όνη (el)
2-метил-2H-изотиазол-3-он (MIT) (bg)
2-метилизотиазол-3(2H)-он (bg)
3(2H)-Isothiazolone, 2-methyl-
Caswell No. 572A
EINECS 220-239-6
3(2H)-Isothiazolone, methyl-
2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one, 50% aqueous solution
Microcare MT
Kordek MLX
MIT (biocide)
Acticide M 10
Acticide M 20
Bestcide 600
Kordek 50
Kordek 50C
Neolone 950
Kordek 573F
Kathon CG 243
MIT 950
MT 10
2-Methyl 4-Isothiazoline 3-one
2-Methyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone #
2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (MI)
The list of isothiazolinones include
(4-Chlorobenzyl)-3(2H)-isothiazolone 26530-09-6
1,2-Benzisothiazolin-3-one 2634-33-5
2-Butyl-1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one 4299-07-4
2-Methyl-4,5-trimethylene-4-isothiazolin-3-one 82633-79-2
2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one 2682-20-4
2-Methyl-3-isothiazolone hydrochloride
2-Octyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone 26530-20-1
4,5-Dichloro-2-cyclohexyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one 57063-29-3
4,5-Dichloro-2-octyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone 64359-81-5
4-Chloro-2-octyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone 64359-80-4 264-842-2
5-Chloro-2-(4-chlorophenylmethyl)-3(2H)-isothiazolone 66159-95-3
5-Chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one 26172-55-4
5-Chloro-2-methyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone, calcium chloride complex 57373-19-0
5-Chloro-2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one hydrochloride
2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one calcium chloride 57373-20-3
Mixtures of these materials
Preferred IUPAC name: 2-Methyl-1,2-thiazol-3(2H)-one.Other names: 2-Methylisothiazol-3(2H)-one; 2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one;CAS Number:2682-20-4; EC Number:220-239-6;Chemical formula: C4H5NOS; Molar mass: 115.1 g/mol
2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one;EC / List no.: 220-239-6; CAS no.: 2682-20-4; Mol.formula: C4H5NOS
2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one; 2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one (MIT); ; 2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one; 2-methylisothiazol-3(2H)-one;2-methylisothiazolin-3(2H)-one; Methylisothiazolinone
IUPAC names: MIT; 2-Methyl-1,2-thiazol-3(2H)-one; 2-methyl-1,2-thiazol-3-one; 2-methyl-1,2-thiazol-3-one hydrochloride; 2-methyl-2,3-dihydro-1,2-thiazol-3-one; 2-Methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one
;2-Methyl-3(2H)-isothiazolon; 2-methyl-4- isothiazolin-3-one; 2-Methylisothiazol-3(2H)-one; 2-Methylisothiazolin-3-one; 3(2H) -Isothiazolone, 2-methyl-; Methylisothiazolinone;2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one
CAS NO. 2682-20-4
EINECS NO.:220-239-6
MOL WT. 115.15
H.S. CODE: 2934.10.7000
2-Methyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone; 2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one;
2-Methyl-2,3-dihydroisothiazol-3-one; Skycide; 2-Metil-2H-isotiazol-3-ona (Spanish) 2-Méthyl-2H-isothiazole-3-one (French); Methylisothiazolinone; 2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one; 2-Methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one; Other RN: 125794-71-0, 184720-17-0, 26172-54-3 (hydrochloride)
Isothiazolines are used as preservatives in the paint industry, where they serve to protect the product from fungal and mould attacks. One of the more common products of this kind used to be Kathon®, a 1.5%-aqueous solution consisting of 1 part methylisothiazolinone (CAS No 2682-20-4), and 3 parts of chloromethylisothiazolinone (CAS No 26172-55-4). This mixture can also be identified with a specific CAS No, 55965-84-9. To avoid risk of allergy the much weaker 1,2-benzisothiazolinone (commonly called BIT) is used. This is above all used as a preservative in latex paints. These substances are used in paint, adhesives, jointing compounds, cutting fluids and detergents. Paint, adhesive and detergents are products sold for both professional and consumer use.
Methylisothiazolinone is a 1,2-thazole that is 4-isothiazolin-3-one bearing a methyl group on the nitrogen atom. It is a powerful biocide and preservative and is the minor active ingredient in the commercial product Kathon(TM). It has a role as an antifouling biocide, an antimicrobial agent and an antifungal agent.
Methylisothiazolinone and other isothiazolinone-derived biocides are used for controlling microbial growth in water-containing solutions.
Two of the most widely used isothiazolinone biocides are 5-chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (chloromethylisothiazolinone or CMIT) and 2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (methylisothiazolinone or MIT), which are the active ingredients in a 3:1 mixture (CMIT:MIT) sold commercially as Kathon.
Kathon is supplied to manufacturers as a concentrated stock solution containing from 1.5-15% of CMIT/MIT. For applications the recommended use level is from 6 ppm to 75 ppm active isothiazolones. Biocidal applications range from industrial water storage tanks to cooling units, in processes as varied as mining, paper manufacturing, metalworking fluids and energy production.
Kathon also has been used to control slime in the manufacture of paper products that contact food. In addition, this product serves as an antimicrobial agent in latex adhesives and in paper coatings that also contact food.
Other isothiazolinones
One isothiazolinone, Sea-Nine 211 (4,5-dichloro-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolino-3-one, DCOI), has quickly replaced tributyltin as the antifouling agent of choice in ship hull paint. A recent study reported the presence of DCOI in both port water and sediment samples in Osaka, Japan, especially in weakly circulating mooring areas.
Of environmental concern, DCOI levels predicted in marinas now are considered a threat to various marine invertebrate species.
Isothiazolinones also are extremely toxic to fish.
In industrial use, the greatest occupational inhalation exposure occurs during open pouring. Non-occupational exposure to isothiazolinones by the general population also occurs, albeit at much lower concentrations.
These compounds are present in a very large number of commonly used cosmetics.
Human health
MIT is allergenic and cytotoxic, and this has led to some concern over its use. A report released by the European Scientific Committee on Cosmetic Products and Non-food Products Intended for Consumers (SCCNFP) in 2003 also concluded that insufficient information was available to allow for an adequate risk assessment analysis of MIT.
Rising reports of consumer impact led to new research, including a report released in 2014 by the European Commission Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety which reported: "The dramatic rise in the rates of reported cases of contact allergy to MI, as detected by diagnostic patch tests, is unprecedented in Europe; there have been repeated warnings about the rise (Gonçalo M, Goossens A. 2013). The increase is primarily caused by increasing consumer exposure to MI from cosmetic products; exposures to MI in household products, paints and in the occupational setting also need to be considered.
The delay in re-evaluation of the safety of MI in cosmetic products is of concern to the SCCS; it has adversely affected consumer safety."
"It is unknown what proportion of the general population is now sensitized to MI and has not been confirmed as sensitized." In 2014, the European Commission Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety further issued a voluntary ban on "the mixture of Methylchloroisothiazolinone (and) Methylisothiazolinone (MCI/MI) from leave-on products such as body creams. The measure is aimed at reducing the risk from and the incidence of skin allergies. The preservative can still be used in rinse-off products such as shampoos and shower gels at a maximum concentration of 0.0015 % of a mixture in the ratio 3:1 of MCI/MI.
The measure will apply for products placed on the market after 16 July 2015." Shortly thereafter, Canada moved to adopt similar measures in its Cosmetic Ingredients Hotlist.[13] Additionally, new research into cross reactivity of MI-sensitized patients to variants benzisothiazolinone and octylisothiazolinone have found that reactions may occur if present in sufficient amounts.
Allergic contact dermatitis
Methylisothiazolinone is used commonly in products in conjunction with methylchloroisothiazolinone, a mixture sold under the registered trade name Kathon CG. A common indication of sensitivity to Kathon CG is allergic contact dermatitis. Sensitization to this family of preservatives was observed as early as the late 1980s. Due to increased use of isothiazolinone-based preservatives in recent years, an increase in reported incidences of contact allergy to this product has been reported.
In 2013 the substance was declared the 2013 Contact Allergen of the Year by the American Contact Dermatitis Society. In 2016 the Dermatitis Academy launched a call to action for patients to report their isothiazolinone allergy to the FDA.
On December 13, 2013 the trade group, Cosmetics Europe,following discussions with the European Society of Contact Dermatitis (ESCD),[20] recommended to its members "that the use of Methylisothiazolinone (MIT) in leave-on skin products including cosmetic wet wipes is discontinued. This action is recommended in the interests of consumer safety in relation to adverse skin reactions. It is recommended that companies do not wait for regulatory intervention under the Cosmetics Regulation but implement this recommendation as soon as feasible."
On March 27, 2014, the European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety issued an opinion on the safety of Methylisothiazolinone. This report only considered the issue of contact sensitization. The committee concluded:
“Current clinical data indicate that 100 ppm MI in cosmetic products is not safe for the consumer.
"For leave-on cosmetic products (including ‘wet wipes’), no safe concentrations of MI for induction of contact allergy or elicitation have been adequately demonstrated.
"For rinse-off cosmetic products, a concentration of 15 ppm (0.0015%) MI is considered safe for the consumer from the view of induction of contact allergy. However, no information is available on elicitation.”[22]
Methylisothiazolinone, MIT, or MI, (sometimes erroneously called methylisothiazoline), is a powerful synthetic biocide and preservative within the group of isothiazolinones, which is used in numerous personal care products and a wide range of industrial applications.
It is a cytotoxin that may affect different types of cells. Its use for a wide range of personal products for humans, such as cosmetics, lotions, moisturizers, sanitary wipes, shampoos, and sunscreens, more than doubled during the first decade of the twenty-first century and has been reported as a contact sensitizing agent by the European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety.
Industrial applications also are quite wide ranging, from preservative and sanitizing uses to antimicrobial agents, energy production, metalworking fluids, mining, paint manufacturing, and paper manufacturing, many of which increase potential exposure to it by humans as well as organisms, both terrestrial and marine. Industrial applications in marine environments are proving to be toxic to marine life, for instance, when the effect of its now almost-universal use in boat hull paint was examined.[1]
Methylisothiazolinone is a 1,2-thazole that is 4-isothiazolin-3-one bearing a methyl group on the nitrogen atom.
It is a powerful biocide and preservative and is the minor active ingredient in the commercial product Exocide.
It has a role as an antifouling biocide, an antimicrobial agent and an antifungal agent.
Cleaners and polishes, such as all-purpose cleaners, cleaning and industrial use wipes, floor and furniture polishes/waxes, automotive washes, polishes and waxes
Laundry products, such as liquid laundry detergents, fabric softeners and pre-spotters
Liquid detergents, such as dish wash detergents and general liquid cleaning solution
Other applications, such as moist towelettes, air fresheners, moist sponges, gel air fresheners
Raw materials and surfactants preservation
Adhesive industry
Construction industry
Gypsum, plaster and mortar
Laundry and cleaning agents
Paint and coatings industry
Paper manufacture
Technical suspension/emulsion
Textile and leather industry
Water treatment
MIT can be used on its own to help preserve cosmetic products.
Following discussions with dermatologists, who reported an increase in cases of allergy to MIT in their clinics, the European cosmetics industry assessed the available information regarding the risk of allergic reactions to MIT, and in December 2013, the European Personal Care Association, Cosmetics Europe, issued a Recommendation for companies to discontinue the use of MIT in leave-on skincare products.
The European Commission’s independent expert scientific panel (the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety, SCCS), which advises on safety matters, reviewed the use of MIT in cosmetic products.
In 2013, the SCCS also recommended that MIT be removed from leave-on cosmetic products and that the amount of MIT used in rinse-off cosmetic products should be reduced.
As a result, the European Commission changed the cosmetic law to ban the use of MIT in leave-on cosmetic products. Since 12 February 2017, it is no longer permitted to make these products available to consumers.
In addition, the maximum amount of MIT present in rinse-off products has been reduced and since 27 April 2018, all products made available to consumers must comply with the new limit.
If consumers have been diagnosed as allergic to MIT it is important to check the ingredient list of rinse-off cosmetic products. The name ‘methylisothiazolinone’ will always be listed as ‘methylisothiazolinone’ regardless of where in Europe a product is purchased.
MIT also has been used to control slime in the manufacture of paper products that contact food. In addition, this product serves as an antimicrobial agent in latex adhesives and in paper coatings that also contact food.
Human health
MIT is allergenic and cytotoxic, and this has led to some concern over its use. A report released by the European Scientific Committee on Cosmetic Products and Non-food Products Intended for Consumers (SCCNFP) in 2003 also concluded that insufficient information was available to allow for an adequate risk assessment analysis of MIT.
Rising reports of consumer impact led to new research, including a report released in 2014 by the European Commission Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety which reported: "The dramatic rise in the rates of reported cases of contact allergy to MI, as detected by diagnostic patch tests, is unprecedented in Europe; there have been repeated warnings about the rise (Gonçalo M, Goossens A. 2013).
The increase is primarily caused by increasing consumer exposure to MI from cosmetic products; exposures to MI in household products, paints and in the occupational setting also need to be considered. The delay in re-evaluation of the safety of MI in cosmetic products is of concern to the SCCS; it has adversely affected consumer safety."